#rock lee + sakura 🤝 me
onedirecton · 3 years
Naruto Season 1 and 2 ramblings under the cut
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Season 1
Genuinely thought Kakashi was a villain when I first saw him 🤡 now he is my best friend 🤝 (of course a villain can absolutely be your fav character within reason of course, you are valid for that but my point is that I didn’t trust him at all at the beginning because I genuinely thought he was gonna hate on team 7).
It did feel very long at times, especially the plot with that fog ninja on the bridge with that younger ninja I was like ah ha ha okay when is this ending??? Sasuke was stuck in that mirror prison for sooooo long 🚶🏽‍♀️skdjjsjd this plot really took up so much of the season when there was no reason for it in my opinion
I am glad things picked up once they started that exam and we met new characters <3
Overall, not a bad season I just wish the pace had been faster. I was also watching other things in between so maybe that’s why it felt so long?? Idk
Season 2
The exam in the forest was ??????? I still have no real clue who that snake-like ninja is and why he really wants Sasuke, either I’m dumb or it wasn’t explained a lot?? I also don’t understand why that exam proctor has the bite mark (curse mark??) thing either but oh well!
Thought it was really cool how that other team helped Sakura when Naruto and Sasuke were knocked out 🤝
HOWEVER my question is what is Sakura good at??????? I feel like she stands around most of the time with her knife and that’s IT! Like 🧍‍♀️🔪. Half the time she is on screen, it’s just her going ‘Naruto!!!’ Or ‘Sasuke!!!!’.
With the preliminary exams, I personally did not think half of this season would just be battles between them but turns out, it’s just that! Very entertaining to watch and I loved seeing everyone’s special abilities. Personally, I have such a soft spot for Team 8!!!! Mostly because I think Kiba has a really cool design (I love his look in general) and I am honestly obsessed with Shino’s bug abilities mostly because I just like that kinda stuff eifjdjd I love bugs dude! Also, I think Hinata is neat and she has so much potential as a Ninja so I really hope we see more of her!!!
Gara is unhinged and I am Afraid. I hope more of his backstory is covered and I also want to know if there is an actual demon inside of him or if it’s just metaphorical 🤔
ROCK LEE! I am adopting him. He is my son. I feel so bad because he was just trying to find his own Ninja way broooo aHHHHH
Also, when Sakura and Ino were battling I really just 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 it was sooooo boring and I skipped over their flashbacks because it was so very blah to me. I’m just annoyed because I know there is probably more to Sakura, but they made her so flat 😩 I hope she does more in future reasons.
Overall, a step up from season 1 and I’ll probably yell about the final exam later once I start season 3. I will probably take a break from the show for a while because I think I watched season 2 too fast lmaoo but thank u for reading if you made it this far <3 p.s I love kakashi he is absolutely my favourite character
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