#rained. hopefully a year from now i'm much better in every sense... ik the spelling and grammar etc in this is bad pls i just needed to vent
eggsma · 2 years
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You'll tell a guy you've had bad experiences w/ almost every man that's ever come into your life, he’ll say this to you & then proceed to do you wrong months later & be added to that list of men...
Having to go through a guy telling me I was too pretty to talk to him, to me and him talking almost everyday to him ghosting me multiple times, to then him breaking things off with me bc he said he was going through it emotionally, to him being the first to watch all of my ig stories after, to him then unfollowing me and removing me as a follow but not the person who he said broke things off with him when we went on our first date and the ppl whom he may more may not have been involved with or the new followers in his ig... i just... :)))))(((( ://///// not having anyone to talk about this with bc most of my friends are in happy relationships and i’m lonely and just have a roster of men who want to fuck me but thats not what i want bc i just experience romance for the first time with a guy who i though was kinda perfect but he turned out to (possibly) be a piece of shit and i feel like i’m overreacting but like ive never felt this way before bc ive never experienced this but i have no doubt in my mind he might call me crazy on his other dates or the other ppl im 80% sure he was talking to just like he called two ppl who he was involved with before me crazy and weird when both those ppls have eveery right to feel the way they do its jist weird how.... vuenerable i was with him only for him to  like distance himself after seeming soooo intrested in me and i could go on about him and this situation and how i feel and all i can really say and hope for is better overrall idk im just rambling bc i feel like shit. idk wtf i’m saying... i do and i could construct a much better idk journal about this but.... idk, fuck him if what i assumed was true and if not then... idk i still feel like shit atthe end of the day bc its like i really thought this guy would be theeeeeee first time a good man has ever come into my life and its crazy how he knew how shitty men have been to me, esspecially men who ive been involved with “”””romantically”””” (or... guy who i’ve had crushes on, espcially this guy that was like night and day to me in hs) and sexually,..... only for him to be... added to that list... idk what to feel i feel a lot and i feel... i feel... a lot lol idk. again i could go on about every detail, good and bad, details that would lead me to an assumption in my head that would hurt and that wouldn’t be too far off but its just ?????????????? idfk funny thing is the ppl he might be chooisng over me are basic yt girls from outter city, twinks (especially a twink who is a barb... a non black barb at like lolololololloloololollmmmmmmoooo, whose twitter account is... something lol.) but honestly they can have him... its not like i have a choice lol. I could drag him about certain things but that would make me look like a fool. and to add on to it i’m finally on meds and it really sucks how im experiencing/experienced two things I’ve been wanting to do for soooooooooooo long at the same time but while both bring me great joy... one has caused me two/three months of emotional ruin and rollarcoaster and just a complete breakdown... I’ve been warned about virgo men but yet... i still proceeded... now look at me LOL! Had me feeling like Cassie from Euphoria and Glenn Close’s character on Fatal Attraction... let me stop here bc its almost been a month since things ended and i cant stay in this little... idk funk so hopefully this helps me!?
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