#right down to a predefined choice in fighting theme music. she's been in the works for MONTHS (since i think early last summer)
visibun ยท 8 months
Funny note about me suddenly being more openly passionate about lamias:
By default, I have prey brain. Full rabbit mode. I am bnuy. Hop hop wait why are you licking your lips like that
But, like... every very sudden once in a while, I get this "predator brain" impulse. And in those moments, lamias are all that I can think about
I seem to like projecting on the idea of a hybrid kind of lamia, that has the serpentine body of an African bush viper, with the tail ending of a rattlesnake. The human half is brown like me, but with pointed ears, and longer black hair that's either kept loose, or is tied back into a ponytail. The serpentine scaling will most likely extend into her human half; to what extent, I'm not sure just yet, but it might be covering everything up to and including her neck and minus her chest and stomach, leaving just her head/face, chest, and stomach down to her hips covered in human skin. These scales are tough, allowing her to take hard/sharp blows with minimal impact as if she were wearing armor.
She's wearing something light and easy to move in (maybe adjacent to a belly dancer's outfit, in black and antique gold), and is also kitted out with antique golden jewelry for vanity reasons. She's got teeth like a vampire's to showcase the marriage of her human and beast parts (all normal human teeth, but with sharper/more pronounced upper canines; those canines are where her venom flows to, and they don't retract since visible fangs are The Best), slitted golden eyes, a forked tongue, and sharp black nails (she's okay with melee weapons, but her combat preference stays at "hands, claws, and biting, with uncommon constricting").
She's also trans, has a small chest, and has defined/toned abs and arm muscles, of course, since this is me my hard projection that we're talking about. I just want her to have a body that's strong enough to do constricting, if deemed necessary! No thinly-veiled thirst motivations behind this choice at all.
The snake half is more along the lines of the colors/scales of the bush viper here (black scales + alternating black and yellow underbody), plus the rattle tail ending:
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She's wearing jewelry on the tail, too, that's tied into the bottom-most notch there, that can be loudly and aggressively jingled about and clashed together as the tail is being shaken. Not sure what kind of jewelry, but something stringed/tasseled comes to mind.
She's long as fuck, by the way. To the song and dance of this visual:
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Which, when laid out more accurately, looks like this:
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So, like... picture this. If you will.
The enemy or target's been spotted, and now she's rearing up nice and horribly tall while hissing and bearing those sharp claws and teeth, all while there's a mix of heavy and rapid rattling and loud metal scraping and clanging behind her that all together are disheartening, distracting, and disorienting for whoever is standing in front of her, but is practically like a heart-racing and blood-pumping hybrid war song and battle cry to her for what's about to happen next. All the while, her eyes are locked on theirs, and she's got that confident, ruthless grin painted on her face, as if this fight was set to be the high point of her day.
And, because I exist for music, she fights to this song. Or, this song. I often choose either one of these two songs for exercising with kickboxing (to the point where I manually extended both of them to play on a nonstop loop for an hour, just so they last for the whole routine), so they always gets my blood rushing by default. And, with that scene description up there, it'd feel more like you're fighting a dragon rather than a serpent.
Do you get it. Do you see what I'm putting out there. Being a bunnygirl is nice and all, but I very badly want to be her, too. If I could draw, I would absolutely detail this as a sona for myself. But, at this rate, I might end up feeling enticed enough to just try and doodle her, anyway.
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