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Some left-wing RWBY "critics" that I can think of include people such as Twiins Iink, Judgmental Critter, Unicorn of War, Hbomberguy, Anime Slushie, and some RWDE posters. Some right-wing RWBY "critics" that I can think of include people such as Adel Aka, Vexed Viewer, EruptionFang, Hero Hei, CaptainPrice and some of the members of r/RWBYcritics.
Both Twiins Iink and EruptionFang have called Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long killing Adam Taurus in self-defense (after telling him to leave them alone) "murder".
Adel Aka, EruptionFang and Vexed Viewer are all misogynistic anti-LGBT bigots.
adel aka - YouTube
eruptionfang - YouTube
vexed viewer - YouTube
Unicorn of War went as far as to state that he wished the hound would "kill everyone at the Schnee manor, with the exception of Penny and Whitley", and agreed with a post from one of his insane fans stating that the origins of humans and faunus in Remnant was akin to "Nazi Propaganda", and stated that the white voice actors of RWBY "should be fired and replaced with nonwhite voice actors", etc.
The Judgmental Critter (Twiins Iinks equally batshit insane sister) stated that Ruby was wrong/evil for cutting off Tyrian's stinger in self-defense (after he tried to kill her uncle and kidnap her), and that she should have felt bad/"reflected on it", because she has a sister (Yang) who had a limb chopped off.
RWBY Villains : The "Hero's" - YouTube
Let's Talk About Tyrian's Tail I Guess? - YouTube
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marylizabetha · 8 months
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sophieabigail2021 · 6 days
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orymsblueflower · 7 months
So I enjoy mixing and matching animated intros to shows, and of course messed around with the new Bells Hells animated intro and my god I was SHOOK when I linked it up to the RWBY vol 7 intro song like it fits too well
Even a number of the lyrics, like "...through love your power just shines" when FCG gains control back, and "the truth is there but sometimes in disguise" when Laudna reveals her form of dread...
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pippastrelle · 1 month
I just truly truly cannot understand people who see a character doing fucked up things reflective of deeper character and hate them instead of thinking it's cool writing
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papillaee · 1 month
There needs to be a study about fandoms who are quickly to defend flawed media, and they will do it at ALL costs. Shows like RWBY and Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss that have very clear flaws and yet fans get VERY personally offended when someone criticizes them. I mean any media has hardcore fans that will defend it with their lives but there are some special cases that stand out from the rest.
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New header and pfp by JakeArmorsmith over on Twitter! Absolutely love how he drew all these ladies for the Tavern~
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wandesu · 5 months
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Is this anything
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ninadove · 11 months
So. There’s this show I really hate.
I didn’t even want to watch it, but I was forced to sit through literally all of it because my parents liked it for some reason that completely eludes me. Not only is the plot catastrophically bad and the characters inconsistent — it’s also very, very misogynistic in essence. Just thinking about it now makes me want to chew on the writing team’s bones.
I genuinely have nothing good to say about this show.
So. Do you know how many posts I uploaded to the corresponding tags?
ZERO (0)
Because there’s no point in spending energy on a thing I hate so passionately, and even less in ruining it for other people.
Don’t get me wrong — it’s OK to point out irregularities in writing, and to talk about specific aspects of a story that upset you. But uploading dozens of posts about how you Hate The Thing, Analysing The Thing Is Pointless, Everyone Who Worked On The Thing Is Stupid, and Everyone Who Loves The Thing Is Delusional, is maybe not the genius take you think it is.
It doesn’t make you smarter than everyone else. It just makes you boring.
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b0bs0ndugnutt · 5 months
It really is so remarkable that a western cartoon was brave enough to frame desertion as the moral and heroic thing to do.
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lesbianneopolitan · 3 months
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Sketch CM of Weiss Schnee and Cassandra de Rolo, for @daemonofrazgriz! ❄✨
Another giftie for @timid-hound! ❤
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So when I was at the Cobalt Soul, I don't know, maybe it was a bout of nostalgia, so I just named her Mother, like after Matron of Ravens, but also my mother.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Every single person i've seen saying underaged x way older and incest dynamics are inherently lgbt culture has been white...........Yeah okay okay,i think i get it now
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lara-prism-light · 3 months
I hate RWBY rewrites haters!
Sorry the show isn't perfect!
Sorry that some fans are not satisfied with the original story!
Sorry that some fans are more creative than the writers of the show itself!
Sorry that you have to complain that everything isn't exactly step by step identical to the original!
You guys complain that male characters are getting attention but you don't realize that this is exactly the same problem as the canon show!
Stop bothering or harassing rewrite writers!!! They just do it for fun and you can't just treat the show as if it were the most perfect thing in the world because it's NOT!!!
Arrg, I'm going to block everyone who hates RWBY rewrites because you guys only know how to complain about the same shit but refuse to accept criticism of the show!!
I like RWBY in concept, in execution the show is an inconsistent mess!! Stop treating it like it isn't!!
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bobauthorman · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I want to bring it out into the open. Each of Oz’s main lieutenants are deconstructions of character archetypes. Well, everyone in RWBY is a deconstruction, but no one wants to talk about Oz’s circle.
Oz, as has been established, turns the fantasy mentor archetype on its head. Not only is he a bad mentor, whose reckless manipulations never pan out, but the protags are far less forgiving of his string-pulling, and have every right to be. Unforgiving, that is.
Ironwood, similarly, deconstructs the ‘Anti-authority authority figure’; like Captain Kirk (Star Trek) or Nick Fury (Marvel), they are military leaders who frequently chaff under their more politically-minded peers and superiors, who undercut those peers whenever they can. Unlike Kirk/Fury, this is not a sign of open-mindedness, but arrogance and stuborness, the childish belief that the rules don’t apply to him.
Qrow is much like Wolverine (X-Men), a ‘Bad Boy with a Gold Heart’ who is kept in line by his loyalty to the mentor figure. In this case, Qrow’s Too Cool For School ‘tude is coping mechanism and mask for the massive chip on his shoulder, and because his self-worth was tied so deeply to serving Oz, when Oz is exposed as the fraud he is, Qrow has a full-on breakdown.
Lionheart was much harder to figure out, given that he only has one volume’s worth of screen time, and even we don’t get much of Lionheart’s personality. I theorize that Lionheart was intended to be a dig at the ‘Token Minority’ archetype. For many series in the old days, there are these characters who supposed to represent different races. (For example, Haji from Johnny Quest). Unfortunately, these characters are rarely given any personality outside of ‘Guy from foreign culture’, often becoming a deliverer of stereotypical views showrunners have. CRWBY has stated that Lionheart was made headmaster by Oz as a token for Faunus (The series allegory for minorities), but we hear nothing of whether that did any good (Blake even accuses Oz of not doing more for the Faunus). It’s possible that because of this Lionheart lacked the strength of self to stop Salem from forcing his compliance with the attacks on Vale and Haven.
Theodore hasn’t appeared in the series proper, but from the book Before The Dawn I could make a case that he encompasses the stock shonen hero; destructive strength and a destructive temper. The problem is, he’s a moron, but lacks that ‘Deeper wisdom’ even himbos like Son Goku and Monkey D Luffy have to compensate. And his dependence on the smarter but weaker female lead (In this case, Rumpole) to handle the more organizational aspects of his position means that when Rumpole is compromised, Theodore’s shoddy management nearly causes Shade Academy to implode.
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anthurak · 4 months
So this is almost certainly going to be an unpopular opinion for some, but for a long time now I’ve been feeling that the RWBY fandom puts just a bit TOO much stock in the various fairytale/mythology/literary allusions of the characters when it comes to theory-crafting. It feels like people find out that a certain character A is an allusion to another character B from an already completed story and go ‘Well that must mean that Character A is going to turn out just like Character B!’
Which of course completely ignores that these are allusions and references. Ruby Rose might have strong parallels and similarities to Little Red Riding Hood, but that does not mean she IS literally Little Red Riding Hood. Just as Weiss Schnee is NOT literally Snow White, Penny Polendina is NOT literally Pinocchio and Oscar Pine is NOT literally the Little Prince. Ultimately, whatever allusion a character might have comes SECOND to who they are as an actual character, NOT the other way around.
Whatever allusions a character has might inform what could happen to them, but that should still be treated as secondary to what we actually see them do in the show.
For example, I see a LOT of ships in the RWBY fandom that people seem to largely use interpretations of the characters’ allusions as ‘evidence’, rather than what the characters actually DO in the actual SHOW. Like has anyone noticed that discussions of ships like Bumbleby, Renora, Nuts and Dolts or White Rose have historically not involved much interpretation (relatively speaking anyway) of the potential ‘complimentary allusions’ of these characters? Because there is no NEED to, because all the evidence for these ships is right fucking there on the screen. Meanwhile we’ve got ships (and I am NOT naming names) that people will swear up and down are TOTALLY going to be canon for really-realsies where most or even all of the ‘evidence’ consists of people effectively playing some kind of matching game with their allusions. Or saying nothing more than ‘Character A kinda-sorta resembles the love-interest of Character B’s allusion’.
And ALL of this doesn’t even take into account the biggest factor which I keep getting the impression that WAY too many RWBY fans still having gotten the memo on:
The fact that RWBY literally NEVER plays its allusions STRAIGHT.
All the way from minute one when we saw an allusion to Little Red Riding Hood cutting down a horde of Big Bad Wolves, RWBY has ALWAYS been subverting, inverting, flipping, twisting and otherwise playing it’s allusions, references and archetypes literally ANY way but actually STRAIGHT.
Little Red Riding Hood hunts the Big Bad Wolf. Snow White is equal parts Princess AND Knight in Shining Armor. Cinderella is a tragic villain origin story. Pinocchio was always a real girl. The Great and Powerful Wizard Oz is far more powerful than anyone thought, but is ALSO far more of a fraud than anyone thought.
So when people use these characters’ allusions as some kind of rigid road-map to theorize what might happen to them, it’s not just that this detracts from their identity as their own characters; the story itself isn’t even using that map!
I mean speaking personally, that’s what has always made RWBY theory-crafting FUN. Trying to guess how the writers might twist and flip the allusions they’re using. But that also means that the allusions of the various characters simply DON’T actually provide ANY kind of accurate ‘road-map’ for where they might be going. Instead, the best we can do is use what the actual show has actually shown us to get any kind of idea where the characters are headed.
Ultimately, I feel like too often I see that when people are making theories about RWBY characters, they are treating them more like the characters they are based on, instead of the characters they actually ARE.
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