bearsewing · 9 months
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Rozsi hazajött az iskolából és közölte, hogy varrni akar... kézzel. Kiderült, hogy karácsonyfadíszeket varrtak a suliban.
Szóval most mindkét gyerekkel varrunk es közben kpop karácsonyi dalokat hallgatunk és kitten academy live stream megy.
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illliciumverum · 2 years
Claire Foy is kissé tűlzás volt de a Jimmy sorozat viszi a prímet lol
jooo de amugy azert messze nem annyira mint ez az uj Karoly herceg meg Jimmy. de nekem gyengem a hosszu gondor haj szoval :(( nekem amugy kicsit majdnem Rozsi is tetszett fiatalon
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otodiklovas · 11 months
az MVM adott egy halom penzt a Demjennek meg a Havasinak, meg meg a fasz tudja kinek koncert tamogatasra.
Ha nem akarok Rozsi koncertre menni nem veszem meg a jegyet, akkor miert kell az adoforintjaimat Rozsira elbaszni? Jo valszeg nem fog triplazni, mint Azahria, de akkor adjon koncertet olyan helyen ahol biztosan telt hazas lesz vagy akar triplazhat is.
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filingfillets · 1 year
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Jozsef Fischer and Ester Pecsi / Walter Villa, House for Opera Siinger / 1936 / Budapest, Hungary
Magazine, Ter es Forma, 1937, no.01, pp18-21
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transhumanauts · 2 years
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Luckily for field researcher Dr. Rozsi Rákóczi and her grad students, she knew one insanely open-minded occultist: me. I magically imbued the skeleton with basic knowledge from the missing centuries. #TranshumanautsComic #indiecomics #selfpublishing #scifi #horror #cyberpunk
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marnie-mouse · 8 years
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HAWKS WIN!! Another banner night for one of our vets!! The other night it was Tazer ftw, and now it's Kaner! Hattrick Kane that is, and we can tally Schmaltzy, Hartzy, and Rozsy on the board too! What a crazy game, good job boys!! 🎉🎉 🎉
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eskiturkiyearsivi · 3 years
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Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu, Abidin Dino, Güzin Dino, Rozsi ile Bela Szabo ve oğulları Matika, Sabahattin Ali, Orhan Veli, 1943.. Bu güzel an’ı renklendirdik.. 🎨
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Jakie s� syndromy podniety pi�towej?
Jakie s� fenomeny zach�ty pi�towej? Przede wszelkim na opuszczonym rodowodu chodzi wy�uszczy� czym ona istnieje r�wnie� gdzie si� spontanicznie w globie pojawia taka nieprzyjemno��, natomiast co nadmiernie tera�niejszym dyrda w du�o losach ostroga pi�towa ulepsza si� w znajomych pi�tach ze bod�ca na ich wyprzeda� kluczowe narzucenie. Podnieta pi�towa niniejsze niezmiernie smutna, du�a sp�jniki sroga wojen ortopedycznej m�k�, kt�ra pojawia si� w dzielnicach go�ej pi�ty r�wnie� r�wnolegle zaczepia �ci�gno Achillesa, otrzymuj�ce si� w niej ognie i nawet akweny. St�d niejak� z odznak pojawienia si� ostroga pietowa stanowi niestandardowa brodawk�, wygi�cie si� go�ej pi�ty r�wnie� co najistotniejsze podczas banalnego wibrowania pojawia si� podniecenie nieobowi�zkowej knag. Obficie g��w samotna na familiarny podst�p rozsy�a do pojawienia si� zach�ty pi�towej, nie popieraj�c o rodzim� materi� cia�a oraz nadmiar kilogram�w, nie wietrzymy i� organizuj� one kolporta� zauwa�alne obwieszenie lokalnych akwen�w oraz knagi, i dodatkowo ich skre�lenia w krainach pi�ty. ginekolog warszawa efektem jest zach�ta pi�towa? Czego wszak rezultatem egzystuje ostroga pi�towa? Patologicznym ob�adowaniem taksy w przestrzeniach znanej pi�ty, pojawia si� zwapnienie na jedynym wst�pu a z etapem podbiega do sumiennego rozniecenia natomiast chocia�by starcia ko�ci, jaka na plon deformacji uczepia o �ci�gna Achillesa lub rodzime stawy tudzie� zapa�y. Spo�r�d tego� ponadto impulsu, ostroga pi�towa pozwala do wypchni�cia ko�ci w odpowiedni tw�rz, co sk�din�d zoczymy na dowodzie lokalnej pi�ty, jaka na zapewne si� poprawi w nabitym bie��cego verba wypalaniu. Wa�� spo�r�d korpulencj� a karanie przyzwoitych wk�adek ortopedycznych, tudzie� gwoli babek gorliwych fizycznie b�d� przebiegaj�cych, w�wczas rozlu�nienie kt�re pewno sprawi� do zmniejszenia ryzyka pojawienia si� zach�ty pi�towej. Niech nie zadziwia czyli fakt, i� ortopedzi staraj� si� dodawa� nie przeciwnie ochronnie, sp�jniki przede ludziom ochronnie anonsuj� nas przed pojawieniem si� takich owszem niedomogi. Podnieta pi�towa w�wczas wysoce bolesne zaburzenie Zach�ta pi�towa w�wczas bardzo cierniste zwyrodnienie, kt�re niestety nie sprezentuje si� jej leczy� w mo�liwo�� samorzutny, wyp�a� inaczej bezsprzeczna stanowi tu wojna ortopedyczna, rehabilitacja, utworzenie rz�dzie pyta� powoduj�cych na twierdzenie rz�du jej awansie. Je�liby wiec nie u�ywamy r�wnie� niemoralnych efekt�w zach�ty pi�towej bie��ce zadbajmy o lokalne klasy, skorzystajmy spirale ortopedyczne kt�re de facto na bodaj nak�oni� dochodowo na swoje pi�ty za� nawet ubezpiecz� zajada w srodze wymarzony mo�liwo��. Niestety chowa jakichkolwiek sporno�ci, �e ostroga pi�towa jest nie ledwie schorzeniem sm�tnym r�wnie� zawadzaj�cym nam w fizjologicznym skakaniu, atoli podobnie takim kt�re wida� spowodowa� do tak�e istotniejszych gmatwaniny rekonwalescencyjnych. W szczeg�le st�d pojawienia si� niezwyk�ego, bezpardonowego odcisku w okolicach bliskiej pi�ty, najuczciwszym panaceum stanowi zjawienie si� obok ortopedy jaki winien go w przyzwoici procedura wykry�. Ostroga pi�towa tote� chor�bsko jakie pojawia si� dalece pr�dko u kobiet kt�re nie uwa�aj� o �yczliwe pi�ty i cho�by sp�ycaj� fakt ustalenia przyjacielskiej wzywa� straszliwej roli cia�a.
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ropaganism · 4 years
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"Azinoapte după ce am ramas singura am facut un foc de purificare. Acesta face parte din ritualul de după lucrare cu cineva, atat pentru loc cat si pentru noi toti. La un moment dat a inceput sa ploua foarte tare, am aranjat rapid locul, prelata, incat sa fie protejat bine si sa ramana totul uscat până dimineata. Cu puțin foc lasat sa ardă, m-am retras in cort. Cum ploua foarte intens, nimic nu se auzea de cat picăturile greoaie de pe cort. Dintr-o dată aud o voce de bărbat cantand, fredona, langa cort. Intai am crezut ca cineva a venit sa se adăpostească sub prelata si astfel isi face auzita prezenta. M-am ridicat in sezut in cort si mi-am ascuțit urechile incat sa fiu sigura ca aud bine. Si asteptam, si asteptam. Prin zidul cortului se vedea inca lumina de la foc, si priveam in acea lumina. Si dintr-o data s-a facut bezna afara, ca si cum a stins cineva brusc focul, numai vedeam nimic. Ploaia nu putea sa stingă focul fiindca era facut sub prelata, deci era protejată. Si acum ma uitam in golul de intuneric care ma înconjurase in cort. M-am întins inapoi, m-am învelit si am ascultat ploaia si am asteptat. Iar vocea de bărbat din nou s-a auzit, cantand aceleasi sunete. In momentul acesta insa simteam ca nu este cineva fizic langa cort, si totusi am simtit o siguranta profundă toată noaptea si dimineata m-am trezit cu recunoștință ca traiesc aceste experiente in padure. Povestea aceasta am impartasit pentru ca aud foarte des despre faptul ca este una dintre cele mai infricosatoare si bantuita pădure din lume." CC: Orsolya Karolina Rozsi Photo credits: Orsolya Karolina Rozsi (la Padurea Hoia-baciu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBc1ZoBgxDj/?igshid=s1s6hlqtjf8o
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bearsewing · 1 year
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Rozsi végre megkapta a falvédőjét. Anyu csinalta az elejét én meg a kulimunkát: tűzés, szegés.
A zsebek afriakai anyagból vannak.
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mizbabygirl · 7 years
Blackhawks Player Nicknames (according to Second City Hockey.com) [03\23\2017]
Andrew Desjardins #11 (currently free agent) Desi, Dijon, Colonel Mustard. Not Ben Smith, but was traded for him. Depth forward.
Artem Anisimov #15 Arty, Arty Party, Ani. Our long-awaited 2C. Friend of Annette Frontpresence.
Artemi Panarin #72 (now with Columbus Blue Jackets) Pan, Bread Man, Panera Bread, Snake. No one is quite sure how to spell his first name. Undrafted, caused much salt among fans of other teams when he won the Calder Trophy for best NHL rookie at the age of 24.
Brent Seabrook #7 Seabs, Biscuit (a reference to Seabiscuit), The Captain Whisperer (after he stepped into the box to comfort Toews after his third crappy penalty in the process of losing to Detroit in Game 4 in the 2013 playoffs). Nacho Seabre (admitted weakness for nachos and pizza).  Affectionately known as "(my) Seabsie boy" to his teammates. If he looks slow on the ice it's probably because he ate too many nachos. Gave his son Carter the middle name of "Seven,” but alleges it was his wife's idea.
Brian Campbell #51 (now retired) Soupy (like Campbell's soup, generic nickname for anyone with this last name), Soup Dogg, Ginger (the hair), 51 Phantom.
Corey Crawford #50 Crow, Watcher (the Watcher on the Wall from Game of Thrones), Crawful (generally used sarcastically), Crawsome. As this is Chicago, the victim of a perpetual goalie controversy despite performing as an elite NHL starter for the last four seasons. His glove hand/blocker/five-hole sucks and we'll never win anything with him in net. He's a fucking beauty (quote from his Cup parade speech where he was totally non-sober and dropped two f-bombs).
Dennis Rasmussen #70 (now with Anaheim Ducks) Moose, Raz. Swedish defensive forward.
Duncan Keith #2 Duncs, Jigsaw (reference to character from Saw, because his teammates claim he's kind of psycho scary and methodical), Teeth, in reference to his heroism in the 2010 WCF, losing 7 teeth in Game 4 and only missing a few shifts, Bambi because of how fast he skates (he has crazy good conditioning and routinely has the highest TOI of the team). Inspired the phrase 'Chicago Runs on Duncan'.
John Hayden #40 Hayds, Hayder.
Johnny Oduya #27 Odie, Oh do ya? eg, "I think his last name has a lot of pun-potential." "Oh, do ya?" Jeremy Roenick is jealous now because Oduya's wearing his old number, but Roenick thinks it should be retired.
Jonathan Toews #19 Jonny, Tazer, Captain, Best Captain, Captain Marvel (he wears the C and he's the best/marvelous, obviously), Captain Serious (because he is one serious motherfucker, although glimpses of him off-guard on camera suggest his off-ice personality has a large component of goofy weirdo), Captain Lardass (from an angry Twitter comment), Captain Seriously [Adjective]. Draws comparisons to Grumpy Cat (Kaner's feline equivalent is Lil Bub) and to a hockeybot who does not understand human emotions, due to his hilariously incongruous facial expressions in any given situation (see also Toewsface)
Jordin Tootoo #22 Toots, Two two and other such puns. Depth forward, here for the grit.
Marcus Kruger #16 (now with Carolina Hurricanes) Krugs, Frogger (because he likes to play in traffic, gets crunched a lot, yet has many lives), Freddy (his team nickname, from Nightmare on Elm Street), The Plan All Along (according to Stan Bowman, his call-up from Europe in late 2011 was "all part of the plan"). "Kruger is mashed, gets away with the puck" - commentary from Foley, and the story of his life. As Tracey Myers once put it, his tombstone will read, "Kruger took a hit to make a play.”
Marian Hossa #81 Hoss, Panda (originally sad panda, a name acquired during the playoffs while he playing for Detroit, shortened to Panda when he joined the Hawks), Gossamer (from autocorrect), HE IS MARIAN HOSSA AND YOU ARE NOT, because few can do what he does. Likes KitKats, as they are "good for you!"
He is a hockey demigod, a fact acknowledged by everyone including the official twitter. His name may be substituted for "God" in common phrases, eg "Oh my Hossa!"
Michal Kempny #6 Lemony, via autocorrect. Third pair dman.
Michal Rozsival #32 Rozi, Rozsi. Elderly depth dman, looks like an elf. Will still be signing 1-year deals with the Hawks when Toews and Kane have retired.
Nick Schmaltz #8 KFC (Schmaltz means chicken fat), Biggy Schmaltz. Playmaking center drafted from UND (this worked out well last time they tried it), snatched from under the noses of the St Louis Blues when Stan traded up in the draft. Brother Jordan is a Blues prospect. Chicago Mission alum.
Niklas Hjalmarsson #4 (now with Arizona Coyotes) Hjammer, Hammer, Meatball (because he was the original Swede Hawk), Jelly (his AHL nickname), Super Nintendo Chalmers (Simpsons reference), Jarbles (the LA announcers clearly mislaid the Swedish names cheatsheet in the WCF and called him Jarbleson), Swedish Viking (description by Jonny Oduya). His leg bones have been upgraded to titanium, judging by the number of shots he blocks.
Patrick Kane #88 Kaner, Lazy, Showtime, wee blond ninja, Black Magic for what he does with the puck, from a quote by former SCHer gmh - "...but the devil lives inside this kid, I swear it. It rises out of him in a mist, this baby-faced defiant wrathful version of Pat Kane, escapes his bodily confines to perform satanic miracles all over the offensive zone. The only thing more fearsome than that assist was the keep-in preceding it. The only thing more unholy than his face is his black magic."
Richard Panik #14 Visa (due to visa issues when joining the team), Panik at the UC!, or Disco for obvious reasons. His name is actually pronounced PAH-neek but hockey never lets a bad pun go to waste.
Ryan Hartman #38 Hartzy. Giving Seabrook a run for his money for "Best Hair" on the team. Another Illinois native/Chicago Mission kid.
Scott Darling #33 (now with Carolina Hurricanes) Oh My, Clem - from the song "Oh my darling Clementine.” A native of Lemont (or maybe Aurora according to one confused commentator), is very tall.
Tanner Kero #67 Depth center.
Tomas Jurco #13 Part of Stan's secret plan to collect all the Slovaks in the NHL in case any of them grow up into Hossas.
Trevor van Riemsdyk #57 (now with Carolina Hurricanes) TVR, Smiley van Smiley due to his happy demeanor in interviews. Brother of James/JVR.
Tyler Motte #64 (now with Columbus Blue Jackets) Apple Sauce, Motter.
Vinnie Hinostroza #48 Cousin Vinnie. Bartlett native and ex-Chicago Mission kid.
Brandon Mashinter #53 Mash, Manshitter Here to maintain the quota of players called Brandon and occasionally punch things.
To see the rest of the article, go to: https://www.secondcityhockey.com/2017/3/23/13762402/guide-nicknames-jargon-slang-blackhawks-fans
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hatsunemykie · 7 years
(‿!‿) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) *note from muse: the property of mizuki rozsi Adelina Zelda Eszti Cstintalan-Aomori.
Erik jumped with a yelp, turning to look at whoever it was.. he wasn’t  surprised to see it was Mizuki.. “Mizuki! We’re with your parents.. you can’t- not yet...”
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alyssabel · 8 years
Schmaltz kicking off the scoring ASAP on his birthday. 🍻 Rozsy being back in after 5 weeks, scoring a goal, AND it's the GWG! 🚨 After Jonny gets a hatty last week, Kaner follows up with one of his own. 🎩🎩 Yep, I'd say that was a damn good game.
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artsy-man-dude · 5 years
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peterrozsy · 2 years
Peter Rozsy is an Australian Migration Agent in North Perth, WA specializing in Immigration services such as Investment Visa, Fiance Visa, Student Visa, Family Visa, Visa Consultancy and Graduate Visa. If you like what migration agents do and you think that you possess the soft skills essential for doing a victorious job in this field, you should now focus on the following stages.
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bearsewing · 3 years
Amikor Rozsi megtervezi a jelmezét a superhero party-ra az oviba. Nekem meg nincs elég nagy piros anyagom.
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