#real estate videos investment property asia
apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
Adrien Jorge: The Innovator of ‘Proplseller’ Real Estate Company in Singapore
The real estate market in Singapore comprises a diverse range of property types which includes commercial, residential, hospitality, and industrial sectors. Each of these caters to the needs of residential and business properties. It is a small island in Southeast Asia that has fewer or restricted resources of land, hence needs plans and regulatory measures to meet the requirements. Singapore attracted investors and has now become a center for global investing in real estate.
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The residential sector of the real estate market in Singapore by 2024 is estimated to be valued at around US$ 1.5tn and the annual growth rate from 2024 to 2028  is projected to be 3.73%. This sector also has a larger contribution to the nation’s economy in the year 2022 the gross domestic product was 17.68 billion Singapore dollars. In this article, we are discussing the company that has established its strong existence in real estate and also about the founder Adrien Jorge who is the mastermind behind this success and his entrepreneurial journey 
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Adrien Jorge: Founder & CEO
Adrien Jorge is a Singaporean entrepreneur who is the founder and CEO tech-based real estate company called Propseller, it was established in the year 2018. Mr. Adrien completed his Bachelor of Science degree in political economy from HEC Lausanne and attained a Master of Science in Management from ESSEC Business School. After his graduation, he worked as an associate consultant at OC&C Strategy Consultants for a year. Later he started as a business development manager at Groupon, he was promoted and also served as a general manager. 
Adrien had come from a family background where half of them were property agents and that was his initial interest, he also noticed the lack of professionalism in SEA. With this realization along with his business experience and knowledge, he decided to start a business. Before launching his website, he met several agents to learn how to operate a business that had similar operational styles as in the 60’s. Later in the launch, the company encountered 3 leads and one among them wanted to invest, late after a week the revenue was generated for the company.
The challenge encountered was raising funds, investors who had an interest in investing before covid 19, were no longer wanted to invest in other businesses, and that had impacted him post covid 19. He started the company with the mission to offer owners of the property a better solution to sell and rent their property.
About Propseller 
Propseller is a Singapore company that is a tech-based real estate agency that aims to provide help in achieving the most current values for your property. They offer you to sell, buy, or rent the property in the most reliable and trustworthy way. They rely on three main things data, transparency, and quality. They will analyze 20+ data checkpoints before assigning you an agent for the right guidance. The pricing and the split are shown to the customers directly without hiding and the major point is the quality assurance for the money paid.
When it comes to charging money and fees, they focus on providing a reasonable price and will charge less than 1% whereas the standard in Singapore is 2%. What differentiates Propeller’s is the use of technology where you can see the status and sales process on your dashboard which helps you monitor 24/7, and access offers anywhere in real-time. They have separate logins and displays for buyers, sellers, and landlords which makes it easy to operate and analyze.
With the utilization of technology, one can see the unique property with cinematic video and reach 100 million buyers. Customers can sell at a higher price and within an average duration of 36 days. In 2023 Popseller was ranked as the top 10th company in Singapore’s fastest-growing companies 2014 by the Straits Times and Statista.
Mr. Adrien with his dedication and business strategy has made Propseller the best property agent service in Singapore. He has made an analysis and rethought the way to modernize selling properties with technology and a strong dedicated team.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/adrien-jorge-the-innovator-of-proplseller-real-estate-company-in-singapore/
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lanasbenchjjohnaven · 4 years
Henry Tan Chi Sieng Sy Sr. was a Chinese Filipino business magnate, investor, and philanthropist known for his involvement in the Philippines' retail industry.  he stayed behind and founded ShoeMart, a small Manila shoe store, in 1958. Over the decades he developed ShoeMart into SM Investments, one of the largest conglomerates in the Philippines, including 49 SM malls in the Philippines and China, 62 department stores, 56 supermarkets and over 200 grocery stores. SM also owns Banco de Oro, the second-largest bank in the Philippines, as well as real estate holdings.
Systematic in Planning and Monitoring - It is a widely known fact that Henry Sy had been planning and monitoring all different business and he is making good financial prizes. However, how did he courage to do so? it was because of this father that he learned. Did he lay out a well-organized plan? at first he is simply making shoes but he is keeping it up at the same he manage to get up by his family and he manage to constructed different business example is SM Cebu City.
Information Seeker -  Henry Sy, Sr. has always been known as the country’s retail king, his SM malls have played pivotal roles and will continue to do so in shaping the economic landscape of the country’s residential and commercial real estate markets. In 1994, when he established SM Prime Holdings to develop and operate its shopping centers in the Philippines, it grew to become one of the largest integrated property developers in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines, it is currently the largest in terms of asset and income base.
Risk-taker -  Throughout his life, Henry has encountered numerous challenges and obstacles that if we were to go through them, we would definitely quit; however, he manage to survive all and he is able to manage the different and hard job for his life since he was a kid before.In spite of the difficult life that he experienced, Henry was taught by his parents to never let the hardships of life weigh him down. He was also taught by his father to dream big, so that he will not just have enough for himself, but also have something extra for others. These teachings greatly inspired Henry that he would remember them for the rest of his life, and would push him later on to persevere during the tough times.When he was interviewed many years later, Henry recalled how he cried when he first saw his father in his store:“I cried because I saw how hard the life of my father was as a small shopkeeper. He worked from early morning to late at night every day. He would go to "chay-chi-khaw" area or Divisoria to buy goods, carrying them himself on his back in order to resell in the store. I learned the importance of honest hard work, frugality, and discipline from his example.”As early as ten years old, Henry already exhibited the traits of a business–minded person. Although their grocery shop was small, it was quite popular to the neighbors due to Henry’s creative products that got people’s attention. Henry’s father was very fond of him due to his talent in promoting the store, and would often give Henry something extra every time they sold more than their daily target.
Efficient and Quality Oriented - Henry know how he would totally revolutionize the retail industry of the country. Just a few weeks after his store’s grand opening, it already became very famous among the public. Aside from shoes being in demand after the war, Henry’s innovational and strategic selling techniques greatly appealed to the store’s buyers. Soon enough, the popularity of his shoe store spread, and Henry knew that he would have to establish more branches to accommodate the growing demand of the public. In 1950, Henry enrolled at the Far Eastern University to study commercial studies so he could learn more about the ins and outs of business and marketing.
Goal Setter - As what I have seen in the video he has also have a goal for himself and by the time when he was a kid before he promise that he will be successful and make his life be easier and now his goal is done and he pass it to his family the way he manage his struggle life before. Make a set of goal and he didn’t stop it until he’s done for his life to be successful business entrepreneur. Henry immediately grabbed the chance and went on a long business trip to the East Coast, learning everything he can about the shoe business. When he came back to the Philippines in the late forties, he had a lot of grand selling ideas, but he had a problem he needed capital to be able to put those ideas in action.
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cabiba · 4 years
The political economy of the Digital Age remains virtually terra incognita. In Techno-Feudalism, published three months ago in France (no English translation yet), Cedric Durand, an economist at the Sorbonne, provides a crucial, global public service as he sifts through the new Matrix that controls all our lives.
Durand places the Digital Age in the larger context of the historical evolution of capitalism to show how the Washington consensus ended up metastasized into the Silicon Valley consensus. In a delightful twist, he brands the new grove as the “Californian ideology”.
We’re far away from Jefferson Airplane and the Beach Boys; it’s more like Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” on steroids, complete with IMF-style “structural reforms” emphasizing “flexibilization” of work and outright marketization/financialization of everyday life.
The Digital Age was crucially associated with right-wing ideology from the very start. The incubation was provided by the Progress and Freedom Foundation (PFF), active from 1993 to 2010 and conveniently funded, among others, by Microsoft, At&T, Disney, Sony, Oracle, Google and Yahoo.
In 1994, PFF held a ground-breaking conference in Atlanta that eventually led to a seminal Magna Carta: literally, Cyberspace and the American Dream: a Magna Carta for the Knowledge Era, published in 1996, during the first Clinton term.
Not by accident the magazine Wired was founded, just like PFF, in 1993, instantly becoming the house organ of the “Californian ideology”.
Among the authors of the Magna Carta we find futurist Alvin “Future Shock” Toffler and Reagan’s former scientific counselor George Keyworth. Before anyone else, they were already conceptualizing how “cyberspace is a bioelectronic environment which is literally universal”. Their Magna Carta was the privileged road map to explore the new frontier.
Those Randian heroes
Also not by accident the intellectual guru of the new frontier was Ayn Rand and her quite primitive dichotomy between “pioneers” and the mob. Rand declared that egotism is good, altruism is evil, and empathy is irrational.
When it comes to the new property rights of the new Eldorado, all power should be exercised by the Silicon Valley “pioneers”, a Narcissus bunch in love with their mirror image as superior Randian heroes. In the name of innovation they should be allowed to destroy any established rules, in a Schumpeterian “creative destruction” rampage.
That has led to our current environment, where Google, Facebook, Uber and co. can overstep any legal framework, imposing their innovations like a fait accompli.
Durand goes to the heart of the matter when it comes to the true nature of “digital domination”: US leadership was never achieved because of spontaneous market forces.
On the contrary. The history of Silicon Valley is absolutely dependent on state intervention – especially via the industrial-military complex and the aero-spatial complex. The Ames Research Center, one of NASA’s top labs, is in Mountain View. Stanford was always awarded juicy military research contracts. During WWII, Hewlett Packard, for instance, was flourishing thanks to their electronics being used to manufacture radars. Throughout the 1960s, the US military bought the bulk of the still infant semiconductor production.
The Rise of Data Capital, a 2016 MIT Technological Review report produced “in partnership” with Oracle, showed how digital networks open access to a new, virgin underground brimming with resources: “Those that arrive first and take control obtain the resources they’re seeking” – in the form of data.
So everything from video-surveillance images and electronic banking to DNA samples and supermarket tickets implies some form of territorial appropriation. Here we see in all its glory the extractivist logic inbuilt in the development of Big Data.
Durand gives us the example of Android to illustrate the extractivist logic in action. Google made Android free for all smartphones so it would acquire a strategic market position, beating the Apple ecosystem and thus becoming the default internet entry point for virtually the whole planet. That’s how a de facto, immensely valuable, online real estate empire is built.
The key point is that whatever the original business – Google, Amazon, Uber – strategies of conquering cyberspace all point to the same target: take control of “spaces of observation and capture” of data.
About the Chinese credit system…
Durand offers a finely balanced analysis of the Chinese credit system – a public/private hybrid system launched in 2013 during the 3rd plenum of the 18thCongress of the CCP, under the motto “to value sincerity and punish insincerity”.
For the State Council, the supreme government authority in China, what really mattered was to encourage behavior deemed responsible in the financial, economic and socio-political spheres, and sanction what is not. It’s all about trust. Beijing defines it as “a method of perfecting the socialist market economy system that improves social governance”.
The Chinese term – shehui xinyong – is totally lost in translation in the West. Way more complex than “social credit”, it’s more about “trustworthiness”, in the sense of integrity. Instead of the pedestrian Western accusations of being an Orwellian system, priorities include the fight against fraud and corruption at the national, regional and local levels, violations of environmental rules, disrespect of food security norms.
Cybernetic management of social life is being seriously discussed in China since the 1980s. In fact, since the 1940s, as we see in Mao’s Little Red Book. It could be seen as inspired by the Maoist principle of “mass lines”, as in “start with the masses to come back to the masses: to amass the ideas of the masses (which are dispersed, non-systematic), concentrate them (in general ideas and systematic), then come back to the masses to diffuse and explain them, make sure the masses assimilate them and translate them into action, and verify in the action of the masses the pertinence of these ideas”.
Durand’s analysis goes one step beyond Soshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism when he finally reaches the core of his thesis, showing how digital platforms become “fiefdoms”: they live out of, and profit from, their vast “digital territory” peopled with data even as they lock in power over their services, which are deemed indispensable.
And just as in feudalism, fiefdoms dominate territory by attaching serfs. Masters made their living profiting from the social power derived from the exploitation of their domain, and that implied unlimited power over the serfs.
It all spells out total concentration. Silicon Valley stalwart Peter Thiel has always stressed the target of the digital entrepreneur is exactly to bypass competition. As quoted in Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World, Thiel declared, “Capitalism and competition are antagonistic. Competition is for losers.”
So now we are facing not a mere clash between Silicon Valley capitalism and finance capital, but actually a new mode of production:
a turbo-capitalist survival as rentier capitalism, where Silicon giants take the place of estates, and also the State. That is the “techno-feudal” option, as defined by Durand.
Blake meets Burroughs
Durand’s book is extremely relevant to show how the theoretical and political critique of the Digital Age is still rarified. There is no precise cartography of all those dodgy circuits of revenue extraction. No analysis of how do they profit from the financial casino – especially mega investment funds that facilitate hyper-concentration. Or how do they profit from the hardcore exploitation of workers in the gig economy.
The total concentration of the digital glebe is leading to a scenario, as Durand recalls, already dreamed up by Stuart Mill, where every land in a country belonged to a single master. Our generalized dependency on the digital masters seems to be “the cannibal future of liberalism in the age of algorithms”.
Is there a possible way out? The temptation is to go radical – a Blake/Burroughs crossover. We have to expand our scope of comprehension – and stop confusing the map (as shown in the Magna Carta) with the territory (our perception).
William Blake, in his proto-psychedelic visions, was all about liberation and subordination – depicting an authoritarian deity imposing conformity via a sort of source code of mass influence. Looks like a proto-analysis of the Digital Age.
William Burroughs conceptualized Control – an array of manipulations including mass media (he would be horrified by social media). To break down Control, we must be able to hack into and disrupt its core programs. Burroughs showed how all forms of Control must be rejected – and defeated: “Authority figures are seen for what they are: dead empty masks manipulated by computers”.
Here’s our future: hackers or slaves.
(Republished from
Asia Times
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emaardigihome-blog · 5 years
Emaar DigiHomes Sector 62 Gurgaon- 2&3 BHK Luxury Homes that listen
#EmaarIndia #EmaarDigiHomes #EmaarDigiHomes #EmaarDigiHomesResale #EmaarDigiHomesRentals #GolfCourseExtensionRoad #GolfCourseRoad #GolfCourseExtnRoad #EmaarNewLaunch #EmaarNewProject #EmaarGurgaonProjects  #EmaarIndiaGurgaonProjects #2BhkHomes #3BhkHomes #BrandedHomes #NewHomes #MyDreamHome #NewHomeBuyers #RealEstate #HomeBuyers #LuxuryRealEstate #ReadyHomes #GurgaonHomes #GurgaonRealEstate
 We are Rai Realtors, Authorised Sales Partner of Emaar India for Emaar Digihomes Sector 62 Gurgaon off Golf Course Extension Road Gurgaon. Call our exclusive sales lines for Emaar Digihomes Sector 62 Gurgaon off Golf Course Extension Road Gurgaon +91 9999913391 / +91 9711199708 and we will be happy to assist/guide you right through.
 Emaar India launching its Next-Generation luxury project called Emaar Digihomes- Luxury Homes that listen at Sector 62 off Golf Course Extension Raod Gurgaon. Emaar Digihomes- 2BHK & 3BHK luxury homes that listens to your commands with World Class Building elevation and amenities attached to it. Every unit here offers well-lit and open indoors, making sure that every corner of the home it looks pleasant.
 Emaar Digihomes by Emaar India at Sector 62 Golf Course Extension Gurgaon. Emaar DigiHomes G+32 High-Rise Luxury towers with 2BHK and 3BHK 3 Side Open apartments with awe inspiring views of Aravalis loaded with Modular Kitchen and much more, along with approx. 30000 Sq.Ft. of sports and club facility. Launching spacious 2 bedroom (140.12 Sq.Mtr / 1508.26 Sq.Ft.) and 3 bedroom (230.56 Sq.Mtr / 2567.89 Sq.Ft. and 240.50 Sq.Mtr. / 2,588 Sq.Ft.) starting at an exclusive and all-inclusive price of 1.62Cr (Limited period offer).
 Key points for Emaar Digi Homes are as this, Voice & Touch enabled home automation, Biometric Authorization at the main door, Video Door Phone, Automation for Smart Mood Lighting, ACs, Curtains, TV & Appliances, Smoke & Gas Leak Sensors in Kitchen, Wi-Fi Router with panic button in Master Bedroom, Smart Glass in Kitchen, Voice Command Controlling device in Living Room, Multi-facility and Grand 3 level, 30,000 Sq.Ft. of clubhouse with host of amenities, Infinity Temperature Controlled Swimming Pool, 80% open & green spaces, World Class Building elevation with backlit facade, G+32 story building with 3 Side Open apartments with awe inspiring views of Aravalis, Sustainable & Green Living, Safe, Secured & Gated Community
 Most Demanded Next-Generation Luxury Homes at Sector 62 Golf Course Extension Gurugram!!
Introducing Emaar Digihomes, 2BHK and 3BHK Future-Ready Homes starting at 1.62Cr all Inclusive!! Now with exclusive pricing and limited period special payment plan 30-30-40 Scheme!!
Limited period exclusive pricing & payment plan for select units in select towers!!
Best Price!! Spot Allotment & Confirm Booking on first price!!
 Emaar Digihomes Sector 62 Gurgaon- Project Options & Pricing:
Unit Type _______________ Unit Size (Super Area*) ___ All Inclusive Price ___ Booking Amount
2 BHK+2T+Lobby _________ 1508 Sq.Ft. ___________ 1.62Cr. onwards _______ INR 4.99Lacs
3 BHK+3T+Lounge+Utility __ 2567 Sq.Ft. ___________ 2.45/2.55/2.68 Cr. ______ INR 4.99Lacs
3 BHK+3T+Lounge+Utility __ 2588 Sq.Ft. ___________ 2.47/2.57/2.70 Cr. ______ INR 4.99Lacs
1.     *Cheque to be drawn in favour of “Emaar Emaar Digihomes phase-I””
2.     Unit Price is inclusive of Basic Price + exclusive right to use 1 car parking space for 2BHK/ 2 car parking space for 3BHK+ Club Membership.
3.     Total Consideration shall be Unit Price + IFMS + EDC/IDC + Operational Charges + Maintenance Charges (As applicable) + Taxes (As Applicable).                                                                                                                
3.     Stamp Duty/Registration charges for BA registration & Conveyance Deed shall be payable as and when demanded based on then prevailing rates.                                                                                                                        
5.     All Offers, Prices, Payment Plan, etc. subject to change without prior notice & not valid until confirmed by the developer
 Emaar Palm Heights @Palm Hills Sector 77 Gurgaon- Features:
·        A COVETED ADDRESS- Central to our universe are a range of premium schools, hospitals, malls and other commercial vistas that give you the essence of central downtown. With life around you well arranged, it’s an address you will proudly refer to as "My home". 20 mins from MG Road & Malls. 25 mins from Cyberhub & Galleria. 45 mins from International Airport (T3). 15 mins to Sector 57 Rapid Metro. 20 mins to HUDA Metro Station
·        YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND- Voice & Touch enabled home automation. Biometric Authorization at the main door. Video Door Phone. Automation for Smart Mood Lighting, ACs, Curtains, TV & Appliances. Smoke & Gas Leak Sensors in Kitchen. Wi-Fi Router with panic button in Master Bedroom. Smart Glass in Kitchen. Voice Command Controlling device in Living Room
·        YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND- Voice & Touch enabled home automation. Biometric Authorization at the main door. Video Door Phone. Automation for Smart Mood Lighting, ACs, Curtains, TV & Appliances. Smoke & Gas Leak Sensors in Kitchen. Wi-Fi Router with panic button in Master Bedroom. Smart Glass in Kitchen. Voice Command Controlling device in Living Room
·        LUXURY SPECIFICATIONS- APPRECIATED BY YOU. Panic button in Master Bed Room, Smart Glass in Kitchen (3.5 BHK). Imported Stone Flooring in Living Room/Dinning/Lobby and Master Bathroom (3.5 BHK). Laminated Wooden Flooring – Master Bedroom and Other Bedrooms. Modular Kitchen + Chimney + Hob. Glass Shower cubicle in master bathroom. Weather Proof Paint – Balconies -(Walls & Ceiling). Bathrooms and Balconies : Anti-Skid Tiles (Flooring)
·        LUXURY AMENITIES THAT COMPLIMENT YOUR NEW AGE SMART LIFESTYLE ENTERTAINMENT & WELL BEING- AV Room (Mini Theater)| Spa & Salon| Culture Court| Co-working office space| Vehicle free pedestrian pathway| Provision for Juice Bar| Rooftop Restaurant
·        SOCIAL LIFE- Party terrace (Open & Semi open) | Banquet hall with pre-function area | Restaurant | Card room | Lounge
·        HEALTH & SPORTS- Temperature controlled Infinity edge swimming pool | Kids splash pool | Tennis and Half - Basketball courts | Gym | Yoga Terrace | Guided pedestrian walk zones | Jogging track
·        FOR YOUR LITTLE ONE- Crèche & play areas| Indoor & Outdoor Play Area| VR Play Zone
·        Thriving eco system and bustling neighborhood
·        Minutes away from the major Business districts of Gurugram
·        Laminated Wooden Flooring in all Bedrooms, High Quality Flooring in Living and Dining area
·        Fully loaded units with Modular kitchen with Premium CP and sanitary fittings
·        Designed to get maximum ventilation and natural light, expansive living areas well ventilated rooms.
·        Earthquake resistant RCC framed construction with full power backup and 24X7 Two-Tier security
·        Grand 3 level 30,000 sq. ft. clubhouse with host of amenities 39000 sq.ft of Sports, Activity and Social Zone, One of the largest in your neighbourhood
·        Modern-day amenities & services such as billiards, amphi-theatre, snooker room, squash, badminton & tennis court, swimming pool, jogging track, swimming pool, skating rink, gymnasium, meditation with yoga centre, party arena, kids play area, senior citizen area, shopping hubs & nursery-primary schools
 About EMAAR-
Emaar is a pioneer in shaping skylines and lifestyles worldwide, developing vibrant communities that have redefined real estate. In 12 countries across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, USA and Canada; Emaar is developing an impressive land bank of over 196 million sq. ft. Emaar’s iconic projects and scale of operations have made it one of the world’s leading real estate companies. In India, Emaar is committed to creating best in class real estate developments that would set unmatched benchmarks in thoughtful architecture, excellent engineering and impeccable execution. Step in to experience the grandeur!
  Download Project Brochure, Site Plan, Floor Plans, Pricing & Payment Plan, etc......
 You can also download the brochure, floor plan, application form and lot many things from the link bellow
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        Important Note: We are Authorised Channel Partner of Emaar India for Emaar Palm Heights at Palm Hills Sector 77 on NH48 off SPR (South Periphery Road) Gurugram. Since we are working exclusively on this project, we can offer you special price and payment plan along with all other benefits. Company’s offers/benefits will remain exactly the same plus we follow NO-BROKERAGE-COMPLETE GUIDANCE i.e. In-Depth project consultation, Site Visit Assistance, Home loan guidance and formalities, Booking Assistance and on-demand Post-Sales-Assistance and time-to-time guidance & Support. Prices mentioned above are subject to change without prior notice and properties mentioned are subject to availability. All offers & benefits would be applicable only after it is confirmed/verified by the developer before it can be considered as an offering. We may send regular SMS/Emailer Updates to the mobile number/email id provided to us on this blog/post or registered with us.
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Why Invest in Dubai Real Estate? Dubai Property Expert In this video Dubai Property Expert is sharing the top reasons for Investment in Dubai Real Estate, and if you have questions you can Call/what’s app/telegram: +971554546322; Email: [email protected] 1) 100% Foreign Ownership in Freehold areas; 2) Every project must have Escrow account, thus the investment is protected; 3) Return on investment: average 6%-7% reaching at 9%-10% in selected projects; 4) Mortgages for residents are 75% Loan to Value; For Non-Residents are 50% LTV: 5) Capital repatriation after the sale of your property in Dubai; A great role in keeping your investment safe is attributed to the following factors: -Strategic location of Dubai between Asia, Africa and Europe. -Well developed tourism with 14 million tourists per annum visiting Dubai, those who come quite often are renting apartments on a short term basis that is cheaper than hotel stay and some of them buy property in Dubai, after hav
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icgiyimsatis · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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haberokubedava · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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toptanalsat · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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taksiplakasi · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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ilanekleyin · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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resimkursu · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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progyazilimi · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
Tumblr media
Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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oyunkartimiz · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
Tumblr media
Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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pimapeniz · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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otoparfumu · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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oyunkarakter · 3 years
Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey, turkey citizenship, Turkey Residence Permit
Why big property Agency Company?
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Big property agency company (which is owned by Turkish businessmen) is distinguished by its 10+ years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. The company has 4 branches in different areas in Istanbul. Since its foundation, the company has maintained its good reputation among its clients that are more than 1900. Besides the continuous improvements of performance through its accumulated practical experience. real estate in istanbul Big Property Agency has had remarkable success and achievements with gaining a good reputation in Turkey and among Arab countries as well. It has also succeeded in getting its clients the best possible prices thanks to its wide network of relations. Turkey Residence Permit The organizational structure of the company and its way of operating. 1. Telephone Consultation Department: Specialized in giving all advice and instructions related to the real estate field and answering all customer inquiries. turkey citizenship 2. Marketing Department: Specialized in providing and processing all important information and content related to real estate, including news, photos and videos, and providing its clients with this information. 3. The Data Department: It is a department consists of a Turkish team that works constantly to provide distinctive real estate opportunities, finding all available offers and discounts in real estate projects to offer the company’s clients with varieties of opportunities. Property for sale in İstanbul Turkey 4. Sales Department: a team specialized in sales activities. After a client arrives in Turkey, the team take him/her in field trips to different projects where the client get introductions and about the projects. The team advice clients with the best projects for them based on their situations and plans. 5. After-sale services department: a department specialized in the services that clients need after purchasing the property, such as extracting the title deed, furnishing the house, requesting water or electricity supply and others. Why investing in Turkey
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Thinking about investing in Turkey? Here are the reason why you should invest in Turkey and what distinguishes it from other countries and what makes it an attractive destination for investors. One of the main factor that encourage investors to invest in Turkey is its unique geographical position, as it is situated between Asia and Europe, in addition to being adjacent to the Middle East. Turkey has experienced remarkable economic boom during the last decade. Turkey’s GDP (Gross domestic product) has tripled since 2002. It was worth 231 billion US dollars in 2002. However, Turkey’s GDP reached 784 billion US dollars in 2008. Turkey is also a member of the G20 group which consists of the world’s major economies. Additionally, Turkey is considered the eighth country that produce the most food worldwide. When it comes to the Turkey property field, Turkey’s real estate sector has performed better than many European countries. In 2018, investments worth 13 billion US dollars was poured into the real estate market in Turkey, 5.9 billion US dollars of which was foreign investment. Many foreign property buyers prefer investing in Turkish real estate for the following reasons: Unique geographical position: Turkey which is a transcontinental country bridges Asia and Europe and it is easy to fly to many countries from Turkey. Affordable real estate prices: when you compare prices of property in Turkey with the prices in other European countries, you will notice that Turkey has relatively-cheap real estate prices. With the same amount of money that is required to buy an old property in a European country, you can buy a new house or a flat in developing area in Turkey with good infrastructure! Low property tax and good facilitation: the Turkish government has provided various facilitations and regulations to encourage foreigners to invest in Turkey property. For example, the Turkish government reduced property tax rate from 30% to 20%. Making quick profit: with the economic movement, there is a constantly-high demand for property for sale and property for rent by businessmen, students, tourist and immigrants in Turkey. Also, international exhibition and events encourage investors to buy real estate in Turkey. Some investors buy flats or houses in under-construction projects then resell them later with much higher price (after the completion of the project) which helps them earn quick profit. Dual citizenship: foreigners who obtain Turkish citizenship by investment are not required to renounce (give up) their original nationality. In fact, they can exercise full rights such as voting or participating in election. Additionally, they can benefit from the retirement pension programs and the free education in all public schools and universities. Turkish citizenship Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport has become one of the reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Turkey. Foreign investors can get the Turkish citizenship in few months by buying property in Turkey that worth at least 250,000 US dollars instead of 1,000,000 US dollars (like it used to be before 2018) Turkish passport ranks 39th among the strongest passports in the world. Its holders can travel to 72 countries without visa (visa-free), they can also travel to 42 countries and get visa on-arrival (at the airport). Additionally, it is relatively easier for Turkish citizens to get Schengen visa, US visa, and UK visa, thanks to the strong relations that Turkey has with those countries.
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