#reblogging here too cause Im tired of this bs tbh
heartsoftruth · 6 years
I’m kinda glad Neymar is staying with PSG, cause I think he needs to chill and rebuild his image a bit before he does anything else. But then a part of me feels like he’s stuck. Maybe because I am biased towards Barca. But I really can’t picture where he goes from here. I can’t see him at Real Madrid. And I can’t see him staying at PSG too much longer. Maybe the premier league? I really don’t know. Idk I guess I still think he made a massive mistake leaving Barca the way he did. 🤷🏻‍♀️😔
Yeah for his image it might be good. To get back to being talked about bc of football and no other bs. But if he stays he’s expected to win it all in France again and the only thing where he can really shine is the CL… 
Anonymous said:ohhh ok I though you guys are maybe having the Purge in Netherlands right now lol 😂😂😂😂😂 See the original it’s BEST!!!
Hhahahah, nooooo!!! I would move out of the country ASAP! Can you image something like that ever being taken place in a country… Brrrr. 
Anonymous said:do you know if neymar is going to play tomorrow? i saw that there’s a psg vs bayern matchAnonymous said:nvm i saw that he’s on vacation like mbappe and the rest and will be back in august
Yeah he’s still on a vacay so he will be back when pre-season starts for the players that played in the WC etc. 😊
Anonymous said:Hey ash, now that cr7 gone, do you think it is chance for isco to shine?
I mean… I don’t see Isco play a lot - since I dont watch RMA a lot - but from what I did notice is, is that he had a great start of the season last year and then it went downhill. But with Spain he always performs… 
So I for him I hope he will get him mojo back at RMA - but not so good that they beat us haha - but I don’t think having or not having Ronaldo around will play a big part in how he performs tbh.  
Anonymous said:Ash I agree with you especially in one of the videos where they just arrived, he took a picture with the little boy and then said something to the security because he waved his finger he was not impressed about something xx
Yeah, that one he looked not amused indeed xD And on the carpet etc just grumpy. 
Anonymous said:Grumpy neymar is a hot looking neymar 🤤🔥
on the carpet it’s a bit weird haha. But angry Ney is hot! 
Anonymous said:Nasser had a interpreter with him I think because of the headphones he wore… Like a “tolk”
Yeah, I saw that, but when he talked with Ney he didnt use it. And he was seated next to Ney and his father. 
Anonymous said:Ehh the anon won’t have problem with that event if Bruna wasn’t in attendance. The point of this event was to bring in as much donations as possible not to put on family show. The event was appropriate. But of course the anon had to do the usual over analyzing because of their dislike of bruna. Those anons reminds me of British journalists that publish “body language reading “articles every time when Meghan attends the royal events. Im not fan but tired of people searching for problems everytime
I don’t think saying the event of last year felt more honest and personal has anything to do with it. The anon even said it looked beautiful yesterday. 
I also get what she’s saying meaning it HAD a more intimate feeling last year. It was a bit more informal and you saw his family a bit more. Dancing with his mother and his grandma etc etc. I’m sure with the sponsors as GQ and Fox Sports the event was way bigger than last year so greating  that intimate vibe is more difficult. And on the other hand it is an auction so I presume they also got more money with these two being involved for example. 
For me the vibe doesnt have anything to do with Bruna and I dont think the anon felt that way because she was there. 
Anonymous said:wait what happened with that lady and golden medal? I’m sure there’s a story behind it why would she steal a medal right there?! if they wanted they could’ve taken it backstage or anywhere else or jusz ask and get one probably it’s putin ffs… why would she do it on the field?? maybe it was damaged or an extra or smth??
I also have no idea.
Anonymous said:She didn’t steal the medal. She’s a higher up FIFA official who makes sure everything goes as planned. Like having spares in her pocket in case one is missing. I read in a journal that this medal was extra, so she took it. But don’t worry, she had the right to! 😊
Ahaaa! Thanks for the answer! I was already thinking wtffff is she doing when I saw it going viral last week haha. But I forgot to reblog it on here. 
Such a strange moment but this explains it! 😊
Anonymous said:Do you know where I can watch the documentary of the France nt? It doesn’t matter if it’s without subtitles, I’m fluent
How lucky you’re able to understand. I’m still hopeing a version with subs will pop up. 
Here is one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlv3fcgUpBA 
P2 is also uploaden on the same channel! 😊
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