#saving this cuz it’s too gewd
muthaz-rapapa · 5 years
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LMAO, I love this episode simply because I get LORE and EXPLANATIONS for everything.
Ok, so the reason why everybody in the universe isn’t a vegetable was because 12 out of the 13 creation goddesses said “Let’s Make Things Interesting!”
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But Ophiuchus was like “You can’t just give power to mortals and expect them to not fuck things up!” which, to be fair, she was freakin’ right.
Cases like Kappard’s planet being ransacked by other aliens, Tenjou growing up in a toxic society, etc. People can be utter trash, y’know, so why enable it?
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But the other princesses were like “That’s alright~, we’ll just leave the fate of the cosmos to a bunch of middle school girls and have them clean up the entire mess~, no problemo desu wa~!”
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Naturally, snake princess goes “That’s a shit plan, let’s fight!” but gets booted out of the celestial royals club cuz duh, she went up against twelve of them before they gave away their phenomenal cosmic powers like free samples at Costco.
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But they didn’t kill her (of course, who’s that smart? :P) so she found a pocket to sleep in for the next thousand million light years or so, biding her time and waiting for the right moment to strike.
Oooo, very snake like~
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Meanwhile, the princess split their powers and sent it ALL away across space.
No wonder why they did nothing but sit on their thrones for the entire show. They made themselves this way so they literally can’t do much of well, anything.
(Still no excuse for the lazy stock footage this season, though. That’s always going to be a major disappointment of StarPre xP)
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Anyways, half of their powers went to all sentient beings in existence and the other half... was stuffed in a weird Build-a-Bear plushie.
Wow, what a perfect plan. [/sarcasm]
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So now with Ophiuchus awake from her power nap and the princesses being no better than fancy paperweights thanks to that stunt, it’s easy peasy for snake lady to move forward with her extremist scheme.
Manipulate a bunch of poor unfortunate souls into storming her old home, kidnap her defenseless, former colleagues + Fuwa and then mwuahahaha, finally, she can erase this imperfect universe and create a brand new one!
And this time, she’ll do it right!
--- More of less the same plot of every space mecha anime I’ve seen in my life.
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Oh, and the fact that old enemies decided to team up with the good guys to stop one OP psycho threatening to destroy all existence as we know it?
Also more or less the same as every space mecha anime I’ve ever seen in my life, hah!
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Anyways, the princesses are now saying “Precure, you must use Fuwa + the magic we gave you to erase Ophiuchus and save the universe!” but they’re like “Nuuuuuuu, we can’t give up our rat/horse hybrid baby!”
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So Fuwa does us the favor instead and voluntarily DIES.
Yay~ Gewd job, Fuwa! You finally fulfilled your role as a one-dimensional MacGuffin!
Though you’ll be revived at the end anyways in which case, booo. Cheap death.
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And apparently, a pointless one, too, cuz snake princess is still well and alive and really just the perfect reenactment of this gif...
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 ...yea, I love her. <3
I mean, it’s hard not to when she has to possess more personality than the twelve like-minded but otherwise flat princesses. Y’know, to balance the whole evil vs. good thing.
Like they say, sometimes a story is only as good as its villain (I mean it’s not that great but still better than just having a generic darklord).
Though I’m fairly certain she won’t be killed off either and will be welcomed back into the constellation ranks because from what I’ve read, the positions of the stars have changed since the last time the zodiac was set and now we’re going to have 13 constellation signs instead of 12.
I’m not well-read enough in this topic to explain it well so just google it but if Ophiuchus is spared then I’ll throw in a bet the writers had that in mind from the beginning since the 13th constellation has been a very popular idea in Japan since 1995.
Ok, I’m out. Nite!
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