thedudleywomen · 26 days
On This Day (29 Aug) in 1588, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester wrote to Elizabeth I from Rycote, Oxon, less than a week before his death.
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56yo Robert Dudley had recently played an integral role as Elizabeth's Lieutenant General, in the defence of England against the attempted invasion of England by the 'Spanish Armada' earlier that summer. It was Dudley who had arranged for the Queen to travel to the camp at Tilbury, where she delivered her famous rallying speech to her troops on 09 Aug 1588.
Following the defeat of the Spanish, Dudley had returned to London for the celebrations; however, he was described as "weak" and "exhausted". He therefore left London prematurely, accompanied by his wife Lettice Knollys, Countess of Leicester, with the intention of heading north to the Midlands - initially to his home in Kenilworth and then on to Buxton to "take the waters'.
The couple's first planned stopped was at Rycote, the home of Henry Norris, kinsman of Lettice, and old friend of Dudley's (and the Queen's). It was here that Dudley wrote to Elizabeth, thanking her for the 'meddycyn' that she had sent her, and sending her best wishes for her own health.
He signed the letter "by your most faythful and obedyent servant. R Leycester"
This letter was found in a small casket next to the Queen's bed after her own death in Mar 1603; she had labelled it 'his Last Lettar', and there was evidence she had re-read it many times.
Shortly after sending this letter, the couple continued their journey hoping to finde perfect cure at the bath"; however, Dudley's health quickly deteriorated, forcing them to break their journey at Cornbury Park, a former royal hunting lodge in Oxfordshire; it was here that Dudley died a few days later on 04 Sep 1588.
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fideidefenswhore · 11 months
Norris' death was not entirely in vain, however. Anne's daughter, Elizabeth, became queen of England in November 1558, following the death of her half-sister Mary. In this sense the Boleyn faction ultimately did triumph. Elizabeth ruled England until 1603, a period of forty-five years. She showed great affection for Norris' son, Henry, born in 1525, who became Baron Norris of Rycote, sat in Parliament's House of Lords, and founded a line of distinguished gentlemen. Elizabeth recognized Norris' father as one who had never deserted her mother Anne, even when it cost him his life. Regardless of the inopportune argument Norris had with Anne a few days before their arrests, history has forever linked their names together, along with the other victims of May 1536. Perhaps it is time that Norris got the recognition he deserved as a faithful and moderate man in the court. Certainly Elizabeth recognized, as Lord Lisle's agent John Husee said, that the elder Norris was 'at all times, one manner man.'
Henry Norris and the Boleyn faction (1998) / Lavender, Jeff
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leiccsters · 1 year
Letter written to Princess Elizabeth from Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, dated to the end of September 1559, written at Rycote by the Earl's own hand and privately dispatched to the Princess via an unknown lady-in-waiting.
As the hour of your knowingness draws near, I am compelled to write to Your Highness and remind you of the stalwart and tender affection I have long borne you, given as naturally as a fool to his master, with no care for reason or preservation of my mortal coil. Elizabeth, I most humbly ask you to pardon me, for it is not your permission I beg, but for your forgiveness. Never was there a perfect servant, and though my love for you has, and always will be, the chiefest joy in my life, I cannot feign displeasure at the news of Lady Leicester’s quickening. You know very well that I have long desired to be a father, a role that, for perhaps many sound reasons and others frightfully unknown, Fate has seen fit to cruelly divest me of. In years gone by, I had given up all earthly hope to impart filial affection unto one of my own blood, and have contented myself with the rearing of our dear Nan and Robin. In selfish scheming, I admit that the children I imagined at the close of day bore your scarlet tresses, your infectious laughter, but how can I hope for that which is never to be?
Whether or not I deserve my good fortune, or have any reasonable inducement to foist my wandering writings upon you, I implore of you to think well of me, to wish a long and healthy life over the son or daughter that will bear my name. I ask that you receive Amy Dudley with compassion. She is, I fear, one of the many casualties of our violent delight. It is neither her fault nor yours that my boldness condemns us all unto eternal anguish.
Elizabeth, were I a stronger man, I would swear to you that this would be my last letter. God forbid, I know it will not, but for a time, it must be thus. In the end, I must loathly bid farewell to you, the man you most affectionately called your ‘eyes,’ your Robin, though ever I pray God bless you from all harm and save you from all foes. As you know, my love and affection for you remain ever the same, semper eadem. I am your humble servant, bound to faithfully and obediently serve you and yours. But for your sake and mine, and that of my unborn child and long-suffering wife, I must cast us into nothingness. I release you, my mistress; let us set this love free at long last.
Set us free, Bess, and I swear never to bring anguish unto you again.
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ee22iicoi · 6 months
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totoshopday · 1 year
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thedudleywomen · 20 days
On This Day (04 Sep) 1588, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, died at Cornbury Park, Oxon. He was making his way north to the Midlands when he was forced to break is journey at the former Royal hunting lodge.
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Robert was accompanied by his wife, Lettice Knollys, Countess of Leicester. Lettice had been banished from court since Elizabeth I heard the news of the couple's secret marriage in 1578, with the Queen famously brandishing her "that She-Wolf".
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Sick and exhausted, Robert had left London prematurely, the rest of the Royal Court, including the Queen, continuing their celebrations for the recent victory over the 'Spanish Armada' (during which Robert, as her Lieutenant General had invited Elizabeth to give her famous speech to the troops at Tilbury). With Lettice, Robert started his journey north from London, planning to head first for Kenilworth Castle, and then on to Buxton "to finde perfect cure at the bath"; he had previously visited the natural springs there, popular amongst those with ill health.
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By 29 Aug 1588, the couple had arrived at Rycote, Oxon, the home of old friend Sir Henry Norris. It was from here that Robert wrote for the final time to Elizabeth I. The couple continued their journey, but were quickly forced to take shelter at Cornbury Park, due to Robert's deteriorating health. He died here, Lettice being present, with historians speculating cause of death being stomach cancer or malaria.
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Elizabeth I was grief-stricken with the death of her long-term 'favourite', the pair having had a close and complex relationship for moat of their adult lives. She went subsequently went into mourning for Robert; the famous 'Armada Portraits' depict the Queen as triumphant but solemn, and she is wearing the jewel gifted to her in Robert's will. Robert's final correspondence, which she had labelled 'his last lettar' was found in a small casket by her bed, following he own death in Mar 1603.
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Despite a request for his funeral to be held 'with as little pomp and vain expense', a grand funeral, costing in excess of £3000, was held in Oct 1588, at St Mary's Church, Warwick; it commenced with a 400-strong procession for 6 miles from Kenilworth. His stepson, and the Queen's new 'favourite', Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, was Robert's chief mourner, also representing his mother Lettice, who as traditional held, may not have attended (inconsistent reports exist).
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His widow Lettice commissioned an elaborate tomb for Robert in the Beauchamp Chapel of St Mary's Church, proudly displayed his heraldry and emblem of the bear and ragged staff. This tomb was a short distance from the resting place of their son, Robert, Lord Denbigh who had died aged 3yo in 1584, and where his elder brother Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, would be buried 18 months later.
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Following her own death over 40 years later, Lettice was also buried alongside her second husband, with effigies of the couple still surviving.
For a more detail, you can read my blog - 'The Death of Robert Dudley - 04 Sep 1588' on thedudleywomen.com.
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jj66jfgfg · 1 year
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crayon-market · 8 months
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