blessmyself · 12 years
please take the time to watch this video.  it is a video created by a fellow student from my school.  
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blessmyself · 12 years
Rest In Paradise Amanda Todd.
      So for those of you who may not know, I want to tell you a story about a talented, beautiful young girl named Amanda Todd. 
       Amanda was 15, 16 next month. She posted a video on her Youtube channel a week or so ago. When she was in 7th grade, her and her friends used to go on webcam chat groups to meet up with new and old people. The people began calling her beautiful, stunning, cute, etc. And they asked her to flash... so she did, thinking it was nothing, harmless. A year flew by and a guy she did not know inboxed her on Facebook saying, "Give me a 'show' or I will send your boobs." Amanda ignored it. Christmas break came along and at 4 AM, Amanda's family had a knock on the door... it was the police. That guy that inboxed her had sent the picture to everyone. Everyone judged her, bullied her, because of one mistake. Amanda ended up switching schools, trying to escape the harassment, but the person found her. He found out her school, her new friends, her address, and once again sent everyone her picture. She had no one, everyone hated her. She ended up switching towns, and schools again. Then at her new school, she met this boy who she though liked her. He didn't, he had a girlfriend. One day she got a note saying you better leave school, but she didn't. A group of boys and girls, including that boy and his girlfriend, came up to her and surrounded her. The one girl shouted, "Look around, No one likes you." One kid from the group yelled, "Just punch her already!" So she did, and Amanda had got beat up really bad. And they left her, alone. Her dad ended up finding her in a ditch, hours later. She went home and drank bleach, to try and kill herself. An ambulance came and they flushed out her system. The next day all over her Facebook page was written, "Drink some more bleach", "No one cares", "I hope she dies, no one would cry", "Everyone hates you", "Amanda try it again, we dare you"... and so so much more. She cried herself to sleep every night. Why did everyone hate her? It was one mistake, just one. She started cutting herself, and turned to drugs and alcohol. She overdosed trying to take her own life once again, but she failed. She couldn't take it anymore. At the end of her Youtube video it said, "I am Amanda Todd. I just need someone." 
      On October 10, 2012, Amanda Todd had finally succeeded. This talented, beautiful girl hung herself. 
      How do all of you who pushed her this far feel now? A life was lost. Never to return, because of you.
      How can the human race push someone to that point, where they don't want to be on this planet anymore, where they take their own lives. After everything she had been through already, how could someone make the comments they did pushing her to her limits. 
Here is the link to her video. Please watch it.
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