#remy/matt: winding road
dramatisperscnae · 11 months
Because I feel like sharing and no one can stop me >w>
Given this is a multiship blog and each ship gets its own little universe to exist in, they also get their own little tag. The theme for these is song titles; specifically songs that make me think of or that kind of embody that ship for me. Below is a brief list of the main ships on this blog at the present time [what few there are XD] and their respective songs.
Dick and Marcus [with @resignedworkaholics]: The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This Dick and Clint [with @normaltothemax]: Arrows in Action: Head in the Clouds Remy and Matt [with @defectivexfragmented]: Studio Yuraki/Sam Luff - Winding Road (and also Man With A Mission's original Japanese version) Arthur and Bruce [with @cxpedcrusxder]: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Drive! Fucking Drive!
@nightphans tagging you cause you seemed to like this idea and now I’ve expanded on it so... here goes my attempt at writing a new love interest for Kevin.
Kevin usually could put on a smile for his fans, but today was not a good day.
Him and Thea had been fighting (and it was bad, as in, they hadn’t so much as talked on the phone in two weeks bad), Andrew was off the court with a concussion, and the Foxes had a game against the Ravens in two days. While Kevin had come a long way, being away from them for almost 3 years now, he still didn’t exactly enjoy seeing his former teammates, even without Riko among them.
If any of the other Foxes had been there, Kevin probably could have handled it. Hell, he’d take one of the freshmen over facing this alone.
But he hadn’t thought it would be a big deal to go on a coffee run in Columbia alone, and then it was, and that was why he was running from a swarm of rabid fangirls.
Kevin wasn’t as fast as Neil, but he could definitely haul ass if he needed to, which was exactly what he was doing now. His only really clear thought was that he needed to get away and there was a convertible right by the curb and the top was down and it wasn’t going too fast yet so—
Parkour-jumping over the side-door into the passenger seat without asking probably wasn’t the smartest decision, but Kevin was desperate. He’d walked here, and there was no way he’d escape if he was sprinting away from fangirls all the way back to the cousins’ place.
The driver slammed on the brakes, probably rightfully. That was a reasonable reaction to having some guy jump into your car.
He didn’t recognize her—hadn’t even gotten a good look at her before he jumped into the car.
The driver was a young woman about his age, with hair dyed bright purple and brown eyes. She looked like she couldn’t decide whether to scream or punch him in the face.
She didn’t look like she had a clue who he was, which was unexpected, but Kevin wasn’t complaining.
“Hi,” he said, “I’m—“
At that point, one of the fangirls screamed and he remembered that he was running.
“Drive! Fucking drive!”
Whoever this woman was, she had quick reflexes. She didn’t question it. She just floored it out of the parking lot and narrowly avoided a car accident as she pulled onto the road.
“I’m sorry!” she shouted over the wind in a tone of voice that said that she absolutely was not sorry, “But who the fresh fuck are you?”
“I’m Kevin Day!”
“Am I supposed to be impressed? Why were those girls chasing you?”
“I’m a very famous Exy player!”
“Exy? You mean that indoor lacrosse ripoff?”
Kevin honestly didn’t think he’d ever been more insulted in his life.
“Exy is not a—“
“Tell it to someone who cares.”
At that point, the woman pulled over on the side of the road, safely a few blocks from the coffee shop.
“Look, I don’t give a flying fuck about any kind of sports,” she said, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t care to. The only reason I didn’t kick you out of my car right away is because you looked scared, and I have trouble turning away from people who look scared. It’s kind of a problem.”
“Seems like a good way to get yourself mixed up in things you can’t handle,” Kevin noted.
“Maybe. What about you? Have a lot of trouble with fangirls, Exy-boy?”
She smirked, “What? Didn’t expect it, being a big-shot athlete?”
Kevin didn’t say that he’d never had a choice in being a big-shot athlete, so he’d never gotten to choose whether he wanted to deal with the fangirls and the press and all the not so fun things that came with the sport he loved.
The woman seemed to notice that the question was a touchy subject. She sighed.
“Look, what I’m trying to say is that you quite obviously need help, and I have nothing better to do this morning. Where do you want me to take you?”
Kevin was kind of in shock, to be honest. He hadn’t gotten much opportunity to meet people besides his team, being kind of anti-social, and he’d thought Renee, Abby, Jeremy Knox, and maybe Matt were the only people this nice on Earth.
Well, this woman didn’t seem nice, exactly. She didn’t seem like she particularly wanted to help him, just that she didn’t want to leave him on the side of the road. Plus, she definitely swore too much to be considered the conventional kind of nice.
Kevin would take it.
“My friends have a house here in Columbia. It’s not far.”
“Cool. Kevin, was it?”
It was so weird to talk to someone who didn’t know his name.
“Yeah. Kevin Day.”
“Well, what’s your friends’ address, Kevin Day?”
Kevin gave her the address.
Apparently, he’d been gone long enough that the cousins and Neil were getting suspicious.
They all seemed relieved, but very confused as he pulled up in a black convertible with a random young woman with purple hair.
“Did you get kidnapped?” Neil asked pointedly.
“If I was going to kidnap him, I wouldn’t have brought him back to you, now would I?”
“I got swarmed by fans and she gave me a ride,” Kevin explained, getting out of the car.
“Oh,” Nicky flashed her a smile, “Well, in that case, thanks for saving our guy!”
“I’d say ‘any time,’ but with any luck, I’ll never have to save Kevin here’s ass again, so... here’s hoping I don’t see any of y’all around.”
They all shot Kevin confused looks, except Andrew, who was just giving the woman a very suspicious once-over.
“She’s not an Exy fan,” he explained, “She didn’t even know who I was. I just jumped in the car and told her to drive.”
“And she actually did it?” Neil asked.
“She can hear you,” the woman said pointedly, “And if you’re all good, here, I’ll be on my way.”
“Then ‘be on your way,’” Andrew said, slightly mocking her South Carolina accent.
The woman glared at him for a second before tossing Kevin the jacket he’d accidentally left in her front seat and getting ready to drive away.
Kevin didn’t know why he did it, but he didn’t miss the annoyed look on Andrew’s face when he called after her.
“Didn’t catch your name!”
“Aria!” she called back, “And you’re welcome, by the way!”
Kevin probably should have thanked her before she was halfway down the street, quickly getting farther and farther away.
“So,” Nicky said with a shit-eating grin, “Aria, huh?”
“Fuck off, Nicky. I met her ten minutes ago.”
“She’s a risk,” Andrew said bluntly.
“None of us are probably ever going to see her again,” Kevin pointed out, “So it doesn’t matter if she is.”
Imagine Kevin’s surprise when he did see her again, at that same coffee shop, a couple months later.
It was another bad day, ironically. Tabloids were spinning stories about Thea and one of her teammates, and while Kevin didn’t think she’d cheat on him, he couldn’t deny that she never smiled for him like she did in those photos.
She was flying into town tonight, and she’d said over the phone that they needed to talk.
Basically, Kevin was about 90% sure they were breaking up, and Nicky had suggested going to Columbia to cheer him up last night.
He was sad about it, but not as much as he’d expected. He’d kind of seen it coming. Thea was still too much a Raven for him to ever fully relax with her, and being around him often made her revert to an emotionless mask he never saw when he watched her games on TV.
In the Nest, they’d found solace in seemingly the only other person who wasn’t a complete sociopath—besides Jean, of course—but now, they were in a big, bright world full of people who weren’t sociopaths, and as Neil bluntly pointed out, neither of them were what the other needed anymore.
At first, this morning, Kevin thought Aria was going to ignore him, but she didn’t move when he came over to stand next to her while they waited for their orders.
Andrew, sitting in the chair in the corner, glared at him, but didn’t intervene.
“Do you always come back to places you already got swarmed at?” Aria asked.
Kevin shrugged, “They have good coffee.”
“On that, we can agree. It was Kevin, right?”
Kevin realized he didn’t really know what to talk about. He could usually just talk about Exy and if a teammate didn’t want to talk about that, they’d start a conversation about something else.
Kevin didn’t know how to talk about much else.
“You go to school here in South Carolina?”
Aria shook her head, “Nope. I’m headed back to New York in the fall.”
“What school?”
“Trying to stalk me, Kevin Day?”
“Well, I don’t even know your last name, so I’d have a hard time if I tried.”
She smirked, but didn’t tell him her last name.
“I’m going to the Juilliard School. Performing arts is kind of my thing.”
Kevin knew absolutely nothing about performing arts, but Aria sounded pretty proud of herself, so the Juilliard School was probably a good one.
“What about you? What school do you go to?”
“And you didn’t go home for the summer?”
Kevin shrugged, “Training camp.”
And he didn’t have a home to go back to, unless Abby’s house counted, but Aria didn’t need to know that.
“Well, I leave in three months,” Aria said, “So probably no use in being friends if there’s a time limit.”
She picked up her coffee when they called it out.
“See you around, Kevin. Or not, if you decide to stop being a dumbass and keep coming to places where fangirls run rampant.”
Kevin was tempted to argue with that, but she actually had a point.
He and Andrew did leave pretty quickly after they got their coffee to avoid anyone recognizing them.
“What did she say to you?” Andrew asked when they were back in the car.
Kevin shrugged, “She told me she’s going back to New York for college in the fall, so there’s no point in being friends. She also said that I should ‘stop being a dumbass’ and coming to places I’ve gotten swarmed by fangirls before.”
“Well, she’s right about you being a dumbass.”
Kevin figured that would be the end of it.
It wasn’t. After a few more times running into Aria in that coffee shop, Andrew asked her to come with them to Eden’s the next time they went, and as much as part of Kevin wanted to stop him, he didn’t.
He actually really liked talking to Aria. She kind of reminded him of Thea, with the seemingly unbreakable defiance she always carried, but at the same time, she absolutely was not Thea. Aria joked more, was less concerned with survival in the way of someone who’d never had to fight for theirs, and as she’d made it very clear, didn’t give a flying fuck about Exy.
That was still weird. Having to come up with small talk. Aria didn’t know anything about Exy and Kevin didn’t know anything about performing arts. Instead of those things, they talked about the latest movie, which meant that Kevin actually had to go with Nicky and Aaron to see those movies, or debate their favorite Jane Austen novel, or just bitch about how hot it was. That had never happened with Thea.
It was probably weird to keep comparing his new... well, he didn’t know if he could even call her a friend yet, to his now-ex-girlfriend, but Kevin had thought about it more times than he probably should.
Oh, yeah, him and Thea had agreed to stay in touch, but after a talk, were both more relieved than they should be about breaking up. Neil was right. They weren’t what each other needed. And yeah, Kevin had been sad about it for a bit, but he couldn’t deny that Thea was happier now, with that teammate of hers. He was happy for her, and...
And he knew that Aria was pretty in an unconventional kind of way, and she was witty and funny and he really didn’t know if he was attracted to her or not.
Honestly, even if he wasn’t, Andrew would probably still see her as a threat.
She’d probably never speak to him again after whatever Andrew was going to do this weekend. But Kevin knew none of the other Monsters would ever get off his back until he let them question her.
It was kind of surprising when she gave him a weird look as he started drinking.
“Aren’t you a pro athlete?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Aren’t pro athletes supposed to stick to a diet or something?”
Aaron smirked a little, and Kevin fought the urge to roll his eyes. Nobody except Aaron and Neil actually even remotely followed those. Kevin would, but unfortunately, an athlete’s diet didn’t include copious amounts of booze.
“Don’t actresses have to stick to a diet, too?” Andrew asked.
Aria shrugged, “I don’t have a contract yet. And besides, I pretty much burn whatever I eat with dance, so as long as I keep rehearsing over summer, I probably stay about as fit as you guys.”
Kevin seriously doubted that. He didn’t mean to let it show on his face, but Aria was already shooting him a sour look.
“I would like to see you last an hour at a dance call at my school. Sports are hard, sure, but you guys don’t have to look pretty and stay on-beat while you do it.”
Nicky snorted, “She’s got a point. Can you do, like, flips and stuff?”
“I can do an aerial. One of my best friends is so good at tumbling and stuff that he can do a backflip, but I’m not quite there yet.”
“Cool! Can you sing, too?”
Aria grinned and sang along to the next couple lines of the song that was playing.
“I’m on my guard with the rest of the world, but with you, I know it’s no good. And I should wait patiently, but... I really wish you would.”
She actually sounded pretty good.
“Awesome!” Nicky exclaimed, “You’re a triple threat!”
Aaron gave him a weird look.
“What? I went through a theatre phase in high school.”
“Well, theatre is gay culture,” Aria admitted.
“Interesting,” Andrew said dryly, “How you claimed you knew nothing about Kevin, or even Exy, and yet you know that Nicky’s gay.”
Aria just shrugged, “I still don’t give a flying fuck about Exy, but after y’all invited me out, I got curious. Spent some time on the Internet. Speaking of which, your Wikipedia page didn’t say you were as socially awkward as you seem, Kevin. How the hell did you get a friend as nice as Nicky?”
Neil and Nicky laughed. Aaron hid a smirk.
Kevin glared at them. Obviously, he wasn’t going to tell her about that deal with Andrew, and therefore basically getting adopted by the Minyard/Hemmick family, but he did give Aria a fairly truthful explanation.
“You get pretty close with people when you play on a team. Sometimes, things happen and you can’t help but care about someone.”
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said about any of us, Kevin,” Neil said with a shit-eating grin.
“Fuck off, Neil.”
Aria raised an eyebrow, “Woah. Seems like you’re just as much of a bitch as me.”
“Excuse me?”
Nicky was losing his shit laughing, and even Andrew seemed to find that funny, not that anyone who didn’t know him well would be able to tell.
“So, what else did our Wikipedia pages say?” Neil asked.
Kevin knew for a fact that Neil knew exactly what his said, but he didn’t say that.
“A whole lot of interesting stuff,” Aria admitted, “Your team seems pretty messed up.”
“That kind of sums it up,” Neil agreed.
“With any luck, I’ll have one someday. A Wikipedia page, I mean. Not that any of you will probably read it, but I’m gonna be on Broadway someday, so you can read all about it when I’m... well, probably not as famous as you. Broadway stars are famous to high school theatre nerds and basically no one else.”
“Convenient,” Andrew said, “Wanting to be an actress and meeting someone randomly outside a coffee shop who’s famous enough that his endorsement could probably get you exactly where you want to go.”
Aria seemed to get what he was implying, and she glared at him.
“Trust me, if I’m getting there, I’m getting there on my own. Victory tastes a lot sweeter when you got it fair and square, because then when you say that you’re better than the people you beat, you know for sure that you’re right.”
Kevin knew exactly what she was talking about.
Aria took a sip of her drink, still glaring at Andrew.
“If you wanted to know if I was a threat to your socially-awkward buddy, you could have just sat me down and asked questions like a normal person. If you had asked me if I was planning on using any of you to further my career, I would have told you that as a bisexual woman of color in performing arts, I have worked my ass off to get this far, and I sure as hell am willing to work my ass off even more to get myself the rest of the way. I’m not interested in taking shortcuts. So, if you still think I am, kindly get your coffee at a different time of day, because I’m not seeing you intentionally, but I’m not changing my schedule to avoid you, either. Basically, thanks for the drink, but I can call myself Uber, so don’t worry about driving me home.”
With that, Aria grabbed her bag off the table and started walking away.
To their credit, all the guys had the decency to look at least a little guilty, except Andrew.
Kevin didn’t want to know the look on his friend’s face when he followed her.
He caught up to her on the sidewalk, outside, waiting for her Uber.
“You weren’t kidding.”
“You said that helping people who looked scared was a good way to get myself mixed up in things I can’t handle,” Aria said calmly, “And you were right. Don’t think I missed all the messed up headlines your friends have made when I looked up you and your team.”
“And you still came with us tonight?” Kevin asked.
She shrugged, “Seemed like they’d only get more suspicious if I cancelled. I didn’t feel like getting stalked by a team of athletes with half a dozen homicide accusations between them.”
That was actually fair logic. To be honest, Kevin was surprised there were only six accusations between Neil, Renee, and the twins.
“They’ve all seen some messed up shit,” he explained, “They’re just trying to protect me.”
“Yeah, I got that. Just don’t particularly see why I’m worth the fuss. I’m leaving in 2 months and I’m not coming back until Christmas.”
“They’re paranoid.”
“And you’re not? Judging by the articles analyzing you, you don’t go anywhere without at least one of them.”
Kevin had to admit, he usually didn’t. Even after 3 years away from the Ravens, he still didn’t do well alone.
He shrugged, “Sometimes paranoia keeps you alive. You don’t really seem like a threat, though.”
Aria snorted, “Thanks.”
She took a deep breath, seeming to be psyching herself up for something.
She took a piece of paper out of her bag and handed it to him.
It was a business card, with only three lines of information. A phone number, an email, and...
Aria Kennedy. It said her last name. By giving him this, she was making it a lot easier for him—and by extension, Andrew and the others—to look her up.
“You don’t have to use it,” she said simply, “But oddly, I actually enjoy talking to you. You make good conversation, for a jock.”
“You make good conversation for a sarcastic theatre kid,” Kevin admitted, “Aria Kennedy.”
Aria smiled a bit at that, “I’m not watching your games.”
“I’m not watching your plays.”
“Wow. I’m so crushed.”
Kevin laughed at her deadpan tone.
“Look, I’m not stupid,” she said, “I get that there are probably a lot of people out there who want to get with you for the fame and all that. That’s probably part of what your friends are protecting you from. But that’s not me. I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m barely looking for a friend. It just seems like you could use one who hasn’t done a turn at county.”
“Maybe,” Kevin admitted, “I’d like to be friends.”
He probably should figure out if he even wanted to be more than that, but for now... a friend seemed good. Even a friend who was moving to New York for most of the year.
Aria saluted with two fingers as she stepped into her Uber, “See you around, Kevin Day.”
Kevin nodded, “See you around, Aria Kennedy.”
((I’m sorry if this is out of character for Kevin. I’ve only read aftg once.))
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The 2018 Grammy Nominations Have Dropped — See The Full List!
people always ask me if I've been getting Botox
Can you believe it's almost time for the Grammys??
On Tuesday, The Recording Academy finally announced their full list of noms, and now we can finally see who will be up for Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Best New Artist.
So, who did get nominated for 2018?? Current frontrunners include JAY-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Bruno Mars.
Ch-ch-check out the FULL nominations list (below)!
Record of the Year
"Redbone" — Childish Gambino "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "The Story Of O.J." — JAY-Z "HUMBLE." — Kendrick Lamar "24K Magic" — Bruno Mars
Album of the Year
"Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino 4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars
Song of the Year
"Despacito" — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) "4:44" — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (JAY-Z) "Issues" — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) "1-800-273-8255" — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury, Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) "That's What I Like" — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist
Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance
"Love So Soft" — Kelly Clarkson "Praying" — Kesha "Million Reasons" — Lady Gaga "What About Us" — P!nk "Shape Of You" — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
"Something Just Like This" ­— The Chainsmokers & Coldplay "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "Thunder" — Imagine Dragons "Feel It Still" — Portugal. The Man "Stay" — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
NOBODY BUT ME (DELUXE VERSION) Michael Bublé TRIPLICATE Bob Dylan IN FULL SWING Seth MacFarlane WONDERLAND Sarah McLachlan TONY BENNETT CELEBRATES 90 (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album
KALEIDOSCOPE EP - Coldplay LUST FOR LIFE - Lana Del Rey EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons RAINBOW - Kesha JOANNE - Lady Gaga ÷ (DIVIDE) - Ed Sheeran
Best Dance Recording
BAMBRO KOYO GANDA - Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa, Bonobo, producer; Bonobo, mixer COLA - Camelphat & Elderbrook, Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, producers; Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, mixers ANDROMEDA - Gorillaz Featuring DRAM, Damon Albarn, Jamie Hewlett, Remi Kabaka & Anthony Khan, producers; Stephen Sedgwick, mixer TONITE LCD - Soundsystem, James Murphy, producer; James Murphy, mixer LINE OF SIGHT - Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair Clayton Knight & Harrison Mills, producers; Eric J Dubowsky, mixer
Best Dance/Electronic Album
Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
WHAT IF - The Jerry Douglas Band SPIRIT - Alex Han MOUNT ROYAL - Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge PROTOTYPE - Jeff Lorber Fusion BAD HOMBRE - Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance
"You Want It Darker" — Leonard Cohen "The Promise" — Chris Cornell "Run" — Foo Fighters "No Good" — Kaleo "Go To War" — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance
INVISIBLE ENEMY - August Burns Red BLACK HOODIE - Body Count FOREVER - Code Orange SULTAN'S CURSE - Mastodon CLOCKWORKS - Meshuggah
Best Rock Song
Atlas, Rise! - James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, Songwriters (Metallica) Blood In The Cut - JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, Songwriters (K.Flay) Go To War - Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, Songwriters (Nothing More) Run - Foo Fighters, Songwriters (Foo Fighters) The Stage - Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, Songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold
Best Rock Album
Emperor Of Sand - Mastodon Hardwired...To Self-Destruct - Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves - Nothing More Villains - Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding - The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album
Everything Now - Arcade Fire Humanz - Gorillaz American Dream - LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy - Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast - The National
Best R&B Performance
Get You - Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis Distraction - Kehlani High - Ledisi That's What I Like - Bruno Mars The Weekend - Sza
Best Traditional R&B Performance
Laugh And Move On - The Baylor Project Redbone - Childish Gambino What I'm Feelin' - Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones All The Way - Ledisi Still - Mali Music
Best R&B Song
First Began - PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) Location - Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher Mcclenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, Songwriters (Khalid) Redbone - Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, Songwriters (Childish Gambino) Supermodel - Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, Songwriters (Sza) That's What I Like -Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
Free 6lack — 6lack "Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album
Freudian - Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule - Ledisi 24k Magic - Bruno Mars Gumbo - PJ Morton Feel The Real - Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance
Bounce Back - Big Sean Bodak Yellow -Cardi B 4:44 - Jay-Z Humble. - Kendrick Lamar Bad And Boujee - Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance
Prblms - 6lack Crew - Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy Family Feud - Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé Loyalty. - Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna Love Galore - Sza Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song
Bodak Yellow - Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, Songwriters (Cardi B) Chase Me - Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, Songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) Humble. - K. Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams Ii, Songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) Sassy - E. Gabouer & M. Evans, Songwriters (Rapsody) The Story Of O.J. - Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, Songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album
4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila's Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance
Body Like A Back Road - Sam Hunt Losing You - Alison Krauss Tin Man - Miranda Lambert I Could Use A Love Song - Maren Morris Either Way - Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
It Ain't My Fault - Brothers Osborne My Old Man - Zac Brown Band You Look Good - Lady Antebellum Better Man - Little Big Town Drinkin' Problem - Midland
Best Country Song
Better Man - Taylor Swift, Songwriter (Little Big Town) Body Like A Back Road - Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane Mcanally & Josh Osborne, Songwriters (Sam Hunt) Broken Halos - Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, Songwriters (Chris Stapleton) Drinkin' Problem - Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane Mcanally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, Songwriters (Midland) Tin Man - Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, Songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album
Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best Music Video
UP ALL NIGHT Beck Canada, video director; Laura Serra Estorch & Oscar Romagosa, video producers MAKEBA Jain Lionel Hirle & Gregory Ohrel, video directors; Yodelice, video producer THE STORY OF O.J. JAY-Z Shawn Carter & Mark Romanek, video directors; Daniel Midgley, video producer HUMBLE. Kendrick Lamar The Little Homies & Dave Meyers, video directors; Jason Baum, Dave Free, Jamie Rabineau, Nathan K. Scherrer & Anthony Tiffith, video producers 1-800-273-8255 Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid Andy Hines, video director; Andrew Lerios, video producer
Best New Age Album
Reflection - Brian Eno Songversation: Medicine - India.Arie Dancing On Water - Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 - Kitaro Spiral Revelation - Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
Can't Remember Why Sara Caswell, Soloist - Track From: Whispers On The Wind (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) Dance Of Shiva Billy Childs, Soloist - Track From: Rebirth Whisper Not - Fred Hersch, Soloist Miles Beyond - John Mclaughlin, Soloist - Track From: Live @ Ronnie Scott's (John Mclaughlin & The 4th Dimension) Ilimba - Chris Potter, Soloist - Track From: The Dreamer Is The Dream
Best Jazz Vocal Album
The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Uptown, Downtown - Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth - Billy Childs Project Freedom - Joey Defrancesco & The People Open Book - Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream -Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Monk'estra Vol. 2 - John Beasley Jigsaw - Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin' It - Christian Mcbride Big Band Homecoming - Vince Mendoza & Wdr Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind - Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album
Hybrido - From Rio To Wayne Shorter- Antonio Adolfo Oddara - Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa - The Music Of Moacir Santos - Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico - Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango - Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Gospel Album
Crossover — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le'Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — Cece Winans
Best Roots Gospel Album
The Best Of The Collingsworth Family - Volume 1 - The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus - Larry Cordle Resurrection - Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope - Reba Mcentire Hope For All Nations - Karen Peck & New River
Best Gospel Performance/Song
"Too Hard Not To" - Tina Campbell; Tina Campbell & Warryn Campbell, songwriters "You Deserve It" - JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn; David Bloom, JJ Hairston, Phontane Demond Reed & Cortez Vaughn, songwriters "Better Days" - Le'Andria "My Life" - The Walls Group; Warryn Campbell, Eric Dawkins, Damien Farmer, Damon Thomas, Ahjah Walls & Darrel Walls, songwriters "Never Have to Be Alone" - CeCe Winans; Dwan Hill & Alvin Love III, songwriters
Best Latin Pop Album
Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Cuidad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Tropical Latin Album
Albita - Albita Art Of The Arrangement - Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band -Ruben Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente -Silvestre Dangond Indestructible -Diego El Cigala
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
Ayo - Bomba Estereo Pa' Fuera - C4 Trío & Desorden Publico Salvavidas De Hielo - Jorge Drexler El Paradise - Los Amigos Invisibles Residente -Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
Ni Diablo Ni Santo - Julion Alvarez Y Su Norteno Banda Ayer Y Hoy - Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizarraga Momentos - Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acusticas - Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte - Humberto Novoa, Producer (Various Artists)
Best Americana Album
Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best American Roots Performance
"Killer Diller Blues" - Alabama Shakes "Let My Mother Live" - Blind Boys Of Alabama "Arkansas Farmboy" - Glen Campbell "Steer Your Way" - Leonard Cohen "I Never Cared For You" - Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song
"Cumberland Gap" - David Rawlings & Gillian Welch, Songwriters (David Rawlings) "I Wish You Well" - Raul Malo & Alan Miller, Songwriters (The Mavericks) "If We Were Vampires" - Jason Isbell, Songwriter (Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit) "It Ain't Over Yet" - Rodney Crowell, Songwriter (Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White) "My Only True Friend" - Gregg Allman & Scott Sharrard, Songwriters (Gregg Allman)
Best Children's Album
Brighter Side - Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel - Lisa Loeb Lemonade - Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke - Alphabet Rockers Songs of Peace & Love for Kids & Parents Around the World - Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Neil deGrasse Tyson Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen Confessions of a Serial Songwriter - Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) - Bernie Sanders and Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album
The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album
Come From Away - Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen - Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! - Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
Arrival — Johann Johannsson (composer) Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer (composer) Game of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi (composer) Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer (composers) La La Land — Justin Hurwitz (composer)
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"City Of Stars" — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone), Track from La La Land "How Far I'll Go" — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli'i Cravalho), Track from Moana: The Songs "I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker) — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (ZAYN & Taylor Swift), Track from Fifty Shades Darker "Never Give Up" — Sia Furler & Gregg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia), Track from Lion "Stand Up For Something" — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common), Track from Marshall
Best Album Notes
Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With the Truth Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works of Scott Joplin Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville, Inventor of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live at the Whisky a Go Go: The Complete Recordings Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips and His Manzarene Dreams Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album
BOBO YEYE: BELLE EPOQUE IN UPPER VOLTA Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) THE GOLDBERG VARIATIONS - THE COMPLETE UNRELEASED RECORDING SESSIONS JUNE 1955 Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) LEONARD BERNSTEIN - THE COMPOSER Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) SWEET AS BROKEN DATES: LOST SOMALI TAPES FROM THE HORN OF AFRICA Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) WASHINGTON PHILLIPS AND HIS MANZARENE DREAMS Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
EVERY WHERE IS SOME WHERE Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) IS THIS THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT? Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) NATURAL CONCLUSION Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) NO SHAPE Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K MAGIC Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer of the Year — Non-classical
Calvin Harris No I.D. Greg Kurstin Blake Mills The Stereotypes
Producer of the Year - Classical
BLANTON ALSPAUGH • Adamo: Becoming Santa Claus (Emmanuel Villaume, Kevin Burdette, Keith Jameson, Lucy Schaufer, Hila Plitmann, Matt Boehler, Jonathan Blalock, Jennifer Rivera & Dallas Opera Orchestra) • Aldridge: Sister Carrie (William Boggs, Keith Phares, Matt Morgan, Alisa Suzanne Jordheim, Stephen Cunningham, Adriana Zabala, Florentine Opera Chorus & Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra) • Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches (Leonard Slatkin & Detroit Symphony Orchestra) • Death & The Maiden (Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra) • Handel: Messiah (Andrew Davis, Noel Edison, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir & Toronto Symphony Orchestra) • Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 53, 64 & 96 (Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony) • Heggie: It's A Wonderful Life (Patrick Summers, William Burden, Talise Trevigne, Andrea Carroll, Rod Gilfry & Houston Grand Opera) • Tyberg: Masses (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale) MANFRED EICHER • Mansurian: Requiem (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) • Monk, M.: On Behalf Of Nature (Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble) • Point & Line - Debussy And Hosokawa (Momo Kodama) • Rímur (Arve Henriksen & Trio Mediaeval) • Silvestrov: Hieroglyphen Der Nacht (Anja Lechner) DAVID FROST • Alma Española (Isabel Leonard) • Amplified Soul (Gabriela Martinez) • Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 6 (Jonathan Biss) • Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) • Garden Of Joys And Sorrows (Hat Trick Trio) • Laks: Chamber Works (ARC Ensemble) • Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) • Troika (Matt Haimovitz & Christopher O'Riley) • Verdi: Otello (Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Günther Groissböck, Željko Lučić, Dimitri Pittas, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Sonya Yoncheva, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus) MORTEN LINDBERG • Furatus (Ole Edvard Antonsen & Wolfgang Plagge) • Interactions (Bård Monsen & Gunnar Flagstad) • Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) • Minor Major (Oslo String Quartet) • Northern Timbre (Ragnhild Hemsing & Tor Espen Aspaas) • So Is My Love (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) • Thoresen: Sea Of Names (Trond Schau) JUDITH SHERMAN • American Nocturnes (Cecile Licad) • The Birthday Party (Aki Takahashi) • Discovering Bach (Michelle Ross) • Foss: Pieces Of Genius (New York New Music Ensemble) • Secret Alchemy - Chamber Works By Pierre Jalbert (Curtis Macomber & Michael Boriskin) • Sevenfive - The John Corigliano Effect (Gaudette Brass) • Sonic Migrations - Music Of Laurie Altman (Various Artists) • Tribute (Dover Quartet) • 26 (Melia Watras & Michael Jinsoo Lim)
Best Remixed Recording
CAN'T LET YOU GO (LOUIE VEGA ROOTS MIX) Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) FUNK O' DE FUNK (SMLE REMIX) SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) UNDERCOVER (ADVENTURE CLUB REMIX) Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) A VIOLENT NOISE (FOUR TET REMIX) Four Tet, remixer (The xx) YOU MOVE (LATROIT REMIX) Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Orchestral Performance
CONCERTOS FOR ORCHESTRA - Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) COPLAND: SYMPHONY NO. 3; THREE LATIN AMERICAN SKETCHES - Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) DEBUSSY: IMAGES; JEUX & LA PLUS QUE LENTE - Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) MAHLER: SYMPHONY NO. 5 - Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO - Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Surround Sound Album
EARLY AMERICANS Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) SO IS MY LOVE Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D THE CATALOGUE Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) TYBERG: MASSES Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE & WAR SONGS Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: AMERICAN SYMPHONY; FINDING ROTHKO; PICTURE STUDIES Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) TYBERG: MASSES John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Opera Recording
BERG: LULU Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) BERG: WOZZECK Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children's Chorus) BIZET: LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) HANDEL: OTTONE George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D'Oro) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: THE GOLDEN COCKEREL Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance
BRYARS: THE FIFTH CENTURY Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) HANDEL: MESSIAH Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) MUSIC OF THE SPHERES Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) TYBERG: MASSES Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
BUXTEHUDE: TRIO SONATAS, OP. 1 Arcangelo DEATH & THE MAIDEN Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra DIVINE THEATRE - SACRED MOTETS BY GIACHES DE WERT Stile Antico FRANCK, KURTÁG, PREVIN & SCHUMANN Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich MARTHA ARGERICH & FRIENDS - LIVE FROM LUGANO 2016 Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
BACH: THE FRENCH SUITES Murray Perahia HAYDN: CELLO CONCERTOS Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) LEVINA: THE PIANO CONCERTOS Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) SHOSTAKOVICH: VIOLIN CONCERTOS NOS. 1 & 2 Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) TRANSCENDENTAL Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
BACH & TELEMANN: SACRED CANTATAS Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) CRAZY GIRL CRAZY - MUSIC BY GERSHWIN, BERG & BERIO Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) GODS & MONSTERS Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist IN WAR & PEACE - HARMONY THROUGH MUSIC Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D'Oro) SVIRIDOV: RUSSIA CAST ADRIFT Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium
BARBARA Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer HIGDON: ALL THINGS MAJESTIC, VIOLA CONCERTO & OBOE CONCERTO Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer KURTÁG: COMPLETE WORKS FOR ENSEMBLE & CHOIR Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer LES ROUTES DE L'ESCLAVAGE Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer MADEMOISELLE: PREMIÈRE AUDIENCE - UNKNOWN MUSIC OF NADIA BOULANGER Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) HIGDON: VIOLA CONCERTO Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: PICTURE STUDIES Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) ZHOU TIAN: CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Film
ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Andrew Dominik, video director; Dulcie Kellett & James Wilson, video producers LONG STRANGE TRIP - (The Grateful Dead) Amir Bar-Lev, video director; Alex Blavatnik, Ken Dornstein, Eric Eisner, Nick Koskoff & Justin Kreutzmann, video producers THE DEFIANT ONES - (Various Artists) Allen Hughes, video director; Sarah Anthony, Fritzi Horstman, Broderick Johnson, Gene Kirkwood, Andrew Kosove, Laura Lancaster, Michael Lombardo, Jerry Longarzo, Doug Pray & Steven Williams, video producers SOUNDBREAKING - (Various Artists) Maro Chermayeff & Jeff Dupre, video directors; Joshua Bennett, Julia Marchesi, Sam Pollard, Sally Rosenthal, Amy Schewel & Warren Zanes, video producers TWO TRAINS RUNNIN' - (Various Artists) Sam Pollard, video director; Benjamin Hedin, video producer
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque in Upper Volta Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds (1984 - 2014) Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Show The Light Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40TH Anniversary Edition Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Recording Package
El Orisha de la Rosa -Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa -Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) -Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast -Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State - Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental and Vocals
"Another Day of Sun" - Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) "Every Time We Say Goodbye" - Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) "I Like Myself" - Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) "I Loves You Porgy/ There's a Boat That's Leavin' Soon for New York" -Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) "Putin" Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Capella
"All Hat, No Saddle" - Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) "Escapades for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra from Catch Me if You Can" - John Williams, arranger (John Williams) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)" - Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) "Ugly Beauty/Pannonica" - John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) "White Christmas" - Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Instrumental Composition
"Alkaline" - Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) "Choros #3" - Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)"- Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) "Three Revolutions" - Arturo O'Farrill, composer (Arturo O'Farrill & Chucho Valdés) "Warped Cowboy" - Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best World Music Album
Memoria De Los Sentidos - Vicente Amigo Para Mi - Buika Rosa Dos Ventos - Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration - Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan - Tinariwen
Best Reggae Album
Chronology - Chronixx Lost In Paradise - Common Kings Wash House Ting - J Boog Stony Hill - Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley Avrakedabra - Morgan Heritage
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Top Of The Mountain - Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho'okena 3.0 - Ho'okena Kalenda - Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] - Northern Cree Pua Kiele Josh Tatofi
Best Folk Album
Mental Illness - Aimee Mann Semper Femina - Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts - Offa Rex You Don't Own Me Anymore - The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple - Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Contemporary Blues Album
Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm - Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette -Sonny Landreth Tajmo - Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo' Got Soul - Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland - Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Traditional Blues Album
Migration Blues - Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio - Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble - R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie's Last Train - Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome - The Rolling Stones
Best Bluegrass Album
Fiddler's Dream - Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity - The Infamous Stringdusters Original - Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite - Noam Pikelny All The Rage - In Concert Volume One [Live] - Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
P.S. The Grammys will air live January 28 from New York.
[Image via WENN.]
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
The 2018 Grammy Nominations Have Dropped — See The Full List!
Can you believe it's almost time for the Grammys??
On Tuesday, The Recording Academy finally announced their full list of noms, and now we can finally see who will be up for Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Best New Artist.
So, who did get nominated for 2018?? Current frontrunners include JAY-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Bruno Mars.
Ch-ch-check out the FULL nominations list (below)!
Record of the Year
"Redbone" — Childish Gambino "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "The Story Of O.J." — JAY-Z "HUMBLE." — Kendrick Lamar "24K Magic" — Bruno Mars
Album of the Year
"Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino 4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars
Song of the Year
"Despacito" — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) "4:44" — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (JAY-Z) "Issues" — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) "1-800-273-8255" — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury, Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) "That's What I Like" — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist
Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance
"Love So Soft" — Kelly Clarkson "Praying" — Kesha "Million Reasons" — Lady Gaga "What About Us" — P!nk "Shape Of You" — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
"Something Just Like This" ­— The Chainsmokers & Coldplay "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "Thunder" — Imagine Dragons "Feel It Still" — Portugal. The Man "Stay" — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
NOBODY BUT ME (DELUXE VERSION) Michael Bublé TRIPLICATE Bob Dylan IN FULL SWING Seth MacFarlane WONDERLAND Sarah McLachlan TONY BENNETT CELEBRATES 90 (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album
KALEIDOSCOPE EP - Coldplay LUST FOR LIFE - Lana Del Rey EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons RAINBOW - Kesha JOANNE - Lady Gaga ÷ (DIVIDE) - Ed Sheeran
Best Dance Recording
BAMBRO KOYO GANDA - Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa, Bonobo, producer; Bonobo, mixer COLA - Camelphat & Elderbrook, Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, producers; Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, mixers ANDROMEDA - Gorillaz Featuring DRAM, Damon Albarn, Jamie Hewlett, Remi Kabaka & Anthony Khan, producers; Stephen Sedgwick, mixer TONITE LCD - Soundsystem, James Murphy, producer; James Murphy, mixer LINE OF SIGHT - Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair Clayton Knight & Harrison Mills, producers; Eric J Dubowsky, mixer
Best Dance/Electronic Album
Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
WHAT IF - The Jerry Douglas Band SPIRIT - Alex Han MOUNT ROYAL - Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge PROTOTYPE - Jeff Lorber Fusion BAD HOMBRE - Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance
"You Want It Darker" — Leonard Cohen "The Promise" — Chris Cornell "Run" — Foo Fighters "No Good" — Kaleo "Go To War" — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance
INVISIBLE ENEMY - August Burns Red BLACK HOODIE - Body Count FOREVER - Code Orange SULTAN'S CURSE - Mastodon CLOCKWORKS - Meshuggah
Best Rock Song
Atlas, Rise! - James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, Songwriters (Metallica) Blood In The Cut - JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, Songwriters (K.Flay) Go To War - Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, Songwriters (Nothing More) Run - Foo Fighters, Songwriters (Foo Fighters) The Stage - Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, Songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold
Best Rock Album
Emperor Of Sand - Mastodon Hardwired...To Self-Destruct - Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves - Nothing More Villains - Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding - The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album
Everything Now - Arcade Fire Humanz - Gorillaz American Dream - LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy - Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast - The National
Best R&B Performance
Get You - Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis Distraction - Kehlani High - Ledisi That's What I Like - Bruno Mars The Weekend - Sza
Best Traditional R&B Performance
Laugh And Move On - The Baylor Project Redbone - Childish Gambino What I'm Feelin' - Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones All The Way - Ledisi Still - Mali Music
Best R&B Song
First Began - PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) Location - Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher Mcclenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, Songwriters (Khalid) Redbone - Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, Songwriters (Childish Gambino) Supermodel - Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, Songwriters (Sza) That's What I Like -Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
Free 6lack — 6lack "Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album
Freudian - Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule - Ledisi 24k Magic - Bruno Mars Gumbo - PJ Morton Feel The Real - Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance
Bounce Back - Big Sean Bodak Yellow -Cardi B 4:44 - Jay-Z Humble. - Kendrick Lamar Bad And Boujee - Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance
Prblms - 6lack Crew - Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy Family Feud - Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé Loyalty. - Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna Love Galore - Sza Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song
Bodak Yellow - Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, Songwriters (Cardi B) Chase Me - Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, Songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) Humble. - K. Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams Ii, Songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) Sassy - E. Gabouer & M. Evans, Songwriters (Rapsody) The Story Of O.J. - Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, Songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album
4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila's Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance
Body Like A Back Road - Sam Hunt Losing You - Alison Krauss Tin Man - Miranda Lambert I Could Use A Love Song - Maren Morris Either Way - Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
It Ain't My Fault - Brothers Osborne My Old Man - Zac Brown Band You Look Good - Lady Antebellum Better Man - Little Big Town Drinkin' Problem - Midland
Best Country Song
Better Man - Taylor Swift, Songwriter (Little Big Town) Body Like A Back Road - Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane Mcanally & Josh Osborne, Songwriters (Sam Hunt) Broken Halos - Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, Songwriters (Chris Stapleton) Drinkin' Problem - Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane Mcanally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, Songwriters (Midland) Tin Man - Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, Songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album
Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best Music Video
UP ALL NIGHT Beck Canada, video director; Laura Serra Estorch & Oscar Romagosa, video producers MAKEBA Jain Lionel Hirle & Gregory Ohrel, video directors; Yodelice, video producer THE STORY OF O.J. JAY-Z Shawn Carter & Mark Romanek, video directors; Daniel Midgley, video producer HUMBLE. Kendrick Lamar The Little Homies & Dave Meyers, video directors; Jason Baum, Dave Free, Jamie Rabineau, Nathan K. Scherrer & Anthony Tiffith, video producers 1-800-273-8255 Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid Andy Hines, video director; Andrew Lerios, video producer
Best New Age Album
Reflection - Brian Eno Songversation: Medicine - India.Arie Dancing On Water - Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 - Kitaro Spiral Revelation - Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
Can't Remember Why Sara Caswell, Soloist - Track From: Whispers On The Wind (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) Dance Of Shiva Billy Childs, Soloist - Track From: Rebirth Whisper Not - Fred Hersch, Soloist Miles Beyond - John Mclaughlin, Soloist - Track From: Live @ Ronnie Scott's (John Mclaughlin & The 4th Dimension) Ilimba - Chris Potter, Soloist - Track From: The Dreamer Is The Dream
Best Jazz Vocal Album
The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Uptown, Downtown - Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth - Billy Childs Project Freedom - Joey Defrancesco & The People Open Book - Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream -Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Monk'estra Vol. 2 - John Beasley Jigsaw - Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin' It - Christian Mcbride Big Band Homecoming - Vince Mendoza & Wdr Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind - Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album
Hybrido - From Rio To Wayne Shorter- Antonio Adolfo Oddara - Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa - The Music Of Moacir Santos - Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico - Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango - Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Gospel Album
Crossover — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le'Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — Cece Winans
Best Roots Gospel Album
The Best Of The Collingsworth Family - Volume 1 - The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus - Larry Cordle Resurrection - Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope - Reba Mcentire Hope For All Nations - Karen Peck & New River
Best Gospel Performance/Song
"Too Hard Not To" - Tina Campbell; Tina Campbell & Warryn Campbell, songwriters "You Deserve It" - JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn; David Bloom, JJ Hairston, Phontane Demond Reed & Cortez Vaughn, songwriters "Better Days" - Le'Andria "My Life" - The Walls Group; Warryn Campbell, Eric Dawkins, Damien Farmer, Damon Thomas, Ahjah Walls & Darrel Walls, songwriters "Never Have to Be Alone" - CeCe Winans; Dwan Hill & Alvin Love III, songwriters
Best Latin Pop Album
Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Cuidad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Tropical Latin Album
Albita - Albita Art Of The Arrangement - Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band -Ruben Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente -Silvestre Dangond Indestructible -Diego El Cigala
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
Ayo - Bomba Estereo Pa' Fuera - C4 Trío & Desorden Publico Salvavidas De Hielo - Jorge Drexler El Paradise - Los Amigos Invisibles Residente -Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
Ni Diablo Ni Santo - Julion Alvarez Y Su Norteno Banda Ayer Y Hoy - Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizarraga Momentos - Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acusticas - Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte - Humberto Novoa, Producer (Various Artists)
Best Americana Album
Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best American Roots Performance
"Killer Diller Blues" - Alabama Shakes "Let My Mother Live" - Blind Boys Of Alabama "Arkansas Farmboy" - Glen Campbell "Steer Your Way" - Leonard Cohen "I Never Cared For You" - Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song
"Cumberland Gap" - David Rawlings & Gillian Welch, Songwriters (David Rawlings) "I Wish You Well" - Raul Malo & Alan Miller, Songwriters (The Mavericks) "If We Were Vampires" - Jason Isbell, Songwriter (Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit) "It Ain't Over Yet" - Rodney Crowell, Songwriter (Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White) "My Only True Friend" - Gregg Allman & Scott Sharrard, Songwriters (Gregg Allman)
Best Children's Album
Brighter Side - Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel - Lisa Loeb Lemonade - Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke - Alphabet Rockers Songs of Peace & Love for Kids & Parents Around the World - Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Neil deGrasse Tyson Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen Confessions of a Serial Songwriter - Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) - Bernie Sanders and Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album
The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album
Come From Away - Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen - Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! - Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
Arrival — Johann Johannsson (composer) Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer (composer) Game of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi (composer) Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer (composers) La La Land — Justin Hurwitz (composer)
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"City Of Stars" — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone), Track from La La Land "How Far I'll Go" — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli'i Cravalho), Track from Moana: The Songs "I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker) — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (ZAYN & Taylor Swift), Track from Fifty Shades Darker "Never Give Up" — Sia Furler & Gregg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia), Track from Lion "Stand Up For Something" — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common), Track from Marshall
Best Album Notes
Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With the Truth Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works of Scott Joplin Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville, Inventor of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live at the Whisky a Go Go: The Complete Recordings Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips and His Manzarene Dreams Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album
BOBO YEYE: BELLE EPOQUE IN UPPER VOLTA Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) THE GOLDBERG VARIATIONS - THE COMPLETE UNRELEASED RECORDING SESSIONS JUNE 1955 Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) LEONARD BERNSTEIN - THE COMPOSER Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) SWEET AS BROKEN DATES: LOST SOMALI TAPES FROM THE HORN OF AFRICA Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) WASHINGTON PHILLIPS AND HIS MANZARENE DREAMS Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
EVERY WHERE IS SOME WHERE Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) IS THIS THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT? Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) NATURAL CONCLUSION Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) NO SHAPE Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K MAGIC Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer of the Year — Non-classical
Calvin Harris No I.D. Greg Kurstin Blake Mills The Stereotypes
Producer of the Year - Classical
BLANTON ALSPAUGH • Adamo: Becoming Santa Claus (Emmanuel Villaume, Kevin Burdette, Keith Jameson, Lucy Schaufer, Hila Plitmann, Matt Boehler, Jonathan Blalock, Jennifer Rivera & Dallas Opera Orchestra) • Aldridge: Sister Carrie (William Boggs, Keith Phares, Matt Morgan, Alisa Suzanne Jordheim, Stephen Cunningham, Adriana Zabala, Florentine Opera Chorus & Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra) • Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches (Leonard Slatkin & Detroit Symphony Orchestra) • Death & The Maiden (Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra) • Handel: Messiah (Andrew Davis, Noel Edison, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir & Toronto Symphony Orchestra) • Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 53, 64 & 96 (Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony) • Heggie: It's A Wonderful Life (Patrick Summers, William Burden, Talise Trevigne, Andrea Carroll, Rod Gilfry & Houston Grand Opera) • Tyberg: Masses (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale) MANFRED EICHER • Mansurian: Requiem (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) • Monk, M.: On Behalf Of Nature (Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble) • Point & Line - Debussy And Hosokawa (Momo Kodama) • Rímur (Arve Henriksen & Trio Mediaeval) • Silvestrov: Hieroglyphen Der Nacht (Anja Lechner) DAVID FROST • Alma Española (Isabel Leonard) • Amplified Soul (Gabriela Martinez) • Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 6 (Jonathan Biss) • Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) • Garden Of Joys And Sorrows (Hat Trick Trio) • Laks: Chamber Works (ARC Ensemble) • Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) • Troika (Matt Haimovitz & Christopher O'Riley) • Verdi: Otello (Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Günther Groissböck, Željko Lučić, Dimitri Pittas, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Sonya Yoncheva, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus) MORTEN LINDBERG • Furatus (Ole Edvard Antonsen & Wolfgang Plagge) • Interactions (Bård Monsen & Gunnar Flagstad) • Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) • Minor Major (Oslo String Quartet) • Northern Timbre (Ragnhild Hemsing & Tor Espen Aspaas) • So Is My Love (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) • Thoresen: Sea Of Names (Trond Schau) JUDITH SHERMAN • American Nocturnes (Cecile Licad) • The Birthday Party (Aki Takahashi) • Discovering Bach (Michelle Ross) • Foss: Pieces Of Genius (New York New Music Ensemble) • Secret Alchemy - Chamber Works By Pierre Jalbert (Curtis Macomber & Michael Boriskin) • Sevenfive - The John Corigliano Effect (Gaudette Brass) • Sonic Migrations - Music Of Laurie Altman (Various Artists) • Tribute (Dover Quartet) • 26 (Melia Watras & Michael Jinsoo Lim)
Best Remixed Recording
CAN'T LET YOU GO (LOUIE VEGA ROOTS MIX) Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) FUNK O' DE FUNK (SMLE REMIX) SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) UNDERCOVER (ADVENTURE CLUB REMIX) Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) A VIOLENT NOISE (FOUR TET REMIX) Four Tet, remixer (The xx) YOU MOVE (LATROIT REMIX) Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Orchestral Performance
CONCERTOS FOR ORCHESTRA - Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) COPLAND: SYMPHONY NO. 3; THREE LATIN AMERICAN SKETCHES - Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) DEBUSSY: IMAGES; JEUX & LA PLUS QUE LENTE - Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) MAHLER: SYMPHONY NO. 5 - Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO - Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Surround Sound Album
EARLY AMERICANS Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) SO IS MY LOVE Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D THE CATALOGUE Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) TYBERG: MASSES Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE & WAR SONGS Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: AMERICAN SYMPHONY; FINDING ROTHKO; PICTURE STUDIES Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) TYBERG: MASSES John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Opera Recording
BERG: LULU Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) BERG: WOZZECK Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children's Chorus) BIZET: LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) HANDEL: OTTONE George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D'Oro) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: THE GOLDEN COCKEREL Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance
BRYARS: THE FIFTH CENTURY Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) HANDEL: MESSIAH Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) MUSIC OF THE SPHERES Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) TYBERG: MASSES Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
BUXTEHUDE: TRIO SONATAS, OP. 1 Arcangelo DEATH & THE MAIDEN Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra DIVINE THEATRE - SACRED MOTETS BY GIACHES DE WERT Stile Antico FRANCK, KURTÁG, PREVIN & SCHUMANN Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich MARTHA ARGERICH & FRIENDS - LIVE FROM LUGANO 2016 Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
BACH: THE FRENCH SUITES Murray Perahia HAYDN: CELLO CONCERTOS Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) LEVINA: THE PIANO CONCERTOS Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) SHOSTAKOVICH: VIOLIN CONCERTOS NOS. 1 & 2 Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) TRANSCENDENTAL Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
BACH & TELEMANN: SACRED CANTATAS Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) CRAZY GIRL CRAZY - MUSIC BY GERSHWIN, BERG & BERIO Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) GODS & MONSTERS Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist IN WAR & PEACE - HARMONY THROUGH MUSIC Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D'Oro) SVIRIDOV: RUSSIA CAST ADRIFT Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium
BARBARA Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer HIGDON: ALL THINGS MAJESTIC, VIOLA CONCERTO & OBOE CONCERTO Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer KURTÁG: COMPLETE WORKS FOR ENSEMBLE & CHOIR Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer LES ROUTES DE L'ESCLAVAGE Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer MADEMOISELLE: PREMIÈRE AUDIENCE - UNKNOWN MUSIC OF NADIA BOULANGER Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) HIGDON: VIOLA CONCERTO Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: PICTURE STUDIES Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) ZHOU TIAN: CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Film
ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Andrew Dominik, video director; Dulcie Kellett & James Wilson, video producers LONG STRANGE TRIP - (The Grateful Dead) Amir Bar-Lev, video director; Alex Blavatnik, Ken Dornstein, Eric Eisner, Nick Koskoff & Justin Kreutzmann, video producers THE DEFIANT ONES - (Various Artists) Allen Hughes, video director; Sarah Anthony, Fritzi Horstman, Broderick Johnson, Gene Kirkwood, Andrew Kosove, Laura Lancaster, Michael Lombardo, Jerry Longarzo, Doug Pray & Steven Williams, video producers SOUNDBREAKING - (Various Artists) Maro Chermayeff & Jeff Dupre, video directors; Joshua Bennett, Julia Marchesi, Sam Pollard, Sally Rosenthal, Amy Schewel & Warren Zanes, video producers TWO TRAINS RUNNIN' - (Various Artists) Sam Pollard, video director; Benjamin Hedin, video producer
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque in Upper Volta Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds (1984 - 2014) Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Show The Light Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40TH Anniversary Edition Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Recording Package
El Orisha de la Rosa -Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa -Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) -Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast -Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State - Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental and Vocals
"Another Day of Sun" - Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) "Every Time We Say Goodbye" - Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) "I Like Myself" - Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) "I Loves You Porgy/ There's a Boat That's Leavin' Soon for New York" -Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) "Putin" Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Capella
"All Hat, No Saddle" - Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) "Escapades for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra from Catch Me if You Can" - John Williams, arranger (John Williams) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)" - Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) "Ugly Beauty/Pannonica" - John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) "White Christmas" - Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Instrumental Composition
"Alkaline" - Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) "Choros #3" - Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)"- Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) "Three Revolutions" - Arturo O'Farrill, composer (Arturo O'Farrill & Chucho Valdés) "Warped Cowboy" - Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best World Music Album
Memoria De Los Sentidos - Vicente Amigo Para Mi - Buika Rosa Dos Ventos - Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration - Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan - Tinariwen
Best Reggae Album
Chronology - Chronixx Lost In Paradise - Common Kings Wash House Ting - J Boog Stony Hill - Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley Avrakedabra - Morgan Heritage
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Top Of The Mountain - Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho'okena 3.0 - Ho'okena Kalenda - Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] - Northern Cree Pua Kiele Josh Tatofi
Best Folk Album
Mental Illness - Aimee Mann Semper Femina - Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts - Offa Rex You Don't Own Me Anymore - The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple - Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Contemporary Blues Album
Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm - Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette -Sonny Landreth Tajmo - Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo' Got Soul - Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland - Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Traditional Blues Album
Migration Blues - Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio - Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble - R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie's Last Train - Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome - The Rolling Stones
Best Bluegrass Album
Fiddler's Dream - Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity - The Infamous Stringdusters Original - Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite - Noam Pikelny All The Rage - In Concert Volume One [Live] - Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
P.S. The Grammys will air live January 28 from New York.
[Image via WENN.]
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