#removing two of the BEST songs off evermore is evil
swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.25
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Henry's Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. Night. (Gareth crosses the room to his bed and peels back the covers to reveal Richard's severed head.) Gareth: "Aah!" Richard: “You did this to me!” Gareth: (Waking from his nightmare:) “Aah!” (The chamber door opens and Sid runs in.) Sid: “Shh! Are you trying to get me killed?!” Gareth: “I saw his head! It was right there! And it was giving me that look.” Sid: “My King, I think I know what's going on. Richard was your friend. And, yes, you took his throne and his queen and his kingdom and his favorite shirts and his weekly bridge game...” Gareth: “Oh, get on with it!” Sid: (Sitting on the bed:) “But the fact you feel bad about it is a good thing. It means you're actually, surprisingly, human.” Gareth: “Maybe I do feel guilty. I do miss the old bastard.” Sid: “Look, there was one other thing my mother used to do for my dreams. (Sid brings his hands up close to Gareth’s head and begins to make motions as if removing the bad dreams from the King’s mind:) ♪ Good dreams only ♪ ♪ Good dreams only ♪ ♪ Bad dreams out of his head ♪ ♪ It's time tonight ♪ ♪ For dreams of fright ♪ ♪ To leave this little boy's bed ♪ Gareth: “There's one more in there.” Sid: “Oh.” (Sid ‘removes’ the last dream then turns and leaves the room as Gareth settles back down to sleep.)
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The Land Without Magic. New York. Central Park. (Huddled under a blanket with a bouquet of flowers in her lap, Regina smiles as the horses pull their carriage along the park.) Emma: "So, what do you think?" Regina: (Turning her attention back to her wife:) "Oh, Emma. This has got to be without doubt, the cheesiest thing we've ever done." Emma: "What? I thought you'd love this." Regina: (Shaking her head, laughing:) "No." Emma: "But what about your carriage?" Regina: (Scoffs:) "My carriage was a lot more refined than this. It had a roof and walls and leather seats. What we are currently riding in, is a cart." Emma: (Pouts:) "Well, I'm enjoying it." Regina: "Oh come on. A peddler on his way to market would think this was a downgrade. (Turning to study Emma's face:) You're not serious, are you?" Emma: "Actually... no. (To the driver:) Hey, you can drop us off anywhere here. (To Regina:) I made a bet with Henry that I could get you to ride in one of these. He knew you'd hate it." Regina: (Relieved:) "That's because I raised him to have a sense of class." Emma: "Yeah, yeah. (Wrapping her arms around Regina:) Now smile for the picture, Henry won't believe me without proof." (Placing her hands on Emma's arm and giving her brightest smile, Regina laughs as the driver takes their photograph.) Henry’s Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. Market Day. (Sid and King Gareth walk through the various vendors, talking.) Sid: “There's something different about you lately. I mean, you've only punched a couple of people today, and I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like you took a bath. What's going on?” Gareth: “All right, I'll tell you. I think I'm in love.” Sid: “Oh, Gareth, that's wonderful. Is it the executioner's daughter? You know, the one who hangs on their legs if the noose doesn't quite do the trick.” Gareth: “Loretta?” Sid: “Yeah.” Gareth: “She is something. Heavy as an iron pot. But she don't compare to my girl. There she is.” (Gareth points up to where Madelena stands, holding a bouquet of fresh flowers in her hands.) Queen Madelena: (Waving:) “Hey, Gare! Thanks again for the flowers.” Sid: “Queen Madelena? But we agreed she's the worst!” Gareth: “Yeah.”
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The Bottle Yard. A Short Time Later. (Sitting at a table together, Sid tries to make Gareth see sense.) Sid: “So, hey, have you, um... By any chance told Queen Madelena how you feel about her?” Gareth: “Gonna do it tonight.” Sid: “Great. Or... and just thinking out loud here... What if... What if you don't?” Gareth: “What are you trying to say?” Sid: “There's something I need to say, but before I do, have you ever heard of the Bro Code?” Gareth: “Is that a black thing?” Sid: “It means, ‘what's said between guys stays between guys.’ Look, don't fall in love with the queen. She's bad news. Think about her last three relationships. They ended in betrayal, exile, and murder. She will rip your heart out, and I don't mean symbolically.” Gareth: (Sighs:) “Yeah, you're right. But she's so skinny and mean. It just blinded me. Thanks for having my back.” Sid: “Hey, it's what friends are for.” Gareth: “Friends? You think we're friends?” Sid: “Well, I'm a little worried that if I give you the wrong answer, you'll kill me right where I sit, but... Yeah, I've come to consider you a friend.” Gareth: (Raising his tankard:) “Well, to friends, then.” The Charmings' Dreamscape. The Dark Palace. (Snow and Prince Charming enter the palace looking for the Evil Queen.) Snow White: "In here.” Prince Charming: (Sword drawn:) “Where is she?” Evil Queen: (Appearing behind them:) “Looking for me? Snow White. I haven't had a chance to congratulate you on that little bundle brewing inside.” Prince Charming: “That's far enough. You should make it easy on yourself and come with us now.” Evil Queen: “Oh, you mean like this?” (The Evil Queen conjures a fireball into her hand and the Charmings begin to sing.) Charmings: ♪There's a powerful magic when two hearts are one ♪ ♪ A powerful magic bright as the sun ♪ (The Evil Queen stands holding the fireball already bored of the situation:) ♪ Goodness will triumph, and evil's undone ♪ ♪ When you dare to heed love's call ♪ ♪ 'Cause love is the most powerful magic of all ♪ (The Queen throws the fireball at them, but misses:) Evil Queen: ♪ Down with love, down with hope ♪ ♪ Don't need blind faith to cope ♪ ♪ Or inspiring songs in my heart ♪ ♪ Got the magic I need ♪ ♪ For my darkest of deeds ♪ ♪ Love at times can entrance ♪ ♪ But love doesn't stand a chance ♪ ♪ No, no, love doesn't stand a ch- ♪ (The Queen attempts to conjure another fireball but finds she can’t:) Charmings: ♪ It's a powerful magic when two voices soar ♪ ♪ We're evermore hopeful for what lies in store ♪ Evil Queen: ♪ Once I loved, and once I've learned ♪ ♪ Love is weakness that will leave you burned ♪ Charmings: (Closing in on the Queen:) ♪ Nothing will stop us ♪ ♪ No, not anymore ♪ ♪ With our daughter's fate at stake ♪ Evil Queen: ♪ Happy endings you will see ♪ Charmings:  ♪ Seems we found our lucky break  ♪ Evil Queen: ♪ But the happy end will end with me ♪ Charmings:  ♪ Now let our song show the powerful magic ♪ Evil Queen:  ♪ Love doesn't stand a chance ♪ (Prince Charming holds his sword to the Queen’s throat:) Charmings: ♪ We can make ♪
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Evil Queen: ♪ Got you where I want you now ♪ ♪ Your spell will soon be broken ♪ ♪ Let us see how strong you are ♪ (Reaches behind her and pulls out a box:) ♪ When everything is spoken ♪ (Opens the box and a shaft of light envelops the Charmings, taking away their song, but they attempt to sing anyway:) Charmings: “There's a powerful magic-” Prince Charming: “Snow, the song is gone.” Snow White: “I don't understand.” Evil Queen: “What's there to understand? I won.” Prince Charming: “You took our song from us.” Evil Queen: “Oh, not just yours. Everyone's.” Snow White: “How?” Evil Queen: “With a little something I happened to find in my vault. Green isn't my color, but it seems to have done the trick.” Prince Charming: “No!” (He attempts to attack from behind, but the Queen disarms him with a wave of her hand.) Evil Queen: “I guess this proves love isn't the strongest magic of all. Enjoy what little time you have left as a family.” (The Queen waves her hand again, sending the Charmings back to their castle.) Royal Castle. Bed Chamber. Prince Charming: “Snow, are you okay?” Snow White: (Storming out to the balcony:) “What do you think? (Speaks to the heavens:) What happened? The wish should've worked. You felt how powerful that song was.” Prince Charming: (Notices movement in the sky:) “Snow, look.” (The Blue Fairy appears on their balcony beside them.) Snow White: “Blue. You granted the wish.” Prince Charming: “But it didn't work. The Evil Queen took the song from us.” Blue Fairy: (Chuckles:) “No one can do that. It's still inside you. It's still inside everyone. But I'm afraid its magic was never meant for you to use against the Evil Queen.” Prince Charming: “Then, who was it for?” Blue Fairy: (Waves her wand towards Snow:) “Emma. You wished that she could have a chance for a happy ending. And now, with everyone's song in her heart, she will.” Snow White: “I don't understand. Why? I mean, how does that help her?” Blue Fairy: “One day, she will face a battle like no one has ever faced before. And I'm afraid she will have to face it alone.” Snow White: “But she won't be alone. She'll have the voices of the people who love her inside of her heart.” Blue Fairy: “In the morning, we'll have forgotten that we ever sang in the first place. Not even the Evil Queen will remember. That way, the songs will remain safe.” Prince Charming: “Then, how will Emma know she has them inside her?” Blue Fairy: “We will just have to hope that they find their way to the surface when she needs them the most.”
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Henry’s Dreamscape. Aboard The Jolly Roger. (The storm rages. With the crew doing their best to stay afloat, Hook and Henry man the wheel.) Hook: “That whirlpool! Every time I think I've steered us clear-” Smee: “It's following us!” Blackbeard: “The old girl can't hold out much longer! Do something!” Hook: “I think this is the end, lad. I can't tell you enough how sorry I am to have brought you to this.” Henry: “You were just trying to get me what I thought I wanted. I've been so stupid. (He gets an idea:) Give me that ring! (Hook nods and hands him the ring:) A whirlpool that follows you isn't normal. It's magic! And I've got a feeling that a certain pirate king wants his ring back. Hook, take us toward that whirlpool.” Blackbeard: “Wait, wait, wait. Toward the whirlpool? You'll kill us all!” Hook: “If you are taking a risk for the sake of impressing Ella-” Henry: “I'm not, because it's suddenly become very clear to me that the only thing that she would want is for me to get home alive. Take us toward the whirlpool! I trust any Hook to safely pilot any vessel in any realm.” Blackbeard: “No!” (Hook and Blackbeard fight over control of the wheel.) Hook: “No!”  (Hook elbows Blackbeard in the face, knocking him out.) Henry: (Climbs the main mast of the ship:) “Keep us steady! As close as you can!” Hook: “Aah!” Smee: “You've got it, sir!” Hook: “Throw it, lad!” (Henry throws the ring into the heart of the whirlpool. A few tense moments pass before there is a pulse of energy and a flash of white light. And then, all is darkness.)
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Ella, Richard & Roberta's Campsite. (Ella returns to camp to find Richard and Roberta loading up the horses.) Ella: “What's this?” Richard: “I just packed up all your gear like a good sidekick. By the way, I know what you were up to last night.” Ella: “Oh, yeah. I guess it was pretty obvious. Because I sang it out loud.” Richard: “Hey, Bobby, I was right! Ella was trying to set us up.” Roberta: (Chuckles:) “Hilarious!” Richard: “Creepy, right?” Roberta: “Disgusting!” Richard: “The worst!” Roberta: (Through clenched teeth:) “Yeah, all right.” Richard: “But, hey, at least we got that all figured out. We know that we are just good friends.” Roberta: (Hesitates:) “Right.” Richard: “Mm. So, what's next?” Ella: “We head to the forest. I hear there are Giants in the Southern Reach. Perhaps we can convince them to join us in attacking Valencia.” Richard: “So, we're right back where we started.” Ella: “Yep! Nothing has changed.” Richard: “Nothing.” Roberta: (Following behind them, the rose in her hand:) “Nothing at all.” Kingdom of Valencia. Throne Room. (Gareth is attempting to read when Sid enters.) Sid: “Hey, there, friend. Got a pair of tickets to tonight's joust. Third row. Want to go? Last time I sat there, I caught a tooth... And I still have it.” Gareth: “No, thanks.” Sid: “But you love violence.” Gareth: “Yeah, I know, but I think it'd be better if you went without me. You should go right now.” Queen Madelena: “Is it him?” Gareth: “Aw, crap.” (Madelena enters.) Sid: (Bowing:) “My Queen.” Queen Madelena: “Oh, don't you ‘My Queen’ me. I'm bad news, am I?” Sid: (To Gareth:) “You told her what I said.” Gareth: “Only that little bit.” Queen Madelena: (Continues:) “I'll rip his heart out, and you don't mean symbolically?” Gareth: “Okay, I told her the whole thing.” Queen Madelena: “I'm more ‘shrew’ than woman?” Gareth: “And I made some stuff up.” Sid: “What about the Bro Code?!” Gareth: “I know! But I'm starting to really like her, and she's super-pretty. We just started talking and... I think you better run.” Queen Madelena: “Guards! Kill him. (Sid runs from the throne room with two guards chasing while Madelena takes her place beside Gareth:) Turns out I like you, too.”
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The Land Without Magic. New York. (Emma stands smiling before she swings and connects with an oncoming baseball. Thoroughly unimpressed, Regina watches her wife from outside the batting cages.) Regina: "Oh look, you hit that one too, congratulations. Can we go now?" Emma: "Come on, I haven't done this in ages. I have a whole roll of quarters itching to be used." Regina: (Glancing at the quarters:) "That's no reason to spend your entire life savings." Emma: (Laughs:) "Hey, don't break my concentration. (Swings and connects:) Henry and I used to love coming here." Regina: "Mother and son bonding over hitting a ball with a stick." Emma: "It's called a bat, and I think you know that. (Swings and connects:) Besides, it's tougher than it looks." Regina: (Mutters:) "It'd have to be. (Louder:) Remind me when we get home to throw a couple of fireballs at you. We'll see how your little bat does against those." Emma: (Smiles:) "Big words, Mama Bear. Why don't you come inside the cage and say them to my face." (Swings again, connecting with a solid hit. Emma turns to face Regina, dropping the bat loudly to the floor as she sees someone she recognises.) Facilier: (Approaching:) "Very impressive." Regina: (Turning, shocked:) "This isn't possible." Facilier: "Not probable, perhaps. But clearly-" Regina: "No, you are dead. You've been dead as long as we've known you. We're in a world without magic, how the hell can you be here?!" Facilier: "I would just love to explain. Perhaps we could all talk over drinks. Non alcoholic for you of course." Emma: (Running over to them:) "Get the hell away from her!" Facilier: (Smiling:) "Emma, my dear, how are you?" Emma: "I don't know how or why you're here, but I swear if you come any closer I will-" Facilier: "Submit to my every whim? (Enjoying the look on her face:) Oh, Emma, there’s such a glorious, explicit history between us." Regina: (Walks over, standing directly in front of him:) "Don't you dare speak to her. I may not have my magic, but I can still rip your head off." Facilier: (Staring at Emma:) "Oh, I think Emma's going to want to hear what I have to say. (Looks down at Regina:) You both will."
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