#rupert giles ( main verse threads. )
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@siilverbulleted​ said,  “you’re not gonna believe this.” 
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      The rose petals wound in a soft path that soon became damp as petals shifted and became patches of crimson blood, seeping into rugs and making the hardwood floor slick... 
      Something jolted Giles awake, tearing him from the vise grip of the nightmare, and causing him to sit sharply upright, chest rising and falling quickly, cold sweat showing on his forehead. Before him stood Bandit, the young werewolf he currently was housing. No blood, no... no Jenny.
      Giles sighed, fumbling on the nightstand for his glasses, which he put on as he attempted to tidy himself into a more dignified state. “Yes, Bandit, what is it?”
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vacanpaathy · 5 years
Full Name:  Anya Christina                         Orientation:  [ sweats nervously ] Emmanuella Jenkins,    Aud ( originally ), Anyanka ( demonic )              Shipping availability: Fairly Open Age range:   18/20 - 1,000+                                 Occupation: Vengeance Demon ( former ),  Muse Availability: Main Shop keep     
Over a thousand years old, she was originally known as Aud and lived in Sweden. After cursing her unfaithful lover, Aud was approached by the demon D'Hoffryn with the offer of becoming an immortal demon and dedicating her life to vengeance. She accepted and was transformed into Anyanka, earning the title of Patron Saint of the Women Scorned as she spent a millennium granting dark wishes to the girlfriends and wives of men.
However, Anyanka met her downfall in 1998 when she took the guise of Anya Emerson and came to grant a wish in Sunnydale. Stripped of her demonhood by an alternate version of Rupert Giles, she lost her powers and was forced to live the rest of her life as the human Anya Emerson. Then later on, she invented the name Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins which she used from then on as a mortal human. She then worked for Giles and later took over his magic shop having proved to have a knack for business and retail backed by a thousand years of arcane knowledge. 
My Anya is more vocally knowledgable and proactive on the magic and demon side of things. She was a witch / magic practitioner before she was a demon and has only had more time to if not get stronger at least learn more magic. She also by nature of being a demon and knowing lots of them has a solid base of reference when it comes to “what demon are we dealing with this time?” she’s by no means an expert as there’s more kinds of demon than you can shake a stick at but she is one of the heavy hitters on the research end. 
As for her magic strength and know how, I’d say on a whole she’s more knowledgable than the other magic users in the main cast thanks to being like a millennia older but how powerful she is really varies a lot. It depends on if she’s a demon currently and / or where she is in figuring her life out but generally she certainly wouldn’t be someone to sneeze at.
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Basically anything that happens after her arrival in “The Wish” she’s now Anya Emerson attending Sunnydale with no friends, no family and no clue how to people. Great for if you ever wondered “what the fuck was Anya doing like all of senior year before she dropped the ascension expo bomb and demanded Xander take her to prom???” because boy I’ve been thinking about that all the time.
Basically anything that would fall in that season. Potentially up for some alterations later as I solidify things.
Basically anything that would fall in that season. Potentially up for some alterations later as I solidify things.
Basically anything that would fall in that season but once you hit “Hell’s Bells” shit goes WILDLY up in the air, allowing for the canon route or variations on how that went depending on how we want threads to go.
Basically anything that would fall in that season up until well, you know. Potentially up for some alterations later as I solidify things.
Became a demon as Aud and never reverted back, maybe Wish!Giles found another way to fix things, maybe Cordelia made a different wish, maybe she’s still trying to get Cordi to wish for something. Either way she’s still a demon and honestly knowing her luck and the luck of most fun demons in BTVS/ATS she’s still ended up tangled up in their bullshit somehow.
After turning back to her life as a vengeance demon Anya never becomes human again, regardless of how she might feel on the matter or her work. She is working furiously to meet her quotas while secretly trying to find a way out from D'Hoffryn’s thumb and be her own demon. She tries to still help the Scoobies out when she can, if they’ll let her.
the Post - S7 catch all ! basically for anything post series atm until I have a reason for more specific post series verses. She’s alive folks ! It was just a flesh wound !
the Alternate Universe created by Cordi’s “I wish Buffy had never come to Sunnydale” wish. Anya’s still a demon and living it up in this new crapshack world she helped make. 
Anyanka “Anya” Christina Emmanuella Jenkins has always been a Totally Normal Human Cis-Female™ and has never been a demon or anything like that. Born in Sweden, she moved to Sunnydale in highschool because of Parents and Business. Very Normal ! Definitely not an evil demon in any way nor ever has been !
Back when she was Aud, the weird rabbit raising outsider no one liked who could do magic with a shitty cheating boyfriend in ye olde Sjornjost, Sweden. Generally disliked bc she was a woman with Opinions, no tact and poor social graces. Bitches still wanted her goods and services tho 
Still retains the majority of her canon info like being from 860 and becoming a vengeance demon and possibly even becoming human again but with some of the more Buffy-specific stuff put to the side to better mesh with other paranormal / supernatural / fantasy fandoms / premises. Exact details will vary thread to thread.
For when other muses are distinctly non-magical and meshing the two won’t really work well. Anya’s a Totally Normal Human Cis-Female™ if very odd and very spiteful. She owns an antique shop and studied museum shit in college. She’s hardcore.
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@siilverbulleted​ said,  “People always tell me that I look like I’m not thinking about anything. And sometimes… I think they might be right. I think… I’m really bad at expressing myself, compared to everyone else.”
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      “Mm...” Giles responded at first with nothing but a murmur, habitually removing his glasses and cleaning the frames without much thought behind it. WIth much of what the young man said, he could not relate personally, but this was a spot he had often found himself in. Now if he could only express what he wanted to say in a way that made sense... 
      He left the glasses on the table, momentarily forgotten, and looked up at Bandit. “I don’t think they are. You see, you’re not... not bad at expressing yourself. You’re doing quite well, right here and now. You just express yourself differently.” A brief pause fell as he pondered how to continue, how much to divulge, how much would inevitably be considered too ‘boring’ for the younger man. “I’ve been given the same criticism, now and again. Some people communicate differently, it doesn’t mean they don’t communicate at all. You’ve seen Buffy; she’s...”
      A gentle laugh left his lips. “Well, she’s far more forceful with her communication. But she’s expressing herself, just differently than how we are right now.” He gestured at the coffee table they each sat on one side of, a fresh pot of tea resting in the centre on china he had no recollection of ever purchasing. “Comparing yourself to others is the problem here, I think.”
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