#rip The Hunter you would've loved those Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses
tales-of-snaktooth · 6 months
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Snak Eye Sky
Snak Eye Skies are a rare occurrence on the Tooth Islands. The sun will temporarily be replaced by that of a giant Snak eye (as most may have been told at least, some believe it’s something completely different), dimming the landscape, instantly turning a bright sunny day into that of dusk.
During this time, grumpuses must avert their eyes, bow down their heads, and whisper their praises and thanks for being able to survive on the island due to the plentiful Bugsnax. Grumpuses must not look directly at the Eye, or else judgment will occur, as well as a curse.
Once this short period of time is over, grumpuses are allowed to continue with their regular activities.
There are still many questions to have about this occurrence, but it’s said that one specific grump’s experience with a Snak Eye Sky had lead to possibly the most influential moment in Snaktooth Island’s history.
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The Hunter
Hundreds of years ago, a Falls Valley grumpus was out hunting for Bugsnax in the blazing sun. They spent their time; perhaps too much of it, hiding perfectly in the shadows, waiting to ambush the next unsuspecting Snak that crosses their path.
After what felt like an eternity, they were alerted by the faint call of a strabby. At an instant, they sprung out from their hiding spot, and grasped the Snak in their claws. Finally, something to bring back home! But…thanks to this Snak, they had wasted so much time waiting around under a tree, and just for a small bug like this?
They’re lucky the sun’s still out…
So, in an act of pure spite and frustration, they dug their claws into the juicy flesh of the strabby, and yanked its wobbly eyes clean out.
The strabby was distressed, crying out and wriggling in their paws; it was probably the first time The Hunter had ever seen a Bugsnak in such disarray. They didn’t even act like this while being eaten! This odd occurrence hadn’t bothered them, though. They were going to eat it anyway, there was no use in worrying about whether or not it could see it happen.
They were finally ready to head back home, when suddenly the world around them seemed to get…dimmer? But it was the middle of the day? The sun was shining on their fur just a moment ago, what happened? Annoyed, The Hunter looked up to see if some grumpling was playing some prank on them.
But the sight they saw was no grumpling, or any sort of grumpus…
It was horrifying.
As if the sun itself had vanished right above their head. That blazing, bringer of day, was gone, replaced by some sort of ring of light surrounding pure darkness. Like an eye—a Bugsnak eye—staring down at them, judging them.
They were getting judged, by some higher being. The Hunter’s fur had bristled like a pine from The Woods, terrified yet entranced by the sight. They stood there, staring straight up until they ended up fainting from the shock of it all.
Waking up after who knows how long, finding their way back home was an incredibly difficult task. Their eyesight had degraded terribly, as if that Snak Eye had put a curse on them. But once they recognized that they were deep in the familiar territory of Falls Valley, they knew they had to alert their leader immediately, and that he in return should notify the rest of the island’s grumpuses as well.
An island-wide gathering was held deep in the night. Thousands of tired grumpuses were confused and aggravated, but The Hunter—The Cursed Hunter and their leader knew their experience needed to be shared to all of the island’s inhabitants. Once they had recounted their horrifying hunt, a number of grumpuses in the crowd were skeptical, but a vast majority were intrigued in their tale, with a few backing up their claim of that strange sudden nightfall in the middle of the day.
When asked what this would mean for the future of grumpus society, The Cursed Hunter exclaimed that this was due to the collective disrespect and selfishness of all the island’s grumpuses. That they have all; especially The Cursed Hunter themselves, had taken the Bugsnax for granted, and they must all pay their dues or else the island won’t stop at cursing one foolish grumpus. This explosion might might've just been a delirious, sleep deprived, post-supernatural-experience rant from The Cursed Hunter, but the Falls Valley leader agreed with everything they had said. He ended up making the call to set an island wide obligation to worship the Snax, as they now all know the immense power these creatures hold.
Many grumpuses were rightfully upset and shocked that he was willing to make a call that the entire island; not just his own territory, should follow, but the other territory leaders had chosen to go along with his decision. Both due to the power the Falls Valley territory has compared to the rest, and the possible power the Bugsnax also have. This wasn’t a risk they were willing to take for their alliance and their subjects.
While the rest of the territory leaders had openly agreed to these new laws, a few had doubts on how beneficial these will actually be for the future of the island and the grumpuses themselves. Specifically the call to hold monthly, day long ceremonies focused solely on the worship of Bugsnax and end with the sacrifice of a grumpus, which definitely shocked a number of grumpuses in the crowd and a few leaders as well. But the Falls Valley leader assured them all that it was a necessary precaution to take to insure the safety of the entire island from whatever power had harmed The Cursed Hunter. And that if any other Snak Eye Skies ever occur again, grumpuses will now know what to do to prevent the possibility of judgment and curses.
The island wide gathering was dismissed, and thousands of grumpus prepared to wake up to a completely new life the next day.
Currently, while the Bugsnak Worshiping laws have either loosened or intensified in certain territories, many grumpuses still pass on the story of The Cursed Hunter and the Snak Eye Sky, ways to remember how much power these strange creatures have over them.
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