#safewords tickle Mickey's *beeeeeeep*
sisitrip · 1 year
Galladrabble - "Choose Your Words Carefully"
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Deena, I want to apologize in advance for using your sweet summer cats for the Drabble below. I wanted to make you laugh and I can be awkward with humor or just plain socially awkward (I once said at a wake "Thank you for having me" like I was leaving a dinner party. I still think about that when I'm falling asleep and lose life-force everytime 😩).
Anyway, late as hell, for the @galladrabbles prompt from @suzy-queued, "Shadow", Moody" and "Buttercup", I'm offering "Choose Your Words Carefully."
“ShadoOOow.” Mickey’s mewling whisper is comedically Marilyn Monroe-esque.
Ian laughs and loosens the cuffs. “You gotta start taking this seriously.”
Ian’s grip slips and Mickey’s skin is pinched beneath the tight leather over his ankles.
“Moo! Fuck, moo.” Mickey winces. 
“Moo or Moody?” Ian grins, exasperated.
Mickey’s eyes find his and they break, snickering.
“M’gonna need a minute.” Mickey jerks under the buzzing, sweaty and desperate.
“That’s not the word, Mick.”
“Ain't saying it with that thing on.”
Ian shuts it off. 
“Buttercup, bitch.”
Ian sags, dissolving into laughter.
“That’s it, Mick. You can’t pick the safewords anymore.”
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