prettytanuki · 1 year
s02ep00 of Mushoku Tensei
This episode feels like a side-story. Not as good as MT season 1 but I guess you should watch if you want to watch season 2.
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Spoilers & my thoughts on the episode below.
So the episode starts with a royalty talking about cake with her guards, except cake is codeword for tits, because this is mushoku tensei and all roads lead to perv.
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Then we see Sylphy getting teleported into the sky and we're reminded that, yeah, this would kill most people normally.
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So how the fuck does she survive this? What does this have to do with that princess? Is she just going to fall on a tree and they'll help her or something?
And then all of sudden a huge pig goes rampage and brutally kills one guard... wait what.
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What's up with this pig all of sudden? Where did it came from. Why does it decide to go on rampage the exact moment Sylphy is falling down in the sky? In hindsight, was it that water spell she tried to use earlier and almost drowned in it?
So as it seems that the other guard is actually fucking dead, and the second guard is prepared to die and tells the princess to gtfo, maybe... just maybe... this pig is the real deal, so I guess Sylphy will kill the pig, the princess will be like "hurray" and the story continues from there. The only problem is how is she going to land.
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What the fuck? HER HAIR JUST TURNED WHITE? SHE JUST PULLED A KANEKI???? I was wondering who the hell was that guy white haired elf at the end of first season and it was JUST HER WITH WHITE HAIR???
This was dirty. Dirty and cheap. Can't believe I fell for that.
Okay this was awful. I guess it solves the issue of how it happens but holy shit this was awful. This is some looney tooneys shit.
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Okay so the princess takes Sylphy in on the condition that she wears these glasses... I guess that explains where the glasses come form but... why tho...? Is it the eye color? I guess that must be it because I can't imagine it being anything else. I don't really remember eye color being that important though. I thought it was the hair color.
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Messy writing aside I gotta say this looks pretty badass. Sunglass white-hair elf ftw!
Some royal bullshit happens in the ball. Silent Fitz, huh? I guess that explains how she maintained low-profile despite having no court training. Was Sylphy an elf...? I don't really remember. I think she was supposed to be a demon, so she's pretending to be an elf.
Fitz seems traumatize. I guess that makes sense considering this is MT.
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I guess that makes sense but I was sort of imagining she would just keep "Fitz" around for herself and make no effort in finding her family.
Wow a theater scene. Crazy to think people watched these before animes were invented.
So it sounds like the princess was just trying to get people to search for Fitz' family but the other royals misinterpreted that as her training to raise to the throne... or was she????
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A fat bastard noble with a collared sex slave??? This is so cliché.
But I love it.
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I'm sorry, what are they saying? I can't concentrate on the words.
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"We will not nip the buds, but reap the one who sows them."
Okay, so ur gonna kill her. Why not just say that, explicitly and in plain English, you fatass smirking bastard.
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I was so focused on that perv noble I forgot about this other perv noble. ARE YOU GUYS ALL PERVERTS???
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oh no.
Oh, she's actually one of the decent ones. She wasn't going to attack Fitz. She, just like she said, was just going to sleep on the bed, together, and never had any plans for otherwise. That makes sense.
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What a nice emotional scene deepening the relationship between two girls, I'm so glad nothing perverted is goi
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Blushing Fitz is a cutie.
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Oh fuck no. You in bed and open your eyes and a stranger is standing there? This stuff gives me nightmares!
It's an assassin!
Fitz can fight hurray!
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Wait a sec... that's fat bastard's girl. She looks smaller than I thought. Why is she an assassin. That doesn't make sense.
*fighting ensues*
Cool moves!
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What did she do.
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I mean it looks like she just pushed the assassin with her two hands but honestly that's some SLOW assassin if she just let Fitz attack her full of opening like that.
And blast!
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NOOOO!!! FAT BASTARD'S GIRL!!! What the fuck!!!
Why would you do that for, Fitz??? JUST CAPTURE HER ALIVE! Needs an interrogation scene!!!
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Is that so? Is she part of the dark guild? Because I'm pretty sure I saw this in Cheat Skill already.
I hope she survived the fall.
I'm glad there was poison in the blade. Sick of half-assed assassins who won't even coat their blades in poison.
So with the assassination the princess leaves for "studies" abroad, which means Fitz goes to magic school, and that connects to how she sent Rudeus a message at the end of last season. That makes sense, I guess.
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WHY ARE THEY CLIMBING MOUNTAINS LIKE THAT??? JUST GET A CARRIAGE OR SOMETHING! You telling me the princess of a kingdom can't even get a proper transportation to cross the mountain range?
Okay, fine I don't really know a lot about how royalty works, iirc the average royalty was way poorer than what it looks like in a fantasy show because they only reigned over small domains but surely there is fancier way to travel through a mountain than three people in capes, right? no idea what it would be tho
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