#room is completely sorted through. bags of stuff to donate or throw away. i'm a new woman/human/wretched creature
msdk-00 · 5 months
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ouuu because... what if i grew out my hair and started doing makeup again and and and
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toxickittenjen · 2 years
10 tips for cleaning a messy room during/after a depressive episode...
1. Set a realistic time goal for completion. I set a goal to have it cleaned by the end of the week. That way I could take my time and not put too much pressure on myself to get it done in a short amount of time
2. Get bins or bags to sort things into. I had a trash bag, a donation bag, a dirty clothes bag, a clean clothes bag, and a knickknack/"TF is this" bag. It really helped keep me organized so I wasn't just moving piles from one place to another.
3. Use the pomodoro method. Set a timer for 30 mins, put on some hype music and start at one corner and work your way to the opposite corner. Throw things into the bags as you work your way down. Rest for at least 15 mins then start the timer again.You can also put on a timer and just pick up clothes or just pick up trash for 30 mins.
4. When bags get full, move them out of your line of sight so you can see the progress being made. I put mine in the hallway
5. Find a body-double friend. I call my girl Tamika and we talk shit for a good hour or so as I clean. The cleaning becomes mindless and I forget I'm actually doing it.
6. Once things are off the ground, pick a bag and get to folding and hanging. I folded a bunch of clothes, put the hanging stuff to the side then put everything up. This also helped me get rid of things Gia and I can no longer fit and helped me bag up summer clothes for storage.
7. Put the donation bags in the damn car, not the trunk, but where you can see them. Some folks say throw them away, I can't do that as someone who lives off hand me downs and donations for Gia.
8. Sort the "TF is this stuff" bag and really ask yourself if you actually need to keep it. Put all the yes stuff up immediately. Everything else...toss it.
9. Put on clean bed linens, vacuum, and light a candle. I also cleansed the air with a lavender/rosemary wand. (Make sure you open a window...iykyk)
10. Sit down, take some deep breaths, and bask in your hard work.
Anymore tips y'all can give someone struggling would be greatly appreciated! Let's help each remove the stigma of depression by talking about it openly.
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