#remembering peter pan is rumplestiltskin's dad makes so much of that story arc so much funnier
kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
Peter Pan: A one handed pirate with a drinking problem? I'm no grown up, but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing.
Killian: Really? Because your daughter in law certainly thought otherwise 😏
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Once gtky tag game:
Tagged by: @ilovemesomekillianjones & @laughswaytoomuch  (Thanks for tagging me)
 I had fun answering these questions.
When did you start watching Once, and do you remember why?
I came to this show late in 2012. Started binge-watching season 1 on Netflix so I can be caught up when season 2 premiere starts. I really like the idea of the show using the classics traditional Disney fairytales characters. Also, like the idea of the show having Emma to be an original princess and making her the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming/David Nolan. I love this show is because It’s all about Disney characters fairytales that I know and love growing up watching them. Then came Colin O’Donoghue to the show plus he’s is hot.                                            
Musical episode: Yay or nay?
It’s a big Yay from me. Because captain swan got married in the musical episode.
What made watching Once worthwhile?
Fairytales, Watching captain swan falling in love, Seeing new realms, Storylines (some I like, some I didn’t like.) 
First + Current Main Ships?
When I first starting watching season 1 I didn’t have a first + a current main ship ‘cause I didn’t know what shipping was and otp was lol, but when season 2 premiered Hook and Emma have a deep connection between them and I said there it is found a ship that I like. Captain Swan my first + current main ship.
First + Current Favorite character?
My first favorite character is Emma Swan ‘cause she is a strong independent badass woman, smart, a fighter, a savior, a hero and she also has magic. She doesn’t take crap from anybody. 
and my other first favorite character is Graham I really like him from the start of season 1. (I absolutely adored him and I’m still grieving about his death in the heart is a lonely hunter episode. I wouldn’t find another character I like now that he was not on the show anymore.
Then came Killian Jones/ CaptainHook my current favorite character when he showed up in season 2. A bad boy/villain/pirate turned into a pirate hero, He change for Emma and for himself, He’s trying to be the better man that he can be for Emma and for himself, He doesn’t care about himself anymore, Completely turned his life around for Emma Swan and for himself, Emma makes him want to be that best version of himself again. 
Favorite arc (Why?)
My favorite arc is Neverland ‘cause the development and moments between Captain Swan in season 3 and that kiss in 3x05 the good form. 
And there was 3B 3x21& 3x22 I also like Captain Swan movie all shows Captain Swan having adventures together.   
Favorite plot twist?
Finding out Peter Pan is Rumplestiltskin dad. 
Red turns out to be the wolf.  
Hardest Death to Watch
Killian’s death in 5x11 he sacrificed himself saving (the woman he loves) and his friends Rumple. I cried so much on that episode. 
and Graham’s death in 1x07  
This character should have gotten more time?
Red/Ruby, Graham, and Mulan.       
Favorite Once specific trope (think memory wipe, family trees, glowing walkey-talkey hearts, head achey timelines…)
Family Trees: In Storybrooke everybody’s related in town. 
Three quotes that mean a lot to you?
Oh, geez!!! There’s a lot of once quotes that I like. It’s hard to just choose just 3.
“So when I win your heart, Emma and I will win it. It will not be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me. 
“I will find you, I will always find you.” ( Charming family motto)
“I love you.” ( Emma finally told Killian the 3 words in season 5 finale.)
How do you summarize the show to your friends? (max. 3 sentences):
Fairytales living in our world they’re all related, Captain Swan is the best ships of all ships and the best love story ever told. Season 1-6 are the best seasons and season 7 was okay except for episodes 7x02 and 7x22.
Favorite platonic ship?
Captain Charming.
Favorite dish from Granny’s?
Grilled Cheese
Favorite funny scene?
 In New York serenade Henry Why you dress like that? and Hook talked back to Henry Why you dress like that?
David and Hook making potion scene. 
Wish realm Hook was drunk where he was calling Princess Edna instead of Princess Emma. 
Past Hook was drunk and he called the Jolly Roger as Rolly Joger.
What part of the newly merged realms would you like to live in?
A question for the people I tag. Do you have a new fandom you’re addicted to now that ouat no longer airs?
And my question for the people I tag. What is the best thing about season 7x02 and 7x22? 
When Emma tells Henry she has the biggest news ever!!! She’s is pregnant. And the writers didn’t miss up captain swan happy ending. 
Got to see Captain Swan’s baby Hope Swan-Jones in the series finale.
Sorry if you been tagged already.
Tagging: @emmas-storybook   @ayemyemma   @captxinswans  
@once-upon-a-happy-end   @maxie6791   @actuallyshesmymom  
@alexandra-ouat  @onceuponasigne   @jonirobinson64   @jarienn972 
@qualitycoffeethings   @csjolly  @ouatsnark  @emmascaptainhooklove  @sals86
Sorry, it took me so long to answer I was busy. 
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