#saxon's tumblr
saxon-official · 4 months
In the future you get a female regeneration who makes out with the doctor for like 30 seconds in front of his companion, how do you feel about that?
It fills me with hope, that he doesn't leave me again.
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saxon-official · 8 months
Citizens of great Britian
I feel I must thank you. Thank you one and all. It appears that in the general election, the majority voted Saxon and I am delighted to announce that I Harold Saxon am prime minister of Great Britain. Thank you.
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saxon-official · 5 months
can i try rizzing you up
You can try.
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saxon-official · 10 months
Just an experiment.
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saxon-official · 8 months
Greetings Earthlings.
As you have probably seen, President Winters has been assassinated by our new friends The Toclafane, nothing to fear it's all under control.
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saxon-official · 6 months
Tumblr media
mr sexon can you confirm that you are an itty bitty kitty
i am NOT an 'itty bitty kitty'
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saxon-official · 4 months
i think after this we should start fighting other enemies. i'm done with this [GALLIFREYAN EXPLETIVE]
Are you breaking up with me?
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saxon-official · 8 months
i must state my condolences
Unfortunately, on this day [DD/mm/2007] a room full of MPs were found dead. It is with great sadness that I release this news to the public and I I bid my condolences to the families of those who were victim. It seems there was a gas leak and I was lucky to escape with my life, for there was a meeting scheduled for not long after these deaths had occurred.
To the families of the deceased, I once again say, i am sorry for your loss.
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saxon-official · 7 months
changing my name to The Population so you can decimate me 😍😍😘
Is this a pickup line of yours?
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saxon-official · 1 month
"You snivelling bunch of wet sacks of goo" is an interesting phrase. Also a very good inclusive and gender-neutral way of referring to a group of people, I like it. I shall be using it in the future.
Glad to have expanded your phrase dictionary.
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saxon-official · 3 months
Lucy and I are getting married in November btw, we can’t decide if you’re invited yet 🤷‍♀️
@totallynotthedoctorguys 💍?
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saxon-official · 8 months
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saxon-official · 8 months
Citizens,I have big news.
Citizens of great Britain. What extraordinary times we have had. Just a few years ago, this world was so small. And then, they came out of the unknown- falling from the skys. You've seen it happen: Big Ben, destroyed, a space ship over London, all those Ghosts and metal men, the Christmas star- that came to kill. Time, and time again. And the government told you nothing. But not me. Not Harold Saxon, because my purpose here today is to tell you this: Citizens of Great Britain, I have been contacted. A message, for humanity from beyond the stars.
Their message says "People of Earth. We come in peace. We bring you great gifts! We bring technology and wisdom and protection, and all we ask in return is your friendship"
And this species has identified itself. They're called The Toclafane, and tomorrow morning, they will appear. Not in secret, but to all of you. Diplomatic relations with a new species will begin. Tomorrow, we take our place in the universe. Every man, woman and child. Every teacher and chemist, and lorry driver and farmer, and every medical student.
Taken from my most recently televised speech where we prepare to welcome our new alien friends
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saxon-official · 1 month
Thoughts on women?
i love women, apparently I'm going to be a woman so there's that.
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saxon-official · 9 months
Tumblr media
this u?
That is a photo that looks very clearly edited. I don't recognise that background and I have no recollection of this happening.
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saxon-official · 4 months
Doctor oiled up HD 4K
Is this Google?
This isn't Google it's the last version of you, but now you've got me intrigued.
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