#realized when i made my gifset of steve calling bucky 'buck'
autumnrory · 3 years
i had an idea ages ago (pre endgame) that i wanted to do a gifset series of the cap squad in every movie but like each dynamic since they didn’t actually GIVE us the full cap squad ever (fuck you marvel) so a gifset for stevebucky, stevesam, samnat, stevesamnat, etc in every movie but then with endgame i was like well there was some Okay stevenat content and for stevesam i could only tolerate giffing when steve hears sam on the comms and sam comes flying in (sure as shit not the shield scene old steve is ugly and gross) and for stevebucky very specifically the “you’re taking all the stupid with you” bit because everything else is awful, the “it’s gonna be okay, buck” line, the hug, it’s all ugly!
and then i was just like.......this movie is so lacking in ANY of the good cap squad content, even for stevenat, so why not just exclude it entirely whenever i get around to making the series since it’s not like i accept any part of that movie as canon anyway
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