#saint louis isn't a super difficult trip for us
statisticalcats2 · 1 year
My sister and I already had a set trip to Saint Louis Zoo (because we would be going to a concert in the area) before Saint Louis and Brookfield did a gorilla switch and Zachary moved to Saint Louis. The introduction between Zachary and the Saint Louis bachelors (who are both grown silverbacks) has been a bit slow-going (pretty expected) and I was in contact with someone who frequents the Saint Louis Zoo so we knew it was very unlikely we'd be able to see Zachary during our visit. And that was the case, the 2 silverback bachelors were in the outdoor habitat and Zachary and Kayin (another blackback who moved in a bit after Zachary, the 2 are already together and I've heard they're getting along and I'm so happy Zachary has a buddy around his age to tackle this new environment with!) were in the indoor habitat, which was closed to the public.
2 days after we came back home, guess what happened? The zoo opened up the ape building for a short time and people were able to see Zachary and Kayin, because of course that happened gefryihwudwsij
Story of my life!
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