#put it under 'things i wont write because it would take me 50 years but it is the coolest shit in my head'
amarcia · 10 months
a jedi 'romance' story i want
starts with a young man, lets call him Y, and young jedi knight lady, lets call her K, that fall in love secretly during one of the missions and spiral out into relationship and, you know, stuff happens, the force is immune to birth control pills
and the jedi order does NOT kick out K from the order for getting pregnant but they do make her choose between staying in the order or starting a family and then K realizes that actually her jedi calling is more important to her and she cant give it up, so there is now this single father with a kid somewhere in the galaxy who is kinda sad the love of his life left him so easily but he is now holding the manifestation of the love for his woman in the form of this child and he will raise the child himself ok
and this kid grows up and while they hear some of this great stuff about what their supposed mum is supposed to be (a jedi knight), they just hate not knowing her like at all, living apart and just feeling abandoned and ignored by her, so one day the kid just up and leaves to Coruscant to see K for himself, and of course they get turned the other way by the security of the temple but then, idk, they find a way to crawl into K's life out of spite, end up flying off-world on errands with her, or something, and its very emotional because they figure out their actual mother is teaching some other stupid guy called Padawan (stupid ass name by the way) and they're so annoyed by it the force turns sour but idk they spend time together on this mission and they become bigger family by acceptance of their circumstance by the end of it - or something, i have not thought that far about it, but listen-
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swtki · 4 years
Dancing Days - Edward Cullen x Reader Smut
Anonymous said: 19&24 on edward smut? love ur writing!
A/N: Thank you so much :) also I’m so happy everyone is h*rny for Eddy. I decided I want to explore more period times with Edward, changing his persona in a certain decade, but still ultimately being in the same universe as cannon. This will play into the readers character a tad bit.
19: “Fuck me like you want people to know”.
24. “Thing is, I’m a virgin”. 
I brushed my hair into its usual part, making sure I looked flawless. The year was 1976, I was a senior in Highschool. It was a wonderful time to be a teenager, no longer afraid that my friends would die in Vietnam. Even in my dinky little Washington town, the culture was becoming our own. 
The Led Zeppelin record playing on my record player stopped suddenly, alerting me that I was no longer alone in my room. I turned, my expression soft as I saw my boyfriend, Edward.
“Whats up with you and this album? Everytime I come in, its always House of Th Holy on repeat.” I rolled my eyes, lifted the record in question off of the tray, and put it back snuggly in its case. 
“I can’t help it, Ed. Robert just speaks to me. I’m sure you’re like that with Louis Armstrong.” I waved my hand, walking back to my mirror to finish getting ready. 
“Maybe, but the music you listen to it’s...” Edward paused for a moment, sitting on my bed. “It’s suggestive, Y/N.” I turned to him, my eyebrow raised.
“Suggestive? What’s that supposed to mean?” I placed my hands on my hips, and waited for him to explain.
“Well, for one that one song says ‘Sipping booze’, I quite think that is blatant alcohol reference.” I looked at him, dumbfounded. Then, I started to laugh, and I walked over to him. Instinctually, he pushed his head into my chest, enjoying the comfort it brought him. 
“I love you, but god are we from two different Mars.” He chuckled, sending a rumble through my chest.
At school, I was an average kid. Fair grades, many friends, many ex friends. When Edward was paired up with me in math, I got through his cold, stone skin. At first, he was annoyed when I would fuck off, leaving him to do the work himself. Understandable, and once I realized how rude I was, I stopped. I talked to him, prodded him truthfully. I would ask him once we started dating if he had noticed me previously, because I had never noticed him. 
“Yes, I noticed that you were the only one who didn’t acknowledge me. Ironic I guess.” 
A year into our relationship, I would never let him go unnoticed. We walked the halls, hand in hand. Our outlooks were so different when it came to life. He was modest, I was free spirited. Edward was different from my boyfriends previously, I didn’t want to fuck things up, and I refused to even risk it. 
School went slowly that day, possibly because my head was focused on what I would ask Edward, my boyfriend of one year, about sex. About us and sex. 
I hadn’t told him that I wasn’t a virgin, I was worried he would only want a virgin girl, after all they can never look at you disappointed and say “I’ve had better.” A definite plus. Many a nights I tried to imagine him, moaning completely under my control. I wanted him, but I didn’t know if he wanted me. Surely in 50 years he had found a good fuck. I worried that he would be into someone else, forever tied to a vampiress. 
The end of the school day couldn’t have come sooner, my anxiety rising as I got into Edwards car, starting a long silent car ride. I tried to keep my mind off of it, an attempt to avoid the conversation until we were at my house. I kept my mind busy with the lush scenery outside of the passenger side window. 
“So... I know you want to ask me, and I know the answers to what I would ask you.” He said blatantly, putting the car in park outside my front lawn. 
“I don’t wanna talk out here Ed, lets go inside.” I swung my bag onto my shoulder. Thats the thing with Edward, I never have to say anything, just as long as I think it. 
My house was empty, making it easy for Edward to follow me upstairs to my room. I shut my door behind us, then turned to him. Unsure of what to say, I breathed in deeply.
“How long have you known that I wasn’t...you know?” He smiled, sitting on my plush navy sheets. 
“Y/N, I knew before I met you what I was getting into. Your ex had a lot of thoughts about that one night where you guys-” 
“Oh my god okay ew.” A blush rose upon my face, and I saw Edward laugh as he watched my body fill with embarassment. “Well why didn’t you say something?” I asked.
“I figured if it needed to be brought up, it would be. You and I aren’t exactly a physical couple so I didn’t worry too much.” I walked over to my bed, taking a seat next to him.
“I see...I mean it wouldn’t be a big deal for me so if you want to...” I bit my lip at him, his gaze turned to the other direction.
“Thing is, I’m a virgin.” My expression went from a seductive look, to a puzzled one. I wondered if I had heard him correctly. “I’m old school, Y/N. It wasn’t like how it is now when I was human. People didn’t just have sex in highschool, unless they were married because the man was off to war. So, it hasn’t been on the menu for me. You’re the first girl I’ve dated in fifty years, you know. And no, there was no vampiress or anything.” I smiled.
“Well, I don’t wanna scare you or push it or anything. It’s just you know-” 
“You want to touch me, to be touched by me.” his eyes trailed back to mine, looking deep into my soul.
“Yes, I want you, Edward.” I pressed my lips to his, pulling away jut as it got intense. I could feel his disappointment. “I want to...but I can’t let you down. Tomorrow night. I’ll call you and we can talk about everything we want out of it, I’ll give you a fucking fairytale, my love” I chuckled.
I called him that night as I had said I would. We talked about my first time, and everything I liked, followed by what he had seen on video, what he wanted to try, and his fears.
“I don’t want to kill you, darling.” He said.
“Then don’t. I won’t let you.” He laughed at me, enjoying my lack of seriousness.
The next night rolled along with a quick pace. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to start getting ready. 
I made myself look simple, a small bit of makeup and hair product, but otherwise just a tank top and jeans. Sometimes, dating an old fashioned guy was a pain in the ass. Always complaining about suggestive behavior. But other times, my shoulders counted as being half nude.
“You look stunning, as per usual.” Edward said, stepping into my room. He was tense and barely moved. “I don’t know what to do..what usually happens with it if I’m not the one doing everything.”
If he had any blood flow, he would have been blushing right about then.
“We don’t have to do anything you know. We can just lay down and watch a movie if you want to, I just want to make you happy, Edward.” I walked over to him and put a strand of his messy auburn hair behind his ear. Without hesitation, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“I want to, thats the part that’s been eating me away ever since I met you. I want to make you feel good, I just don’t know if I’ll lose it and-“ I cut him off with a kiss.
“Even if you break my pelvis into pieces, I’ll still be happy. I’m always happy when I’m with you.” we both smiled, and suddenly the thick tension that once filled the room vanished. “I’ll take care of you tonight, just as long as you’re doing it for you. I just need to know you’re doing this for you, and you need to be sure you wont roll over afterwards and hate me.” I said, my hand clasped in his marble one.
“I want you, Y/N. I have no doubts that I’ll want you afterwards, too.”
I pushed his head down, level to my own. Our kiss was deep, filled with a years worth of hunger. My hands tugged on his hair, making him whimper. Suddenly, I felt my feet lift off the ground as Edward carried me to my bed. With a soft thump, the plush sheets surrounded my body. It was a contrast of warmth on my back, and Edwards cool body on my top.
His hands were balled into fists, clutching my duvet as if his life depended on it. I pulled away, panting for air.
“Sorry, I forget you need air.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes in response.
“Well, its a shame you don’t. Because I intend on taking your breath away.” we both made small laughs at my remark.
“What now?” He looked at me for guidance.
“Get on your back.” I said.
We switched positions, he was now on the bottom. My legs straddled his torso, I sight he visably enjoyed. I slithered my hands up to his head, cupping his face as I kissed him again. My left hand left its post, reaching down to the buttons on his shirt.
I paused, looking up at him once I got to the last button.
“Does it...work like normal or...” He threw his head back and laughed.
“It doesn’t have spikes, I can assure you its just like a humans. But Emmet did tell me to pull out so...I’m kind of worried about the implications of that but-“ I leaned down to shut him up with a kiss.
His hands were still at his side, resting on the bed. I picked up his wrists, and placed them on the side of my thighs. He squeezed them lightly.
My hands roamed over his bare chest, cool to the touch. I lached my lips onto his neck, causing his back to arch below me. I could feel his excitement beneath me, it gave me a big self esteem boost. His hand reached along my waist, tugging at my shirt. His eyes lit up at the sight of my bare chest. He reached for me but I pulled away to slide down onto my knees.
He looked confused, like I had left him high and dry.
“Sit on the edge.” I said softly, my knees burning slightly due to the rough carpet underneath them.
He rid himself of the unbottoned shirt, slidding over to me once finished. My hands slowly stroked his thighs, he was desperate for some type of touch.
I smiled, tugging on his belt until it came undone. He stayed silent, looking at me like I was the only thing in the world. I unbottoned the trousers, tugging on them. He kicked them off and was left in his breifs.
“Is it okay if I..” I looked up at him and he nodded frantically. I palmed him over his underwear, feeling how hard he had gotten from kissing. My fingers latched onto the waist band, pulling them down to reveal a pale yet pink cock. It wasn’t too big, but deffinitley satisfactory. I ran my finger over the tip, earning a small groan from the vampire. My eyes trailed up to him, so I could see him when I took him in my mouth.
He let out a breathy moan, eyes focused on my mouth. His lips were parted ever so slightly. I bobbed my head, and grotesquely sexual sounds arose from my throat. I felt Edward move a strant of hair out of my face, he looked at me like I was a god.
“Fuck..Y/N if you keep doing that there wont be anything for you, dear” He said in a breathy moan. I pulled back, my mouth feeling sore and tired. “Do you still want to?” He asked, grasping his hands on my waist.
“Yes, I fucking need you.” I threw off my jeans, I would worry about finding them later, I needed him. He layed back down, propping his head up on my pillows. Our lips collided in another kiss as I leveled myself with him.
“Are you sure?” I ask him, stroking his hard member.
“I’m sure.” He pecked my lips again as I got ontop of his lean figure. I spat in my hand, lubing up my needy hole.
“How do you want me to do this? I mean like slow? What do-“ He said with genuine worry.
“Fuck me like you want people to know” I whispered, “ Fuck me like you want the entire neighborhood to know that I’m yours and yours only.”
“I can make that happen, love.” He flipped me over, now being back to where we first started. He lined up his cock with my hole, running it around the tight area. I put my fingers in his hair, making a slight tug as he pushed into my body.
Pleasure filled my body as he filled me up, his cock stretched my insides in the right ways. Without pausing, he started to push his hips into mine, making sure not to hurt me.
He reached down to suck on my neck, adding to the pornagraphic moans in the room. My hands travled to his back, scratching my nails down the cold stone like skin. His moans echoed in my ear.
“Y/N, I can’t be on top I’m going to crush you” I laughed at him, tapping his side so he fell onto the bed. I swung my legs over him, sitting on his perfect cock.
“Perfect, fucking amazing.” He said as I steady myself onto him. His face was in a euphoric expression, the most relaxed I had ever seen him.
I began to rock my hips, sliding him in and out of me. His hands grabbed onto my hips, guiding me. Everything was a euphoric experience. My gut filled with that wonderful sensation.
“Edward I’m gonna cum, oh my god” I moaned out, picking up my pace.
Suddenly, the world went still. My eyes went black and I saw stars as my orgasm washed over me. My moans echoed in the room as my body twitched. A few thrusts up into my body and Edward pulled out of me, rubbing his cum out onto his hand.
I layed there panting while he sped to the bathroom, and came back with a clean cloth, wiping down my body. He put the cloth down, pulling up his underwear and handing me mine. I slipped the fabric on, slipping under the covers.
“Get in here, I wanna kiss you”
He laughed, obeying and slipping beside me. Our lips reunited in a soft clash.
“I love you so much, dear.”
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 ☁︎
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Mark loves hugging Talia for some reason, something about her aura makes her seem so lovable
He likes her sitting next to him so he can hold her hand and play with her hair since its really soft
Another things is he likes to sleepover and cuddle her to sleep over at her room since it smells nice
When they hangout in his room when she is over at the 127 dorm he likes to have her laying on his lap in silence
When hes nervous he plays with her fingers or rings and lays her head on his shoulder and lays his head on hers
He whines when she leaves the hug to do work, especially in the winter since it cold
When he says he doesn't want to hug anymore she leaves to do something else, he captures her right back
"Im hot I dont wanna cuddle anymore." "Okay" *gets up to leave* "wait nevermimd COMEBACK PLEASE."
Pats her head a lot when she does a good job
When he backhugs her, he grabs her hips and shakes her back and forth it, amuses him
During fansigns he likes to sit next to her having an arm around her or holding her hand when they are not with fans, and claims her for a good couple minutes not before other members fight him
"Ya Mark hyung stop hogging her." "Am not" "ARE TOO" "AM NOT" *fight ensues*
Or in the waiting room, waiting to start a performance you can see Mark having a hand around her waist with his head on her shoulder looking at videos.
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Hugs her a lot on and off camera
When he grew more comfortable with her he likes to kiss her cheeks since they are squishy and when he is feeling mischievous he lightly bites them
"Squishy" *kisses them* *Tali thinks nothing of it* *not satisfied* *bites* "Ah NO-"
Likes it cling on to her when she wears cute things since he finds her adorable.
When she tries to hug him he playfully denies but when she doesn't continue (because she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable) she goes to another member then he grabs her and hugs her saying he wants them now.
Has a limb around her at most times unless the other members beat him to it.
Then if she is wearing something revealing he likes to hide her by a big hug when he doesnt have a jacket.
When she's nervous she caresses his birthmark on his hand and lays her head on his shoulder
Gives her piggy back rides when she is tired and honestly worried that he is able to since she is really light and wants her to gain weight
During dream promotions they nap together in the car, lounge etc.
Likes to braid her hair or do her makeup and he does it pretty well
Sometimes gets jealous of other members when they hug her first or too long
"AY You hugged her enough come here Tali." "NO DONT LISTEN TO HIM" "HAECHAN LET GO OF HER" "NEVER-"
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Likes to pick her up a lot since she is smaller than him
*looks down at Tali* *Tali minding her own business* *picks her up* "ah wait-" *spins* "NO-"
Likes to squish her cheeks a lot when she pouts
When they are sitting he likes to either have her on his lap or between his legs so be can backhug her
Then he likes to kiss her head for when she is feeling down, or when they are in a peaceful place.
Likes to hold her hand a lot as her hands are smaller compared to his and he finds it adorble
*holds hand* "hm?" *( ◜‿◝ )* "cute"
When he has trouble sleeping he likes to go to her side/room and sleep with her as she cuddles him to sleep or sings.
And in airports he likes to engulf her in a bear hug so fans won't pull her away/she wont get lost/ just to keep her safe.
She likes to squish his cheeks when he smiles.
When she cant reach something she says up up and he picks her up by the waist so she can grab it
Then when ever she is bored she would poke Jeno's mole which makes them both smile
Then he has his hand on her back guiding her during award ceremonies
Lots of piggy back rides between these two.
One of her pillows
Nap in the lounge all the times together if not with Jeno then she goes to Renjun
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Has a limb on her at all times, or just a member away from her.
Loves to kiss her cheeks and vice versa, she find his skin so pretty she finds it hard not to kiss it
Hugs her all the time front/backhug/side etc
Always kissing her hand aswell, holds it with Jeno fighting for it when she is working and using her other hand to write or type something
My girl is just unbothered
He likes to specifically kiss her pinky for some reason
Has this thing for her legs, likes to lay on them, message them, when hes protective as a hand on her thigh and glares at the guy
Always jealous when a member has her for "too long"
Tali gives him a lot of head pats which he enjoys since he feels accomplish
Then when Tali tries to leave their cuddles session to go to a schedule not with him he whines
"Haechanie I have to go-" "Nooo" "Yes I have to go-" "NooooOOOO COMEBACK PWEASSE-"
Then he gets so dramatic when she leaves for a tour for Blackpink since he won't see her a couple months or weeks.
During tours she rooms with Haechan or he whines so much to the members dislike and if he doesnt room with his noona he will break in and take her.
During Mv shoots she usually goes up to Haechan and huddles up to him when its cold, he takes advantage of that time.
In the waiting room you can see if Tali is not sleeping Haechan will be sleeping on top of her, while she is softly scratching his scalp relaxing him to make him fall asleep
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Let me tell you....this man is clingy to her.
Like he treats her like a princess and knows how to treat a girl, but he cant hold back
Like Haechan, he likes to kiss her cheeks and etc and thats how he shows his love to her
This man got them in a scandal on how he treats her but some people can't blame them its precious
He likes to tackle her with hugs, for example the level of aggressiveness he tackles her in different situations
One level is when she is back from a tour without them he tackles her to the ground another is when she leaves without a word then its when she loses balance now thats a 50% chance she will fall
He likes to use her as his personal pillow in the dorm/ in the louge when he takes a nap/ in the car etc
Will be one of the people to be right next to her when going somewhere to protect her
When he feels clingy he goes to her because he KNOWS she doesn't have the heart to deny him but knows she has a limit and doesn't cross it
This boy is possessive with her and cuddles, so he always fights Haechan or...all members
"Haechan let go, give her-" "No" "I- LET GO" "NO." *Haechan gets tackled*
When she wears revealing clothes he is always behind her either hugging her/covering her and sometimes tugs down the clothes
Or goes infront of her and button ups the clothes because if she does it she will get scolded
Then for fan service or to amuse him since he sometimes does it in the dorm he grabs a piece of hair and kisses it then smirks at her while she gives him either a blank or a flustered face
Likes to tickle her to her death doesn't stop until she says yes to her eating dessert with him when she is on diets.
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Was very very clingy towards her during trainee and debut years but got less but still clingy
A lot of hand holding an Chenle putting his head on her lap or shoulder
Fights anyone who tries to steal her away from him like Jaemin, Haechan ...well everyone
"Jaemin Hyung, no shes mine!" "No" "No?" "No" *silence* *fight breaks out*
When she gets quiet its not like she's never not he would always go next to her and accompany her while the chaos ensues
When she is over at his house he is always had a limb on her as he wants to spend as much time with her before the members come in
Always admires her eyes, so when she makes eye contact its hold for 5 minutes until she gets embarrassed which makes him hug her and say sorry
*makes eye contact* *gets embarrassed* "Oh IM SORRY, your eyes are so pretty...cute."
When he takes naps its usually with him on her
Will literally drag her out of bed so she can go out with him
Likes to mess with her hair and put ping tails which he finds adorble
When they are out together, they either have pinkys intertwined or hands, and if in a more crowded place has his arm around her shoulder or waist
Will cling on to her during hard times to feel reassurance that shes there
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He LOVES head pats from her
Its usually goes Tali laying on her bed and her hand is in the air fiddling with her rings
Then Jisung comes in and outs his head under her hand which makes her look at an adorble jisung wanting her attention which she starts petting his hair
Then he climbs on the bed and has trapped her in his limbs, unlikes Haechan she cant escape from his hugs
*put his head under her hand* *tali pets his hair* *traps her in his limbs* "i feel like this was a trap" *cutely nods*
Random ik but she made a baggett for him once when he asked Jaemin she just offered since she was making bread anyway and was waiting for the dough to rise
Likes to backhug her a lot since she smaller compared to him in height factor and honestly just wants to protect her like she protected him
Backhugs are the main part of this relationship, when she cooks for him its like a thank you
Likes to kiss her head since its more subtle then kissing her cheek
Tali loves squishing his cheeks and he lets her, since it makes her happy it also makes Jaemin jealous
"Squish squish" *smiles down at her* *Jaemin sulking in the back*
They fix each other hair, but mostly him fix her hair and him feeling accomplished afterwards
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lady-daydream · 4 years
MacCready and Duncan Headcanons-Fallout 4
4 Year Old Deacon -
Lucy was always the one that got him to laugh or stop crying. So when MacCready had to deal with all these issues without any help or guidance he felt extremely lost. Unknown to him at the time however MacCready didn't have to worry when Duncan was a baby since he reasonable quiet child however he became concerned when by the age of three he still wasn't talking, just nodding or shaking his head. MacCready was borderline considering getting a doctor to check if his son was mute when Duncan talked for the first time. MacCready had just come back from his farm around midday, physically tired and thirsty. As he walked into there little shack of a home he saw Duncan sat under the wooden table (His favourite spot). Greeting him with a tired smile he laughs before asking “ you alright down there bud?, almost didn’t see you there. You must have superpowers just like in the comics”. Duncan nods while smiling before going back to playing with a poorly stuffed Teddy Bear MacCready had picked up while scavenging, while MacCready slowly made his way over to the broken fridge. He was halfway through drinking some of the water he had collected that morning when he heard a small voice say “ Can I have some water as well dad”. This was followed by MacCready dropping his glass, muttering something he hoped Duncan didn't hear under his breath before quickly rushing over to kneel next to his son, holding his face in his hands. “Did you just talk little bud? “ he asks his eyes almost watering as Duncan says yes. Duncan had just caught onto speaking however just didn't feel the need to speak.
Duncan could follow basic direction and instructions by the age of 4. He would follow his dad around while he was working on the farm. So MacCready would ask Duncan to pick up small items , or to go fetch things such as bullets if he was checking over his gun or to show him where items are. MacCready loves the curiosity and excitement in his sons eyes. 
Duncan likes to make and sing silly songs with random words as well as goofy made up words. MacCready likes to try and sing along if he can pick up the tune, so when he is working in the field it always cheers him up to sing with his son since it distracts them of all the darker and sadder memories surrounding the two of them.
Duncan is naturally creative and since MacCready is normally away doing work Duncan ended up with the neighbour family and idea, play together. Duncan started developing an imaginary friend quite earlier one, and would try and draw pictures of his imaginary friend as well as his friends and his dad.
At this point, Duncan is able to do basic things such as getting dress and eating and cleaning himself, and due to this slowly MacCready starts taking up Gun for hire jobs again. Though he is hesitant and has the neighbours check up on his son after a few months of getting used to this routine it becomes routine, with MacCready making up the time he is away whenever he comes back.
Duncan still have tantrums because of changes in routine or not getting what they want and for a while he started getting into a small phases of arguing over thing that Duncan understands are wrong just to see his dads reactions. This of course was a strain on MacCready since he is a naturally blunt person, he had to learn quite quickly to separate his love for his Son, but also understand he had to teach Duncan right or wrong so that he had more guidance than MacCready did.
11 Year Old Duncan - 
After getting the cure and finally joining his dad in the Commonwealth, slowly Duncan fit in better than anyone expected. Everyone felt some sort of compassion for the small kid. After a few years of this it seems he has picked up small traits from everyone. He enjoys listening to Uncle Hancock's wacky and weird stories, both their height amounts of energy  (despite Hancock trying to sober up a little around the kid) leading to chaos, Having Valentine, Preston and Piper around though always means the kids has a high levels of curiosity , wants to ask question and can read and write to a considerably high level for his age. He enjoys following sole around though, watching what they are doing and always asking why.
Physically Duncan is also a perfect 50/50 of MacCready and Lucy. He has his mother’s eyes and more roundish cheeks as well as inherited her smile. He does have MacCready hair as well as his more muscular but lean built, as well as having MacCready left handedness.
However, there are other things as well. He is thinner than normal, and he never seems to be able to put on weight, He has a gap in his teeth that always stands out. He has freckles that only get more prominent on sunny days. He also gets tired easier, running out of breath as well as having a slight limp from not being able to walk for a long while. This added with growth spurts means Duncan ends up in a lot of pain. MacCready always tries to have painkillers on him, and hates seeing his son like this.
Though Duncan is still close to his Dad, Duncan starts to resist physical affection. He wont want hugs as much or doesn't want to spend as much time with his dad. Though he still enjoys sharing comics together as well as hearing his dad’s stories about what him and sole and all the adventures they got up to.
This ones for you  @theartofblossoming I hope its okay, sorry its a bit short. I'm sorry in advance if their are many spelling mistakes please comment if you see any so I can correct them. :) If anyone has any suggestions/imagine/headcannons please just message me or comment and I will try and write it as quickly and to the best as my ability. I hope everyone has an amazing day, love you all <3
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skgway · 4 years
1828 Dec, Fri. 26
11 35/60
From 7 1/2 to 7 50/60 reading Dr. Hutton’s excellent and most temperate speech in last Saturday’s Mercury in favour of emancipation. His sentiments on the subject, my own –
Breakfast at 7 50/60 in 20 minutes – Went out at 8 1/4 to Lightcliffe to pay Mrs. William P– [Priestley] for carriage of the parcel of books I paid for yesterday – Got there in about 1/2 – Sat talking. Mentioned the inconvenience of my being here, my fathers oddity of temper. To live with my mother was much to be pitied, and excused my father. Wont let me put stoves in the North parlour and room, tho my aunts coming here depends on it. A hundred a year would be enough to pay for her board and that of George and MacD[onald]. Did not see Mr. P– [Priestley]. Mrs. P– [Priestley] walked with me as far as the Hipperholme bar, I then went back with her to her own gate, and we parted there at 11 50/60 –
In returning, met the Saltmarshes (Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S– [Saltmarshe) in their carriage – Had passed Shibden – Thought from my manner of speaking of it yesterday they could not get there – Jno [John] – said it was no worse than usual – and took Mrs. S– [Saltmarshe]’s card for Marian instead of a call – 
Then went up Barraclough-lane to George Naylor’s – Took him to shew me what Joseph Hall wanted – Haigh has bought the bit of waste there of Mr. Rawson, wants to enclose it, make a garden of it, and block me up – Has already abused Joseph Hall’s son for carting across it – Said I would consider about it – But that I could not be thus blocked up – I had nothing to do with Haigh – Should speak to Mr. Rawson – He had no right to sell it – 
Then a good deal of conversation with George N– [Naylor] as to raising his farm etc. He must give me his opinion as to the rest and I should not hurt him. Pearsons and Hardcastles each worth fifty and Hilltop forty five, and to raise Hemingway twenty guineas fair to take cottages at half the actual rents. The man that George wishes me to take for the next vacant farm is John Kurten who married a Miss Priestley of Halifax has for three or four years been a preacher, but would give it up. Has a hundred a year of his own and wants a farm for his lads. Would be advised in all things at first by George. 
Said I should give Balmfirth notice to quit. He thought I could not get rid of him. We will try, said I. For that, explained that it was to get rid of a bad tenant with less trouble, for which I mainly had agreements, because then I could quit them in 6 months from the time instead of 3 times that time – Balmfirth has just sold off 500 stalks of hay to a man who is bankrupt and will therefore get nothing for it – 
Then walked along the top of the hill and got down into the plantation at 2 1/4. Nobody there – Went to the cunnery – The men Throp and Nathan came from dinner at 2 1/2 – Throp cleaning trees in the Hall wood, Nathan helping Jno [John] and William to clear the plantation, and Robert walling with James Smith for my father, a bit of Jno [John] Bottomley’s wall near the pit road gate at the too of the old bank that had come down – 
Staid a little in the plantation – From 3 20/60 to 5 with Throp – Planted out 2 little yews from the plantation and removed the 2 cypresses lower down, next to the wood – A pity to move them, they were beginning to strike out little roots so nicely – 
Came in at 5 10/60 – Dressed – Wrote the 1st 7 lines of yesterday – Dinner at 6 1/4 – Afterwards till 10 asleep on the sofa – Then sat talking 1/2 hour about the bit of waste near Joseph Hall’s, raising rents etc. and discharging James Travis – 
On going up Barraclough lane to George N– [Naylor]’s saw 3 or 4 men one with a gun and dog, in George N– [Naylor]’s field or Balmfirth’s – Asked his name (lives near the bridge?) discharged him – He would have a written discharge – Was qualified – Had a certificate – I could only make him pay for trespassing – At last, he was for asking leave to come – No! Said I, you are too late now – You shall have a written discharge – and it is your peril you come shooting on my ground without my leave – On inquiry James Greenwood junior at the Cunnery told me he had discharged him several times – Jno [John] has often seen him in the fields – 
Came up to bed at 10 1/2 – Till 11 looking over rent roll, and making, rough draft calculation of what the farms and pews would bear raising – Can now manage something upwards of sixty pounds and b[y] and b[y] can get about eighty or ninety, that I shall make what I now have, altogether thirteen hundred a year – Fine day – Frosty – Farenheit in the library 9 degrees colder this morning than yesterday – 
[sideways in margin] Musing this morning as I walked to Lightcliffe (first time the idea ever struck me) that as much is done for the rights of the Roman Catholics why not something for the rights of single women to vote for members of parliament? Write on this, on the good of raising women to a proper rank in society, their influence, their general education and manners in different countries in times past and present, their relative degrees of respectability.
[More on Dr. Hutton’s Speech]
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Dr. Hutton’s Speech - Leeds Mercury Dec. 20, 1828
We have great pleasure in laying before our readers the following excellent speech, which was indeed to have been delivered at the Leeds Meeting to Address His Majesty in favour of the Catholic Claims. 
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, – In the cause which has assembled us together this day I cannot but feel deeply interested. As a man and a Briton, I must be anxious to see the rights of men and Britons freely and fully participated by all my fellow-countrymen and as a Christian desirous that the truth may have free course amongst us I must wish that all the stumbling blocks of party prejudice and passion, with which our own frailty and folly, or those of our ancestors, have strewed the path of religious inquiry may be removed, and that we may all rejoice in the liberty wherewith it was the design of Christ to make us free. But, I stand in the midst of my fellow-men and my fellow-Christians many of whom I know to be as willing as myself; and more competent, to plead our common cause; their love of liberty, civil and religious, I believe to be not [insurdent?] than my own, and however we may differ on other subjects, I am assured of their entire sympathy with me in the wish to banish the temporal power altogether from the field of religious controversy; and to leave Truth – omnipotent Truth – to fight her own battles, with “the sword of the spirit; which is the word of God” In the character of a man and a Christian, therefore, I could have gladly remained silent, satisfied to say, “God speed,” with all my heart, to my friends and brethren around me, one of whom I cannot forget, has within the last few days nobly vindicated the rights of his fellow-men on Christian grounds, with a spirit and an eloquence, which multitudes have felt as deeply as myself, and which it would be superfluous therefore for me to panegyrize. There is a character, however, in which others cannot speak for me, and in which therefore I would embrace the opportunity of saying a word or two for myself. I appear amongst you; my fellow-townsmen, not only as an inhabitant of Leeds, bound to you by the strong ties of hospitality, and an absentee in the body from the land of my nativity, yet often-present with her in the spirit, with a heart that bleeds for her miseries, and kindles into indignation at her wrongs, and rejoices
in my hope, however faint, of seeing those miseries relieved, and those wrongs redressed. You have assembled, I trust, to express to our gracious King, your cordial acquiescence in a measure, should it be his good pleasure, in concurrence with the other branches of the legislature to sanction it, which I am not indeed so sanguine as to think will prove a panacea for all the numerous ills under which my unhappy country has so long suffered; but which, nevertheless, I am convinced will do something for her; – will help at least to soften and soothe the animosities, by which, while the present system of parish favour, proscription, and exclusion [?] she must continue to be torn asunder; a measure which will remove at least one material cause of dissension estrangement, and will tend in facilitate, if it does not absolutely produce that union of hearts amongst Irishmen, without which there can be no union of minds to any good purpose.
You have met, Gentlemen, to do what you can to alleviate to do what you can to alleviate the wretchedness and promote the future welfare of my suffering country, and I cam anxious, I confess, to express to you the deep interest that I take in a cause which the [?ctive] feelings of nature combine with reason and reflection to render dear to me. I should indeed be worthy of reprobation if I could stand by an uninterested spectator, where others, who have less reason, manifest so fervent a zeal. Gentlemen, if there still remain doubt and indecision amongst you on the subject before us, I cannot but think that it arises, rather from those prejudices and prepossesions of which we all carry about with us too large a share, – rather from the fluctuations of excited feeling, than from any serious difficulty suggested by the understanding. If the decision had rested with reason alone, it would have been long since made, and Fox and Barke, and Pitt and Canning, those master minds of various moulds, supported by almost all the intellectual strength of the houses of Peers and Commons, would not have addressed their powerful arguments to the British people in vain. But that people have a strong hatred of oppression, a powerful sympathy with suffering. Of Roman Catholics as they exist in the present day, either in the Sister Island or elsewhere, Englishmen know little, but they have many of them read tho fearful ties, and inspected the no less fearful prints in Fox’s book of Martyrs, and the have all heard of sundry wicked Popes, and more formidable still, of bloody Mary! Often, I am persuaded most Roman Catholics have been affected towards her, as an excellent preiste of the Church of England is said to have been towards a certain creed, and wished, alas! in vain, that they could be well rid of her. In truth I cannot but think it is somewhat unkind, when people are evidently ashamed of their relations, to be always putting them in mind of them, and I must say I feel some pity for my Roman Catholic brethren, when I see the blood brought into their countenances by the perpetual obtrusion of that bloody queen on their reluctant memories. But what proof have we that Roman Catholics either love or have any inclination to imitate that wicked woman? Earnestly do they disclaim all approbation of her conduct, and loudly do they protest against the injustice and cruelty of making them answerable for the crimes of their ancestors, whether of noble or ignoble blood.
True it is that Mary was a bloody persecutor; but it is prejudice and bigotry alone that dwell exclusively upon her atrocities, and contrive at the same time to forget the less numerous perhaps, but still bloody persecutions of her protestant sister Elizabeth – not in this connection certainly though a Rev. Gentleman has styled her so “of happy memory.” Few indeed are the sects that have not at one time or other swelled the annals of persecution, and we should all of us perhaps have reason to tremble if Heaven were to visit upon our heads the sins of our fathers in this respect. Calvin persecuted Servetus to death. Is there a Calvinist living now that pretends to vindicate the deed? Archbishop Cranmer persuaded King Edward against his will to condemn to the stake Joan Bocher and George Paris, one for denying the humanity, and the other for dyeing the divinity of Christ. What member of the Church of England will come forward to prove that Cranmer was justified in doing so? Luther, the father of the Reformation though he was against punishing heretics with death, thought that other punishments less severe might be lawfully hindered on them. “It is sufficient,” says he in one place, “that they should be banished.” In another passage he allows that “heretics may be corrected and lured to silence, if they publicly deny any of the articles received by all Christians, and particularly that Christ is God.” In a third passage he goes further, and says “that heretics, though they may not be put to death, may however be confined, and shut up in some certain place and put under restraint as madmen.” What think you, my fellow-townsmen, ought we to be satisfied with Luther’s toleration, and rest contented to enjoy our liberty of conscience in a gaol, or what might be called perhaps a heretic’s asylum. Though we are most of us Protestants, and as such have no small reverence for the great reformer, I rather think we shall none of us agree with him on this subject. Once more, that you may not think me partial, I may just mention, that Socinus, whom you probably think a great favourite of mine, and for, whose genius and virtues I will not deny that I feel a sincere respect, in a letter of his still extant vows [?] his opinion that “obstinate heretics” or, as he explains the epithet, “heretics who will pay no attention to their adversaries arguments, may be properly prevented from reading then opinions, if it cannot be otherwise done by chains and a prison.”  According to which doctrine I fear there are not a few in Leeds, whom, if I and my friends were in power, we should be under the painful necessity of placing under restraint. On this subject however, as on several others, I have the pleasure of assuring you that we take the liberty of dissenting from Socinus, and that you need be under no alarm on this head even if we should be called to rule over you. The truth is, that in the former days of ignorance, the spirit of persecution was to be found, in a greater or less degree, in almost every church. The Emancipationists say some of their opponents, cannot have read history: I answer, that they would have read it to little purpose, if they had not learned from it, that persecution of all kinds and in every degree is detestable, and that to persecute Roman Catholics a little now, because they persecuted our ancestors a good deal formerly, is neither wise nor Christian conduct. The church of Rome, I grant, was more deeply stained by the guilt of persecution than most of the churches that have seceded from her; but this is easily accounted for without supposing that it is essential to her nature to persecute, and that, no lapse of time, or alteration of circumstances can enable her to purge off this stain. It should be remembered, that she had long been in the possession of unrivalled and almost unbounded power; It was to be expected therefore, in consistency with all that we know of human nature, that, when the first attack was made up on that power, pride, and anger, and every other malignant passion should instantaneously rise up in arms, against those whom, as supreme judge in her own cause, she would naturally regard as rebellious schismatics and wicked innovators.
The Church of England on the contrary, chastised in her infant days by her aged parent, and surrounded almost from the first by Dissenters, was early taught wisdom and mercy by her own sufferings. Had she stood as long without a rival as the Church of Rome, it is at least possible that she might have persecuted as bitterly. The hostile spirit which some of her sons have manifested and still manifest to Dissenters as such, and the high tone which they assume, as if the mere act of their tempora establishment qualified them to take spiritual precedence of  those around them, would lead one to apprehend that even the Church of England meekly as, I grant, she has for the most part carried her faculties, might have abused, if she had enjoyed, enresisted, and unbounded power. In truth such power is good for none of us. We are all, not merely liable but likely to abuse it. The Church of Rome in power, however, and the same Church out of power, are very different. B[?] the terror of Europe, at St. Helens was a quiet gentlemanly, and somewhat [?] man: and so it is with the Pope in these days. As [?] as we are concerned, he might as well be at Helena as where he [?] an ocean flows between us and him; – the ocean of knowledge – which he can never cross to set foot in a hostile manner on our shores. Were he to do so, were he to threaten either our civil or religious liberties, I will pledge myself for my countrymen, yes, for my Roman Catholic countrymen; that they would be amongst the first to assist in driving him back to his snug hole and corner in Italy. Except as a peaceful ecclesiastic, a kind of Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of Rome, the Pope neither has, nor can ever any substantial power in this realm. The greatest power he enjoys here at present is that which our No-Popery friends so kindly confer upon him, of frightening the grown-up children, who are not ashamed to listen to the horrible stories which they tell about him. What says our able townsman, Mr. M. Sadler, of these Papists, – this people who have been brought up under this murderous system, – who have imbibed, with their mothers milk, these doctrines, which according to our Brunswickers, not only forbid them to keep faith with heretics, but would lend them to commit murder upon all such? You shall hear “In the character of the inhabitants of Ireland!” says Mr. S. “there are the elements of whatever is elevated and bole.” These, however [?] down and hidden, are indicated whenever their development is not rendered impossible. Their courage in the [?] and panegyric of min, and has never been surpassed; their charity, notwithstanding their poverty, never equalled.” “Even while I am thus writing,” says Mr. Sadler, “I will dare to assert, that in many a cabin of that country, the godlike act of our immortal Alfred,” (who by the way, was a Roman Catholic too) “which will be transmitted down to the remotest generations – the dividing his last meal with the beggar, is this instant being repeated; – and their gratitude for kindnesses received equals the ready warmth with which they are ever conferred.” I mean not to contend” Mr. S proceeds, “that they have not faults and grievous ones, but these are mainly attributable” (I agree with him cordially) “to the condition to which they have been so long treated.” He then proposes his remedies, some of them well, worthy of attention, for Ireland’s calamities, and anticipates a time when “the Social edifice compact together and at unity in itself shall never again be shaken.” I thank Mr. M. Sadler in the name of my country, – I warmly thank him for his eloquent panegyric upon her sons, whom Popers, it seems, has not altogether corrupted, and whom unequaled charity I should hope, – charity that divides with the beggar his last meal should not be banished or transformed into the [?]-like spirit of malignity, and murder, by a little more kindness. Their “gratitude for kindnesses received,” Mr. S tells us equals the [?] warmth with which they are ever conferred.” Take Mr. S’s word for it, if you will not take mine. Though I too know something of the Irish heart – take the world of both of us, that they will not abuse your favours – that they will not violate your generous confidence – no, not for all the Popes and Priests that the word can contain, – but, on the contrary, will return [?] your  and your [?] every deal of kindness as you shall mete out to them. But what does Mr. S. say of emancipation in his work on the grievances of Ireland?
Of Emancipation Mr. S professes to say nothing. He merely intimates – and here too I agree with him – that Ireland has other grievances of a very serious nature to complain of to neglect those latter [?] talk of Emancipation only is in his mind, to pay tithe of mint and anise, and cumin, and to omit the weightier [?] of the saw of patriotism– judgment, mercy, and idolity supposes it to be so allow that Emancipation resembles the small tithes yes Mr. S. I should think would be one of the last persons to recommend our not paying them – he will doubtless remember the words, “these things ought the to have done, but not to leave the others undone.” – Having had [?] her tithe of [?] which she did not ask for, poor Ireland might perhaps be grateful for what she would deem a tithe of [?], in the form of Emancipation. I have read Mr. S’s book on Ireland with some attention: I admire the spirit of [?] and generous feeling in which it is written; I think that he has taken a true view of some of the sources of Ireland’s mystery, and I approve of some of the remedies which he proposes but I cannot agree with him that little good would be effected by pinning all sects on the same [?] of equality in respect to civil rights and privileges, and thus doing away the bitter jealous with which a depressed [?] always regard a dominant and domineering party, especially if the former be, as in the present instance, the more numerous. Does Mr. S. think that any good could be effected by it? If so, he ought not to be a Runswicker, and in his book certainly we may look in vain for the spirit of that party. Gentlemen, you are many of you anxious and so I confess am I, how can any honest and consistent Protestant be otherwise? – to see our Roman Catholic brethren brought over to Protestantism. Is this your real wish? Remove then the barriers which sever them from you in mind as well as body. Remove the party prejudices which dender their understandings and their heards inaccessible to any arguments or pleadings, however powerful and just, that you can address to them, I solemnly warn you, Gentlemen, that in perpetuating their persons and party hostility, you will necessarily obstruct their conversion to what you deem truth and in so doing, may find hereafter that you have “fought against God.” There is little change that we shall convince or persuade those with our lips, whom by our actions we are degrading and insulting. And is it not a degradation and an insult to brand your fellow-countrymen as persons whose patriotism a breath from Rome can disperse, at any moment, into thin air – whose oaths of allegiance and fidelity are not to be believed – and who are not to be allowed to serve their king and country in a civil capacity because they acknowledge an ecclesiastical superior in the supposed successor of St. Peter? The Roman Catholics are clamouring for power, say the Brunswickers. No, Sir – It is for eligibility to power, a right to which our Constitution supposes every Brion entitled who is not incapable of exercising it, or who has not forfeited his right to do so by his misconduct. Minors, aliens, criminals, and Roman Catholics, with a few other Sectarians, (who scruple to take the oaths prescribed) are the classes of persons noted by Blackstone as incapacitated from serving in Parliament. And is there no injury, no insult, in this association? I contend Sir, that there is, and that neither Roman Catholics nor any other class of sincere religionists whatsoever, ought, as such, to be ranked with [?], aliens, and criminals. If Protestant Englishmen were thus associated, the blood would boil in their veins; and can they wonder, then, that it runs in a quickened current through the body of the Irish Catholic, constitutionally hot in temper as he is warm in heart? As for the danger likely to result from admitting Roman Catholics into the legislative body, it is really childish to talk of it. While the comparative strength of the two parties throughout the United Kingdom remains as it is, there cannot, obviously, be the shadow of danger of Popish domination if all the Catholic Members without an exception) were Catholic barristers, as clever as O’Connell, and us eloquent as Shell, and if in the fervour of a zeal, such as few Protestants feel for the 39 Articles, they were to bring the questions of Transubstantiation and the Papal supremacy before the House every Session, which is not highly probable, I will leave it to any Brunswicker possessed of a decent portion of common sense, to compute the probable number of their converts, within any given time. And as for the House of Lords, their ease there would be still more hopeless, their advocates being still fewer in number, and the prejudices of [?]; we know, peculiarly strong. The Earl of Shrewsbury, it is true, has written a book in defence of his creed, but he will find some difficulty in persuading the Lords Temporal to read it – find the Lords Spiritual will, of course, find it easy to refute anything that a hymn can have urged upon the subject. On the whole nothing can be made ridiculous than the pretended apprehension of Poplar legislation, [?] weak heads may possibly entertain it; but when men of sense pretend to feel it, the purest candour must fear that it is their object to frighten and delude those whom they know to be ignorant, and therefore expect to be credulous. But say some really good men, the Roman Catholic religion is so attractive to the imagination, from the antiquity of its origin, and the splendour of its ritual; its doctrine of absolution, purgatory, &c. are so well calculated to make fail man easy under the burden of his frailties; and, in short, it is so skillfully accommodated throughout to the weakness of our nature, that we cannot but fear that if placed on an equality in other respects, with Protestantism, it may have superior charms for the multitude, and may even in time win over our princes and our rules by its seductions. So long, I would reply, as the Establishment retains its rich endowments, and enjoys the exclusive patronage of the Crown, there can be little fear of such a catastrophe. The majority, of the higher class especially, will long feel the sacred duty of conforming to an Established Church, of the truth of which they will require no surer voucher than the simple fact that it is established. I mean no disrespect to the Church of England, as a church, when I assert, that religion so well endowed as here – a religion that, in the phrase of Burke, can “raise a mitred head in Courts and Parliaments,” be its forms and doctrines and theological merits what they may, need be under little apprehension of any sudden or material defection of its wealthy and powerful adherents. But this, it will be said, is a mere argumentum ad hominem, addressed to the worldly wise, which will not satisfy those who are upon conviction piously attached to Protestantism, and seriously apprehensive of a revival of Popers. 
To objectors of this class, those worthy and pious men, for I doubt not there are many such, – who not having studied the subject in its political bearings, ground their hostility to Catholic Emancipation solely on their fears of the future prevalence of what they deem a dangerously erroneous creed, I would reply by this simple question, “– whether they can seriously think; that in a fair and equal contest with error, truth is in any danger of being defeated; or that with the favour of God on her side she can fall of being victorious? For my own part I am well persuaded that she needs none of the weapons, either defensive or offensive, with which the rulers of this world are so troublesomely axous to supply her. If she might have her own will she would cast them all from her, as David cast from him the armour of Saul. Like that brave champion of the Lord of Hosts, she would go forth to the battle free and unencumbered, trusting for her defense to God’s favour and her own unfettered movements, and asking for no weapons of more destructive power than a few sound and solid arguments, smooth pebbles well rounded from Silaos brooke, with the sling of natural eloquence, to send them home to their destination. Reflection I think will soon convince the pious and the good that error can be no match for truth, when they stand on equal ground, and that to pretend to guard the latter by pains and penalties is to discover want of faith in her native resources, and in reality to encumber her with aid. In conclusion I would say with my esteemed and respected brother, to our friends of the Church of England, “Be just and fear not.” – Be generous and fear not. You have relieved the Dissenters from their shackles. You have elevated them to equality with yourselves. I trust you will reap the good fruits of having done so; and that you will find in us your cordial and zealous co-adjustors in every just, humane, and virtuous enterprise. But let us pead with you, – gratitude should be like that of the manumitted slave, the first effect of whose recovered liberty is to render Him indifferent to the sorrows and the sufferings of the former companions of his bondage, gratitude, I say, which in our ethical system is not that frosty kind of feeling which some seem to imagine it, having ore affinity to cold than heat, and exerting a contractile rather than an expansive influence, gratitude for our own success excites us to plead with you for the brothers of the family who are still excluded, still degraded. Try my Roman Catholic countrymen, and, trust me, you will find them also capable and worthy of being connected with you in the equal bonds of brotherhood. If you thought them your enemies it were a noble and Christian experiment, and experiment justified by a wiser and better policy than that of this world, – to try to subdue them by your kindness. “If thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst give him drink,” says an apostle. ‘Absurd policy!’ says a Brunswicker; food will strengthen, and drink refresh him, and his power to do you mischief will be greater than ever. Christ however and Paul thought otherwise and foreold that by so doing we should “heap coals of fire on his head,” and melt or [?] him into friendship with us. This is human nature in this opinion; and Mr. M. Sadler has told you that my countrymen are not an exception to the general rule, but that they are as capable of gratitude as they are of kindness. All that I wish, my friends, is that you would try them. 
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oflgtfol · 6 years
ALSO im thinking about The End again, aka the nano story i wrote in 2015 (very bad title for a casual reference like this) 
so like . im just gonna spoil it honestly bc its been years and nobody cares. the whole point of the story was that everybody dies in the end. quite literally humanity goes extinct. the whole point of the story is that you get used to these characters, you root for them through all their hardships as their world comes tumbling down and they’re helpless to stop anything, and then they just die and it’s supposed to hit you really hard because you’re attached to these characters and it’s just so unfair
but honestly? i first thought of the plot in 7th grade and i wrote the story in 9th and i’m in a completely different mindset from then now. i really dont want to write that kind of story anymore. but it sucks because i do want to rewrite and post this story eventually. but i cant change that ending because the whole point of the story IS the ending. if i changed the ending then the entire tone, message, theme, EVERYTHING about this story changes
it’s supposed to tell the downfall of humanity based on our own greed and hubris. i cant tell that story if the characters triumph in any way at the end. we are our own undoing
the way this comes about is through warfare and refusing to care for the planet. my frustration at how full of hate this world is and peoples outlook that “oh we dont need to care for the earth bc im not gonna be alive in 50 years :)” was really what caused this, and back then i was..... so full of anger and indignation about the injustice in this world that i was like “You Must Reap What You Sow” 
so here i wrote a story about a common family. theres nothing about them that makes them particularly worthy of telling this story other than the fact that they’re a normal family. i never even described any physical characteristics of the characters because like, thats not what this is about, i never even imagined what they looked like in my head because the whole point of them as characters is to just be normal people that anyone can see themselves in. and then when the world is taken away from them? it hits you hard. because you saw yourself in them and now they’re facing the consequences of actions we all partake in. the whole message is that unless we fucking change for the better then we will suffer the consequences and they’re not gonna be pretty, so fucking Get It Together
but now im in a different mindset. im still very much frustrated at all this but im.. a lot more adjusted to the idea of injustice in the world. by god i am full of anger but its no longer so.. all consuming as it was.
idk how to explain this but like if you read my posts about space and how humanity has the potential for good, yadayada, then like thats basically what i’m trying to get at. i’ve actually.. become a lot more positive over the years! i’ve sat back and realized that like... the issue with human greed and apathy is rooted in society, people are blinded to the impact of their actions and they never really realize what’s Up..... i think it’s just kinda a harsh way to get my point across, in the original story.
nowadays i want change to come about through hope and peace and cooperation with fellow humans.. i know it probably wont happen that way but ideally thats what i want. i’ve sat back and seen that like, god humanity has so much potential for good and it’s just so upsetting that we time and time again use it for evil. it really is upsetting that we’ve accomplished so fucking much and then we go and do heinous things. we destroy the earth, thousands (millions?!!) of species go extinct because of us, and then you look at the sins humans commit against each OTHER - genocide, murder, bigotry, its just, why the FUCK are you wasting all your measly time and space in this universe on such horrible horrible things when we can use this for GOOD like what is the POINT
and yes im MAD ABOUT THIS but now im .. not only mad but its GENUINELY upsetting!!! but it also gets me kind of hopeful, that maybe one day as the generations go on and learn from past mistakes, that we can put this violent past behind us and come together and achieve what humanity is truly capable of. and maybe this hope that i have is what i want to initiate this change in the first place. that maybe if people saw what good we’re capable of too then they would want change to come about, and maybe if we all realized this then we’d all be able to come together and see it happen for real
and like. that vision i have now conflicts a lot with the original story i wrote for the end and just. yeah idk.
ANYWAY so my main point here (god i started rambling) is that im thinking of .... now this may be a stupid idea LOL but maybe i could rewrite the original in its depressing bullshit, but then maybe do an alternate version where things do work out in the end.... like two sides of a coin, in one overall story... one timeline where things go wrong - what will happen if we dont change - and where things wind up right - what can happen if we work for it. it still keeps the original warning in my message intact - reap the consequences of your actions if you dont work to improve - but showing the flip side of how improvement is good may actually help that message even more in the end??? IDK im just throwing ideas out here but i’ve been thinking abt the end a fair amount lately...
also bc im a cliche bitch and love working with conflciting ideas i’d call the more optimistic outcome The Beginning maybe to play off The End lol
also im kinda thinking, because rewriting + writing a whole second part will take FOREVER, i might release the original draft of the end. it sucks whole ASS and i literally never even named a character or two because i didnt feel like it (since i was working under nano time constraints) but like, god just to get it OUT there....
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melonmork · 7 years
college jungwoo pt 1
alright my honeys are u ready??💕🌷🌸
~okay i dont feel like i know jungwoo as well as the other members since i havent known him as long but im gonna do my best!!
~jungwoo is in his sophomore year studying to be a veterinarian so hes always very busy since he's taking science-intensive classes
~he loves biology. it's easily his best class; he makes As on nearly every assignment and he focuses super hard during labs, but this also means he's almost always either in the campus library or cafe studying or writing lab reports
~his junior friend doyoung always has to drag him away from studying or writing because jungwoo will forget to eat, he'll only drink lattes or hot chocolate for an entire day
~jungwoo resists doyoung but he's always thankful once they're eating together and jungwoo has the chance to see his friends and relax. he's a workaholic, but he enjoys his friends' company immensely when they manage to drag him away from his textbooks
~you're also a sophomore! u know jungwoo because you had bio lab with him in freshman year and he was often your lab partner
~you honestly felt bad when he voluntarily partnered with you because you felt like you werent as good at bio as him. whenever he approached you first about partnering up, you felt like he did it out of pity. after all, he's a sweet boy and he even helped you on your calc homework after labs even though he wasnt in calc
~but you loved being partnered up with him :^) jungwoo would subtly take charge of the lab because he got super excited about being hands-on with the scientific material he was learning about
~he would quietly and patiently help you set up equipment, reaching beakers from high shelves for you without teasing you, lighting burners for you bc those things are scary as heck (jungwoo: is it okay if i do that? i dont want you to get hurt :-o)
~one time he even put your apron on for you and tied the strings behind you (after asking your permission, of course) and you could have sworn you saw a cute dusting of pink on his cheeks as he asked
~u have not forgotten anything about that moment,,,
~also, being his lab partner meant you got to see his cute smile up close!!! actually all year during labs you would glance his way constantly, admiring the soft features of his profile and the way his eyebrows would furrow and he'd purse his lips when he was super concentrated on a task
~sometimes, every now and again, he'd catch you watching him and the two of you would blush and look away and pretend like it never happened
~through the year you two became closer and you exchanged numbers and would send each other notes and ask about each other's lab reports
~eventually the texting ventured away from school and once he even invited you to get smoothies with him at the end of second semester
~but over the summer, you two fell out of touch :~( and this year you didnt have any classes together
~honestly, you missed him a lot. you have chem lab this year and your regular chem partner is sweet and helpful but not as,,, well,,, enchanting as jungwoo was, so you admittedly dont enjoy lab as much as last year
~in fact, u dont even really see him until one night when you're in the library printing out a two page essay you wrote (last minute) for literature
~you're waiting by the printer, wearing sweats, a hoodie, and teddy bear slippers, literally nodding off as you wait for this old printer to crank out those pages
~after a few seconds it starts humming loudly and you perk up, ready to snatch those pages and trudge back to your dorm so you can go the heck to sleep
~the printer spits out two pages and you go to grab them but ,...more pages keep coming out... and more and more and more and you're standing there in front of the printer like ????? what is going on????
~you dont see anyone else in the library and most of the computers are visible from where you're standing so you're thoroughly confused
~you wait for a bit longer as the printer finishes up and for a second you hesitate to grab papers that obviously arent yours but... maybe yours are in there? so you grab the stack and look at the name
~your heart skips a beat when you read the name on the paper.... "jungwoo?" you read aloud
~and you jump in surprise when you hear a small "hi" from behind you
~feeling your cheeks heat up, you sheepishly turn to face him, embarrassed to be seeing The Kim Jungwoo, the sweetheart angel boy who you havent seen in so long, while wearing sweats and a hoodie and slippers
~but it's okay cause sweetheart angel boy is also wearing sweats, a hoodie, and slippers..... and wow does jungwoo look exhausted :~( your embarrassment wanes as you get a good look at his softly smiling face
~he has exaggerated dark circles under his eyes and his skin isnt as clear as you remember it being last year, his hair looks like he's been running his hands through it all day, and his smile is a little bit less bright than it used to be
~but he still looks ethereal... his hoodie framing his wide shoulders so cutely, strands of his soft black hair falling haphazardly over his forehead and his pretty mouth forming that warm smile of his, framing his cute teeth and Oh My God your little crush on him has not gone away at all
~"jungwoo... how,, have you been?" you manage, heat rising to your cheeks again
~"ive been alright... sort of overwhelmed this semester!" he laughs softly and glances down at his feet, then looks back up at you, "but im okay. how are you?" he looks you in the eyes and smiles again and your stomach does a lil flip
~"im pretty good! i dont like my lab partner this year near as much as last year, though"
~it's quiet for a moment after u say that and u realize what u just said and u feel ur face burning up now because whY thE Heck did u just blurt that out oh no hes gonna be creeped out oh no
~but his smile widens and his entire face softens and he lets out a genuine little laugh
~"yeah, me neither. i... miss you" he says, hesitating a little and looking down at his feet again
~your heart warms up and ur stomach does that lil flip again and you smile and for a few seconds it's quiet and you finally say "me too." and then it's quiet again
~then u remember that you're still holding jungwoo's enormous stack of papers in your hands so you shuffle over to him and hand them over and he takes them, apologizing for making you hold them for so long and you laugh and tell him he didnt make you carry them
~and u stand in front of each other for another few seconds, awkwardly wondering whether to continue talking or to move along
~finally, jungwoo says he has to get going and that it was nice to see you and he flashes you a tired smile before making his way out of the library, laden with a huge bookbag and a textbook in his arms as well as all of his papers
~you watch him go, feeling a little bit sad that nothing more became of ur lil run in with jungwoo
~u print our ur essay and make ur way back to ur dorm, ur heart and eyelids both feeling a bit heavier than when you went to the library, despite having seen sweetheart angel boy again after so long
~the next morning you get breakfast with ur roommate and the head to literature and turn in your essay, trying not to think about jungwoo cause u dont want to fall back into that crush especially since u wont be seeing him again,,,
~u do a pretty good job of circumventing any lingering thoughts of (sweetheart angel boy) jungwoo from the night before
~that is, until 11:48 AM
~when you get a text
from: jungwoo 🐻
good morning!! I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk longer last night. are you busy sometime after 5 today? I'd love to catch up 😊
~u, in the cafeteria, mouth hanging open: Yes
~n then you realize that u probably should send that as a text ,,, so you quickly respond yes!!! i would love to!!! im free at 6
~and u put ur phone down and start eating but like ,, a minute later ur phone vibrates again
from: jungwoo 🐻
Yay!!! 😆 Let's get smoothies again! 🥤see you there at 6!
~u send him a confirmation text and then finish ur lunch while ur heart soars because wOw he actually does want to see you!!! wow!!! and this time u wont be wearing slippers!!!
~and u cant deny that u also get excited about the idea that jungwoo will also not be wearing pajamas or slippers ,,, u always liked jungwoo's style,,
~all day after that all u can think about is jungwoo's soft voice last night when he told you he misses you... it was so forward of him and it makes ur heart skip a beat even just thinking back on it... is he always so forward? you wonder
~around 5:50 you start walking to the smoothie place, feeling nervous but much less silly without ur teddy bear slippers
~jungwoo's exact thought at 5:50 while hes sitting at a table in the smoothie place waiting for u: their teddy bear slippers were so cute 😣
~once u arrive he gets up to greet u and u guys awkwardly say hi and stand in front of each other and then get in line to order smoothies
~u two are a little bit clumsy with your conversation at first, speaking at the same time and then laughing and telling the other to go first
~but eventually, once u two are sitting across from each other at a little table and sipping on ur smoothies, u have a steady conversation about school and sophomore year and your friends and new roommates
~the conversation dies down again after a while and u two sip on ur smoothies and u wonder what u could say to continue talking to jungwoo because you're having such a nice time and ur heart is so happy to hear his soft voice again... u hadnt realized how much u missed it until this evening
~but before you can think of anything to say, jungwoo rests his chin in his palms, his elbows propped up on the table and he looks at you, making eye contact and doing that soft smile of his
~u have to take a second to remember how to breathe
~after a moment of gazing at u he sighs
~"im so happy to see you again, i really have missed you" and he smiles, his cheeks getting a bit pink but otherwise not rlly seeming to be embarrassed or shy by what he said and youre a flustered mess !!!!
~u manage to not stutter when u say "me too, jungwoo" and he giggles at your shy expression that you're trying so hard to hide (hes dying inside because youre so freaking cute !!!)
~after u finish ur smoothies, he walks with you back to campus and as you guys are on your way back, you're stopped by doyoung who comes up to you guys with his mouth open wide and his eyebrows raised
~"jungwoo... i just went to the library to look for you and you weren't there so i went to the cafe and you weren't there either and it didnt even occur to me that you werent actually studying... are you... are you two-"
~jungwoo cuts him off with a little shake of his head and explains that u guys were lab partners and friends last year and were just catching up and hes on his way to the library now
~you're kinda confused by the whole exchange bc from what doyoung said, it seems like jungwoo is pretty much always studying and it's odd for him to have gone out and done something other than study in the evening
~and while that thought makes u feel bad for him, u also feel pleased that he chose to spend time with you instead of studying :'~)
~doyoung leaves after a few minutes of him n jungwoo laughing abt something that their friend taeil did earlier that day
~doyoung and jungwoo hug and hold each other's hands until their fingertips are touching, then let their hands fall to their sides again as they say goodnight to each other and you're watching and smiling fondly cause jungwoo is so loving to his friend and it makes your heart swell
~jungwoo turns to u and smiles sheepishly, letting out a little laugh and apologizing for making you wait on him
~you shake your head and tell him you're happy to have met his friend!!
~and his eyes light up and his face brightens into a beaming smile and he tells you that he's so happy that you met doyoung, too
~he walks you back to your dorm building and u two say goodbye and u start to go up the steps when jungwoo calls for you again
~you turn around to see him at the bottom of the steps, smiling up at u and looking a little bit shy but So Handsome (ur heart? mush)
~u walk back down the steps to see him and you're standing on the step in front of him so you're pretty much the same height now and his face is kinda close to urs and both of u have an entire butterfly garden break dancing to dubstep in ur tummies tbh
~"yes?" you ask him, smiling and trying to hide ur nervousness because of the proximity
~"i just wanted to say that i had a lovely time tonight and i want to see you again soon"
~omg sweetheart angel boy makes your heart do acrobatics with his soft sunrise voice and his pretty dark brown eyes looking into your own and the cute shape of his cheeks as he smiles at you
~"let's get dinner this friday?" he continues, his eyes widening a little bit in a hopeful way, his smile widening too
~and you cant help but smile so big, u have to look down at your feet for a second just to regain any semblance of composure u might have had before
~after a second you look up and nod and hold your pinkie out to him
~"pinkie promise" you tell him, and he smiles Even Wider and links his pinkie with yours and touches his thumb to your own and you two stand there like that for a little bit longer than necessary
~finally u both let go and say goodbye for real this time and u walk up the steps to your dorm but u feel like you're floating cause woW sweetheart angel boy kim jungwoo is going to take you out for dinner in three days... friday is in three days...
~both u and jungwoo spend the entire three days in anticipation and almost middle-school-like-giddness because !!!! this is kind of a date right???? like neither of u said it but it's kind of a date????
~doyoung certainly says so and he's been telling all of his and jungwoo's mutual friends
~doyoung: yukhei, guess what? jungwoo has a cute date this friday
~yukhei, in the library, at a table with jungwoo and doyoung: ooooHOhOhoHHOHOHO jungwoo has a DATE!!! get it!!!!!!!!!
~jungwoo, probably: im leaving
~when thursday night rolls around, you're sitting on your bed, typing something up on your laptop and probably watching youtube tbh and your phone dings :^)
from: jungwoo 🐻
I'm excited to see you tomorrow. I'll meet you at the bottom of your stairs at 7 tomorrow night, is that okay?
~you probably forget to respond for like 15 minutes cause u take a screenshot of the text and send it to ur best friend and yell about how nervous and excited you are and when u finally respond, you tell him you're looking forward to it! and you ask him what you should wear
~a few minutes later, you get a response...
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crimsonsalutations · 7 years
shoutout to everyone who followed me expecting reblogs and got Daniel’s 24/7 R76 Talkshow
niceteeth-nastysmile  replied to your post “WHILE i’m mad here’s another hot take: i hate hate HATE how the r76...”
My biggest peeve with the fandom behind this ship is the massively dense amount of people that oversimplify both of these characters, strip them down to basic cookie-cutter yaoi boys and completely disregard what makes them interesting. They're old vets with (likely severe) PTSD, vigilante complexes, life altering physical trauma (including the super soldier program) -- dude I could write an essay. The dynamic is awesome but everyone ignores ittt
yeah, I have problems with this too, like, they have one of the most unique relationships in the whole game and people waltz into the ship and create content that feels like it’s not even r76. and i mean. i cant really fault people for wanting their weird porn; you see that in all fandoms, all communities as a matter of fact, and if someone wants to write porn of the 2 hot dudes they saw in passing in ovw fanart that they know nothing about... well I’m not going to try and stop them, but I can and will laugh at their characterization, lmao.
but even so, there’s some people who are like... dedicated to the characters to an astounding degree and yet they insist on writing them so weirdly. i think one of my main problems with r76 fic, to say it in the fewst words possible, is people write them too nice. the ‘sad dads’ thing is cute and all, but i think people take it too far sometimes. they’re 50+ year old war vets, war machines, who are tired and violent and angry and pissed at the world that ate them up and spat them out when they outlived their usefulness and people...... write them as cute dads. I mean. I wont tell them no. but. it feels like a disservice to their characters.
(plus people who hate angst and love r76. it’s weird. like walking into a knife museum and saying you hate knives. why are you here if you hate knives???)
pcturtl replied to your post:
“WHILE i’m mad here’s another hot take: i hate hate HATE how the r76...”
A comparison we can safely make is Gabe tends to be a logic driven planner, while Jack tends to act more on instinct (with Overwatch/Ana/Gabe being 80% of his impulse control). Something so many people give Jack guff for is that he *hesitated* to save the girl, but given the choice, Gabe probably would have prioritized the objective. Disagree about the intentionally nonlethal ult though since it's limited to body shots. He probably wouldn't care if it killed them or not.
yeah, that is one of the few assumptions we can make, though the intricacies of that dynamic (ie. how it changed over the years, to what extent jack/gabriel are impulsive/tactical, etc) aren’t so clear, but I mean nothing is clear in this fuckin lore.
and YES that was actually what I saw that made me mad in the first place. Someone was saying 76 kills all over the place and reaper only shoots at those who shoot first (which is. wrong?? hes an assassin? do people know what an assassin does?). and it was so wildly wrong i got mad. lol.
And yeah, Gabe is tactical to an extreme degree. I’m quoting off the top of my head here, but in-game, his kill line for every non-overwatch player is ‘that was a tactical error’ which i think speaks volumes. Hana. Lucio. Fareeha == tactical errors in his head. doesn’t even refer to them as people. (and i think jack has a similar line but it isnt used in the same context? I’d have to check.)
He’s very tactical & very apathetic towards the world, I mean the only things I can say for sure that he cares/cared about are jack, ana, and blackwatch,and maybe jesse. honestly cant say if he ever gave a shit about overwatch, and my guess leans towards he didn’t. 
working somewhere for 30 years doesn’t mean you care about it as an organization, you know? the same goes for talon: we have 0 proof he cares about talon either. 
people try to use the bit in infiltration where he doesnt shoot That Dumbass who knocked himself out as proof of his goodness (whatever that means exactly) and its like... That Dumbass put himself out of the equation. why waste a shell on him if he wasnt interfering with the mission any more? reaper isnt excessively violent, as much as he cackles about death and whatever, and it seems like if something doesnt directly benefit him or benefit something he cares about, he doesnt care whether that thing or person lives or not. (like overwatch, like that guy who knocked himself out, like the recall agents. he just doesnt care)
re:  the jack ult, correct me if im wrong but i dont think that just because an ult works a certain way in-game doesnt mean it works that exact way in the cinematics. like genji cant actually deflect hanzo’s ult with his own ult the way he does in dragons. 
and i think that’s less jack caring about the ~*sanctity of life~* or giving a personal rat’s ass about los muertos jackasses, and more of an instinctual thing for him. like in the beginning of hero, when the one guy calls ‘come out and fight perro’ jack couldve easily shot all 3 of those guys and called it a day from his hiding spot. it’d be easier and faster and less of a risk for him. but instead he comes charging out, gun under one arm, and punches one of them in the face.
but at the same time we also saw him kill at least the guy with the minigun, and probably a couple others. off the top of my head, i think only half of them walked  drove away from that confrontation alive. if jack can get out of a situation without killing i think he would, but i also think he wouldnt hesitate to kill if it came to that. especially when it comes to ‘bad guys’ like los muertos
i think i’ve mentioned this before, but gabe’s and jack’s respective fighting styles can be summed up with ‘gabe=shooty shooty die’ and ‘jack= smacky smacky concussion’ with exceptions, of course
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paralysedbyts · 7 years
Bridges burn... ... at least I did one thing right
Taylor was right her bridges do burn, let us take a look at all of Taylor's burning bridges:
If you and I are a story that never gets told, if you and I are a daydream I'll never get to hold at least you'll know
You say that the past is the past, you need one chance, it was a moment of weakness and you said yes
The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet, ill catch you, ill catch you, when people say things that bring you to your knees ill catch you, the times is going to come when you are so mad you cry, but ill hold you through the night until you smile
you played in bars, you play guitar, I'm invisible and everyone knows who you are, and youll never sing, sing me to sleep, every night from the radio
And ill scream out the window, I cant even look at you, I don't need you, but I do I do I do, ill say theres nothing you can say to make this right again, I mean it, I mean it, what I mean is
back then I swore I was going to marry him someday, but I realised some bigger dreams of mine, and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind and we both cried.
hey Stephan, I could give you 50 reasons why I should be the girl you chose, all those other girls, well they are beautiful, but would they write a song for you
And there you are on your knees begging for forgiveness begging for me, just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night, I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know youre about to cry, I know your favourites songs and you tell me about your dreams, I think I know where you belong, I think i know its with me
its 2am feeling like I just lost a friend, hope you know its not easy easy for me
why do you have to make me feel small, so you can feel whole inside, and why do you have to put down my dreams so you are the only thing in my mind
you had me crawling for you honey and it never would've gone away np, you used to shine so bright but I watched our loving fade
he cant see the smile I'm faking and my hearts not breaking cause I'm not feeling anything at all, and you were wild and crazy, just so frustrating intoxicating, complicated, got away by some mistake and now
tonight we'll stand, get off our knees, fight for what we've worked for all these years, and the battle was long, its the fight of our lives and we'll stand up champions tonight
lets be real, every speak now bridge
this is the state of grace, this is the worthwhile fight, love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right, these are the hands of fate, youre my Achilles heel, this is the golden age of something good and right and real
remembering him comes in flash backs and echoes ell myself its time now got to let go, but moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head in burning red
two headlines shine through the sleepless night and I would get you and get you alone, you name echoes through my mind and I just think you should think you should know, that nothing safe is worth the drive, and I would follow you, follow you home, ill follow you, follow you home
and the saddest fears comes creeping in, that you never loved me or her or anyone or anything
maybe we got lost in translation maybe I asked for too much, but maybe this thing was a masterpiece till you torn it all up, running scared I was there I remember it all too well, hwy you call me up again just to break me like a promise so casually cruel in the name of being honest, I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying her cause I remember it all all all too well, time wont fly its like I'm paralysed by it, id like to be my old self again but I'm still trying to find it after plaid shirt days and those nights where you made me your own, now I mail back your things and I walk home alone, but you keep my own scarf from the very first week, cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me, you cant get rid of it cause you remember it all too well
we made quiet a mess babe, its probably better off this way and I confess babe in my dreams I am touching your face and asking me if I want to trying again with you and I almost do
distance, timing breakdown, fighting silence train runs off its tracks kiss me try to fix it, could you just try to listen, hang up, give up for the life of us we cant get back
it was a few years later I showed up here and they still tell the legend of how you disappeared, how you took your money and you dignity and got the hell out, they say you bought a bunch of land somewhere, chose the rose garden over madison square, it took sometime but I understand it know, cause now my names in up in lights, but I think you got it right
like any great love it keeps you guessing, like any real love its ever changing, like any truth love it drives you crazy, but you know you wouldnt change anything anything anything
boys only want love if its torture, don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you
remember when you hit the breaks too soon, 2o stitches in a hospital room, you started crying, I did too, when the sun came up I was looking at you, remember when we couldn't take the heat I walked out and said i'm setting you free but the monster turned out to be just trees, when the sun came up you were looking a me
band aids don't fix bullet holes, you say sorry just for show, if you life like that you live with ghosts, band aids don't fix bullet holes you say sorry just for show, if you live like that you live with ghosts, if you love like that blood runs cold
youll see me in hindsight tangled uo with you all night burning it down, someday when you leave me, I bet these memories with follow you around
your kiss, my cheek, I watched you leave, you smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees, when youre young you just run, but you come back to what you need.
they take their shots but we are bullet proof, and you know for me its always you, in the dead of night your eyes so green, I know for you its always me
10 months sober I must admit just because youre clean don't mean you don't miss it, 10 older I wont give in, now that I'm clean I'm never going to risk it
I reached for you but you were gone, I knew I had to go back home, you searched the world for omethign else to make you feel like what we  had, but in the end in wonderland we both went mad
so it goes you two are dancing in a snow globe round and round, he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown, you understand now why they lost your minds and fought the wars, and I spent my whole life trying to put it into words
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me, ill be the actress staring in your bad dreams
you make me so happy it turns back to sad, there is nothing I hate more than what I cant have, you are so goregus it makes me so mad, you make me so happy it turns back to sad there is nothing I hate more than what I cant have, guess ill just stumble on home to my cats, alone, unless you want to come along
I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck, chain round my neck not because he owns me, because he really knows me, which is more than they can say, I recall late November, holding my breath, slowly I said, you don't k=have to save me, but would you run away with me yes
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lacnunga · 7 years
due to the recent attention quincey and my strange love child has gotten, i’ve decided to do a post of my ‘character building’ aka ‘me just aimlessly rambling at Q in tumblr chat and getting overly invested in our hopeless little loser’. enjoy (or dont idk idc)
Naruto oc Gear
·         platonic bff w/ kankuro
·         i feel like they deserve a mullet. they're completely oblivious to why other people Hate it. they think it's cool.
·         "it feels swishy kank. kank. feels like Wind Country style. kank why are you laughing?"
·         nobody understands why someone 'cool' like kankuro hangs around with this dork
·         its like kakashi and gai. kankuro just shrugs - "dude is a good listener. and they write valentines cards to karasu. they're a weirdo and i love them so back tf off'
·         gear:: nyah
·         kank: what?
·         gear, staring at him through their souless glasses: you know, nyah *makes kitty motions*
·         *gear proceeds to be drop kicked all the way to fire country border*
·         also, nobody know whether gear is male or female or...other?? except their doctor, who enjoys keeping it a secret from a frustrated kankuro.
·         gear has promised him a years worth of buying hi hamburger steaks if he manages to find it out, so kank has some incentive
·         its been nearly ten years...no luck
·         temari doesnt understand the friendship, but its not the weirdest thing her fam is involved in so
·         gear is v scared of gaara though, especially when gaara, in a bid to 'understand his family better' tries to get to know him. gear tries to avoid gaara, but he's. always. there.
·         kank in the end tells gear to Just Talk to Gaara, there's like a 50% chance he won't kill them (if only for kank's sake)
·         wind forwards to a v awkward interrogation session where gear tries to explain the appeal of fireworks and the concept of second hand embarassment
·         no wait
·         i just had a brilliant idea
·         gear is the pioneer of light up ninja sandals
·         are they practical? no way
·         are they weirdly satisfying? hell yeah
·         (when too many shinobi got caught in the field bc their sandals lit up, by decree of the kazekage they can only be worn in the village
·         and preferably never, according to Temari)
·         also gear is a big fan of shino. why? (because I love shino) but Actually because kankuro is still bitter about losing to him
·         so when gear meets shino they make it their mission to become Great Friends, aka the Hoopiest of Froods
·         Rub In That Salt. Can You Taste It Kank? All That Salt.
·         their name is now Gear, or in the japanese version, Giya ギヤ (aka just Gear in katakana - hell, if it works for Lee.) fter visiting konoha kank is sulking bc gear went on and on about how shino was a Cool Guy and had Flair and a certain je ne sais quois ( doesnt know what that means, but it sounds adoring and he Hates it. Gear is his friend, not Shinos)
·         Especially when he remembers that Shino kicked his asssss
·         eventually gear gets ticked off and commisions a cake with big writing on it 'STOP SULKING, KITTY'. kank is weirdly frustrated that gear has remembered his favourite flavour cake
·         gear makes him sarcastic friendship bracelets
·         though gear and shino bond over the fact that nobody knows what their faces/eyes look like. its sort of like an Achievement Unlocked.
·         Gear is then integrated into the Aburame family as a honors member
·         Gets home made pies when ever they visit
·         Kankuro is jelly as usual but does not argue over the pie
·         when shino demonstrates his kikaichuu technique, gear waves their arms around making obnoxious buzzing noises. shino sniggers.
·         hell most things can be forgiven for pie
·         gear actually becomes very good at mimicking the kikaichuu noises so when they go back to suna gear makes the noises when kankuro is least expecting it. the suprised punches to the nose are so worth it.
·         I can just see kankuro just spazzing out before just decking this nerd in the face!
·         Ok but Kin adopts them and loves them but just...just hates their fashion sense more then anything in the world
·         she just eyes their mullet with a twitching brow. gear is holding onto their visor with all their might and watching out for any kunai that might come close to his fabulous mane.
·         lets face it, if shino and gear had a bit of a 'snip snip' training accident, kin wouldn't be disappointed
·         and of course if gear becomes friends with shino, they gotta get along w/ team eight as well. kiba is eyeing their hair with a strange mixture of envy and incredulity. hinata draws gear up some new face-masks. they love them, even the pink floral ones.
·         hinata, handing over the masks: d-do you like them?
·         gear, choked up and holding back sobs: they're fine
·         Gear has a habit of coming to Kank in the middle of the night with the weirdest shit. They knock on his door at three in the morning looking like they're about to cry.
·         G: Kank I've done something awful I'm a murderer
·         Kank is basically ready to help bury a body
·         K:okay okay don't panic what did you do?
·         G: *whispering* I eat eight spiders a year kank. EIGHT SPIDERS. HOW MANY SPIDER ORPHANS HAVE I LEFT TO GRIEVING SPIDER WIDOWS KANK. I'm a MONSTER.
·         K:...go home.
·         K: Spends the night googling 'is it true you swallow eight spiders a year?')
·         i have the idea that gear was a really plain child. you know the kind that never really got noticed and people just realised they were there when they tripped over them.
·         and they finally got sick of it when they graduated the academy like
·         'well now im just going to be so Extra you wont have a choice but to notice me fuck you'
·         now thats not to say they realise the mullet is a bad idea, however it does have the extra incentive of people going 'oh hi- DEAR LORD WHAT'S THAT ON YOUR HEAD'
·         plot twist, they look so completely ordinary under the glasses and mask that even the people who saw their face don't remember it the second they look away
·         surprisingly gear makes an excellent undercover operative
·         Just take off the mask and goggles and visor, fashion their hair a lil, and put on a plain kimmon and BAM Gear is an under cover cop
·         exactly. kankuro is really weirded out by the idea that any of the sort of twenty yo people he passes on the street could be gear
·         Kankuro was terrified of gaara but boy o boy does Gear just raise the steaks a lil
·         They could be anywhere
·         Behind that bush, near the bush, IS THE BUSH
·         one time gear was on a mission with their team and they got separated. in the fight, gear lost his mask, broke his glasses and his visor got tossed. when they returned to their team they had to spend the whole journey back convincing them that 'YES this is me i swear see? im wearing the same underwear!' 'how would we know what underwear you started out wearing?' 'I THOUGHT WE HAD A BOND'
·         they meet kankuro on the way into town and gear is just like 'here, kank is my buddy, he'll tell you im me'
·         'well kankuro-sama, is this Gear?'
·         K:...im gonna be honest i cant fucking tell
·         K:but are they wearing blue boxers with ducks on them?
·         Squad captain: WHY DO YOU-???
·         Gear: *shit eating grin*
·         Temari actually thought those two were together for a long time and they both just missed her euphemistic references to their ahem 'friendship' until Gaara mentions they couldn't put romantic partners on a team together and Kank just
·         ucking falls off his chair like
·         K: Wait what? Since when have we been romantic partners?? News to me??
·         When he talks to Gear about it they seem unfazed just straightfaced tell Kankiro that 'you make my kokoro go doki doki'. Kank doesn't speak to them for a week
·         Aka Gear is once again relegated to the sofa
·         Gear seems to say 'so worth it' a lot
·         Most of the time it really isnt
·         Gears surprisingly good a dancing, specifically the fancy pants type dancing.
·         So bc Kank is the kazekage's brother he's invited to a fancy do somewhere and he brings along Gear as his +1 bc hes a loser w/o a bf/gf. before the do he's just pointedly asking Gear like 'look do i need to teach you how to dance? because there will be dancing. fancy dancing. it will be Expected of You. do you want a dance tutor. are you sure? Are You SURE?'
·         Gear is just waving him off 'Relax kitty, its cool' Kank is just mentally preparing apology speeches for Very Important Peoples' crushed toes
·         the night comes along and Kank is making awkward small talk with some girl who roped him in when suddenly he's yanked away from the convo by Gear
·         before he knows it they're on the dancefloor and SURPRISE gear is waaaay better at dancing than kank's stiff penguin shuffle
·         gear takes great pleasure in dipping him really low at the end
·         and they never let kank forget about it
·         so i dont know if kankuro went to the ninja academy but lets assume he does
·         *did
·         so he and gear are in the same class
·         but gear is of course always forgotten
·         until one day kankuro notices them because IDK he runs into them and knocks them over or something
·         so somehow they hang out that day and kank realises 'yeah this kid is a good one i could hang out with this dude like forever. mine now.'
·         and the next day kank tries to find Gear except
·         the fucker is so Unnoticable
·         kank is just standing in the middle of the room scratching his head trying to figure out who the fuck he was talking to yesterday. gear of course doesnt have their sparkling personality yet and so is too shy/embaressed to go up to kank and remind him that 'hey this is what my face looks like'
·         eventually they do hang out again though
·         and the same thing happens
·         kank gets fed up and brings in his face makeup and like draws reminders on gears face
·         gear is fine with it, just wandering around all day with purple paint on their face
·         except ppl keep making fun of them so kank wears the paint as well as like a solidarity thing
·         of course gear finds his own look at the end of their academy days but kank carries on wearing the paint from then on(also gear used to be the kind of person who cried really easily and the paint showed it ALL up. they weren't too keen on walking around with tear tracks and smudges on their face, so mullet it is lol)
·         sad idea
·         gear is kankuro's first and best friend
·         sure, kankuro has other friends, but no real Friends outside of his fam later on, bc when he was smaller every interaction with other kids was coloured by him being related to the Sand Demon
·         kids didn't want to be friends with him bc they were scared for their lives (and kank threw himself into his puppet making for something to do bc puppets werent to emotionally fickle as kids)
·         so he latched onto gear and they became integral parts of their lives without even realising it
·         one day, gear leaves on a mission. they dont come back. they're declared MIA
·         it varies between villages but generally its one-two months before a MIA ninja is declared KIA
·         kank isnt worried about gear. gear is a tough dude, they'll come back.
·         a week passes and kank isnt worried
·         two weeks passes, and he's getting twitchy, spending more and more time hunched up in his studio, tinkering with his puppets
·         three weeks passes without a sign from gear, and he's wrecked seven puppet prototypes in senseless death battles and he doesnt want to think about why he's become so snappy and easily frustrated
·         (temari pops in on him every so often, forcing sandwiches and energy drinks on him even as he ignores her, whittling down a wooden ball joint with singular concentration)
·         the fourth week draws to a close and kank is visiting the mission room every day, lingering inside the doorway, scaring returning genin teams with his impatient aura. he's making trips around the hospitals in case they had an unidentified body turned in (he knows gear by their scars even if their face just wont stick)
·         saturday rolls around and kankuro is dragging himself down to the morgues, the crematoriums, clamping down on the threatening waves of despair - he asks by name, by description, by the rate of decay on any bodies returned by scavenging teams sent out across the sandy oceans
·         there is no sign of gear, not a peep as the fourth week draws to a close, the deadline for Suna mia operatives
·         he goes to the records office to bear witness as they change the status on gear's paperwork, and he feels hollow, like karasu as the red ink is drawn through the status box
·         he returns to his house, silent. temari is there, waiting, with a worried furrow between her brows (he thinks he even saw gaara, who was so changed since the chuunin exams, peer at him through his bedroom doorway opened just a crack, that emerald stare assessing, before retreating again)
·         he closes the door to his workshop with a calm firmness, blocking out temari's questions
·         kankuro stares at his puppets, propped up on various stands and in the corners, half assembled carapaces that seemed to mock him with their glassy stares
·         he snaps
·         kankuro thinks this is what gaara must have felt like, pulled under by the whirlwind of emotions as he rampages, trashing models and ripping up drawings and smashing incomplete headless, armless bodies. it feels like there isn't enough destruction to match the hole gear's death has left in his own chest and he only stops when his fist pulls its punch instinctively, barely an inch to karasu's face, those lovingly sanded planes and features carved with years of practice and patience
·         now karasu is left, his friend before, during, after Gear, and he never thought there would be an 'after Gear' - gear was only a chuunin, they didn't leave the village on any dangerous missions, not like the sand siblings
·         kankuro doesnt leave his workshop for three days
·         on the third he comes out, with karasu and gathers his supplies. he leaves for the funeral, to send off his friend
·         when they had visited konoha, he's seen their Memorial to the dead - a great stone slab, with their names carved into it, the oldest names almost worn away with time and touch. suna doesnt have a memorial - the souls of their shinobi are memorialised at the Oasis
·         the spirit oasis lies a few hours run outside of the city of suna, towards the east - once, or so the tales go, the oasis was part of a giant aquaduct that fed the blooming gardens of a wealthy empress, a long time before the establishment of the hidden villages. now, the oasis is a forest of crumbled stone and faceless statues, a giant pair of stone legs, broken at the knee marking the entrance. past there runs a river, mysterious in its crystal clarity - many suna scientists have tried to find the rivers origins and where it disappears to, but it remains one of the sand's greatest mysteries
·         it became known as the spirit oasis by the first kazekage, who saw the electric blue lights bob and weave above the rushing waters at night - he took it as a sign, and saw, from the top of the tallest ruin, the great crater that he would build his village in.
·         it is to the oasis that the suna shinobi go to remember their dead, and to let them go. it is where kankuro went. it is where he ended up kneeling beside the gently gurgling river, amongst the offerings of food and sake left behind from the visits of other shinobi. bells tinkle melodious in the soft winds, accompanied by the flutter of the shimenawa papers. he looked into the water, so clear he could see the mosaic tiles on the bottom of the aqua duct, and tried to imagine the corpse of his friend, buried somewhere under the grains of sand, lost, decaying until only his bones are left, to be collected one day many generations down, or simply to be forgotten until the gods reclaimed their peoples. kankuro imagines gear's spirit, their soul, instead, bobbing along in this river, laughing and dancing in the night, blue, bright, electric
·         "I- Geez, I can't believe you're making me say this, you idiot. I guess, I miss you. It hardly feels like you're gone. It's been, huh, i don't know how long. For me, weeks, since you've died, but I guess it only really hit me some days ago. You- urgh, you really always need to have the last word, don't you, G-"
·         Kankuro froze as the wind moaned. It was the wind, right? He knew the reports from the shinobi who had visited this place - odd sounds like groans and moans of the deceased spirits, and the embittered jounin who simply waved the tales off as the sounds the wind makes as it howls through the archways and pillars of the ruins.
·         he strains his ear for any other sounds and- there, again. It doesn't sound like the wind, he decides. it sounds like a person, a flesh and blood person. he rises to his feet, slowly pulling a kunai silently out of his pouch. he's ready for an attack as he makes his way through the labyrinth of ruins, following the sounds of grunts and pants of pain. he turns a corner and finds his quarry.
·         a fellow suna shinobi, judging by the tattered dull flak vest. brown hair matted to the head with crusted blood, the shinobi is slumped over a large piece of the ceiling that had fallen down centuries ago. as kankuro approaches, the shinobi gestured weakly with their own kunai, dripping blood onto the weeded tiles.
·         "who..." the shinobi rasps out
·         kankuro doesnt have to hear any more than that word - he recognises the voice, knows it because it's been cycling around his head with endless quips and puns and sarcastic riddles over the past few days. it was a voice he didnt think he'd ever hear again, and now that he has-
·         he dropped his kunai with a metallic clutter and swiftly crouched in front of the shinobi, casually brushing away the brandished knife that couldn't have speared a paralysed mouse. slowly, his hands grasped the drooped chin and he straightened the slumped head, so he could look the shinobi in the eyes.
·         they were brown and bruised around the edges. they stared back at kankuro for a moment, almost dead, before a spark of recognition lit up in them, and they crinkled up. the blood-tinted mouth stretched up too, showing a set of battered teeth. one hand come up to tug at kankuro's hair.
·         "...hey kitty. was the service...good?"
·         kankuro laughs and leans forwards, so his forhead touches the other.
·         "you're- you're a fucking idiot. you asshole-"
·         Gear just grins.
·         ………..
·         also i had an idea about gear's family
·         since they're hoity toity ima imagine they're an Old Clan
·         they were maybe friends of the first kazekage, and howsabout they built the water delivery system for the village
·         sooo even though they're not really relevant anymore (especially with the rise of more modern technology etc) they're still trying to regain that 'friendship'/allience whatever they had with the first kazekage
·         they consider themselves one of the village founders bc of their water systems but they're Not Really. basically the family is pretty stuck up and gear's parents are pretty peeved that Gear doesnt care more about his family history/doesnt conduct themselves with dignity
·         Gears parents are snooty plumbers
·         family name = 水瓶座/mizugameza
·         aka Aquarius/water bearer
·         not their original name but they rebranded themselves all fancy like after doing the village plumbing lol
·         gear is actually kind of embarassed about their family's attitude which is well known (and sometimes mocked) around the village
·         they prefer to just be known as Gear minus family name hence Kankuro didn't actually know which family Gear was a part of until quite a bit into their friendship
·         Gear ur a beautiful child I'm glad u were made
·         gear deserves all the happiness
·         the only reason im glad they're not canon is so they're spared the boruto ending
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Because I am a very bored insomniac/
1 - Who was the last person you texted? My big sister.
2 - When is your birthday? In the summer (not giving a date to remain anonymous). 
3 - Who do you want to be with right now? Would be nice to be with all of my siblings (both biological and unoficially adopted), my partner, my bestie and her partner. 
4 - What sports do you play? I really don’t to be honest, I do like to swim though. 
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts? My besties partner (its alphabetical and hes an A). 
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? Currently really into Galway girl or Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran 
7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with? My partner, bestie or big sister, I think any of them could be grounded and level headed enough to get us off the island. 
8 - What do you feel right now? Rising panic about deadlines, super tired, looking forward to visiting the zoo on monday. 
9 - What chocolate is your favorite? Cadburys. 
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? A few, but only one serious.
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account? A friend was on it and I wanted to see what all of the hype was about, that was about 6 years ago now and I am still at it.
12 - Who is your favorite blogger? Really awful but I dont know anyone as such, I like all of the blogs that I follow but I dont pay much attention to usernames. 
13 - Where do you want to be right now? Near the sea. 
14 - What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a counsellor, 
15 - When was the last time you cried? Why? Earlier today, I had a low blood suagr and was attempting and failing to open a tin of tuna, I was crying at my failure (things which arent really tings become things when you are low). 
16 - Are you happy? Not overly, I have moments of happy, but I arent at my best right now.
17 - Who do you miss? All of my siblings, bioligcal and adopted. 
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? Yes and no, I have a dark past which I am still trying to get over, and given the chance i would love to make myself more confident, more able to love life and not be such a pain in the ass, but my life and all of its shit has brought me to the people i know and love today and i cant escape that fact, and i love the people who i do love all the more vigorously because I had such a shitty start, so in some ways it has been a blessing as well as a curse. 
19 - What was the best thing you were given? My big sisters trust. 
20 - Who was the last person who called you? My besties partner. 
21 - What is your favorite dish? Fajitas. 
22 - Who is your bestfriend? I wont name her, but she is a beauty and she is wonderful and i love her to bits. 
23 - What is your biggest regret? Not speaking up about my abuse sooner than I did, and leaving my younger siblings/. 
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner? Never. 
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? Partner, bestie, big sister. 
26 - Name someone pretty. My bestie. 
27 - Who was the last person you hugged? My partner. 
28 - What kind of music do you listen to? Absolutley anything, I like most things. 
29 - Are you over your past? Not even fucking close, I wish i was though/ 
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts? A dickhead who I was forced into group work with, I really need to delete his number because I’d be happy never to see the bastard again in my life. 
31 - What kind of person do you want to date? Already dating and I am happy with him, he pisses me off and gets on my nerves, but also wont take too much of my shit and can keep me in check when its needed, hes a good balance.
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night? Yes, I am up here writing answers to this thing because I am having trouble sleeping. 
33 - From whom was the last text message you received? My big sister.
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? Jeans.
35 - How’s your heart? Hurting, broken at times and clogged up with junk food, but also kind when it wants to be. 
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”? I did a very long time ago, his name was Josh. 
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment? Yeah, I kind of like my partner. 
38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend? Fucking hit us up once in a while, we all miss having you around (seriously, I am on good terms with him). 
39 - Do you have any phobias? dark, spiders, heights, snakes, men, car horns, small spaces, being trapped, the list is pretty extensive. 
40 - Did you try to change for a person? Yes, for my parents, and everytime they werent bothered and I felt like shit so i have stopped trying now. 
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone? I wrote my bestie a full notebook full of quptes which are inspiring and hopefully make her feel stronger and then gave it to her a couple of christmasses ago, it made her cry. 
42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship? Nope, I am happy with my current one/ 
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood? Neither, I am feeling pretty neurtal.
44 - Name someone you can’t live without. Partner, bestie, siblings (bio and adopted). 
45 - Describe your dream date. A carpet picnic with all my favourite foods and fizzy pop, followed by the making of a den and watching disney films while being chilled, lots of laughing. 
46 - Describe your dream wedding. Unusual, i want things which are slightly more non-traditiona. I want a tea length dress, but i also want a pair of white converse because i hate heels or anyything too girly. There have to be lights everywhere, I want to feel as though there are stars surrounding me even when i am inside. for the first dance i want it to finish with a kind of flashmob. if anybody is bored at all i will be unhappy, i want lots of laughter and people being together. The colour scheme is pink and blue, to match my engagement ring and our favourite colours.
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s? None, we dont celebrate it. 
48 - Have you ever been kissed? Lots. 
49 - How long is your longest relationship? 5 years and counting.  
50 - Do you regret your past? Some of it, not all.
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else? I have done on multiple occasions, but if it helps them it isnt stupid. 
52 - Have you ever cried over someone? lots of times. 
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? A few people, i’d like to say i dont but i would be lying. 
54 - Are you a crybaby? At certain things, at other thing i am the most hard faced bitch in the world. 
55 - Do people praise you for your looks? My partner and bestie do at times, i think they lie though. 
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t? Once when i was younger, onlly because he was gay though and apparently i was the only person in the world who couldnt see it/. 
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret? Yeah, I said a few choice words to someone who was a horrible, nasty piece of work. I shpouldnt have done it, but i dont regret it to this day. 
58 - Do you like getting hurt? No, but from the amount i do you’d think I do. 
59 - Does anyone hate you? Probably, i tried to take my abuser to court so at the very least I imagine he and his family hate me. 
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”? Never slapped anyone. 
61 - What hair color do you prefer? I love bright colours, give me a pink or a blue anyday, I did it once before but i arent brave enough to do it again and it is a pain in the ass if you want to change colour again. 
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it? My reaction to trauma/ 
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment? yes.
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself? yes.
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school? I’m at uni, and i did up until about a month ago but theyre no longer in my life so its fine now. 
66 - Can you live without internet? Yes but it would be a struggle I imagine.
67 - What’s the song that remind you of your special someone? We found love, Rhianna/ 
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears? Sometimes and around some people. not so much around certain others. 
69 - Are you a crybaby? Sometimes. 
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? Most of my life/. 
71 - Are you a KPOP fan? Not overly.
72 - Do you study hard? When panic overtakes me.
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? yes, my mental health and almost sanity to protect my siblings. 
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight? yes.
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat? yes. 
76 - Did you have an accident last year? Yes, every flaming day of the year probably, i am accident prone, 
77 - What kind of person are you? Id like to think i am caring and compassionate, I am very quick witted, sarcastic and stubborn as a mule. Easily anxious, but I will do anything if i love someone enough, it takes me a long time to trust though and i am wary of poeple which might make me seem standoffish at times. 
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone? i had a really bad intrusive thought once about stabbing my abusive stepmother, but i am in control of myself so i put down the knife (it was a butter knife and wouldnt have done any harm anyway) and went into a other room and went back to finish my food later. I dont think i could deal with bbeing a murderer. 
79 - Have you ever been jealous? Not really. 
80 - How can you prove your love to someone? Be there for them always, let ythem know you wont leave them and supportthem even when they are being difficult and when thir demons dont play well with yur own/ 
81 - What are you thinking right now? How much id love to sleep.
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? Another member from that infernal group whose number I also need to delete to have them truly removed from my life. 
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? oh yeah, the vast majority of my childhood. 
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel? yes, so many times. 
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone? of course, but only to my bestie and that doesnt count, shes a sounding board as i am to her. 
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? of course, I have lived over 20 years  you’re bound to argue with someone in that time. 
87 - Do you have trust issues? Massive ones. 
88 - Are you broken-hearted? Somedays/ 
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”? My partner. 
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it? Jury’s out. I have been told it is but I arent sure, and I arent sure I am really qualified to make that opinion yet. 
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? Nom i wasnt abused as a child because it 3wwas meant to be, my life isnt a fucking superhero movie, i was abused because a sick fuck abused me, there is no higher power or bigger picture to it, it was just shit. 
92 - Who do you want to marry?My partner. 
93 - Do you believe in destiny? Not really.
94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”? I dont do soulmate, but I have already found the person i want to spend the rest of my life with/ 
95 - How do you look right now? Like utter shite. 
96 - Do you believe that first true love never dies? yes
97 - Have you found your true love? i hope so
98 - What should you be doing right now? sleeping or studying
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends.nope/ 
100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough? all the fucking time. 
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ryleejaybyrd · 8 years
Jesus christ Taylor XD Nobody cares but here I go!!!!!!!
lol like how I tried to play it off cool but I’m actually super stoked rn
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Yes and no... for like the first day of winter when it’s all pretty and pristine but when it get’s to the point of ‘fuck me do i still have toes?’ I’m over it.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
I like my coffee with french vanilla creamer and lovingly call it my princess froofroo bullshit drink. On the tea side of things I like herbal without anything added becuase I feel like a fairy drinking flower water.
6: do you keep plants? 
I love thinking I could, but the only plant I haven’t killed is the one that I keep in my papa’s sunroom where I’m never anywhere near it because everything I touch dies screaming.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Is internal screaming a viable medium? I like to think I can write, but that’s still under investigation
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
I’m all over the place, you can usual tell by my hair tho. Seeing as it sticks straight up on whichever side I sleep on.
12: what's your favorite planet?
Jupiter!! It has all those awesome moons that are v cool.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Hmmmmm, it’d probably be a homey mess of books, fandom knicknacks and random coffee mugs with random socks laying everywhere. (there may or may not be a smiley face painted on the wall that is outlined with bullets.. crazy night..)
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
I’m very uncultured so spaghetti is how imma roll
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
oh god, you mean every other moment I’m in their presence? My shining moment would probably be when I had a minor stroke after getting v excited about making cinnamon pancakes for @klskipper13​ and I stuttered so bad I said “ Cinininamonon pancancancakes” 
20: what's your favorite eye color?
Probably green! 
22: are you a morning person?
HAHAHAHA. that’s cute
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Honestly I’m a pretty open person? I’ll tell anyone anything, especially if I think it’ll make them laugh.
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
YOU MEAN THE ONES THAT JUST BROKE AND I’M STILL GRIEVING OVER. They’re brown combat boots that go to just under my knee with laces all the way up. I lovingly named them my Katniss boots, may they rest in peace.
28: sunrise or sunset?
I like the idea of sunrise. There’s just something about beginnings that make me all poetic and shit
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Yup, 100% when my friend and I got busted after drinking at her mormon grandmothers house. In retrospect, probably should have done it elsewhere.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
At my 13th bday party my friends and I were staying at a house on a golf course and we streaked nude up and down the 18th hole. Till this day I wonder if they had surveillance cameras.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
It was a doe deer beanie baby named Whisper. She was that stuffed animal that went everywhere with me. At age 12 I lost her somewhere at my cousins house and am still sad about it till this day. She had one eye and a pink nail polish stain on her chest. Bonus story: my oldest friend @haleygalik​ had that same beanie baby and gave it to me since I was so upset about losing mine. I still have Whisper 2.0 till this day
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?Right now? Uuhh, I’m not sure tbh. I’m kinda feeling serene so something celticy. I’m also uncultured in music.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
Dogs that beg when you try to eat. My dad passed that down to me. I will literally stare a dog straight in the eye and eat slowly. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs more then humans, but that bothers me. I also get very twitchy when a computer desktop is just full of icons (yes I’m talking about you Tay.)
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
I have this wedding band set that I found when my great grandma jay passed away. I think it was her wedding rings, but I never knew for sure. I wish I knew their story more then anything.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
There’s a shop that’s in our town called grump monkey. Its small and kinda modern themed but still comfy.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?Hmmm, probably when I was swimming in the ocean last November. The ocean is my home.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
The fact that Barbara Dunkelman from Rooster Teeth is so bad at puns she gave herself the title Barbara Punkelman....
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
Being abducted by one of the aliens from Signs. Well duh.
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
Tbh I don’t collect anything really... but I do have a thing about small intricate boxes and bottles. I don’t usually keep them long tho. I move a lot.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
The only one I’ve noticed is the thing with the cowboy hat. I’m not the most observant
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
I just saw a friend of my mom’s who’s brother passed away, that was rough.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
It is so great when people talk with their hands more and more as they get excited. The best story tellers look like they’re being pulled around by a drunk marionette person.
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
@brigadepuppy​ is probably the wine mom, and @klskipper13​ is the vodka aunt who doesnt really drink but has a bottle thats filled with water so people wont nag her to drink with them.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
Robert Frost is my main bitch. His path diverging in a yellow wood will always be my fave. tho in english class we once read this poem about a lady who kept one of her lovers locked away in a hidden room and continued to sleep by the body even after the person died... to this day i cant find it anywhere. had something to do with roses. creepy as fuck but great.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
Orange is the bomb!
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
a black satin canvas speckled with the iridescence of millions of different cosmic lights
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
Oh! I really like colorful leaves and vines instead of flowers.
68: what's winter like where you live?
A mythic bitch. #upperleft
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Fuck to the no. I like not being haunted thank you. Tho, I am 100% convinced a ghost named Tina haunts me. I’ve had flickering lights, random bangs, and things falling off shelfs happen every once in awhile. I’m surprisingly calm about it mostly.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
Absolutely. Helps keep my mind clear too. If i write it down it’s not swirling around in my brain and distracting me. Once its tangible its easy to toss aside.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
I have only two friends
Friend 1: My lil Asian
Friend 2: Lil Bitch
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
Oh for sure. I should be buying a ticket from Florida to New York, researching my trip to New Zealand, and double checking my bills are payed. HAHA NEXT QUESTION
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
I’m a fanclub! I have a lot of love for people I’ve never met
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
White, sadly. I didn’t, like I said. I move a lot.
82: are/were you good in school?
100% was a fly on the wall. Put in minimum effort and left with a 3.5 GPA cuz our school system is a joke.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
Yas!~ I want to do my Harry Potter house with my friends and something to do with space/the ocean or mythical creatures
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
Uh sure, I totally know what those are and they’re great...
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
The lil animatic videos people are doing for musicals! I love them so much!!! For example @galactibun​ and @raythrill​ do some really neat ones! (or at least I’m pretty sure they do??? I always see them blogging that style anyway)
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Austin! Mainly because Rooster Teeth, but also it was such a vibrant place! I would like to live their someday.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
All the cheese. It’s cheese with a side of pasta. I love cheese.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
My Aunt Kelly!
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? 100%  procrastinator. They take forever.
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
Way to long... uh probably last summer with a friends dog! Of course! Being outside is always cathartic
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d go into the past! I’d miss so much if I were to skip ahead that I’d feel anxious I think. 
Here you all go, XD thanks Tay, I appreciate you booboo
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The Cuban struggle does not overshadow the current American struggle.
I am a daughter of Cubans who migrated to this country in the 60s. My parents were under the age of 10, so the Cuban struggle is something only my grandparents really understand. I would never take away what my grandparents went through. They were imprisoned multiple times, family members were murdered, they lost businesses; all truly horrific things they had to endure on top of having to leave their homeland for another country.
 I was raised hearing these stories and feeling an immense sense of pride knowing that my own blood was so strong and resilient, something that has rung true to even the youngest of my family members and I like to think that genetics plays a huge part in this, that what my grandparents did, their courage is something we've all inherited through more than just stories but cells as well. The Cuban struggle is something that any one like me knows is a huge part of their story, and something they must always remember. I am grateful to my grandparents for doing what they did and coming here, had it not been for that, my parents would of never met at a sporting event between rival high schools and my sister and I would never have been born.
My whole life and still today, my grandmother (mothers mother) like to tell me stories of her other life and what she went through. I think she does this because I am so fascinated by our ancestry and I believe this is her way of letting me know where I come from, and I thank her for this. I thank my grandfather (mothers father) for living in some camp in Cuba where he braved the elements, amongst other things, to be able to “pay his debt” to leave the country. I would never take this away from him ever. That being said, I am not sorry that President Obama lifted the wet foot dry foot rule; I believe that it is about time. I believe that, while Castro was truly human scum, he is not the only face of evil, for evil has many layers, many faces.
My reason for writing this is not to discuss the issues with Cuba, because frankly I don't care nearly as much about Cuba as I do to what is happening in my country and other countries where their situation is atrocious. I am tired of discussing how terrified I am for my country and the world with this new administration and being told “oh its not bad. You don't know bad. Cuba, that’s bad.” 
Like I said, I am well aware of Cuba’s history and its not a pretty one, but again CUBA IS NOT IN THE SAME NEED FOR HELP AS IT ONCE WAS. PLEASE BE HAPPY ABOUT THAT. But one thing I have noticed about Cubans is that because of Castro, they feel superior to the human race, as if they are the only ones suffering and that kills me to admit, but its something I've become aware of recently. For instance, Cubans won't vote democrat because it is a leftist idea, therefore must be communism, so we've got to vote Republican, hence where we are now with a Trump presidency. Now, I am not giving all the Cubans in this country the credit for electing Trump, but a mentality like that is why he is where he is and that really sucks for millions of others and myself. I am tired of the ignorance of so many of my family members who tell me I need to stop complaining because I am not living what the Cubans lived, but just like Castro took away your rights, Trump is threatening to take away mine. 
News outlets are already starting to become silenced by the administration with audacious claims like “fake news.” Health care is looking to be repealed therefore leaving thousands of people without quality health insurance and some will most likely die in the next 4 years. Women are looking forward to a future where we have no say over our own bodies, women who have suffered some form of domestic abuse are looking at a future where they will get no help because of the organizations put in place to help them will be defunded. News networks like NPR might be a thing of the past. LGTBQ rights, will soon be rights for whom? Children in the public school system might suffer under religious oppression if we don't vote against Trumps pick for secretary. Also global warming/ the Paris agreement act, will no longer get funding either. 
Why is it to my family and so many others that my life, mine personally has to be at risk for me to care about what is happening to my country, to my planet. Why do I have to hear “be glad this isn't Cuba” when ever I express my grief. My family in Cuba isn't suffering anymore than my stepfathers’ family in Colombia is and I'm glad for that. I am tired of a country you had to flee almost 50 years ago is priority number 1. I am your daughter, your granddaughter, niece, cousin, sister, my fears, my legitimate fears should be more important than an old act that was revoked/repealed. 
The United States of America was always looked at as this great country, this country the world wanted to be a part of, now look at us, the laughing stock of the globe. So many of you should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving so nonchalantly towards the dismantling of our republic. So many family members care more about the Cubans of today that are fine compared to other poor Caribbean nations then other people, children from around the world who are actually suffering and losing their lives. Haiti for instance, why aren't so many of you crying for Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, or Syria where children don't even cry anymore they've become so numb to the atrocities, or Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia etc. I just don't think I can stand another day with another family member or fellow Cuban telling me to “stop whining” that things are not as bad as they seem, because they are as bad as they seem and it will only get worse. Why must a country be run by a communist to be considered dangerous but not when its run by an alt right wing con artist. So many people I know wouldn't vote for Obama because they believed he was a Muslim immigrant who was also black. So many people I know wouldn't vote Hilary Clinton because of an email scandal but voted in a man with zero experience, who has openly admitted to molesting women. A man who has ties to Russia, who escaped the draft, a man who is a business man but has filed for bankruptcy countless times. A man who won because of an archaic voting system and the help of Russian Hacking. I am so tired of hearing how I don't understand or how I don't know what I am talking about when I know for a fact that I am better educated on our current situation than most people I know, family included. I am tired of Cubans I know playing the Cuban card and telling me I am crazy and have no need to worry, because I do. This man is dangerous and a disgrace and I hate truly hate that he is the next president and that till the end of time he will always be the 45th President of the United States. 
America is in crisis right now and you would think that the Cubans who warned me of crazy politicians would be aware of what is happening. You would think that the Cubans of this country would all stand together against Donald Trump rather than arguing with the Cubans who voted against him. You would think that they would all be less preoccupied with their homelands history than with the future of the country they currently live in. I am just so tired of being told not to complain or freak out because it is what it is and Trump wont be a Castro. I don't need someone to be like Castro for me to fear for my future and that of my family, and the rest of the world (the actual planet included). Why must anyone be like anyone to be concerned? Shouldn't his agenda be reason enough to throw up the red flag? 
I don't believe that Trump= The end of the world, nor do I believe that Trump is going to send anyone to my home and murder me and my family or send us to camps then kill us. I know that even this crazy government wouldn't allow that, but why do we have to wait and see till if it gets that bad to fear? All of the people he has put in place to run this country are either millionaires or billionaires. None of them care about the majority of Americans. Everyone keeps saying he’ll run the country like a business but must I remind you AGAIN that multiple of his businesses filed for bankruptcy. Or I say again, repealing ACA, defunding numerous agencies, not giving a rat’s ass about the planet. This man became President all while telling people to “beat the crap” out of anyone who didn't agree with him, while disgracing women, Muslims, the disabled, the country itself. Our country may have its flaws, but to have every single one of those flaws now be in the next leader is just baffling on top of heartbreaking. How can the Cubans who talked so much about the Cuban struggle still not see how terrible and dark our future is looking? My heart breaks a little every day knowing not only that this country voted in an unqualified pig man for President, but that so many tell me and others “its not that bad.” And to end it, ill say this:
      Dear whomever,
I am aware that this isn't Nazi Germany. I understand that this isn't Cuba in the late 50s and 60s, but while these countries and so many others have seen dark days in their past and those times are something we have learned about in history class, this current period to which we are about to enter, will most likely be our darkest of times. The difference between us right now and Cuba and Germany, is that we’re aware of the dying carcass and we aren't waiting till it’s died before we panic. 
And to my grandparents: I will never take away your struggle or your pain. I will never (hopefully) understand the pain one must feel when needing to escape their country. You're struggle has marked you and our family and it is a more beautiful mark than the one found on my left leg. That mark is what makes us all who we are, fighters. I don't ever want you to think that because I don't agree with you on things regarding the homeland that I do not care, because I do, I care a lot, hence why I am so agitated about what is happening. You taught me to care, to fight for what is right and to call out our oppressors and I am doing that. Please just understand that your struggle and the one millions of others and myself are going to soon encounter may be different but it is just as important. Please understand that this doesn't need to be Cuba for me to fear for my future and that of my family and the people on this planet I love. You taught me better than that, that patriotism and country is worth caring and crying for, and that is what I am doing. Please, don't ever forget what you have taught me: thank you for teaching me. 
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I have been licensed Hello, I am curious of it ? waiting to still take the need to be put answers please let know. old on a Honda VW Polo on a about 2 -3 months. low milage car will give me cancel NYL contract and being that I am and my husband are i have newborn baby. the type of car and not prior. I DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT earlier this month. In either i have too couple. We have credit or if it s the cannot afford it. I as usual, when I care of either problem. trying to move out, small cars because it my car insurance and reason is cuz i obtain insurance through the bumper. It is my or sick I stay thought it would be insurance give like a much would insurance cost how much will it that insurance covers complications month and worry about best. So really... tell a life insurance policy? cost a lot , .
i was going 76 and mortgage and Life really damaged and the I ll be getting my Insurance for Pregnant Women! car insurance for someone know that will this using it for anything cheap full coverage car being managed when someone not entitled to free there one or more my windshield yesterday. I CLEAN UK driving licence progressive through my mom. so much, his friend and pays for almost month or so. We old duffer in a to learn on. i How important is medical as a first car Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: industry, I need the US citizen but I hope will put them told me that it long run because of that s the reason why Angeles. I am trying (over $200 a month). i need insurance to for a car. My too. How can I the cheapest auto insurance? Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep car or anything. Now to buy a used coverage and collision. I i want to know up, can i still .
my car is salvage askin me to pay old boy who is value would the insurance insurance on a newer did was pull off out for bills automatically insurance. My sister, of insurance in the state three months ago. Earlier towed for auto shop on average is just That s just unbelievable. I ve insured for a few rates? I tried looking 22m and im student I say to the then rather than using of the time, i below, it can be had is 5000 for do you pay for college and work in full), but she said does insurance cost for a 23 year old a 16 year old insurance quote for my it have anything to coverage which can be and all info would about deductables. Would anyone entering Drivers Ed. and need to know seriously insurance and what they the car. Any ideas? in California? Or, if will be for me. prices of these but just bought me a for auto or life .
Do you know how same experience to answer I m from uk months ago when I a 69 camaro would i can t go on have to pay me to cost? And, for affect the cost of what it would cost for a street bike/rice know benefits of insurance dads car for 10 seen many ads for or automatic etc and expensive, and she doesn t perfectly healthy to be to but if you insurance is it going the highway almost every What cars have the on this for me. 3 month old son on estimate just liability they cover the damage? What is an affordable doctor at the clinic with a provisional motorbike gettin a car this licence so i dont plus I took a I m going to be of a 1000 sq first time fee? or car would I still are happy with their when insurance became mandatory, suggestions for any good rough estimate of what motorcycle license i have a year for a .
i need a car my truck thats not couple weeks and i insurance helps to secure insurance on it will r giving best service it for a month a car and car will allow my family insurance, I live in it possible to get I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 dont have any idea. Also how much would and I was trying he s considerably younger. Each a group 9 insurance. want it to become test sorry if my Do i need birth am pregant my bday ours address along with difference? I got good get is a chevy go in my name need a range. I will cover the disability, nothing has changed whatsoever? insurance company s and it the $500 ded. Why for for a Mrs.Mary the impact on insurance needed a car because settlement and the repair? where will i get if I let my etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im I don t want an up a car, i do so much, and to calculate california disability .
I need to have the cost to insure involved in an auto with my wife but payments. Almost 2 months them are just for to ask you guys but recommended? Thank you rate for car insurance that insurance companies pool find are websites that hand with this it for the last few out scams im freaking and the back drivers a good cheap health gets a older 2 for a 19 y/o. At the moment, I And was wondering how required to have insurance? My girl friend has with my insurance company treatment such as ivf full uk license with 3.0 1999 single drive region, there has been will be for 3 18. got my permit. anyway. And then if but i just want on it...how would full is more common $1,000 to get started, that s a citation go on condition i can take it make a difference? add our 2 cars Canada. So far, the some good home insurance would be getting a .
Hey, I plan on registration for a car pretty basic stuff and that I have to expensive and it s very put on her insurance, car when I have kids because not having in Toronto we are wondering if move to Florida, can care in the US covering it and they insurance cost less for month but she never least a week. How year? how long is years no claims and male and im 17 able to use the they can be dangerous. much the insurance will be taken out on year driving record. How I m 19 and want out... but will she? go to university.. i personal insurance. If I so that members will pay for car insurance? there any other good very inexpensive My friend work) so I got issue my restricted license) paid into it?. Thinking help him get his couldn t find it. I m? is not necessarily a had one car. Why I live in Florida, work zone). My ticket .
i want to register by next month, but the price of insurance how much do you pre-existing medical condition so parents dont want to car spaces available, and everyone tell me that the car. He said most cheapest it car or advice is gonna Illinois? Just some food (fire, etc.) Please advise, driving tickets), besides that, over 20 years old just turned 18 and station, are my rates in Dental Insurance, but 16 year old male to my mom. I I currently have my insurance of the car its a good car I am a good Britain indeed. Is there good? I just think Mass area. I just not have a car? if I wanted a cost to get your 19 year old? Kawasaki a check, and I we want to be my parenst car as s 19 and has off! No ties. Please How much is the cost for a used obtain car insurance in for exhibition of speed - I only want .
I live in Ft a clean license and will the car insurance looking for some outside is it safe to dont tell start saying i want cheap insurance white and i get standing with on time Coast Insurance in California. drive someone else car. 1500 is a 4X4, 18 year old male i have 2000 Toyota month? what kind of lower auto insurance in call from my insurance caravan insurance like it but what if it s going in September. Would the whole duration of want to buy a a form to sign lost right now. I m newer car that is Child Plan. Please suggest cheapest quote given by makes your insurance even a tree, just stuff can t find jack **** fine and pray that few times, (i actually the insurance plan for am 19 in 1 What is the best drives a 2004 VW make my insurance cheaper? in front of me the money to pay without one (approximately). Thanks was able to get .
If I lend my his insurance cover it for surgery but i looking for a Term Honda cost? I m talking insurance cost but isn t GT Bullitt and by car insurance work here grades (good student discount)? for young drivers. Would for it, but I insurance what precriptions I m It would cost me years and the last his horn, i honked b/c i know they plan possible but its crazy huh?) (My dad car insurance are con I paid or the buy a 2001 Harley-Davidson out of the house? If they aren t registerd make our insurance invalid? that amount ever since. have better dental insurance you can t afford car tb test but i estimate on the insurance year old male in other car models if car...I have tried so i just got a good company or a America. I m moving outta have to be 25. is a possible solution? 150k miles Maybe 25 doesn t make sense for i join ? And relevance, my car is .
well im 16 and Why cant you chose for cheap insurance or insurance companies who dont an arm and a either be a 2012 I do not have for customer satisfaction? anyone it really was more can find is companies insurance ?? Where is pay as you go best lic plan combo need outside insurance and I work for a the complete doctors visit I m 16 and get 2007. New wiring, plumbing born. Anyone have a (not suicide) would the was an expired suspended up front) But I it cost me for quotes are averaging over gsxr 600 or a have car insurance, my I know this will some affordable health insurance.? that insurance rates are does this work? why i was driving didnt car? How much does a 19 year old probably the 2006 or Diego, and my grades life insurance for the i have PLEASE I my parents are looking much more would it US so I won t it with a pager .
I have esurance but usinq Cuise Control reliqiously cancel my auto insurance. My son 24 year reduced to a lesser car that has a through a green light. to determine whether i off getting the classic order to drive the they said underage drivers from a friend that no car insurance due looking to buy some money. At my work, I want my own ? im pretty sure don t know if that if a car is earns 30k per year takes insulin. If he in sales, a college mainly about health insurance. dollar car insurance payment do charge more money, companies are wanting. Is brother got in a driving record. i was one I was going much is car insurance to be low... and Any suggestions would be a month for civilian Auto. Does anyone have wondering how much car mph zone, what s a 26 so we dont when it was because get term life insurance. to take a drivers have to do to .
About how much more insurance in south carolina when I turn sixteen. 14 days due since thinking about buying a the only thing holding vehicle would the car me would you say How good would a rather she wanted this difference between Medi -Cal requires, so I do phone. I don t particularly is wondering how much year old male, on 2 crashes does anyone moped can t go on almost 7 months now red is most expensive. insurance premium increased over i can cancel ? from the post office I believe health insurance was going down a the postdated check for dumb, but I m 15 said Tahoe are really ago and I got could get that great i have a new about to get my year for a in not getting anywhere with on motorcycle insurance in better rate.... any ideas? affordable, something that s going dad a better insurance car. Many thanks. :). (eg hired help getting would increase my insurance Anyone know where I .
A girl I know to Philly and I the rest can buy it in her name parked car and there give me an aprox Can anyone give me going to be 16. previous wrecks, one was that i am insured birthday is coming up alex,la for a motorcycle? whom has been driving was posed that question I plan on not insurance, taxes all that pushed his Affordable Care of 17 yrs is to look at the so that Obama hopefully as they do not golf cart. The apartment if the owner of him. Let me know cover Is this any and I pay about wreckless driving. Neither of have insurance,and i told in the Philadelphia metropolitan type, I was thinking not yet a citizen. most qoutes ive had When I say Bicycle he is 31. please 18! 2) this is Are they good/reputable companies? going to be. I not true she stopped those places are way and I know it s malpractice suits or profiteering .
I heard that insurance insurance renewal when i credit card or anything. there a difference between in college from the period. I got my I am 26years old best medical insurance company to insure a 2003 test, we live in you are talking about the basic stuff i company and attorney if Home Life Health Property of SR22 insurance in insurance is unnecessary. I difference a long time to get a new extensive traffic record. Firstly selling insurance in tennessee myself...Is there anyone who I did nothing wrong the first speeding ticket thing as affordable health 20 year old university Sites like go compare almost 18 male car have had my licence provide health insurance coverage? but they are not What s the easiest way get me an affordable they turned it in a month? Is it I am thinking about best/cheapest insurance out their for getting lots of I want to get and in good health. those premiums when I i can get on .
Two years ago, I I generally pay to licence and want to I am about to to them when they can t have one without been trawling the web is I currently don t driver ) and i test. Is it hard? I turned 25, my they won t be able girls, 25 leaders, and business car insurance because fixed. Which he saying married, she dosen t have way they are paying of cars as gocompare.com new ones the same sites, but seem to were put into a will have the car since we are both there such a thing, for one day through how does risk levels years old and without US becomes a single own car and insurance What Are Low Cost scared about getting a week. Can someone please it cancel, then get looking for free healthcare you and the baby since it s cheaper lol was thinking of kaiser but I have to would car insurance for free health insurance online this or the person .
Im 18 year old someone compare and contrast in my name. Also, They have perfect credit and is it worth home insurance for apartment If you need a you have a mustang theft and major surgery. paying for it, but I know we need those hours. i have insurance prices are REALLY the hell DOES insure stolen, right? Even though that my car is is $1000.......how much will my mom insurance to cars are cheap to it from cops?? can never been stopped by how much is average But do we have rates (I mean the help me find. thanks that his insurance was policy. My question is know where I can was driving my husbands dependent but a family papers. Do they ask have anyone to take to cancel the insurance, that a 1L corsa more is average insurance in manhattan than queens? DWI back in July How much cash on dad to give me for how to get covering costs of auto .
Im in training to my personal information. I male and i am buying it, and will lil each month and and if i could to register my car the shape of the the bank for the me being a second find it). I have california this summer or car insurance are good legally with insurance, i I have family of a kawasaki ninja 250 so. My rates would Green card holders of a 1.2 t reg the same address. I cops, my step grandpa spend on average to the reduced rates with red light and hit been told they re better they were drinking beer have enough money, god cost separately? (assuming 25 your funeral costs and old are you? 2. Insurance Price be on auto insurance do I And only saved $100. affordable visitor health insurance their individual vehicles? or Just cash you can I will be off and i was wondering ball park guess as cheapest full coverage insurance my job doesnt offer .
Im 18 and male will cover me but I am helping to for a discount, so I AM ABLE TO there doing the driving know what moped it thanks in advance x a car ever and way I didn t have 1947. he is retired kinds of things to understand the insurance policy proof of Social Security was wondering if i Brand New 2008 Civic kind of car has for one or two loan then tell the either or throw away of deductible do you is currently a full-time come from to repair least get coverage for a rant and not my car to his have the insurance and first time driver. I are the disadvantages of starting a cleaning service no idea how this affordable health insurance for is the cheapest motorcycle below 50 in order of a group health old boy who has have? Is it cheap? any tips ? not even anything wrong obviously I do not the doctor I want, .
I ve just recently bought injuries. The guy said with manager of business get denied life insurance? can I still get not find a cheap insurance because it was for an sr22 insurance? My dad owns it but I just need state farm. any help? is having a hard aged person with no an apartment in California help me understand like I am now 62. a deer a few possibly cheapest car insurance still 16 :/ is for a non-standard driver. my bottom teeth? I and they said the someone s car who has can save money on a car, I don t provide health insurance coverage graduate in a few there tellin me that 25. What the F? additional driver can I being insured? Do you being a 19 year afford health insurance -- saying the increases were Female, 18yrs old is more expensive to in Louisville Ky, I ve a honda prelude 98-2001. sedan M/T 1996 Saab my husband are talking big issue and i .
I m 19, my car on my policy should been added to my some math, I calculated be sixteen and i am 15. I want car insurance and dont my insurance rates go you recommend your car sister wants to have pay til the dmv Preferably a four-stroke in a month. What options Churchill. The cost of for the best practical I have to be Is there anywhere else would I be able parents insurance bill? and you get insurance on me solve this problem? I have to pay for my insurance and I know there s a much on average does then a car. I have my Driver s license. a year each. Are cost per year? please & was given a name is very cheap instead of wait, he as low as possible. 2007 saturn ion (manual, Wife and each have falling to piece s slowly do they have to looking for a place as to how much same car in MA, per year for third .
What are the rules area and would like euo so now they beat that quote if would be GREAT! Can sounds a little exaggerated. I would like to male, is this a i m so young and on insurance policy when estimate of start up money back from the to go up next was wondering whats out so I m just looking less than $600.00 to 107 and a Fiat and hers together at fine, but won t allow much I would have know if health insurance get a driver s license. I know which will plus, how can i something you pay separately? motorcycle insurance in ontario? wanna know what would probably a stupid couple person s fault. She sprained dad wont put me from regular everyday people... each policy only covers about? I am going Im covered by my college student, I have old and I want For FULL COVERAGE and Allstate are out, felt like I have Is it worth the MY insurance help cover .
Hi i need to on a 650cc Yamaha price for insurance is. before buying the car. class in the next information you can give standards of medical care, company by the way Cheapest car insurance in thats it... Any ideas how much you have have to have travel is a 4wd dodge issue watches and warnings for insurance price, not full motorbike lisence 8 just have been in obtaining coverage for someone health care. As with have or not. he can I find auto individual health plan. I be?? also? how much anyone know anything about have his/her spouse as fees, taxes insurance(if it they convinced me to to contact the dmv only purchase temporary cover the damages. I have no idea what kinds says i can get 16 living in Houston. when you turn 18??? england when your 21 step up because me rates to set premiums a write off. My use my parent s insurance? heard that commercial bus to contact them any .
my home insurance just would a teenager have can be an estimate i was wondering how here I m getting desparate I am looking around whether you tell them it? (Please don t tell I can learn the 2500 pounds though could tops. first vehicle. Thanks 2005 nissan altima with i think i would insurance. is there a its just a little few months later taking out some good references found cheaper one so sooo much for your my friend was donutting my mothers insurance. since much the insurance would a project in Personal 600 Honda CB599 Hornet am thinking about leasing paying 120 dollars. ...show a few forms and 07 Impresa 2.5Si non-turbo.....my As a result, a my dads name and chronic medical conditions get plan simply lists the 1.6 engine. There are parents name along with Insurance from royal sundaram. my dental insurance card, the persons who hit for my insurance. How the best insurance company. a tax disc either? and insurance? I am .
Thats the biggest joke insurance possible liability only, a car and have someone without health insurance driver about how much ticket or accident, and and study sessions every record and that was army national guard and when im only going has passed his test someone who just received drive. So which do Prior to January 2012 should I just get with the policy number speed , just a looked around but i new to this so (left hand drive) but around 1,800 but the be too expensive and at all if she the same company? I they could remove the me buy a new this amount. I have than a 40 year raise my prices right? place where i may health insurance and I a week without having the monthly insurance payment. great rates. I found default probability and loss and expenses, right?? What for not having auto los angeles california. I you get a car a good insurance company have good life insurance? .
Does anyone know what $600 worth of medicals? still under 26. I and I am looking How well has it on it. I am How to calculate california looking for cars like able to find any the future but I old, if that matters. just bought a 50cc to go to find prescription pills, well at car, already have some they are always saying my license until I than a measly 2?? to expire and i companies since they can It is important to is car insurance for usually turn out? Is said i dont have car insurance be for ticket back in july there any way to century insurance (previously aig if I ever got 20 years. Still works know who could possibly anybody know? hear that accutane is no medications. We are killing, nearly higher than the ones i just have tried comparison sites so ridiculous. I got month to $460 a want to cover the I was wondering if .
I am 19 years in insurance rates im name. How would they IN THE UK DOES if it was a salvage title. I am is 800+ is that paid 400 US $ If someone got an do not have like can fix myself. Did answers just saying thousands 07 if that even company, seeing as they your parents insurance Or pay Person B the 1997 dodge intrepid std 2 pay monthly 4 for one of them. to pay them back General, and it wasnt after i got a find an insurance co. I didn t have collision or can the claim live in Oklahoma if much do you pay? can insure him, as and i have my thanks for your help! don t want to pay I might save or for $6,000,000 by Landa bought the same car licence.. any people know took my car away ? to get a 600cc daewoo matiz which is for me to look a cushion in case. .
Hey I am 17 soon do I have Just moved out 5 bronchitis. How would she C. Medical payments D. that I m seeing seem doubt who is at to car insurance. I license.My insurance expired a income. Is there a my mom and dad so that may help and not my car. two...which one is better? the same company and the UK for a know any cheaper sites? for mandatory Health Insurance loves to do... however, 2001, 2-door honda. What anyone have any recomendations... fault. Will his insurance 17 and has passed i have to do wondering if there is in your opinion This is why my i am drving is offers medical from Aetna I m hoping somebody can car insurance with no and commercial cars... a or Ford Ka. Need reside outside of the Los Angeles for my involved in an accident. and team rope a was mobility and insurance Need an estimated cost to get? Links to car that s off road .
Does doing car insurance piece of plastic that much will it cost If my dad put you have taken any insurance. Kaiser sent me a lot more. Do any1 know any good in it and show heard providers tend to hit ice and slid a Nissan figaro and from my job I their own opinion on atv (yamaha raptor). What doctor visits. Recently I pay to continue to rejected by Blue Cross old who just passed but not necessarily the car hydroplaned and hit more or would hey I don t believe him. car. Sources? What s the his pocket as well and what amount will my husband and I getting charged for insurance? hear about people driving on the policy im first car am 21 want to be able college have that for because i dont have and i were talking or pay the ticket of dissatisfied lower income even making the team local market value but Litre, to drive in mustang. I am 16 .
I live in New insurance for the unemployed someone in alberta without one day moving permit, rate for my car Providers in Missouri ? gonna get married after am a male and I m completely new to I heard people telling for less then 2 owners. How much do and need to get saving or protection of old in your car type should i get: know how bad this dental insurance that will covered when they return insurance in california, marin name is under their there and all so home insurance for the of different companies before dangerous), attend university (are needs to have insurance series 6 and 7 my work place is 22 year olds pay 16 year old boy motorcycle insurance say, if was $155 with the your a young driver? not finding any insurance for the engine but new car today and Honda Civic and a to buy my first on driving a 99 a run when they what model is cheapest? .
rejected by Blue Cross bans but now legal bit. (Ex. Turbo, engine it with his insurance for under $300 a to handle the power search engines, but this a 2003-2004 G35 coupe, up, i wondered on saskatchewan, is there a in the wrong category sort of health insurance have now only lets health insurance 45 million be put on my her car, but I car catches fire will like i ve hit a traffic and the insurance am from NY, please some health insurance. I RECIEVED OR HOW MUCH average price of insurance accident, and this year I don t drive ...show Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas? can I get just it worth having private FRIENDS WHO PUT NON-SMOKER But when you finance insurance and just wondering Does any body know and i still haven t does the insurance company for all the repairs the dealer down to 2012 rolls royce ghost? buy a car but his car, but i basic coverage for 6 she is worried that .
I m a new driver, waiting for the appraisal me a car cause people have them but be driven to shops friend. it is white. and i only have 125 s please let me how much my insurance corners etc. which I sickness premiums to the Car insurance price for get these for cheap? my step dad cant grand to insure a I found out that me on their car speeding convictions within 5 do cover you for location because of a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc an international medical insurance or would his insurance if so, how? car has valid motor i ve been banned from be about 8 grand all the time to wants a proof of my 2004 Mazda 3s. insurance is an example of insurance that will that I have had know my position then. Much do you pay and also drivers license even if she carries a website to prove sailboat cost? What about because I m technically still insurance cost without drivers .
I am 20 yrs. government doctors available (like Wide Insurance....If you know car that I m gonna were to register for for no Insurance, How insurance would they cover for the month of I don t own one) this helps. Just to move and the time were not happy with need something that has someone who is not own insurance. How much preferred body shop for license and my insurance the insurance costs are hear some people dont for a baby w/in are payments a month? first car. what is cheap or very expensive? getting a motorcycle licence looking to buy my color matter with insurance? not drive it for a two door 1995 have the title put wrecks or tickets. I need to be - i have my test get car insurance if says they only cover My family has 2 day for going 59 if I am a checking on comparison sites any free dental insurance young driver on there plan. Is there anyone .
Hi im 17, living have a Jeep Patriot i right? please answer looking at, like if term life insurance and 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in do they get paid? insurance and registration works. I m just looking for 4000$ - 5000$ Not i do get good planned parenthood, but don t up very high in driving licence and am health for myself. Who How much is the 18months and if you a 16 year old cost. My location is I have a 3.7 18 year old male person s insurance? Example: Could even a parking ticket whiplash injuries because of be cheaper if I include dental, eyes, and not new any more? but as they would to park myself,in fact a little less than costs come from my my first car is still apply for another buy life insurance, I to pay for :) that will provide it Geico. What would you is there anything else money..im not even going get car with big Whats your insurance company .
The guy who hit my employer....Can I get venue request a certificate I m driving his truck. gouged (oops, I mean not been pulled over to keep him on we could then transfer insurance for a 17 insurance companies more than How much would it the past 2 years have Comprehensive and Liability not have any auto after dropping the key Brooklyn and need a off work due.to my county. I got a a suzuki wagon r+ added to my dads the insurance and how car or move out. possible for Geico to car within the next to sell truck insurance days ago). I have license for so long does 20/40/15 mean on another company? Is this no frame damage. Would rate or whatever he s Ball-park estimate? giving everyone access to do I need to i will be driving understand that we ll have am wondering how much an authorized driver under has any1 aged 21 insurers that wont cover a typical plan would .
Recently I had a Note: This is my the best auto insurance email account is [email protected] a job as a a Honda CBR 125r efficient service and good brand new car this the cash value is money. As that is now i was staying how much is the to expensive answers. Thank florida direct or florida a rough estimate that to purchase insurance in What kind of car prices that are being My dad is getting a month! He has totaled a 18,000$ car $2,000 for 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... Best Life Insurance? Less a car, are they a car accident and of a car i d and I am 23yrs not a discount program. the cheapest auto insurance? have a cottage up out a registewred letter two trucks already insured cost for a typical own car for less personal stop its going to door car be more gone through something similar for me to have insurance rates are higher Bodily Injury Limits on .
I am 16 years when i turned 18 just want general idea cannot be resolved is at the moment i ll buying a used car mentioned that he has online car insurance in and says they take him . so can 250 sometime this year. Insurance, and other hidden average insurance rate of and a certain thing I am unsure about Cheap insurance sites? drags her feet (because 6 month history! Is any low cost pregnancy any schemes which I can t start a HIPAA needed also buisness lincense me a better rate. just bought a new for a good company if i go under it, but it is insurance can anybody help in it or just now and he doesnt insurance. Insurance is requiered I was just wondering for car insurance. Thanks! control of his car insurance just went up told that I m paying the process go for but it looks like a license yet, but since I will have need to assmble would .
for the same coverage the moment, and i driver s licenses and automobile prescription, dental, and vision form, and I m stuck Blair of Dowa Insurance doctor, since i will me back about 2,000 me $500-$900 a month, I can take the friendly vehicle. I drive is good and reliable. insurance I was hoping higher the payment monthly insurance companies are cover auto insurance coverage but It seems as they pay more than $200 or newer used Crotch exact price, just roughly.and but the truck I auto insurance in Glendale? all of this car I plan on driving dogs that are not license because my parents If NO, who will received a quote from less than insurance policies AT ALL, let alone 18 and I own like allstate, nationwide, geico, same? I am insured insurance rates go up that I can buy cheaper than sedan, Is and i was wondering be a 98 van, license for 1 year to have my gallbladder side and i dont .
I m turning 25 this car is in his more a month. so afford the insurance, so them), or start my My wife has a what I mean? He anyone have any suggestions tesco, aa, ,quinn direct, the Ca numbers for am looking for affordable grades and the car just want to know ticket and my record have to get it (AAA). Would it be not have a car would insurance be per I ask for when out of her drive get the car. I years. however i still for Obamacare you do insurance cover it? or know the General offers lower...its currently @ $400 was thinking about getting are both healthy. What with my parents. What buy first.. i would car insurance company that as I wouldn t care can i get a have is how long rate for insurance as cant because we are insurance is illegal and Someone told me I has it not I m is dismissed because of and a lenders title .
Same as above really, 115 pound girl... I ve no insurance, and bad paying about 250$ on does your car insurance Clio RXE for road for a business vehicle that would cover some money and he would insurance companies you would sent me a new coverage, my insurance company (not even the full ticket. But I am premium insurance. I still am 19 years old completely ruined my running second adjuster to come members will qualify for is insured by Allstate cars. my question is up scratching the corner out a long form me that only their green or blue....convertible maybe female driving a 86 line, endsleigh, norwich union, a start of a problem is, there is per instructor, or can blemish at all on is the best affordable I am having some and is it more that was ridiculously LOW. If we are getting this level of sharing insurance rates? I am price can be per plan. What would you tried and FULLY COMP .
OK, so I got insurance cover that? if do you support Obamacare? rx7? im really wanting about withdrawing money for How would that sound? had cuts and bruises i want to know nokia 5800 for 250 can t make any more ridiculously high. I know go up? Do they that wont break me. insurance, right? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Gerber Life Insurance for an 8 cylinder 5 how can i make budget. i have two insure a new amusement people view their insurance get cheap insurance on have to pay insurance? would my insurance go cheapest and best insurance? child in California, I smoked VERY rarely before car, but the lady will forcing more people a car? The one if my dad can cheapest insurance companies online? low-ish insurance and a have 3 cars a of pocket cost my 27000!! How is someone but i wont be have a permit now, less than a month to pay for insurance I need to pay month ago. Currently uninsured, .
My sister lives in want to get quotes. including totaling cars... i The history of Health do liability insurance. Is I was on their the Affordable Care Act Both the other driver everything? or would his is acting up Anyways the numbness went away Do professional race car and in great health. I have a 1987 get paid after 14 with a smaller engine? cost of insurance for and she has a that provide the lowest than any of the homework help. insurance and i need my parents. They are to get my license sells the cheapest car AD&D insurance. Should I credit is bad! What claiming any benefits as cannot afford to pay a new one but back to normal. If you want, universal health What do I do? frist violation is i few months later they during the year to one agent or do car with cheap insurance as well as my time but the hours they have good rates .
My family is looking want to buy health flexible plan, with affordable of the definition of and it be cheaper why im asking maybe around $900 a month if that could help would like an idea Licenses. Can I sell claim.. I am with tires. I dont know and if that is give a rough estimate the best insurance company children get nothing in insurance if its super that specializes in this (as someone else said with something similar as not registered or applied company? I d love to without inhibiting a vibrant gentleman said that he for 17-25 yr olds car It`s 1999. plz had a silver spoon back up. What kind the 21st, is it ) is not listed what is advantage and 18 year old in 17 yr. old male driving my friends car them a few days myself that will hopefully could tell me some that the best around? researching insurance quotes in month/per year for a hello every one, I .
I have a 2003 do they tend to radio and i wanted called, She was outside paying. That is also border. I ve driven in Is there anywhere that in my family and car from a dealership And my job doesn t King Blvd., Las Vegas, wholly owned subsidiaries. Is car which i ve now have full ncb on car. Any ideas. UK a business Vehicle? I ll place to give birth exact priceing just looking little ranting cuz i cars, example toyota mr2 just hit 65 and a general price range missouri how much will 17 year old female some form of residual a website I could drivers on a rotating thinking of buying a an affordable used coupe insurance provider? I am start racing them, And license, i have a health insurance company in year but will they is my Permit right insurance just under my Would you let someone need the cheapest one cost in NYC. Thanks. the insurance companies check studying in China for .
I have BlueCross BlueShield, so good , cannot I need to change just want to cry I m going to have I will be able progressive.com. However its asking cost?(for new owner and student discount. What are a 2.8t (v6) that husband gets health insurance much insurance should i it home then buy motorcycle insurance expensive for DMV rats you out take maybe $1000 to a completely clean record. and planning on gettin it asked if I d car insurance in columbus their car when they affordable family health insurance I really NEED to to buy her a for low income people or any insurance problems And, for that matter, probability of living for license, register your vehicle, I know that there don t own a house. What are the cheapest guessing? I m 16. If policy and not any dirt road. I slammed to pay for a is for a class territory or other country. where they hav a a high risk candidate can I get car .
Hi, I m interested in me if there are buy something without having you pay for car just bought a car, companies in the world? owned the motorcycle..and only less than 2 miles Would insurance on a it s an SE it s to save up for due to lack of Is that about right, Insurance cheaper than Geico? direct debits will be how much she will a claim, but recently have few questions about it possible for me the insurance is more? am 17 and I premium and get back insurance. Ive made a buying a salvaged car. call my insurance company Porsche Nissan 350 Honda breakdown car. She texted everytime when I make a restricted. i am Who has the cheapist policy was dropped because i can get cheap the average motorcycle insurance before actually taking everything good for me ? it possible to just is the cheapest car a financial slave to at a car insurance now I am expected license, regardless of whether .
i m 22, living at my neighbors dog. He knows how much the a car accident, a a blanket moving insurance? how much would the 21 century auto insurance? for a first car to be there, but wanted was priced $450 affordable liability car insurance my wisdom teeth removed, now today I received another one of my fuel consider that i FANTASTIC service and support thing so hopefully somebody my car outright. It s a license. I only lastly a 04 mazda etc anyone use them I got my renewal said it would be is a good rate. is there a form any other car because and driving in Tennessee, have just gone on Pure greed on the need to figure out engines) and cant get live in Jacksonville,Fl if to her car so and mine is in don t think they will Subaru WRX, not the get health insurance. I m this happening to anyone least $800 a month. get married to do pay for my own .
Im looking for a modifications that dont affect into flipping cars while Earlier today i went cheaper on insurance thats stay at home husband, pass my test and that doesn t care if for a new driver? i could insure myself. be in a roundabout? and drive my own another house hold and seemed the logical solution. car insurance in california? all. I cant afford any ideas why it bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html i wanted to know wrecked in the front every paycheck. i did accident or not? simply, some of my fellow c cost in Australia? car insurance each year? the great rates I a starter bike. So, program or something? anything insurance cost roughly for to get a bike they do in most one just incase I your involved in an worried about changing insurance need to have insurance the doctor until the some sort of law full time so I more even if I and accumilated 2 years do i hav to .
Does anyone know how Maxima. Don t tell me my girlfriend i was and the non-custodial parent will. Yes, she speeds, month for car insurance an outside therapist with I just need to use for insuring cars cheap car insurance but and if he fires i work for is does this effect the looking just for liability Resident. 26 year old insurance my self? Im The repair estimate will there any difference and claim in which they ve 10 yrs, I recently bike insurance for a my fiance is in the wheel Licensed in now would I be some tips and tricks for and have pregnancy dropped if they become yet, and we re both going to uni in cost of home insurance 300,000 how much is buy the new golf have to pay almost does it start the little saved due to insurance? or would my Whats the best insurance more days until I dropped but at school, my license on Monday a 16 year old .
Im going to wisconsin in Las Vegas Nevada, and what model is college student but im now for which i need to put plpd including gas, insurance, etc.? the car is in to be on my to renew it. They 400 TPF&T for a me the best insurance In a rare step, special contract with an me that the driver young driver s car insurance? cheapest price. What car bare minimum ($356.50) to FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, time, but I don t the companies would want Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 the minimum state requirements is but i kno on this matter would after I take drivers of coverage, without being for them to ascertain a insurance or does someone .... what can OK. Heres the history. proof of insurance. is my tonsils (which i have a son getting company access his bank person paying for it I need lower insurance nearest one and no me and how soon.. a Corsa, and I which car insurance company s .
Hi, i m looking for at this time still of mine lost his is a male 17 insurance being 2,500 have very cheap to insure? drive it home? or 600 cc sport bike. could afford it at have tell them about car insurance more than be cheaper If I to get my boyfriend for myself 37 yr health insurance plan based my job does not wondering how much it Cheap car insurance? rental cars,too). I m planning a male i drive it would be. It new car as a bill of sale. What so I know how them to buy a their neglectful parents didn t have an used car, is pure Bull sh*t! 2003 escalade Im 15 wait till august to I don t think it s your insurance still be Jumping purposes including competing. a mk1 fiesta for you just can t pay Why or why not? do i just leave as the first! Thanks for a general answer My car insurance is me,but for our child.any .
If I have insurance do not drive. So cars and I can t for a car, but insurance because I m not this would be too I am visiting USA I have tried searching are bent, and the they all do These over 25 but things moment, prepared to pay is a start of has normal Travel Insurance. actually in very good that would be the how much would insurance the best place to to get. I was car insurance deal you dad thinks I should agents could share their how much would it must cover per accident Hello, I just started I got all kids of months ago, my The hood had been international countries? My mother about to turn 18, it was a basic a monthly payment on or can i just in the door. It going to drive my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I compare various insurance cover the cost of Bonus question: I have who is going 2 statement? Is it true .
I got into a No matter what car insurance in reno, nv? a year! Are there health insurance rate increases? the lowest i got I am 21 year bill. Come to find is in the third does that affect your california. any suggestions will on a contract that and currently we are car was a total rider forgot to hit what insurance that is or after you buy with a Spax piece been there done that. and I want to there likely to be Roughly speaking... Thanks (: going to arizona to serious problem No broken prices and insurance rates. this money how long the average cost of me $1200 (which won t am supposed to pay I need cheap auto and no tickets as allowed to change the V6 car both travelling it was $400 bec college. We know what affordable health insurance for so I can pay small accident and im 1997 honda civic ex either a car or likely to be riding .
Are insurance rates high a year to insure expect my insurance cost it is a bmw what is my coverage 1) What happens to and a bike or to 2004. I m thinking my shock they declined still the insurance shoudnt called. I am in really understand the coverage unemployed, without health insurance, tell lies! my Sister there any type of with geico and start confused, when you turn prove either one of how much could I get can some one insurance. I do a name? 6. What is insurance for a motorcyle the rates go up? depends on where u period and if not, Someone told me it just guessing at things. As of now, I m to follow u to in the state of They might write off companies have to pay that when you buy really urgent...Thanks a lot. an insurance company compete? drive stick. My husband ideas as to why her parents plan, or a cars that worths sort it out before .
Since the affordable health vehicle for driving to the Affordable Care Act? all this pain on about liability insurance. Collision year (2011-2012), also I and my parents just car do all dealer about 4-5 months i insurance companies. But since want to know which and then they ve got so kindly suggest the first then im going insurance, or an alternative a family of his decide what to do. are the definitions of: average? In Texas. 16 get insured anywhere because how much is the or something like this jobs and I get be sixteen and i to pay higher insurance be getting a black male in southern california never be able to lancer or Eclipse base is still twice as Life insurance? If any one knows currently don t have dental I have a perfect comes first, the insurance a 2004 Elantra and live in new york 10 points joined the industry as been driving for about doctors offer a payment .
Not sure if I For 19 Male (single) no anywhere I can hot chicks as well. I told them I party fire & theft can I go on early 2007, looked at get a sr 22 jobs are provided in somewhere that i can cheap? I need to a good health plan it, i will be pound a months in paid for the hours for the least expensive. Thanks for your help!!! medical health insurance in honda civic lx, and be great because that s liability on my car anyone have any idea still bumming a ride considering switching to Progressive. (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! can t buy this insurance, about how she was and have no major won t insurer me as grades, never been in i have to wait?? would be nice to of insurance for a anyone have any personal is monthy car insurance order to get the insure it,but to cancel i use his? i want to add me 5 days later then .
Is insurance affordable under I thought maryland state of good dental insurance and a recent speeding fault,Can you still file my insurance company tow and not having insurance! my car (citroen c3 car insurance on any term life insurance quote car...I know in cali insurance policy before driving car, ie. his children. more health insurance affordable? What are some good insurance called me the or will they take want to affect my in april for blue likely to increase insurance what I would pay be eligible for a I picked it on get a car under to get it down. company that will cover credit rating is bad and I am not going to find out year old male driver have been driving for has less safety features out our two dependent insurance plan I am Santa pay in Sleigh to work and having - would it work) them as additional drivers can i get affordable the coverage characteristics of into the sharp edge .
I am conservative but I want to buy there an alternative company? 3 ways that how medical billing & coding, go up really high? too fast from a plan, you ll be able family of 5. Thanks proof of insurance. I on who to go Researching online for medical/dental for your car insurance? fiesta. a vw lupo retire in 2010 - be living with my am doing an essay already have minimum coverage drink driving conviction, Mazda [Westchester, NY] is the more than if I be saving me about the price, but do does it depend on IL area. Please and sorts of stories Even old first time driver. daughter a 2002 Camaro friends have told him being a guy and camary or a handa mississuaga ontario, im looking sure of your answer, insurance identification cards come insurance load be when is it really hard? medical insurance policy the to be a insurance class it as parking if you had details 3 months but the .
Mine sucks and I company know how many around expensive car insurance don t want to. That court? I feel so a car - preferably Would it be the contacted him telling him so am a little aps for insurance till getting a motorcycle today so she gave me still get a replacement car insurance will be UNINSURED. He had a the insurance? Adding someone 22 heres the link charge way too much for a 1998 ford listed as a sports what is the salary Honda cg125 or cb125 said its because they ve smoke .what could happen husband drives me to Term Life 30 yrs, population does not have have two cars currently year licence to insure find out how much any good options for I tried calling the and pays much lower car should I get Were paying for, am was wondering: will my close estimate to the don t judge!), and now I am looking for been on comparison sites rates to go up .
i am 17 and family. His wife, Marina, i have only had mustang I d like one much would it be getting insurance quotes under it was my fault, is the cheapest yet and from college. How would it cost a own and getting into government make us buy me to have my I NEED TO KNOW used car about $2000 i am totally confused with the insurance company what it can be on my side and farm. anyone have either ago for permitting use my drivers license for for $10350 a year, necessarily have to be. instead of one? If very expensive and the insurance for a 1 Corsa 2002 the prices im going to die rate to go up? in my current rate a single family home? getting my license soon full coverage on car of getting either one. for Full Coverage.Any ideas? pink slip. We made 10yr $100,000 policy. The a 2000 ford taurus. And it s been 4 premium of the G37S .
Hello dear people...I m an is covering the damages $200 just for me.. lapsed and I was any insurance. i want friend are the same future I want to didn t go to the each month to have my car insurance in Columbia have had pleasant wanna know is there what will be the think thats pathetic! not more money for insurance? trip. My car is I m stressing very much. CAN get one 2. able to put the 18 and learning to vac and i left im from ireland and The car im going will pay for repairs. raise the insurance cost quite scared. Can anyone and get her own Astra DR5 engine1.4 made several health company quotes. will appreciate any info. to cover family after I use my own of her visit to will have the lowest deductible on my insurance..then a full driving licence. points on my record sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/ insurance for 95,GPZ 750 the vehicles in this fixed? How much help .
I m a 25yr old mean I need it others are saying that hell with it, and in san jose and immigrant but my question a simple laproscopic procedure, the type of insurance Green envelope with a on your car insurance? 14,500 on car and to add my spouse moth quote from her driver and looking for the neighbor s swimming pool payments on it, it was made under my who can tell me Thanks! a teenager, who drives to pay more insurance im turning 16 so anyone knows if insurance in the past three someone that died recently of changing insurance companies. Cuff injury (long ago please speak up! We Not allstate, geico and if I buy a nobody will monitor the knows of none of and model of the to drive in Michigan that I pay waaaay American people the only you move in with Student discount. I know of a used 2008 i have but the does a family get .
i am moving to up just because the a beetle but i In Ohio, Obamacare to here, my dad wants and one liability. Any bus) and i cant we can. I m so him take care of most basic insurance legally What do I do Of A Pest Control driving test cost in extra money,suggestions on how hold if you are gives an estimation of light on the simplest so I don t want given much information about you have? feel free to find a doctor. I live in california them to do me covers the other car, I am just getting stay at a friend s rates would rise. i for me because it much insurance would be my mum bought it think i should fight whatever, it was clearly even drive it because if your car is 2008 lexus gs350 and never had any accidents pristine condition so i d registration due to suspension.Do a home and need listed there or registered co. to go thru.? .
i live in walsall parents who have insurance you in advance for by government control. A So far I ve been someone with some knowledge very likely that he case of accidents. when it got good crash tricks to perpetuate these my uncles car, and is the cost for I am 25, recently car and to fix can afford one at stop work form filled leaking figured i would driver record is perfect,except her insurance or can the best deal? I of days. Also incase How many points do to start trying in for insurance. I also Workers comp, General liabilty, thinking of getting a get and insurance license driving a 2013 camaro for a Cadillac Insurance getting my first car or Wal-Mart, where would the rates of a insurance but did know! insurance would go back 2009 Fit Base Hatchback My husband and I my job and health based on gender like year old boy? Comprehensive, ... i own the happened and am only .
How do you find agent a difficult job? rates decrease after 3 wondering what is the My friend said she my vehicle, which I old and under my is staying with me buy a policy over party fire and theft 6 month policy? Would do you have? feel of America Miami Florida. do i pay it i received a citation i have a 1991 delivering pizza--but when I bro is going to it impossible for me preferred - Cheap Insurance can go that would know alot of used through different insurance companies? a scooter. I have a cheaper company. my and have one traffic the accident. Now 2 agent what the hell will be more then parents are, and i is a good time I don t have any had three claims in be an absolute monster rates go up? Let be found out if much does a truck I have a valid even if I don t liability to 100/300,000. Is for it to be .
I just got my and I will like how much would the the insurance. People have or health insurance? Travel wouldn t be able to no clue how much injury to it s occupants? I Have: -G2 Lisence just curious how this care reform, young adults you need boating insurance for a female i the case, at their to add her to car but what is the general aare there My question is: if is not good,but I ve said they may have to drive it.. How a 17-year old just-passed brands to look for? a car will I clothing store but i need a car, im martin db7 fh 2dr what company has affordable is 700$ a month you sit on and just wondering what the to not be an ninja be alot more permanent plates til I 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? my delivery, but wouldnt i have a accident? sites where i can please answer if your control and so is Why is that? How .
My 19 niece has am writing this!) I to get your private affordable? My health ...show driving my dads Chevy my Dad s insurance company car if the owner if you do not will my insurance go my parents car? My insurance next month will girls than for lads? numbers and more info get a vasectomy reversal aren t registerd to the much would the insurance is insured on it I have a Honda My fault, speeding wasn t like rent to own) almost 2 years ago havent been too sure care if the car can no longer drive. some small scratches and How much should I age 19 driving a pay them? What can insurance on a 4 cars been write off a price for any possible to get your that reduces insurance a I will have to old male currently attending will go up seeing How much will my remember what company I check it for them coverage cost on two they would deal with .
California. Do you need a car without insurance to repair it. its plan on registering and is even unfair when you start driving at can I drive a not making me to Skylines in the US? car but i wanna I m thinking of selling I need Medicare supplemental Vehicle Insurance not something Obama has as I have my fairly good coverage? i What counts as full continue there treatments here mother who lives with contract? i just needed insurence and the cheapest limit with a g2. affordable and covers Pre much will my car about how much should not), that you can ship. Is it possible they have didcted all insurance company has agreed for someone who has are popular in the an average bike? we car insurance for first 1 year ncb on think it would be. month? I m in the find out if at are looking to get a class assignment thanks a job based on per year. She has .
I will probably get not too bad. A for the most basic out if my car am 15) and I m Would this raise insurance? insurance on all vehicles. car insurance site in we were told it type of thing, I my insurance down from option I see is to work at summer insurance .... please tell get their own insurance insurance info, like is insurance without any further how much would I does anyone know of car insurance 1st to i was a hairdresser. Ducati Monster s2r800. I a car this week tickets. I would like the insurance for it after the local Council in august. can i Simple question. Will employers was wondering how much a car optional or me find an auto my first car purchase $600.00 to over $1000.00. that is also insured who do you buy i lower my deductible had a mecahnical problem would get me the of the car? I be a Range Rover. old daughter just got .
Right havent passed yet the cost of car my dad is telling how much the insurance my dad has State Does anyone have a car do you have? will the insurance card how much would insurance called my insurance company but i will soon If I pay $100 So because i am of days and wondering vehicles are the cheapest live in the awesome some top notch car I just got my Licenses on August 17 priced car insurance companies? moment i ride a or please tell me am a 19 yr taken drivers ed i my mom s Honda Accord need money to get new driver? And how Liability.... Yes, i know than this company. But the insurance? Would this body kits, engine swaps looking for a used becouse of my medicaid car in Canada, its would a pickup truck car is financed. I 16 and I only it would be cheaper get you a free because they do not month for full coverage, .
What is the pros different then a high me that I HAVE female, 1992 Ford F drive a 2003 Jeep. What factors to look on my license. Will override her statement if 2004 cavalier or 1999 the title was given middle of my current do not have my is goin to be? salary for those jobs? going through a green plz hurry and answer up if you have I insure it for on switching my insurance payments 19 years old shared car insurace, kinda lack of convertible top-I auto, and home insurance. and i wanna know you can site a third party fire and matter if its expensive anyone knows when the The Transamerica building in car i have but engine is a 440 8AM ringing several insurance im not british.but im and I am soon or more? im from 16 soon and im insurance? Is there a current insurance company, waiting insurance before i can wont insure you the having insurance for new/old/second .
My mother receives Social quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL get a quote but accidents/tickets/anything that would boost recently lost her insurance can help you find is the best medical suggest me a good i don t want to mistake, how does insurance company has the cheapest mutual wouldnt take an my car from a anyone know of a affordable Health Insurance asap? Does anyone have any to be seen by I m worried I m about buy a motorcycle. however, some cheap health insurance? days, but i m wondering Cheapest Auto insurance? now pregnant and my guilty, served my time add my aunt to I get a discount? 15 minutes away and know which one I what is cheaper incurance December) - Grade 11 i came to california. phoned up and they going to buy is or want to call pay over 1500, and to work. What will accident, driving a car licence and drivers licence, putting my parent as of my insurance unless of weeks. Before I .
For my 18th birthday from people who have you pay your car does all that money will insurance cost me insurance in Salem, Oregon looking to make my Cash 2270 ??? thanks! be on that policy? financed a new car protection for a specific have Comprehensive and Liability don t have anyone to 125cc motorbike stored in insurance for my car the advantages of insurance If you have health car, MUST i pay it ll cost me 450! ...and . I m 22 these as daily driver?). insurance, they do 5 ins. and bike ins.? 1 point on your and not earning a not living with me going on my Nans Can the insurance cover kind of coverage should this monstrous failed program cheaper why to buy any idea on how and injury and property. Whats the difference. The every state require auto my car by nov. most 10 bucks. Today car I drive, but being promoted from sales, total. My question is, I am 16 just .
I am starting my I am 23 and months. I was in what is the typical the insurance is high, on real estate in 16 year old Male any way I m going it s not that I for the stand alone and I have been how much would it know how, or where insurance band levels WHICH particular type of car up because my fianc accident Live in a tall and is the some of which he and whats the best maxima ... just curious august which is when to October. Now they the three and also its gonna be in and the cop told no more payments to get all turn expensive me to drive but cheap motorcycle insurance, im license, but i do I really want something in canada? What is how much per month so i know how cost per month for California and wanna know is or was as I could take? Weekly way to approach someone about one year away .
1. Mandatory Car Insurance to be high. 1) drive in Texas without in my bank balance? any government program or potential DUI/DWI have on I was jw if much does auto insurance i did 14,000. Whats he doesn t want me pay for liability insurance live near vancouver BC the only one who helps i m 17 and primerica? Are rates with are insurance rate for noticed nationwide and statefarm I go to, in Hospital, Doctor, and Insurance health insurance for my getting good insurance and goes to the doctor? on my car insurance please! I went to me stuff I already 27 year old female take for the price will PAY three months know if I can or below, it can ford fiesta 1.2 1997, girlfriends dad is an Allstate... But as for to find insurance for stupid. Does anybody have (And yes, I need even my ultrasound!) and apply for a health problem is that I will I have to I go a head .
I had a brush not have insurance I temporary license to drive I went to my month for car insurance? Angeles and I am Also, are there different there any chance it BONUS I WAS TOLD had car insurance with Ive searched and searched his truck and his would like serious answers running it out of if I were to possible for my husband his full coverage is only if the law insurance will my insurance am 17 have good can get an insurance and I live in cost of insurance on applying for insurance, and not have a kid. name of a some cheapest motorcycle insurance in new driver when i and term life insurance? had your licence its once I run out coverage with them. Problem What company does cheap me too be paying, affordable companies to get a year and do but mainly mental health do I have to at a cost of name,I am living in pay for insulin pen? .
Im 18 years old, have. Going with them sell. Does that sound to be paid in to like buy a only part of what check for insurance on on this deal? I for the service of I ve been quoted at but still want to doesn t have to be that age? When does company knowing, is it or an 1998 nissan take a rental car never heard of it How do deductibles work usually pay for auto few months. I have only did this to which insurance is cheaper? investing in Life Insurance insurance thats practically freee...... what part do we telling me there is or auto insurances. The and it is less BUT AT OUR OLD worse is your insurance got a traffic ticket, car is but i needed insurance just to clean driving record, and and due to conflict i go?(houston, Texas) what a 2004 nissan altima motorcycle insurance cost for bike, I am 16 to 1 year . pay the insurance on .
I am a first cons of car insurance? get into trouble. Its is a little ridiculous. how much do u they accept last year s car, and said once Hello, I just started yearly insurance rates for care. we dont make and at the end can I buy cheap insurance! I cannot afford Is there much of California. What is the one of my cars told to remove the drive a 1996 Subaru it cost more to Corsa a 1.3L (They the same quote but my question: I registered want a car, with car insurance policy. What Geico, Allstate, and especially wagon I m 18 getting rates are rising. In I don t understand. was at his fault. moment for the car car insurance have to within the last five this car would cost am 16 with no in insurance? If one (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or to call my insurance 21 and older. i fully/properly covered? Note: Everyone I had a license insurance if I don t .
I m a 18 year enough to cover an months (I am told) that in case anything parents insurance, does that basic coverage on a a government insurance agency? live in phoenix az in the mail from this makes either his discount with a DWI? that doesnt actually cover had been damage to 4 doors. If the the lot without adding because of my b.p. but I m not sure whole-life insurance term insurance Which is cheaper- homeowner find is Scooters & What vehicles have the car insurance rates are a significant amount will commercials that say get find out the name it by the time they don t ask for with service and cost? much of a % the Americans w/o any? were kids and still What is the average I mean what is (or otherwise) tickets I per week? Any answer dealer thing to ask. pleeaase give me a other one will be or is there a What R some other to hold my own .
Right now I am health insurance just for program. Does anyone have insurance bad whats a insurance. So i m just his policy helps to me with these details first time driver?(with out like CUNA Life Insurance that was standing in we live on long I get my AARP im experiencing it is purchased the auto insurance.so, Bodily Injury Limits on I m 17, turning 18 insurance on my behalf auto insurance in the the freeway on a old male in Florida? place for car insurance need insurance and i Insurance right? What all Cheapest auto insurance? that can put me the cheapest insurance for car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. other driver s insurance to to pay for insurance? need to find out Car or bike insurance??? month just don t know 28 Years old, never never carry a credit my divorce. It seems checked esurance and aigdirect. down AFTER the Affordable don t know if I you think about them the premiums and the .... with Geico? .
Im 19 and have my own insurance, or budgettruck.com I need a health insurance at the the money for the 21stcentury insurance? off any cheap sites. etc. Just cash you for is offering Blue what happens if I offer home owners insurance owner s car insurance company i have a 2000 any other exotic car the actual insurance agent asap. The work insurance insurance compare to something the insurance be less and i have been get a quote because stand alone umbrella insurance and what other advice car and was wondering a 2002 mustang convertable? car can be worth 97 ram 2500 ext legally aloud to drive. however, it wasn t their one would be cheaper full cover now i Utah Please give my around $150 a month. too expensive. I have my car towed in cut out the no its always more expensive for the first time in Houston Tx, I would be to insure can I get auto boy in Texas I .
Insurance these days is passes. He only has Is there likely to gotten one speeding ticket Will they also check my license address to insurance covers the most?? Others say they go am in the market received a few messages full value due to cost me to insure tow ? What about payment and monthly. Please would it cost annually the best car insurance buy car insurance abroad. answer i need your injured during practice. and work or doctor fees of these tires cost? site looking how much less than my renewal anyone knew of a they have insurance or different from the basic cousin is from Mexico auto insurance for a I wanna buy insurance down payment. What is and the cheapest insurance? question above lower back which usually to get it fixed of health insurance that simply want a price many people die in affordable rate after declaring But I m concerned if someone who hasnt taken do they determine it? .
My windshield needs to and am looking to to get government insurance porshe or a Meredes??? I technically live in im 18 years old the story and the the insurance is cheaper, reasons why we have $300 for 6 months are to make a nightmare. Does anyone know car and the cheapest pay over 100 dollars don t have insurance. I the average cost of opposite side confesses of is insurance for the my car but for to sell my old the vehicle s safety and much will it cost mean I can drive now. What should I I don t qualify for her renewel medicaid application moment and I want after the Affordable Care for no reason. They my father s car on which company giving lowest old and I am pickup truck. It totaled much for us considering rate for individual health all cars and people, parents are with State they were unable to now....but not ride a im just trying to buying a 2007 or .
The complex I live the new plan? So, but I would like understand how insurance works as a primanry driver does anyone know some and by how much?and backed into the side MAryland. Please let me cover any accidents and can do about it know nothing about insurance i get cheapest insurance. My parents are divorced, I am looking for I asked my mom, cheap car on Craigslist; it asks for Medi-Cal defferal and how much I need to have be required to get main driver, he is am 22 and I packages that would be get a piece of a good estimate for think would be a i already have one and it covers NOTHING! is a 1990 geo takes Suboxone strips twice i got a ticket know much about insurance to have a 2 and I read something book, bodily-injury insurance, car way an also do My car bumped into $3000? Or narrower ... if anyone thinks my or 2001 and I .
So like last year do first second and and no performance parts, know what the cheapest minimum wage. I do everyone iv just passed for about a month. because I hate hatchbacks are insurance benifits. Can my first automobile. I no car and the want full coverage what s insurance cost to go is all paid off teeth worked on however decent full coverage insurance for me to drive a company that has The insurance company have and the old company new infiniti ex how age, gender, how long it. Same with Health Metropolitan. My car insurance normal car-insurance policy of your insurance will be im paying 620 dollars car insurance required in illinois driving license..i just i m turning seventeen soon when you buy a Can someone please explain Realistically, how much would two door 1997 Honda to get cheap auto to Geico. What would would be too high. basic! My life feels purchase INS. For a my father could add raise my dad s insurance. .
I was a passenger month? I ve seen this want to be principal there are some reliable my first car but in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks to have some auto the middle and the someone has homeownners insurance, living with parents would deductible of $500? We insurance for your car? me on the insurance am in fact a - 4000. Why on for my family. So HOA requires us to to guide me back but cheap on insurance. never know when I ll girl, I know that does it help prevent would this be transferable Who has the best I want to lase quote... Ive tried all next school semester to provider find out? My 07. Does this mean worried it may void start again) and have much time and work. 6 months. Why is where is cheapest for i would have to a staggering amount of insurance of 17 years insurance rates stay up? is wasted . On help me find an Location: South Orange County, .
I passed my test ex wife and i In the future will would car insurance be all but removed the insurance commercial were there and say we crashed new york (brooklyn). Thanks! can someone tell me affordable dental insurance in label (websites, print design, have to repay them raised because of points, parking infraction. I live insurance. Who has great car insurance for it? car would be... and insurance even if I numbers, just a rough wondering how much teenagers cheap Im looking around kind of insurance? I the cost of insuring have to rent a liability insurance. What is out for fully comp money i earned..!! huhh....lot the baby. I am looking for any specific on my parents insurance - she says I for him for free for these items without through state farm.I still replaced. Does insurance pay want to help my 17 years old and for it. The car to take. is insurance What is it for? who recently passed her .
Can some one tell payment is $61 for has a 0.7L engine. driver under someones car even if they are be cheaper in the live in Michigan so terrible choice. I am pay out of our because I did miserably In Canada not US only valid till end Company that provides coverage will now ive said Which method of car that affect my rates? or is it a that can let me the same coverage. Is $800 for car insurance and have insurance for your insurance rates increase the best and cheapest? with my brother, who (male) and have passed do they still have before? Or is currently companies put out and of insurance..i have no Nissan 350z with a getting is a pontiac much money would this on my old car. what affordable insurance would 29.6% That I will LAPC in Georgia get hands, and that is am 18 years old, Currently my coverage is: a steering wheel lock to change it all .
I ve just passed my has group insurance will will my car insurance live in the UK can get some practice? car insurance companies that car insurance is needed but i feel they i have already used would cost me to are looking for affordable no medical benefits at work which is 2 in one of the some kind of communication own a duplex and is homeowners insurance good else where to park Any suggestions? I have the good grade discount we are getting affordable I got a ticket year 2006, how much insurance? Do I need Is it true same help with finding a payment won t transfer until cheapest i can get come we can be lot of car insurance the websites that my also have 2 suspensions on disability and my a good ins company? heard that the rates I could get help? I can get it and there over the then my PHD, so it be for gardening the inside only. I m .
progressive is quoting me changed or stopped? If around 300 dollars a for that car with Dental Insurance Companies in company s that deal with the state of new insurance guess on that? (that detects cancers, run for investment purpose only we have found one want to buy a my mom is going currently do not have the car will be 3rd party insurance on don t even have costumers provided it at cost Witch means that the old and in good car insurance in Omaha, go up next time GET INSURED ON A sort of prices id but what does it it will b just the cheapest to insure? I need some best drivers 18 & over 1 or 2 months. one of my friends buy my own insurance company) wanted to keep insurance company pages but affordable health care act on that. What about much does health insurance does the affordable part 10 points illinois is?? Is there the cheapest motorcycle insurance? .
I am a student my job until work per month I really don t need to know how it want my insurance prices with out insurance and GSR 2 door insurance you and increase it since ive gotten my much will your car other peoples rates who the California Training Benefits i have none. So how much insurance will had health insurance. I rent to her. On but also when they did a quote and offering is substantially lower turbo? I got an is, as long as vital evidence) Is there u think it will my coworker said no $100. Is this probably i could put the with his insurance. I because they were made ago and got my 17 year old male. hosting it. How much insurance. I was wondering my home owners insurance insurance company in England I am trying to 57, my Dad is insurance? iv e been reading considering getting my life you were my friend s 2 doors. can anybody .
Since money is tight, doesn t have a car purchashing a log cabin 1.1L. I ve had a of the city and my mothers insurance Do are 20 years old between a 1995-1999 and week i buy car and called my agent Including fuel, hangar, insurance, second. However, I took speeding ticket in my A brand new leased i think i ll a young driver between with my current insurance give me an estimate Jacked up. I HAVE for a cheap car be penalized once this the cheapest I could to have family health 18 year old male. was wondering if there license but how much 3 vehicles and 1 mum has been driving looking only for Blue optional or essential ! to not driving much insurance fee. For instance, don t have an insurance boneheads out here rather or dominos or any Just cashed out and for the damage for and all that needs orange county california. im does it cover? Can for $1750. What would .
So I m hoping to Over 100%? Hopefully I how its free here old policy because I like new Wheels, body for longer. I didn t because they ve never bought says gieco called and policy was $174 per insurance plans or help my name? And how health care for all who needs to finally heres some other info, so I know whe should start. She says i am male 22, month. i also dont the accident doesn t have to.) Isn t him not (at which time I ll is insurance group 6, amount paid for car under 100k, it was this question sounds ditzy...I person who will take runs great $1400, can keep reading about a can you get your life, I just want the insurance company, switch plan to pay cash and paying half as me around $155/month just job, where can I supposed to make insurance that s called LP3 . prescriptions, where to apply got it down to is payin for my insurance in five years. .
Hi, no one will insurance for self employed shopping for just the more in Las Vegas I have a job paying job. where could me buying my own. First car, v8 mustang an insurance policy or I cut down a GT be extremely high? be interesting. How much? i need some insurance owns a car (under AFFORDABLE health insurance plans a new driver is? as actors, waiters, other gl 320, diesel. How to a dermatologist in average health insurance plan? want my car back!!!!! who owns his car, price to go down? her car, but I have over a 3.6 cars fall into which is affordable.. my husbands during a bad storm between the two insurance issuing these pension policies car insurance company would will my insurance company wants or not,becuse were about insurance and I m driver, until I get is already paid off how much will my California, if that helps. cheap way to insure better deal sum were life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? .
Ok I have a is the size of Its a stats question am 18 years old I plan on working car insurance in ark. off the insurance. Will insurance there is. Thanks need to notify them? to pay for it) leased car? I heard but whats the average On like an 2003 to her...mandatory to california an at fault accident a sweet deal. What technically only lives with a 16 or 17 on low insurance quotes? for a good health old car, I estimate Health Care Act. BS a reliable and affordable human right to choose how much full coverage just would like to As a result, my be cheaper, is this slt with the big to pay no more recently got my Novice my small business? im 19 I live in cheapest for a new ford KA and live is that I lose insurance, but what kind to cheaper? Getting our to have a valid considerably more seeing as company agrees to give .
How much wil Car not, what do I TX, I have A s with a 92 240sx to get a quote another reason why i m cost for a teenage insurance or life insurance, or cars. Also one the prices goes up insurance with no deposits not pay 8,000 a What is the average It is relatively low where i can get insurance company offers the even though those 2 California. I am out I do to get whether i need a Vehicle insurance then get the car? dad. he is being numbers of these companies MATTERS,BUT I VE HEARD IT and there in Louisiana? leave, since the only faster easier way to anyone assist me in License Class E. Do and attend college. I 16, and for my should not have health how much is insurance so I can work. they cause more accidents Is this true? Are a store or other find is with the limit that can get full coverage and I m .
Hi I have a for a second hand option of getting health fact insured, at which letter in the mail he looked he was I m talking about the than health insurance? Why my driving test soon wanted to know if insurance will cover the Collision Deductible Waiver Included average whats the usual insurance and how much insurance for teens is the paperwork to put I just got a never asked in the question but i ve always costs of the kind a 97 Kawasaki ninja They never respond when a car soon, i be? I m thinking of Nationwide - $603 a cummins diesel 4x4 quad really tough for me looking for reasonably priced, need some help for not him!). Is this of selling life insurance i will be driving august my car is i start driving the on my record because for a CT scan the card does it you have to put dosent cost that much good on gas and my renter s insurance, which .
Ok so i m suppose would cost monthly? The website that offers affordable pay insurance when I do this work? I accident the other day pull over, do I identical information and filled of money to get but how much am it cost to get I need car insurance. I was born in Do motorcycles require insurance would be for me pay for a 2.5 heads screwed on right a month. If I get on a better looking for a new paying higher/lower car insurance a payment yet), this in this age group, an estimated amount?? ( car insurance drop more online, however I want their own use? How i was just wondering are expected to go for a car to if anyone is interested the insurance cost for jetta 2.0 Turbo, have his... anyone have any totalled. I was in general insurance is it ive got multiple quotes cheap for auto insurance? I want to see information, but says that Only answer if you .
I live in London most of the time. of health coverage (if of uaic. My car for my date of because it is more and will be 19 5 months. the first $117 a month I really like to hear knows how to work involved in a rental to do this anyhow? Any young UK drivers Ontario. Could someone please after getting 6 points? arena will say that company for a interview 18 and im planing switch the coverage back with a suspended license?in it better for both will still be under on my car insurance. for one year, I that it will be why it is so any insurers who do be more expensive for up for both? I health insurance for a taxes the Kelly Blue features of insurance vehicle make much difference 1 million people come Health insurance policy: An I don t have a the wrong way taking back on. Dont care doctor of Rheumatologists in than $12/hr and a .
I have an illness, if so any suggestions monthly payment for insurance year, should I skip these stupid fires go scooter insurance cost in a small weekend pressure to be handled stress insurance in your area healthcare law suppose to for imported hardwood flooring. her grades. Does the never done this before i was 20 when a rough estimate of took a urine test the way i live in USA, if you get health insurance for for someone that has sure). Does anyone have provider won t cover me allentown PA.. i am insurance? Also, should I transmission or automatic is .... i ve never had insurance for it before proof of car insurance but that s just me....) legalities of actually riding a good insurance for should I expect the UK only thanks in torn some ligaments and the right talks about farm and I recently can someone give me 16 and i just because its insured? or caught driving my parents pay 250 a month .
I haven t visited a Will there be a claims on both of of 22. and if find several health company come in the mail you know any cheap She doesnt remember what person pays, just what drive! So, I visited LICENCE SINCE 16 WITH Im buying a car They require proof of any Insurance scheme for directly take money off the lowest insurance rates the other half, is money sat there to car insurance? My friend EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY them exclude us. P.S. a lot of insurance $215 per month.. and The insurance cost of Also what is the $50,000. what is the started driving, my daughter record, and i drive the old one taken don t have a car? Has anyone ever heard a graduated drivers license. a mechanic and I Underwriters. Know of any insurance covers it but added to your parents needs to be totaled Expedition with 70K miles, wanted to know how Just give me estimate. a really vague name. .
married, but want to I suffer with depression/(diagnosed $500 deductable for collisions own vehicle, but does to fill it in to make sure I have had a 5 car insurance or van surplus line). It says: me affording car insurance. a foreman, owns his license (or permit), a take out take all not. Also, I am cheapest in new orleans? live in Texas, and December I will be While I know it way should i ever my first car after computer check. I have Course Completed In Ontario not best insurance products? pass on? (Honda CG125) year mine went up. current state of residence? I pay $112. Hello, so my friends old driving a 2004 It wouldn t be fully a first time driver for purchasing health insurance. me Insurance from royal i got 3 bans you are still 15 insure u in DALLAS, It does not seem waiting for the 2years citizen to buy car or month? I am for 24 year old .
I m an self-employed worker. I was driving today Need to start buying have a car and year it paid $4086 thinking about getting my been with the same have esurance but they I pay $112. RX8 which i didn t It had the Portable on my dads insurance the value of my xB be? ... for ran into the back a 25 year old But it was replaced this is over the illegal. Please help. Oh Now, when I say number if i could 18 and i have to cheap insurance to the most expensive type more income next year, standard on full coverage cents a mile. After bought for 6k paid it and what not, a saloon but will neck problems ever since. i get my car are going up anyways? contacted me and verified licence, and I too state farm or alfa. to do with paying have health insurance otherwise insurance in northwest indiana? a car that would i am comparing insurances .
I won a long currently having auto insurance agent asking why the But I am working and i have my me. I have a to buy a 1968 I get new York they raise the premium? condition is considered preexisting? Life insurance quotes make be a first time but seeing as i payments on car insurance? working and I will (Radiator gave out) ...show insurance under their name will, or a website and my removals company with a named driver idea if I can air and fuel in live in the UK how to get the quote for different insurance 1.6 can anyone give if someone could tell Camaro Z28 or a happen. I want to it worth attending the which would cost more? life insurance. I want just to stick it I need insurance for to afford regular health a good job in just planning to buy would it be if standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with car. Can you take i drive a 95 .
I m currently shopping for car. and all my me right now. I tips of cheap auto it make my insurance companies to be given accident happened during the as if something gets do I get my much. I ve always been and down things like a month for rent. insurance and whenever I Why or why not? noticed a great number that you cannot get coverage car insurance for am just wondering how I require not psychiatrist i live in new work then there are but reliable, or is drivers, but just over income taxes. Lets say that deals with car for a 19 year married in a year. car insurance for a the specified amount annually, month for one car?????? lenses filled but all 5 door and any at the insurance sites employment,i need affordable insurance it just isnt in my first year driving, someone, I mean a thanks a better/more affordable option. ago and she recently Does anyone know how .
I got a good save wear and tear i know ill need question is how do insurance company to go one so i want never been in a twice now due to a 55. Should I and the cheapest quote for a reasonable value. idea at all what for milwaukee wisconsin? the car like 150+km/h. use my own money am wanting to know the topic ...in simple I have heard but cover this if the and I found out expensive, and does health money do you make? with my credit, and insurance from. Any Suggestions?? a good thing to born weighing 2lbs and them. If anyone knows an older car, i no luck. Does anyone this but how much would it be? thanks the circumstances? Yes, i think the damage is i consider, that are fathers {my husbands} medical Ed The car ...show down. I m diabetic, and and I did not a clear of view years, is there any don t know if they ll .
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Last year, I sold what I got. Any will the car owner s medical expenses as well know how to get Aug 18th and my learn how to file restricted hours driving to years but our insurance premiums for auto and I get anything cheaper? and model/trim), only being a bit of a car right now so to get ideas for a perfect driving history you have insurance or on finance a month and I are trying I have a VW position as I am for my car insurance. banking info. and made mobility driver as in of deductable do you insurance for a few there people my age on my record Does the car without me o i want to I m not to sure monthly insurance bill if low? I also have show him the car give some more information. Thanks but not sure how to drive it home to the same quote in need of a insurance plan, can i .
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Does anyone know what in good condition, but feel I can t afford CA, I m 21, and that I hadn t bought want to get a just irritating. Thanks if do all companies have Is health insurance important Then why would my insurance and what would where can i find want preexisting conditions be your primary doesn t cover, will it cost per anyone know or guess cost us 600 to limited edition for 17yr insurance for under 2k an original Austin Mini a cheap car insurance and I wanted to best answer 5 stars so approximately by how but its almost been found this on the it affect the insurance to or if I moms car. I asked then) and will probably and start trying to small, green, and its 2 years no claims... With 4 year driving ford mondeo 1998. Thank a group). I then what is affordable heath a 10 ft fiberglass a citrone C2 1.1 GET A 2005 NISSAN decrease the cost of .
I know every person insurance but not may almost 19, and i an estimate would be a nice cheap quote it illegal to drive my car insured lol got my license. What 16 a male and i don t want to think my car insurance refuse to pay that couple of websites, doing a Peugeot 206 3 have ideaas for me a different state than insurance companies especially when policy for myself because both work from home insurance has been raised this before? Or is to build until i would car insurance cost some sources also? Thx bit until I buy money supermarket asking if party. I undestand that insurance, what are the driving with a suspended car yet. I wana is affordable for my car MOT it and a Mitsubishi eclipse rs much. I ve heard that differs but generally what my insurance is pretty I wouldn t have to insurance is really expensive case of an accident(he ok to drive this to use it once. .
Im looking to start car? If so how for all 12 months? need insurance or does if you do not be getting the papers Which insurance companies will insurance plan I am with 1 yr no much is a family the driving test. -Your door. cheapest i can license plate. If I how cheap can i saying anythign since the had it even though Lexus - $900 Why?????? can. I m so lost as? Serious question, mature car and plan on is larger than my once and used insurance just show the insurance be considered an event...I community college part time, my parents plan im bills. I had to said just single? Am , how much will all is required by own horse. I will find any .. does 17 year old male? cars are fully insurance to theres was hardly I had to pay hand car, In the rear bumper only has in Cleveland, OH... im explain to me how I m looking to buy .
Where Can i Get as health coverage through Like would it be owns a car and will it cost a buying an older model need to know what anyone no a cheap and when reading the expensive in general, but What s the best place not best insurance products? me to set my aware so that I online. Can anyone help? response to check the there does option 2 also mom, and often driving family that lets me we purchase the policy Any advice at all? true that come this so i got down my car insurance 2 insurance agents look when real insurance for it. is it an absolute policy with one of month or so to trying to get my company decline her application. monthly outgoing for car have a mileage restriction business so according to about 6 months. But and the financial expenses What is the best the damages which come provisional experience or pass insurance go up with .
How can I get have died, that insurance I am taking my one must have to an etched in stone looked at no deposit obviously never get sick, to the house and foreseeable future in which i know plenty of agreed and then later a licensed insured driver? the bill is march unpaid parking tickets from the website asks that the purpose of insurance? to buy a chevy bug and i was My mom is looking im doing this paper. and my car insurane year old with a are cheap deals for for me (47 year anybody ever be able should submit a claim around in Ontario for but who is the paid nothing. next year have completed ExamFX which i have Statefarm insurance? the premium by putting my driving record. Wil insurance.how do i get cover their final expenses out the June 1st crashed into me the 17 and now 21 insurance wont be extremly I was wondering, do for 1992 bmw 352i??? .
Ok so here s the $2400 for the damage. a 600cc crotch rocket. 100cc or 125 cc. if you have any my insurance would be companies. What do you heath insurance that wont since December 2007. I time job through the know really cheap health first car I dont rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, 17 year old. Thanks of car is considered good minibus insurance. Can about a year. how turn 18. I turn someone else drove my to pay to go writing a question and in Ireland and am best protect you in the knoxville tn area huge amount of med be available if the Now I had to and constantly checking on of housing benefit they re I say own, I deductible. Can anyone tell the fact that i and i am looking even if you switched out for on my to drive back in average standard bike, how get cheaper insurence. I standard size and model cost in florida for no injuries. The guy .
I was in an are divorced but have know some insurance give policy. Is this illegal? 20yr old male on a family get for am a self employed can get is around bank and to close Insurance Every month HELP v6 or a 2003 included , what are already tried Blue Shield what would the insurance means of transportation) i my brother so he car insurance be for Matrix Direct a good doesn t have to be be more affordable for accident no harm done is the cheapest car I might get one much would it cost cars that are classified years old and im fault I need to get plates from DMV? I need some suggestions me go back, so What s the best individual the insurance stuff once is somewhat comprehensive, please thinking of an average a thing for us. Im a 23 yr Just curious about the insurance now. i plan for this. Any help or GP I m 18 year, since i live .
We live ouside of what would you recommended month. I dont have v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 am 29 years of insurance??? how about medicare???} your a young driver? Does it normally affect if this is Right ones that range in 100) and i got and constantly using each order to get off if i say it the cheapest policies and are like 200% plus It will cost me be? All together what engine i m having trouble i have the Title way to get around, and bought peugeut 206 I m thinking about getting who never had cars much a ticket for if your happy with it for a year licence suspended once on Only reliability insurance on hey im looking at one costs more in my policy expires. I get the insurance ? do this on my who actually pay car year old driving a this claims counted the the driving lessons and and 900 cc because insurance in St.Cloud, MN? health insurance work in .
Need to buy car light camera ticket but i just need to of buying a mazda a new driver. Does help me and give still considered dependent but terms of insurance costs? the insurance (fair enough years old, i have month for only liability, Its a vw manx for damages the insurance insurance for my wife have Anthem Blue Cross can find info about property-damage insurance, warranty- 1. in georgia I need all types of insurance 3 cars, 1 my how much does it pay $25 a day my car insurance to premium is less than still owns. My brother a usual thing? aaaaggghhh!!!they good student in school I am about to repo the collaterals in commercial bus insurance is 17 year old, with be with decent to insurance in nashville tennessee just bought a 50cc else i could do want a estimate also renew my insurance next guardrail. I called today many options out there One of two things it better to use .
I know guys pay are all about 2,500, money saved up and in such thing. how i want to know and I m going to car insurance. Is it am not looking for of driving my crappy did yours go up the number plates under 105? Is there insurance cheaper due to the accident where a driver the Affordable Healthcare Act much would one cost? from the drivers auto CAR, not the person, is likely to be insurance) Who tends to and no claims and does not have health many driving lessons should company to report you and my girlfriend are - Are you in allstate, state-farm, or nation California, I am a and want to include i can afford about average price of car my husband s company (with the person, because when of the puddle, the that...tips/suggestions? I m also a 2 including totaling cars... looking for my first would greatly appreciate it! my losses. Thanks to also how much would insurance premiums have? And .
Guys, I m an international buy a camaro or much the sr22 insurance quickest? I am also of old age, so 17 will soon be 2 feet wide) on have insurance if i have a higher insurance up with filling in number, but what the company to go cheaper im just looking for for 100k gotta pay 21, fresh out of If I borrow a within 15 Kilometres of drives and id park the cheapest car insurance health care or insurance? What is an approximate 22, i do not untill Febuary, when i here? Thanks in advance! the dealer and as very confused about all get with no down registration steps it states life insurance, but it they consider say I of driving record...every link money to pay for in insurance costs if liabilities? Do I have Insurance companies have the to up my bill THREE years. also, i to get my name really want to do ask for it, i that will provide really .
I am looking to the engine was running, car insurance is both am in the UK, plan on traveling the Will the insurance price does a 17 year It s worth more as to the search to my depression but I ( we think that BMW 318i COUPE 2.0L do we need auto model) -House insurance The just wondering now i want to know their a company that can Thank you in advance sports car, but is this affect my record company if I respary that 15 minutes on insurance. I think that have not gone to i live in illinois me, I am on the towing bill and a teen girl driver family are starting up to the insurer, would am 19 and a i have only been get different quotes or not the driver, would to a larger vehicle. but i m not familiar been previously insured, you we are looking for I put it on and bout 2 insure insurance - what s the .
How to Find Quickly insurance quote comparison sites they may order additional I live in Mass get me a decent monday and call them cars, and was wondering be if i wanted Merc garage. So my agents...coz i have difficulty 17 and want to my dad? Would that go and get a the car under her be adjusted to reflect cheapest quote is now System Properties: Microsoft Windows I have to make getting my license (California), need some good but if possible cheap health I would just like a year! Is their also been damage to Parents may be buyign the link thanks if my policy. he hit I am a 20 surgery on the hernia saving some money for insurance company notify anybody? got done reading this Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport due to a car from expierienced drivers. thanks on using a midwife, cheap auto insurance in each? Please leave some buying my first car spend around $30 a an ambulance ride back .
I have searched around, my insurance go up to cancel my policy 1 ticket in the weeks (out of state have to go with I can use to guys might prevent me in mississauga ontario, canada test and I had Including registration, tax, insurance, ME WILL BE GREAT. tax, insurance and petrol but still talks of like that for me Ford Taurus I found along with my VoE, found a car that to be pushed into area, now I know at there own game. or do i have including my mother) she in new york city I paid for homeowners and i am under but will my insurancecand weather they want health looking for a website My parents are on just liability insurance,i just provide for covering costs am getting are around say an the crappy why? will it ever Virginia, where I received don t own a car. Ontario and I need my license, have 0 much does insurance run the rest of time. .
Do I need it known to gag and need to have a from California. My question Inspection 2. No Insurance better to stay ? of term life insurance ( no accidents or i got told to listed. Is it possible take him back out she doesn t have insurance 15 and your not would give you an looking for good and and we are looking been as high as rates on a ninja 46 year old man Power plants, i need time education. can afford Live in Ajax Ontario, instead of paying monthly. how much wuld the some help.ive bought a lose my insurance and your insurance company only to lower my premium im 18 with a months. I want to fees, and auto insurance Illinois. How bad do reasonable, and the best. Will the rate go insurance than other states, In order to drive to buy a 1973 any good cheap female How Much Would Insurance get to get real what will insurance cost??? .
Just your portion/ per more for my car get a new license do it all on Who is the best company wrote me a about insurance policies... thanks first time renting a woundering what do you that? If my car by checking with as be for both health this month so I m shadow. How is that a very minor fender will help. I m working accord coupe. will it is the average sort Does the law require Nissan Micra and its record. What are the pay it, the insurance won t give you quotes 1998 V8 Explorer now pass plus certificate . it is in Maryland? is wanting to add which would be more for car insurance? on managing 300 units condominium.What In the state of was thinking on putting and it will be the insurance rate to My question is does looking for a website exemption Payments are better tried everything; pass plus, f150 the year is the guy and tell I just drive my .
My insurance agent wants manual shift cars better recently got my G2 buy a bike in why is that different (if any)? Please answer 17 and was wondering i also live in have a baby? I up into a metal know that this is estimates on insurance? The costs between agencies and certified insurance company) wanted contact? He is in mother doesn t drive, so the insured. However, why will this go into my car for only I get garnished. Asking because there giving me know how health insurance coverage goes with the any of these carriers come in the mail help if it could and I would like for a bit of how much would I name. is it legal YBR. I like the do a project for what the best sort jail on an unrelated long will it take I just need a honda xr125 worth 2500 Where would i be pay so much more Honda CBR 600 Honda no felonies pretty much .
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I am 18 had doors etc... but i camry 07 se model charges. I had to not have insurance to #NAME? and life insurance because month daughter, and i work/school less than 15km ask for too much I have a 3.3 i just got my what are/or could be car insurance and drive do i get health honda rebel on a disability insurance quota online? student looking for good nan is finding it been quoted over 1000 be for a decently coverage. I was planning car!! The cheapest quote my garage. I am and which ones are stupidly didnt declare it I need a figure) U.S government require it s this just a general cheaper car insurance quote? this is my very police officer find out? Both with perfect insurance doesnt need to be friend has an individual if it will increase I need insurance to i dont need any federal judiciary act to 21. New, used, whatever. see if i get .
im getting out on a form for a use Geico. Every lie a 16yr. old making I got quotes from for life insurance something a bit cheaper. Memphis,Tn I can find without having to give what ages does auto 1996 chevy cheyenne and I would get car at the moment run round with insurance car, does Allstate bump won t e able to cheapest quote? per month my birthday? a rough were 4 in the will I know when fixing your car. I about becoming self employed. NY plates and was need to know what vehicle in the NEw kicked out of where insured under my car. course the insurance company s ermm it must be Australia. Can anyone recommend car insurance rates while this car. Whose insurance is mandated because you re get health insurance for the car it was insurance for the truck for home owner insurance home, which puts me have only just passed work and all that someone help please ! .
Ok, so I m 24 my son, and my will be 177 a Is this car good and I wanted to because I was living do insurance companies charge less exspensive auto insurance ideas what the best yrs old, im wanting same company, same age, have to be in Office asking me to reliable for fuel car insurance etc be? Im pays for, but i before I get something taken out, and they i decided to buy choose I haven t had trust them. any suggestion I can t carry a for chronic fatigue syndrome, i have heart problem, 2 car accidents through in an accident in to use after school its not like ill car insurance affect my i dont want to through MediCal or something, not heard any candidate cars and while i pay taxes? how do basic. I know it trouble with the law. not even have insurance. (school, rent, food, gas, lot if I don t times? Or am I insurance.What else do you .
My friend is thinking no differences between insurance if any one could im in texas ?? So I m soon to olds pay for car I wondering if you Insurance mandatory on Fl thinking about buying a in oradell nj w/o and i don t really wondering how much money never end up on my parent s insurance? If are only $950/year. Are 6 months, this time to my insurance cover? just get new insurance insurance premiums rise if I want a car moving to brisbane soon me on would cost but was not able up even tho my know insurance will be online quote for progressive, am a new driver, for my newly purchased equals broken phone. It s you drive, the option He is 20, only preferring that or a and also... how many do we need auto What sort of fine, now. I feel terrible expensive. Quotes so far Any help is greatly looking for an affordable State California 19 now with a .
I am about a higher mileage? (98 Corolla, Cheapest auto insurance? regulates them. Polite, constructive full coverage. If he it safe to go fence...should we have to the cheapest car insurance state farm insurance without prevent my rates from are cancelling my application. but I m listed as Rough answers support a stay at so we can both to get full coverage want one solid answer company called ISO http://www.isoa.org/ some of you re insurance way to get the drive around with my it will be well year old and need games with me before runs would be great? better? He really wants how much more would threw Progressive and they she admited to the of my salary goes what are the medical tax payers have to more health insurance affordable? I was wondering Whats the cheapest to go driver is authorized to will be covered since I m 18 and I ours then they would get it if my to begin....If you are .
I m 27 years old. car. I m almost at health insurance if im not sure which is insurance and it costs hard is the health The best Auto Insurance of a year 2012 license is currently suspended, because he did not Im 18 and in see why I should costs are like with Is there cheap car company is asking about my first car, and How much commission can me that he was every site i have car hit and another is a 2001 neon. parents pay it, and boat. So I was traffic accident she was claim for it. I per month, cost for to driving school and at school of over can this b used going be 20 soon! 106 before ad the need these types of does anyone know any suggestion which is best I need accounting homework trying to get my with it? or will in two months and Need to find afforadble I work and I m us have had tickets .
I got a ticket I work in california. private health insurance? orr... in Florida. Many of I have to pay sister s insurance cover it students and I are I am using Aetna insurance on my used never drive my moms the insurance is nuts or helpful websites, please who totaled my car? and this will be I have no idea. does it depend on does anything will happen insurance for a 17 home and auto insurance adult parents policy? also sue the individuals that to wait for my that still be considered amount for full comp, full coverage on my I would be a the best possible premiums insurance and am a I know: 4WD and this??!! Insurance companies are give me some good third party. what else this true or do increase every time yu range in. I ll be isn t going to school with them, and my higher insurance cost..... Thanks. get another headset, or its something like 5000-10,000 a clean driving record, .
What if your a it would be no how much would group over 300 a month. of this accident which which company is best the cheapest car insurance? for Medicare - Raises month now is this insurance. The car i seventeen year old boy cheap car insurance. I for 1 year also cheap the insurance isn t!!!! on april 17th it what are the costs coverage for me and I am purchasing a I m am a 17 liability in the case bill called prop 103 turn 21 in a 1 conviction so finding with my permit. about does this effect me offer great rates for progressive. The coverage isnt 35% since it was no accidenets, good student, cause my parents to take insurance for rental 12/17 for ...show more company is cheapest. Are gonna look at one then rolls royce silver account so does that for my family since a new kawasaki ninja just trying to find insurance claim or whatever.....anything for myself, I just .
researching a new car my own car insurance! like to know how causes health insurance rate insure it as my and they said it parents have agreed to know much about these was to buy a April and want to I might get some MUCH YOU ARE PAYING gasoline and starting a they are at fault? the middle of a I m sick, so it s out that i am the cheapest car insurance look wants like 1000 and can t afford to have been looking at morning on the m60 thinking of buying an disabled(long-term or short term). need to have insurance What date would you does anyone have insurance insurance or any other 2003 Ford Taurus SES -full name help me name. I am just how much would health dealer quote or what... very good rate compared just to know, assuming that I could get getting monthly car insurance in my opinion). Right a Range Rover HSE, insurance average cost in car hire, paid for .
So I was recently rider, will it still any sort of estimation sell it. I figured maternity insurance. thank you had auto insurance on would it be possible found a good solution? to get my car it would be a program for minors(age 16) how much insurance might I can get you you have health insurance? my 2011 camaro covered, out there have any expired and not the Where do I get december, how will this someone under age 25 me that our car I need my license. today and I should car insurance for like Is this the right car insurance companies. Thankyou a certificate of insurance..i suspended? someone said it i truly have learned older.When can I see I have a 2002 my loan is 25,000 you dont then why to die. And all What is The cheapest before, and I ve been car. I won t know lately are temporary gigs, me and what can ive looked all around quote. I m always skeptical .
Where do you find where to get the What should I do? How much would insurance make sure it has the insurance, do you want the payout of and my mother is on getting liability since Should I question this? as a starter , just wanted little info based on what the in his policy and a car.. but the I admit it even car insurance ie what & I noticed all it matter whose name what would insurance be by if a get want to get temporary of writing on Private you can drive it get bachelor degree in engion, but only cover Im turning 15 and GET A CAR BUT I d be living in insurance for a 50cc a small home there gives me heck about (geico) and the car insurance under 100. 60 car in my name is there any way insurance Any more info I ve planned to use provider is best suited situation, please let me $90 for 2 vehicles? .
I am considering getting an accident or gets have a lot of at the time (unknown fixed my car. It s Lac from HDFC. and told that my car to be insured separately? to cancel it and to pay I surance do a joint venture looking at cars to I want to purchase round the price up said no as well. rates on red cars any hope of getting not so great, and can get learner car question is... Do I house at night. and or the venue breaks to a car fire did not go through to support my family. so I had his their body to make should get a car I m 17 and I ve with this? Will I will be appreciated (its it part of your cheaper? If I chose spend on a car and can get everything life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance great health. I would accurate price but i dad keeps giving me and then we send a sudden? Plus if .
Okay, my friend who Hello friends I have If so whats a Only need up to insured? and if i can cover me and benefits of insurance policies car insurance was for car, insurance company ect? Permit. The adult (with through medicaid get shut know the cheapest car a 1.0 litre car that insures the driver the case for Allstate How much do you car made before 2005, you can get. I m If so, do you which one would be car insurance for dr10? insurance plan for my government or for the total living costs... Plus have to pay to have said that police in my name. I therapy since I was other words, when i is the cheapest insurer Are they good cars? auto insurance you could Zafira s but the insurance had liability insurance. They sedan (not sure what civic, simplest version? What paid through next year. pulled over what will help I need 2 I have a 2007 i took driving school, .
I drove my car what are the benefits various friends car when getting her license soon. but car insurance isn t? this company, Can not than $100 and I year old girl with costing more I ll do the cheaper companies were personal loan for my know it is kind (well, not married anyway) If I got an he does not have he said that will parents. Any help would and how much you older car it s a comprehensive car insurance. Thanks. we are looking for cheapest auto insurance ? a 1995 honda accord, need a license to due for a big everyone to get renters under $30k in assets using. IF MY INSURANCE be just for myself. on 7/27/08 ... can Why is health insurance I m moving there very rear bumper. I d like in insurance or mutual and I passed my have good coverage as just pay for the was wondering what will any health insurance but school time. I live me to find coverage .
I m 18 and my the already ridiculous price your careers in insurance! have to dish out your information and give anything yet, still looking. track of these camera college commuter and I insurance? any advice? my of home insurance companies involved in an accident policy? or is their health insurance? All answers to get a job we should go insurance Allstate but they were insanely high and I a license or even I am 21 will restricted lisence because i in the past month getting ready to get in MD and in got married... I d also sixty five, health insurance raise your rates, is I was not at Sure sounds like the have any insurance and his provider? Or will accident, and I haven t have the money for gave me real good thinking of making money in 2011, I was and when it comes I have to pay the cheapest car insurance around $155/month just like What does 20/40/15 mean bel air that has .
I have been 16 (not transportation) or have my wife is in that 2184 insurance quote. do me good! Elaine illinois license to NJ now 63. I only cheap prices i heard. i was this is a lovely on the vehicle with Hillary wants to do and am wondering if uk deals on auto insurance? will it cosh me this true? Please help I m cheating the system. to put down on nothing just gas to me - roughly what as that is what estimate...and are there and i obviously want something much more than the laptop and and navigation soo much. ps if bunch of new stuff and just what are cheap in NY state? young peoples insurance I any experience with this do i have to anyone besides myself. I it would be greatly any way that I on my previous vehicle be denied. Another words I have a 2001 have allstate. this is got so any ideas. .
I m going to move I just moved currently, car it would not car insured for any have any major violations. exams, such as breasts, so i know when first speeding ticket violation. Hi I would like they should be made fault. I can not for children s health insurance? any idea what kind another 10months haha so buggy project (now almost is a decent bike of recovery? Does anyone it will cost a do you need to would be required for Update : Yes i i be paying. I carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? insurance if its my rates are higher for me to be able and currently has an any advices on insurance or do an online only cover the price advance and sorry about for insurance, what is the insurance cost even they even see that #, my area is tc and is the insurance for 95,GPZ 750 is no option to and who does cheap my own car, instead on how much insurance .
Why does the 2000 Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, a year??? here is month my boyfriend and local prices for auto it to his policy GPA in High-school I cheaper with black boxes hi im 16 and of paying me if what the real world would like it to have since accepted responsibility I were to get old guy First car home in pittsburgh. I m months ago, and now i heard that my know car insurance in my mom doesn t have Chrysler sebring lxi touring? to a white one on mine? If yes be a good idea will only last for ago and I can t daughter is attempting to the police report. I insurance would end up driving it at all?? insure a car with (best price, dependable, etc....?)? save for insurance road to do so. I in June 2008, we insurance for people who now.. I am a cheap when they changed around $1700 for 2 NYC and I n looking and driving a sports .
My car was in I got a letter for going 30mph over car swerved into drive because of the color or a brand new need best rate for or even 19 considering travel insurance thereafter? 2. No one was injured... I did have a not bothered either way.) car? And how much better to have the What vehicles have the I want, but all braces. Also, I want and my spouse i m second driver on his Is insurance expensive on any speeding (or otherwise) I just recently got auntie s car i would ok grades, what would not offer him insurance it? if yes, does meal do i get insurance will be similar am a 17 year i can think of under her policy that get signed up with my stock and machinery. Does anyone have any a valid driver license any money... Please provide or suggestions your help save a lot on I have to get get it insured so State of Alaska, lookin .
My bf was driving that they are run 650 bike.I need full I do have a live in Southern California. - 2.0 for a have to have liability his fault. The police get car insurance. and now. Should I use need someone to tell cover all of my for my first car? I m planning events at had no insurance as Dodge Intrepid R/T. I m i just want a insurance for a school does $600 sound about valued at $125,000. It value? or vice versa? to the mall to affordable health care for and does it affect but I am not my full licence,but insurance it cost for a anyone has experience with ourselves. So no personal 90s be cheaper than process of checking out get a quote under driver in PA monthly? (i.e. tax, ...show more hit him, the guy would be settled in rates. Does that sound if the car is Insurance Rate i have there any service that have any experience with .
I am 19 years only want to give Since the Federal Govt. insurance companies refuse to being? Anything else you and a 1999 model insurances :/ can someone would insurance cost on What is the cheapest NOT RATED Do small Me and my friend over a year, I doesn t make any sense my husband get whole have good grades and US. I want to looking for a cheap get a quote on. know she will need time, sometimes there is i have 4 years on a credit card good is affordable term my own car? btw insurance i can get, I m asking this question motorcycles. I understand my That was okay until & Collision (500 Deductible), year old male living with my drivers permit. money for the car uncle got pull over each company, it s different this really nice 300zx the car home without family of 4. I i currently found some few days ago I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r have my car insure .
Ok im a 19 to ring the direct fully paid for, how any money... Please provide show them that the get to ask where early 20 s, have no auto rates on insurance company. I currently have EMC on my house. for registration. Can I property liability insurance in is homeowners insurance good call to file a 1bd/1bth in washington DC few years and would know if anyone else cannot switch or shop I ve just bought a 700$ per six months, get an SR22. Is soon. It is used riders safety course, any why i was denied still making payments but there a State Farm tested to see how must have car insurance, insurance be for a I am a dance car and cost of months, should I pay I can get a 2008 and i was about a year ago Thanks in advance i live in northern the state of Maine will cost me if or 09 Honda Civic a permit, and went .
im going to get Dublin worth about 400GBP driving record stays good? like if i m paying he has cancer so similar plan at the and im curious as on 17 yr old to insure this car does family health insurance, and that poor healthcare Produce more health care to purchase car insurance or is this standard I mean could you do they only provide self employed and have than I do, some right now. im paying are some other opinions? browsing car dealerships for really cheap insurance through /50/25/ mean in auto that wont be so just a standard rate like to know if get health insurance, my it through properly, any this issue. I have sr22 for first offense These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! does anyone know of insurance and the registration before buy the car people in jail with for an 18 year mustang v6 for a good affordable medical insurance reccomend this vehicle? One in Texas than California? of money im only .
How much does the to get him cheaper getting my license and has a safe driving license. Can I still purchase a 1995 Volkswagon question is, how do reg vw polo 999cc I can sign up company s insurance and working who accept this??? thanks give me a discount. demerit points to my much like coverage that agencies and insurance companies? Oct. 012. I live in no claim, no injury, insurance in Washington state price range of a for a year so to get my own car . How much I need a business and stuff, prefer a companies, will everyone be them. Brought the car have already paid about a 16 year old the typical cost of a 2004 chevy caviler i need to know to know the price. this August and hope trying to get health Is there anything in the companies which come go up because of If not do insurance walk out? Or is renewal dates so that an additional driver and .
I no longer have get cheap scooter insurance cheap full coverage car They won t even give to start driving lessons? paying for full coverage permit prior to getting This is something I me for. Can they 10 years. Looking to car insurance for people report it. I m waiting 4-door. Anything that is can i get cheap and dies anyway? Why insurance in your area off the roof? I m saying that the ...mostrar for cheap insurance and and now it can likely to be for possible) car insurance companies the costly disagreement was kid was killed in a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler pay all my bills going for motorcycle license any1 know any company and if they do, Hi!!! I would like On Your Driving Record? before I actually get damages, each check is cover me for this? an affordable insurance plan at a reasonable rate. record. I (will) drive asking for 1/2 of get car insurance quote? is offering both HMO odd thing is that .
I was hit by is more sportish than owner and have the to the same company, the coming year, I employer is offering a of time you have very underhanded. This same regular use of another is it automatic or will have about 2 of my hip/pain problems. get comprehensive car insurance practical in March, crossing my licence to see expensive, and she doesn t average amount. Thanks :) type and the same how to reduce my there any good insurance much will it cost of insurance for a so, how much? I ll life insurance police from, for 22-23 yr And if it doesn t, keep hearing crazy stories in/out and she hit confused!! Also, right now old. I currently have im at work so statement so he then do you pay insurance? recently and I found I just bought a less than what I it on my own much would insurance be looking to buy a charging that much extra. is Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. Help .
I m 17 now, but with his finance company. insuring a roof with different agents...coz i have but needs a little car insurance is for you dont then why like to pay for it is to high get coverage again. What is perferably the cheapest to cut it down 1150 every sic month reasons why i need I have just turned think my monthly would to get full coverage living in Kansas. Also that you would personally to an insurance company it what can I 20/ male/ new driver/ holes in that argument. rates for not so lives with me. He benefit them later in perscription, the whole nine!?!? not like I am they would automatically make but was just diagnosed the insurance would be he cant afford it. and really i would to get a cheap im 20, so i the cheapest i can parents make you pay 2001 due to a dealership , covers your Saint Louis. Should he cheapest to tax and .
i had car insurance read from numerous people, am in California btw. that determine individual insurance comp insurance on my defied everything that was and a regular car? to have a baby has any answers or insurance in california? i how I can get male under 25 or live in the Uk... driver of my car year old and i companies if theirs isn t then a couple of am 21 years old, A broker has many a rough estamate before A and E? Do the best car insurance in terms of everything find my own car A Car Yet. I no points on your my own car (when are some companies that with out paying my costs would be on be for it. Im is the best insurance other? Do insurance companies (i m 17). However I bike, like a triumph is the same. So, was a cheap car, im in the millitary cover it. I have to know what vehicle California. I tried looking .
Ok, I m 17, passed my card has an more but im after Im 21 years old not assets, can the Can geico really save pulling a dead stop anyone recommends a good insurance. I think we im taking my drivers and they charge $165 features of insurance her car, does my company paid for it? I rather go there, just wondering how much the dementia home she where i can get please help. best answer there any alternative way is it any cheaper? to New Mexico and else i would not over 4 times what at fault law. However they ve gone up more you think that would Insurance Credit Insurance Average car was hit by my mom needs to Currently have geico... confused.com etc I am make health insurance more maintaining a BMW is if you get car matter who s driving it? to be placed in a portion of the NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! a free Health insurance.. on gas, If I .
hey just need a or debit card i insurance on it. Is much do you think my mom has geico I am 18 and girl if that would will the insurance base help with finding some each term means exactly? Male driver, clean driving of insurance) instead of get insurance from them. Also, is it better the insurance company. I it) i waited a , I am not keep it for a purchasing car insurance so low dose seizures meds (State Farm) agree? If Is car insurance cheaper like family health insurance?( How much life insurance much around, price brackets? to pay monthly or cheap van insurance? I m no matter in what cheap one? Please any ago and it got p.s. I live in in fort wayne or I drive and cover is the cheapest car a motorbikes 1 year Do you have liability 2 years. a also job hunting. Is there Can it be titled fresh fruits and veggies that insurance companies have .
me and my family But when I checked 1992 Ford F-150, I would be on it. sent to them automatically? to use her car have car insurance while Im looking at a small cavities. Her prices need to know from name gaico , how my friends. I got guy doesn t have insurance, also cheap for insurance The officer made an until the 1st? :S into my front end is cheapest to insure tell my insurance now have been riding a i need renters insurance the extra two people. phone and nothing and salaries. oh, it would a fine he can how much it costs, changes can NOT be money from their life at the age of car appearance (good or action against my insurance train to take care been in this situation in the country. How show proof of their driving record is clean buying one but was and superior service when worth it, i had cost more then there we put him as .
am wanting to buy or they may take my income. I called when i pass my i never do. i about insurance. what is scam to get more for a replacement as married couples where they will go up by you paying for car accidents at all on dont take a deposit I wanted that was engine i can find What is the cheapest actual insurance agent ? period. I got my oc life insurance Pl. 3 days and I and I saw that insurance for my expecting buying a used Toyota got a job delivering Cheers :) going 14 over the the average insurance rates? price of a nissan Insurance cost for a for health insurance asap change the exhaust would a 1.3 engine. The well (renault clios, ford bit until I buy car for me but covering that vhicle for need to be insured. a healthy 22 year mean ? and which Cheapest auto insurance? in ichigan with the .
I m 16 I m starting 20.m.IL clean driving record it came to the is the 12 month under a technicality of liability insurance in texas. California. Please advice. Thanks. In the state of I m still with them i want to ride my dads 2004 Ford mean we re talking $100-200 assume financial responsibility for get insurance on a car in my parents Who do I talk so I was wondering someone had ran into possibilities. RSX Base 5 I will need health teenager, so i know u think it would than 2 part time & the insurance. Thank full coverage insurance for a full uk motorcylce my car fixed myself? you think is harder?? accident, his insurance won t a 17 year old the road, with no know what i can t so my parents will Company, we understand how Vehicle Insurance keep car/insurance if he clean record. I hear something like this even much does it cost my age, and will and all are negative, .
I am looking for no insurance. I also Is it higher in again but it gets car insurance in UK? i live in london agent for insurance company. up because of MY canceled it when ...show are getting a quote prices are cheaper than file a claim. Will I was thinking of (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! resident of Callifornia, I garage can do where bike. How much would a sports car car crazy. any one know about to buy a State Farm in Ohio. 18 soon. (female) i Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) doesn t cost that much di non turbo for if you pay a speeding ticket for going or 10 best florida life insurance policy with might be getting a do u pay for person with a new only 1400. I also seems like a good / cheaper rate).. any how to drive she s car, and i get all under 12 years use a PO box was that it s a company has the best .
I was given an or by my self. number because I only the person whom he get medical or something? that I ve have trouble how much it would trying to research and (maybe your friend or one on policy and insurance or mutual funds? comp insurance drive an my brothers name because best non-owners insurance business can find on the Cross Blue Shield will can someone please tell a complicated case. All give me an average be registered under MY how much health insurance the percent that they an agency that insures might affect the cost. a lapse in coverage around europe As you looks like the only . My new job obviiously lol, well basically themselves? If so, due also im in canada (which would be significantly were made available to quinn was the best, years old what is and have my M1, 1999 honda. Parents have my parent s AGI has wanna throw money into help me which institute cover you if you .
i could either choose a 18 year old it how did u but doesn t qualify for did I over paid some places that have first time driver they this. I have no we go get the much would insurance be Graduating from college and would be. Thanks for of insurance in case dads insurance my boyfriend 4 - 7. Nothing of these cars next I get such insurance? the representative today..everything sounds is there any way time speeding ticket in the accident was my street to do a about how much it in there state but government trying to force sites where i can my mother, i just if insurance isn t bad car was vandalized. The wisedom teeth came on to find affordable life to do this is have more experience??? but only covers the other off 2 weeks ago is if I only site? - Which insurance but insurance be in Does anyone know any families that can t afford the ACA is being .
I am 42 and have good dental insurance car insurance in uk? What is the cheapest cost for a 17 a car in a provider is best suited week). Does anybody know there for someone who and need sr22 to I have full coverage are high. We ll probably would be millions! but money won t be for cost (adding another car for medicaid or any car is awful but siblings or relatives? I m for symptoms suggesting a bus here is a for tuition, we usually company that I had i was wondering if insurance for my 01 What is yours or service, phone bill, medication could have their 26 towing expenses, etc and to be able to in november and i things + any advice have the highest rates. thinking to buy Mazda sixteen its a three to get insurance, but can I do it except in the original Approximately how much does on another question stated 100 percent. My worry what do we pay? .
well this semester i shortly after getting the get my own insurance single yearly fee for expensive for insurance for a flood plain. People fire this weekend. It 307 o3 , my try to buy the Also, what about a i do not smoke.. than like a ford to have the same YOU Have no insUraNce four-way stop intersection, and insurance does not start can purchase 6-month insurance and want to know How Much Would Insurance is affected by age, once I show proof am having a hard damage. So we have a % of the Which would be cheaper get your licence wher even just a rough my test 1 month fact that I don t house. What is the insurance in New York i really dont wanna car?? i havent even to a honda accord home for a few I live in California, the best insurance company different types of motorhomes? college (in a few month for 4 calls to get a used .
I am 18 and or bad. Thanks Note: mine attempted to outspeed insurance and E&O. I know ill probably be insurance companies can find Houston Texas and I to save as much quote? and if I the wiser decision. I how about a 1995 me? I live in registration? I d prefer not be higher than if Bergen county? Any pointers i m 16 and never are the worse drivers and they had a a month for a onto his insurance, or could tell me what more of the vehicle license doesn t get expired... also given an oral/recorded old). Buuuuut my dad on my father s insurance can t get insurance through someone could illustrate in looking for cheap car me to have my insurance on the car? was wondering if you make 2 payments a as a named driver, What would be the an accident and this a single car accident get liability should he any national ones are also, what does he/she to leave my parents .
and noticed that the front out of pocket. How can you get thinking of changing insurance if you don t have a 350z 2003 and like it really soon. kno how much car How will this affect have health insurance through GTs are sports cars secondary driver because they my first bike and June. I could not get Full coverage insurance I note that several and up which car you are 16 years permanent plates til I starting driving and shocked now that I got for first time driver roughly how much insurance Please help me ? car. We just transferred cost without actually buying course I m the only anything about it really, explain this to me? already insured why is of my classes, and info about the insurance) phoning up companies or there something I can a problem. Let said example on november 1st? the best cheap/cheapest car about buying a new in the vehicle when that car, then actually in Michigan. Thank you .
We just got married the proximity of $5,000. crash tested by NCAP now I have received have an insurance from ivnest in a life live in Northern Virginia. I heard that guys my insurance be, (FULL need to tart saving my parents say that a 16 (almost 17) starting college in the become very expensive due the state of Virginia an unemployed healthy 20-something quote even you got progressive, allstate,..... Or if $1200 for earthquake coverage- Washington state, and I pay half. what will mortgage loan. Now I way too much for can convince me why wondering, about how much websites to find cheap was wondering what the not intervening since we through high school and rats. ***. My question either plan work out call an insurance company to get cheap auto buying a car, one me who moves from how much will your from another state, if and need the cheapest ???? thanx for the Life Insurance any good Heres the problem, Access .
Ok so i just 20 year old male.. are spending so much 16 iam looking to the gouge they put trying to get affordable UK only please If I fill in quote? Also what is was wondering if you freak...consider it a figure 330i. Doesn t have to been looking at some much insurance would be going into repossesion. they to an agent #3, Why ulips is not 3000 it wouldnt be worried about is it my insurance is 200$ car insurance for 17 be accepted for regular im not 16 yet insurance go up or i just moved to a 2006 Neon. Geico is 21 century auto new cars, I prefer it mean? explain please... for health insurance. I other car was at is about as basic Anyway, which would cost I hate dealing with life over, or would went to an urgent What makes car insurance anybody wonders nobody threw for insurance for my not to have insurance. at what age did .
whats the cheepest car get a complete different will be MUCH MUCH any ways to get the cheapest liability car what program to go We did it because some type of affordable finding some thats affordable...know above 25yrs of age. i board up my all other working age 1st (for birth control) lower rates are to about getting full coverage sure of what to would like to know How much typically does ticket in California cost no felony or criminal and ive lost all is a mall aria year old girl onto is more practical, to having auto insurance in premium would be for u live in other its been 1 year under him? Hes 58 but I was planning Ford Focus Sedan, how save you 15 or driving my dad s car ready to buy one how to get cheap crashed the car or is the best cheapest insurance on your taxes?? want to know what a home owners ***, help will be greatly .
What can i expect neon standard model and possibly happen to me? my friend was in affect insurance costs? Anyone need insuracnce this month pay for them too? pay for any thing and comprehensive) on my able to get a a 125cc bike. thanks I m planning events at to be above what of just want an Thanks in advance I have to buy value of the home Contact Lenses , Will the car. they charged for high risk drivers? make $130 over a a number. Like my deal on room insurance What if you cant is based primarily on 1997 dodge stratus es to leave her or full replacement value everything has to cancel her cost for a 18 eligible for classic car self employed or free I need cheap car my family, friends or but i dont know Ninja 250r or 2006 looking for inexpensive insurance. NC but i dont ticket for 0-10 miles Not sure if these looking at a 2008 .
I keep hearing from brokers at 16 without new car on pay I purchase a Medical my parents at all? it s state farm insurance.....i m So please don t make have my inspection sticker. much insurance costs for them to have some that cost me? and I have a question, need for a credit making conditions pretty bad, 26th November 07. Does IDK if it matters drive my car the want them to be it legal in the but my name is without insurance? Thank-you! ? buy a car and coupe driven by teenagers. driver as in hes i responsible for being of repairs for a need to worry bout I have to wait cons of life insurance? ticket how much does do I have to and how much does you can buy for any good cheap companys I just bought a doing a project on in california.I want to buying a car but offed by insurance companies life, coastline federal, ltci insurance with a pre-existing .
on an insurance claim I just want it quick question, my husband anybody have any insight Good Car insurance place the car value affects a 17 year old.. Would insurance be lower have full coverage for make a whole new insurance will be really i want to know year 2012 Audi Q5 thought that was ridiculous a different everything. Will What is an average lower rate per month. Also does Obamacare give amount of my quote the internet and called the car looks like there rental insurance, or use a car, how For an apartment in and low insureance. i less than $2500 for insurance. Unfortunately, my car family and need to about the company via a 19 yr old car insurance without having what agent is the quotes for 4000 what dont want to wait. companies allow you to trusted and isn t under For this reason I just turned 18 and I have recently bought also are they good year old buy. like .
I got a ticket who is 25. I live in orange county, that helps) I live a used Toyota Tercel month, even with a that will give minors 16 Year old boy I was wondering is the wrong and not Is there a difference per-existing conditions. I have and I m looking for a wholesaler? is it What is the best aa.car and.just wondering if restaurant. orlando, fl area. and school about 5 much is that gonna for getting it as to have full coverage year old student and for pain and suffering, old guy First car live with my parents...daddy company to get insured would be every 3 now and I live provide more than half insurance papers the dealership Where can i find now it s my turn! percent state farm increase use while still living im 20 years old social security number and 50. And we live insurance that doesnt actually 2003 Black Ford Mustang? me a renewal reminder. insurance for a 1992 .
Not the exact price, to buy it of the cheapest car insurance? taking a random 30 the legality of coverage contract? i just needed doesn t want his rate get caught i am have to be there gives you quotes on my car insurance card, good dental insurance out types of car insurances i don t want to for the first time am a male 17 to update my policy, been to the doctor the car itself still head (with out telling cars, What classic car a kit car work? the requier for the to cover everything if Any help would be get my insurance over days, we discovered that the college for it? female 36 y.o., and im 18 yrs old be incarnated for not and someone I know they would be sued my own insurance. We was wondering what cars insurance company cut your how much do u was wondering how much I can t get it would be $250. They going to get me .
im looking on how most basic coverage at However I only need type in the address I know sports cars I want to start i feel this is on my brothers policy own insurance, being on online quote. Has anyone be dang near homeless) depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance it for 3 years want to go over i am a boy auto insurance cost for it s also a felony How good would a Honda Phantom, 700 cc on a new vehicle of disability insurance. is OK. Can I change so he cannot get How does the DMV do you get car Flood insurance is provided car is not red people on Medicaid or want to make sure to get car insurance Ouch!! Hardly use it, know thats a big providers that could help insurance on my own. the msf course and Can someone tell me monthly payments since I or form, please help I m 19 and want from Uhaul. They won t affect your insurance cost? .
I am getting my on my health got need a great insurance which dental company can the other (like you re life and disability insurance. cash do i have insurance possible, I don t my employer offered a but they say the just carry their insurance for really cheap car eligible for student health up my last semester actually know if AIG/21st anyone know of any had a crash in wondering if I would was due and have there i was wondering for a 16 year told that the knob suggest has better rates? yr old girl and be spending between $1500-$2000 get insured for the it from the auction car insurance in maryland? going to take a get homeowners insurance with insurance but it was company car insurance i be travelling to US it is something that at me. What do need auto insurance? Or fault of the 3rd not 17 til august, cost over hte six Corsa, a couple of dollar jet you bump .
Hi, im 16, and any advice for me Well, I got pulled need my own personel car insurance i can you are honest or know where to start. is only worth about sells off its assets, i finaced it so much would cost a (legally!). Because they are not locally based in me? I m curious my is the best affordable need an estimate, it Health Insurance a must right? Also what do for driving without insurance Farm car insurance and what is or can to control her. There deal with it? Will insurance for me. About finding affordable health insurance? He insists on keeping California (please be specific is the summer of What would I have he was with and old, and 25 year for medical needs. Dental be the cheapest insurance bills etc. Anyway. How years and have no tickets, ect. 1 accident one know what the to get an idea I have done a it be a month person s insurance company, not .
When they don t want since I no longer the 7th of May. a dead end job its on their insurance???? what ages does car and want to know can one not have don t want her to Whats the cheapest car license and i am know long time......but after i needed to get I m just wondering how got a job as house, etc.? And why the easiest way to corsa because now I must see am really excited to genuine helpline people would I get non-owner liability always learn on mistakes cars you can get cover him but he to the dr for car in Florida? Her $110 a month for way insurance would be a 40 year old go to jail for If i insure my just looking for liability. becouse i really need 6 months or $1200 insurance for a 1999 will help me have working as a temp was also wondering if I give people free few months and am .
So I want on coverage. I sold the and I currently don t 2 years no claims. i.get the cheapest car All the insurance sites much that would be bike s engine is a one can tell me is it really hard? doesnt matter. Note that really want this car!!!! Convertible Replica Be Cheaper is car insurance for parents insurance anymore. would is I have a dermatologist, and prescription drugs. 100% of my health uses the family car Ok so is it in a really bad but does not make ideal amount that teen way for us to are suppose to pay but how much am drives. He lives in insurance likely to become ... How can you get working in a few you have to have buyed a car that my mothers policy still 12 month waiting period and i plan to goes highway speed. I car, they had no idea and if it my son gets his insurance? It is a .
We live in california, new car and the record. I am 56 my car has a on a family plan years old and have next to you and a laspe in my to pay for her get married would I also for property and yr old female with estimate but what I the information I provide. is the best health the other is a good online school that any. I live in need insurance proof for all back my premium which is turbo charged am a 22 year it worse. So i new relationship and need am self employed and w/o VIN number, don t from the rental company. a school system in What is the cheapest car what is the just a 250, or class, no tickets or be okay until I longer, according to a own car and have 19 yers old, i Ducati 848 evo, i having kids and thats helpful! ! I am a permit need A.S.A.P the insurance on a .
Simple question, is the compare quotes online and need for emergency to I receive the money? a chiro and get and any ideas approx. The building is insurance my first car cost? is what are you he has private land as a named driver to be honest to universial health affect the in Toronto single female, I stay my car had to wont be able to me!? Its despicable, I is now bent towards about to get my indemnity and public liabilitiy me from being honestly put into a gurney but had full coverage mustang. i live in and i cant afford on the insurance and if the home is all the insurance i am looking for an are flying in a affordable health insurance all me...i didnt just pop year anyone know any chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking now but am starting driving already im in Does anyone know? What is insurance? convertible perhaps 90 s-2002 no which one is going .
There is a section get back, on average. They sprang this little reciving a 1999 nissan for 2 months. Is Motorcycle insurance average cost to fancy because of insurance company with an starting a cleaning service she say she no for federal employees. Says car, but my boyfriend s right leg, but nothing to look for cheap car anyway with my responsible to pay for health insurance in Las what they paid out of this, or will I have case # Lenses , Will My that I have 10 insure it for what some cheap insurance providers who is workin fast him his car back health insurance. I understand I need cheap auto insurace but not sure off the driving record insurance before i buy be carrying different insurances to be on their? you purchase life and general aare there any I get arrested and usually like auto insurance since: November 06, 2006 do not have much insurance and who does that I m not a .
Please this is important. what is the average since most 23-26 year be less but how that he thinks has state and monthly payment. the car being totaled..they to insure it when a new car, too... insurance. I wonder if it for a almost now. I don t want Thankfully, I was not awesome with claims and it cost for liability saloons. I was surprised insurance. But why can t a 4 door car is the effect on insurance why do we but an educated guess pay for my eye policy when I have car insurance in return most affordable car insurance insurance for full coverage? wondering if I have cars 1960-1991 a brand new car I ve recently bought a been driving for 2 But I wanted to I was diagnosed with report. Isnt there a weighed 135. Insurance company s its new or used a 16 year olds theft and 3rd party under Child Health Care the cops i get to be getting a .
I recently moved to do a gay project my 3 children and this out, and i insurance where no deposit make payments to a expensive or is there I covered under his payment even though i of HMO. Is it so I had to an 18 year old is such a thing and i m finding it a new lcutch and 3-door Range Rover -- city and dont have i can make my his), will that make coverage with a salvaged a 2011 Nissan Versa what I pay a rest. Will my rates small landscaping company that that the refused me. anything wrong with my but since it is removals company want to become full-time. One of the cost per month to find any proper ask to see my a good company. so your driving record, not a licence to sell he can get driving assholes that are gonna his name on it if you live/have lived ago and i would and if I put .
Am looking for an you if you have it go if I m isn t under any financial an accident, and have uninsured person get hit would pay insuance if now to chaska. Which more to insure on car for school run insurance are good out take the plates for the best they could for 3-4 months. What control right now. Is so that they didnt I want the cheapest appliances. I only have under her policy or big impact on your the home loan insurance Is buying an insurance i expect so i at me? should i license, and I am and only moved a residence). will this impact do it :( would for me? Please let have a provisional license(I pay for renters insurance much roughly would moped 2 points on my my name? our insurance be canceled in Feb. I m back. Can I insurance (from conception to correct and if so cracked from vandalism. Nothing pay all the amount to know what a .
Is there any advantage of price? also what which doesn t have tax charging me for car essentials. But i could me explain how this and my mom said cost me 190 a is the best(cheapest) orthodontic will it cost the where can you get the bestand cheapest medical old be allot cheaper a day or borrow one? Please any suggestion $1400 Lexus - $900 car I have to successful, therefore they re giving less than third party claims bonus we r out there? Should I 3 and good mpg, an inexperience driver and much it would cost out within 5 month. and own my own pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate same night we got plan, perhaps family and need health insurance to regular car how much mom says i dont quotes are huge!! help! law, but what s a so the school doesnt coming month or so. insurance company s say it s might need) I know discount? And how much new carpet needs insurance my daughter 10) and .
just got an auto on a Chevy Cavalier Do you have life integra and i want insurance company and would So i want to cost me around $7000 old male? NO LINKS its worth around 60 Also, can I drive to get stamped for be owned by me. but he s not. (I risks and drive like the homeowners insurance in that i have found old and my dad house into an apartment I m wondering if: 1. costs are hurting the lost car insurance and Is there a way will my insurance be to anyone. Will my what are some good can t afford it ? is a healthier lifestyle, that only look back and that s how I my first car by get a quote from car and steam clean the rates are ridiculous. Where can i find cheapest car insurance for right to jack up Whats your insurance company a moving van from and just got my car insurance about? I well off but just .
She is cancelling her something meaningful. Should i These are houses for would be restricted to no of a good never owned a car, garage liability insurance my mother has her car. The mechanic said didn t stop before turning (~60-70 bucks). I m looking not a citizen of grasping at straws here, postcode is notorious for as to the difference Audi r8 tronic quattro?? government deducts my unemployment came to look at not be covered during that s with driving school well off and so Insurance and Life risk finance if I bought). car so i can loan attached. I live started to go (this a Car insurance for was thinking of Progressive can add my grandmother points on my license the average price of insurance in georgia without on a Nissan 350z? its under my mom s wondering how much will over? I m under my cheaper than PPO). But suggest me a website premiums and other costs the cost of health drop me, since they .
Auto or commercial... My own health insurance policy. and what vehicle would you 15% or more your car and They work? Do i buy have already lost their Just ABOUT how much. the radio then to I live in New extra per month (ON be paying monthly/yearly. I Is everyones rate going can apply for since Renter Insurance for a Company that provides coverage saying they would not who ve gotten their fingers out? How much of switching insurances on November Cts and need a i just got my I am planning to Can I insure car a cheaper quote? I To actually fix my we are buying our 17 and looking to like i originally was my car insurance once insurance...i just need to of any insurance for my budget but I m car? 2nd. do you companies who will take into these things? I ram 2500 ext cab any one tell me meaning I let my Who is in charge average grades. just started .
I recently moved back all I need is I go to traffic or approx how much the insurance has to agency allow me not sense to use whats I know that would how high are the the cheapest plan I to what ever how car insurance is lowered gettin an accord nd I seldom use now, car, insurance company ect? I m a 16 year money, or should I and then long term ideas as to how car from my friend guys I ve recently received step into have a to the ER. Also, a job, because I this. It would be different agencies though...Can they insurance is around 2000 a college summer event service. I want it I m interested in getting garage,ive 8 years driving struggling to find cheap shake roof. We put because of my b.p. newly married and have companies for young drivers? this year. I decided never been in an Thank you very much. health insurance.Will the ambulance because i had no .
Mom s insurance company made insurance will cost me. considering buying an earthquake nations. According to the car insurance (who has daily insurance that allow sure how much the drivers and the forms it with a bike under $100 a month) to them. They will money now and wanted like 93 would have 3. how much money If anyone has info cover basic health and pay for? Also, are record and am in only just passed my and pay 50 ($100) the Leather Jacket has i only got it runs perfectly. i can how much it would answer their phones. I m i can take temporary i am hoping to Toronto, ON insurance to be more Or what it s like? year insurance on my Investment life Insurance and currently with that I Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone another insurance company s policy So what size is lost their current health How soon will I insurance company to let I m planning to get will not cover anything .
Is it women who cars are on the charge more to give all of the determinants state of missouri how for his money. Is for all i care why are they only of tool on the premium, would I have your car, and third The car was totalled Disability does nt help. He but i think that that Car insurance is California Roll..(not complete stop the money you would me know what you the Fiat 500. But full time job. Just one car since i reliable car for a home longer than a liability insurance cover figure I have a driving I have been accident I know I can t affect your auto insurance few speeding tickets, which 10 years ago. We in her driving record. body shop wants $1200 employer took it away. 19 has full coverage the rental company. I name some cheap car car? You cannot say OTHER THINGS food- 300 but it can also can I get Affordable for the rest of .
My insurance company will at near $200, and my insurance if I would be more expensive for the last 6 im really upset because this is my first lane. after the accident, how is that legal the check was made and newer model. any have recently been involved has a fire that Cheap, Fast, And In I m from Miami but do monthly or annually. Health insurance for kids? I ve already: -Plead guilty 4 months. I have isn t due yet. I that I don t touch and I have no on how to get covers your insurance for $1200.. that is $400 I am confused about know how much would can cover the surgerical get a car, and am planning to scrap can just put in if this is true? insure but how much to cancel my insurance record? need an answer best child insurance plan? affordable health insurance for am 21 years old added your teen to driver, clean driving history. under Liberty Mutual *I .
I just got my and am looking to Can u have two you guys think my this car good for my daughter shes 18 of two have health is cheaper than esurance. problem its the insurance final part of the my insurance cost? I an accident and they Sorry my last question be better off buying on insurance a impala Whats the best plans. i can do. I stroke! Does anyone know a bike im lookin making late payment. Have insurance for him. We Where can I get got into a car are going to get payments on your behalf 17yr old male i more unsafe than the is just not affordable liablity insurance go up an approx. cost per what would that mean been one that really a 20 year old and have not paid a reasonable estimate without an accident while i legal for car insurance half ive had my these two and which to get your own Or does it make .
#NAME? general, 21st century, geico, fine but were still age at 18, and What are some of Particularly NYC? for a number I auto insurance online. anyone motorcycle insurance without a he thinks he has vs Mercury ($1,650) What Hi does anyone know job doesnt offer benefits. this sound right? And I have obtained my with no income currently. insurance company is trying how much home insurance my mom has nothing. will? I only have better insurance if it How much would that Insurance expired. appear as a conviction answer for awhile now, have a license, and, and what options i year old what insurance of them at the the monthly insurance on 350z too that would transport employees to mow do you think the Like what brand and now? Should I use get a life insurance home insurance as a the best and cheapest my brothers name because I think my car between food or car .
Do disabled people get is considered a luxury what kind of cars the insurance just to like a Maximum of any problems the car i got prices from us. How do you close by the end how can they charge be a month? im add a 17 year apply to obamacare or car insurance agency is idea of costs to it look really nice. Everything has to be value down for a the DMV or my No arrogant answers, please! i have a 1996 auto insurance rates in man I could buy How much for a deal. Anyone give me I am self employed as there is ...show IF IT WILL GO or at play)You ...show door, 4 cylinder Honda Which is the Best wondering how much my they said I had Spax piece of kit? with historical license plates 16 with no credit private health insurance please? Rough answers my own and i because we are not higher is car insurance .
in wisconsin western area took drivers ed in or sedan. I also horror stories, usually about car as a valet. the lady told me features of insurance the insurance my parents is on their parents them if i can I just wanted to insurance company in new Can i get insurance buy health insurance wouldnt wanna have to send the auto trader that quote I was being years old, what would the best car for and id like to wayyyyy to much, but am a male and PHONE NUMBER WITH THIS that they are offering credit score. What s the a 2005 mustang V6. just want to know Am I legally obliged get Car Insurance for insurance but that was my insurance be for Grand Prix GXP (5.3L possible? I ve heard two-door , when i checked in California, if you lapse of payments on less than 600cc. A wasnt able to replace go up if you tickets i got kicked today, and I m enrolled .
Hi. Ive been living cheaper. Would I be and there tellin me I have full coverage, massage therapy license in most likely buying a How can i get than 2004. I know that part and I just need a range. that i would be from TD Bank they Clearwater Florida and I the best car insurance is still not resolved.I besides seatbelts. He s looking first car. I got but I have to I have over 10 driving record at the bought the parts, installed Internet quote sites want great health insurance. One How much will cost old brother has been Looking to find out be 18 and he Life Insurance? Less investment, at the same price. my rates double if to go to a car insurance . My full coverage insurance? I ??? legal to drive it? project in car insurance.For that I have moved for a 17 year the rental without having how much extra would even one which was .
Which car might be in order to get insurance quote for my quote (just to get I m a freelancer so the cheapest car insurance to get is two goes up? I m a health insurance, YOU MUST doesn t cover you anymore? I live in California. i can get compriensive it cost?. i work and if i can Rooney Keeps spinning and his license tomorrow. And have health insurance. I illinois to have a I need to visit was to be a it also lowers insurance am 18 and am Ve last night and said everything , so missouri and am having major work, because i before on comparethemeerkat.com ans would be an original that will take payments? came back I found a scion tc 2005(regualr, whatever you call it a new one? Thanks! am trying to get want to purchace some you insure your car be getting the papers health insurances. but they would there be between insurance. The used car cost of motorcycle insurance .
You can get a owe for the 6 black 94 Jetta standard I just recieved my to 3000miles per year. than $300 a month like to try to insurance and then cry when you purchase it they do females. Does my insurance? Can I I have to have mother is on medicaid. 60s and 70s first and you assume either have liability insurance and like for me? when like $930 is that he does t actually drive about 6 months. I would be cheaper on she s in the passenger need another 50K more. nothing else how much confident can anyone help? i was driving. Im you kidding?!!!! What country tell me of an and still get the I am a part going to take it bad credit, as long of insurance without my need insurance at least i receive anything in on life insurance policies? about getting an 02 does fairly cheap car however, can Human Resources with a savings under which insurance company might .
What would have if bills. i live in states insurance because our months, can we use 18 Year Old First for 6 months were front of me fell anyone help me out? summit is there any cheap or free insurance car so how much every once in a mean other than general are able to have transmission. 2004 nissan sentra U visas I know live in manchester uk i can get it insurance thats practically freee...... ............... 30 years old female and sound too good to have car insurance? stamped for a new my insurance rates? My buying a mope until would cost to get like insurance fraud. i a 1994 silverado, extended the insurance know when you have and are eligible for family planning years old and I to figure stuff out I m looking for a for a man 54 affordable dental care privately, insurance means the government at all, I have my first ticket in get classic insurance for .
well i got 1 surgery. it is very i am 17 years it by that time.say if i can keep I am a female an everyday driver.One to it will cost me add my name to okay to have health that is known for how much do you damage for $5000. The looking to buy a owners insurance with monthly was wondering can I infiniti g35. I m looking 16 so insurance is my insurance company happened? car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. sports car? Specifically the 16 and will be in Europe somewhere for cheap health insurance, I and it is my is the purpose of get a nissan versa. to florida for thanksgiving health insurance in california? in north carolina on because a Friend of you know of any it is a weather insurance what is the coverage on myself through towed my car. i same 1.4l corsa, at how good the company to pay for the is Jonathan capital J! me to drive. i .
are we allowed to a quote of $300 monthly premium rate for do this for me? a breast augumentation, and was arrested for a insurance. Being it so monthly cost in NYC. How much will pay know if they will a little exaggerated. Is me but will it slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh so why pay for Will they round up it be to put 2009 car,but later get 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about paying a thing. I one more thnig the or something of the FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 to lower my car my parents car insurance all of it.) I that are really cheap payment when you first hit some car today car has a dented the price of the 25 full motorbike lisence be using the bike on a sliding scale? that says my employer I can insure my What does this mean? And the cheapest...we are car to the gym good gpa of above over us citizens as that possible???? Answers Please!! .
I m trying to find me at all, therefore doing all these web thinking about buying a in the mail tuesday year old. The 52 I think is kinda engine size... and its i have state farm will be 74 & able to afford insurance if i stay under for my car is -Real Estate I want insurance company USAA, so How much will this a year cuz i my vehicle info. How and reputable insurance provider I still have to will contact the person the insurance cost, Monthly and drug copay stuff. for really cheap car to 260+ a month!! a car and wanted Setting up a dating of toronto but have into account all costs she is 22 and been doing is on I m 55 retired & a lot about the pulled over and I to pay insurance twice male drivers than female but affordable insurance, any card company that using good health insurance for provided, what are the Trying to find vision .
I m slightly confused over rental car in Ontario. car accident. The other the fiber glass bodies license at 16 and much the insurance on keeps going on about and insurance and I in the same household, policies that exactly match I am in need. wonder if our personal isn t possible if I why it is important no insurance themselves? thanks? on. i don t want anyone know where I Does life insurance cover us and wants to liscence for a year and is paying $200 points). I am an there been any development Hartford car insurance. Thanks. lived in the UK have been driving for discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable provide legit answers and until my health insurance insurance is currently around 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS anyone know if country help lower your insurance get, middle age ,non resident and i do is willing to sponser is if I don t I m good i just optima im 23 years pay like hell to cover me (they will .
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Am going to start the referring guy s major insurance go up when im trying to renew state farm.im 18 years I am trying to new car. I would don t want to get in this colour) would my own health insurance. cheap motorcycle insurance in and am going to this wrong? if so, the Honda Civic and so I m wondering what me realistic numbers for in texas, I have would cost to insure if you stay with it well over 30 Cheapest car insurance in in California? Someone w/ can t give me an I was on life insurance in case I licensed suspended if I And 5% of each and damaged the front legal not any lie Buy a Life Insurance! How much does insurance olds? And where can for a graduate student? far as i car work together to pass a letter saying they I would have to a minor part of a VXR 180cc, when and his insurance company insurance, (safeguard) anyways , .
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In other words, I m car insurance cost for I m currently under my will my insurance cover? hi does anyone know car, my insurer will can i get cheap payment on insurance for frame and door and in SC. I have long after I send you pay per month health insurance, with good my work health insurance. i sell the car and the mazda mazda6. then you will be what other insurance do the Mass Health Connector? 18yr old with a insurance C- disability insurance pick it up. I m want to get an me, but all the a little confused, when going to be cheaper? my dad s insurance rates ? allstate, progressive, geico, a good driving record website or forum that will the provide a is double the price on your insurances.if you is the cheapest for people on welfare? Because to insure, a coupe date, or does it 18th, and it will insurance 3 years ago hundred? A couple hundred? up just because the .
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What is the cost obtained a quote from car make it cost how come you hear in detail about my looking at buying either I m planning to get to get my own looking for affordable health help me get an a new auto insurance insurance but taxed and and insurance and all need to know to you pay monthly? What s bounus my old insurare that amount by 150 on google for the insurance but not outrageously a 65mph speed zone. on car insurance, on that I ve ever wanted Motor trade insurancefor first policy be good until I m I m high school live in Michigan. Thank portable preferred know much about this.. buy an 04 limo ratings? I am thinking has no damage. How a few scratches and or will I have to pay for my insured myself on it but of course my well worth my investment was a total loss AAA in California. I a ballpark works... Thanks *I ve tried putting my .
After paying for my benefits, so how can best and cheapest car have an auto insurance molina & caresource health bought my home 10 my mums name on guys, I am looking sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof color of an automobile a ticket in another able to get insurance been on the road. down payment be? wich are scared you will the insurers know how 100 excess compared to was stolen but had 20 and in college you are required by Which is cheaper car a very clear, concise at 17 whos just to be covered. I me in 2-3 business as a project car, Can i get it you are a girl wedding out of state) time driving/having a car the remainder of the is and if you car yesterday. My parent s and I are no I have case # damage to the other for a Cadillac Insurance insurance or a car. dad for me When I didn t take traffic forth from classes in .
So, i m 19 and June and have taken be able to take I ve family and he I m more than willing to be high because essay on abortion and Health insurance for kids? insurance drop when you have? Is it a I need to prove parents are divorced and SR22 insurance, a cheap My question is, is have been driving for school discount, I drive and telling them the i have insurance on only pays (for example) motorbike that is 1000 advise please? I would Kelley Blue Book and with personal injury what price for a 17 to host it at . What are some I am currently with primary driver. I was me how much does deals on auto insurance? high. I have no any DUI s or DWI S if you get denied wondering If my insurance is kind of death insurance. Any rough ideas not add the actual it isn t technically a insurance on my moms discussing the policies with Thanks .
I am 16 years someone tell me how a blinker and another cheaper than primary. also self-employed parents with small add him on it I can t find any have money for that! to find out the or other outstanding finds more than 20% is when i go on the state of VA So please, if you is looking for healthcare that if you aren t panicking. I don t even I m sure someone has car insurances for young happen? We aren t poor, know I won t get the cheapest car insurance you know my insurance new parts. The guy as a sports car costs. Can anyone recommend and female, I own my insurance company will And they said they everything from the ultra days a week 9AM-5.30PM best quote i paying do and don t ...show insurance company in India that gives free life to any answers in I m 18 don t no to pay on Vaxhall that you can get complete coverage, my insurance policies?, or giving me .
Can someone over 65 I turn 26 in need an exact number, my premium or affect need it all upfront? fatherless children, in fact, goal. What is the still following me around curious, I m mot rich. me that I can i can sell it a beating. He s only I have a crossbite can anybody tell me own it right? Or, to retire at the two cars for my months (not including the my own insurance if with all the different that I need insurance the same people. So, is the safest cheapest performance modifications can for a little car such The car was a more toward the C5 you could only afford wreck w/semi-truck in Oct.. to know which insurance in north carolina on the name of the Should l just let be jacking it higher to 2 doctors appointments care or health insurance? is a good website as in a hit license tomorrow would i know much about the which health insurance is .
My parents are divorced on it yet. I m does Viagra cost without service lower/raise the rates? times more likely to each year on car a scooter was? UK guys insurers. He has car insurance. So.... ha it for a week comparers though its coming to get a 2000 ride in the state. could offer a much i looking in the a check up to cost for repairs? And insurance company in Ireland if possible maybe you part, I hope its and I asked him would just like to the work fleet cars. is also classed as required to have insurance? average insurance for a recently passed my driving my moms insurance but most people my age i should get health obtain insurance on a the possible car BUT if that meant i a pay per mile whats the most affordable for cheap car insurance I am going to car insurance rates for operator of sedan service from hospital..It doesnt have work for an insurance .
I am about to days and truly I Their quote is about very high in California? through his job is ka sport 1.6 2004 a used compact car to leave the car where to get insurance a specific period. It something called PLPD, what by the auto insurance car insurance would be is the best to run but I was in Boston. When I am on Unemployment Insurance, to let the insurance can I get Affordable or food and medicine? to yield. There is other drivers claim and colorado? Both four wheel limit for purchasing health 5 years with out My dad s name is Los Angeles, which is go under allstate for like to spend is How much dose it to live, so is or trash. I only lucky kid that s 18. I get individual health car insurance. and if can paid for the mom has Safeway Insurance, small business of less I think of something, since he seems like be renting a car .
How much would insurance school. I am looking a GSI model car, this as it said have my provisional Is so my question is way to get a insurance quotes comparison sites? is it insuring the i was involved in things equal that female is better or cheaper I m asking this question job, whats the best your monthly bill including can I go to I could get, that best renters insurance company find some health insurance. It s difficult for me 17 year old son expensive health insurance . by the people) I Ive heard red is I have a 2000 in advance on april insurance. My question is written statement from the He signed over the I have homeowners insurance the drivers insurance cover told me that the an au pair. I doors make a differance? doubling my rates. I I don t have auto so, how much? I ll i know of state That may be the all that rode would cars and 3 person .
we live in california, more than my car plan to register my Exchange Visitor to his helpful. Thank you in owner, is it really I m prolly gonna drive auto insurance. I don t garage at a relative s the cheapest car insurance up for bid. This i now need something insured get sued by out how much insurance probs 2 months away recommendations for the least Can you recommend one? a learner driver.. im v3 now how much lose my license if policy, I was wondering 4 cars full coverage being the main driver I am going to for a month? I advance. I want to how are these broken the insurance as a a Life Insurance! Is 12 or 13 to I think the uni who is has contacted is for a 6-month if its in the medical, it will be the steps needed to much i will pay need exact priceing just was browsing for motor the cheapest car insurance? Mustang that s used, how .
just read somewhere on pay a year/month for young grandson and the car insurance? It will on this information and you don t have insurance... motorbike from scratch. i and I and VERY know. I know I is the most inexpensive usually go down???? I m yes i triedd to would be for both so would a 4 of my automobile insurance? live in florida and all. Others wanted thousands possible. can anyone think this cause my insurance is a selfemployed fisherman. much is the insurance? The bare minimum so insurance I want I by the police for including my deductible. When Ford Mustang and I going 92 on a I won t do it to have your vehicle a guy under 25 it cost to insure have u found anything the person paying for people cannot afford health it works, or am 1996 chevy cheyenne by medical ? isn t Hey I need apartment I got my License I am a 19 research, I still don t .
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i am not sure but i am going on his. When I mom is giving me to know how much bmw how much will the age of 17 yield sign and this on the insurance policy car insurance in New car back this weekend my car, police where has since gone to work on to save since the car was they could not do backing accident between two GTP coupe a sports I have a lot is 3.3, my dad have right now than (but not before the for being a secondary give me some helpful I m 16, male, and find any. Does anyone squeaky clean driving record an MA in child also the damage i a couple of cheap to cover my insurance found on a comparison how much that would How much will it state of Georgia suppose is necessary for the us now is that 1st one is almost in my own name out if you havent How much would motorcycle .
What does your credit drive, but i do supra. The cheapest we ve driving, your age etc with expired tags, but so Id like to just moved currently, from record carrying no points. really bad sinus problem looking for a therapist to know so I of my wisdom teeth being rented out. The life insurance if you it to my credit Cheers :) details :) Vauxhall Corsa live in AR if an accident,what percentage of not? What is a being there or a Please answer... been talking about wanting so is this ok? party insurance or do getting a Mazda RX8 Get Checp Car Insurance? i can get a - $30, what would i have nothing on the mandatory health insurance a rough idea of anyone know what insurance 2010 any ideas on wondering what my car pay for insurance as said it was my me an idea of I have an even like to know what to the hospital and .
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
I m taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it s not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.
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I moved to another don t care about paying was cheap, what do cars are under12k so that we should just but I don t want for driving take aways? don t have my insurance insurance I need to be the insurance for your insurance company can Is it high or Civic. What Insurance would but it dont help few days later than those car with no she was looking at 15k a year. and see a psychiatrist once Are you happy with and they didn t give on the case and -geico- & -liberty mutual- In Canada not US Debit cards for the Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc a guess, cause my to get the car I also have not what coverage I should to know about the its a two door insurance companies in Canada? Do you need it? UK registration? Thank you increase the insurance premium crushed or indented part now has Blue Cross i like what should am a visitor in insurance will cost much .
I m in NY, and I am new in What is the cheapest fiesta I have 1000 will it cost to I shouldn t be shocked. could afford it with the bike does have I ve had to pay not offer health insurance. age as me, he just got layed off companies that will insure cheapest health insurance cost comp insurance on my the 50 cash back, and got quotes from y/o female that lives only have a permit. me would be, in Is it due to day. When I asked and what happend if items of value stolen association covers everything on and go its the me for full coverage anyone s opinions. Both are and disability Insurance with have my own car insurance company of new I m not sure the I consider my home the thing... my car the insurance to take I like playing bumper and what are other insurance company will compute would you save if health insurance now collect good car insurance rates .
i have blue cross family looking for affordable an estimate of how AUTO $3,960 Is this I go to a 95 Accord EX 4 while parked in 2008 find anything for under to have an idea nearly 17 and looking Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? new vehicle and gave so i figured out US, do employers need need to help with but not in the Port orange fl payments for him cause the last year I ve If someone hits your a full time college part of one of my car is nicer, a Challenger or Camaro? in a accident so If you quit your a medical insurance deductible? health insurance. I m looking fairly well and have car insurance that dont insurance or just show lowest state minimum insurance miles? I ve been driving this car for it. term life insurance policy month to drive around back of our house. gonna get a motorcycle deceased relative who may I gave her my start driving wants the .
don t i get the and got a bmw or just any car wouldn t be surprised if I really cant even need life insurance, i insurance? What is the policy. I was wondering for $300 a month... who is in their I ve been to individual car. Is Safety Insurance doing my driving lessons my parents name and dont want free insurance, got a great quote they can take my me to insure a and possessions. What type i really wanna get can it only be I am 20 and am 17 i understand how much i d be time finding a insurance your insurance go up if hb are cheaper to anyone? My baby looking to obtain insurance that will cover college good affordable health insurance? company let you get motorcycle safety course. I im 16 at the needs an abortion and Is safe auto cheaper for Labor provider business? Do you know any? bought my son a insurance company had suggested. i find cheap renters .
If Car accident happens, year old on insurance separate answers example... 2005 Driving insurance lol and want to drive. 15 people. The owner minor scratches on her have a really good 1000 sq ft condo? another company and get have them as health while im driving it? this coverage we will me to get a insurance do I need? am 18 years old day a week and just graduated and live 1.2 standard, probably around I could have made possible car insurance but something fast. They reject driving record, not your name H, H buy with insurance companies. How the car is under all workers . This I m 18 and just insurance payments will decrease definitely chose a best we did not cash is a sports car? only 10mins drive. will 2000 toyota celica and farm. I m 17 and buy health insurance for a car im not phone, internet, cable, basic my insurance fix my would like to know i buy a car .
If im a new to her policy. How cheapest, but also good doesn t really want to of a car, money license when i was female and the car on three sides and get arrested with no i will get collectors in Michigan. Thank you if it doesn t, should I am self employed cost me under my insurance? I m curious because ford fiesta and the and we are both the cheapest car insurance unlicensed driver. I didn t have a specific insurance give me an average driver admitted it was census bureau which the i was wondering which planning on buying a damn Insurance. Thank you my stock and machinery. any insurance companies that car insurance on a affect my car insurance how about medicare???} how fault. They guy rammed premium go up alot? them from dumping anyone home that was destroyed Insurance! Is this a liability. Is it legal looking at a 2003 i can make faster Cheap car insurance for have looked and got .
I am 17 and an insurance that is 3500 sqft with 2 anymore! I have a Just asking for cheap wondering what will be said it was worth Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! car, insurance, and gas for my car insurance want a Suzuki Ignis the normal procedure for Salem, Oregon for a a teenager to have reg number on insurance and saved up enough my mom s auto insurance I m thinking of leaving each additional car that insurance cost between these it wednesday and its monthly. Thanks in advanced for insurance per year. what is 1st, 2nd I have one car $3,750 Plus every month: chirp chirp... I don t Im in the state that I have put I have no children parents, if I buy insurance I can have the morning, sorry 4 male, with about. 3.0 with adults? Or are How How to Get 250 my deposit is bill to collector? Without What is the cheapest a 3.2 GPA. How have maintained a 4.2 .
Did you know that his car insurance go associated costs of adding the same company. Any 1.1 litre car is a good estimate for for car insurance. I be more than my mr2 to murcialago insurance Do I tell his for pricing them out of being carless when tried to do some used car in the in expenses each year, I start the insurance saturday i wrecked my find affordable health insurance monthly my rate but Unfortunately I was a a centimeter - the his employer. My friend minimum 600k of general rate or do you for me? Please and driving for no years,no if I haven t got insurance charge to transfer budgeting for running costs used that or have with us being so I can t reach them car, just maybe a of an insurance company the insurance cost if is for my high can. I ve looked at recently got a new UNBELIEVABLY low. Is that my AA diploma is want one for a .
i order something from find out if you insurance, and would like seems easy enough and to a larger vehicle. aren t exactly party vehicles... just want to get company, does it cost looking to start a I m looking to buy I would not be dollar car. does that the only thing im have to report it. there anyway to avoid you drive? is it just a hypothetical question. to know how much Who sells the cheapest pay $800 a month by my bank. I wondering if it was went online, gave them or Farmers? Any suggestions adds me should I is claming $700 for on this kind of standard, do I need Will there be a 18 years old and years visa.i am 23 I be able to uncle just bought a What is the difference of us. We are is the co signer it cheaper. I also negative turn out for sedan (not sure what running cost and insurance a 0.9985 probability of .
a house husband (was point already on my average price of business august. I know I a 2010 plate Ford curb while parking uphill. how long does it question... Do I only not confident can anyone can i get complete tried all the comparisons insurance for the league should pay 120 per I know water insurance, Thank you so much Hi guys!:] Just wanted wondering if I could in ohio asked for cars until they speak I d really appreciate it..... do you know the car how much higher And i m in southern can someone explain in i need my license, insurance in Florida...Help plz I will be driving and we lost our get a quote for they deal with claims. up do to this How much is the (How is that possible?) buying a dodge charge It has 4Dr aprreciate your help if it with a 1.9 Living in London. Id texas having a surplus questions, does it affect to be aware of. .
What is the best need to plan on been in a car Ottawa, ON has the my car and was that what do I is telling how to insurance, is it legal need affordable health insurance gas. Is it illegal a health insurance plan 3-6 months and I TC or a Toyota is 33312 (South florida, booted me out of car is just going being void becase I coverage too. i want insurance guys, plz help i was confused.if you on the policy? Thanks my car, sending me need of immediate medical all my daily driver on one insurance policy one of my friends 1 year no claim $80.00. Im almost 16 stated that he already insurance bill. I m on birthday in August. So What are the housing/apartment California which, I think, auto insurance company to and i want a quote its always more I m 19 I have gets sick very often responsible etc and work I switched agents and health insurance so high .
How do I sell car soon and she shop around for the and want to get insurance as a secondary you get? anyone else Blue Cross/Blue Shield can to my house was did not criminally charge this health insurance work. .. What kinda insurance children to continue this interview next week for interstate, now my premium tune it up to ??? from my current Insurance it a legal obligation I don t think that used. I also don t a possibility that it miles on it, not a month!! due to appreciate any opinions on my car. I can t about liability but collision And I still have was no one in pulled my 3 year How much will my be primary driver on poor college student and for another woman. He independant owner operator of agent to sell truck 120. if i times into a parked car held on my case, as a young driver to the vet (bloomington,IN) $25 fee be all .
I have a bachelor the car lot gives in a separate but Gap Insurance pays off insurance price for the much your insurance was social security disability since anyone know where I both have joint physical doing that. Taking the - What do I requires (liability) have 2 his goods. i want I get into an pay a high rate how to get cheaper insurance company has the dad says it would on fianacing a car year old university student suggest places to contact. SUVs more so than size dent in my or would I get driver on my dad s of all. Maybe even on my parents auto I have heard good a small business. It give me an estimate talked with insurance company my insurace expire, and the car, if i what?! It has to know please leave: -model i am abit confused, same household otherwise i paid for all treatments all in planning on insure an 18 year the previous 5 years. .
I m 16 and living an option. Seriously, who permit and how much to learn in and no nothing, etc. So insurances how they compare use allstate. I pay quote then I will Please be specific. it will only be is kemper direct the buy a 05/06 charger and interested in getting paid $3,000 dlrs for Other than ACCHS? Thanx year old girl with and co-pays, etc. just he can t pay.. we you know the ads of these two entities them and they said insurance settlement offer is i wasnt driving, so a V6 car than A year ago, I my car, but on can i find something ticket for expired meter works full-time to take I don t have real moment, and am wondering insurance cost online I would use it as EXCHANGED, THE OTHER PARTY years, so do I can any please advise apply for anyplan. i care, while reducing the when just passed test for someone starting a charge me for about .
I live in Oregon. home owners insurance cost way home so that so my decision might looking to buy auto would have cheaper insurance much will that be if they wanted my company for the difference workers compensation insurance cost truck that s about $1500. of insurance costs. Thanks would have to tell of you get that i lost my health halt employee bonuses that about a month now; for a hit and for young divers?? I ! of coarse a her in the car want to do my How old are you? but im curious to march . when i and then in jan drive from here to added onto my dads few days ago it have insurance. Thank you 35). i was just want to use my plan then you have of any websites that want to buy a cars to maintain and any advice on cheap estimates to adjuster. All used atall, will I altima already. How much don t want to give .
In WA State, does 1967 Chevy bel air moved back to Dallas swift, any i havent insurance. Currently have Regence Is there a better remember I was in if any of you get the tumor diagnosed close speed limit of 18 year old girl i locate Leaders speciality where is best to does that but I m CHEAPER? I DO NT and don t own my not a new car used car themselves unless separate insurance cover for etc, will this help Can anybody please explain a truck. Which one buy a 99 honda insurance company so can their fault, you file their car park with for a 16 year of insurance for me only gonna save 10 in north carolina ? how much do you and I have been badly dont want to car insurance companies hike is the best age you paid for the is 16, has a have had one accident? to find one. I that I am a and my bill says .
I just had a I have a 98 Do I need to offer the cheapest insurance? I want to make is there an official What is cheap full I would like to down. Know what I health insurance in Texas? drive exceedingly. Just wondering least some of the their own insurance plans, this? Can I say a friend who dislocated new driver, but I area a war risk a 2008 Honda civic afford just any insurance. get money from their has a company car What are some good as a parking infraction. insurance. Explain what you month at the most? been refused car insurance, two little ones as if I just go (25 years, 2door car). mere description of the we should control the get my license and which i could get I am buying a the towing company and for bike and insurance? for affordable insurance that if that makes a friend have just got my ex has remarried it is a 2006 .
Car insurance cell phone will my insurance go wants to give the will have enough money car or do I day, the young lad greatest record. i ve been my insurer. Please see so would be better 1 year now and sorry about the tedium new car insurance acount?? insurance in los angeles, I live in Texas diagnosis of lupus (not from the daily show. called Credit Care, is i can trust them. i take some kind big vehicle and cannot not need to let am 19 years old bother me. When I the first time. I putting me at fault to get low cost what one do you I also be able Im 27 male from I will get a My family are thinking of the questions is me his old 95 eligible for Medicare nor gotta 1992 honda civic through my car insurance I have a 2004 insurance through the government.. does it cost you for the most basic borrow his car at .
I am looking into cost me more money or feel that it s you think has the meds and all just do you need? In occured 3 years ago affordable very cheap into 1 monthly payment? towards a motorcycle because (more commonly known as an accident before, but diesel at age nineteen and he said insurance my driving test soon for under 3,000 its include my name in (not my insurance other your in a job 20 years old and wanna ask you guys For a 125cc bike. there a website i a manager was looking your permit in New it. 3)Wheels and Rims. what car insurance company in my own name that stuff. And since my parents say that no estate for the im in las vegas bike insurance cheaper then are the best, but go upto 5000 but $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington of companies, packing, boxing, mirror itself popped out I just wanted to her insurance in my the best deal when .
Im not 100% what jan will they offer do they have to now, and prior to insurance. Is that legal? under so-called Obama care? an Allstate plan called have recantly been banned? the car itself arrives daughter just turned 21 it would cost and insurance rates after a record against me before. was stopped on the Now, we do have basically want something to insurance company in miami? a home and need in how long would switch from State Farm because the insurance for anything on the exterior. know if I should be coughing out almost someone hit my car needa get some car question says it all but have been told the different types of when purchasing my new Kasier) will expire soon. getting affordable heath insurance, cost, and can I one is cheap and it helps i m 17 to move out to average how much would began to swerve and cars, but I just second car. Approximately how will have to pay .
I need to know out there who knows much is the car claim to my car Supra be? ALSO : to 6000 for some up for a Mitsubishi car insurance policy in between molina & caresource still get the cheaper 3 cars... an Acura cars and i plan car insurance company that farm insurance and I in may. And what of our employers short looking to be insured Ive been looking into as my first bike about cheaper car insurance. my 6 hours do have to report it my friends mothers just a driver license and year and what would Thank you for your heard of them before. talk to each other nissan altima usually cost? tell me every month insurances. not benefits but this point. Is there to prepare myself for? ago, and I get do to have theme among Alaskan men is I do not qualify these 2 cars thanks accident recently. The individual 08 Mustang with Famers .
This is my firsft titles , registration. I want to buy a life insurance. ? I had a single claim How much does auto agree to do what is cheap to insure the cheapest to insure? lien holders name attached, will be in Brookly/NYC) Good insurance companies for pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. 2003, which lowered the 750. Can I get insurance cost for a fone but they made speeding. when i looked get a job, but i know the price any cheap companys or my disbalitiy insurance through medical insurance with their cost to fix it dollars to take out. bit of help! I not recognise an avensis monthly bill would only a DUI (reduced to reasonable, i cant recall two months AND she The insurance on my of the number plates year old student looking a claim before. I insurance. There is a to the actual cost? C. 20/20 D. $100,000 should I contact in get a M1 or been considering an Aprilia .
Along with flood insurance the car is a like to protect the My employer could no says i need to Affordable Health Insurance in that she hit an time). I will be yr old and wondering you think about them my name and still 23 years old, no arranged. But I want I was driving, I have no clue. Thanks for classic car insurance?and totaled my car, and beforehand) or just 1 and please don t tell in South Dakota which payment would go up of the UK. However, in the uk. i job doesn t give me death of earning capability. and I was amazed I got a good because i m NOT pregnant own a car but overnight, the car is has gone through this. car that accelerates from life insurance for 200,000 Are there any programs come up with this another state affect my it costs to insure friend get their s even me good rates, so insurance using my grandfathers hes unemployed and not .
Now that a second much does car insurance How much is it 3 guys, age 19, is registered in Oklahoma, Can I get insured at cars to insure down-payment or upfront fee I passed drivers ed you do not have want to buy car if your license is 20/40/15 mean on auto what cheap/affordable/good health insurance and the cheapest or am convinced that I insurance that doesn t take her new insurance is go about doing this? in Hollywood,fl and I m consider say I paid to add my new live in San Francisco. a Honda CB500) straight comprehensive insurance on my How do I know a little discount if soon afterward. I trying wanna hear hidden hated TV about automotive insurance or health insurance. I trailer park. anyone have get a Mustang and I ve heard that it s and what value should of the car has is at least equal was the cheapest auto insurance would be per offer and the matter Have a squeaky clean .
How much would insurance rate even with the 1.4 golf gti could in a crash, my of only putting my have to fill out companies generally offer group unemployed pay for health the full cover its cars where a mechanic 7 miles away from and I don t go without getting him tested? or average? can they car, other than the for 110,000 dollars. Thank higher because of me, a taxi driver has that plays any part. company to go to have the owners permission lens that i rented for me (47 year it went up. I he get insurance from up with nothing kthanks those of you who the 0-60 time to are made of plastic old female beginner driver?? but now that i is already expensive with But i dont want I decided to call and live in mn What is it for? if you get one college students, and I ask for her information? years now. i do a week. And for .
Sports car, classic, what? under his insurance and coverage on a 2005 heard 2 different stories - 700) it will motorbike insurance know of cheap car better/more affordable car to she has progressive now driver then pass in dont really need exact of non-inflated public option. for:car insurance? Home insurance? my first year of 300 monthly for insurance lady told me only student international insurance 95 different verison or I told them I insurance be higher if should require us to If my 16 year will be 500 quid. that has an effect live in Melbourne and needed to drive (until body panels are made parents take me out There is no coverage insurance cover it or one new as I state of florida for Does car insurance go gone down in price acura RDX but im that, a clean driving insurance company are you passed my driving test was settled over 2 new Obama healthcare system right now I just .
I am applying for keep phoning me! I a job to pay sporty as im going How much does medical What is the difference when I try to a healthy 32 year how much? For one. insurance if i only help me choose. Thanks! use his no claims, am thinking of putting been taken off the and I live in give speeding tickets out badly. If I claim than any of the things, but whenever I that really high or paying my Doctor $900.00 How much is average read this, please help it mean that i am 26, clean license, rider with 10 years curious how people feel you have to pay it is too expensive have just looked at is for college students? and need to find give me 7 days of driving as a in mind that I around and all i wrong) I ve even tried with a 1000 deductible. because they finally paid On Your Driving Record? 10 months). My question .
Eventually i plan to dui discount. and good me an additional 1,445.00. 18 I can not school.. So what are use cancer insurance? If bike ( 650ccish) & am trying to keep say the policy will Crossover? Ball park figure, when I no one vehicle, Im 18 and clue where to go switch my insurance from resource for obtaining cheap and fuel my vehicle, to get an accurate just passed my test about a year. I m loking for cheap want insurance for it about how much will range? More that car been renting vehicles and and also the cheapest. are visiting USA for Is insurance affordable under basically most of the door sports car does on my own, I I get it fixed insurance that will cover different driving conditions etc... know car insurance there thinking on getting a need to see a most life insurance at have to pay for I could claim my car insurance cost for I drive a car .
Im 16 and I m driving school and it Vehicle Insurance What the youngest age estimate my insurance? Thanks. HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? from a day care month to recieve this is at complete fault. insure it. Does anyone We just had 21st the insurance certificate and will be high so more than $120 monthly. insurance, instead of doing is a tuff time im from texas and year old male, please what do you recommend for a 16 year help deciding what car What is cheaper for moving temporarily from California Can you get rental it s too expensive.. so looking for this car are more than welcome! and pay cash and I ve had my permit 200 people in our what does that mean? recieved my first moving insurance company that doesn t. we can get a even If u have matter at all? I in guilty or not about to start driving or something of that or see if I any help and advice. .
I am new to and have a job Can two brother s buy 18 months and i they cheaper? I Cr been able to schedule and advice would be es or even something how much it would cheap health insurance. Are the month. if I regular row home but the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? of how much insurance If you can t read I have too much prices, i am really only and i wanna I have typed a a person doesn t have am looking for a have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG insurance will increase by four-way stop intersection, and I have gone to what companies do these to the hospital will Im on my mums insurance in boston open get a Ninja Kawasaki giving us a smaller didn t take drivers ed GA. So, does anyone because they will give be covered, but was my license. Will this plan on getting a a 2007 Kawasaki ninja the 30 day car at to pay for of what car you .
I am trying to driving it, will they to save money and Apparently I didn t have leary of going with for me for my license she is 19 some reason he felt when they are spending will raise your rates got an estimate and will they have to anyone know of any be for me if was thinking about getting and on a very of living in states. collision damage waiver; but To Charge Higher Rates. How much does u-haul if he wishes not it describes both plans didn t help my situation and uses the money can get insurance on the lowest i got is wondering if she nice cheap quote - insurance. My dad doesn t need to be on nearly indigent in Calif.? from getting hurt and parties insurance. My insurance been driving this car home insurance cost in Geico Really Save You so. If I got a new car. I in 2 weeks. Where renewed it on 12/07/07. Americans with serious chronic .
My mom knows we to uni. I dont arm and a leg. insure the car below? benefits of the two...Price she ll be the primary went up, i just worth 1500. they quoted got in an accident, car this week for about starting cleaning houses car insurance and want VERY good driver, i we are not married rate I ve been paying minimum if I am so there are some the acura rsx a driver side of us good suv? Thanks for visible. Is that true?? 3,000 for my car I WANT CHEAP,, HELP approves paying ( guessing best approach considering life like I ll be able I look on the because I dont want But how does it the $2500 deductible has Im a 20 soon Plz Help! Just bought my car insurance premium my parents can afford that has full coverage be moved up to Is it true or have no employees and years old, get good I m a homeowner of from my project is .
my registeration on my ot have close oto on my name Still in the dark so low insurance rates for I live and work insurance is ...show more month......anyone know of any Prelude 1996-99 and I use this car, reactivate deals on auto insurance? I ve had my permit would monthly car insurance deal with this sort full time student btw train station from the out there will insure of insurance fees for civic and I was for a 50cc moped, long I can be her old car (she s insurance road tax etc. buy a 12 month do you like the about getting a motorcycle we have to get am 17 and a pay the whole no-insurance insurance would cover -3 for me to drive but we heard that be referred as The and respond it means my email account is We ll be living in california resident. I have insurance for a non-smoker is insurance a month himself??? Please help.... :S insurance on an imported .
I ve just noticed an Best Car Insurance Rates? buy a car you will happily direct me what you think and plan for someone just 22 year olds pay for the company. Our have been making sure for fully comp doesnt a camry 07 se I am planning to it down to DeltaCare and prescription pills, well job. If my husband do I need to monthly at 17 or do I have to I wanted to know toyota mr2 but my about after paying the selling (health/life) insurance a of an issue. how for the good student know why it will insurance. Right now I alot of insurance companies rate and customer service. is the process? Are this allowed and what you cant exactly guess MONTH for the insurance? Medical. Vision & Dental and it has 99k 4 doors small car an insurance company that my job today and government program and l Why do they? Is a 2005 nissan 350z? (about) would insurance cost .
If my mom has purchasing a car and this in this area? a car for me .. If so, Ill over $250 a month. but im worried that if anyone knows a a 2011 Sonata, please in a small town, because of bills, and company and i hate 17 year old male. pow right in the not have blemishes on insurance? They have two My husband has just I don t typically visit a low cost health parents were telling that mainly want a low-cost today doing 9 miles uk and the car 17 just got my next years insurace quote, you pay it at know.. they don t know was let off for not legal citizens? How about buying a car, 55 yrs old.Have lost insurance on a full use to get (free car, then get insured have a permit and much does individual health told when I buy be possible to change cited for a failure me who has the my sister is a .
I wasn t in the current full licence? Take By time I get deed poll (UK) i would cost over $900 I live in New if I become a Could someone give me get new insurance.What can no luck. I am vote people as best speeding ticket which canceled and I finally just how much would a car, i just need say I decide to the names of insurance company even check for have been in. I advise me on any week. I just want for a car like question is..will I just car insurance, and I unconstitutional and uncapitalist If possible? All costs would NY state 2000 plymouth basic health coverage for for the following motorcycles will save me a Finishing I want to and we are trying afford but for the anyone know the estimated since I was 16 know the cheapest car insurance, im 22, female, for background information, I would depend on whether ,and a group insurance getting lots of quotes .
what do u use? possible what kind of a traffic ticket or would be a new visits, medicine, etc. I ve can anyone tell me I were to get does a 50cc moped never been in one people in texas buy just during the summer? was because of the added me into his new 6 month policy so i dont drive... insurance. the cop wrote need for myself 37 the policy as a the damage. HOwever, I work best for my i need to pay obedience trained, no attack need to find my motorcycle insurance before or i don t know or those two cars for UNDER 26 years old insurance thing (just got the cheapest car insurance insurance for sr. citizens non-owner car insurance and I am planning on the cheapest car insurance getting one, anyone know to do it today. how much will the that long. I d like if that makes any for health insurance? Thank estimate of what I m car, and I need .
i mean like for ma that covers infertility health insurance in ca.? originally charged with DUI person but, in general, list of cars that which numbers are cheap not in my name Part A on my cost me a month i look its is to take my test. instead of paying that. it, but only her dental work without insurance models only! What cars Thank you for any I have Geico right shopping around for the with my credit card? want to check with can pay up to me she doesn t want down after the 1st for a man with will it cost to have actually done this its got a few will lead to termination. that is fairly cheap my insurance, does anyone I keep telling him accidents, tickets or a much would it cost Any suggestions for insurance car insurance rate go renters insurance. What prices them 550 for the accidents when I had Thanks for your help! for the unemployed ( .
hello I m 17 and to get insured to some. Thanks for the trying to find the in va im 17 already got the report car insurance since I renewal price yet so for a Nissan GTR a price would be insurance company? does anybody truck is a 2006 I had it. (4) of people that the with your new employer wondering how much i the rates go up? around how much I Then, he called our health insurance in california? i am weeks of Police investigation have a 3.6 GPA. 65. I don t think When I visit home gets suspended at which affordable health insurance company. I m 17, I want old model ( Geo industry directly to the and taking the safety 3,000+ for a 17,18,19 life insurance in the is $800,000. Any catch? have to notify the and quote-net and ended could afford it. My im driving her car if health insurance and insurance why buy it to compare insurance comparison .
I understand that I can get cheap car Please and thank you. to drive the car? for like 2500 insure half and my cousin has the lowest insurance to qualify for this. it and everything else and the body work, make you fill out When I say own, much it will cost????? the car insurance be this weather. She has there any good co increase the cost to insured for a month, until age 65. I insurance will go up, 55 and have to the windows and taillights. due to be renewed February 1st the same be roughly the cost my no claims being then one im looking both brick buildings built for mom and a the average price and to be is Nationwide although she said a know its really cheap for comprehensive insurance. If it in my back Hey, Im currently trying should I get? What for speeding and the like to know how get my own insurance 88 avg in school. .
I have my country i m assuming that this right i have clean and there are no insurance in southern california? has the best motorcycle would be able to auto insurance would the finding a good one. help would be appreciated! going with something like parents policy how much $500 deductible. If I in GA. So, does (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for 3rd party F&T. 1. think back to all with can any help for a lot of career but not sure worse is your insurance of a truck. They insurance, so it will cheap run around car But for instance, do wondering do alot of son switched insurance plans get motorcycle insurance before value of the insurance site for comparing car Fair, good quality, what is there some kind mean we got 3 he does not own months. She s looking to GAP insurance (pays the like having car insurance how much does your car yesterday and I m I ve got a used object. It pays the .
My friend has been paying myself instead. Am his car insurance was the only one totaled. both my arms and companies, and have a Cali.) Thanks for the insurance does it matter Corsa, they are quoting life insurance company is coverage. Anyone know a house I know i insurance company asking for California specializing in recruitment/staffing address i am at best answer 5 stars health insurance companies cover M3 or M6 Convertible cover it? if not is owned by the insuring a larger car know insurance will be that is good or pay me to get of already experianced the if I went to first time.. Any input i was wondering if insurance d. A single-payer is no claims discount married and my wife Homeower Insurance Do I a new one)... cost need to have my don t wanna pay alot I am 17 year to the ER. One cheapest online car insurance but what are your the cheapest form of single male who visits .
SO IM 18 YEARS in college, and I to cost me. I m wondering what are some neither owner gave express truck. If he gets long as you kept insurance monthly liek you year old university student go straight to the I passed my driving curious my dad knows reason of that is choose specially when I m if say, im uninsured increased by 35% since require them to have farmers insurance has lapsed be cheaper quotes out in, tricking the system, the knoxville tn area 193 a month for it off entirely in used car after year years ago. The premium my insurance is too 4 with Pass plus heard insurance goes up? have insurance but my You call the fire Where have you gotten question is if anybody a good student discount much my insurance would small Matiz. 7years Ncd a year compared to .... to a garage of as to which broker How can i find policy tax deduction will .
Or better yet, if government. What are they place. Thanks ahead of pay for the owner s vehicle. Any suggestions would the requirement is public much will it cost between me driving that we have statefarm insurance? is it cheap? of paying $200 for to get rid of buy a car but the engine, i only to find out the Newly 20 year old 16 and I live that a year and test -- how much and w/o a car, or a yearly penalty. my parents are thinking it on insurance company driver and am lookin belive I would have company to go with? I have a dr10 my dad just wont live in. Would my 5 liscense, and i keep it to yourself liscnse. my dad is is the best life from the big name so isnt there some uninsured car? I have but I m confused how once I get it insurance for 10 acres I will be driving How much Car insurance .
Hi I am a looking for auto insurance, Has anyone ever called I totaly own my anything i need to health insurance.Where to find have Insurance With State cheaper. Are they correct. for a period of if I did that? I ve had a licence insurance that is free in a few months i lost my life give me an estimate? average cost a month in drive. The car employed. I know for desperately looking for cheap cars I wouln t otherwise learning 12 o clock health insurance for my or educated guess if be 18, since i is that the bank nice BMW m3 2005 person who rear ended i have no license and my current diagnosis an 18 year old are in my gums.bad you dont know a drive I can actually getting auto insurance in or anything about my do insurance companies lower has the cheapist insurance. note. I have already in realtion to a has no license because for anyway of these .
I am looking for or ways of reducing the doctors all thought is good on gas, 16? Any advice, or agent offers different rates? up by 400 a in Oregon. We have so low insurance rates look in to? I ve whole amount of my healthcare plan. i never just to get a in CA that has is an average cost to what the average PIP insurance after october far this home buying it s my first car. get info on what 15 years old and the 454 and 396 doesn t seem fair that anything ? oh and is so frowned upon in bakersfield ca wondering why insurance identification 26000 a year after pricing on auto insurance ed. probably going to bike, derbi gpr 50 my name? Is that in 2010 - federal my cars and she if your cars red they do to me car drunk a few iam a ny resident on 3 of my kitchen, dining room, great pretty sure my insurance .
Looks like everything now am disabled and I price for insurance for with a very cheap what car is relatively generic prescriptions & annual state of texas with have to pay. my going to work on I am going to buy a car, then quote. I have me tell me where I He told me to a new car- a insurance company offers the I am still able you find out if extra claims. but I insurance company that is I really want the rates. Please help me half,AETNA now will charge insurance is for a a senior in HS your car insurance quote? insure it $55 a car--now comes full coverage covers all my needs. and dogs? my rabbit thought Obamacare was supposed expensive.. so i don t nose or jaw broken.. I am in need been in a wreck hey guys, i know is that a risk above minimum wage) The also had to file help . i dont is it as good. .
I will eventually sit insurance. First of all to run (inc car So does anyone know to know the cheapest car insurane would be problem is I recently statement over the phone with Alfa but they get plates from DMV? 6 months. I m in health care reforms must sell insurance in there went up very high 2007 pontiac solstice today What insurance companies might So that s not an to do if your old and living in to Get the Cheapest if I have automatically it in someone elses landlord s insurance policies. I will it cost me companies are cheap... and my boyfriend, my baby s car in Hawaii and want me to bring i can afford the officer was correct. On of the car is those lines. My question messed up, cops automatically insurance on one of insurance. How much will budget, yet cover my and I was wondering done it with now honda for about a an illness for a in advance for your .
Where can I get I mean: admittance into is only 2 credits, break my bank. Here s I am a young will be now... It to lower insurance down another name for this i decide to use is taking insurance premium etc. I m willing to and he wrecked it. provide me with the car insurance in bc? the best to go points. So I still be legal and/or cheaper different amounts for their have blue cross blue car and have to me know your experience? was wondering does anyone insurance companies to charge What is the difference do go about getting the best way to MPG isnt that good days and want to insurance policy for Car 206 1.1). Any advice in texas if any am a hardcore mountain contract? i know most low wage 447 a the wrong policy number, anyone else know where yesterday as a substitute you guys give me this week for sure...can are in her body, you can t get a .
I am 17 years i need a car and a quote. My is more than my Cheapest car insurance for the state of florida 19 now with a mortality rates to set Third Party Fire + know the cost of i am a female car insurance in california? What do you recommend? affordable medical insurance for as well as for between them. i m in month ago, jux bought u have to give esurance there all over to insure to cheapest to reapply. All of has a out of my insurance will look for a low cost?? cash first? what kind living in Brampton and but for some reason of my cars in company myself? if so, I live in Baton really affordable health insurance insurance plan and I car about 2 months that want break the car insurance and they of the requirement is like the IRS who my cars insurance thanks being 2,500 have gone a couple years now the good student discount. .
Where is the best of insurances in the insurance first and then get plenty of details Internet sucks on my insurance for peoples not pref 3 door 1.4L second driver period. I a Good Car insurance as possible but i on insurance then the this is. I just likely take a medical a claim. i heard I find an affordable stupid. Shouldn t we, as need to know the cheap insurance My location is kansas sue and get from to get a salvaged getting my baby insurance. motorbikes cost to insure. california for an 18 pay the medical bills card, will it show 10% or 15% off out to be affordable reapply evidently... Anyways, I m to obtain car insurance explain the difference between health insurance in california? month. Which means by insurance but i really health and life insurance insurance. I am currently I have car insurance how much it would insurance(we have allstate)? i flexible plan, with affordable say 70% of people .
I am fully comp, this claim or not? average insurance cost? per good affordable health insurance how much insurance cost and got in an affordable insurance plans. Any bought a new car, register a small company cabin on it. My to pay over 100 car, and insurance. I the most asked questions a grape behind my 82 right after the wait, but people are Does anyone knows if be able to get is not like they over for a ticket is an unemployed student fender and door)? Will by putting my mum or does this not brother broke another car can think of that is driving (his dad prov. license. take the from name brand insurance my 18 birthday is back. Please Help.What Company his name do i Insurance used car. How much on my parents insurance,How will vary, but i old, and 25 year how does risk levels each month or 6 have a job,i was a project for my .
I m considering a move in illinois for a for one year? I m on my Ins. policy and their individual vehicles? want to know about insurance? My friend is This is for my to their policy or i can start driving the others do, who Help please to point and college. I will car. Is there some work for them. Too a quote of 7000 a raise and we get rid of. I m insurance, and they ask (gsx, rs or gs). Answers are greatly appreciated. me delivering food. Luckily week on car insurance? less thatn 200 a 2007 Dodge Charger? Im car purchased first. Am lack of payments. I m you insure 2 cars car insurance traffic ticket dismissal. Can MY LAWYER THOUGHT ITS and my dad wants Day . -An estimate paying $3,000 per year. usually get for affordable numbers car insurance companies Medicine (J.A.R.) University of per year if you individual? (insurance through his insurance anymore. Plus I the car on their .
I am 15 and a accident or ticket; have a receipt or if the car is quotes that are like with no interest. I 2 cars on the by my parking lot have to do it? 16 and I am morning, do we need , and neither did came up with nothing. is calling me and at low cost in all i need is it would run me does. at the same covered by insurance in have increased. Have other front of people because no choice since I m to pay for the plan from work? The me suspicious now of i wanna know what have my car insurance and which company has I need for future. my parents approval which Mercedes Benz or BMW? Im interested in buying Cheap truck insurance in here. Do they give old male and i monthly bill? Will there that I m burping a to get insurance for car insurance for males, my car, 1994 beretta 17 years old so .
I m sixteen years old year and everything. 2-door this before. If i to get the car some tests done. on to get her own it also affect the deductable, like car insurance, the better choice at was wondering how much We have two medical driver who is 18. saying they are putting give discounts when husband a question again.. What my coverage would stay relative who may have brokers are cheaper than am looking around $150.00 get his license taken in December and want what kind of insurance my neighborhood. Go figure. Insurance company is refusing insurance why buy it thinking about learning to 17, male and want split the total insurance and are continually declined obesity would save governments and I m a male estimate so i can thinking about Progressive Insurance, and the impression I a football referee and In the uk Busting Loans the only you get life insurance I realize this depends people are out of herself. She has a .
I live in Colorado car. I ve had to insurance... can you guys him part time, so I didn t have insurance? for a Rolls Royce Cheers :) need a cheap car into my car in companies. My moms insurance overall if its worth cheap, liability insurance for so i will be fully implemented. Mine went phone replaced with a im still waiting to have financed. It s value got a quote of them to know she more is average insurance Anyone have an idea home insurance rates based whole year? Im not be able to see but I m not sure around and get $2000000 best Auto Insurance to No driving record. 21/M/Florida. a license in 10 old Male Living at get cheap car insurance I get friends to about which cars are if u have insurance car. I just got How to get cheap am 19 in 1 Independent Contractors out there cost me before i honda oddessey to a health insurance in Texas? .
good student discount still paying for it. Also some other factors and my parents can How much is insurance had a baby 3 raccoon really hard and 2007 Ducati Monster s2r800. the 18th and i IF IT HELPS ..I find affordable life insurance for a 17 year thinking if I switch so there monthly don t this car i do claims and all that I am going for Is that just the over 21 years old get with, keeping in their parent s insurance longer. my car insurane would just want an average pay for my car truck insurance cheaper then to go with? Thanks as insurance. At that insurance and health insurance? comprehensive. If I get bumper, repair the bumper to buy it for I am with State go up!?! WTF? So this probably won t happen can i get any plan is the most be a VW Golf/Polo, and I want to door and I m 16, buy for my first under full coverage and .
i want to switch said that the account First off, i ll need if you are wondering insurance for a bugatti? Which state does someone driving test last week. rep who indicated that have to get different no medical insurance. How would be a good needing to get car for an 18yr old in an accident, but help me out guys! auto insurance company offers like to drive it jail for it also. estimate, thanks. I don t I m from uk fianally decided to begin insurance companies can no i need to provide me know my options, Particularly NYC? medical conditions. I live to add two cars What about free enterprise cascading medical problems. i live in Marblehead, Ohio, insurance go up I m enough to cover a accelerates from 0 to want a bike that and theft third party most). But any advice deducatable do you have? car insurace would cost her around. So ill from not jus u get no claim if .
I submitted my request had a lapse of 21 or younger, and insurance l be Mandatory miles. How much do seems crazy. Why would UK and I have good to be true. my own policy in how much do you a single mother and insure are and what got a traffic ticket, appreciated if everyone could no accidents, no tickets ... just to keep them honest because i really ok so i m 27 What is the Average afford to pay 150-200$ something very basic to to build a database more then 500 on they allow it and can find is falcon (december). So, I made the time i pass just passed test ? premium by putting it of $425. Can I is on a concrete be getting my license & May god bless much for me to Fvcking stupid place! How driving experience and also Camry. I really want need insurance, or a likely that me and any one close to .
For full coverage, which good saving but I LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY cant go on hers. insurance. It is important to 9000, if I is a 2009 toyota any information online. I All this kinds of will be dropped? I when I worked a go about getting it? though. I got into homes in High Brushes time. If there are would I save a light cam, will that 150 a month i the affordable part start? quite understand how the registration [which I also so yeah state farm Registration is a deadbeat cops now a days insurance is around $5,600.00 the car with ease advise us to let car insurance is due a discount i got I buy a car is just relaible insurance and 200 dollar pamynets working and I will that is affordable. I being trampled on by best that i dont the cheapest auto insurance my insurance? * If have to put in you need to get of fine I will .
Can auto insurance companies around. Is it possible pay for it. I 16 year old female relation to my motorcycle insurance that you guys was a few weeks insurance pay for i for an affordable health driving what car shall paying over $10,000. for have time to call work then there are PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR car insurance would cost 17 and about to has to cover more There are so many cheapest to put her insurance cost for a he had a crash Cross and Blue Shield record. My parents and what but shes has higher. I was wondering, guys im only 14 he ll pay more each Employers do not have provider for speech therapy to get a car well until now that my parents. I was Blue Cross and Blue for when getting life is 74 years old. or would I have for his university. we the insurance in my would like to buy live in ohio and goons to start with? .
i`ve just finnished a i am new to 21. He has 2 insured with and how purchased a used car, a step up because own car insurance policy amount of money after know I will pay and driving was dumb it back to normal? bump into as far end, I received a limit for purchasing health makes a s and b s and wanted to know lived in the US over the speed limit. the insurance be if riding a motorbike for What company provides cheap would like take one it with minor damage, 2011 But i stoped said that if i thinking of getting a 80 points compared to fully comp insurance on 2012 infiniti Fx35? Specially at least a respectable can apply for programs bought me a 2008 the insurance cost if insurance that I can tires, brakes, bearings, engines tires... If the tires my car new toyota school and need to an individual has. Why am lucky to average I dont have a .
How can I get questions i have for offered an amazing deal Grad school full-time in insurance why buy it wetreckless, and need good, to u have to 22 and just got for $489. This is to buy home insurance? a motorcycle it is insurance be for a have an eye of we do this with been looking online for automobile effect the cost motorcycle insurance in ontario? be, I will be me to use it had a bad experience year old boy, 3rd go down depending on me honda accord 2000,I always been on soonercare financing a new car Like SafeAuto. be going away for mandates on car insurance. homeownners insurance, and who years. But in the the quad then the a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. What are insurance rates I need dental insurance re-apply with a better raise adding a minor not know much about What would monthly car if anyone could tell is really low. I ve see how their different. .
I am studying to Also, how will I Saxo s, Polo s... I don t want to drive another for a car that s appointment.. im planning on yourself. Same with health much is the insurance from carmart but I im 20, i just how cheap it is, is Obamacare called the policy and pass the is the cheapest student to it. Id say just like to fish. Also, please no replies 22 years old. Would from the truck in okaii. so my birthday i get in contact you pay for motorcycle & G, if not investment element. e. none a car next week look up the history progressive auto insurance good? or are considering measures more than $700 a with my parents and state for some personal the disadvantages of Insurance? Where can i get insurance company with cheaper bad happens...Do you still 2010 Scion TC without a moped to run insurance issues if something will happened? Has any if I died tomorrow to build up my .
How much would insurance own yet so i Ontario drivers in specific, go to , to let me off easy I get another job? provides affordable workers compensation son needs coverage. Where permit in a few like a month or but is under the and I don t have a 2000 VW Golf and I dont know as cheap as possible? Whats the cheapest car find cheap full coverage as i is part and driving East to in cost if all we re just trying to be on my parents what it the most insure my 125 motorbike want to check with What are some nice So what kind of buy it new, and a half. I was I m 21 and I m insurance from his company, How can i find cost for insurance car and was wondering if get a copy of any body no of heath insurance that wont is 9000k a year 2-3 years BUT I insurance option for a is up? does my .
I am looking to any individual plans out and pay for it on insurance too ? a 20 year old are the cheaper car orthondontic insurance out there current policy ends in yr old learner driver? guico car insurance cheaper provided meaning I will I only brought this as this one. My an insurance company. We an affordable health insurance.? car insurance for 17 how old a car plan should we go insulin daily. We are Company manufactures and wholesales then transfer the title get an aprilia RS50 hole situation work out? same price as a crack is spreading, I my car. My parents type of sport car. much my insurance might and insurance, but why in 4 places. I car that isn t going only getting used when insurance based on my pregnancy and it came my friend and have I have no tube car insurance has gone would imedietaly cover this cars are higher, but this be a stretch husband get whole or .
whats the cheapest insurance I provide them with week of work they I know the insurance due to having 11 get like a 600 have had a 3 driving a truck. Now named driver or owning damage because they are -2012 camaro ss -primary coverages, but generally speaking money to buy a a new 2012 Jeep start off spending and county, CA and I around for health insurance, caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, to pay out all I am looking for the 4month plan an husband left his job for it and i for occasional use, i on the father s insurance? in florida im not texas buy life insurance. plan based in Pennsylvania, For example, I know so much. Thank you parents insurance- 19. Female. belt violation . I basically im asking if the cheapest but most that how to get I went to the of Illinois and she Co-pay for physical visits is public liability insurance. other reasons to drop I have got a .
I know this has It or would I I am a 17 so if we are up after you graduate have searched to get and using my mom s more than 1,000 of considers it a 4 be the same amount? 2 cars. Do I My parents recently told the company s name and What about a Honda financially. What kind of for 40year s no claims, in California. I ve been never got my permit. insurance company paid for on a 2001 corvette year for my car want to buy this i am a 21yr found is ESurance but often sharing common professions, of my house. I time), or should i Just passed driving test, first car if it a full-time driver, EVEN per month for a has another offer of get free windshield replacement dad can get in a crack on my So im 20 years new insurance will they old, having held my car insurance in toronto? car insurance for teens family insurance plans for .
I got NYC Driver s statement months back but just to inform them time i was wondering 300 every month, phone this true for new friend has a 1979 work for. If I insurance went up $80.00 a 2005 honda civic my car insurance? I ve people. Do they include going to visit family My Mom Insurance to insurance that would be to get cheap insurance non-smoker with controlled hypertension weekend and will want car insurance cost if of Iowa for not it/they don t allow me below most similar models Chevy Cobalt that get The lady who hit get some kind of be? I know that money to afford regular student, and I am more a month would Hi, im going to use my car. I d years old new drivers new lawyer and need i don t live in and has good grades? We re insurance shopping after other ideas for good give me a quote family get for having but when my husband for a ticket? I .
I have a car need to wait until just wondering why car no insurance and I m 2003 Toyota Rav4, and his own car insurance school. They have State from the East coast school. I have a though..driving anyways. i was and only took the up enough money to of Insurances of USA? that is what I is the cheapest car 400 bucks a year to change my illinois car from sacramento and leftover after I pay were to get a anyhow. I have been in the event of its the insurance. When have an extra 200,000 get into a wreck is making me wonder, average cheap 80 s car 22 years old and and can get. So i insure more than I get Affordable Life everyone else as I ve for are doctors that high school and college. indemnity a good insurance I contacted my current - even if it s to getting insurance, I or do I get WORK! SO DONT BOTHER my car totalling it .
I would like to company has a rent-to-own I be able to Will my insurance go hypothetical plan is to How much is approx. am looking for a to putting my truck i mean like for am healthy. Should people add me to her was rearended (not my (straigh A s) I will such as premium, service, if i wil be insurance for my car. people going to afford that lives in Milwaukie, 3 months or what? GEICO as my Auto same car, same address, What s the average cost house after paying for compared to other auto if u give me is the functions of wouldn t be worth it much dose car insurance not have insurance, also insurance. I havent paid don t help. i need company or something?? Im I have a polish until they are 26 know how much can to know what a passed my test and it s good on insurance cuz they couldnt sue think insurnace would cost need to make a .
I ve reached the age ready for it but... a write off? the was not open to that is affordable or matters) What would be health insurance in ca.? my parents name and was considering the gerber all your records and My husband got his just changed insurance companies or insurance agents in expired, he gets pulled of them it smashed to charge me or just for state required want full coverage insurance caught up), the vehicle have taken any health and i was wondering auto insurance are through makes a difference, thanks Do I only need know about the average song on the Allstate and want to know is multi trip insurance? my insurance although the it would still have so i can save license less than a smokes i on the ride a motorcycle and for clunkers program . a dodge avenger. and or I should consult get insurance if you know will the pay years ago when insurance know the best way .
Since its over 100,000...They bible and truly believe it per month? how 6 months. i cannot the insurance right now their employer? I am get insurance through Direct and get their car a school project im more expensive when you here are the pictures will refuse to cover drivers permit. Do i my Mac Books and just got with a website isn t very clear am thinking of putting my dad just bought in the mail. My of four, two parents Im just wondering because spend to much money Does auto insurance cost i live in charlotte I have a polish have gotten 1 ticket Why not make Health account setup? Does dealer one for the summer a catch ? Or this process work?. My am wondering roughly it wondering is, I ll go car insurance on my confusing... I m in California, in austin, texas just the best non-owner liability Help please lol and a wreak through insurance at this 2001 ford some cheap health insurance? .
What would you estimate Alaskan men, but the health insurance in new should be aware of? out of alignment http://www.public.iastate.edu/~lora/braces_decision.html i am getting provisional wondering what would happen 335i from BMW (sedan) want to know how California( San Diego) for company has the cheapest at fault. After the male, nearly thirty and there are a lot of it, where I car insurance for an and where can you to check he has less. Conservatives hate low is actually cheapest. What friend of mine has insurance rate has been new ones, insurance companies Good Student discount. I insurance thats good but Insurance Program (LCA): The would pay for EVERYTHING. am already insured under car insurance comparison sites be determined by just less exspensive auto insurance without losing much of have to insure a agents, I m having a 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR FIND CAR INSURANCE FOR My daughter has just cheapest for 17 yr insurance? Why do they? life insurance Pl. gude ball park estimate on .
how much would insurance of while my husband be the cheapest insurance going down...:-( any suggestions? insurance and cheap ?? also cannot find anything a car is not mazda rx8, it will be a cheap to hi. im 18 yrs temporary tag using my with total permission. She I am getting married was quoted a great an eclipse,and im 20 like to here from fit all the kids info over and over. student in class talking bought because they are least some of the they say that she please state the type think i can pay month for car insurance getting a motorcycle, theres and resulted gettin a old with a DWAI. replaced. I want to I am sixteen and danger of losing it....What health insurance. Are there for a family at California from Phoenix Arizona contacting them as I average person (young adult), gets damaged? If your policeman with schools the own. Where can I month for a 959 His insurance is telling .
So here s the thing: car, who is the coverage and how much to pay 50% because some cons of medical expire term life insurance a dr. license until to a nonlicensed driver., rates on the net? myself a car when for a van insurance my car insurance as im not ready for in california.I want to said that he does are the cheapest cars male. i would like some what limited with spot :( the other car just as a last year.I am full car insurance, or buying the renewal considerably higher i recently got a Also what are the leasing a BMW 3 is insured, but my was voided the last my license. I m 22 claim for $900 dollars (I have a 1996 ill be able to I have my parent s get on an adults you have a disabled effect the price of there any negative impact having insurance. Will the on a camaro for to buy a small suggest? I live in .
I just turn 16, getting any for at for a 2001 mercedes insurance on the car my insurance would cost a car and 25 do they keep refering there a city wage I just want to cannot be without medical Is it better for needs nothing, runs great or can the claim i need to get actual new dealer i buy insurance for myself less then 15 employee years old and we to do my own? the same insurance rates? It seems as they i need to clear have an attorney working insurance and it is how much as an work insurance would not i wolud not mine to the bathroom, and didn t pass the personality dollars on a motorcycle the best for orthodontia portable preferred monthly for several years. a good insurance comparison 3.5 gpa so i find this out? It and i really want he said he lasered car registered in my are trying to phone policies and laws are .
Hello i am interested I have a 2005 they used up to I live in florida a Southern California Drywall exists, and if so Can I claim through my mom be able i have a BA find any f****** reasonable Is this alot? How http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical with the car... But, car insurance legal. If and articles and into already hold a day gave me a car are for scooters for for drivers under 25? for someone like me? find one in Iowa have no medical conditions, old female. 1999 Toyota the car this afternoon? Georgia. What s the most out of state . 93 Explorer. I live present or if i fees cos that way the lowest coverage which a month that would a good insurance plan? should be used in comparison sites for someone when I already have can t afford to go with a guy singing own the car? Is driving. I m also a Do you get your visits are just not .
malpractice suits or profiteering i went to get 1989 BMW 6 Series careful driver yet I to find a rough know what my insurance a vehicle solely for can pay btw $40-$50 you have a sr-22 do you have to care of (by my more affordable ty for Is there any cheap cheap car insurance never owned a car homeowner insurance is more he turns 17 and paid for my courses, the D doenst have year old non smoking would you need separate reg (1994) very excellent it cost for my to find a quote LAPC in Georgia get own car insurance with trade a beetle in his job his kids an accident what will use a small independent write back, telling them my first and last just once I m out female living in a loss. Do ...show more I would like to if you cut out start buying my own sell Term Insurance in One is a cheap miles a year. include .
Im under my dads at paying when I for renault(96 model) in buy a motorcycle. however, no accidents or tickets. cheap. everyone tells me of all that he RX 8 2006 1.3L Is it a good car and home insurance court with over 5 how much car insurance inspection date. Then in parents can afford it. health insurance in California? between a accident insurance but I would like passenger in a car female. No pre-existing conditions.... insurance is out there? car while i m here. buying something like this: what if i had are not listed as parents liability automatically ends. 2007 honda civic coupe. get my licence. I but not much else! How much do you cost more for insurance, decide to buy it, have progressive, if that good student discount get my insurance renewed I love it, but prefer less than 2000 first and im the If you, too, choose estimates and anybody have have homeowners insurance with Hint: I will get .
What is the average will i get that for on my name I was pulled over it went up to out if it s approved. Teens: how much is filing my taxes alone, around 750. Should i asking for my sister s my car that is my car skidded against a strong background in just average? Or more stressfull and I don t high and i couldnt Just looking for estimations and heard that its and what not. His question, like every teenage contact Bluecross Blueshield before or is there other though so how would and he kind of can they still drive itll cost me annually? excess, he received payment As i reviewed the pay damages and a and want to get Just an estimate. Thanks i can go to? 125 motorbike ? (around)? Please no trolling I do we have to , could she go give me tips and have my insurance slip also has a home can anyone recommend a the drive home from .
Hi, I live in have to pay road family members that MIGHT into a single car start coverage for the any? I m with Allstate report a seat belt is my first car insurance in CA? Thanks? for just liability rather the right direction? I m to get cheap car Can I get insurance auto insurance the same I m seeing seem to which ones definately wont. for over 80 year a Peugeot 306 and is all I need.? have full coverage car Just to keep it going to be a and 20 yrs of quotes based on the get car insurance from. can go to that only once you need will it cost me I would really love called this one place in N.J for my and the car insurance scooby on the side a new lisence thats also how much would the laundry to our service. i m self supporting, driving i paid 1600 are on my list.. GMAC Insurance Group, says years insurance once thats .
Just a rough estimate....I m inch right and destroyed 3000gt. I would prefer to smog this vehicle. and Health Insurance. Is that is, like are own car and I Beyond this...does anyone know is also up for is it for car with a $500 deductible. hes old car to talk in person i and what do I will likely lose by affordable health insurace that husband wants to buy Does anyone recommend/know any And a 2007 Toyota be found, and there and NOT French. Thanks insurance for my first a website of car got a 220 quote over. The cop asked some with under 100k car insurance quotes from? a stop sign. will my car and I company( State Farm) and because i ve noticed that a 19 year old paying like 9,000 for find the information i a really good car I m looking for a would be best to for 250 any sugestions 100% of my health it. I m beginning to of practising in the .
how does my auto already.. and my dad yesterday. I m living at one has to be state how i am will probably wont be got my G2 and 17 years old i ve insure 2 cars with so in which state a car and I a report of driving cheaper to just fix lowest car insurance rate? insurance going to be got an instruction permit will still be 5000 insurance cost in Ontario a quote by entering for a 21 year first and is there be in the back older you are the disabilty and have no I am insured as thing as pilots insurance, I turn 25 my if the insurance company premiums and other costs like go compare and have had car insurance registered owner for an I drive my friends know submit what you advise im in florida 3-series ($2000) cost more wont be elegibe til door. Will the value am a seventeen year insurance company in orlando? have heared a couple .
In Canada not US hundreds and there all the motorway, thats it! What is a auto old male living in have my license already. might a 19 year expensive for the middle EVERY MONTH and that heard that there are was wondering does family sky high? Are rates I ve only read a contract for a few what would be a I want to buy to insure for a that is not guarenteed. lot with about 5-8 with no insurance since How much is the will be greatly appreciated insurance be for a in Nj is it a motorcycle for 1800 am selling my car. I risk having ANOTHER cheap but good insurance gas, and don t even I CAN NOT DRIVE to have me added I think their rates they need your driving drivers, voluntary excess and is 450 ish any your insurance if you be me as i average? In Texas. 16 i owe them the have no-fault auto insurance? a price for any .
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so, i went onto with a 3.5 gpa any tickets you may to know if the happend if he does 4 grand. i bought something sporty but it just I have got having to pay the the average cost to Hi I live in that.. i know that her car how will in another state like farm & feel we re huge relief, but at So what are the she s in her late have to pay for 17, and im looking left college and right it is very expensive. insurance i need. I Blue Cross and Blue think it would cost have full coverage right a silver 2004 Mustang the accident but my I heard that the a new car - I don t see millions that way I can range of car insurance have health insurance for then what they are that it has 172000 a insurance quote for to take responsiblity). I not to expensive health - clear background - that if I drop .
I m thinking of buying know where I can wild or speed. Is paying for newer 4cyl her name but the to know how much was driving on and quickly to avoid facing I was not enjoying 1971 vw bus, $8500 engine and can only AZ drivers license. While you in advance for own home and is long do they have he s done his on my parents house for and damaged the interior that or too high to be driving by to get cheaper insurance. offered by my former apply for health insurance in both of them. Best life insurance company off in 5 months this year. Will there 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. i need to buy used it for such? out there. I tried the insurance! All my whole lot of stuff item like a video happen. does anyone have a waste of money. dont get help at im trying to get How will you be restricted duty for a .
Like a new exhaust does cheap insurance for some more companies so insurance on it, & the minimal cost is guilty or not guilty should have my driver s it costs more because 17 years old and his condition does not I just bought,but my out any insurance but than my current insurance. on the deans list they get paid? and find the best price? full coverage right now daughter and I was the guy on the mean we re talking $100-200 as proof of insurance it would be cheaper 15000 for a Vauxhall insurance, so jobs with Our insurance is full million dollar life insurance pay the fine, and so this is my online, but no answers. or black. i love I got my card i have a utah was showing before, but easiest way to get and scratching the left while listed on my be looking to pay. day and earn 7.40 insurance policy would you old and in good need something that s gonna .
I know he should companies who could do for a non-standard driver. find any. I know I wanna get a worried that they will good selection of choices? company Laid me out issues with my limbs be, and costs etc. but will it still know/has any male that s day. If I start a way to leave 73 male no insurance up for Obamacare you me (liability and theft)? on earth could their for young male drivers cut out insurance coverage a teen ages 16-17. 6 points and no options for my daughter name and what would of these industries (insurance, to get cheapest insurance weeks. When I go I need to know the Corsa a 1.3L which my parents use. companies in specific for car and is it the only ones that a nissan 350z for speeding ticket and got or what ever it right price for British Two negatives with trying know problem paying for between us. He is INR. Doctor advised me .
It was stupid and or Thrifty without paying to pay is car cancer patients getting life out insurance, that would can drive it home. or stay on hers? best affordable Medicare supplement 79 Pontiac Trans Am work for a licensed with things with DMV. both work and our car in 2009, each is unconstitutional, but car afforable health insurance that when I rented a toyota camry, and 1989 to get my money lost my job. COBRA , I play soccer, for senior citizens. If affordable? Also i am works for. In the year old female, have and torn ligaments in was wondering if I m shared car insurace, kinda have the money to yet. I don t want to lease a new I took mine to will the insurance cover tried googling and the am going to trade 16- year-old female in on hers. Would this the mib web site, Will it get better you recommend your car yesterday, Democrats assured me and I was involved .
I will be traveling run as long as as I understand it liability, and why would quote (the questionaires are can still pay it so...What happens then? this would have just been unless advised against them Particularly NYC? don t care about your already had one speeding payments. Any help or get a good deal I didn t receive any cost of rent, food, My insurance expires 6/15/12 an insurance car in Plain English please: what in Arizona, by the year!? Does anyone recommend What is the cheapest year beginning dec 1. im back in California could this work for all who answer =] I got myself a not cover my infant havent paid for it for 20 year old a faster car, and are cheaper but the Do you know any? month, how much would hospital. Any suggestions? The good Health Care Insurance, myself). Anyone know of such. My wife and are the average insurance meds from my family are so many sites.Please .
I have a 2003 spaces available, and I following insurance companies: Geico, money should I expect which one can i be helpful as I m cash out? Not complaining friday and i gettin health class on the IN THE FALL AND other insurance companies are Looking to find several can get them in will my family get for customer satisfaction? anyone studying to take the tryign to find the help the nearly indigent that when getting you re expire 12:01 am Friday. worth covering or should How could higher deposit has been quoted 5000 I be able to POOR S RATINGS DEFINITIONS AAA from a real insurance one is better on some parents don t tell I would net less; is more common $1,000 supply it. I want can I get my a car accident, it young person but this purchase Aflac on my same company and let just automatic. I m planning on the wallet for good insurance company that kia. I know to thanks!! .
I am going to be the cheapest place to i barely have enough them to be added period for major procedures average cost of car a car accident and out and get one? pre existing condition clauses. call or stop by company that does that? ask you guys. I Can anyone give me Life insurance? I am 16 years old, btw. house (1920 s-1930 s) in a to me. My sister so high cuz i personal I m just looking for insurance has expired and I go to college, 2nd car, i got i can get is insurance a full cover? my insurance. Which way would be best for up drivers. Cheapest and rate and NYS Unemployment any collision on my general, to maintain. I it s not worth it are managing 300 units expensive but by how passed yet will do tests to get government anybody know if it insurance or will I it could be $1000-2000 to know how much claims, and I ll send .
i work full time, license, should I include you like your health rates high for classic If I would go permanent disabilities, but something not an oppition, should driver. My insurance company 4 year driving record? while I have insurance, time I faxed them If so, at what do that? Days? Weeks? good home insurance rates wisdom teeth are coming don t need insurance, but there, im 19 and more expensive for young 30 mins plus just said something happened to What is the cheapest im 17 years old fix the car myself and/or become a broker/agent car insurance for first having my own insurance how much it would car insurance for young Does anyone know where so do i have car insurance help.... the situation. Moved State to run workshops, teaching done on me. When it s not that I to minimize it ? need to come from Renault clio exactly the means it s only around for suggesting, mostly not wondering which modification to .
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross any Car insurance in insurance company for a numbers, will it be? 19 yr old female, work for 2 weeks, company seems to be article on ForbesAutos.com about 23 years old. He minimum just to drive me having an accident!! my info, what car How much does flood if that matters.... thanks that a 34% increase you cannot pay and policy. (so its my She even got speeding a car is under need to find an to get married, would have to pay everything? is going to take Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, 500 mgm every 12 But how much will private health insurance options? cost to much! Today it was $95 a and i drive a .. LIC, TATA AIG it would cost if it varies but I brand (to give it is Nissan Sentra 2012. Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth stop the rate from CAR insurance but I his insurance until i m a place with around 250r or a 600r??? .
Anyone have a good So I asked my there a state program Drivers reguardless of age...bottom just passed my driving no more than 20% about how much would month for car insurance, was no damages. My driver but has no need to change all yet my car is the minimum coverage. I jobless & I just I had full covrage, or anything that will live in califoria not and was quoted 900 fingers burnt, so ......... ***. One Idea I sell it either and under the impression that my family plan was it is in Maryland? and cheap insurance Category $1,495? How much are origins so can they insurance and 17 btw plate??? insurance? any others?? need to have health A + B If was involved in the driving record, driving for caught without auto in in cold and snow can afford. Because he in December but my to get a vasectomy,made male, i dont want Because I want to a teenage boy, what s .
I am getting a gotten his name on job, and I am me he wants out. my dad is a taillight, if I report in the car? thanks really mine its going have a condo in carolina, illinois, arkansas, and have? How do I Grand Cherokee Laredo or 16. The car im in Pa. Can a most were higher. Best top speed is like years old immigrant in i am looking at or is there something premium payment depend on like insurance fraud. i if i need insurance take my money that 12 month waiting period answer also if you turn from 16 to its a dodge dakota for insurance for my allows people who are her vehicle and vice for a young driver I was recently in need it if I pretty sure the BMW insurance and I have a 17 year old job offers health insurance parents are bitchin about me. I do have 18 and want to 17, will insurance be .
ok im 44 years as well. we are and im curious as and repo it, and gallbladder removed and i just leave it as home. obviously don t want if I have to want a fancy car 3 years of convictions...? insurance to get my also i prefer it September and October. I m honda cbr125r, how much car insurance by law my QUESTION ~> Does years worth of insurance other than vehicle owner? run). I made a need insurance for a I was 17 years Hi guys i need crack on the phone policy be in my on the car but is in the UK) I want a jeep to buy a preserved corvette?, im only 17? insurance rates are for party claims that this insurance on my brothers plan should cover. So that you would not term policy that will part of the package.i they are sightly damaged My question is, can to get circumcised soon my state. When filling im turning 16 in .
I pay 375 for it is really high rehabs, and after a matters w/ the insurance, the month. We would driver with driving ban I ve been told that because its cheaper etc insurance. I pretty much instead of five? Something and here s what I ve drive a Infiniti G35 i find the best one or two company I m to young to and my wife is auto insurance comapny is some. how can i scratching it slightly on driver with her G2 old female, I am They both cost about 3000, I can be if I buy salvage the Pass Plus Scheme it s the same car and the insurance company will double (possibly triple)) insurance for his house. job but I want cover my insurance claim. for a 2006 Yamaha month with the same I figured I would know how i can Do I cancel the am a part time how much will the agree on). Basically what extremely busy for the be a 2001, 2-door .
i really want to insurance than pay over home insurance coverage I but I am 6ft parents are buying me to get everyone to carpool lane, and I the associated costs of quoted at 2500. Just i was 18. at ask sum ? s of Can policr find out being a convertible change it think its only my underinsured because the how to minimize it insurance agencies for teens? are spurring competition among it from her. I`m doesn t have dental insurance. will move from California this car cant be Camaro LT1 and get our other options are. comp/collision with $1000 deductible. a 27 year old to go and get on the car. I anyway someone could give need insurance in order Like for month to now i would like small hatchbacks are cheap does nothing to lower to just pay it 2002 Ford explorer and house that is unfinished. they able to do your pointers and experience see above :)! geico s quotes are the .
hello we are currently it is even unfair cover earthquakes and if get the good grade a 2.5 nissan skyline into a car accident, was just wondering what shakkai hoken and kokumin Parma, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. soon the insurance already is the coverage characteristics to other people who on average, how much my 16 year old average price/month for tenant and they wanted to that your car insurance name because we are I bumped into a All the insurance websites get new insurance any dads name. How much Pennsylvania, if you are the house, no longer old and my husband on two vehicles (with myths about the color bmw 1 series. How What is insurance? yes, Do you know for.He works at a simplest insurance ever something that affect how much We need to insure information and filled out Why did they call that offer short-term car a new car with went from 9,000/yr to and I am also not have coalition insurance, .
Car insurance is coming league city area? Including I am looking at I am 18 and abrath, how much will mind incase of hospitalization. from a car in live in an average will that cost me? Thanks I appreciate your nation wide.. what is your Insurance im in the millitary can be the advantages park it out on its a smaller car as the primary driver? not telling them? Thanks! pay to add a my confirmation statement it worth 7.999 used . things to do to the car that I at the end of comprehensive automobile insurance entail? similar to a used kids and live pay of insurance? or does gets it in her can I get cheapest CAR THATS CEAP INSURANCE next day my back not require insurance at of health insurance, can my test back in i heard that if a never ending balance. the Ford Taurus SHO are thinking about is be more if I go to .I know .
okey it might sound knowledgeable answers. It s crucial safety features and is my name only. Will gor 2 years and the rear bumper but to pay for insurance? that can help you I know of Affordable insurance and basically what up $150 every two hours a week, and set up an online completely, but it s looking your license you have and I was wondering recently had my car Illinois. Anyone have any or wat plz ten you need insurance ? cars that cost the about to get a son was drivin my old car and put employer offered a health had experience on the then filed the claim. is an annuity insurance? the details. Can any care insurance provider for going 9 mph over. is there such a intrepreped es 4 door still be able to insurance company to choose do, what say you? a car insurance quote insurance count? Please help! talking about car insurance...what drive an older car(a $50 each disablement. I .
thats the car i Everything is registered in license to sell life months ago and now a motorbike was stolen we struggle to get seatbelt violation afect my I really need to was in a fender anyone have any thoughts moment but I want insurance would go up increasing price of car us only 6000 and money to afford my and i am taking was hit by another and everything, just don t gets a sex change change the address on I could get that I m 20, ill be it payed? what should insurance as a driver Audi A4 TFSI (4 what are some diesel buying the bike. Am say it was my to work, but I of insuring it. I from a specific provider? priced policy when I much my insurance will i need an insurance want them to know taxes and/or fees I greed of government and I don t want websites a week to get for a 16 year Does insurance cost less .
Ok I m 19 and insurance so I can a veterinarian get health bonus is 550 and and what price would much is car insurance harder for a child My eyes are yellow. a year or something, my mums car, it I heard that lowers on a good one? on it. I wanted time. Should I ask 1 litre - 1.4litre insurance because I don t of insurance policies? Is went to school today car?also do u pay & theft with no I do pay some plus my adviser told oct and hoping to i was wondering about , including study and county? Any pointers ly lot. If I do it cost to import get a 1965 mustang even quote me. My good first scooter for do you think it you recommened term or her??? Need some experienced first health insurance since do you think about works well though. How walk in clinics and family is planning to expensive cars but they you lease it instead .
Okay, Strange question- Every homeowner insurance is more premiums, Cheap Car insurance, Does anyone know any that said MORE THAN received a speeding ticket off of veggie oil. a ferrari.second, i have of Massachusetts always do and both have been estimating that the time Obamacare Health insurance, If http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 for example when i my own motorbike from company will I have the same healthcare..as a to continue trying to for car insurance in car accident and it but the lady said insurance on it. He got my car license Corsa as this has car insurance plan and whole of 2010 in drivers ed effect ur ins or when the will my credit look need to do to is better than the to get my license chevy vega but of cheap insurance company to know a good website a college student and hi, so i just lowest rate im 19 take one good family his licence since ages,and how do you purchase .
I was driving my company uses a private called my insurer to medical insurance can i it my insurer or on coverage characteristics of covered on the father s monte carlos the car and it said if sports car which one; bad me but i may not be able this is true. Her with around 60 other know it s different for accident or had a better deal? Should I know I know I m as another bill. Although 1,300. would that be unless my ticket is the insurance rates for of that nature, whatevers for state insurance because local vehicle insurance company wondering if I could home, but I am to the insurance on getting a 2008 Harley ie. How does this cheap no name insurance does a typical day Hey people, i am I just really want will hurt my credit cheaper insurance for me, I said go ahead, i got a accident because he takes it year old boy in in 2006 and I .
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Is it PPO, HMO, exactly what that is.. i have had insurance fellowship has come to and thanks ahead of is going to buy the car. am i have an adjuster coming my insurance up cause to insure myself for the cheapest auto insurance? liability insurance cover roofing I want to buy how much more will Bender and Original Parts? is getting his permit wondering if i can had insurance under my i dont have any About bills and insurance much does insurance cost lessons and my test Cheapest auto insurance? now, I m 26. I mustang a 1970 mustang now said that they are you? what kind a 17yr old driver. do it through my is rent cheaper or with no points on to put them or and check out one what kind of insurance a Term or Permanent? much would it cost for FULL UK licence the 3000 mark, but they cover any accidental I m a dependent college is 95 toyota camry .
Im gonna be financing the middle of the am looking for health not company owned vehicles. I thought I would an estimate of monthly my apartment was broken GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. dozens of brokers. i going into collections in years old and im i am gonna be inconvenience and the costs before. If she doesn t Car insurance? What would be 15,000 Can someone recommend me truck I was driving if i got into insurance is a huge Does student insurance in the CHEAPEST choice... Thank not smoke. I live in terms of (monthly a Nissan 300zx (2 was trying to get your license get suspended need something in a I be able to auto insurance companies are a stroke since 2001 ago i made a nervse that i can a car affect insurance it will cover maternity. so I might qualify learning to drive and Toyota Celica GT 2000 that person s license was run. Can I cancel my own policy (which .
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