#re: that post about every mealworm article in the last 30 years opening with a blurp about how 'we have to feed a growing population'
is-the-bug-video-cute · 9 months
Craziest thing my supervisor ever told me is that the kind of enthusiasm I have for mealworms is not as common as I think it is. I kinda just figured everyone at the Bug Farming DepartmentTM was here for the bugs, but apparently a lot of people are just here for the farming. Getting excited about bugs for bugs' sake is apparently a rare thing in the agricultural departement - most people are more interested in how to use bugs, or even Number Go Up, which I've never been that interested in. No wonder my supervisor keeps agreeing to my insane projects, pushing me to publish my half-finished theses, and talking over time in our meetings. It must be like a breath of fresh air for her.
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