#save me I should be getting ready for work but I'm taking cute screenshots instead
hollandmarrch · 1 month
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stoppp his leg over hers is so soft 🥺
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prettyallfriends · 3 years
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 7, 8, 9 English Translation
(So I like tumblr's new beta text editor since it saves time, but it doesn't support moving images... So I'm putting screenshots of Yuuhi and Amane up here so people know what they look like)
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RL Chapter 7: Let’s Deco an Amazing Shop
Ann: Sorry to keep you waiting!!! Please enjoy the Poppun Fruit Cake! Haah~ Thanks to Player, we’ve been getting more customers. We’re super busy, but it’s really fun! I guess I have to work even harder!
Momo: Ann! Get 10 of the dessert special for me!
Ann: Hey Owner, instead of eating, you should be helping us…
Momo: Tasting the desserts is an important task too! The one in charge of customer service is… the manager, so I’m sure Naru will do a peachy keen job!
Naru: …
Momo: Hm? Naru! Are you listening!?
Naru: Hmm…. hmmmmmmmm…
Ann: Naru, what’s wrong!? You’re staring a hole into your sketchbook.
Naru: Oh, sorry! I was just focused on something… hm…
Ann: Is something bothering you?
Naru: I want to design a new display for Prism Stone… but I can’t come up with a single idea!
Ann: I get it. You wanna change the vibe of the shop, right?
Naru: I want to design an original display unlike that of any other shops.
Ann: Original? Then why not get Player to help?
Naru: Great idea! We should get Player-chan to My☆Deco the shop!
Ann: And you really like decorating, right, Naru? If you combine both of your powers, you’ll definitely be able to deco Prism Stone into an amazing shop!
Naru: Yeah! Player-chan, would you deco the shop with me?
Choice: Decorating looks fun! / You’d be better off doing this alone
Naru: Yaaay! I’m so happynaru that we can My☆Deco together!!! I’m sure that by working together, we’ll be able to use our power to do some great decorating!
Momo: Your power will go up by using My☆Deco with Naru!
Naru: Then… Let’s My☆Deco, Player-chan!
(mydeco with 2 charms. Up until now we could only use 1 charm iirc)
Naru: So cool! We were able to use two My☆Deco charms!
Momo: Your My☆Deco power has evolved, Player!!!
Naru: I’ll think up a display with this cute My☆Deco stone! Decorating with you has given me a lot of new ideas! Oh yeah! Why don’t you put on a prism show with this My☆Deco stone?
Ann: Ooh, yeah! What a yummy idea! You’ll be able to perfectly match the vibe of the shop’s new display! It’s settled, Player will be putting on today’s show! With your My☆Deco coord…
Naru: Let’s! Prism show!! Happynaru!!!
(prism show)
Naru: Great work, Player-chan! That was a super, super, suuuuper Player-ish show.
Ann: The sparkle from wearing your own original My☆Deco stone’s coord really is great!!! Power up your My☆Deco even more, and make even more beautiful coords so you can put on even more sparkly shows!!! Well, id I’m not gonna lose to you, I’ll need to make even more new desserts!
Naru: I’ll also deco a lot more displays!
Momo: Gimme mo-more dessert!!!
???: ...hot…!!
Naru: Huh!? This voice…
??? (Ito): …
Naru: Ito-chan!!
Ito: The person who set off this flaming-hot atmosphere… seems to be you. But… who are you?
RL Chapter 8: Cool Rock is High-Spirited!
Ito: …
Ann: Hey, Ito… Stop glaring at Player.
Ito: Huuh!? I’m not staring at them!
Ann: Well, it sure looks like you are. Just stop looking at them like that…
Naru: You do look kinda scary right now!
Ito: Huuuh!? Scary!?
Naru: EEP! Sorryyyy!
Ito: Well? Do you think I’m scary too!?
Choice: Yes… you’re scaring me… / Nah, you’re not scary
Ito: Not scary… yeah. I’m not scary…!
Naru: Ah, Ito-chan looks happy! She’s smiling~
Ito: I’m not happy! And I didn’t… smile…
Ann: Ahh, that’s it. You’re just interested in Player then, Ito!
Ito: I… wouldn’t say I’m interested in them…
Ann: Heey, if you’re interested in them, you’ve gotta introduce yourself properly!
Ito: ...I’m Ito. Suzuno Ito. I’m in charge of makeup in Prism Stone. ...Pleasure. Your last show was hot.
Naru: Did you see Player-chan’s other shows, Ito-chan? They were amazing, right?
Ito: Uhh… Player’s definitely shown their strengths with lovely and pop, but…
Naru: What? Is there something you’ve been curious about?
Ito: Well… I’ve just been thinking that Player could put on an even hotter show… if they learned about a style with a different power to lovely or pop…
Ann: Hey, that’s great!
Ito: Huh? Great???
Ann: Teach Player all about the power of cool, Ito!
Ito: Huh!? You want me to teach them about cool’s power!? I can’t do that…
Naru: It’ll be fine~! If you let Player-chan see your rocking cool power, they’ll be able to put on a flaming hot show~!
Ito: Rock… Well, I guess Player putting on a rock show wouldn’t be too bad. But only if you’re able to keep up with my passionate rock. Player… do you have three cool stones? Okay, it looks like you do. Got it… In that case, let’s start your Seventh Jump Challenge. I want to feel your passion for rock, so this time you’ll be challenging High-Spirit (norinori) mode. Jump the cool Seventh Jump and get 1800 carats, and your rocking cool, hot heart should awaken. ...Now, it’s time. Think you can keep up with my rocking passion? Heartbeat heat!!!
(prism show)
Ito: …
Naru: What? Whatwhatwhat? What’s uo, Ito-chan…? You’re glaring at Player-chan again… Why??? It was a really good show, wasn’t it~?
Ito: ...hot…
Naru: Ah! She smiled!!!
Ito: Player… You were able to keep up with me. That was a cool… and hot… prism show.
Naru: Yaay, Ito-chan looks really happy!!
Ann: If you’re so happy then you should be complimenting them straight away~
Ito: Sh… shut up! I mean, um… It certainly was a hot show… But it’s only the beginning… Rock is really deep, after all…
Naru: Ooh~ So you think Player-chan will be able to put on even better shows in the future?
Ann: You really can’t be honest with your feelings~
Ito: Sh… shut uuuuuuup!!!
Momo: Why are you shouting and messing around!?
Ito: Momo-owner… We weren’t…
Momo: This is what I hear when I specially come to bring you guys some good news…
Ann: What good news!? Hurry up and tell us, please!!!
Momo: Momomo… It’s this!!! The prism show tournament ‘Dreaming Session’!!! It’s the commencement announcement!!!
Naru: Tour… tournament!? Whaaaaaaat!?!?
RL Chapter 9: First Tournament, Dreaming Session!
Momo: Momomo! Are you all surprised? The prism show tournament’s starting! And that tournament’s name is… Dreaming Session!
Naru: Dreaming session, huh~
Ann: A tournament sounds fun!
Momo: Of course! And Prism Stone will be entering! If we get good results in the tournament, Prism Stone’s popularity will go up and up!!!
Ito: ...But… who’ll we enter?
Momo: I… haven’t thought about that yet!!!
Ann: You haven’t… Get a grip, Owner!
Momo: Quiet, quiet! You can all decide who’s entering!!
Naru: Who’s gonna represent us in the tournament… Hm…
Rinne: ...tournament…
Naru: Rinne-chan! What’s up? Do you wanna enter the tournament?
Rinne: ...no… Player… tournament…
Ito: You think Player should enter?
Rinne: ...Player’s… sparkly…
Ann: I think that’s a good idea too! There’s a load of people who wanna see their passionate show… and the tournament’s a place where your growth is measured. Player, you should test your current strength in the tournament!
Naru: I agreeeeee!!! You should enter Dreaming Session, Player-chan!
Choice: I’ll enter! / This is pretty sudden…
Ann: You’ll definitely do well in the tournament with that drive! And maybe… you’ll even win!
Momo: Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to get Player registered!
Naru: I can’t wait for Dreaming Session!!
Ann: Until then, let’s practise as much as possible together!!!
Rinne: …
…Several days later…
Ann: It’s finally the day of Dreaming Session!
Naru: Woah~ There’s a lot of entrants and a lot of audience members!
Ito: It’s really lively and hot here.
Ann: It’s your turn soon, Player. Are you ready? Do your best out there!! -Wait, huh? Isn’t that…
Yuuhi: Is that… Player-chan! Konnichihello!
Naru: It’s Yuuhi-chan from Cosmo☆Sisters!
Amane: Amane is also present. It’s pleasant to see that all of Prism Stone’s esteemed staff are here together.
Naru: Are you guys entering too?
Amane: No, we are not entrants. We are simply…
Cosmo: Here to see the fashionable stars who are entering the tournament.
Naru: Cosmo-chan!?!?
Ann: Woah! The real Houjou Cosmo!? What an aura…
Cosmo: You’re entering the tournament, Player? Hm… make sure to use the power of My☆Deco. What kind of stylish show will you show us… I’m cosmically looking forward to seeing it. Laters.
Naru: ...They left.
Ann: Even your rival Houjou Cosmo came to Dreaming Session! Use this opportunity to become even more popular! Well, looks like it’s time to perform. Let’s go to the stage!
Rinne: ...Player… definitely… awaken… wings of courage… Make your heart take flight…
(prism show. Rinnes whole wings stuff is just her telling you to do a prism live)
Naru: Amazing, amazing!!! That was the most sparkly, wonderful show you’ve ever done! You’re amazing, Player-chan!!! ...Wait, huh??? Something’s on your back…
Rinne: ...Your heart’s wings… have awakened…
Ito: Wait, these are… Prism Feathers!?!?
Naru: Player-chan got them in their first tournament because they worked hard and built up their confidence! These Feathers are so pretty… and sparkly… They really suit you!
Cosmo: ...How nice.
Ann: Houjou Cosmo!?!?
Cosmo: That was a very cosmic show. I felt your… fashion power.
Amane: Oh, it seems the results shall be announced shortly.
Yuuhi: I can’t waaaait to find out who won!
Cosmo: “Who won”? You shouldn’t have to wait for the results to know the winner… The most radiant show was… Player’s, right?
Live broadcast: The winner of Dreaming Session is Player-san!!!
Naru: Woah! You really won your first ever tournament!!!
Cosmo: ...Congrats. From now on you’re going to be a lot busier. Why? I’ll tell you when we see each other again. ...Seeya.
Yuuhi: Sayonarabyebye!
Naru: Cosmo-chan knew that you won before the results were announced…
Ito: She’s a really cool girl. Houjou Cosmo, huh…
Ann: Now let’s hurry up and go back to Prism Stone so we can celebrate! What’ll I make~?
(something flashes past)
Ann: ...huh??? Did some green thing… fly past us just now??
Rinne: ...Kappa…
Ann: Kappa!?!?
Momo: Who are you calling a kappa!?!?
Ann: Momo-owner!? Oh, so the kappa was just Momo-owner…
Ito: But… the kappa just now was green…
Ann: Yeah, you’re right… What was that…?
Momo: Who cares about some stupid kappa!? We need to hurry back to the shop for our dessert party!
Ann: I guess you’ve got a point! We need to celebrate Player’s victory and their feathers awakening!
Naru: Yeah! Let’s go!!
Ito: Ahh…
Rinne: ...Player… do you like… kappas?
Ann: Hey, Player! Hurry, hurryyyy!
Rinne: ...take flight… with your wings…
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