#reason I used sheffield as kate's fake last name is just a fun call back to the book
sea-owl · 1 year
So in the Governess AU imagine Sophie entering the miz as the new nanny since the old one retired or something and all these three ladies now have to whack away the ABC brothers with a stick because DAMMIT WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???? (and they really don't want to get fired cause its hard finding a good job with good employers these days) but the brothers are relentless running on love and a shared braincell (and making up outrageous and miniscule reasons to be in the Hastings Estate)
Meanwhile Daphne has half a mind to matchmake and the other half wants to tear her hair out because damn it her brothers are trying tonseduce their best employees and ANTHONY, BENEDICT AND COLIN DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND COMPETENT GOVERNESSES AND NANNIES?????
I was waiting for someone to bring Sophie in. I think with Sophie Daphne would have hired her as a ladies maid, or future ladies maid, for Amelia. Daphne seems like the type to preplan and possibly over plan. But until Amelia officially needs one Sophie helps Kate and Penelope as like an assistant maid to the nursery.
Daphne: Simon, I have found the perfect ladies maid for Amelia!
Simon: But Amelia isn't even one yet?
Daphne: Oh hush. She can help Kate and Penelope until then. After all it will be a few years until they start their governess duties.
So now we also have Benedict acting a fool for his sister's employees and he probably be worse. With Kate and Penelope's positions it's common they were of middle class or high class birth due to them be educated so Anthony and Colin would have to have some tact. Meanwhile Benedict got no idea of Sophie's birth station and would be pulling the be my mistress thing.
First time Sophie tells Kate and Penelope about that Penelope has to hold Kate back from going to beat Benedict's ass. NO KATE WE DON'T WANT TO GET FIRED! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Kate huffs but sits back down in their shared living space.
Daphne is torn, Kate, Sophie, and Penelope are her best employees and the children love them. But she has never seen her three older brothers with that lovestruck look in their eyes. She also doesn't know if opening that can of worms would do any damage to Kate, Sophie, and Penelope. She doesn't know their official backgrounds, the names she has officially written down on their employment contracts are Kathani Sheffield, Sophia Beckett, and Penelope Anne. She suspects Kate and Sophie either use their mother's maiden names or fake last names. While she's 85% sure Penelope uses her middle name as her last name. It was not uncommon as to either hide their birth families from the whispers of a working daughter, or hide themselves from their families.
Daphne isn't sure which it is but she's accidentally overheard the three giving each other language lessons in Hindi, French, and Greek. So she knows all three had enough care to be given some sort of education.
The real challenge for ABC is actually Simon and Daphne's hoard of children. Auggie, Amelia, Belinda, Caroline, and eventually David, adore Kate, Sophie, and Penelope. They don't want them leave. Are their uncles trying to steal them away? Oh no, they can not let that happen! Time for cuteness overload to distract their caretakers and cockblock their uncles!
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