#pull in as many of kathryn's characters into one massive crossover as possible
aparticularbandit · 2 years
Thinking about Claire Debella and age requirements.
A person has to be thirty years old to run for Senate, so we know that she is at least thirty.
In Connecticut, a person must also be thirty to run for governor. The term for a Connecticut governor is four years, which means that - because Claire is governor of Connecticut running for senator, she now has to be at least 34. On top of that, there are no term limits for governor in Connecticut, so Claire could be governor before running for Senate pretty much indefinitely, provided that voters chose her.
And this, of course, assumes that Claire became governor at the earliest possible moment and that the election cycle hit when she would have been turning 30 (not off by a year or more).
Kathryn's 49, yes, but we know from WandaVision that a good MUA can make her look significantly younger (Salem!Agatha is supposed to be 18, and I know that is a 40+ year old woman playing that part, and I still think she's 16). From the pictures and trailers we've seen, however, I don't think they're looking to push her towards younger; having Claire mid-forties fits well enough.
Now. Point of this.
Conceivably, Claire could have come from an itty-bitty small town - or a town that isn't so much small as it is not large. There's no reason to assume she came from anywhere big, so long as she can talk and put for the appearance that voters will like. Starting small might actually have not been bad for this; it easily could have bolstered her confidence running for class president and such throughout high school, and then moving on to much higher collegiate pursuits, assuming that she had all of her ducks in a row to look good for - probably Ivy League schools; Claire strikes me as an Ivy League type.
Likely Claire was in private school to some degree, just depends on when her parents put her into private school and when they had the money to do so - depends on if we want to believe she came from wealth or not (and this is something that would be easier to theorize, you know, with more info, but also when it comes to politics, coming from a family of politicians or a family with already established wealth usually helps - even if she is a Democrat (based on Connecticut voting patterns over the last several elections, there's little reason to think that she isn't)).
But being in private school - unless she was in a boarding school (and even then, she would get at least Thanksgiving and Christmas break back with her family - I would expect her summers to be full with...things that would look good on college applications or future political pursuits, depending on how early she knew she wanted to get in the game (or how early her parents pushed for it))—
The entire point of this is that I can easily pretend that she and Eve are actually roughly the same age and, although Eve would certainly not have been in private school or at an Ivy League college, they might have known each other perhaps in elementary school or from other etc. around town they might have both been interested in. Helping out at a senior center for charity work looks good for applications; maybe Eve was already there for reasons of her own just. being Eve.
I don't see them with shipping potential like Eve and Agatha, but I could see them very easily as something like friends, perhaps.
Depending, of course, on what we end up seeing in the movie.
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