sawyou-blog1 · 8 years
Assalamualaikum, i have read about 3 samples that i thought it is a descriptive text. Which are, 12 awe-inspiring sights to experience Bali's true beauty, you can click ( http://www.kuoni.co.uk/bali/experience-the-beauty-of-bali ), Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime ( http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_j5_prime-8342.php ) and, Why Bullying Should Be Illegal? ( https://sites.google.com/site/jelsieespinoza/home/critique )
So, why i thought that those are descriptive text? Why? Simply, because its describing something? Haha, no. Okay, before i do my job, i also read what is descriptive text on (http://www.nurdiono.com/purpose-and-example-descriptive-text.html ) and it said at the first point, that a descriptive text has an Identification. And my first sample that i read has the “12 awe-inspiring sight to experience Bali’s true beauty” for the identification. Why? Because the text would describe what they have to describe, what they want to describe.
It did happened on my second sample, as we know, now society are using smartphone and Samsung is very famous among teenagers. Then for someone who wanted to buy the smartphone has to know the description, right?  Then, on my second sample clearly would describe about “Samsung Galaxy j5 Prime” what else can you find about Samsung Galaxy j5 Prime beside the description? Am i right? Or you got nothing? Ok, then, i will describe my third sample, why do i think its a descriptive text.
On my last sample, the identification is “why bullying should be illegal?” nah, you would questioning right? Why bullying should be illegal? The point is, the identification has to identifying something.
If you still got nothing, then i would like to tell you the second thing why do i think its a descriptive text. Well, the 2nd thing is Description. nah, after the identification, the text has to describe the identification. You can see my first, second and third sample are describing the identification, right? Easly, the 1st identification said “12” then for its describe is, there are 12 points, right? for the 2nd sample i have the Samsung Galaxy j5 Prime for the identification? then for the describe, the text has to describing what is Samsung Galaxy j5 Prime, how much its price? Whats the definiton of Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime? What are the materials to make it? What about the battery? Is it 4g? Ot not? actually same as my third sample, i have “Why Bullying should be Illegal?” for the identification, then clearly that the describe text, has to describe the identification, WHY? For me, to take it easy is, the describe text has to answer the identification J
HAVE DONEE! Note: when you still got nothing or you even dont understand what am i saying (thats totally me). It means i totally fail. Then, tell me what is descriptive text, Ms Uke :D
The last is, please dont tell anyone that above is mine, juseyo J
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