#red i have a side eye on too
sophfandoms53 · 9 months
I agree I wish people could view things with more neutrality because it would greatly improve the type of gameplay that we see but It feels sometimes like the fandom has these unrealistic borderline double standard expectations for how houseguests should act. There is so much negativity and hate around things like players getting frustrated if someone is making a move that will negatively impact them, or crying when someone they like gets voted out, or venting and shit talking other houseguests who are getting on their nerves. There is anger if players make up lies about their faves but also anger if people in the house get mad about people lying because lying is part of the game. I could go on but I won’t bore you any further lol. but the fandom who isn’t even competing couldn’t stop doing any of those things if their life depended on it so it’s like why then do those same people insist that the ones actually playing the high stress game for a life changing amount of money should are bad and wrong and silly for being emotional when things aren’t going their way.
Omg im so sorry for responding late to this 😭
I am answering this now bc i still think its kinda relevant especially when it comes to how people talk about Cirie or Cory’s game recently.
You can’t appreciate or criticize how either of them play without someone trying to bash them or misinterpreting how they’re playing for the sake of wanting to feel valid for disliking them.
I really like Cirie and Cory as players and people but I’m not gonna act like they’re flawless in every way or that their strategies don’t have issues. They for sure do, Cory’s been cracking a lot recently especially with Jared treating him the way he has. And Cirie and Izzy spiral every hour and change plans constantly, its a disaster in there LMAO
But they’re also just trying to play the game and their moves don’t need to be over analyzed with some deeper motivation behind it bc they’re going after someone or they aren’t working with someone you personally favor.
Full disclosure though, you’re allowed to dislike any houseguest for any reason. It doesn’t have to be this essay of reasons or you searching for evidence so you feel valid about it. That’s kinda the problem with ppl here and on twitter, they wanna feel validated for not vibing with a houseguest so they constantly misinterpret things that arent that big a deal and want ppl to agree with them. And its kinda not necessary imo.
I think we’re just so used to disliking a majority of the hgs that people don’t know what to do with a cast that’s messy all around as people and players but are overall decent (cameron, red, and jared suck tho lemme be clear they are not part of what im talking about), so some people wanna just hate so they reach to the most extremes because that’s what we’ve come to expect. But humans don’t work in such a good or bad way, and i think this season is a reminder that people are messy and complex but aren’t bad.
It’s hard for players to truly play BB and it’s hard as a viewer to talk about gameplay bc of this “this or that” lense ppl watch the game through.
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
"I was gonna say you're like a son to me.. but you're more than that."
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"It ain't that complicated!"
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How quickly that shoulder pat of comfort turned into a condescending one.
#he makes me feel so emo#this life was never meant for you but your fate was forced#the way dutch (and hosea) talks to arthur like he's stupid will never sit right with me#like they've been by his side over 20 years they KNOW he isn't stupid because if he was he would have been gone a long time ago#not only is arthur incredibly emotionally smart but he's a trained conman vault breaker gunslinger horse rider you name it#the fact that his own adoptive parents break him down like that hurts#it's a manipulation tactic on dutch's end - break your victims self esteem to make them chase your praise and approval#hosea I believe has just gone along with that kind of attitude but in a different way he just likes to jest lightheartedly#arthur doesn't see the difference though and it's understandable but he takes it to heart#the worst part is that hosea sees through his tough guy act and has called arthur out on it#his act is a defence mechanism to protect himself from being too vulnerable - in arthur's mind#and it isn't a sudden thing it's very likely something that has built over the years given the life he has lived#and hosea notices he knows this#but they still jab at arthur#oh it hurts#is he your son dutch? or is he your guard dog? your personal workhorse?#playing through the second time is opening my eyes more and more#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#mick squeaks#mick rants#mick gifs#arthur morgan#dutch van der linde#liveblogging#you guys gotta understand - arthur seeks and longs for dutch's approval he'll never say it but it's the key motive behind his loyalty#and arthur *rejects* dutch's comfort#he doesn't *want* dutch to pat him on the shoulder because he knows dutch is digging them an even deeper hole#he doesn't want that touch he craves#it's so insanely monumental for such a small scene because it shows us how arthur feels without telling us
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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I just want them to be absolutely head over heels with eachother. No one sided simping in my hazbin hotel!
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zytes · 11 months
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pinkopalina · 2 years
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say that you love it, yeah, don't make me turn it down
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healingheartdogs · 3 months
How does one go about getting tested for MCAS...
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drifloonz · 1 year
i think how i write steven as a ""retired cryptid"" is extremely funny bc he still lives in pallet town. just in a walled-off part. he would never willingly reintegrate with society fully but just. imagine if he did at least partially. imagine if some delivery guy came to pallet town and was like asking the residents where a "mr. steven" would live and theyre all like
"The guy on the edge of the town???? The cryptid??? Our local boogeyman???" "yea that one"
#wispy chatters#steven strangled red#big tag ramble on this one i have THOUGHTS i LOVE domesticated cryptid steven#its funnier bc his 'side' of pallet to the west or whatever is walled off#and i imagine its walled off enough to the point where its like hard to climb or jump over ( at least if you're short or weak )#so its just like. the deliveryguy has to go thru that. and has to text steven like. 'Dude i cant deliver the package like this'#and hes just like 'idk drop it on the other side'.#deliveryman just goes 'i am not legally liable if the package gets damaged ok' and steven just groans#and goes outside to reach his hands above the weird stone gates and picks up the package and just goes back in his house#Imagine domesticated cryptid steven is what im saying.#i also like to imagine he'd scare the residents for fun by ominously sitting at the edge of the stone gates at night#and glaring at people w his red eyes.#for literally no reason other than to scare people bc he probably finds scaring people funny#i call him a retired cryptid but hes still pallet towns local cryptid who is really playing into the role after he stopped actually killing#and also probably when he was too but like less so.#imagine theres like a day dedicated to steven in pallet for some reason where people just offer things near the gate for him to pick up#bc its smth the kids of pallet who were told the story of steven just kind of imagined like#'oh well sometimes you give offerings to legendaries or during ceremonies. or so the cryptid at the edge of town doesnt eat us.'#imagining the residents of pallet or whatever and sometimes other people drop him gifts on like... his birthday or the date of The Incident#and also cuz yk during his depression spiral ppl constantly gave him gifts#i think he'd just be very confused and very conflicted esp if they did make it on the Incident Day bc hes just like.#'i dont want your pity.' but then the day after all of the gifts r gone cuz he took them anyways.#almost all of them r prob given to miki bc its 'her' day unless its food then he splits it between em. and his partner if he has 1.#he just sees it as 'oh cool i dont have to go to the grocery store today. thanks.'#also prob happens on other dates too like christmas/halloween/his birthday#I think if steven was more normally adjusted and his side of pallet was open he'd make his house a haunted house on halloween#and would just scare people for funsiez and if he caught them he just throws them out . maybe give candy n then do tht if theyre a kid.
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((hey, look, concept art dropped!
Here's what AskChovy and Peppino were originally supposed to look like in this AU :D))
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kiwibirdlafayette · 8 months
im definitely not ignoring my wips. why would you think that
(based on tags ideas by Licantropa in the original godswap post I saw em again and I was like. wait lemme see how I could design it for fun)
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oatbugs · 9 months
shaking of leaves by into it over it is genuinely one of the top songs of all time
#the sun is setting later which is a shock because i was too bruised up to celebrate the winter solstice this year#i got lasik surgery just to start a staring contest with the sun. two of my names mispronounced in a row by the butchers. i can still see#arithmetic as construction in space and geometry as construction in time. follow two parallel lines until they meet.#piazza stairs in the sun drinking aloe lychee juice watching young and beautiful people talk about money. notice the small fine lines#forming at the corners of their lips between their brows the sides of their eyes. what is representable for you is necessarily what there#is. subjective necessity transfer to objective necessity. why is this compelling? why are you compelling? would you like to kiss#by the river? would you like to walk 30 minutes to broadway so we can kiss by the river? ar 3³#ive learned a lot about turner's watercolours but i havent said enough about the ways neurons dance together. about the way all of it is a#process without emotion and how that makes it beautiful. chipped nailpolish on his nails and dark circles under his eyes and a smile that#says i have learned to study the nature of the mind and how intuitions form reality and i no longer want to die. instead of taking#that horrible fall he reads kant to himself and he reads her to sleep and he reads my horrible jokes.#dont think like a psychologist and dont write like a philosopher. dont do maths like a physicist.#ironically read the science of logic. ironically a caffeine adict. ironically drink steriliser for its 74% alcohol solution.#ironically a 1:1 student. there are birds hanging in the archives. orions belt over the red glow of a very normal house.#each time i walk home the stars are brighter. i hope you are brighter too. i hope i am brighter too. i am going to win#that staring contest with the sun.#[i drafted this post on jan30 and forgot abt it]
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obeymeow · 2 years
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since everyone's generally agreed the new exchange students seem to stick out because of the different line weight and shading-I thought, hey, I can fix that! so I tried. (a couple other minor edits to thirteen, as well- if you want a copy of her original design with the fixed linework just DM me or hop in asks and I'll grab that for you!)
#obey me on side#obey me thirteen#<- this is my FIRST recommended tag 💀 I am so predictable.#obey me raphael#obey me! one master to rule them all#obey me!#obey me! shall we date?#that'll work.#anyway we still don't have decent sized full sprites so I just went with the fandom wiki headers#list of thirteen edits for those wondering:#eyeburn blue (full sprite HURTS) to a deep purple#grey choker for harmony and because it blended in too well with her hair after editing#nail color because WHY are they YELLOW.#also rad uniform red lips because the pink also looked strange after changing everything#did NOT change her snake eyes because I think they're fun. I actually like her design at large#like the outfit's a lot of fun and I like the blue pink green.#just some of it felt appropriate to change since the edit was for the sake of sprite ''''symmetry''''#raphael's design is pretty predictable so I didn't feel the need to change anything. at least not torso up#have y'all seen his fucking shoes why is his cape shaped like that. I love the newbies dearly but they kill me#also he should have long hair. maybe curly maybe brown but I know he has long hair I know it#also if anyone bothered to read this far and is willing to humor me tell me what colors you think the newbies nails should be#any of them all of them. i like raphael having plain nails thirteen was controversial#general concensus either two colors (blue/pink or pink/green) or black#but I don't know about mephi he eludes me. AND he has gloves so I don't have a starting point#anyway.#OH I FORGOT#omswd#okay thanks tags over
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letmesleepy · 3 months
Im soooo tired and sore from being the hottest person in the room
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yeonban · 3 months
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I'm actually obsessed with this tiny little detail actually. Soma's visible eye is always showing the expression people NEED/WANT to see, whereas his hidden eye (which is very interestingly right under the crescent moon symbol in his hair) is always showing his REAL feelings
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thelostboys87 · 6 months
i went through a magazines archive of (monthly) issues this year -- common hobby of mine -- and the same writer was in at least 5 issues and i'm just like....sorry that is weird to me! not the being published by the same mag multiple times part but to be in nearly half of a magazine's year of issues is so??? do you as an editor not want some variety in the people you publish lol
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mosspapi · 7 months
Just called wildlife rescue abt a rabbit I found while doing my homework earlier. They didn't pick up and somebody walked past as I was leaving a message so I feel like an absolute loser lmao because how often do ppl call wildlife rescue abt an injured wild rabbit. Weirdo behaviour. Oh well. Hopefully they call me back soon, it's cold out here but I don't want to leave until I know what I'm supposed to do with it
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just-spacetrash · 8 months
i love finding beauty in every single person its the best trait i have
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