harepare · 2 years
babam kartima para yatircak bayramlik icin
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bhvandalize · 1 year
dun cok komik bi gundu
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mustafasalihbozok · 1 year
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GĂŒnaydınlar 💖
Sevgi kokulu bir
saliya Merhaba..,
TĂŒyden hafif olurum böyle
KarĆŸÄ± damda bir gĂŒneƟ parças,
Içimde kuƟ civıltılari, Ɵarkılar
Bağira çağıra dĂŒĆŸerim yollara
Döner döner durur baĆŸÄ±m
Sanırim ki gĂŒnler hep gĂŒzel
Her sabah böyle bahar;
Ne is gĂŒĂ§ gelir aklıma, ne yoksulluğum.
Derim ki: "Sikıntilar duradursun!"
ƞairliğimle yetinir,
Orhan Veli KANIK đŸ–ŒïžđŸđŸđŸ
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eaudavie · 1 year
hangi hyunjin'i çizdin peki
Of bunun hikayesini anlaticam simdi ben pazae gununu buna ayirmistim cunku referans bulup cizmek gercekten uzun bi is bunu cizerler anlicaktir ben 3 saat refwrans aradigimi hatirliyorum oyle yani neyse iste pazar gunumu buna ayirdim sonra sabah kalktim annemler yok mudanyaya gidelim sahile diye ux saniyede plan kurmuslar beni de sokmuslar ama benim planim var ve bugun olmazsa olmaz cunku saliya sizs sozum vardi oyle yani ben de planim var dsdim sonra bi anda tum aile benle kavga etti keyfimi sikti ama hixbi sey yapmamistim bile.. keyfim kacti ztn biraz baktim foto ama kirmizi ya da mavi cizicsm sanirim
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geceyeasikay · 1 year
Hayır dĂŒn ve bugun toplam 240 soru 6p soru kaldi hoca saliya kadar bitir dedi ve sinavdan 75 almisim ustune 240 soruyu keske sinavdan once cosseydim ben sinavdan sonra cozdum
Biraz değiƟik olmuƟ ama sonuçta çözmĂŒĆŸsĂŒn:)
dĂŒzeltirsin sana gĂŒveniyorum ben:)
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444names · 2 years
polish, ukrainian, german and dutch forenames
Aafyme Aariitje Adegius Adelia Adramiy Adrij Agni Albertje Alee Allefa Almias Alomard Ameke Ande Andel Andra Andrik Andrinzem Andt Anian Anierna Anjen Annie Annuyi Anonis Aria Armar Arneslatje Arnie Arnwa Arse Artofte Auba Auguliy Axely Balex Baranne Bard Baria Barl Bera Beryize Birje Birk Bogdanno Boguntje Boha Bohae Boysta Carbenoor Chre Christy Cilecyusz Cuni Czen CÀciesa CÀsawaldor Daanuelia Daarethor Daarine Dagda Damir Danca Danna Dars Davaana Demyst Dena Denstina Dentefanna Dezy Diekto Diela Dies Diethaike Divetje Dobbere Dobiert Domy Doni Dore Doslaw Dympleffel Ecka Edert Edsena Edulaw Eelsbea Elfrijs Elfritann Ellawerzyl Ellefantje Ellick Enradle Enrijk Evanka Evger Evhelbe Ewefantje Fanna Fayiamundo Flek Flomirsta Flon Franek Franne Friaetary Frietje Friy Fytana Gaber Galaw Garan Garberij Geen Geeniska Geerla Geetef Gergredek Gerichen Gerolad Gerten Gertje Gotte Gottondrud Gretje Gribast Gryhorgria Gryslauge Grzeslaw Gund Gunnia Gunyaksia Hana Harie Hariej Harthysia Heida Heignin Heigumit Hela Heleslav Hener Henne Hertje Hertry Hilmariy Hold Honia Hryna Hubald Huija Huisz Huybine Huyi Ilormgard Iner Ineslaw Ingeno Insta Ireczys Iren Irenz Irmarta Jacpeltje Janki Janselav Jansta Janya Jardan Jarysaasta Jedrik Jenas Jeriede Joan Joharan Johda Joka Joksyntje Joria Joslaapi Jozaba Jozary Jörga Kaanchenz Kaimil Kaje Kamina Karit Kasa Katen Kathold Katijntia Katje Katra Kazm Khrijs Khrike Klavetha Klawa Kleik Klenchola Klens Klesje Koemylyi Kona Kons Korgius Koromung Kria Krijd Ksel Ksela Kubromin Kyryhons Larma Lartale Lauke Lecharisia Leenja Leenorzyd Leeris Leesan Lenna Leofilf Leokke Leor Levhe Liaarikold Liesla Liestanna Lijd Lillawale Liskoli Ljudir Ljudirs Lody Lubert Lubertus Ludigmus Luditte Ludoka Lukre Luygmut Luyi Luzalehar Lyubolgita Maco Majlothen Mald Malenikode Mane Mannegusz Marbiner Marhyi Marissi Marl Marlav Marmek Maronia Marsen Mart Maryi Mata Mathe Mathor Matte Mayisen Maylorie Meniand Mich Micja Miko Millibel Mirt Mirta Mona Morysbete Myrysla Naanatje Naddia Nado Nica Nicht Nietrea Nika Notel Nowefje Nyudiy Nyustiy Oleoniya Oleslaghim Opan Opar Orta Ortros Oskold Otmaniana Otyntje Palomus Patje Pazysz Pelig Perhys Phöbetbov Pier Poutein Przeltry Pylwiandt Rafymond Raich Railie Raim Ravlon Rayi Rayidiale Raymard Rein Reina Resla Rica Rich Riedegard Rijthory Ritth Robanasta Roelertje Rogda Rola Rolas RomÀus Rosefa Rosenna Rosiacht Roszuly Rous Rozyna Rusia Rutgertusz Ryska Rystya Sabetja Saliya Salma Sanda Sannia Semiem Sephav Seppolo Serd Sermek Sert Sery Siede Sigeliya Sigmusla Sild Sjountje Slawarie Sobas Sonia Soplerya Stalinatje Stane Stefa Steliya Stemedemen Ster Steriene Stier Stionikke Susla Sybies Szysla Tard Tarzist Tata Tera Theikert Then Theodola Thiliame Thin Tiedriya Tien Timil Timit Tonjam Toor Torsteppie Trech Trena Trie Trik Trislana Ulfrick Ulisiata Ully Urse Ursti Utertje Vaaska Vadelin Valip Vani Vard Veethe Vertia Vicheuw Vicy Vitje Vitta Vitz Volia Wala Waleme Walgumin Wastin Wenert Wennus Wenz Wiel Wiesiy Wike Wilin Wilinerth Winma Wistina Witta Wittef Wlaw Wloffeltry Woloentje Yanzhilhe Yariya Yelbia Yevkola Youta Yurd Zdzisawen Zdziskusta Zoffi Zoryska Zöle
same thing but shorter names
Aara Adek Adel Adra Adrunde Aelchte Agni Alen Alesa Aletra Aletter Almart Ammek Andra Ands Anek Anel Angen Anikel Annel Annella Anorik Ansje Ante Antyn Anuli Apold Arko Arma Armani Arnus Arnwa Avhe Axelen Bald Balja Bara Barier Barina Barrina Basz Belke Berkje Berlo Bertrii Berzen Bianuel Bogusz Bohaia Bolanka Bold Bolf Boysta Brik Broslav Brudert BĂ€rbas Card Carga Carond Casje Cecht Celo Cezabel Chrida Chrike Chrius Chriya Chrya Chrysla Clawa Conie Coon Coorg Coose CĂ€cia CĂ€cisi CĂ€saapi Daari Dagmarz Damer Danikus Darta Dena Denrie Diedolf Dietiy Dimar Dira Dmincht Dobine Dola Domine Dorg Dorscha Dosje Ebeke Ebenina Edeke Eder Edga Edius Effirt Elia Elian Ellaw Emir Emmek Erda Erislaw Euge Ewelor Ewertje Ezebov Ezek Felka Fema Ferey Fert Flen Floni Fras Fraut Frazja Fren Freth Fricjan Frijka Fris Fritje Frizav Galexa Gard Gebieda Geesla Geonja Gerlina Gertal Gertij Gerzylo Gijke Gisla Gota Gote Gott Govet Grech Gretene Gudy Gund Hana Hane Hanfra Hanien Hansta Haud Hedre Heid Heika Heini Hellia Hennesz Henzczy Hiliesi Hryna Huijke Huyia Ihna Ilsje Immeke Inayi Inel Ineliek Ingotte Insaan Irman Irys Izaber Izolazy Jachen Jand Jann Jannika Jard Jenty Jertr Joachel Johda Johdana Jolaze Joleeno Joorosi Jorie Jula Jusz JĂŒrgina Kaild Kaltja Karbert Karga Kargius Karlip Karo Karolaw Kaspa Kata Katijn Katt Kaza Kazm Khrid Klardia Kliendt Knus Koni Kosypa Krita Kryk Krzej Kundra Kyry Laddir Ladiy Lenizy Lenrija Leonori Lettazm Liej Lijs Lildel Lixi Lodzi Lorisla Lucisaw Luck Ludert Ludir Ludomen Luitlek Lyure Macin Madigna Magmuni Maine Malen Marauka Marber Marbina Mard Mardek Mardula Marene Mariko Marin Maris Marl Marli Maronka Mart Mata Matje Matonse Michel Mick Mienz Mika Millek Milm Minne Miro Moni Mych Mykt Myryna NaddĂ€us Nadysje Nard Nata Nath Natha Natsian Neena Nethaj Nicja Nika Nikaas Nike Nooro Okka Olen Olerva Olexana Olheon Oliya Oresje Oreste Orthim Ossje Osypard Otma Otta Otthe Pata Pathe Patia Patord Paukha Pazarli Petjet Petta Phina Phöber Pionike Porsuli Priusz Przan Przej Rafke Rail Rayi Rayia Reida Reigelm Rena Ress Rhert Riana Rica Ricja Robal Roessa Rolad Romot Ronsa Rosla Roslaw Rostia Rosty Rouwtje Rubro Rute Ryka Rösch Saas Saler Salo Sana Sane Sankena Seba Seesla Seida Seinius Selbek Serlix Sewe Sietje Sijs Sile Simard Sini Sobina Sopola Sout Steel Stefa Sterl Stert Stertje Susz Sver Svina Szchand Szyl Taim Teke Teta Tetje Teund Tharek Thola Thor Ties Tima Timir Timmena Timpje Tooryta Torich Trana Trionis Truit Udos Ullerle Ulliede Ursta Urszka Utek Vaaster Vaata Valda Vani Vanna Vannek Viantje Virosyp Virteuw Vlaw Volaw Vrola Vrose Walaw Walex Walyz Wasa Wiej Wiek Wiesla Wilip Willian Wina Wine Wiotta Witl Witte Wojzy Wojzyla Wolda Wula Wyna Yanz Yeverno Yosa Yukje Yulfi Yulika Yulke Yurgieb Zdzisz Zeniand Zenz Zosz Zölecja Zöleeri
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
My Blind Date with Life
An ambitious young man struggles to achieve his dream of becoming an employee in a Munich luxury hotel despite being strongly visually impaired. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Saliya Kahawatte: Kostja Ullmann Laura: Anna Maria MĂŒhe Max: Jacob Matschenz Lehrer Döngen: Ludger Pistor KĂŒchenchef Krohn: Michael A. Grimm Augenarzt: Uwe Preuss Kleinschmidt: Johann von BĂŒlow Fried: Alexander Held Herr

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mafrah-mga2022mi6021 · 7 months
Conceptualization - II
The Isurumuniya Lovers
The "Isurumuniya Lovers" is a well-known sculpture in Sri Lanka, specifically located at the Isurumuniya Temple in Anuradhapura. The sculpture is also commonly referred to as the "Isurumuniya Lovers" or "Isurumuni Lovers."
The sculpture depicts a couple in a loving embrace. The man is seated, and the woman is leaning against him. Their affectionate pose has led to various interpretations, and the piece is often seen as a representation of romantic love.
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"Historians believe the depicted couple in the carving is Prince Saliya, King Dutugemunu’s son and the low caste maiden Asokamala. Their love story is one of the most beautiful tales of romance ever told. It is said that the young prince was so enamored by the beautiful Asokamala that he gave up his throne just to be with her."
Legend of Queen Viharamahadevi
Viharamahadevi, also known as Queen Vihara Maha Devi, was a historical figure in ancient Sri Lanka. She is often revered and remembered for her sacrifice and dedication to the well-being of her people. Here is a summary of the Viharamahadevi story:
Viharamahadevi was the daughter of King Kelani Tissa, who ruled the region around Kelaniya in ancient Sri Lanka. According to legend, Viharamahadevi was known for her beauty, virtue, and compassion.
The story takes a tragic turn when a severe drought struck the region, causing suffering and hardship among the people. In an act of selflessness and devotion to her subjects, Viharamahadevi is said to have made a great sacrifice. She decided to sacrifice herself to appease the gods and bring rain to the drought-stricken land.
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The tales of Kovalan and Kannagi
One of the famous love stories in Sri Lankan folklore is the tale of Kovalan and Kannagi, which is prominently featured in the Tamil epic, "Silappatikaram." This epic was composed by the poet Ilango Adigal and is considered one of the five great epics of Tamil literature.
Kovalan, a prosperous merchant, marries the beautiful and virtuous Kannagi. The couple lives a happy life until Kovalan falls in love with a dancer named Madhavi. Mesmerized by Madhavi's beauty, Kovalan becomes infatuated and eventually leaves Kannagi to be with the dancer.
Kovalan's affair with Madhavi is short-lived, and he eventually realizes the error of his ways. He returns to Kannagi, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. The couple decides to start a new life together.
However, misfortune strikes when Kovalan is falsely accused of stealing the queen's anklet. The king orders Kovalan's execution without a fair trial. Kannagi, upon hearing the news, rushes to the king's court to defend her husband's innocence.
In a moment of despair and anger at the injustice, Kannagi reveals the truth by tearing open her breast and showing the same anklet that Kovalan was accused of stealing. It is revealed that the queen's anklet had been stolen by the royal goldsmith, who had framed Kovalan.
Kannagi, devastated by the tragic turn of events, curses the city of Madurai, where the injustice occurred. Her curse leads to the destruction of the city.
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devrimcidinno1 · 8 months
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(Motorinde dev zam bekleniyor ⛜ 13 ƞubat Salı gĂŒnĂŒnden itibaren (pazartesiyi salıya bağlayan gece) geçerli olacak Ɵekilde motorinde 2 lira 55 kuruƟluk zam bekleniyor. gönderdi)
Motorinde dev zam bekleniyor ⛜ 13 ƞubat Salı gĂŒnĂŒnden itibaren (pazartesiyi salıya bağlayan gece) geçerli olacak Ɵekilde motorinde 2 lira 55 kuruƟluk zam bekleniyor. https://devrimcidinnno.wordpress.com/2024/02/10/motorinde-dev-zam-bekleniyor-%e2%9b%bd-13-subat-sali-gununden-itibaren-pazartesiyi-saliya-baglayan-gece-gecerli-olacak-sekilde-motorinde-2-lira-55-kurusluk-zam-bekleniyor/ Motorinde dev zam bekleniyor ⛜ 13 ƞubat Salı gĂŒnĂŒnden itibaren (pazartesiyi salıya bağlayan gece) geçerli olacak Ɵekilde motorinde 2 lira 55 kuruƟluk zam bekleniyor.
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bernamegeh · 9 months
Jiyana Xelȋlȇ Çaçan Mȗradov
Ezȋzȇ Gerdenzerȋ 100 saliya ji dayȋk bȗna rojnamevan, nivȋskar ȗ serokȇ Radyoya Yȇrȇvanȇ Para Kurdȋ  Xelȋlȇ Çaçan Mȗradov Rojnamevan ȗ nivȋskarȇ kurd Xelȋlȇ Çaçan Mȗradov ji dayȋkȇ bȗye 11-ȇ çileyȇ pÈ‡ĆŸin sala 1924-an, di gundȇ Karvanserayȇ (niha Sedȗn) de. Gund, gundȇ Ă§È‹yayȋ, li berpala Ă§È‹yayȇ Elegezȇ paldayȋ bȗ. Gund, gundȇ Ă§È‹rokbȇjan bȗ. Gund, gundȇ dengbȇjan bȗ. Gund, gundȇ mȇrxasan bȗ. Gund,

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eyeviewsl · 10 months
HNB FINANCE appoints Saliya Jayaweera as Independent Non-Executive Director
HNB FINANCE appoints Saliya Jayaweera as Independent Non-Executive Director
HNB FINANCE PLC appointed Saliya Jayaweera as an Independent Non-Executive Director to its board, effective from November 21, 2023. Mr. Jayaweera counts for over three decades of experience in the Financial Services Industry in multiple markets including United Kingdom, India, across Middle East and Maldives. His vast international exposure scopes delivery of Finance Transformations, Large

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harepare · 11 months
of cisim var ve geometri odevim cok
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necole-ewiwa · 1 year
La Gitana
Your hair was full of roses in the dewfall as we danced, The sorceress enchanting and the paladin entranced, In the starlight as we wove us in a web of silk and steel Immemorial as the marble in the halls of Boabdil, In the pleasuance of the roses with the fountains and the yews Where the snowy Sierra soothed us with the breezes and the dews! In the starlight as we trembled from a laugh to a caress, And the God came warm upon us in our pagan allegresse. Was the Baile de la Bona too seductive? Did you feel Through the silence and the softness all the tension of the steel? For your hair was full of roses, and my flesh was full of thorns, And the midnight came upon us worth a million crazy morns. Ah! my Gipsy, my Gitana, my Saliya! were you fain For the dance to turn to earnest? - O the sunny land of Spain! My Gitana, my Saliya! more delicious than a dove! With your hair aflame with roses and your lips alight with love! Shall I see you, shall I kiss you once again? I wander far From the sunny land of summer to the icy Polar Star. I shall find you, I shall have you! I am coming back again From the filth and fog to seek you in the sunny land of Spain. I shall find you, my Gitana, my Saliya! as of old With your hair aflame with roses and your body gay with gold. I shall find you, I shall have you, in the summer and the south With our passion in your body and our love upon your mouth - With our wonder and our worship be the world aflame anew! My Gitana, my Saliya! I am coming back to you!
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botantimes · 1 year
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“NivĂźskar Menaf OsmanĂȘ piƟtĂź 30 salan tehliye bĂ», revandin EdĂźrneyĂȘ” Abdulmenaf OsmanĂȘ ji Hesekeya RojavayĂȘ piƟtĂź 30 sal Ă» 6 mehan di girtĂźgehĂȘ de ma, di 3yĂȘ ÎlonĂȘ de tehliye bĂ». Osman herĂź dawĂź li GirtĂźgeha TĂźpa TyĂȘ ya AkhĂźsara ManĂźsayĂȘ dihate girtin. Menaf Osman di 28 saliya xwe de hatibĂ» girtin Ă» 58 salĂź ji girtĂźgehĂȘ derket. Ji ber ku ew ji bajarĂȘ HesekĂȘ ye, piƟtĂź ji girtĂźgehĂȘ derket, ji bo wĂź biƟünin Navenda DersĂźnorkirinĂȘ ya ManĂźsayĂȘ, https://botantimes.com/niviskar-menaf-osmane-pisti-30-salan-tehliye-bu-revandin-edirneye/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=BT
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme De Encontro com a Vida Online fĂĄcil
Assistir Filme De Encontro com a Vida Online FĂĄcil Ă© sĂł aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/de-encontro-com-a-vida/
De Encontro com a Vida - Filmes Online FĂĄcil
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Quando estĂĄ prestes a terminar a faculdade, Saliya (Kostja Ullmann) começa a sofrer os efeitos de uma grave doença genĂ©tica e perde 95% da visĂŁo. O rapaz sempre teve o sonho de trabalhar em um grande hotel de luxo, mas todas as candidaturas de emprego sĂŁo recusadas em função de sua deficiĂȘncia. Ele decide entĂŁo esconder o fato de ser praticamente cego, e se candidata a um dos maiores hotĂ©is de Munique. Contando com a ajuda do amigo Max (Jacob Matschenz), ele enfrenta as dificuldades diĂĄrias, enquanto conhece a bela Laura (Anna Maria MĂŒhe) e se apaixona. Mas atĂ© quando conseguirĂĄ manter o segredo?
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ouyander · 2 years
L'affectation de 1000 ha de terres Ă  un privĂ© est un vĂ©ritable scandale foncier qui secoue VELINGARA. Les populations de Pakour disent niet. Le dĂ©partement de VĂ©lingara est l’un des 45 dĂ©partements du SĂ©nĂ©gal et l'un des 3 dĂ©partements de la rĂ©gion de Kolda, en Haute-Casamance. Pakour est l'un des arrondissements du SĂ©nĂ©gal. Il est situĂ© dans le dĂ©partement de VĂ©lingara et la rĂ©gion de Kolda, en Casamance, dans le sud du pays. Affectation de 1000 ha de terres Ă  un privĂ© Ă  VELINGARA Le Conseil municipal de Pakour, dĂ©partement de VĂ©lingara, a octroyĂ© 1000 ha de terres Ă  Mamadou Sall, propriĂ©taire d’une grande bananeraie Ă  Gouloumbou, village Ă  cheval entre les dĂ©partements de Tambacounda et VĂ©lingara. kolda, vĂ©lingara, pakour carte Les populations riveraines de la forĂȘt en question s’opposent et invitent le maire Diarga SanĂ© Ă  annuler cette dĂ©libĂ©ration. pakour , abri provisoir , Ă©cole A lire aussi Litiges fonciers au SĂ©nĂ©gal en rĂ©flexion engagĂ©e pour circonscrire les conflits Les populations de 12 villages de la commune de Pakour, Ă  l’Est du dĂ©partement de VĂ©lin­gara, ont organisĂ© une marche lundi passĂ© pour dĂ©noncer l’expropriation/affectation de 1000 ha de terres par le Conseil municipal. Il s’agit d’une forĂȘt de prĂšs de 9 km de long coincĂ©e entre les villages de AnambĂ© Couta, Kountada, Sinthiang Fally, Diaocounda, Sinthiang Madia, Saliya, Manato, Sin­thiang Mandou, Sinthiang TĂ©ning
et le cours d’eau la «Kayanga». Certains villages seraient Ă  moins de 500 m du cours d’eau qui abrite le barrage hydroagricole qui irrigue les terres amĂ©nagĂ©es dans la vallĂ©e de l’AnambĂ©. Mountaga Sabaly, notable du village de Kountada, explique : «Depuis quelques mois, nous constatons que des arbres de cette forĂȘt sont revĂȘtus d’une couche de peinture. Aux nouvelles, on nous a informĂ©s que ces terres ont Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©es Ă  un certain Mamadou Sall, propriĂ©taire d’une imposante bananeraie Ă  Gouloumbou (village Ă  cheval entre les dĂ©partements de Tambacounda et de VĂ©lingara). Il compte y implanter une bananeraie qu’il va entiĂšrement clĂŽturer. Aucun chef des villages riverains de la forĂȘt n’a Ă©tĂ© mis au courant de la dĂ©cision municipale. C’est inacceptable.» Les populations de Pakour disent niet FlanquĂ© d’une centaine de personnes qui ont participĂ© Ă  la procession, il dĂ©fend : «Nos villages doivent leur survie Ă  ce cours d’eau. Nous priver d’accĂ©der Ă  ces eaux, c’est nous demander de migrer vers la GuinĂ©e-Bissau, ce qui est impensable.» pakour Dans ces eaux et alentours, s’effectuent des activitĂ©s de pĂȘche, de maraĂźchage et de d’abreuvage du bĂ©tail. Mieux, «c’est l’unique forĂȘt du dĂ©partement qui abrite encore des peuplements de bambou. Tout village victime d’incendie vient s’approvisionner en bambou dans cette forĂȘt et l’essentiel de l’habitat de la localitĂ© est fait de bambou», a poursuivi le sexagĂ©naire Sabaly. «Il ne s’est pas agi d’une dĂ©cision unilatĂ©rale», selon le maire Pour ces populations, c’est le maire Diarga SanĂ© qui est responsable de cette situation. «Il veut Ă©teindre toutes les activitĂ©s Ă©conomiques de nos villages. Et c’en sera fini pour l’élevage (pas de pĂąturage), pour l’apiculture, le maraĂźchage ou la pĂȘche.» Le Maire, Diarga SanĂ©, joint par tĂ©lĂ©phonique, rĂ©torque : «Il ne s’est pas agi d’une dĂ©cision unilatĂ©rale du maire. original_foret-casamance C’est par dĂ©libĂ©ration du Conseil municipale approuvĂ©e par l’autoritĂ© administrative que nous avons attribuĂ© ces 1000 ha Ă  Mamadou Sall. Auparavant, j’ai pris le soin de l’inviter devant le Conseil municipal pour prĂ©senter son projet et dire les opportunitĂ©s qui seront crĂ©Ă©es pour les populations riveraines. A lire aussi Conflit foncier avec le promoteur immobilier Peacock : À Dougar, les populations ne dĂ©colĂšrent toujours pas Il a pris l’engagement de crĂ©er 250 emplois par an, construire une piste de production, construire un poste de santĂ©, doter ces villages de moulins multifonctions et de jardins maraĂźchers.»
MalgrĂ© tous ces avantages annoncĂ©s, les populations du «Pathiana» -nom de la province- campent sur leur position et dĂ©cident de se battre pour la dĂ©saffectation de ces terres par le Conseil municipal. Pillage organisĂ© de la flore A qui la gestion des arbres qui peuplent la forĂȘt ainsi octroyĂ©e au promoteur privĂ© Mamadou Sall ? Quid de l’exploitation de ces arbres-lĂ  ? En tous les cas, notre visite dans cette forĂȘt nous a permis de constater que le bois est en train d’ĂȘtre exploitĂ© Ă  outrance en ces lieux. Et ce sont des bois bien sur pied que l’on tue exprĂšs. VĂ©lingara_bienvenu11 Le modus operandi des exploitants forestiers, attitrĂ©s ou du dimanche, mettent le feu au pied de l’arbre, le clouent de pointes de toutes parts ou l’aspergent de produits chimiques. Au bout de quelques semaines, l’arbre perd sa verdeur et, par la suite, est bon pour l’exportation vers les grands centres urbains du SĂ©nĂ©gal en tant que «bois mort». Alors qu’il s’est agi de «bois tué». paroumba, jeunesse A lire aussi Cadre juridique et institutionnel du foncier au SĂ©nĂ©gal : Note de SynthĂšse n°1 Et le bambou, qui est si prĂ©cieux pour ces populations rurales et si couteux Ă  la vente ? Il ne se retrouve nulle part ailleurs dans le dĂ©partement de VĂ©lingara. On sera obligĂ©, le moment venu, d’aller le chercher en GuinĂ©e-Bissau voisine, avec tous les risques de surenchĂšre et d’illĂ©galitĂ© qui pourraient en dĂ©couler.
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