gentlebots · 7 years
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            “have you got much faith in this crew?” they’re not far out from their destination and maybe it would have been a better question earlier on, before they’d left base, before the hours had hurtled away behind them and the anxiety crept up and made itself a home in his throat. the rebels had done their best to scrape together a team for this mission—recruitment only, they’d said—but he’s not sure the worn faces of the strangers they’re hauling to the outer rim are going to be much help. “what if we end up with fewer people than we left with?”
                                                                                                           //  @rebelsacrifice
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devilsxson · 7 years
@rebelsacrifice I see u stalkin my blog. callout post
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rosewit-blog · 7 years
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❝   THAT’S  REAL  CUTE .   ❞           chuckled  behind  a  lipstick  stained  glass      ,          through  the  bar’s  haze  /  smoke .           dirty  girls  with  dirty  lies ,     they  always  proved  the  same .          ❝   wanna  tell  me  why  yer  really  here ,  pumpkin  ?   ❞            //          @rebelsacrifice
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astrangcr · 7 years
wait do you have money tho.
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“Why do you assume I’m paying for your meal?” No harshness, nothing at all, simply the impersonal aloofness of a skinjob, that’s what he was. Artificial flesh, artificial mind, artificial emotions. Wasn’t he? It was baffling she even bothered to talk to him.
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harpoonscars-blog · 7 years
shadow cloaked appearance like thick mist undid sight,  darkness blending in with natural light as not to completely undo normality in his appearance.    a young man,  paler than a corpse,  eyes as black as the void.  a story told for generations,  to children and adults alike.  as if a warning.     yet,   there was no threat in body language.  instead,  wrists crossed behind back,  and interested gleamed in eyes.
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❛    -----    in times when pressure is grave,  some turn to toxins.  liquor,  drugs,  even a cigar or two.   and yet,  as this pressure builds,  such enjoyment dissipates.   what makes one abstain from the few things that lets their mind wander beyond the predicament before it ?    it’s  a  puzzle,  it seems.    ❜
@rebelsacrifice    /   sc.
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tunedriver-blog · 7 years
▌    ✕    •    @rebelsacrifice  !
          THE  WINDOW  IS  ROLLED  DOWN  ,  baby’s  eyebrows  furrowed  as  he  glances  at  the  stranger  outside  of  the  car.    ❛    can  i  help  you  ?    ❜
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tiepiilot-blog · 7 years
starter call ! @rebelsacrifice
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                 ❝do you really think it is WORTH it? --- to stand AGAINST the Empire is the worst idea you could ever get❞
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sacrificas-a-blog · 7 years
rebelsacrifice replied to your post: professor: exam me: here’s my three page analysis...
luv u
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worsesights-blog · 7 years
                 ❛       SOME   THINGS   ARE   WORSE   than   not   breathing   .     ❜                 //                  @rebelsacrifice      /      x
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nearbelfast · 7 years
💗 smooch smooch.
     chin caught in the grasp of lithe fingers, daisy offers her captive a gleeful grin. she is the picture of a pleased pussycat toying with its prey, eyes shining with a playful sort of victory as she lingers just out of reach, the tip of her nose only just grazing jyn’s. she has never been one for suspense  ––  never had the patience to draw out a moment where gratification is at stake  ––  and so it is only a beat, two, three before she’s dipped close to press a quick succession of kisses to the blonde’s mouth.
MEME: kisses
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astroaide-blog · 7 years
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‘  ----NO  .  ’
they  hold  fast  in  the  face  of  the  rebellion  .  standing  guard  before  their  supplies  ,  index  to  the  trigger  of  their  blaster  .  she  will  get  no  further  ,  the  traitorous  girl  .  gun  cocks  to  the  side  ,  powering  up  in  their  grasp  .  ‘  i  WON’T  help  you  .  ’
@rebelsacrifice  ♥‘d  .
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boldlyarchived · 7 years
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❝     I  WAS  ALMOST  EATEN  by  a  rancor    ---    so  my  day  hasn’t  been  all  too  great  .     ❞
︻デ═一 @rebelsacrifice​  ♥.
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worsesights-blog · 7 years
                 ❛      YOU’LL   BE   REBEL   soon   enough   ,   Erso      ❜                 //                  @rebelsacrifice
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