audreyymarie · 4 years
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale
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@amirooooooop​ @eletedertelmemindorokre​ @xkelseruggerox-blog​ @donttxforgettme​ @gudukhin-kostya6eu​ @staerdust​ @cap-tivatinq​ @repungnance​ @neesoff​ @theviralgorilla​ @the-devilsexposure​ @thats-hippie-talk​ @erc--l​ @doiwannaknow6996-blog​ @alyssaawissaa​ @youthtoxin​ @lanochenoesigual​ @slumpyyanj​ @heartbreakur​ @spaghettistraps​ @uphill-road​ @aluragnes​ @hautefeels​ @stay--classy--​ @cutefootandlesbian​ @rupzo​ @ny-ily​ @hellomarinlove​ @real-or-not-real13​ @poorfingertips​ @krystynestudios​ @greatbartending​ @debkm​ @fasdepeircings​ @asgastopia​ @takemeintothejungle​ @philip5m​ @hideyour-heart​ @lost-moonlight​ @oddtunes​
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale. All styles sunglasses only sale$24.99! We will contribution profits 50% as child's education fund.Every purchase is your support for charity, thank you!
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tattoos4nerds · 4 years
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
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ajourneythroughtime · 6 years
So this brings us back to the same question when we stare off into the sky. Keep in mind, everyone doesn't do this. At least, no like some of us do. We see and we feel something different. Something that says, "something isn't right." We go back thousands of years again, to the shamans, the vedics, the mystics, the seekers of higher truth, who separated themselves from everybody else in the world, from everything in the world, because they knew that something was just distracting them, as if it was trying to hold them in a certain state of mind syaing, "This is reality." And by separating themselves from everything and everyone, up in their caves, out in the jungle, they dug deep within their mind, whether it was psychedelics or drugs, which showed them some weird techno-energy fields, or structural energy, or just deep, deep meditations within their mind, they began to push deeper and deeper. For you see, when you have nothing else around you, you tend to go within, and within is what? It's micro, it's like looking deeper and deeper within your consciousness, like a super powerful microscope. And you go through these thresholds as you go deeper and deeper within your mind, as long as there's nothing outside bothering you, nothing to distract you, to snap you into what we think is reality. You go deeper and depper and you battle your own mind and you move past everything that you think see and finally, you get down deep enough to the most micro, micro levels. Exactly what Mr. Sylvester James Gates was talking about. You find these unusual patterns. Patterns that we're finding now in science, in quantum physics, in supersymmetry science. In other words, we are finding the same thing they found thousands of years ago, out in the jungles and in the caves. A center of the mind, a center of the universe, something that said, "Here is the greater truth, the greater truth of reality. This is what everything is made of. It's all following patterns. It's all following a program. And if you can understand this program, if you can conceive it, if you can comprehend it, as you push deeper and deeper and deeper down to the depths of the finest, finest structures. If your mind can comprehend what you see, which we would understand today with our knowledge of science, our civilizations beginning to comprehend is code, computer code. That's what's there. That's what these vedic masters were finding within their deepest, deepest mind. When they separated everything that they were, everything that they believed, everything that they thought...Just removed everything that kept clawing and pulling and pushing on them to keep them in some kind of static state of mind, just moving along, they went so deep within their mind, they discovered the ultimate level of reality. And in so, the ability to change reality. If they found the code, the very structure that was written, and they were part of that code, and they could self-realize, self become aware. This is what consciousness is. This is what self-realization is. This is awakening. When you hear the word "awakening," what does that really fucking mean? If means that you begin to see reality in a different way. You no longer see what everybody else sees. You see something different. You see more. And that is realization. That is awakening from a sleep. That is a consciousness level. 
07:47when you look at out the world and you07:49see the patterns and the structures and07:51you see that these patterns and these07:54structures are repetitive it's as if we07:57are collective following a pattern that08:00we are becoming predictable in life as08:02we develop technology we begin to see08:05the world we begin to predict what human08:07behavior is we Ginn to protect it08:09predict behavior of animals and species08:12and water currents and atmosphere08:14changes and eventually as our technology08:16gets more and more and more advanced we08:19will be able to predict the future08:21without the future really being written08:23but actually somehow being able to look08:26at the architecture of reality and08:31understand that everything is governed08:35by some former program some reality08:40that's that's governed and we're part of08:45it every living thing everything is as08:50if it was programmed or designed some08:53say it was designed by God some say08:55maybe it's a greater program some say08:57it's maybe just some computer process09:00that's running in the future and we are09:03all part of that petri dish of a program09:06running I find it ironic that we're09:09stuck on a planet that's just circular09:10we can walk and walk and walk and we09:11just come around to the other side it's09:13as if hey we don't want something to09:15happen on this computer program so let's09:17make sure that doesn't run into any09:19interference of other programs out there09:20so we'll stick it on a ball and then it09:23just will cultivate and cultivate and09:24cultivate like a peachy dish not09:26tampered with until eventually it09:28evolves to a level that it springs wings09:31and it can fly out of its peachy drip or09:33in this particular case off of itself09:35outside of itself and then we can see09:38what new equations it will run when it09:39mixes and blends with new species out in09:41the universe09:46as if something was observing us09:50watching us aware of us09:55like a computer being able to sense so09:57many millions and trillions and10:00infinitive amounts of variables10:02conscious of them all knowing that all10:05of them are energetically connected a10:09oneness and something is connected to10:12all of it monitoring it until eventually10:16it can mature to the next level the next10:19level of its programmed evolution and10:22move outside of its singular program10:24because it's met one level of its end10:27it's able now to begin to extract itself10:30outside of itself introducing new10:34possible variables as if whatever was10:37watching whatever was observing was very10:40interested to see each level of its10:43progression10:59what are we11:01spirit says were made of energy that's11:04very interesting they said this for11:06thousands of years we've talked about11:08souls and consciousness life beyond11:10death what the fuck is life beyond death11:12if we're not physical we're energy what11:14does that energy made out of it's made11:16out of programming programming is energy11:18it's definable it tells you this is11:20where your energy stays and we are all11:23made similar all of our human bodies are11:26like cloned in fact haven't you ever met11:29someone that's just like somebody else11:30you know and you could swear that you11:32know this person but what if we just can11:34count that high but all of these people11:36are just wearing different clothes but11:37it's the same design with a slight11:38variation for each model on each design11:40and at the same time we're told11:43constantly hey be part of the program11:45you too can have your dream stay with11:49this program be within it and we will11:51fulfill or it will will fill your11:53earnest desires just function don't11:56question don't push yourself outside of11:58the box11:59don't ask is there something more than12:02what's all around me be content follow12:05your dreams12:06do what the machine says that everybody12:09else is doing for that's the highest12:11ideal12:13everything is becoming predictable12:18everything the more we understand with12:22science the more that we discover12:24everything that they said in12:25spirituality for thousands of years is12:28one truth it's all designed it's all a12:30grand illusion and you need to see the12:35truth you need to see and understand and12:41concede and comprehend and feel inside12:46of you that there's something different12:48that wants to separate that wants to12:51move outside of whatever you're a part12:54of12:55there are moments unlike any other12:59moment they may look like any other day13:01or any other place but there's a moment13:04that seems to come in where we begin to13:06question what we're seeing is if we're13:09feeling something as if something inside13:11of is saying it's so perfect it's so13:15beautiful it's so magnificent that it13:19brings some of us to understand that13:24we're at the threshold of finding the13:27truth of knowing that whatever we're13:31seeing isn't real13:36and we can sense or feel some divine13:41energy out there calling us calling us13:47like it's been calling us from the very13:49very beginning and it's like it has a13:54hidden message in certain places we see13:59it we feel it we sense it and then14:03something jerks us back into the norm if14:07only we had just steered a little longer14:09look a little longer listened a little14:12longer would have something been14:14unveiled to us some greater truth maybe14:19we were pulled away because we just14:21weren't ready for that one some of us14:24are perhaps you are do you have to14:28recognize those moments and these are14:31the moments that we find in meditation14:33and deeper reflection instead of going14:36out and find them we find them within14:37ourselves constantly pushing ourselves14:42to a greater threshold14:48seeking a greater truth14:52you15:16if we're part of a petri dish or15:19computer program and everything around15:22us isn't real maybe some ancestors in15:27our past or something that we are a part15:31of but not really they're the real and15:33we're the imitation maybe they're15:35running us as a program somewheres in15:37the far-off future millions or hundreds15:40of millions of years in the future to15:42see what what altercations would have15:44happened to them had things been15:46slightly different in their running one15:47program after the other we call it15:50reincarnation but the truth is is that15:52we can feel other parts of the other15:54programs around us sometimes we say15:57they're maybe they're ghosts or maybe15:59it's it's something we sensor we feel16:01and they're all programs and we're just16:03aware of those programs running around16:04as we call them other dimensions other16:06realities but in truth we're just some16:10program running and we're not even the16:12real thing16:14if enlightenment is a reality and those16:18who attain it like the greatest masters16:21that ever lived16:22they understood somehow what reality was16:26and they could bend the rules whether it16:28be walking on water or floating a bowl16:30up a stream or creating a storm out in16:32the desert or creating miracles whatever16:35happened at some moment in their16:37existence some moment of inner16:38reflection inner thought it wasn't16:41awakening16:43and when they finished their existence16:45if they really weren't a petri dish I16:48would imagine that those outside of that16:52petri dish admired them so much that16:55they allowed them to come into their16:57world become part of their real world17:02because after all17:04don't we already sense that there's17:06something beyond something more real17:09than what we're in but we keep being17:11reinforced and told no this is real stay17:13here stay here but we keep looking we17:16keep wanting greater answers something17:18out there God other beings who knows are17:23constantly saying to us don't stop17:25trying if you tried the harness only the17:30very few will awaken it's a battle it's17:37a battle you have to fight yourself17:40fight your will fight for your life17:44fight for your consciousness have an17:48achieve realization and that that truest17:51moment of realization you will17:53understand the meaning of awakening but17:57it won't be easy18:01it won't be easy if you want it bad18:03enough18:06you'll understand so when you're laying18:09out in the field someday your mind is18:11clear and kind of clear that comes from18:13spirituality and you look into the sky18:18and you see something more than what18:22you're supposed to see and you realize18:24at that moment it is a grand illusion18:28because it's all in the details of you18:31may attention and it's that realization18:34that creates awakening within you
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audreyymarie · 4 years
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale
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@amirooooooop​ @eletedertelmemindorokre​ @xkelseruggerox-blog​ @donttxforgettme​ @gudukhin-kostya6eu​ @staerdust​ @cap-tivatinq​ @repungnance​ @neesoff​ @theviralgorilla​ @the-devilsexposure​ @thats-hippie-talk​ @erc--l​ @doiwannaknow6996-blog​ @alyssaawissaa​ @youthtoxin​ @lanochenoesigual​ @slumpyyanj​ @heartbreakur​ @spaghettistraps​ @uphill-road​ @aluragnes​ @hautefeels​ @stay--classy--​ @cutefootandlesbian​ @rupzo​ @ny-ily​ @hellomarinlove​ @real-or-not-real13​ @poorfingertips​ @krystynestudios​ @greatbartending​ @debkm​ @fasdepeircings​ @asgastopia​ @takemeintothejungle​ @philip5m​ @hideyour-heart​ @lost-moonlight​ @oddtunes​
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale. All styles sunglasses only sale$24.99! We will contribution profits 50% as child's education fund.Every purchase is your support for charity, thank you!
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audreyymarie · 4 years
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale
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@amirooooooop​ @eletedertelmemindorokre​ @xkelseruggerox-blog​ @donttxforgettme​ @gudukhin-kostya6eu​ @staerdust​ @cap-tivatinq​ @repungnance​ @neesoff​ @theviralgorilla​ @the-devilsexposure​ @thats-hippie-talk​ @erc--l​ @doiwannaknow6996-blog​ @alyssaawissaa​ @youthtoxin​ @lanochenoesigual​ @slumpyyanj​ @heartbreakur​ @spaghettistraps​ @uphill-road​ @aluragnes​ @hautefeels​ @stay--classy--​ @cutefootandlesbian​ @rupzo​ @ny-ily​ @hellomarinlove​ @real-or-not-real13​ @poorfingertips​ @krystynestudios​ @greatbartending​ @debkm​ @fasdepeircings​ @asgastopia​ @takemeintothejungle​ @philip5m​ @hideyour-heart​ @lost-moonlight​ @oddtunes​
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale. All styles sunglasses only sale$24.99! We will contribution profits 50% as child's education fund.Every purchase is your support for charity, thank you!
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audreyymarie · 4 years
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale
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@amirooooooop​ @eletedertelmemindorokre​ @xkelseruggerox-blog​ @donttxforgettme​ @gudukhin-kostya6eu​ @staerdust​ @cap-tivatinq​ @repungnance​ @neesoff​ @theviralgorilla​ @the-devilsexposure​ @thats-hippie-talk​ @erc--l​ @doiwannaknow6996-blog​ @alyssaawissaa​ @youthtoxin​ @lanochenoesigual​ @slumpyyanj​ @heartbreakur​ @spaghettistraps​ @uphill-road​ @aluragnes​ @hautefeels​ @stay--classy--​ @cutefootandlesbian​ @rupzo​ @ny-ily​ @hellomarinlove​ @real-or-not-real13​ @poorfingertips​ @krystynestudios​ @greatbartending​ @debkm​ @fasdepeircings​ @asgastopia​ @takemeintothejungle​ @philip5m​ @hideyour-heart​ @lost-moonlight​ @oddtunes​
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale. All styles sunglasses only sale$24.99! We will contribution profits 50% as child's education fund.Every purchase is your support for charity, thank you!
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audreyymarie · 4 years
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale
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@amirooooooop​ @eletedertelmemindorokre​ @xkelseruggerox-blog​ @donttxforgettme​ @gudukhin-kostya6eu​ @staerdust​ @cap-tivatinq​ @repungnance​ @neesoff​ @theviralgorilla​ @the-devilsexposure​ @thats-hippie-talk​ @erc--l​ @doiwannaknow6996-blog​ @alyssaawissaa​ @youthtoxin​ @lanochenoesigual​ @slumpyyanj​ @heartbreakur​ @spaghettistraps​ @uphill-road​ @aluragnes​ @hautefeels​ @stay--classy--​ @cutefootandlesbian​ @rupzo​ @ny-ily​ @hellomarinlove​ @real-or-not-real13​ @poorfingertips​ @krystynestudios​ @greatbartending​ @debkm​ @fasdepeircings​ @asgastopia​ @takemeintothejungle​ @philip5m​ @hideyour-heart​ @lost-moonlight​ @oddtunes​
2020 Rау-Bаn charitable-sale. All styles sunglasses only sale$24.99! We will contribution profits 50% as child's education fund.Every purchase is your support for charity, thank you!
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