#rose's sword; something for ac idk maybe star?
me: isnt afraid of needles but does pass out easily from pain (caused by needles)
Me: i am going to make a list of tattoos i want and whered theyd be!
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alyjojo · 1 year
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New Year Reading for 2023! 🧮 - Aries
10 Cups - The Sun - 10 Pentacles
Regarding: 5 Swords
There are going to be some arguments in your personal relationships. Whether it’s you or them, when one of you starts getting too condescending and sassy, the other one is quick to tell a bitch to sit down. More or less. Idk an Aries that doesn’t spar from time to time with just about everyone so, that’s normal right? 😆 It got boring, start some shit. Wherever there are any conflicts or competitive & bratty behaviors, there are also resolutions and make-ups, nothing too detrimental. In fact, you have EVERY best card here, you cannot get better than these three cards, except maybe your own attitude that could stand a readjustment at times. This 5 Swords dominates your brain, and for what? The North Node will be entering your sign midway through the year, you’ve got nothing but happiness and success here. If there have been any options or other people meddling in your life or relationship, that’s over with. Or going to be. Could be the arguments. I see nothing but happiness and success here, possible promotion, everything is looking amazing for you. Don’t shoot your own foot, eh? That’s possible 💯
Ace of Pentacles - 3 Cups - 2 Swords
Regarding: Ace of Swords
Your person is as snippy and defensive as you are it seems, from both of these areas so far. You or your person, not sure which, thinks the other is maybe too controlling over money. OR, they only go out of their way to do romantic things for the other person, when they fkd up. 5 Swords again, arguments, saying mean things, insults, it’s no good, it shouldn’t be here. If it’s you, they’re teaching you a lesson in this and could be putting you in your place. Or that’s switched. One person is the aggressor, and then they’re sorry, gotta do something sweet…though maybe that’s the only time they’re sweet. The person on the receiving end of all of this is like piss off, grow up, try harder. It’s Justice, a fair response to some crap behavior, and whoever is this second person has no clue how to handle the other moving forward. Like they are done, done, no roses are gonna fix it this time… Be very careful with what you say, and expect retaliation too, because people don’t just forget. Also could be switched. Your main energy shows it’s possible to fix, but it’s definitely gonna take some work on both sides.
Justice - Page of Swords - Page of Wands
Regarding: The Moon
I got two stories, one is carrying on from this main drama where these two people are having drama in a relationship. The other is actual singles. Both stories are possibly getting back with an ex, the difference is, whether the ex is the person you’re already with now, or not. If you are with someone and recently split or something happens where you might, it’s going to cause you some major mental anxiety and upset. The energy here is like groveling, whoever messed up wants to come back, apologies are here, healing is here, flat on coming back to a commitment is here, whatever is going on, no, it’s not over 💯 For actual singles, same energy if you’ve got a lingering ex. Some of you are the lingering ex. Eventually you’ll talk to this person and probably end up getting back together, maybe even moving in together with 4 Wands. There is a lot of confusion and fear regarding these things, and it all seems to be for no reason. Well…at the end of the day. You’re coming back together with a better sense of what you want, what that takes, and what to do moving forward, which is very positive ❤️ If you decide not to reunite, it’s possible that getting some closure helps you figure out what you want next, karmic connections can be like that. Arrows that point the right way.
The Star - 9 Wands - 10 Wands
Regarding: Queen of Wands
Very short and to the point, I like it. You’re waiting for a dream to come true, something you can celebrate, some kind of good news. It’s not going to happen immediately. In fact, it’s not going to happen until you completely give up & consider whatever this is a waste of your time and energy. You’re going to feel wounded, hurt, like you just can’t take it anymore - before it gets better. BUT, it will get better 💯 A hell of a lot better, and probably very quickly with your oracles here. 9 & 10 Wands show natural progression, and the need to persevere, don’t actually give up. This could be a test of some sort, and you’re going to pass. Once 10 Wands hits you, you’re at the end of your rope, you can’t stand it any more, and then the burden is removed from your shoulders entirely, it’s done. The Sun & 10 Pentacles follow, which is amazing energy, it mirrors the general portion of your reading. There is possible promotion on all sides of this issue. If the first part of the year is kinda shaky for you, the last part should be something to celebrate. Everything starts kinda rough and ends up better than even you could have imagined, so hang in there! Don’t give up 🌹
Oracle: 18 It’s All Good 😌
Every experience you have in your lifetime has the potential to be a teaching tool. By remembering and embracing this idea, the situations you encounter become less fraught with unneeded emotion and drama. By not attaching labels or expectations for people and situations, you allow the pure divine energy to flow unimpeded. While you have little control over what happens to you at times, you always have control over how you react. Do you react on an impulse? Strike out at others when you feel hurt? Do you crawl into your safe place when the world seems mean and hurtful? Face this challenge in your life head on. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience whatever it is that is happening. Set yourself a goal of learning from every situation in your life. Find that silver lining. It’s there.
Animal Totem: Cheetah 🐆
“Get clear on your intention, stay focused, and move quickly to achieve your goal.”
Stop deluding yourself by thinking there isn’t enough time, there are too many other things to do, or you’re not up to the mission that’s calling you to action. These and many other beliefs are delay tactics that keep you from accomplishing what you’re here to do. It’s much too easy to play it safe by staying caught up in the mundane dramas of life rather than honoring Spirit’s purpose for you by making a run for it.
The first step is to write out your intention as clearly as possible. Keep it nearby and create an appropriate affirmation that you can repeat several times over the course of a day - one that states your intention as if it has already occurred. Then write out a sequence of action steps that will move you toward your ultimate goal. Don’t be shy or hesitant to think big - bigger than you’ve previously allowed yourself. Once you’ve set the wheels in motion by doing these steps, it’s time to move - not in some frenetic, hurried way, but steady and purposeful, designing much of your activity to support what you need to do. In all of this movement, once you’ve successfully achieved a significant piece, take a breather and moon back on how far you’ve come. Give yourself a pat on the back with each step that’s accomplished as a way of acknowledging your progress. Go for it!
Major Astrological Dates & Changes in 2023, for Aries Suns/Ascendants:
March is a huge month for astrological shifts.
March 7 - Saturn enters Pisces, and the mutable signs become front & center for Saturn’s lessons of discipline & maturity, especially you ❤️. Yours being in the 12th House involves lessons surrounding your inner world, hidden matters, triggers, secrets, enemies and others working against you, mental health & spirituality. For the next two and half years or so, you will become more disciplined and mature in regards to your own unconscious mind and it’s reactions to the world around you, as well as any deep-seated trauma or pain that needs reviewing, sorting, accepting - consciously. If this is something that’s difficult for you, Saturn’s lessons may be more painful, but always beneficial. Saturn teaches its lessons whether you like it or not. You may find yourself more closed off from the public than usual, more contemplative and quiet, there are likely to be many situations that trigger deep thought in you, even if you’d much rather not. Saturn brings blessings along with his teachings. Behaviors of yours that are acted upon unconsciously, destructive habits, negative self talk, what you bury deep and refuse to deal with, all will be dug up for review by Saturn, unpacked via the situations and people in your life - so that necessary changes are made. It’s likely to be very uncomfortable, especially being Aries, these sorts of emotions are not where you’re most comfortable. If you have been through serious traumas, counseling could be very beneficial for you during this time, as could journaling, and other healthy ways of expressing pent up emotion. What’s unconscious will become conscious, so that you’re ready to make serious changes when Saturn enters your sign in a couple of years.
March 23 - For the last 20 or so years, Pluto has been in your 10th House of Career & Public Reputation. You’ve gone through complete transformations regarding your career, some probably painful experiences, as has the entire world in realizing the abuse of corporate leaders, politicians, and businesses over the power of the people. Capricorn things. These things will begin to be destroyed/transformed when Pluto enters Aquarius, which hasn’t happened since the 18th century. This is the preview of the beginning of the next brand new generation of children to be born, Pluto Aquarians. Generation Beta? Don’t get too comfortable though, Pluto will be back to retrograde through Capricorn and tie up any loose ends before moving on for good next year. The end of March - June may show a preview of what’s to come later on. For you, Pluto will be entering the 11th House of friends, social contacts, hopes & wishes, social media, and humanitarian efforts. You probably have some experience with these topics already thanks to Saturn having transited the same house for the last 2 and a half years. What Saturn has brought to your attention, Pluto will transform within your life. It’s possible for you be thrown into entirely new social situations, with people from all walks of life. Your online persona may be completely transformed as well, and you may find opportunities for growth using internet tools and networking on a much larger scale than ever before. Politics and humanitarian efforts may take center stage in your life in a big way. Your friend circle is up for review, and there will undoubtedly be some endings as well with Saturn still being in your 12th when Pluto makes its final shift next year, even if it’s a positive shift in your own consciousness regarding any personal bias towards worldly affairs. Saturn works on your mind, and Pluto opens the door to the whole world. Aries suns/risings will no doubt be some of our biggest humanitarians, politicians & social media personalities in the next 20 years. Especially once Saturn moves to your 1st House & onward ❤️
March 25
Mars moves into Cancer. This isn’t normally a shocking thing, Mars moves pretty regularly, but has been stuck forward, retrograde, forward in Gemini energy for 7 months, at the same time two major power players are also moving signs. Expect to be feeling much more emotional and moody, though the energy is all generally agreeable, it’s a big change for everyone. For you, being in your 4th House of home & family shows where your priorities and energies are for this time period. Mars will continue its normal shift through the signs every 2-3 months, and while it’s in Cancer you can expect to make changes on the home front, being more present in your family circle and connecting with those that matter most to you. This is a good time for family trips and experiences close to home, going to craft fairs & festivals, taking a lot of pictures and just enjoying these moments with those you love.
April 21 - May 14
The first of the earth Mercury retrogrades this year, in Taurus. Being an earthy & sensual sign and your 2nd House, money and possessions are likely to be your biggest challenge. For you, it’s a time when the stove/fridge just goes out, your phone gets lost, the A/C breaks, the washing machine floods the basement, and you can’t get ahold of your repair guy. It’s also a time when overcharging, hacking, scams, and credit card fraud are likely, make sure you’re checking your receipts & bank statements and try not to save your personal information to websites & apps - if you can avoid it. Try to refrain from making any big purchases or signing any contracts at this time, things are likely to go wrong or be missed.
May 16
Jupiter enters Taurus, and immediately squares Pluto Aquarius. This is going to magnify anything difficult that’s occurred in your Mercury retrograde, possibly making things more difficult than they need to be. Social circumstances and the economy could be affecting your financial situation, or things like deliveries, orders, receiving damaged goods, the stock market, things other people can mess up/manipulate that affects your possessions, house, or bank account. You’re likely to lose some money.
June 1
Jupiter conjuncts N Node Taurus in your 2nd, signaling destined connections and beneficial (possibly fated) events regarding the same issues that cause difficulties throughout April & May, you’re going to get back on track in the direction you’re supposed to be heading in, and Pluto is going to get out of your way to allow this to happen. When Pluto does make the permanent shift next year, the planets will be in different places, but you may see these same issues resurface in the future.
June 11
Pluto retrogrades back through Capricorn to handle any unfinished business, for the rest of the year. Expect old issues to pop up again, and this time they have to be solved for good. For you, this would be regarding your career - and having to deal with the fallout or accountability from these experiences, or make final decisions regarding them.
July 7
North Node moves into Aries, signaling destined events for those that have this placement. Being your 1st House, this is very beneficial for you, you may find yourself being more assertive and direct, confident, and the center of attention for the next two years. If you’ve been moved away from your path, you’ll be redirected back towards the direction you’re supposed to be heading. Obstacles that have blocked you from making progress may be removed from your path as if by magic.
July 22 - September 3
Venus retrogrades through Leo, and your 5th House, causing a lag in your sex life, possibly being overworked and underloved, or these are issues you may need to address with your partner. There could be issues regarding your children, any children, or projects they’re involved with. You could be feeling disconnected from them, or even your own inner child, which needs more love & attention. You could realize you don’t make enough time for fun, or maybe you don’t find the same things as fun as you once did. The hobbies you enjoy, children, and passionate encounters are up for review. It’s possible an ex may try to come back in, literally or in your consciousness and either they remind you of a self you once were, in a refreshing way that revitalizes you, or this is cause for contemplation when you realize how much you’ve changed and no longer enjoy the things you once did, because you’re not the same person today.
August 23 - September 15
Mercury retrogrades through Virgo, and your 6th House of health, routine, and daily interactions. Friction is likely with coworkers, reorganizing your house and schedule are good ways of expressing this energy. You’ve got Virgo’s planet retrograding through Virgo’s house and sign, it’s especially potent for you in this energy. But mostly positive, even retrograde, the energy is comfortable here. You could find health issues cropping up, needing to make necessary changes to diet and exercise, and with the 5th House Venus reversed at the same time, this could involve the health & routines of your children. It’s roughly back to school time in the states, and scheduling may prove especially difficult for you & them at this time. Things like physicals, teeth cleanings, vaccinations and healthy school lunches come to a head or go awry. If you’ve felt disconnected from your children or not paying attention (it happens), you may find them getting stuck in habits that aren’t beneficial for them, and you’ll need to step in and help/direct them through it. This may also involve your love life and having to make deep connection & romance as much of a priority as everything else in your world, or the health of a partner, either they’re changing everything up and making you eat some kale too 😆 or they’re dealing with issues & need your support through it.
December 13 - January 1
The last retrograde is in Capricorn, again this year, through Sagittarius as well. Expect last minute changes, mixed messages, delays and cancellations around the holiday season, it could be beneficial to do as much as you can early this year to avoid these things, if you’re a seriously scheduled sort of person. Especially with regards to your work, chaos may ensue, things may be lost, messages missed, plans cancelled. If you’re planning any travel around this time, be sure to schedule everything ahead of the retrograde, and expect delays & miscommunications.
*I say Suns/Ascendant because while the Ascendant is most affected by these specific placements, they may also describe the development of The Suns, and both apply. Other placements of these signs will be most affected when those planets have direct aspects to these things, but overall follow the Sun & Ascendant.
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alyjojo · 11 months
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Family Ties 🤍 - July 2023 - Sagittarius
Overall energy: King of Cups
It’s possible you or your family are a part of the lgbtq community. You could have same sex parents, could be same sex parents yourselves, or maybe that’s the goal. Trans is also included here, there’s one person between two King of Cups, I’m getting that message for someone. There is a lot of secrecy in the family, or has been, this could be one of those. If not that story, these can just be two or three people in the family, maybe siblings, and there is a deep bond & a lot of love between you, but maybe isn’t spoken out loud. There is also a message about your financial situation not being great but you don’t wanna talk about it, or you lead others to believe it’s all roses 🌹
Mother: Ace of Swords & The Star
Your financial situation isn’t great, but you’re trying. That initial energy for some, could be masking someone who “has it all together” but not really. That’s the dream though. Your spiritual message mirrors your mother’s message, she’s telling you what you need to hear and your Spirits are basically saying “listen to Mom” 😆 Things like debt, credit, savings, etc., she’s concerned about you being able to stand comfortably on your own and get out of any financial ruts you’ve gotten yourself into. She could be the secretive one in the family, or maybe the one you share your secrets with, you two have a very close bond. You may also talk to her about money but not your family or romantic life, if you have them. Secrets are highlighted as a big thing with you. Your mother may also have amazing intuition and can see through your bs if you do lie or try to hide stuff. She could have some sort of psychic gift or has some weird stories of “just knowing” things, especially about you, and her Ace of Swords gift cuts right through anything you try to hide. You two could have an unspoken or intuitive sort of communication, sometimes you know how she’s thinking or feeling, or she does, you could finish each other’s sentences. She can read you. She’s probably smarter than she gets credit for, or she uses the general assumption that she’s not to her advantage. If “she’s” another Dad, then he, or that’s switched, idk place people where they go, you’ll know who is who by the description.
Father: 8 Pentacles & Temperance
Dad is a worker bee, very practical, that’s how he has defined himself in his life. He’s peaceful, balanced, and likes to spend a lot of time alone or doing whatever his work requires of him. He could have Virgo placements or just stays to himself a lot. If not work, then there could be a hobby, craft, or practical passion that he’s very talented at, and that could have him off to himself detailing away at some masterpiece for hours on end. He’s Hermity, and It’s something that makes him very happy. He may be retired now and/or once that happens he can really focus on his real passions, which seems to be something that’s like work. Heavy earth vibes. He may be alone a lot, but he’s always busy. He’s not someone that likes to sit and relax 💯 And he’s not someone that waits around on other people to join him either, he’s perfectly content doing his own thing. With you, I’m only getting that what’s been in the dark will come to the light ☀️ …either with you or with him, and I get that’s a very positive thing.
Siblings: 10 Wands & 2 Wands
There’s drama with a sibling, they could have heavy fire, especially Aries. You find them to be arrogant, bossy, demanding, defensive and always ready to argue or start shit. You’re not interested in that 💯 I can’t tell if you even have a relationship with them other than just tiptoeing around them, avoiding even dealing with them in the first place. You’ve healed from some drama with them already, and you’re not about to go back to that kind of situation. But you don’t exactly know how to fix it and avoid it at the same time. The whole thing is a heavy burden you carry and don’t know how to change. They could also feel that way about you and this is switched, because you’re also fire, either way, someone is drama and the other person is avoidant.
Grandparents: 10 Cups & Knight of Pentacles
Secrets are definitely kept from the grandparents, that could be everyone doing it as a team 😆 They don’t gots ta know about it. I get them being very nosy, gossiping, in everybody’s ear about everything, that’s probably why everyone has learned to just keep their mouth shut. I do get them being a loving & happy part of this family. Whoever the earth sign is, Virgo & Cap are both here, they’re probably the closest to that person. That could be you, sibling, Dad. Or them. They make you do things for them that you wouldn’t do for anyone and it kinda drives you (all) crazy. Like today we’re killing all of the mice in Grandma’s shed. Or climbing on her roof to check for missing shingles. Farm work is a vibe here, either literally or to just show how they are. At their house, we wake up at 5am and milk cows 🐄 No lounging. They put you to work, grunt work, and you’re stuck doing whatever it is because you’re forced to. But you also love them deeply, they love you, and they’re like the backbone of the whole family, anything passed down among you, literally or spiritually, it’s coming from them. Whoever the dominant earth 🌳 placement is, they have a heavy hold over this person mentally/emotionally, maybe to the point of being kinda toxic because of the effect, at least in how it’s played out on occasion.
Spiritual Ancestors: 3 Cups rev & 5 Pentacles rev
The message is literally “quit partying and get your shit together” 😆 I’m sorry! That’s what I heard, I’m dying here. No judgement. Sag likes it blunt, they’re giving it to you straight. Again, Virgo energy is so heavy in this area too, most of them 💯 It could be saying don’t just come around for money, idk if that’s something you do, if so, it has to stop. Whatever they’re telling you, it’s something Mom is telling you too, and you’re already aware of it. Some of you may be needing to go back to school for some certification. Some of you need to put in resumes. Where you are is not where you’re supposed to be, or it’s not paying you well, you can’t grow there, etc. You keep pulling 5 Pentacles rev and your spiritual soul family is also concerned about it your financial security and independence. Whatever you’re needing to do, The Fool here is them saying just do it, and they’re cheering for you 🎉 about it too. That shows there’s definitely something out there you could be missing. If you need to go to school, now is the time, if you’re looking for a sign, here it is. Sign any papers, schedule any appointments, put in resumes, and then go. That’s it, that’s the advice, they love you 💙
Our work can and should take on the quality of play, for it is play that stimulates creativity.
Use your willpower to bravely overcome thoughts of compromise and defeat.
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