#random rant hehe. i decided i'd stop apologising for having thoughts in 2023
i really don't vibe with how pretentious and gatekeep-y and toxic some people can be about music. i'm specifically talking about fans of different edm genres right now but it could obviously apply to any and every type of music. like. i love harder styles and i'm in some groups where people talk about new releases and stuff and the constant bitching about artists baffles me. okay józsi we get it, you're a very manly man, you only listen to terrorcore and if a melody hits your manly ears you combust because apparently that's too gay for you. honestly, idgaf, you do you my brother, but why the Fuck do you have to pull down everyone else who maybe likes different things than you. literally two seconds pass after a track release and józsi is like "habhgahb this is not even real *genre* why did these producers become pussies their 2005 music was so much better and anyone who likes this new shit is not a real hard fan". okay first, you have every right to not like it, don't listen to it then, we don't care, the artist doesn't care, no one cares. second, what the everloving fuck is a real fan my g. i never understand this concept in any fandom btw. sit down, shut up, and let people enjoy things the way they want to. and also let artists create music the way they want to, they don't owe you anything. gahd i'm sick of this mindset and i'm pretty sure part of it comes from toxic masculinity. anyway, i wrote this bc i got angry at people who consume headhunterz' music incorrectly
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