#sanskari Kejriwal
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"My problem with what's happening in the country is not about BJP and Congress, or JNU and anti-nationalism, or Jats and reservation, Or Hindu Extremism and Muslim Extremism, Or Beef Ban & Porn Ban, Or Kejriwal and Modi, Or Ravish and that 'India wants to know' guy.... My problem is our mind space being occupied with futile, useless, fruitless, negative, regressive thinking..... In an age when this country should be thinking of inventions and ideas, we are discussing subjects mentioned above..... Why isn't the government and media talking about it? Why the subject of debate is not development? Why isn't RSS talking about it? Why isn't every Hindu talking about it. Why aren't the Muslims talking about it? Why the news channels aren't focusing on it? Why Indians on face book not discussing it? Or spreading that idea to the world? Saffron or Green, Beef or Chicken, Porn or Sanskari channels, Temples or Mosques, Jats or Kashmiris aren't tools of development.... These subjects of conversations are anti-development.... And anything that's anti-development is anti-national at least for me..... I want to see my India look better than Switzerland..... I want my India to do better than the US in the Olympics..... I want to see my India more civilized than the most civilized country in this world..... I want my India to be more innovative than Japan..... I want my India to be more safe for woman than Copenhagen, Denmark..... I want my India to be more open minded than Canada.... I want my India to be better than what it is today.... And not worse... And that can only happen when we start thinking productive.... Else we will all be wasting time doing something that is useless, futile, and infertile like cricket. Please circulate this post. I could have used the half an hour I took to write this, as a reaction to what's happening around, for a better purpose"..... I fully agree with the views ... and request all my friends to please forward to their contacts if they also agree
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