#rory can't just read his mind; and I think it's weird to expect her to be able to do so
chambersofthesea · 2 years
Hey how are you? I’m dying to talk/rant about h Jess & Rory and how unfairly Jess was treated so can we chat/rant for hours about it?
I'm fine with answering questions about them if you send asks, but unless it's about Jess not being focused on more in the narration, and it's about "Jess was unfairly treated by Rory", I'll probably have to pass on that one.
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jennay · 1 year
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Rory Culkin x Reader
An: Alright this was the one that won the poll. Let me know what you think or if you’d like anything written specifically. 💜
Word count: 1500
Master List
Rory clenched his jaw as he watched you chat with the bartender. He wasn't a jealous man by nature, but he couldn't stand the way the bartender casually touched your hand as if he had a claim on you.
He felt nauseous watching the scene unfold. Rory wondered what was going through your mind. Why didn't you pull away from his advances? Did you enjoy them? Did you not care about Rory's feelings? He tried to push these thoughts away, but they kept nagging him.
"Hey, don't make a scene," Your friend Bev whispered in his ear, nudging his arm. She could see the anger and hurt in his eyes, and she knew he was close to losing it.
Rory forced a smirk on his face, trying to act nonchalant. "I wasn't planning on it. She's a grown woman. She can do what she wants." He picked up his drink and gulped down the rest, feeling the alcohol burn his throat. "I'm gonna go find Kieran and Jazz." He got up from his seat and walked away, leaving Bev behind.
Bev shook her head sympathetically. You and Rory had a complicated relationship. Some days he was convinced you were his; others, he felt like you were toying with him.
You never had an official title, and though he didn't need that to be happy, he needed to know where you stood. What were you two, lovers, friends, or something in between?
When you came back to the table, you set down the shot glasses with a clink. A goofy smile was still on your face from your flirtatious interaction. "That guy is in the band that plays on Saturdays. My god, band guys are fucking sexy." You laughed.
Bev pushed her auburn hair behind her ears, giving you a look that screamed, you're an idiot. "For me?" She asked, picking up one of the shot glasses.
You nodded, grabbing yours as well. "I got five, but there's only two of us now? I guess we have extra." Your eyes scanned the busy bar, looking for Rory and the other two. You tried to act cool like you didn't care where they were or what they were doing. It's not like Rory was your boyfriend. You couldn't control what he did.
"He went to find Kieran," Bev says, reading your mind. "I think they're playing pool."
You nod your head. "He's been kinda weird."
Her thin brow raises, and an amused look plays on her face. "Well, as we all know, sleeping with your friends can complicate things."
You nearly choke on your drink, "You know about that?"
She nods, exhaling loudly, "I mean, I do now. I assumed since your interactions have changed, and you're the kinda idiot to do something like that and expect no consequences."
You rest your elbows on the table, leaning forward, you say, "I'm aware I have shitty judgment." You rest your face on your hands, "It was safe. At least I thought it was safe, but now we're going through this whole thing."
Bev laughs, "What did you think was going to happen? He's had feelings for you forever, and then you slept with him!"
"He has not!" You object.
She rolls her eyes, "Rory’s always been there for you. He listens to your problems, makes you laugh, and if you ever need him, he literally drops everything for you."
You shake your head, "But has he ever said that?"
She sighs, "He doesn't need to! You're in denial. You can't keep pretending nothing happened. You have to talk to him and sort this out."
You bite your lip, feeling torn and confused. "I don't know how to do that. I don't know what I want." You admit, looking down at your hands.
She reaches across the table and squeezes your hand gently, giving you a reassuring smile. "You want him. Trust me, you do. You just have to be honest with yourself and with him. Tell him how you feel, and see what happens." She says, her voice full of optimism and encouragement.
You look into her eyes and see their sincerity and hope, but worry still lingers at your core. You're afraid of taking risks, changing things, or losing him. "What if it's not like that, though? What if it turns out we suck in a relationship? I like how things are right now. Sex with no strings attached." You say, trying to justify your hesitation.
Bev shakes her head, not buying your excuse. "That's not true. You don't like how things are right now. Sex with no strings attached is not enough for you, I've known you for ten years, and you've always felt like shit over one-night stands." She says, looking at you with a knowing expression. “Plus, there are so many strings attached, so you can’t even say that!”
You sigh, feeling the truth of her words. You can't deny that you have feelings for Rory and care about him more than just a friend or a hookup. But you're scared of what that means.
She sees your hesitation and nudges you gently. "He's not going to reject you or hurt you. Talk to him, tell him how you feel, and see what happens.“ She repeats, hoping to convince you.
You get up from your seat and grab your coat, ready to face Rory and tell him the truth.
"Fine, I’ll do it, but not because you told me to.” You joke. “Thanks for the nudge, though.”
"Anytime." She says, smiling at you.
You walk towards the pool table, where Rory plays with Kieran and Jazz. You catch his eye and smile nervously. He smiles back and puts down his cue after taking his turn.
You walk up to him, attempting to be courageous. "Can we talk?" you ask him softly. "It'll just take a minute." You assure Kieran.
Rory nods and follows you outside.
You take a deep breath and look into his eyes.
"I have something to tell you…"
His curious eyes scan your face as you look around the area nervously. You know what you need to say but don't know how to say it.
"Are you ok?" He grabs your hand, giving it a tight squeeze reassuring you that you are safe to speak in front of him. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
“I know.” You whisper, sitting down at one of the metal chairs. “I’m sorry.”
He follows suit and pulls a chair up in front of you. “For?”
You softly sigh, “For not knowing what I want and dicking around with your emotions.”
Rory chuckles, not expecting you to use the words you did.
"It's not funny." You say, trying not to smile. "I'm so emotionally stunted. Why am I like this? I keep telling myself I'm ok with whatever is happening between you and me, but I'm not."
He looks into your eyes, searching for a sign of hope. “It’s not too late. You can still tell me what you want. You can still admit to yourself you want more out of this. You can still make a choice. A choice to be with me, to give us a chance, to see what happens.” He says, his voice is soft and sincere. He leans forward, grabbing both of your hands, "I need to hear you say what you want."
You nervously bite your lip, and after a few seconds, you say, "I want you."
You stand up, getting ready to walk away, psyching yourself out, waiting for rejection. Was it possible that Bev had just seen what she wanted to see, and now you were confessing feelings for someone who wasn’t going to respond how you wanted?
Rory stands and quickly stops you from going anywhere by grabbing your arm and pulling you back to him. He looks you in the eyes, a smile plastered on his face. “You can’t just walk away after saying that.” He lightly laughs, “I want you too.” He leans forward, and you wrap your arms around his neck, reaching up to kiss him, feeling the same love and desire as before.
"I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it. But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.”
Rory hugs you tightly and rests his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes joyfully. “You don’t have to be sorry. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” He kisses your nose and hugs you tighter, not wanting to let go.
You grin wildly, feeling a new sense of connection and commitment, intimacy and trust.
Rory breaks the silence, “Wanna go to a different bar? I still have an urge to break the bartender's fingers.” He jokes.
“Maybe we should ditch the other three and go back to my apartment.” You flirtatiously say.
“I’d like that.” He says, pressing his lips to yours once more.
You knew you made the right choice, the best choice. This was meant to be. It was always supposed to be Rory.
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stellaluna33 · 3 years
oh I've heard many people saying that wrt Logan and Rory's affair he didn't make the first move cause he had already put himself out there and proposed to her only a decade ago. And because she rejected him, we can't expect him to make the first move again. Now its Rory's turn to ask him. (as if its a game) This has been one of the most recurring arguments in favor of why Logan didn't break off his engagement with Odette if he really wanted to be with Rory. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Ok... But, Rory LITERALLY asked him, "Are you really going to marry Odette?" That... was an opening. He could have taken it. He could have... I don't know, said something like, "Is there any reason I shouldn't?" or even just, "Why do you ask?" He could have kept that conversation open. But he didn't. He chose to give an evasive non-answer that essentially came down to, "Sorry, it's not my fault, my hands are tied, but Yes." I know Matt Czuchry has said that he thought Logan was hoping that Rory would tell him not to get married, and maybe he was, but his response wasn't very clear or inviting, and one easily construed (or misconstrued) as a shutdown. I would allow a "tragic miscommunication" if they insist, but in no way do I think Rory should be "blamed."
As to Logan being "heartbroken" and "timid" because Rory turned down his proposal 10 years before... I'm sorry, but Logan doesn't seem that emotionally fragile of a person to me? I thought he was (according to other Rogan arguments) the one who "always fought for her" and wouldn't give up? Rory NEVER told him that she didn't want HIM, she said she wasn't ready to get MARRIED (which seems perfectly reasonable, given the timing and the fact that they had never even discussed the idea before) but still wanted to keep dating as they had before. HE was the one who decided that it had to be "all or nothing" and they should just break up. And since Rory's main reasoning for turning him down at that time was that she wanted to experience more of life first, it seems weird to hold that against her when they're now in a completely different stage of life...
I know Logan likes to see himself as a "helpless victim of circumstance," but he ISN'T. When he KNOWS what he wants, he's tended to use his considerable powers of persuasion to go after it. It's when he DOESN'T have a strong idea of what he wants instead that he tends to let himself get passively swept along (and feel sorry for himself) in my observation. If he really wanted Rory INSTEAD (as opposed to "on the side"), he shouldn't have been so vague. I'm sorry, but it's not Rory's responsibility to read his frickin mind, especially when she tried to open the conversation and he seemed like he was shutting it down. And whatever Logan might say, no one is FORCING him to marry this woman. That's his choice. It is not Rory's responsibility.
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