espressodolcecanada · 2 years
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maximuswolf · 2 years
Gevi 4 in 1
Gevi 4 in 1 WE have a small kitchen and my mazzer super jolly for espresso, baratza vario for pour over and quickmill machine is more cluttered than I like and my wife hates it.I saw some pre production reviews of the Gevi 4 in1 but limited real world feedback. I am well aware of the downsides of combo machines but am curious about folks real world experience with this machine.I was considering a niche as a single solution grinder but this is tidier and I might be able to settle for a simpler if less perfect solution.any input is welcome thanks.​https://ift.tt/Fu7hfqn Submitted December 11, 2022 at 08:32AM by imaginarydave2 https://ift.tt/RPf4IzN via /r/Coffee
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espressodolcecanada · 2 years
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