#salon professional insurance
financeprincess · 7 months
I spent, at a minimum, at least $500-$1,000 a month exclusively on my self improvement. Here is most of what I spend on, in no particular order:
Education (classes, books, courses, certifications, college tuition, seminars, etc.)
Private lessons for languages, musical instruments, sports, etc.
Personal hobbies and passion projects
Crest whitening strips (great when in a pinch), Invisalign, professional whitening, preventative dental care, prescription whitening products from my dentist
Investments such as index funds, REITs, ETFs, CDs, individual stocks, commodities, appreciative luxury items, precious metals & gems, etc.
Organic food, vitamins, supplements, high quality healthcare, therapy, massages, prescriptions (Rx skincare, etc.)
New glasses & contacts (getting some bayonetta glasses from Burberry soon, very excited)
Sports, gym membership + sauna, hot yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, tennis, skiing, dance, etc.
Personal care such as bath/shower products, body care, haircare, skincare, makeup, brightening eye drops, perfume, etc.
Travel, events, concerts, festivals, etc.
Shopping (clothes, accessories, home goods, etc.)
Eating out at restaurants and going to coffee shops
Beauty treatments such as manicures, pedicures, waxes, brow tint & threading, salon blowouts, hair cuts & colors, facials, lash lift & tints, vitamin IVs, etc.
Regular visits to my dermatologist, dentist, psychiatrist, eye doctor, primary care physician, gynecologist, and any other specialists
Semi-regular appointments with a personal trainer, holistic nutritionist, and dietitian
I don't do all of these every single month, but most of these are recurring throughout the year and budgeted accordingly. Eventually I might add in more intense cosmetic work like medspa services, Botox, etc. If you can find a workplace with a great benefits package such as high quality healthcare, an HSA/FSA, health & wellness reimbursements for the gym, disability & life insurance, etc. I would highly recommend it and max out all the benefits you can.
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daysofyellowroses · 7 months
red rose
Tumblr media
kerry von erich x afab!reader | 10.9k | 18+ minors dni | tw: mentions of death, language, some smutty implications
It wasn't exactly something you had planned for, certainly not at this stage of your life. Then again, life never did seem to work out the way you had expected. After a very happy and loving childhood and slightly turbulent but overall great teenage years, your world got turned upside down when you turned eighteen. 
so i finally finished this, i did not expect it to be over 10k 🫢 i am already thinking i want to write a little part two for this, but i got a whole lot more to write before that! i hope you enjoy this, and if you perservere the whole way through i love you! 🫶🏻💗
The drive took hours, the immense heat didn't help the feeling of exhaustion that settled over you. It was a rare occasion that you drove back home to Denton from Austin, particularly in the last few years. Now you wouldn't just be visiting, you would be staying. 
Your mom had been driving home from work when she got into a car accident, one which ultimately claimed her life. It left an empty space in your heart, one you felt could never be filled. Her death felt impossible to process, you couldn't do anything but feel totally numb. You hadn't cried when you were told by the doctors that she had passed away from her injuries. You hadn't cried when you went to her funeral. You couldn't, the tears wouldn't come. There was just a hollow void in you, you couldn't focus on anything. 
After the funeral, you received an acceptance letter from college, which you ignored. You weren't in the right headspace for it, and despite your dad trying to convince you to go, you refused. That was when the guilt sunk in. Why should you get to go on with your life, have new experiences when your mom would never have that opportunity again? 
Your dad withdrew into himself too, the two of you didn't talk and when you did it was to fight and argue, both unable to handle your grief.
You needed to get away, and planned to go to Dallas for a new start. That didn't pan out, so you headed to Austin instead, with a renewed determination to start over. And you did, you got yourself a place to stay, a job in a bar, and started getting back on your feet. Over time you got your own apartment and started working in a hair salon, doing basic jobs at first before deciding to professionally train.
After about six months you had gotten in contact with your dad again. It started slow, occasional phone calls or letters, then you visited one Christmas. You weren't super close, but he was the only other person in the world who loved your mom as much as you did, your tether to her. Then, a year or so ago, just when you had thought you were starting to really build a solid bond with your dad, he went quiet. Barely any calls, wouldn't let you visit. 
You feared the worst when two months went by with no contact. The neighbors would have contacted you, you knew, but you still worried. Then you got a call from a stranger, who turned out to be your dad's nurse. She explained that he hadn't wanted you to worry, sympathizing when you said you only worried more if he was silent. There was a knot in your stomach when you asked what was wrong, trying not to imagine your dad slowly wasting away in front of you or losing his memories of your mother and you. 
When the nurse informed you that your father had rheumatoid arthritis, the knot in your stomach loosened, but only slightly. You learned that the nurse could only visit your father three times a week, and his insurance didn't cover more care. So, you took the decision to give up your life in Austin and head back home to look after your dad. 
The sun was just beginning to set when you drove down the familiar road, passing the few neighbors' houses. You turned eventually, heading down the long driveway. Your heart thudded as you spotted the large garage, dozens of cars dotted about in the yard. None of them had been worked on for a long while, you suspected, the owners no doubt not pushing for a quick return.
You drove up to the house, taking a deep breath as you parked your truck. You only took one suitcase up to the door with you, deciding to get the rest of your stuff later. Pushing the doorbell, you took a step back and glanced at the light blue bird feeder hanging by the door. Your mom would sit on the porch for hours and watch birds come and go, she always looked so peaceful when she did.
A few moments later, the door opened and revealed your father on the other side. Neither of you said anything, neither of you moved for a moment before you both stepped forward and wrapped your arms around each other. 
“You didn't have to come,” Your father murmured, holding you close. “I'm fine.”
“I know you are,” You nodded, gently rubbing his back. “I wanted to come. Now let me get my things inside, I want this unpacking out of the way.”
Once you had taken your things up to your old bedroom and unpacked, you sat on the end of the bed for a moment. It had been a while since you'd visited, but you got the same feeling you did every time. The memories came back full force, from playing with barbies with your best friend to sneaking a boy in through your window late at night. The teddy bears, posters of bands and trophies had been put into storage but the bedsheets were the same ones you'd had as a teenager. There was still a cork board above the desk with faded concert tickets, photos and birthday cards pinned to it.
You made your way downstairs, finding your dad in the living room and letting him know you'd make dinner. It was easy, moving through the kitchen again. Every time you'd visited the muscle memory came back. It always stung a little that your mom wasn't there, singing along to the radio as she chopped vegetables, the knife moving in rhythm. She always made up her own lyrics when she couldn't remember the real ones, her version always stuck in your head when you heard the songs again.
Once dinner was ready, you brought the plate to your dad on a tray in the living room. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, the way he struggled with his knife. He didn't ask for help and you waited until he set his cutlery down in frustration before you quietly got up and cut up his dinner for him.
It was only when you were laying in bed later that night that you realized that things like that would be your life from now on. Parents look after their children, then children look after their parents years and years later. It felt too soon to be looking after your dad. He wasn't even retired yet, you weren't even thirty yet. But, life doesn't always go to plan.
In the morning, you thought you were dreaming when you woke up. It took a minute to adjust, to remind yourself you weren't just visiting. There was nowhere else to call home anymore. You took a shower and got dressed before making breakfast, having more small talk with your father. You noticed his shirt wasn't quite buttoned right but elected to ignore it. 
“I'm gonna take a walk,” Your father informed you after breakfast. “the air is fre-”
“Freshest this time of day,” You smiled, giving him a nod. “I remember. I'm gonna clean up, is Carla coming today?”
“Tomorrow,” Your father replied, clearing his throat. “She comes on different days each week. She covers a big area.”
“I see,” You nodded, watching your father for a moment before clearing the plates. “Well I got this under control. Enjoy your walk.”
Once you'd cleaned the kitchen, you decided to do the rest of the house too. It wasn't bad, just needed a little sprucing up. When you got to your dad's bedroom you took a breath before walking in. Your mom's things weren't there anymore, they had been put away into storage, but her presence was still there.  As you made the bed you thought about all the times you'd climbed into your parents bed after a nightmare, the birthdays and mother's days you'd take your mom a tray, feeling so proud when she told you she loved it.
When you were vacuuming, you glanced out the window and spotted a figure heading into the garage, unable to make them out clearly. You made your way out of the house and over to the garage, the air already feeling hot. 
“Hello?” You called, holding your hand over your forehead to shield your eyes as you turned into the garage. “Can I..”
You let out a sigh as you spotted your father leaning over the hood of a truck, lowering your arm.
“Dad, what are you doing?” You asked, walking over and folding your arms. “You told me you were taking a walk.”
“I was,” Your dad nodded, looking over to you as he gestured to the truck. “Then I remembered I had this sitting in here. I gotta get it back by tomorrow, Ed’s gonna need it.”
You took a deep breath, slowly lowering your arms and stepping closer to the truck. 
“If it really needs to be fixed by tomorrow, then let me do it.”
“Let you do it?” Your father repeated, a concerned look on his face. “I couldn't ask you to do that.”
“Then good thing you're not asking,” You smiled. I'm a little rusty but you can just give some guidance if I'm going wrong. I didn't spend half my teen years here for nothing.”
“Well, if you're up for it,” Your father nodded, taking a step back. “Give it a whack.”
An hour or so later, you popped the key in the ignition and let out a cheer when the truck started. Your dad stood up from where he'd been sitting, walking over to the window.
“Well look at that,” He smiled, opening the car door for you. “You never lost it.”
“Apparently not,” You grinned, turning off the ignition. “I can drop this over to Ed, if you want?”
“If you want,” Your dad nodded, looking down at his shirt and frowning slightly before looking back to you. “You'd be doing me a favor really. He said he wasn't in a rush but..I don't want to delay him.”
“Okay, I'll drop it over,” You nodded. “I'll pick something up for dinner, too. Do you need anything else?”
Your dad thought for a moment before shaking his head and gently patting the door of the truck. 
“I'm all good. I'll let you get off.”
“Alright, I'll see you later.” You smiled, closing the door and starting up the truck. You presumed Ed lived exactly where he always had, and honestly you were a little amazed he was still alive. When you were a child he was about a hundred years old, god only knew what miracle was keeping his heart ticking.
When you were out on the road, you lowered the windows and turned on the radio, enjoying the fresh air as you sang along to the music.
‘So smile for a while and let's be jolly, love shouldn't so melancholy, come along and share the good times while we can..’
When you arrived in town, you drove to Eds's first, parking up outside and looking up at his house. The place hadn't changed in probably 50 years, not so much as a paint job. You took the keys and headed to the front door, pushing the door bell before taking a step back.
After a few minutes, a woman you didn't recognise opened the door and you wondered if you'd somehow gotten the wrong house. She certainly didn't resemble Ed, with her kind eyes, warm smile and curly brown hair. Ed looked like Mr. Magoo on a bad day.
“Hi,” You smiled, gesturing over your shoulder to Eds's truck. “I'm looking for Ed Hicks, I'm dropping off his truck.”
“That thing,” The woman rolled her eyes with a smile. “He shouldn't even be driving it, yet he still gets it dropped for repairs. Come on in darling, he's here.”
You followed the woman inside, heading into a living room that looked like it should have been in a shack in the woods. In the corner, Ed was sitting on an armchair watching the TV, looking exactly as you'd remembered him.
“You got a visitor Ed,” The woman told Ed, raising her voice. “This young lady has come to drop your truck back. Don't tell me you've been driving again?”
“Nope, cross my heart,” Ed patted his chest before looking over to you. His eyes were so pale you were amazed he could see you but he recognised you right away.
“You back at your daddy's then?” Ed asked once you'd walked over and shaken his hand, giving him a nod.
“Yes, I am,” You told him. “He was busy so I thought I'd drop your truck back, needed to head into town anyway. How have you been, Mr. Hicks?”
“Oh you know me,” Ed shrugged, looking back to the TV. “I get by. Still waiting for this one to marry me though,” He gestured to the woman. “any day now.”
The woman laughed affectionately as she shook her head. 
“Stop it you, you old charmer. Now I need to get going, you need anything else?”
“I'm all good, you get yourself gone,” Ed waved his hand. “I got my stories.”
You said your goodbyes and left the house with the woman, turning to her as she closed the door.
“I know this sounds a little strange, but your voice is really familiar,” You raised a brow. “Have we met?”
The woman looked at you for a moment before nodding and smiling, folding her arms.
“I was thinking the same thing, we most certainly talked recently. I'm Carla, I'm a nurse, I do a lot of home visits around here.”
“Carla..of course,” You smiled. “I think you look after my dad?” You gave her the details and noticed her face lit up a little as she nodded.
“I certainly do,” She smiled. “So you must be the daughter he's so proud of,” She grinned. “You know I gotta say, it is really admirable what you're doing. If I could, I'd be out at your dad's more but..I can just about manage to hold onto the days I do have.”
The two of you walked down the porch steps and towards the curb, stopping by a little red car.
“You need a ride somewhere?” Carla asked, opening her purse and taking our her keys. “I've got another visit but I can take you somewhere if you need.”
“I just need to go to the supermarket, if that's okay?” You asked, deciding to worry about getting home later. 
“Of course,” Carla nodded, unlocking her car. “Hop on in.”
You got in the car and put on your seat belt, looking over to Carla as she started the engine.
“Can I ask you something, if you don't mind?”
“Of course you can honey,” Carla smiled, looking over to you before looking back and pulling away from the curb. “What's on your mind?”
You looked out the window, taking a deep breath. 
“My dad..it's bad, isn't it? His condition? Like..I know a lot of people function just fine with arthritis but I've noticed little things he can't do anymore.”
Carla let out a soft sigh, her hand gently touching your arm.
“I won't lie to you darling, your dad's arthritis is severe, in fact..the hospital wants to run more tests just in case he might be developing Parkinson's. You came at a good time, he's going to need the extra help.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the world outside the window. “I think I did. It just feels..strange. How do you do it every day? Look after people, see them become frail in front of you?”
“Well I love my work,” Carla replied, gently squeezing your arm before letting go. “It feels like I'm making a difference. You'll get that feeling, it just takes time. And your dad isn't so frail, he just needs more time to accept his limitations. It hasn't been easy on him.”
“I know,” You nodded, looking over to Carla. “I'm sorry I haven't been around much, but I'm glad you've been looking after him. He can be a little stubborn about accepting help but I hope he hasn't been too difficult.”
“He's been a dream,” Carla smiled. “I know that he's frustrated that he can't do all the things he used to, but he's getting a little better at accepting it every day. The hardest part seems to be work. He keeps telling me he's gonna get back out to the yard and fix up all the trucks but..it's just not possible.”
You nodded before looking back out the window, the familiar sights flashing by. 
“I found him by Eds's truck this morning, I told him I'd do it and let him tell me what to do but..I could tell he wanted to be doing it himself.”
“Well that's not a bad thing,” Carla looked over to you. “He may not be able to work himself but if he feels like he's contributing then that might ease the disappointment. Are you a mechanic yourself?”
You smiled to yourself as you shook your head, glancing over to Carla.
“No, I'm a hairdresser. I used to help my dad out in the yard when I was a teenager, picked up some things. I never really thought of it as a job, more just a hobby.”
“Hobby or not,” Carla raised a brow, gently touching your arm. “Might be something to think about. Is here okay to drop you off hun?”
“Perfect,” You nodded, glancing at the window. “Thank you so much.”
“Anytime,” Carla smiled. “I'll be out at yours tomorrow, see you then.”
The afternoon passed by quick enough, you got a coffee in the diner, made small talk with people you knew in another life,  went to the supermarket, bumped into one of the neighbors who offered you a ride home. It was like you'd never left, the familiarity sinking into your bones.
Your dad was watching TV when you got home, a sight you never thought you'd see on a warm afternoon. You made your way to the kitchen, trying to ignore the knot in your stomach as you unpacked the groceries and started preparing dinner. You turned the radio on, humming along to the music as you moved about the kitchen with ease. When you were plating up dinner, you felt the knot in your stomach tighten as you got a knife and fork to cut up your dad's food. It was spaghetti, which made it easier to disguise that it had been cut, but you knew you'd have to keep doing it.
You took the plates into the living room, placing a tray on your dad's lap before sitting down yourself. 
“How was town?” Your dad asked, picking up his fork and glancing over to you. “Anybody about?”
“A couple,” You nodded, dipping your fork into your pasta and pushing it around a little. “Nobody too exciting.”
“Ah, never is,” Your dad shrugged, looking back to the TV. “Oh turn up the volume, the match is coming on.”
You reached for the remote, raising the volume and glancing over to your dad.
“What match?”
“Wrestling,” Your dad explained, pointing to the TV. “David's making his debut tonight. Should be a good one.”
“Oh,” You raised a brow, looking back to the TV. “I didn't know he was getting into wrestling..does Kevin still do it?”
“Sure does,” Your dad nodded. “He's good too. Reckon he'll be even better now with his brother on side.”
You sat back a little, your eyes watching the screen as the presenter explained the upcoming bout. When it cut to a reporter standing with Kevin and David Von Erich, you couldn't help but smile. They looked so different from when you had last seen them, but they still had that familiarity, a boyish charm. 
When David looked down the camera lens and gave a warning to the opponent, you bit your lip slightly, smiling to yourself as your Dad praised him. The match was fun to watch, your dad's enthusiasm made you think of how he was when you were a child, his passion and support for the things he loved shining through. The last thing you wanted was for him to lose that joy, to have things in his life that brought him happiness.
The actual wrestling didn't interest you all that much, but it was entertaining and fun to see Kevin and David show off their skills, raise their arms triumphantly when they won.
“What did I tell you? They got something special there,” Your dad looked over to you. “You know, you should pop over and visit them one of these days. They'd love to see you.”
“Maybe,” You nodded, getting up and placing your tray on the coffee table. “I have things to do so..I'll have to see when I got some time.”
You gathered up your dad's tray, taking the dishes out to the kitchen and resting them on the counter. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and tried to clear your mind, not wanting to give certain memories an outing.
You focused on cleaning the kitchen, taking your dad a beer when you went back to the living room.
“Just the one,” You smiled, sitting down on the couch. “So don't get too excited.”
“I won't,” Your dad laughed, shaking his head. Hell, even if I wanted another one I couldn't. Carla..the nurse,” He corrected himself, clearing his throat. “She can always tell. Scolds me something terrible.”
“Well she's just doing her job,” You shrugged, sitting back against the couch and smiling as you looked at your dad and noticed the slight smile on his face.
 “She means well.”
“Mm, she does.” Your dad nodded, picking up his newspaper from the arm of his chair and slowly opening it, his face particularly obscured but not enough to hide his smile. 
“Just gotta remember that sometimes.”
“I met her today, actually,” You glanced to your dad as you said it, watching as he didn't look away from the paper but didn't turn the page either. “She said she was coming by tomorrow.”
“Yeah, she will be,” Your dad nodded. “I saw it on the calendar.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, sitting back and reaching for the remote to find something new.
The next morning, you woke up naturally and stretched slowly in your bed as you glanced to the window. You had left the curtains half open, the warm sunlight filtering into the room. After taking some time to get up, you made your way downstairs and paused in the doorway of the kitchen as you spotted your father sitting at the table reading the paper. It wasn't so much what he was doing but how he looked, with his carefully gelled hair and good brown suit. His shirt was buttoned properly and you felt guilty for wondering how long it would have taken him, if you should have knocked on his door and offered help.
“Morning dad,” You raised a brow, walking over to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “You're looking snappy. Don't tell me I forgot your birthday?”
“Nah course not,” Your dad laughed softly, shaking his head. “It's just polite to dress for company.”
“Of course,” You nodded, smiling as you put on some coffee. “I'm sure company always appreciates it.” 
You watched the machine brew for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking over to your dad.
“I was thinking..maybe today I could take a look at more of those trucks in the yard.”
“Hm? Why would you want to do that?” Your dad asked, and the knot in your stomach returned as you went to put on some toast. 
“Because,” You began, popping two slices of bread in the toaster. “I enjoyed it. And-” You stopped yourself from speaking the words you knew your dad didn't want to hear.
‘Because you can't anymore.’
“I need something to keep me occupied,” You continued, looking over to your dad. I'll probably only get started on one truck but I want to dust off my old skills. You didn't teach me to waste them right?
“Right,” Your dad nodded after a moment, lowering his paper. “You're right..if you want to take a look I won't stop you.” 
After breakfast you took a shower and got dressed in a simple blue sundress, glancing out the window as you heard a car approach. You smiled as you saw it was Carla's, heading out of your room and down the stairs. Your dad was in the living room, pacing back and forth a little until the doorbell rang and he rushed to answer it. 
“Morning sweetheart,” Carla smiled at your dad after he greeted her, the smile on his face wider than you'd seen for a long while. “Don't tell me I forgot your birthday?”
As Carla was running through some medical checks with your dad, you went out to the yard and made your way to the garage. You took a set of keys and found the truck it belonged to before getting into the garage. The radio was turned on, there was some shelter from the already immense heat, and you soon found yourself getting back into the swing of mechanics. A little while later you were under the hood when you heard a truck coming up the drive. You figured it would be a drop off, possibly just a courtesy one. No doubt the whole town knew about your father's condition.
When the truck door opened and closed and you heard multiple voices, you ducked out from under the hood and grabbed a cloth to wipe your hands, immediately dropping it in shock when you saw who was walking towards the garage.
“Oh my god!” You shrieked excitedly, rushing forward and wrapping your arms around Kevin Von Erich when you got close enough. He laughed and gave you a tight hug back, each of you holding each other's arms as you pulled apart.
“I can't believe it,” You grinned. “It's been..well a long time.”
“Too long,” Kevin smiled, his eyes shining. “We were so sorry not to be here for your last visit.”
You waved your hand, smiling as you looked up at Kevin. 
“Don't be silly. You big shot wrestlers have busy schedules, I get it. Caught you on the TV last night, almost couldn't believe my eyes.”
“You wouldn't be the only one!”
You laughed as Kevin turned around with a playful frown, your smile growing as you spotted Mike. You gently squeezed Kevin's arm before rushing over to Mike, his arms wrapping around you and swaying with you as you hugged him back. 
“You are not Michael Von Erich,” You teased as you pulled back, raising a brow. “you're way too grown up. Look at you!”
“Aw come on I ain't changed that much,” Mike grinned, the tips of his ears growing pink. “It's just been a minute. It's so good to see you.”
“Don't I get a hug?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, giving Mike a wink as you stepped aside and folded your arms.
“I don't know,” You shrugged, raising a brow. “You're a real big mouth hot shot wrestler now, you really need the girl next door hugging you?”
“Yes, right this second.”
“Oh yeah?” You smiled widely as you rushed forward, David's arms immediately wrapping around you and lifting you up as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
When he set you down carefully, he gave you a wink and you gave him one back, stepping back and turning to Kevin and Mike.
“What brings you all over? I know it ain't that truck.” 
The Von Erichs looked at each other for a moment before looking back at you, Kevin clearing his throat.
“Well we heard you were back in town, and..that it's more permanent this time. We were sorry to hear about your dad, hopefully he's doing okay.”
You looked at the three men in front of you for a moment, smiling as you folded your arms.
“Damn, word travels fast. Was it Ed?”
“Ed.” They chorused, making you laugh.
“Of course,” You nodded, dropping your arms. “Well I am back, and thank you,  my dad's doing well. He's got his nurse with him today so..all good.”
“Hope it's not rude to ask if you want to come over for dinner some time?” Mike asked, resting his hands in his back pockets. “and your dad, of course. Mom keeps insisting.”
“So I really can't say no then,” You smiled. “That would be great, really.”
“Perfect,” David grinned, walking over to you and slinging his arm around your shoulder. “Knew you couldn't resist.”
“How could I,” You grinned, resting your hand on David's back. “I've had your mom's cooking before.”
“Amen to that,” David grinned. “Listen, what are you up to later?”
“You tell me,” You raised a brow, looking up at David with a grin. “Do I need to cancel my plans?”
“Absolutely,” David nodded, looking serious for a moment before grinning. “I'm taking you out for a burger, we're catching up properly.”
So, a few hours and one fixed up transmission later, you took another quick shower before changing into a clean t-shirt and jeans. Your dad was in an extremely chipper mood after Carla's visit, and you promised him you would be back in time to make dinner.
When David pulled up outside the house in his truck you felt like a teenager again, skipping down the porch steps and getting in beside him.
“Right on time,” You grinned, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “That a new habit?”
“Not the only one,” David grinned, turning the truck around and heading down the driveway. “You hungry?”
“Starving,” You nodded, sitting back and turning up the radio a little, singing along under your breath.
‘Go lightly from the ledge, babe, go lightly on the ground, I'm not the one you want, babe, I'll only let you down..’
You smiled as David turned up the radio, the two of you singing together as he drove towards town.
‘You say you're looking for someone, who'll promise never to part, someone to close his eyes to you, someone to close his heart, someone to die for you and more, but it ain't me, babe, no, no, no, it ain't me, babe, it ain't me you're looking for, babe..’
When David parked up in town, you were laughing at some silly joke he'd made, wondering if there would be any moment where you didn't feel seventeen again. You both headed into the diner, sliding into a red leather booth you'd sat in countless times in your life.
“I don't need to look at this, but it feels polite.” You plucked the menu from its metal stand and opened it, smiling as the wave of nostalgia hit you. Your mom taking you for a milkshake after school, hanging out with friends, one order of fries between six of you, and of course being there with the boys next door. 
“I don't think you can beat a cheeseburger,” David grinned, sitting back and tilting his head slightly as he watched you read the menu. “I mean why would you not want a classic?”
“To be adventurous,” You teased, putting your menu back. “Try something other than a cheeseburger, chili fries and a coke. Unless you updated your order since we were last here?”
“Hey I know what I like,” David grinned, giving you a wink. “And like you ain't gonna order a chili dog and a strawberry shake.”
“Why would you not want a classic?” You grinned, laughing as David rolled his eyes playfully.
“Fair enough,” He nodded, glancing around the diner and sitting up a little. You were about to say something when two girls appeared at your table, probably just about twenty one. They blushed as they asked David for an autograph, giggling when he winked at them, handing back the flowery notebook. 
“You're really famous now,” You grinned, gesturing to where the girls had stood. “you'll have a fan club next.”
“You could be the president of it,” David smiled, resting his arm along the back of his seat. “Give out all the buttons with my face on them.”
“Wow, you haven't thought about this at all, huh?” You teased, sitting up a little as the waitress came over. You both ordered your classics, choosing to let it slide.
“Oh you know who I met yesterday?” You raised a brow, looking over to David. “Nancy Moss, who apparently still hates my guts even though I ain't seen her since high school.”
“She hates you?” David raised a brow. “Nah, she never hated you.”
You shook your head, sitting back and holding your hands up. “She did, and still does.”
“I don't get it,” David frowned. “Why would she hate you?”
"Because of you," You grinned, pointing over to him. "I think she was jealous."
David looked surprised, glancing around for a moment before leaning on the table and meeting your eyes. 
"Jealous? Of what? It's not like you and I ever dated. Not.." He cleared his throat, looking a little embarrassed in an endearing way. “not technically, anyway.."
"I think that annoyed her more," You shrugged, resting your arms on the table. "We weren't a couple but I got to ride around in your truck, I was always at your house, you were sneaking into my bedroom at night.."
"You were the one sneaking me in," David held up his hand with a grin. "how would she even know about that anyway?"
You shrugged with a smile, resting your hand on your cheek. "I may have said some things that she overheard, not my fault if she was eavesdropping."
“Oh I see,” David grinned, sitting back and gesturing to himself. “Bragging about me huh? Can't say I blame you.”
“In your dreams,” You rolled your eyes with a grin, sitting up as the waitress brought your drinks. You thanked her before sliding your glass closer, lightly swirling the straw in the thick pink liquid.
“How are your parents by the way?” You asked, taking a sip of your milkshake.
“They're good,” David nodded, clearing his throat and sliding his glass closer. “Thanks. We're all good. You should definitely come by, they'd love to see you.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, lifting your straw and slowly dropping it, taking a deep breath. “I'll definitely try and drop by.”
“Good,” David nodded, taking a sip of his drink before leaning a little closer and reaching out to touch your arm. “Oh you know what? You should come to the Sportatorium on Saturday night, bring your dad. We got a big match coming up.”
“That I can't object to,” You smiled, meeting David's eyes. “My dad will be beside himself with excitement.”
“That's great,” David. “So will you be when you see me do my thing.”
“Oh I've seen your thing many times,” You raised a brow with a smile. “Hope it's as good as I remember.”
When you arrived back home, you felt like you were riding on a high. The afternoon had been easy and fun, you couldn't remember when you had laughed so much. You said goodbye to David and went inside the house, finding your dad in the living room reading the evening paper.
“Hey,” You smiled, walking in and sitting down on the couch. “How was your day?”
“Hey darlin’,” Your dad smiled, setting the paper down in his lap. “It was alright, Carla left that for you,” He gestured to a white envelope on the coffee table. “tried to sweet talk her into letting me read it myself but my charms need some polishing I guess.”
“I'll get you a cloth,” You laughed softly, leaning forward to pick up the envelope. “I don't know why she'd leave me something.”
“I don't either,” Your dad sighed, looking down at his paper. “Anyway, how was your date?”
“Date? It wasn't a date,” You grinned, opening the envelope. “Just two old friends catching up.”
You peeled open the envelope and took out the letter inside, your heart sinking a little when you heard your dad mutter ‘that's right, it was the other one.’
“Oh this is nothing, just her contact details in case of an emergency,” You smiled, folding the paper back up. “I'm gonna freshen up then start dinner.”
“Alright sweetheart, take your time.” Your dad nodded, picking his paper back up as you left the room, holding the envelope to your chest.
You made your way upstairs, heading into your bedroom and sitting on the end of your bed. Taking a moment, you let out a breath before taking the letter back out from the envelope. Technically you hadn't lied, Carla's details were indeed on the letter, just written above the rest of it. As it turned out, your father would have to be taken into hospital the following week for some tests, and Carla felt (accurately) it would be better to tell him closer to the time, but didn't want you to be surprised. 
Once you had carefully folded the letter back up and hidden it in your room, you went to the bathroom and splashed some water on your face, trying to push the thought of hospitals from your mind.
A couple of hours later, you placed a tray on your father's lap and sat down on the couch, looking over to the TV. 
“Oh I forgot to say, I got some invites for you,” You smiled. “David invited us next door for dinner, and he's gonna get us tickets for the match next Saturday.”
“You're kidding?” Your dad held the remote in mid air as he looked over to you. “In the Sportatorium? Well, I'll be damned. You thank that boy for me won't you? I can't believe it. Oh just wait til I tell Earl.”
You laughed softly, picking up your own tray from the coffee table and setting it on your lap.
“I wasn't sure about dinner at theirs,” You began, taking a breath. “We don't have to go if you don't want.”
“Don't be silly,” Your dad looked over to you, setting the remote on the arm of his armchair. “Of course we can go. Fritz and Doris are old friends, and good neighbors. Why wouldn't we..” He stopped himself, looking back to the TV and letting out a sigh, his hand moving to his neck. 
“I uh..I believe not all the boys still live at home. Some of ‘em went off, training..”
“I see,” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the TV and trying to keep your heartbeat steady. “In that case I'll tell David we'd be delighted.”
The week seemed to pass slowly, not that you objected. You spent most days out in the garage working on the various cars and trucks, finding yourself enjoying it more and more. Sometimes your dad would come out and give you instructions you didn't need, but followed anyway. You cooked, cleaned, made sure your dad had his good clothes for when Carla visited. You watched his eyes light up when she laughed at his corny jokes. She called you sweetheart and thanked you at least three times for a cup of coffee. You went into town, you noticed people stopped asking how long you were visiting for. Everyone sent their regards to your father.
One evening you and your dad visited the Von Erichs for dinner. It felt like old times instantly, your dad and Fritz putting the world to rights while Doris insisted you didn't need to help with the dishes but gave you all the gossip when you did. Kevin told you about a girl he was seeing, and you already couldn't wait to meet her. Mike invited you to a gig, and you promised you'd go. David constantly took the seat next you and made you laugh so much you ached. 
The evening after, you had gone into town with Kevin and David to meet Pam, Kevin's girlfriend. You adored her instantly, the two of you clicking right away. You hadn't intended to get drunk, but you were having a good time and the drinks kept appearing and you didn't object. When one of the bars you visited was having a karaoke night, you and Pam were up on the stage before the alcohol-induced confidence could fade.
‘Look into his angel eyes, one look and you're hypnotized, he'll take your heart and you must pay the price, look into his angel eyes, you'll think you're in paradise, and one day you'll find out he wears a disguise, don't look too deep into those angel eyes’
By the time Mike came to pick you all up, you were wrapped around David to steady yourself, the world spinning on a loop. You struggled not to fall asleep on the ride home, resting your head on David's shoulder and focusing on the feeling of his hand on your shoulder.
When you got home, David took you inside to make sure you got to bed safely, your eyes closing the second your head hit the pillow.
“I had fun tonight,” You murmured softly, turning onto your side and letting out a sigh. “tell me ‘m fun.”
David laughed softly beside you, his hand gently touching your hair. “You're very fun. And a heck of a lot more.”
“Yeah?” You sighed softly, pulling the blanket up a little. “Then..then why wasn't I enough for him?”
“Hey,” David’s voice was soft and made you want to sleep. “don't be worrying about all that, you hear me? That's all over now. It was all just..a misunderstanding. You need to get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow.”
By the time Saturday came around, you were feeling pretty good, greeting your dad when you went into the kitchen for breakfast. You could have sworn he hid some of his paper but couldn't be sure, there was no reason for him to. You moved about the kitchen getting breakfast ready, unable to shake the feeling your dad was hiding something. 
You waited until he went to get dressed, looking under the table and finding a slightly scrunched up piece of newspaper on the floor. You picked it up and smoothed it out, trying to see what would be so offensive. Heatwave incoming, American athletes to withdraw from the Olympics, Cowboys win game, nothing to write home about. You left the paper back where you found it before cleaning up the kitchen, your suspicions melting away.
The evening came around quick, and you were looking forward to seeing the match. Your dad seemed a little quiet, to your surprise. He'd been so excited all week, now when it was time to go he didn't seem as enthusiastic. You didn't push it, especially when he didn't say anything about it. 
The Sportatorium was already bustling with activity when you got there and parked up, feeling excited for the night ahead. You went in with your dad, finding your seats and smiling when he seemed to relax more.
It was halfway through the match when you saw him.
At first you thought you were just seeing things, imagining it. Imagining him.
But he was there, sitting in the front row with Mike, cheering on his brothers.
You felt your heart sink into your stomach, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. You could hear your dad cheer beside you, the crowd going wild as a body slammed down on the mat. 
You watched the rest of the match and refused to look anywhere else but the ring, wanting to run away more than anything. 
When the match ended, you told your dad you weren't feeling well, needing to get out of the arena as quickly as possible. You felt like you couldn't breathe until you got into your truck, wanting to crawl into your bed and forget the world. 
Your dad gave an enthusiastic debrief on the way back home, and you felt guilty for not sharing his excitement. When you got home you went up to your room and leaned against the door for a moment. You felt sick, your heart pounding in your chest. After getting ready for bed, you opened up the wooden chest at the end of your bed, rooting through it and eventually pulling out your last high school yearbook. 
Taking it into bed, you opened the book and looked through the photos of your old classmates, smiling at some of the quotes, laughing at the others. You flipped to the back of the book, where your friends had written messages on the white pages. You traced your finger over them, smiling to yourself until you found it.
There it was, in black and white. 
‘I love you now & always, can't wait to spend forever with you ❤️ KVE’
“Fucking liar.” You muttered, slamming the book shut and flinging it down to the end of your bed. 
The following morning you didn't want to leave your bed, a restless night leaving you exhausted. You reluctantly got up and got ready, already dreading what was to come. You went downstairs and met your dad in the kitchen, the two of you heading out to your truck.
“I know you hid something from me,” You told your dad as you started your truck. “I wasn't sure why at first but now I know. And I'm grateful, but I can't avoid him forever. He's back, I saw him last night. He's going to be there today, and we will talk to him because we are good neighbors, and I don't want to embarrass you by causing a scene.”
Your dad was quiet for a moment, and you could feel your heart racing. Eventually, he silently reached out and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I'm proud of you sweetheart, always will be,” He murmured softly. “You can do this.”
When you got to church, you wanted to be anywhere else, especially when you spotted David's truck. You walked into the building with your dad, putting on a smile and making your way up the aisle. You spotted the Von Erichs right away, giving them a polite nod as you walked by, feeling your stomach drop as you realized the only free seats were in front of them. Your dad walked down the pew first, your heart racing as you felt eyes on you. You sat down, almost anticipating a hand on your shoulder, blue eyes burning into yours. 
The service seemed to last forever, you wanted desperately to just turn and run, feeling trapped like a deer in headlights. When the reverend finally ended his sermon, you followed your dad outside and made polite conversation after polite conversation. Eventually you couldn't put it off anymore, and you found yourself with the Von Erichs. You felt like they were all looking at you like you were about to attack, electing to put on your brightest smile and stepping closer to Kerry.
“Well hey stranger,” You gave him a hug, feeling him hesitate for a moment before he hugged you back and the familiarity could have killed you. “It's so good to see you again.”
You pulled away, taking a step back as your dad greeted Kerry, your hand hammering in your chest. David gave you a reassuring smile and Kevin subtly squeezed your arm. After some small talk, you made your way to your truck with your dad. Neither of you said a word until you were back home and in the kitchen. You'd gone to put on some coffee and burst into tears.
Your dad immediately wrapped his arms around you, stroking your back and holding you close. 
“It's okay darlin’,” He murmured, letting out a sigh. “Your mama wasn't shy with the truth, and you know how she knew things about us we didn't even know? She knew all about you. She told me, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.”
“It's okay,” You whispered, pulling back and wiping away your tears. “It was a long time ago. I just..I just want to forget about it.”
“Alright darlin’,” Your dad nodded, letting out a sigh. “Come on, you need some rest.” 
He refused to listen to your protests, taking you to the living room and draping a blanket over you as you got on the couch. You wanted to insist you were fine but all you could do was wrap the blanket around yourself and close your eyes. 
You were dimly aware of noises around you, your dad reading the paper, the radio playing in the background. A dog barking in the distance. At one point, just as you were drifting between sleep and wakefulness, you could have sworn you heard voices in the hallway. 
‘Please sir, I just need to talk to her.”
‘It's not a good time right now.’
The next day, you went out to the garage after breakfast and focused on fixing things you could salvage. Your dad hadn't confirmed your suspicions there had been a visitor the day before, and you didn't ask. Part of you wanted it to be true, and you hated yourself for that desire.
The sun was high in the sky when you heard footsteps approaching, reaching for a clean rag to clean your hands.
“Almost done, I'll be in to make lunch in a second.”
You took a deep breath as you heard the voice, clutching the rag in your hands before turning and seeing Kerry standing at the entrance to the garage.
“Why didn't you just drive over?” You asked, tossing the rag aside and walking back to the truck in the middle of the garage. 
“I wanted some fresh air.”
“Well now that you've had it you can go home,” You sighed, feeling your hands tremble slightly. “Sorry to make you waste a trip.”
“I'm not going anywhere,” Kerry told you, walking closer. “I need to talk to you.”
“Who says I want to talk to you?” You sighed, keeping your eyes on the engine. 
“Please just let me explain,” Kerry sighed. “You see, I-”
“Explain what?” You interrupted, stepping back and looking over to Kerry. “That you're sorry? You never meant to hurt me, you wish you could take it back, you've lived in regret, blah blah blah. Bullshit. Save your breath.”
Kerry was silent for a moment, keeping his eyes on you before he looked away and nodded.
“I understand that you're upset, but-”
“Oh, you understand,” You scoffed, placing your hands over your heart. “That makes me feel so much better, you understand. If you understood then you wouldn't have done what you did. You never even gave me an answer, you know that? One minute we're planning our future, you're telling me you love me, we're forever, we're going to start a new life. The next minute I'm standing right here waiting for you and you never show. Then I hear you're gone. You're with her and you're heading off to start a future with her. How the fuck could you possibly understand how I feel?”
“David,” Kerry replied. His tone was soft but there was a hardness in his eyes. “That is how I understand. I thought that was all over between you, then I heard you two got back together after our graduation. I took it as you choosing him over me, I had to protect myself.”
“Am I seriously hearing this?” You laughed, shaking your head. “Some idiot told you I was with David and you just believed it?”
“Can you blame me?” Kerry muttered. “Not like you didn't have previous. I wasn't gonna sit around waiting for you again.”
You felt something inside you snapped, and you stormed over to Kerry with a fire in your eyes.
“How dare you say that to me?!” You snapped. “As if you ever sat around waiting for me, don't make me laugh. I was the one sitting around waiting for you to open your eyes.”
“Oh yeah?” Kerry frowned, his voice raising slightly as he stepped forward, his tone growing harsh. “Was this before or after you fucked my brother?”
You took a deep breath, holding Kerry's gaze. 
“Don't you dare, Kerry Von Erich, throw that in my face. You never fucked anyone? Not my best friend, not every girl that was throwing herself at you? And not that it's any of your fucking business,” You held your hand up. “But the only reason David and I started doing anything was because you had stood me up again and he was consoling me. I have been in love with you since I was thirteen years old, and I thought I was destined to be your friend forever. If I couldn't have you then David was the next best thing. But I couldn't officially date him because I knew you'd never want me then. Then I did get you, I finally fucking got you and you saw me, and I..” 
You stopped yourself as you felt tears welling up, trying to push them away. 
“I couldn't believe my luck, I wanted to believe that we could be together forever, you made me feel so loved and so safe and happy then you just ripped it all away. I..I can't deal with this,”
You stormed past Kerry, the tears fully flowing. He called after you, tried to grab your arm but you pulled it away. You could hear him following you, trying to talk to you. You blocked it out, heading up the porch and into the house. Heading into the kitchen, you got yourself a glass of water and tried to calm yourself down.
“Please just let me explain,” Kerry pleaded behind you, fresh tears welling up in your eyes. “I swear I never meant to hurt you.”
You set your glass down, turning around and taking a deep breath. 
“I don't believe that. If you didn't want to hurt me you would have just left, but you left with someone else. You left with my best fucking friend, so don't tell me you didn't want to hurt me.”
You walked past him, heading to the living room and freezing on the spot when you got there. 
“It's not what you think,” Kerry sighed as he approached. “I can explain if you-”
He looked at you before following your gaze.
You felt like time stood still as you ran across the living room and dropped to your knees, your dad lying unconscious on the floor.
“Dad,” You gently shook his shoulder. “Dad it's me, wake up. Come on, wake up now..”
You felt panic set in as he didn't respond, holding your hand to his hot forehead. 
“Dad..please wake up, you're not leaving me. Come on..”
A few minutes later, Kerry appeared by your side, dropping to his knees beside you.
“I called an ambulance, they're on the way,” He explained, gently touching your back. “He's going to be okay, don't you worry.”
“How can you know that,” You murmured, closing your eyes as more tears filled your eyes. “What if I've lost him too?”
“Hey, don't say that,” Kerry wrapped his arms around you and you didn't object, sobbing into his chest. “He's going to be fine,” Kerry whispered, stroking your back. “It's not his time yet, you got him for a whole while longer.”
“I'm still mad at you, you know,” You muttered, taking a shaky breath. “But thank you.”
Everything seemed to happen in a blur. You only remembered clinging to Kerry as paramedics came into the house and got your dad into the ambulance. You held his hand on the ride to the hospital, your head buried in Kerry's shoulder. 
Being back in the hospital waiting room felt like a nightmare. You wanted to be anywhere else, wanted to run away from it all. When Kerry went to get some coffee you wanted to beg him not to leave, but couldn't. When he came back you accepted the coffee with a grateful nod.
“I think we should talk,” You sighed softly, looking over to him. “I don't need another thing hanging over my head. So..just tell me why you left?”
Kerry looked down at his cup for a moment before looking back at you and giving you a nod.
“Alright  let's get this out there. I know that I wasn't perfect, far from it. I swear to you that I had no idea how you felt about me, if I had even suspected you saw me as something other than a friend then..”
He shook his head, laughing softly.
“I wouldn't have been such an idiot. I was crazy about you but I thought you saw me as more like a brother. So I thought I should just date anyone else, try and get over you. Then you and David started hanging out more and I really thought you weren't interested in me. So I just wanted anyone else as a distraction, I was so angry at David for stealing you even though you weren't mine to steal. I would hear you laughing in his room and it would kill me, I just wanted to know why you chose him over me.”
You took a sip of coffee, your heart aching in your chest. After a moment of silence you took a deep breath and looked over to Kerry.
“Why didn't you just come to me when you heard that stupid rumor that me and David were together again?”
Kerry looked up for a moment, letting out a sigh before looking back at you.
“Honestly? I didn't want to hear you confirm it. It would have killed me. I shouldn't have believed it, but I did. I thought you had realized I wasn't good enough for you and I just wanted to get away. So when the opportunity came up I took it.”
You wrapped your hands around your cup, letting out a soft sigh.
“And my best friend?”
Kerry shook his head, clearing his throat. 
“That wasn't anything. We fooled around a little at a party. I was just desperate to get the thought of you being with David out of my mind. She asked if she could come with me when I was leaving but we went our separate ways when we got there.”
You went to reply but stopped when a doctor walked towards you. You reached your hand out to touch Kerry's, hesitating for a moment before he took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
As it turned out, your dad was indeed going to be fine. He had suffered a minor heart attack, and while he was to be kept overnight for observation, he would make a full recovery.
“Don't say I told you so.” You looked over to Kerry when the doctor left. 
“Never would,” Kerry held his hand over his heart. “I promise.”
You took a deep breath, looking up for a moment.
“I should go see him. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to.”
“Go on,” Kerry smiled softly. “I'll be here.”
You made your way to your dad's ward, finding his bed and letting out a shaky breath when you saw him. He was still with you, still breathing. You sat down beside the bed, touching his hand.
“Thought you were gonna leave me too,” You murmured softly, watching his chest rise and fall slowly. “I would have brought you back to life and killed you again for doing that to me. I should've known you'd pull through, you're too stubborn to go this soon, right? And you got a lot more to pack into this life. Asking Carla out, for one. You think she's going to be won over by the jokes? You need to woo her, she'd be good for you.”
You stood up, stepping closer to the bed.
“I'm gonna be right back here in the morning, okay? You're in safe hands. I love you so much.”
You leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead before pulling back with a smile and heading back to the waiting room. Kerry was still waiting for you, and you tried not to feel too pleased about it. 
“I think I'm gonna head home,” You sighed softly, sitting back down beside Kerry. “I'll come back in the morning, I don't really want to spend the night trying to sleep in one of these chairs.”
“Fair enough,” Kerry nodded. “I can call Kev, get him to give you a ride home.”
“Okay,” You nodded. “Thank you.”
“And by home I mean our home,” Kerry took your hand. “You think I'm gonna let you spend the night alone in your place then you got another thing coming.”
Any urge to protest faded away, you nodded and watched Kerry go to phone Kevin to pick you up. You let out a breath, looking up for a moment before smiling to yourself. 
As it turned out, it was exactly what you needed. Kevin came to pick you up, and very kindly agreed not to tell anyone about your dad. He brought you back to the Von Erich household and any fear you had about things being awkward melted away when Kerry and David seemed to be on perfectly normal terms with each other. 
The boys played football and you cheered them on, feeling a lightness settle over you. When Kerry and Mike won they grabbed you and lifted you up like a trophy, your laughter filling the air as the sun dipped lower in the sky. 
You ate dinner and helped Doris with the dishes and sat half on Kerry's lap when you all watched TV, his arm around your waist. You felt as if the last few years hadn't happened, you were back where you'd always felt happiest.
When the time came to go to bed, you insisted Mike didn't need to give up his bed for you, feeling guilty when he insisted he would. You wouldn't sleep anyway, knowing Kerry was in the bed across the room. You stared up at the ceiling for a while for a while before throwing the blanket off and getting up.
You padded across the room before you found yourself standing by Kerry's bed. He was awake too, looking up at the ceiling before he turned and his eyes met yours, the light of the moon making them seem even more blue.
“Can I get in?” You asked, smiling a little as Kerry immediately moved over and pulled the blanket back for you.
“Couldn't sleep either?”
“No,” You sighed softly, getting into the bed and laying down with your back to Kerry. He moved the blanket over you and kept his hand by your shoulder for a moment before pulling it back.
“Today was..a lot. Just feel like I need to come back down to earth.”
“I get you,” Kerry murmured softly. “Sometimes you just need something familiar.” 
“Well this certainly is,” You raised a brow, smiling as you felt Kerry's hand near your waist. You reached down and pulled his arm around you, relaxing into his touch.
“I can't remember how many nights I slept in this bed.”
“Enough to make us experts at keeping quiet,” Kerry laughed softly.
“I know,” You smiled with a groan. “Oh poor Mike..did he ever find out I was sneaking in here?”
“Nah,” Kerry murmured softly, wrapping his arm around you a little tighter. “Sometimes in the morning he'd ask if I got up in the night or he'd tell me I talk in my sleep. I never corrected him.”
“Well I'm glad we really could keep quiet then,” You murmured softly, turning over and meeting Kerry’s eyes.
“I never said but..thank you for being there with me today. I know I didn't say the nicest things to you, and I stand by them, but..I really appreciate what you did.”
Kerry smiled and gently stroked your waist, giving you a slight shrug.
“Don't mention it, honestly. You would have done the same for me, and..no matter what happened between us I still love you, I'll always love you.”
“I'll always love you too,” You smiled softly. “We both did stupid things, we both ended up right back here. I'm sure that means something but I don't want to think about it too much right now.”
“That's okay,” Kerry smiled, letting out a breath. “It's been a long day, why don't you get some sleep.”
“I will,” You murmured softly, glancing down for a moment and taking a deep breath. “But I need to do one thing first.”
You leaned in closer, closing your eyes as your lips pressed against Kerry's. For a moment you worried he wasn't going to kiss you back, but your heart soared when he did, his arm pulling you closer.
In the morning there would be a chat about the future, you would have to bring your dad home from the hospital, carry on with normal life.
But, the night was young enough to not worry about all that, and you planned to make the most of it.
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What's The Best Way To Get From Gatwick Airport To Cambridge
When you arrive at Gatwick airport, planning for a trip to Cambridge will include arranging secure transportation. Now, before we discuss the top choice of taxi service from Gatwick Airport to Cambridge for an easy journey, let's explore other options available:
Train- It gives a fast and pleasant journey, where you can go to Cambridge station straight from the airport. Yet, there are some bothers too such as waiting for your train time in busy carriages with no privacy. When you get to the station, find a public taxi for city exploration. If your group is big in size, this might cause more stress.
Bus - It provides a low-cost choice. It takes more time, yet it might still be good compared to the train. However, getting the right bus on the same route as you require can’t be easy. Additionally, you cannot stop wherever you explore at your own pace.
Gatwick Airport To Cambridge Taxi- Flexibility At Your Fingertips:
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Which Option Is Right For You?
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byenits · 2 months
The Cost of Lice Treatment in Abu Dhabi: What You Need to Know
Dealing with a lice infestation can be daunting, and understanding the associated costs is crucial for those seeking treatment in Abu Dhabi. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the costs involved in different lice treatment options, helping you make an informed decision about an effective and affordable lice removal salon in Dubai.
Professional Lice Treatment Services
One of the most reliable ways to get rid of lice is by opting for professional lice treatment services. These services typically involve trained specialists who use specialized techniques and products to eliminate lice. Here are the cost considerations for professional treatments:
Initial Consultation Fee: Most professional lice treatment centers charge an initial consultation fee ranging from AED 100 to AED 200. This fee usually covers the assessment and diagnosis of the infestation level.
Treatment Session Costs: The cost of a single treatment session can vary widely, depending on the severity of the infestation and the length of the hair. On average, a treatment session costs between AED 300 and AED 600. Multiple sessions may be required to ensure complete eradication.
Follow-Up Visits: Follow-up visits are often recommended to check for any remaining lice or nits. These visits typically cost between AED 150 and AED 300 each.
Over-the-Counter Lice Treatments
For those seeking a more affordable option, over-the-counter (OTC) lice treatments are readily available in pharmacies across Abu Dhabi. Here are the cost factors for OTC treatments:
Lice Shampoos and Creams: The most common OTC treatments include lice shampoos and creams. Prices for these products range from AED 50 to AED 150, depending on the brand and formulation.
Lice Combs: A high-quality lice comb is essential for removing nits and lice from the hair. These combs typically cost between AED 20 and AED 60.
Home Treatment Kits: Some brands offer complete lice treatment kits that include shampoo, conditioner, and combs. These kits can cost anywhere from AED 100 to AED 250.
Natural and Home Remedies
Many people prefer natural and home remedies to treat lice due to their affordability and minimal chemical use. Here are some standard options and their costs:
Essential Oils: Essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, and eucalyptus oil are famous for their lice-repellent properties. A small bottle of essential oil costs between AED 30 and AED 100.
Vinegar and Olive Oil: Vinegar and olive oil are often used in home treatments. These kitchen staples are inexpensive, with costs ranging from AED 10 to AED 30.
DIY Treatments: Combining various household items to create DIY lice treatments can be cost-effective. Ingredients like mayonnaise, coconut oil, and garlic are commonly used, with costs totaling around AED 50 to AED 100 for a complete treatment.
Insurance Coverage and Discounts
Before proceeding with any lice treatment, it's essential to check if your health insurance covers the costs. Some insurance plans may partially or fully cover professional lice treatments, reducing out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, many professional lice treatments in Abu Dhabi offer discounts or packages for families, making treatment more affordable.
The cost of lice treatment in Abu Dhabi can vary significantly based on the method you choose. Professional treatments, while more expensive, offer thorough and reliable results. Over-the-counter products and natural remedies provide more budget-friendly options, though they may require more effort and consistency. Regardless of the method, it's essential to address a lice infestation promptly to prevent it from spreading and becoming more challenging to treat. By understanding the costs and options available, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and budget.
For more information about lice treatment options, please contact Bye Nits Salon.
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Efficient and Reliable Top Commercial Laundry Services in London for Businesses
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Like residential houses, different business places also need the help of commercial laundry services in London to maintain hygiene within those places. Hotels, restaurants, hospitals, salons, and other commercial places should maintain cleanliness. But hiring a commercial laundry cleaning service requires professionals to consider the following areas: 
Reliability: Before finalising a deal with a commercial cleaning service provider, it is necessary to check the reliability of the professional laundry service providers. They should offer all services on time, along with pick-up and delivery. A good way to understand a dry cleaner’s reliability is by reading online reviews from past customers. 
Quality: Different commercial laundry services London offer different services. You may find some dry cleaners offer washing and cleaning services at a low price, but this can compromise the quality of the services. So, while selecting commercial laundry service providers, it is necessary to ask about the quality of their work. You can ask them directly what detergent they use to wash and clean laundry items. 
Laundry Type: Do you need regular laundering of linens, towels, and uniforms, or are there particular items like flame-retardant work wear or medical scrubs? So, it is necessary to check whether the dry cleaners possess all the required knowledge of cleaning different types of items or not. 
Turnaround Time: The turnaround time is one of the most important criteria that you need to consider before hiring a professional laundry cleaner. The demand for dry cleaning companies increases depending on the turnaround time. Different providers offer varying turnaround times, so it is necessary to choose one that supports your operational needs. 
Cleaning Process: While hiring a commercial laundry service near me, you need to inquire about the cleaning methods used. A professional dry cleaning company should always use advanced technologies to maintain hygiene. Reputed dry cleaners always prioritise high-quality detergents and gentle yet effective washing procedures to ensure long-lasting linens. 
Stain Removal: You need to ask the professional dry cleaners regarding the type of stain removal they use. It is also necessary to understand the procedure they follow for stain removal, particularly for heavily soiled items.
Folding and Finishing: Every professional dry cleaner, like Prime Laundry, should deliver the cleaned items with a perfect fold. So, you need to clarify whether the professionals will deliver all the cleaned items perfectly folded or not. 
Communication: Proper communication is a must while dealing with a commercial laundry service in Beckenham. You need to ensure the communication types they prefer. A prompt response is always desirable when hiring a professional commercial laundry cleaning service provider. 
Track and Trace: Many top-ranked professional dry cleaners always facilitate customers with an advanced track-and-trace system that allows you to monitor your laundry’s progress. 
Insurance and Licensing: A reliable and well-established dry-cleaning company must provide exact insurance coverage following the relevant industry regulations and norms. So, you also need to check whether the companies are offering adequate insurance coverage or not. 
Safety Protocols: Reputed dry cleaners always need to maintain the necessary safety protocols to prevent contamination or damage during the laundry process. So, you need to inquire about those safety measures to get a reliable dry cleaning service. 
References and Reviews: When you are going to hire a professional dry cleaner, you need to check the references and reviews first. You can go through the website of the company to get the reviews of old customers. You can also ask your friends or relatives about the commercial laundry services in London and their reliability. 
Price comparison: Different dry cleaning companies offer different pricing structures. So, it is a good option to compare the prices between 2-3 dry cleaning companies. You can obtain quotes from dry cleaners and compare the prices. You should be aware of extremely low quotes that might compromise quality.  
Contractual Terms: It is necessary to review the contract accurately. You need to pay attention to the minimum order requirements, cessation clauses, and any hidden charges. 
Environmentally-Friendly Practices: In recent days, dry cleaners have been paying attention to implementing eco-friendly practices during the washing and cleaning of clothes. The professionals use biodegradable detergents and water-saving technologies to save the environment. These eco-friendly products will also allow companies to maintain their hygiene while saving the earth.  
Disaster Recovery Plan: Many commercial laundry services maintain disaster recovery plans for handling unexpected situations, like equipment failures or natural disasters. The agencies should make a risk assessment and evaluate the critical needs. So, you must ask the dry cleaners whether the company maintains a proper disaster recovery plan. 
Customer Service: Effective customer service is the basis of success for every dry cleaning company. The professionals should pay attention to answering the queries of every customer. Hence, evaluating the provider’s responsiveness and professionalism during interactions is a must before you hire a professional dry cleaning company.
This content is originally published on Prime Laundry’s Website: Efficient and Reliable Top Commercial Laundry Services in London for Businesses
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websourceitsolution · 2 months
🌐 Welcome to Web Source IT Solution! 🌐
Are you looking for top-notch website design and professional software development services in Bangladesh? Look no further! Web Source IT Solution, the leading website design and development company in Dhaka, is here to serve you.
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poshexclusivesalon2 · 3 months
Top Benefits of Salon Rent Services in NYC
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Salon rent services represent a modern approach for beauty professionals to establish and grow their businesses without the burdens associated with salon ownership. Whether you're a hairstylist, makeup artist, or nail technician, understanding the benefits of salon rent services is crucial for making informed decisions about your career path in the competitive beauty industry. This blog explores the top advantages of opting for salon rent services in New York City and beyond, highlighting why this model is increasingly preferred among industry professionals.
Financial Advantages of Salon Rent Services
One of the primary benefits of Posh Exclusive Salon lies in its financial feasibility compared to owning a salon outright. In cities like New York, where real estate prices are notoriously high, renting salon space eliminates the hefty upfront costs associated with purchasing property. Instead of tying up capital in a down payment or mortgage, beauty professionals can allocate those funds towards enhancing service offerings, marketing their brand, or investing in professional development. Moreover, ongoing expenses such as property taxes, maintenance fees, and insurance premiums are typically handled by the property owner in a rental arrangement, offering financial predictability and stability for salon operators.
Flexibility in Salon Rent Services
Salon rent services provide unparalleled flexibility in how beauty professionals manage their businesses. Unlike traditional salon ownership, which often entails long-term commitments and rigid operational structures, renting offers options such as booth rentals, salon suites, or shared spaces with customizable lease terms. This flexibility allows salon operators to scale their space according to business growth, adapt layouts to changing client preferences, and experiment with new service offerings without the constraints of property ownership. Whether you're a solo practitioner looking for a private studio or a team of stylists seeking a collaborative environment, salon rent services cater to diverse business needs and entrepreneurial aspirations in the dynamic beauty industry.
Strategic Location Opportunities
Location plays a pivotal role in the success of any salon business. Salon rent services in new york offer access to prime locations in bustling neighborhoods, upscale districts, and commercial hubs with high foot traffic. By choosing a strategically located salon space, beauty professionals can maximize visibility, attract walk-in clientele, and cultivate a loyal customer base. The prestige associated with a prestigious salon address enhances brand perception and positions the business for long-term growth and profitability within the competitive NYC market.
Operational Autonomy and Control
Renting salon space empowers beauty professionals with a high degree of operational autonomy and control. Unlike employed positions where decisions are dictated by salon owners, renters have the freedom to set their own pricing, determine service menus, establish operating hours, and implement marketing strategies tailored to their target clientele. This independence fosters creativity, innovation, and a client-centric approach to service delivery, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. For entrepreneurial-minded individuals, salon rent services provide a platform to build a distinctive brand identity and differentiate their offerings in a crowded marketplace.
Access to Premium Facilities and Amenities
Many salon rent services include access to premium facilities and amenities that elevate the client experience and streamline daily operations. From state-of-the-art equipment and ergonomic furniture to luxurious reception areas and designated client lounges, these amenities create a professional and inviting atmosphere for both clients and beauty professionals alike. By sharing resources such as utilities, administrative support, and communal spaces, renters can optimize their operational efficiency, reduce overhead costs, and focus on delivering exceptional beauty services without the logistical challenges of facility management.
Professional Networking and Collaboration
Renting salon space fosters a sense of community and collaboration among beauty professionals within shared salon environments. Networking opportunities abound, allowing renters to connect with like-minded peers, exchange industry insights, and forge collaborative partnerships that enhance business growth. Whether through informal discussions, educational workshops, or joint marketing initiatives, Salon rent services near me communities provide a supportive ecosystem where professionals can learn from each other, share best practices, and collectively elevate industry standards. This collaborative spirit not only enriches the professional experience but also cultivates a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among salon operators in the dynamic NYC beauty landscape.
Legal and Administrative Simplification
Navigating legal and administrative complexities is simplified when renting salon space compared to owning a salon outright. Lease agreements outline the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants, covering aspects such as rental terms, maintenance obligations, and dispute resolution mechanisms. By understanding these contractual terms upfront and consulting with legal professionals as needed, salon renters can mitigate risks, protect their business interests, and ensure compliance with local regulations governing commercial leases. This clarity and transparency contribute to a stable and secure operational environment, allowing beauty professionals to focus on delivering quality services and building client relationships without the administrative burdens associated with property ownership.
Marketing and Branding Benefits
Establishing and promoting a distinctive brand identity is essential for attracting and retaining clients in the competitive beauty industry. Salon rent services offer beauty professionals the opportunity to showcase their unique talents and service offerings without the constraints of property ownership. By leveraging prestigious salon addresses, modern interiors, and upscale amenities in their marketing efforts, renters can enhance brand visibility, credibility, and client perception. Digital marketing strategies, social media platforms, and online directories serve as powerful tools to reach target audiences, engage with prospective clients, and cultivate a loyal customer base. Highlighting specialized services, client testimonials, and before-and-after transformations effectively communicates the value proposition of choosing a salon within the vibrant landscape of NYC's salon rent services.
Scalability and Business Growth
Salon rent services nearby facilitates scalability and business growth by providing flexibility to adapt to evolving market demands and client preferences. Whether expanding service offerings, hiring additional staff, or diversifying revenue streams, salon renters can adjust their space configuration and operational strategies accordingly. This agility enables beauty professionals to seize opportunities for growth, capitalize on emerging trends, and differentiate their salon within the competitive NYC market. By continually innovating, investing in professional development, and maintaining a client-centric focus, salon renters can sustain long-term profitability and achieve their business objectives in a dynamic and evolving industry landscape.
Get in touch!
Website: https://www.poshexclusivesalon.com Mobile: +1-646-666-0293 Email: [email protected]
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mynattinsurance-blog · 3 months
Reasons To Buy Barber Insurance in Carrollwood and Tampa, FL
Numerous tradespeople earn an income on account of their skills throughout the country. The beauty industry is flourishing, with thousands of beauty salons and barber shops operating in highly populated areas. Most cannot protect their business during the lean years and after a natural disaster. Shutting shop and beginning anew is even more troublesome. Carrying barber insurance in Carrollwood and Tampa, FL, that covers all eventualities can be helpful to keep the business operational. ​ Whether one has a full-service salon or provides hair-cutting and trimming services to clients, being covered by the right insurance plan can help one continue the business confidently. Being covered by business insurance is optional for barbers. Still, it certainly helps to mitigate the financial risks significantly, primarily when one obtains the necessary compensation to take care of the following:-
· Medical expenses · Property damage · Legal fees · Lost wages
True, barber shops do not run the risk of being gravely injured on the job. But the risks of hurting oneself or a customer are possible as the professional has to do the following regularly:-
· Work with sharp implements · Management of the staff · Deal with employee dishonesty · Cater to multiple customers with diverse needs simultaneously · Stocking heavy products
It is normal to need clarification about specific coverage to reduce the risks of a barbershop. With different types of shops and salons operating with various kinds of services provided to customers, it makes sense to pick and choose individual coverage carefully. Some of the most necessary types of coverage that hair stylists must consider include the following:-
· Barbershop professional liability insurance · General liability insurance · Property insurance · Equipment breakdown coverage · Workers’ compensation insurance
The necessity is not unlike that of other small business companies. Hair stylists and barbers often purchase the Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), which combines three distinct types of coverage, making insurance more cost-effective. Buying each of the following coverages individually is sure to be more expensive:
· General liability insurance- The compensation is received for resolution of liability claims filed for physical injury or property damage of another person not related to the business
· Commercial property insurance- The insurance carrier pays for damage repair or replacement of equipment that is necessary to operate the shop or salon. Most carriers will cover the following implements:
l Grooming chairs l Clippers l Blow dryers l Towel-warming machines
· Business income insurance- A natural disaster or ongoing renovation may temporarily force one to close the business. The insurance company will reimburse the income lost in the interim, thus making good the loss.
Sure, a small-time barber is likely to worry about insurance coverage expenses. Fortunately, the price is reasonable and easily afforded by most hair professionals.
Big and small businesses can reduce their financial risks by buying the requisite commercial insurance in Tampa and Carrollwood, FL.
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carbeautysalon · 3 months
Essential Guide to Car Body Work Repairs in Sydney: Everything You Need to Know
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In Sydney, ensuring your car’s bodywork remains in top condition is crucial for aesthetics and functionality. Whether it’s minor scratches or major dents, understanding car body repairs can save you time and money. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating car body repair services in Sydney.
Understanding Car Body Work Repairs
Car bodywork repairs encompass a wide range of services aimed at restoring your vehicle’s exterior to its original condition. These services can address:
Scratches and Scuffs: 
From minor surface scratches to deeper paintwork damage, professionals use various techniques to restore your car’s finish.
Dents and Dings: 
Whether caused by hail, minor collisions, or parking mishaps, dents can be expertly repaired using methods like paintless dent removal (PDR) for seamless results.
Panel Replacement: 
For more extensive damage, such as bent or cracked panels, skilled technicians can replace affected parts with precision.
Choosing the Right Car Body Repair Shop in Sydney
Finding a reputable car body repair shop in Sydney involves several key considerations:
Experience and Expertise: 
Look for technicians with a proven track record in handling your specific repair needs.
Quality of Materials: 
Ensure the shop uses high-quality paints and materials to match your car’s original finish.
Customer Reviews and Recommendations: 
Check online reviews and seek recommendations from friends or family to gauge customer satisfaction.
Cost Factors and Insurance Coverage
The cost of car body repairs in Sydney can vary based on factors such as the extent of damage, the type of repair required, and the make/model of your vehicle. It’s advisable to obtain multiple quotes and inquire about insurance coverage options to manage repair expenses effectively.
DIY vs. Professional Repairs
While minor scratches or dents may tempt you to attempt DIY repairs, professional services often yield superior results. Certified technicians possess the tools, skills, and knowledge to execute repairs efficiently without compromising your vehicle’s integrity.
Protecting and maintaining your car’s exterior through timely bodywork repairs not only enhances its appearance but also preserves its resale value. Whether you’re dealing with scratches or dents, or need panel replacement, selecting a trusted car body repair Sydney shop in Sydney ensures your vehicle receives the care it deserves. Prioritize quality craftsmanship and choose professionals committed to delivering excellent results.
For more information on car bodywork repairs in Sydney, contact Car Beauty Salon today. Our team of experts is dedicated to restoring your vehicle’s beauty and functionality with precision and care.
This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of car bodywork repairs, emphasizing the importance of professional services and guiding readers through key considerations when choosing a repair shop in Sydney.
Visit us for more information - https://carbeautysalon.com.au/
Original Source- https://justpaste.it/eyjim
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vgrc-llc · 4 months
Soft Washing: The Beauty Salon for Spokane's Homes with The Roof Ninja & Kc from VGRC
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👋 Hello, Spokane County! The Roof Ninja, aka Fisk, here! 🌟 Along with Kc 👷‍♀️, we're excited to bring you the ultimate beauty treatment for your home: Soft Washing! 🏡✨ 
At Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC (VGRC, LLC), we believe every home deserves to shine like a star. 🌟
Soft Washing isn't just cleaning—it's like a day at the spa for your house! 🌼✨ It's gentle, thorough, and leaves your home looking fabulous without the harsh scrubbing. We specialize in house washing, roof washing, and gutter cleaning, making sure every inch of your home sparkles. ✨
Why Choose Soft Washing?
1. Gentle Yet Effective
Our soft washing method uses the right cleaning solutions 🌿, making it safe for all surfaces while effectively removing grime, algae, and moss. Say hello to a clean, happy home! #HappyHome #SoftWashingVGRC
2. Protects Your Home
Traditional pressure washing can be too rough, but soft washing is like a gentle facial for your home. It removes dirt and debris without damaging your surfaces. Protect your investment with our professional soft washing services. #NoRiskAllShine #VGRCHouseWashing
3. Long-Lasting Results
Soft washing not only cleans but also helps prevent future build-up. Enjoy a cleaner home for longer with our specialized techniques. #SoftWashing #Spokane
4. Solutions
Our industry-standard algaecide is tough on dirt but gentle on the environment. Keep your home and the planet happy! 🌍 #SoftWashingVGRC
Services We Offer
🌟 Gutter Cleaning
Keep your gutters flowing freely with our thorough cleaning services. Kc 👷‍♀️ ensures every leaf and debris is removed, preventing clogs and potential damage. #CleanGuttersVGRC
🌟 Roof Blow-Offs
Clear your roof of leaves and debris to maintain its integrity and appearance. Our monthly subscriptions for roof blow-offs ensure your home stays pristine all year round! 🌟 #RoofBlowOffs
🌟 Roof Washing
Our soft washing technique gently removes moss and algae from your roof, extending its life and enhancing its look. Protect your roof with our expert care. #RoofWashingVGRC
🌟 House Washing
Revitalize your home's exterior with our soft washing services. Remove stains, mold, and mildew for a fresh, clean look. #HouseWashingVGRC
Fun Fact About Spokane County, WA
Did you know Spokane County is home to the largest timed road race in the nation? The Lilac Bloomsday Run attracts thousands of participants every year! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ #SpokaneValleyWA
New Quote from VGRC
"Clean homes, happy hearts. At VGRC, we turn grime into shine!" 🌟 #HappyHome
New Joke from VGRC
Why did the algae apply for a job? Because it wanted to take on more "growth opportunities"! 😂 #VGRCByeByeMoss
Our mission is clear—remove the gunk and make your home shine! #VGRC #SoftWashing
Your safety is our priority. Let us handle the heights while you enjoy the results. 📞 509-530-1330
Visit Our Website and Social Media
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📞 509-530-1330
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Fun and Unique Way to Share Our Post!
🌟 "Like what you see? Share our sparkle and help your friends shine too! Tag us and use #SoftWashingVGRC for a chance to win a free gutter cleaning! 🌟"
At VGRC, LLC, we are a true local company, licensed and insured to bring you the best in home care. LICENSE #VERACGC770LW. We're here to keep Spokane County's homes beautiful, one soft wash at a time. 🏡✨ #SpokaneCountyWA
Stay tuned for more tips, fun facts, and great services from The Roof Ninja, aka Fisk, and Kc 👷‍♀️! Let's keep Spokane shining bright! 🌟
#VGRCByeByeMoss #SoftWashingVGRC #VGRCHouseWashing #CleanGuttersVGRC #RoofBlowOffs #RoofWashingVGRC #HouseWashingVGRC #SpokaneValleyWA #HappyHome #NoRiskAllShine #VGRC
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gmdental · 4 months
7 Reasons to Choose Professional Teeth Whitening
If your smile has lost its sparkle and shine, you might not want to show it off to the world. Many people with stained and discoloured teeth guard themselves, keeping their teeth hidden and holding back in social situations. 
Teeth whitening is an effective way to brighten your smile, remove stains, and return your teeth to their natural shade of white. Treatments use powerful whitening gels that penetrate the outer later of your teeth to remove stains. 
A quick Google search will probably show you that you can buy DIY whitening kits or have a professional treatment. It’s easy to jump for the cheapest option, but before you do, it’s important to understand why professional teeth whitening is safer and more effective. 
Here are seven key reasons to choose a professional teeth whitening treatment at GM Dental. 
1. Professional Teeth Whitening Improves the Appearance of Your Smile
Stains and discolouration can occur from consuming certain foods and beverages. Red wine, cola, coffee, chocolate, berries, and spicy food may all taste great, but over time, they can leave their mark on your teeth. Brushing alone cannot remove these stains. 
A professional teeth whitening treatment cuts through these unwanted stains and gives your smile a healthy glow. 
2. Whitening Your Teeth Professionally Gives You a Confidence Boost
The results of a whitening treatment are instantly noticeable. Once you’ve completed your at-home professional treatment, your smile will look refreshed, and it can help you feel good about your appearance. 
3. Professional Whitening Is Safer Than Any DIY Treatment
There are plenty of shops both online and on the high street that sell teeth whitening kits. There are a few differences between that type of kit and our treatments. Firstly, DIY whitening kits do not include a bespoke whitening tray. 
Our treatments involve placing whitening gel into a tray that fits around your teeth. The tray you’ll wear is custom-made to fit around your teeth. This means the gel will remain on your teeth and not leak out. With DIY kits, there’s a risk that the gel could leak and harm your lips, gums, and the wall of your mouth. 
Additionally, before whitening your teeth, we’ll check you’re a suitable candidate for the treatment. Applying DIY whitening treatments to teeth with cavities or weak enamel could cause harm. 
4. Professional Whitening Is Pain-Free
Because we use custom-fitted whitening trays, you won’t experience pain or discomfort. The treatment we use is formulated to reduce sensitivity. 
DIY treatments could cause sensitivity, discomfort, and pain. If they are not used correctly, or the product leaks, a DIY whitening kit could leave you with blisters in your mouth. 
5. Teeth Whitening From a Dentist Provides Better Results
The whitening treatments we use are stronger than DIY kits. This means that they can achieve a better outcome. Shop-bought kits contain a fraction of the active ingredients required to remove firmly embedded-in stains. 
6. Treatments From Dentists Are Legal and Regulated
Dentists require rigorous training, and the Care Quality Commission scrutinises and regulates our work. Ongoing development is also important for dentists, and we continue to attend training courses to improve our care. Professional teeth whitening treatments can only be administered by a dentist by law. 
If you see whitening treatments offered at a beauty salon, they are not trained or legally permitted to offer this treatment. As such, there are considerable risks, and the salon won’t have insurance that covers anything that goes wrong. 
Strict guidelines mean that only dentists can administer treatments over a certain strength. 
7. Professional Whitening Looks Completely Natural
Some whitening treatments can leave you with a dazzling smile that looks out of place. Even though your teeth won’t have stains anymore, the unnatural shade of white could leave you feeling self-conscious. 
We’ll ensure your treatment delivers the best results. Our professional teeth whitening creates natural-looking results. 
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lavyahairdesign · 5 months
Hair Colouring Price - How Much Does It Cost?
Whether you're a die-hard fan of single process hair color, or want to try something a bit more adventurous with highlights or balayage, navigating the rainbow of salon color options can feel like stepping into Rapunzel's tresses. But with all the tangled knots of hair jargon, and hefty price tags, it's important to know how much salon color typically costs, so you can make informed decisions about which shade is right for you.
The average cost of hair colouring varies depending on several factors, including the type of service and the location of the salon. Less time-consuming treatments, such as root touch ups and all-over hair coloring, fall on the lower end of the spectrum, while more intricate techniques like henna and balayage tend to be higher in price. Other considerations include the quality of the products used, and how long the treatment takes to complete.
One factor that many people forget about is the cost of running a hair salon itself. A salon has to pay for commercial rent, utilities, and insurance, which all add up. In addition, most salons use professional-grade hair dyes that are more expensive than the kind you can buy at your local beauty store. However, these more expensive hair dyes are better for your strands and are less damaging than box-dye.
Finally, most salons also invest in ongoing education for their stylists to ensure they are using the best techniques and providing the highest level of customer service. All of these additional costs can add up, resulting in a significant increase in the price of a salon hair coloring service.
Hair Coloring Prices
While it is possible to save money on hair coloring services by doing them yourself at home, the results may not be as good as those received at a professional salon. In addition, at-home hair dyes may contain harsh ingredients that can damage your strands over time.
To protect your hair's health, and to ensure that you get the most vibrant, long-lasting color possible, it is important to visit a professional hair colorist at least once every four to six weeks. Hair color is a service that should be performed by a trained and experienced hairdresser to ensure the best and safest results.
If you are looking for a salon that offers high-quality, professional hair color services at an affordable price, look no further than BangZ! Our talented stylists specialize in a variety of hair color techniques, and we are proud to carry Wella Professionals' Illumina line of hair color, which is specially designed to help your hair maintain its healthy condition throughout the color process. Visit us today to book your next appointment!
Lavya Hair Design are your first choice for a Hairdresser in Toowoomba for modern hair cuts, crisp clean hair colours and naturally nourished hair.
Visit our brand new salon in Toowoomba Plaza near Kmart, where you can relax in style and be pampered whilst enjoying our affordable hair package deals.
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heswrongshesright · 6 months
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A Boringly Explosive Episode - HWSR Ep 14
In this episode of the 'He's Wrong, She's Right' podcast, the Andrew and Nóna engage in a wide-ranging conversation that touches upon several humorous and somewhat random topics. The podcast starts with a casual reference to their dog and quickly transitions into a self-deprecating introduction, humorously claiming the title of the most boring podcast. They discuss issues surrounding counterfeit products on Amazon, particularly focusing on wine quality in grocery stores versus direct from wineries. The conversation also veers into personal anecdotes about shopping for wine and other products, reflecting on consumer habits and the authenticity of items sold on platforms like Amazon. Additionally, they explore the quality of salon products sold in retail stores compared to professional distributors, providing humorous insights into their personal lives, including jokes about relationship dynamics and sexual innuendos. Throughout the podcast, they engage in light-hearted banter, discussing everything from intellectual property issues to personal preferences in consumer goods, relationships, and the peculiarities of internet culture. The hosts also acknowledge contributors to their podcast, delve into broader social and political commentary, and end with personal reflections on being content creators and the eclectic nature of their podcast episodes.
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Timestamps 00:00 Kicking Off with Casual Banter and Podcast Intro 00:49 Diving into the World of Knockoffs and Consumer Goods 00:53 Exploring the Intricacies of Wine and Amazon's Marketplace 05:49 The Reality of Salon Products vs. Supermarket Brands 08:58 Gratitude for Podcast Support and the Quest for More Friends 10:00 Navigating the Complexities of Online Presence and Viewer Engagement 14:08 Unveiling Personal Quirks and the Dynamics of a Relationship 25:17 A Candid Discussion on Financial Operations and the Future of Currency 28:48 Wild West Fantasies and Mars Exploration: A Light-hearted Finale 30:17 Diving Into the Complex World of Relationships 30:25 The Intriguing Dynamics of Faking Satisfaction 30:43 A Glimpse into Reality TV and Its Impact 31:22 Exploring the Fascination with Solar Eclipses 31:42 Conspiracy Theories and the Quest for Truth 38:28 Navigating the Controversial Terrain of COVID-19 39:47 The Fine Line Between Conspiracy and Reality 45:24 The Role of Government: A Critical Examination 55:32 Personal Reflections and the Value of Family 01:00:36 Behind the Scenes of Podcasting: Challenges and Insights
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byenits · 2 months
Professional Lice Removal Services: Are They Worth It?
Dealing with lice can be an exasperating experience, particularly for parents of school-aged children. The itching, the stigma, and the repetitive nature of lice infestations make it a dreaded issue. While over-the-counter treatments and home remedies are standard go-to solutions, professional lice removal services are gaining popularity. But the question remains: Are they worth it? This article explores the benefits and drawbacks of professional head lice removal services to help you make an informed decision.
The Appeal of Professional Lice Removal Services
Expertise and Experience
Professional lice removal services employ trained technicians who specialize in identifying and removing lice. Their expertise ensures that all lice and nits (eggs) are removed efficiently, reducing the risk of recurrence.
Treating lice at home can be time-consuming and may require multiple applications. Professional services often complete the process in a single visit, saving valuable time for busy families.
Use of Effective Products
Many professional services use products that are more potent and effective than those available over the counter. These products are often pesticide-free and designed to kill lice and nits quickly.
Stress Reduction
The emotional toll of dealing with lice can be significant. Professional services offer a sense of relief as they handle the entire process, allowing families to focus on other essential aspects of their lives.
Education and Prevention
Professionals not only remove lice but also educate families on how to prevent future infestations. They provide valuable tips on maintaining a lice-free environment, which can be crucial in avoiding recurrence.
Drawbacks of Professional Lice Removal Services
Cost: One of the main drawbacks is the cost. Professional lice removal services can be expensive, and not all insurance plans cover these treatments. Prices can range from $100 to $300 or more, depending on the severity of the infestation and the number of family members treated.
Accessibility: These services may only be available in some areas, particularly in rural or less populated regions. This can make it challenging for some families to access professional help.
Inconvenience: Scheduling appointments and traveling to a lice treatment center can be inconvenient, especially for families with busy schedules. Some services offer in-home treatments, but this can add to the cost.
Comparing Professional Services to Home Treatments
Effectiveness: Professional services are often more effective than home treatments due to their expertise and specialized products. However, diligent and thorough home treatments can also be successful, particularly when following a strict regimen.
Cost-Effectiveness: While professional services have a higher upfront cost, they may be more cost-effective in the long run if they prevent the need for repeated treatments. Home treatments can be cheaper initially but may require multiple purchases if lice are partially eradicated.
Convenience: Professional lice removal services, like those offered at a lice removal salon in Dubai, are often more effective than home treatments due to their expertise and specialized products. However, diligent and thorough home treatments can also be successful, especially when adhering to a strict regimen.
Professional lice removal services offer numerous benefits, including expertise, time savings, and stress reduction. They can be precious for families who have struggled with recurring infestations or those who prefer to leave the process to professionals. However, the cost and accessibility of these services can be significant drawbacks. For those willing to invest the time and effort, home treatments can be effective and more affordable.
Ultimately, the decision to use professional lice removal services comes down to individual preferences, budget, and the severity of the infestation. For many, the peace of mind and efficiency provided by professionals make these services worth it, while others may find that diligent home treatments suffice. Whichever route you choose, the key is to act quickly and thoroughly to ensure a lice-free household.
For professional lice removal and expert advice, contact Bye Nits today and reclaim your peace of mind.
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