#real 'Thomas Edison was a witch' type shit
beauzos · 5 months
me: Lost World by Michael Crichton isn't very good (sees a review where someone says it's bad because it's too "PC" because the female character is badass and because a black character is smart) you know Lost World is actually a very good novel
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tauforged · 2 years
massive disclaimer this is not a fully thought out post im just firing this off from the bathroom at work and pretty much immediately after i hit post im putting my phone down and going back to the register so don’t throw me to the wolves on this but like. i genuinely don’t understand why so many people act like ai art is inherently ‘not real art’. i understand not liking it when people use it to try and emulate the styles of preexisting artists, that’s shitty and the people who do so are hacks but to act like their sheer existence is ‘robbing artists’ feels really like….. one dimensional. if i grabbed my good camera and took a photograph of a sunset while someone next to me painted that same sunset on a canvas, would my artistic interpretation somehow be ‘lesser’ because ‘all i had to do was push a button’?? the mindset that “the more a person suffers for their art, the better it is inherently” has always rubbed me the wrong way. art can and should be easy and fun, yknow? a while back i saw someone say basically word for word “these programs want our JOBS!!!” and it was weirdly funny to me bcs a. the ‘program’ doesn’t want anything. it’s code. it’s a tool. a human person still used the program to make that image. and also b. the people who would bypass commissioning a real human artist to just try and ai generate the pics they want to see are probably not the type of clients you’d wanna work with cuz if they want professional quality art at low/zero price i know personally i’d avoid them like the plague cuz they’d have no respect for the process. idk this isn’t a fully fledged thought it’s just something i feel kinda strongly about cuz it’s weird to see people go full on ‘fire bad technology scary thomas edison was a witch’ because they feel threatened by “good” ai art (what is and isn’t ‘good art’ is subjective anyway but whatever)
maybe it’s just a sore spot for me as someone who’s had people up my ass about digital art and photography and stylized art and simpler art styles and basically anything that isn’t ‘the norm’ for ‘good art’ being “not REAL art” all my life both in personal and academic circles so i’m conditioned to get defensive about this shit but it annoys me a lil. it’s such a weirdly hostile mindset to have to me i guess
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