#rbing for reach hell yeah
amberbeach · 3 years
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He always tried to appear unharmed when he entered the house. But his eyes and the slight twitch of his brow revealed how much his body ached with each step he took. You could never sleep when he never returned home, knowing he was out there in the city - likely injured.
When he did finally return home, you had the first aid kit that was bigger than the average households, but you wanted to be prepared for anything. And when he returned home, his hand on his side, you were by his side immediately, guiding him to the sofa.
Carter sighed as he took of his shirt, wincing and you stepped in to help him.
His eyes were on the floor as you dabbed the solution against his cuts, missing the way your eyes teared up at the sight of the bruises littering his side. He knew you wanted answers, so he explained what happened during their latest showdown with Vypra and how the team had lost the fight that night.
You blinked them away, turning to fetch a bandage from the kit, wrapping it around his waist. Once you were satisfied that he was going to be alright, you packed everything away, and took the bag to the cupboard in the hallway, letting a few tears fall.
You went to the bathroom, closing the door quietly, before sitting on the edge of the bathtub, covering your mouth as you let more tears fall.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed until Carter knocked on the door. "Everything alright in there?"
You wiped your cheeks, "Y-Yeah, I'll be out in a minute."
Carter's eyebrows furrowed when he heard the tremble in your voice, turning the handle, entering when it was unlocked. You turned, drying your tears on a towel.
"Y/N..." His concerned eyes met your teary ones.
He reached out to rbing you to his chest, but you moved away, shaking your head. "You should watch what you're doing -"
"I can hug my girlfriend." Carter brought you into a warm embrace, kissing your head. He noticed the way your hands hesitantly rested on his back and knew why you had hidden away. "I'm fine."
"I counted twenty six bruises, and at least five cuts. You are not fine."
Carter sighed, pressing his lips against your temple.
"One day I won't be enough..." You began, making him pull away to meet your gaze. "One day I'm afraid that you won't come back at all."
"I'll always come back." Carter placed his hands on your arms. "I promise."
You stepped away, "Don't make promises you can't keep, Carter." You walked away, heading upstairs and Carter sighed as he watched you go.
He steered clear for twenty minutes before coming upstairs, getting changed into his pyjamas, looking at you over his shoulder as he sat on the bed. You laid with your back turned to him, not sparing him a glance.
"You're right. I can't promise that I will always come back because each threat is different - stronger even. But I'll always fight to return home to you." As he spoke, he laid down behind you, placing a hand on your arm. "I love you." He kissed your shoulder and you closed your eyes, holding back fresh tears.
You turned around to meet his gaze, "I love you too."
Carter placed a hand on your cheek, kissing you tenderly. He wrapped his arms around you when you both pulled away, and you rested your head on his chest gently.
You were always concerned for his wellbeing during his day job as a fireman, but when he told you he had joined the Rangers, you were far from thrilled - aware the danger he would be facing was different. The mosters he was facing were reported on the news, and you feared that one day Vypra would succeed and you would be waiting for a man who would never return home.
But you knew that no matter what happened, Carter would go through hell if it meant seeing you again.
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richtofenz · 2 years
hiiii ok so ive been clogging my likes for weeks, i finally caved n made this blog so im gonna start rbing tons of awesome art shortly but for now lemme introduce myself!
my name is shay and i accidentally fixated on codz, specifically the ultimis team (bo1 being my favorite game). i totally didn't expect to get so invested, i thought it'd be casual, but i've reached the point of developing elaborate hcs lol so i thought i'd finally attempt to connect with others within the fandom to maybe toss ideas back and forth?
first things first, to get it out of the way: ultimis richtofen is my favorite. i'm used to liking antagonists and i have no interest in trying to justify things such as world domination and murder, because to me it's all fiction and villains are simply fun, but the one thing that i do wanna address is the glaring issue of richtofen's attire. i'm gonna talk about it more in depth in a separate post (which you’ll be able to find on my blog) but off the bat, i wanna say that i'm jewish myself and nazism is no joke to me. fictional villains who commit fictional crimes are fun because they’re not real; nazis were and are very much real and i have no interest in sympathizing with them or making light of their actions. typically, i’d also refuse to even tolerate someone simply bearing the insignia, but i find richtofen to be a unique example. again, i’ll talk about it more elsewhere, but the important thing is this: he is not a nazi in canon. and, regarding fandom, fortunately i havent seen much that's genuinely made me uncomfortable, just ignorant dumbasses that have made me roll my eyes and go ‘what in the hell? are you dumb?’ (this also extends to how takeo is treated lmao). that being said, i fully understand discomfort with ultimis richtofen and i respect anyone who dislikes him! but he's my fucking bastard and good lord ive been losing it over him for weekssss im dying man
im not big on primis or the other teams (though i appreciate victis & bo2, mainly for aether!richtofen) and i have no idea what's going on with the monty / shadowman plot - bo3 and bo4's lore is absolutely incomprehensible to me. usually i love game lore, but if im being frank, codz's is a clusterfuck and possibly one of the most sloppily written storylines ive ever encountered. it's literally entirely composed of the writers having gone "hey, wouldnt it be cool if...?" with zero interest in just making things make sense.
despite this, ive gotten attached to the characters and ive been developing headcanons, namely about (ult) richtofen, his pre-935 life, and the time before and after the MPD incident, as well as the relationships that suffered and changed due to it. i'm not trying to pretend like he's deserving of sympathy, but there is smth inherently sad in literally losing your mind and yourself to a damn... cosmic force, and ive found it highly intriguing to think about the behavioral changes he underwent and how those in his life reacted to it. ive got,,, a lot of hcs fhsdkfds. 
so this is a bit of an open invitation. would anyone in the fandom wanna talk abt richtofen together? bounce ideas off one another? if you're starving for content in this dried up fandom, im a fic writer who's been inactive for a bit out of a lack of inspiration, but his evil ass has proven to be my muse; i just need a fire under my ass to get it going. ive already got some stuff in my drafts ;o so yeah, pls hit me up!
and! if there’s any codz discord servers that would be comfortable with an ultimis richtofen stannie among them, i’d love to join! 
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