#rwby jaune x ciel
juanarc-thethird · 4 months
Valentine Letter for Ciel
Valentine's Day letters. (Ciel)
Jaune: Huh, a Valentine's Day letter from Ciel. I didn't know she celebrated this.
He opens the letter and says:
"Rules are here to help us, they are not supposed to be broken. But when I get my hands on you, I will do things that are lawless~"
Jaune: *Red* Should I be worried?
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
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Atlesian Knight
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arc-misadventures · 8 months
I just realized you never did a NNN for Ciel
Because no one recommended her.
Ciel: And… Mark! 730 hrs, and counting down. Now we begin the challenge.
Jaune: Challenge, what challenge?
Ciel: No Nut November. I have started a countdown that will last until the end of, November to ensure that we do not engage in any sexual activities until after it reaches zero.
Jaune: …?
Jaune: Okay. Several questions, first off: Why?
Ciel: It has come to my attention that we have been spending too much time in sexual activities. We need to learn, and regain a measure of restraint to curtail our sexual desires. So, I figured one month of celibacy whilst doing the, ‘No Nut November’ challenge would be good for us as well. Do you concur?
Jaune: Well… I guess?
Ciel: Very well; From this moment we shall partake in no sexual activities. Let’s begin!
Jaune: Okay? Well, I gotta get going; I’ll see you later my little pocket watch~!
Jaune leans in to give a quick kiss to his girlfriend only for her to back away, and hold her hands before her.
Ciel: Stop right there! No forms of any romantic intimacy whatsoever!
Jaune: …?
Jaune: Well… This isn’t going to end well…
643 Hrs, and counting
Ciel: Jaune may I have a word… with you…?
Ciel enters, Jaune’s room at Atlas Academy to see the chiseled sweat covered abbs of her boyfriend.
Jaune: Hmm hm hmm~! Oh, hey, Ciel! Need anything?
Ciel: Such indecency! Clean up, and put on a shirt this instant!
Jaune: Okay…? You’re taking this a little too seriously, Ciel. Maybe you should tone it down a bit.
Ciel: Maybe you should a shirt on you degenerate!
Ciel grabs a shirt, and throws it at, Jaune’s face before running off, her face flush with a deepening blush.
546 Hrs, and Counting
Jaune walks around the corner, and sees, Ciel hunched over riffling through her draws looking for something. Where her short skirt was clearly displaying her delectable bubble butt for all to see.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ciel…?
Ciel: Hmm? Jaune, what is it?
Jaune: Wear longer skirts…
Ciel: Excuse me?
Jaune: Wear longer skirts, or all spank you.
Ciel: W-What?
Jaune then turns to leave, leaving a bewildered, and slightly aroused, Ciel behind.
232 Hrs, and counting
Jaune: Hmm… Hey, Ciel, do see a step ladder, or a stool anywhere. I need to reach the top shelf for my whetstone.
Ciel: Are you not tall enough to reach it yourself, Jaune?
Jaune: Normally yes, yes I can. But, Nora lobbed it into the back, and I can’t reach it. So, do we have a anything to give me a boost?
Ciel: Uhh… No, I’m afraid not.
Jaune: Okay… Oh! Lets do this instead!
Ciel: Do what inst…? Whoa! Hey what?!
Jaune grabbed his girlfriend by her slim waist, his hands gently holding her as he effortlessly lifted her into the air, and held her aloft before the top shelf.
Jaune: Can you reach it?
Ciel: I-I can reach it…
Jaune: Great!
Ciel: I-I got it!
Jaune: Awesome!
Jaune soon put her down, and left to sharpen his blade.
Jaune: Thank you my little stopwatch!
Ciel: I’m happy to help…
Ciel soon left with depraved thought’s running across her mind.
402 Hrs, and counting
Jaune walks in on, Ciel bending over to pick ip some dropped gear. He stares at her for a moment before walking behind her, and…
Ciel: Ahh~! Jaune?!
Jaune: I told you to wear longer skirts!
Ciel rubbed her butt as she watch her boyfriend leave.
Penny: Do you enjoy your boyfriend smacking your buttom, Friend Ciel?
Ciel: What?! N-No I didn’t!
Penny: But, you are biting your bottom lip; that is often a sign of sexual arousal, no?
Ciel: No! It most definitely isn’t!
308 Hrs, and counting
Jaune: Well… this is awkward…
Ciel: Yes… Yes it is…
The duo’s bodies where pressed against one another, as a result from the pair being shoved into a locker because their friend, Penny was trying to learned how to play, ‘ a prank.’
Ciel: I fail to see how this could be classified as a prank. Where does one find the humour in this?
Jaune: I doubt anyone would find this funny. Bar, Yang that is.
Ciel: Yang has a child’s sense of humour.
Jaune: That’s putting it lightly. Dammit, I can barely move!
Ciel: Neither can I, she really crammed us in here.
Jaune: Can you reach for my scroll? We can call someone to get us the hell out of here!
Ciel: Yeah, one moment… Ah! I got it!
Jaune: C-C-CIEL?!
Ciel: Yes?
Jaune: That’s not my scroll!
Ciel: …?
Ciel: EEP?!
209 Hrs, and counting
Penny: Friend Ciel, may I ask you a question?
Ciel: Of course. What is it?
Penny: What do you mean when you said, ‘Rail me in my ass?’
Ciel: PFFT?! W-W-What?! W-When did I say that?!
Penny: You said that in your sleep.
Ciel: I did?!
Penny: Yes, you kept saying that while moaning, Jaune’s name.
Ciel: You’re kidding me?! I-I didn’t say that!
Penny: You did. Would you like to hear the recordings?
Ciel: You have recordings?!
113 Hrs, and counting
Penny: Friend Jaune?
Jaune: Hey, Penny, do you need something?
Penny: Friend Ciel would like it if you spanked her harder.
Jaune: E-Excuse me?
Penny: You spanked her bottom for wearing too short of a skirt. When you left I heard her softly moan, ‘harder.’ Can you make sure to do that the next timw you spank her?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Okay, I’m leaving now.
Penny: But, will you spank her harder next time?
Jaune: Lalala~! I can’t hear you!
37 Hrs, and counting
Ciel: Jaune…
Jaune: What is it my little stopwatch?
Ciel: Where are all of your clothes?
Jaune stood in the middle of the hallway with his shield deployed before him, giving what meagre decency he could achieve.
Jaune: Nora happened.
Ciel: I see… Well, give her my thanks then.
Jaune: Excuse me?
Ciel: N-Nothing! Go get dressed! Now!
Jaune: On it!
Ciel watched as, Jaune ran away, her thighs rubbing against one another as she watched him disappear.
0.17 Minutes, and counting
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Jaune: Time?
Ciel: 15 minutes, and counting…
Jaune: Okay…
Ciel: …
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Jaune: This was hell…
Ciel: It was… I’m sorry, it would be a good idea to do this… I highly regret suggesting for us to do this.
Jaune: But, we nearly finished this damn thing, so… yay?
Ciel: Yes… yay…
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Jaune: …
(Beep, beep beep!)
Ciel: Times up. We have completed the challenge, congratulations, Jaune.
Jaune: Congratulations to you as well, Ciel. Now turn around.
Ciel: Excuse me?
Jaune: Turn. Around.
Ciel: O-Okay…
Ciel slowly turned around with her back towards, Jaune. She gave a soft yelp as, Jaune shove her, causing her front half to land on the bed. With her perky butt high into the air
Ciel: What are you doing?!
Jaune: Listening to, Penny’s advice.
Ciel: What advice?
Ciel: Ahhh~!
Jaune: She told me you wanted me to spank you harder, sounds like you enjoyed it~!
Ciel: If your going to take advice from, Penny, then you should help me answer a question she posed to me.
Jaune: What’s the question?
Ciel: I’ll tell you, after you rail me in my fucking ass~!
Jaune: Oh? In that case…
Jaune smiled as he flipped up, Ciel’s skirt before ripping off her lacy blue underwear.
Jaune: There, lest begin shall we?
Ciel: Oh yes, Daddy~!
You know, you can still ask me if you want me to do any pairings, even offer some suggestions on how they fail, or succeed.
Till later then~!
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
If Ciel sees that drawing, she would hate it, but not for the reasons many expect.
Ciel: Why aren't I a part of this? Am I not good enough for Mr. Arc?
Jaune: C-Ciel I can explain!
Ciel: You better! How do you think I feel! I wanted to be in a picture like this!
Jaune: Eh!? Why!?
Ciel: *grabs him by the collar and pulls him closer to her eye level* Because I want the other girls to know you belong to me! Is that clear?
Jaune: *Gulps* Y-Yes Ma'am! 'Man I don't know who's more dominating, her or Arslan!'
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reashot · 1 year
Trouble with Baby.
Baby: Wahhhh!!!
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Ruby: Oh no the baby is crying, what do we do?! 😵
Yang: Wow, wow! What are you looking at me for. I'm supposed to be the wild and irresponsible one, remember?
Blake: *ugghh* Would someone please do something about it. I'm trying to read here.
Weiss: I'm trying to find a nanny through this app. Is 3000 lien a week sounds reasonable to you girls?
Ruby: *smell something* Eww.... The baby just pooped! 😨
Baby: Wahhh!!!
Blake: And... That's my cue to bail out. Sorry sisters but this is where the bond of sisterhood absolutely doesn't matter.
Yang: Oh no you don't. You don't get to take the easy way out and run away like you usually do.
Weiss: Whose great idea was it to babysit other people's baby?
BY: *Points towards Ruby*
Ruby: *Gulp* But his parents are in the hospital right now and they need someone to watch over the baby for them in the meanwhile. 😣
Weiss: That doesn't mean it should be us. You dolt. There's must be someone more capable to take care of a baby.
Ruby: But everyone is busy with the Vytal festival. And I just can't say no. 🥺
Weiss: So instead you volunteer the entire team to take care of a baby without asking us before hand?
Ruby: Well what's done is done and you seems to forget the most important thing here. That someone still have to change the baby's diaper.
Weiss: Well it won't be me that's for sure.
Yang: Eeehhh. Is it too late to run away with you Blake?
Blake: I know I'm the last person that should say this but you can't run away from your responsibility.
Ruby: I can't believe you girls would just abandoned a baby like this. And you call your self a hero. 😠
Blake: Uh... No we never call ourselves that.
Weiss: Quit dragging us to your problem. And if you will excuse me I have a date with Neptune.
Yang: And I also gotta go do... Polishing my bike, I guess?
Baby: Wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruby: Wait please don't go! 😭
Jaune: Don't go where Ruby?
Ruby: Jaune. You came. 🤤 And why is Ciel holding your arm like that? 🤨
Ciel: Hello again Miss. Rose. As you can see Jaune and I are on a date together.
Ruby: D-d-date?! Both of you are on a date?! 😳
Jaune: What no. I'm just showing Ciel around the festival. And what is that smell?
Ruby: Uh I have a baby... I mean I'm taking care of someone's baby for a while. And I might have bitten off more than I can chew. 😞
Jaune: Ah I see. Well Ruby if you are having trouble taking care of the baby then I can help you with that.
Ruby: You sure? I don't want to trouble you or anything like that. 😟
Jaune: It's my pleasure Ruby. *effortlessly changes the Baby's diaper* All done. You are brave boy aren't you. Yes you are.
Baby: Yay!!
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Yang: How do you know how to do that?
Jaune: Oh. I just have a lot of younger sibling growing up. So I'm expected to pick up the slack and help take care of them. Not limited to just changing diaper and that's include cooking, cleaning and other things. And I don't mind it because I really-really like babies.
RWBY+C: *The collective sounds of their uterus descending*
Blake: LEWD!!!
Weiss: No-no it can't be right I did not just think about Jaune like that...
Yang: Gods damn Vomit Boy. You got me worked up like when the time Ruby visit a gun store... Isn't that right Ruby... Eh, Ruby why are you looking like that?
Ruby: Heh... Heh.... Heh... Heh...
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Jaune: Ruby are you feeling okay. Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?
Ruby: Yes... Yes... We can do it in the infirmary... I mean take me there. There's probably a clean bed we can use... I mean a bed you can put me in. (While I close the door behind you.) 😶‍🌫️
Ciel: Oh Jaune you are so nice to offer her. But I think she is too busy with the baby stuff. And you promised me first to show me around Vytal. And Jaune I think we should end the tour in my room. There's something I want to show you later. What do you say?
Jaune: Your room? I don't know what you are trying to show me, but okay. I'm sorry Ruby I have to finish giving Ciel a tour. Call me in my scroll if you need anymore help.
Ciel: Oh I think we would find it rather enjoyable. *turns towards Ruby* (Get a hint brat he's mine.)
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Ruby: Stay away from him! I saw him first! 😡
Ciel: All is fair in love and war.
Baby: Wah!!!!!
Jaune: Stop it you two are scaring the baby!
So the Rusted Knight reveal... Yeh. I think gonna write something about it.
So what do you guys think should my next post be Lancaster fluff or Angst? And by Angst I mean Angst - Angst. I mean heartbreaking and wrenching stuff here. The fluff is just okay.
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Favourite RWBY Shipping
(note:  They are all going to be Jaune ships)
Primary Tier
1) Double Rainbow (Jaune x Ilia)
HM) Arkos:  This ship is impossible to not like.
HM)  White Rose:  They are fucking adorable together.
2) Lancaster (Jaune x Ruby) or Dragonslayer (Jaune x Yang)
3 White Knight (Jaune x Weiss)
4) Holy Grail (Jaune x Velvet)
5) Knightshade (Jaune x Blake)
6) Bumblee (Yang x Blake):  I WANTED to like this ship, but the show refused to have them actually talk to each other.  Then they had them hookup without talking, creating a terrible if not downright abusive relationship.
Horny Tier
7) Knightfall (Jaune x Cinder), or the even more extreme Fallen Ark (Jaune x Pyrrha x Cinder)
8) Sunlit Knight (Jaune x Ruby x Yang)
9) War of the Roses (Jaune x Ruby x Weiss)
10) Freezerburn (Jaune x Weiss x Yang)
11) Pollinated Knight (Jaune x RWBY):  For the indecisive.
12) Stung Knight (Jaune x Yang x Blake)
13) Rainbow Menagerie (Jaune x at least 3 Faunus girls)
14) Silent Knight (Jaune x Neo)
Super Dreadnought Horny Tier
15) Arc-en-Ciel (Jaune x RWBY x at least one other girl, usually Pyrrha)
16) Jaune’s Angels (Jaune x Cinder x Emerald x Neo)
17) Winter Wonderland (Jaune x Weiss x Winter x Willow)
18) Jaune x Saphron x Terra.  Hmm.  Needs a good ship name.
19) Grandkittens (jaune x Blake x Kali)
20) Witch Hunt (Jaune x Glynda)
21) Knight in the Crosshares (Jaune x Velvet x Coco)
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latenightswithdoom · 24 days
(Organized Alphabetically for ease of use.)
Avatar: Aang, Asami, Azula, Katara, Korra, Sokka, Mei, Toph, Zuko
Ben Ten: Ben, Gwen, Kevin
Beastars: Haru, Jack, Juno, Legoshi, Louis
DC: Barbra Gordon, Barry Allen, Beast Boy, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Clark Kent, Clara Kent, Cyborg, Damian Wayne, Diana Prince, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Jessica Cruz, Johnathan Kent, John Stewart, Lady Shiva, Pamala Isley, Raven, Selena Kyle, Sierra Hall, Starfire, Stephane Brown, Talia Al Ghul, Tim Drake, Wally West
Edgerunners: David, Lucy, Rebbeca
Frozen: Anna, Elsa, Honeymarren
Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, Wendy
Helltaker: Asmodeus, Azazel, Beelzebub, Helltaker, Judgement, Justice, Loremaster, Lucifer
Helluva/Hazbin: Adam, Angel Dust, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Blitzø, Charlie, Chaz, Husker, Lilith, Loona, Lucifer, Lute, Mille, Moxxie, Octavia, Stella, Stolas, Striker, Vaggie, Valentino, Velvette, Verosika, Vortex, Vox
Incredibles: Bob, Dash, Helen, Tony, Violet
Invincible: Debbie, Eve, Immortal, Kate, Mark, Omni Man, Rex
Kim Possible: Ann, Bonnie, Jim, Kim, Monique, Ron, Tim
Legend of Zelda: Ganon, Link, Zelda
Mario: Bowser, Daisy, Peach, Rosalina
Marvel: Ben Grimm, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Drax, Felica Hardy, Gamora, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Jean Grey, Jennifer Walters, Jessica Drew, Johnny Storm, Jubilee, Logan, Mary Jane Watson, Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, Mystique, Natasha Romanov, Nebula, Peni Parker, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Reed Richards, Rio Morales, Scott Summers, Steve Rogers, Susan Storm, Thor, Tony Stark
Miraculous: Alya, Adrien, Chloe, Marionette
Miss Kobyashi’s Dragon Maid: Elma, Kobyashi, Lucoa, Tohru
Murder Drones: J, N, Tessa, Uzi, V
Overwatch: Ana, Ashe, Brigette, Cassidy, Doomfist, DVA, Echo, Emily, Hanzo, Genji, Kiriko, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Pharah, Ramattra, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Solder 76, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya
Owl House: Amity, Camila, Eda, Edric, Emira Hunter, Luz, Willow, Vee
RWBY: Adam, Alyx, Blake, Cardin, Ciel, Cinder, Coco, Dove, Emerald, Flynt, Fox, Ghira, Glynda, Hazel, Ilia, Ivori, Jacques, Jaune, Jessica, Junior, Kali, Kobalt, Leo, Lewis, Lil Miss Malachite, May Marigold, May Zedong, Mercury, Neo, Neon, Neptune, Nolan, Nora, Oscar, Ozpin, Penny, Port, Pyrrha, Qrow, Raven, Ren, Roman, Roy, Ruby, Russel, Sage, Salem, Scarlet, Summer, Sun, Tai, Theodore, Velvet, Weiss, Whitley, Willow, Winter, Yang, Yatsu
Scooby-Doo: Daphne, Fred, Scooby, Velma
She-Ra: Adora, Catra, Glitter
Sonic: Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Sonic, Tails
Spy x Family: Lloyd, Yor
Star Wars: Ahsoka, Anakin Skywalker, Asaji Ventress, Ben Solo, Bo-Katan, Cal Kestis, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padame Amadala, Sabine Wren, Shami Skywalker
TCOAAL: Andrew Graves, Ashley Graves, Mrs. Graves
Zootopia: Bellweather, Bogo, Bonnie, Fennec, Judy, Lionheart, Nick
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Nice list. Next what are your top five favorite ships when it comes to Neon?
In RWBY Canon in no particular order:
Neon x Flynt: Disco Remix
Neon x Blake: Nyan Cat
Neon x Jaune: Knight Life
Neon x Ciel: Party Time
Neon x Adam: Party Animal
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irismono · 1 year
Aight, waffles are yet to materialize so I'm gonna get my project list outlined.
In order of priority/how ready I am to work on them:
The Redwall Retrospective
Basically I'm rereading the series at roughly 1 book a week, and vlogging it on my mostly-dormant YouTube channel. I'll do a Jenny Nicholson style multi-hour video at the end. Currently working on Mariel of Redwall. Will get a link up to the logs for the first three books.
Red Fraction
My take on the "Pyrrha Lives" (Stomp Stomp) style of fix-it-fic. Got some fun ideas for it. Basically got Pyrrha's consciousness split into pieces across several characters, with the ultimate goal being recombining them all. See the opening for Black Lagoon if you want a sneak peek at chapter titles.
RWBY Modern AU (No solid name as of yet)
Man I love AUs, AUs are cool. And I've got some fun ideas for this one. Ruby and Jaune married for tax reasons? Got it. Coco Adel, the wholesome Yuri manga addict? Check. Gauntlets and Greaves? Hell yes, I read some baller GnG fics last year and I've been hooked ever since. There's other stuff too, but I've had trouble figuring out a main plotline, which is why I have...
Old Masters
This is a side story (or perhaps pre-sequel?) for my Modern AU, and one that has a defined plot line. The last generation's megahit pop duo was "Young Masters", made up of Ozma "Ozzy" Calavera and (The Pseudonymous) "Salem". The two had a fairly consistent will-they, won't-they subplot in their music and stage performances, until it came out pretty publicly that "they did", and the act (and relationship) broke up in a rather messy fashion.
Now some (insert number) years later, Salem has a grown up daughter, Oz is still trying to get his solo career off the ground, and neither of them are really happy. They meet by chance, and eventually (though with much pain) reconcile. Don't know all the details yet, but leaning towards a secret romance between Oscar (Ozma's Nephew) and Salem's daughter (either Emerald or Ciel, undecided) being part of it.
To aru Isekai no Tabibito (A certain otherworldly traveller)
It struck me one day that Semblances are rather close to ESPer abilities when it gets down to it. Thus, a RWBY x Toaruverse crossover feels pretty natural, at least to me. My thought: RWBY (and probably JNPR) find themselves dropped into Academy City with minimal equipment and have to figure out their way around.
The Bard for Advanced Systems
Don't know how big Advanced (as in 1st edition) Dungeons and Dragons is on Tumblr, but I take a great deal of issue with 1e's handling of the Bard. I can expand on why in another post if anybody's interested. TBFAS would be an essay and class write up of my idealized Bard Class, probably looking most similar to the 1e Monk in design style. I've got some ideas, I just need to set them in motion.
RWBY x Pokemon Special
More "nifty idea" than anything else. Pokemon Adventures was my first Manga, and I'd like to cross it over with RWBY at some point, probably by dropping RWBY characters in as trainers/Dex Holders. Could even do a full swap, but I'm less sure on that point.
As you may have gathered from the above, I have a penchant for RWBY fanfiction. This is because it is a world I have grown comfortable in, and the fandom I first explored fanfiction within. I haven't actually seen Volume 8, and am not planning to watch volume 9, and really I think things have been going downhill somewhat since... Well actually the show was always a bit of a mess if I'm being honest.
That all said, the world is great, and the characters, as interpreted by FNDM, are also pretty great, and rife with opportunities for cool storytelling.
What's that? Surely I'm forgetting something? Are half a dozen projects I want to work on not enough?
Okay fine, I've got some original works as well, but waffles are just about ready so I'll share those in another post.
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priestessamy · 2 years
I re-read this the other night because I'm just that kind of person
And honestly it still slaps
So if you like RWBY AUs maybe you'll enjoy this! It's got bees.
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manlyquail · 2 years
Oh man, been a while since I updated anything on Tumblr and my Ao3 updates have been slow going, so maybe it’s a bit of update and teaser time! For... those that care! :D Updates and teasers blow!
Where I’ve Been
So the short version of this; School! School school and more school! I’ve been rounding out my last semester and applying to Graduate school and applying for work at a lab, both of which I got accepted into! It’s all very exciting and honestly where most of my time has been lately. Admittedly when you fall off the horse it’s kinda hard to hop back on, but I promise that even if it’s just a paragraph at a time a lot of my stuff is being worked on. So then; 
The Stuff!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28639323/chapters/70200702 - TwoSouls
This is my most popular story by far so I figure I’ll give it that bump first! This story is reaching its close and probably has just a few more chapters left. I actually have the newest one already planned out / a healthy amount written, so except some bees goodness with some Ilia and some Fiona... lots of highlights for that group of characters!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37971583/chapters/94835884 - A Girl I Met At College
This is my most cracked out story based on numerous head canons I developed in canon; the short version is that Oobleck and Hazel are the adoptive co-parents (they’re not together) of Emerald, and she’s started to go on dates with Penny and they’re sharing their lives, so on... This one admittedly will be updated probably infrequently once I get back to writing, it’s more to get my maximum levels of crack out and have something on paper.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24407611/chapters/58879495 - Atlesian Ball
Now I’ll readily admit, this one kinda fell to the side. Once I started to get distracted with school and TwoSouls exploded the way it did, I shifted my gears somewhat. That said, I’ve finished re-reading what’s written thus far and going back over my original map, I remember more-less where I left off at and as soon as TwoSouls is finished this one will start seeing updates again! Also once I start Graduate School and get paid for the summer, I’m going to commission the heck out of art for the couples in this story and some other things, so that’s exciting plans for this!
Now with the primary stories mentioned (my only other ongoing is Patch Pizza but... lord knows when or if I’ll get back to that!) I thought I’d mention two other sides things really quick that I have in the background!
First is another Bees story based on the series I have so far! The last story was One Night in Argus, and given the madness of V7 + V8 I think some bee happiness as a standalone outside of Atlesian Ball would be super fun (dancing with FNKY mayhaps?)
Secondly is a newer long-term story. It won’t be posted any time soon, unlike my other works I think for this story I’ll finish it and then post weekly, just depending, but it’s essentially a small retelling of the events of V4-V5. It’s core concept is Pyrrha surviving the Fall of Beacon, and having a sense of ‘Destiny’ and Survivor's Guilt with Blake, Pyrrha joins her on her mission to try and set things right and her eventual journey (Sun can come too of course). I’ve storyboarded it and have two chapters done already, but I can’t promise a release date any time soon. Still, look forward to it at some point!
There is an additional thing; based on my Cinder x Winter AU story (Cinder makes it to Atlas instead of killing her family...) the idea of building a world on their relationship and growing up together and doing a story for that. It’s definitely in my mind somewhere, but who knows! I’ve got enough to do as it is.
I’ll definitely try and maintain more activity on tumblr moving forward as well. Definitely want to be more involved and all that jazz, but of course school and stuff always comes first. I’ll still make the effort though, for all... four? fans I have :)
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crimson-camellia · 5 years
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Comparison sample of my new project: another RWBY x FMAB video, this time with OP 5 (Rain by SID). Since the theme of my last AMV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coDk0L6RaW4&t=9s) was Vol 6  the theme this time will be Volume 3 (namely the Fall of Beacon). Also, that specific blue tint over the long panned out image may not be the final product, idk yet; I'm just testing the waters with effects in my video editing program. Finally, teams ABRN, NDGO, BRNZ, and CRDL are not featured here, (they'll appear later in the video).
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Penny: FMK Ruby, Jaune, Ciel
Penny: FMK
Penny: Yay! I get to play this game with all of my friends. This is sensational!
Jaune: You did properly explain the rules to her, did you, Ruby?
Ruby: Of course I did!
Jaune: Did you?
Ruby: Yyyyes…Yes, I did.
Ciel: Her lack of conviction her own words, leads me to doubt the validity of her statement.
Jaune: I’m not even sure, Ruby fully understands the rules.
Ciel: Oh. Then I revise my statement: I fully doubt, Ms. Rose’s words.
Ruby: Hey!
Penny: So! Will you marry me, best friend, Ruby Rose?
Ruby: Yay! I don’t get to die! I get to live~! I get to…? T-T-T-To…?!
Jaune: Well, she really didn’t explain the rules to her…
Ciel: I will need to file a lengthy report about these events than I expected.
Jaune: You, and me both…
Ruby: P-P-Penny?! I-I-It’s just a game, we don’t have to actually get married?!
Penny: We don’t?
Ruby: It’s just a game; its out of the three of us, which one would you marry?! Not actually marry?!
Penny: Oh, I see… But, can’t we actually get married?
Ruby: Well, there’s n-nothing saying we can’t… But, that ring is pretty flashy…
Penny: Of course it is! It is a high powered, energy beam band! With a power capacity equal to one Kg of a special blend of Hard-light, Electricity, Fire Dust for maximum output!
Ruby: Uhhh…?
Penny: It is also a gun.
Ruby: 🤩(Gasp~!)
Ruby: Of course I will marry you~!
Penny: Sensational~! I can’t wait to tell my father, and the General! That Friend, Ruby is now, Wife Ruby!
Jaune: Yeah, saw that coming.
Ciel: How could you?
Jaune: The pair both work on the same wavelength. Their understanding of one another surpasses what even, Yang, Ruby’s sister knows about her.
Ciel: Is that so?
Ruby: Ahh~! Its so pretty~! Come here you!
Penny: What is it, Fiancé Ru… Mph?!
Ruby: Mmmmm… Mwah~! Hehe~! How was that, my Android Wife-to-be~!
Penny: S-S-S-SENSATIONAL!!! W-W-We must do that a-a-again!
Ciel: I would refrain from doing so; such actions appear to have altered the mental comprehension abilities of, Ms. Polendina.
Ruby: W-What…?
Jaune: She’s saying your fried your Waifu’s brain.
Ruby: Oh… That just means we need to kiss more~!
Penny: Sensational~!
Ciel: Haa… You may do as you wish.
Jaune: What she said. So, are we done this game, cause it feels like we are… Or, should be…?
Penny: No, we should continue! With that being said; Friend Ciel?
Ciel: Yes, Penny?
Penny: I believe you, and friend, Jaune should, as the game says: Fuck!
Ciel: W-W-WHAT?!!
Penny: I believe you, and friend, Jaune should…
Ciel: I know what you said, but why are you saying that, Penny?!
Penny: Many people have pointed out to me that you are, what they call too, ‘uptight.’ Or, as Specialist Bree once said: “That, Ciel girl needs to relax; She’s so uptight, and rigid. She really needs to get laid, maybe then she can finally get that stick out of her ass.” End quote.
Ciel: SHE SAID WHAT?! I can’t believe she said that about me?! What if Specialist Schnee was in the room, and she overheard that! What would she say to that?!
Penny: Actually, Specialist Bree, was talking to, Specialist Ederne, and Specialist Schnee at the time she said this. Of, which they all agreed that you need to relax.
Ciel: I can’t believe they would say that about me?!
Jaune: Ciel’s mental breakdown aside; Why did you pick me to… be together with, Ciel?
Penny: Based on my analysis: Friend Ciel Soleil. Is highly sexually attracted to, Friend Jaune.
Jaune: H-Highly?!
Penny: Yes, She often stares at you when you are nearby. Her internal temperature spikes, whenever you are near. And, she displays several body gestures that indicate sexual arousal: Such as, deep blushes across her face, bitting her lips, rubbing her thighs together.
Ciel: Penny?! Stop talking!!!
Penny: Why not?
Ciel: Look, just because I like a guy, doesn’t mean I want him to know how I want him to pin me to the wall, tear my clothes off as he mounts me, and breeds me into his personal bitch!
Penny: …
Ruby: …
Jaune: …
Ciel: …
Ciel: I-I said that out loud… d-didn’t I…?
Ruby: B-B-B-B-Breed?!
Penny: Shall, I replay the recording?
Jaune: Are you recording everything you hear?
Penny: Yes.
Jaune: Someone needs to talk to you about that…
Penny: So, Jaune; Would you fuck, Ciel?
Ciel: Penny?! Quit trying to hook me up with the hunky blond Adonis future baby daddy!
Ruby: She’ll give those, Mantle Milfs a run for their money…
Ciel: Whose trying to get their hands on my man?!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ciel, we’re going to have a words about this…
Ciel: O-Okay…
Jaune: Tonight, your room, 22:00. If you have roommate’s tell them to get lost, this is going to be an all nighter discussion. Okay?
Ciel: O-Oh?! Okay, Daddy~!
Jaune: Down girl.
Ciel: R-Right! Sorry.
Ruby: …
Ruby: Okay… That’s going to be a thing…
Ruby: So uhh… W-Who gets killed… I’m saying this with utter fear in my heart since you’re taking this so… literally.
Penny: Oh don’t worry, that’s already happened!
RJC: …
Jaune: P-Penny… W-Who died?!
Penny: Me!
Penny: I died when, Pyrrha Nikos, accidentally killed me!
Ruby: Oh…
Jaune: Okay…
Ciel: …
Penny: So, did everyone enjoy playing, MFK?
Ruby: Yes…?
Ciel: I know I will~!
Jaune: No comment.
Penny: Sensational! We should do this again another time.
RJC: No!
Penny: Nawww…
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rocknroll7575 · 6 months
MK Intro Jaune Vs Ciel
Ciel: *Walks on stage as she spins a pocket watch* Right on time, Mr. Arc
Jaune: *Walks on the stage with his broken sword* On time for what?
Ciel: Your defeat
Jaune: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Where were you when Atlas Fell
Ciel: *Creates hard light bow* Somewhere far away from those liars!
Jaune: Penny needed you...
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reashot · 1 year
New Years Hangover
Jaune is woken up by the first sun of the new years.
Jaune: Uhhh my head what just happened... I felt like I been hit by a truck... Why am I naked?
Ruby: Ahhh Good morning... And happy new years Jaune. ☺
Jaune: R-Ru-Ruby why, why are you in my bed. And where are your clothes. D-did we do it last night?
Ruby: What? N--
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Why yes... We did do it last night. Multiple times actually. And we did it all night long and in every position imaginable and unimaginable. You even filled me with so much of your baby batter I can't even close it right. 😏
Jaune: Oh gods I'm a monster... I'm a horrible drunk monster for laying my hands on you.
Ruby: It's true. You actually took my first time. And I didn't have the time to give consent. 🫢
Jaune: What? Say it is not so. Please Ruby tell me I didn't do you know what...
Ruby: I'm afraid so. You forced yourself on me Jaune... Even when I told you many times not to... 😌
Jaune: I, I, I will give myself up to the Vale Police the first thing I do... I'm sorry Ruby, I'm so sorry.
Ruby: 😧!!! Oh no you don't! You can't give yourself up! 😨
Jaune: B-but Ruby I did something horrible to you...
Ruby: Y-you just can't! Okay, because, because I'm pregnant with your baby!!! 😫
Jaune: You what???!!!!
Ruby: Y-yes that's it. Ain't no way I'm gonna let my baby daddy go to prison. You don't want little Jaune junior to grow up without a dad do you? 👶
Jaune: I, I guess not but a baby... I guess I have to take responsibility by marrying you then. I mean you're my best friend. So getting married to you maybe isn't so bad.
Ruby: Yes Jaune you have to take responsibility for putting a bun in my oven. Now you have no choice but to marry me. 😈
While Ruby gaslight Jaune into marrying her something stir under a blanket near the two of them.
Ciel: *Yawn* Good morning everyone... Oh it's this time already.
Jaune: Why are you naked too? Oh gods did I do something to you too?
Ciel: *grabs Jaune arm to snuggle* Can't you tell?
Ruby: What?! No don't trust that hussy! You only did it with me Jaune. 😡
Ciel: Actually you did it with both of us... You made us service you together, then you take your time taking turn with us, forcing us to came and then you finished inside both us... I think I might already be pregnant with your child, daddy.
Jaune: I, I, I....
Ruby: You lying Bitch!!! Stay away from my man! 🤬
Ciel: Hey all is fair in love and war... And besides a Man like Jaune is wasted on you. He is better suited with someone like me.
While the two girls trying to claw each other eyes out. Something starts to stir under the blanket again...
Penny: Salutation! Friend Ruby, Ciel and Jaune.
*glomp at Jaune's chest*
Ruby: Penny? What are you doing here and why are you also naked?
Penny: Greetings friend Ruby, both Ciel and I were invited to celebrate new years festivity. Then friend Jaune accidentally ingest some alcohol....
Jaune: That's it! Please tell me what happened Penny. Did I do something to both Ruby and Ciel while I'm blacked out?
Penny: Ahh.... No you did not do anything to both friend Ruby and Ciel.
Jaune: Oh sweet, mother of. Thank you, oh lord. I'm not a rapi-
Penny: You did it with all three of us.
Jaune: *internally screaming*
Penny: In fact after you done with both of them. You start lusting after me saying. "Ha, ha, now that I had both Rupus, and Cipus now I want the Ropus" Then you starts to ravish me, tore of my dress, then stuck your gigantic cable inside of me, then pour some white liquids inside of me. And now I might have a little mini penny soon.
Jaune: I-I think might need some time to process this...
Ruby: No Jaune she's lying, you only did it with me and Robot can't get pregnant. 🤰
Ciel: Yes you only have to take responsibility for me. Don't worry about these others two. Just dump them somewhere in the alley.
Penny: He, he Friend Ruby and Ciel this game is so fun.
Jaune: Don't treat me like I'm some sort of a game!!!
Meanwhile outside the room peeking inside to watch the scene of carnage.
Yang: LOL this is so much fun. I should give Jaune more alcohol if I get to see more of this.
Weiss: You seriously need to get another hobby.
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Heh, heh, *slurp* more, more, I need more. More fuel for my novel!
Yang: And I think Blake has lost it...
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lifesafairytale · 2 years
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Key: ✿ = Romantic | ☆ = Platonic | ღ = Smut | ❀ = Angst | ♡ = Headcanons | ❥ = Scenario/Reaction | ◎ = WIP
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Reader is cold but is a sweetheart with them✿♡
Reader has a Nervous Breakdown✿❥◎
Touch Starved!Reader✿♡◎
Drunk!Reader Calling Them✿♡◎
Having A Crush on the Same Person✿♡◎
Coming Back After Two Years✿♡◎
Stoic!Reader Crying✿♡◎
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
D (Fluff Alphabet)✿◎
Ruby Rose
Ticklish!Reader ✿♡
Reader has Amnesia✿❥◎
Being Her Sibling (Middle Child)☆♡◎
Weiss Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
English Tea (Tea Prompts) ✿
Friends with a Rival Family's Child☆♡◎
Arranged Marriage with Reader✿♡◎
Blake Belladonna
Blake as an Older Sister ☆♡
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
Reader Owns a Cat✿❥◎
Yang Xiao Long
Working Out✿♡
Reader has Amnesia✿❥◎
Being Her Sibling (Middle Child)☆♡◎
Falling for Blake's Sibling✿♡◎
English Tea (Prompts) ✿
Pomegranate Tea and Earl Grey Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Coffee (Prompts)✿◎
A,F, P, W, X (Valentine Event)✿◎
Jaune Arc
Nora Valkyrie
Ticklish!Reader ✿♡
Reader with a Napoleon Complex ✿♡
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
Pyrrha Nikos
Working Out✿♡◎
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
Lemon Tea and Earl Grey Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Lie Ren
Reader with a Napoleon Complex ✿♡
Helping Reader with Chronic Pain✿♡◎
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarlatina
Reader Owns a Rabbit✿❥◎
J,K,V,W (Fluff Alphabet)✿◎
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Cardin Winchester
Russel Thrush
Dove Bronzewing
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Sky Lark
Sun Wukong
Working Out✿♡◎
Scarlett David
Sage Ayana
Neptune Vasilias
Teaching Him How to Dance✿❥◎
Flint Coal
Neon Katt
Arslan Altan
Bolin Hori
Reese Chloris
Nadir Shiko 
Brawnz Ni
Roy Stallion
Nolan Porfirio
May Zedong 
Nebula Violette
Dew Gayl
Gwen Darcy
Octavia Ember 
Summer Rose
Taiyang Xiao Long
Raven Branwen
Qrow Branwen
Milk Tea and Rosehip Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Ace Operatives
Clover Ebi
Elm Ederne
Vine Zeki
Harriet Bree
Marrow Amin
Happy Huntresses
Robyn Hill
Fiona Thyme
Joanna Greenleaf
May Marigold
Salem's Faction
Cinder Fall
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
Arthur Watts
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
English Breakfast Tea (Prompts)✿
Earl Grey Tea and Rooibos Tea (Prompts)✿
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Hazel Rainart
Tyrian Callows
Schnee Household
Willow Schnee
A,E,F,J,N (Valentine Event)✿◎
Winter Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Meeting Again at the Vytal Festival✿♡◎
Whitley Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
Klein Sieben
Menagerie/White Fang
Ghira Belladonna
Kali Belladonna
Sienna Khan
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Corsac Albain
Fennec Albain
Ilia Amitola
Adam Taurus
Xiong Family
Hei 'Junior' Xiong
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Headmasters/School Staff
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Glynda Goodwitch
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck
Peter Port
Leonardo Lionheart
James Ironwood
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Roman Torchwick
Ciel Soleil
Penny Polendina
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Pietro Polendina
Maria Calavera
Oscar Pine
Emerald Sustrai
Mercury Black
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