#real 'i will be daydreaming about studying them like bugs instead of listening in class' type of deal
mugwot · 2 months
consider this ask a free space to reccomend a piece of media that you love but would usually consider too niche or strange to reccomend out of pocket. gimme your oddities, big or small.
oh! oh, this is a fun question! The Gray House (though i read it as "Дом, в котором...") was like The Book for me. Its a solid Brick of a book, but the shit got me through high school, haha. Its a kinda surrealist magic realism novel about disabled kids in a boarding school. the narative is split between the past and the present to contrast how things in the house and its kids have changed. the plot is mostly about the graduation, a mystery of what happened at the old one and a question of how they will handle theirs (spoilers, Not Great). though that comes way after we get to be Immersed in the Vibe of the place. its really quite something, i dont know if it hits as hard if you are not grappling with the fear of change, but the characters are Great.
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