#reductive i know LOL and there's def something to say about how music brings people together
uldren-sov · 2 months
With O's valentine story being SO good and cute I was thinking just wtf Seven's could be (beyond just Whitney Houston's Where Do Broken Hearts Go playing on repeat in a sad bar lmao) and kind of got to thinking about like they still have their love of music in common. That's about the only thing they have that they share anymore (and even Seven admits this).
Music is so integral to both Seven and MC's life and it has been for so long now, and even if it may have been what they were destined for, it's still something they chose. Which I think is such a powerful thing for them to have done ...
And then all of this to say, wot if an August Rush-style AU in general, in the vein of the fairy-tale like story it has. How, despite these two people falling for each other at the wrong time, because they are so tied to music, and still so tied to the love they shared, that music - as a kind of magic - will help unite them again.
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