#sell your used google mobile phone online
kidfirstphone · 10 days
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞
Big tech companies like Google and Facebook constantly profile their users to sell personalized advertisements and influence decisions using both soft and hard power. Soft power involves subtle methods to convince users to act in ways that benefit the company, while hard power refers to tech companies imposing their will despite resistance (e.g., tracking your location despite opting out). These companies hook users to their apps and services, making it easy to spend hours on platforms like Facebook without intending to.
Google’s AdWords and AdSense initiatives, combined with DoubleClick’s capabilities, initiated the surveillance economy. They enable Google to follow users almost everywhere online, even if they don’t interact with any ads. Tech companies employ various strategies to keep you under constant surveillance, such as:
Data Collection: Google collects and analyzes your search queries, browser history, location data, device information, cookies, email contents, app usage, voice and audio recordings, YouTube history, and social media posts. This data is used to sell personalized ads and is often shared with third-party companies.
Ultrasound Beacons: In a bookstore, music could send ultrasound beacons to your phone, identifying it and tracking your interests and purchases.
Smart Devices: A Samsung smart TV, for instance, is connected to over 700 distinct internet addresses within fifteen minutes of use.
IMSI-Catchers: Also known as stingrays, these fake cell phone towers trick mobile phones into connecting to them.
Wi-Fi Tracking: Stores can identify returning shoppers through their Wi-Fi signals.
To protect children from such surveillance and its potential harms, consider the following steps:
Educate and Communicate: Teach children about online privacy, the dangers of oversharing, and the tactics used by big tech companies.
Use Privacy-Focused Tools: Opt for search engines, browsers, and apps that prioritize privacy, like DuckDuckGo for search and Brave for browsing.
Set Up Parental Controls: Utilize the parental control features available on devices and apps to limit exposure to inappropriate content and track online activity. https://www.kidfirstphone.com/ is the best parental control available for free
Limit Screen Time: Encourage offline activities and set boundaries for online usage to prevent addiction. https://www.kidfirstphone.com/ provides lots of control to reduce screen time.
Regularly Review Privacy Settings: Periodically check and adjust privacy settings on all devices and platforms your child uses.
Monitor and Discuss: Keep an open line of communication with your children about their online experiences and regularly monitor their activity for any signs of trouble.
Implementing these measures can help safeguard children from the invasive practices of big tech companies and promote healthier, safer online habits.
Kid First Phone is constantly updating and creating new ways to keep kids safe on the internet. To learn more, check out our website at Kid First Phone. https://www.kidfirstphone.com/
#KidFirstPhone#ParentalControl#ChildSafety#DigitalWellbeing #FamilyTech#KidsTech #SafeTech #ParentingTips #ScreenTimeControl #ParentalGuidance #locationtracking #SmartParenting#OnlineSafety#DigitalParenting#SecureTech #KidsSmartphone #TechSolutions #ParentalMonitoring#MobileSafety#FamilyFirst
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exeggcute · 7 months
sometimes i get so mad about online advertising being so lawless compared to other mediums (ex. television ads occupying specific spots in programming or a small fraction of the screen while online ads can sprawl wherever the hell they want And bog down computer performance) i find myself wishing for someone to enact legislation leading to their regulation, but how likely of a possibility do you think that actually is?
it depends tbh. we do have related stuff like CCPA and GDPR (obligatory meme that I have saved on my phone:)
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...so it's not impossible for further laws/regulations to crop up down the line. my main thoughts here are that (1) adtech changes so rapidly that I think any specific legislation is almost certainly doomed to become obsolete before long (compounded further by the fact that most lawmakers barely seem to understand the internet, let alone a fucking RTB supply chain lol), (2) enforcement would be a nightmare considering there are literally several hundred billion bid requests generated EVERY SINGLE DAY (googled this stat to make sure I wasn't misremembering and got another dr. fou link lol. can't escape this guy) and (3) believe it or not, the online advertising industry is largely self-governing... or at least tries to be.
an organization called the IAB (interactive advertising bureau) sets a ton of standards around not only the logistics of buying and selling ads (they are, for example, the creators of the OpenRTB protocol for real-time auctions), but also the quality of the ads and ad space being sold. there are tons of initiatives they've proposed that have widespread buy-in among the industry, like ads.txt, which everybody who's anybody uses these days.
you do, of course, have to buy in to what the IAB is metaphorically selling, but their decrees hold a lot of weight among all sections of the ads supply chain—both reputable buyers and reputable sellers regularly adjust their behavior based on IAB guidelines. for example, two of the things you mentioned:
"ads can sprawl wherever they want": the IAB has about a million guidelines for where ads can physically go on a page, how they can run (e.g., video ads must be muted by default or they aren't IAB compliant), and what percentage of the visual real estate they can use up. publishers obviously can and do violate these guidelines, but third-party tools exist to make sure your ads aren't running on pages that pull that shit. and as a rule, advertisers actively dislike buying ad space on awful cluttered pages because they know the pages are shitty and the impressions are less valuable.
"big down computer performance": people call those heavy ads! the IAB sets standards around ad performance (the lighter the better, basically) and google chrome even implemented a feature that automatically kills heavy ads before they eat up your whole CPU. some performance based-issues are also caused by malvertising which is uhhh a whole other thing but no one likes it and everyone who matters is trying to stop it.
which isn't to be naive here or an industry shill or whatever because Fucking Obviously these problems persist. I actually had to email the advertising division at conde nast recently because I kept getting malicious redirect ads on their mobile site (they haven't responded yet... return my calls bitch!) so clearly even well-meaning reputable websites and ad platforms and advertisers continue to have issues with IVT and whatnot. the struggle is eternal.
but arguably so is the struggle against basically anything that's legislated, like property crime or whatever. I'm admittedly not optimistic that formal laws would fix digital advertising, only put a slightly hotter fire under people's asses to clean up their respective acts better. which is certainly a good thing, it's just a rapidly evolving game where the bad actors are always coming up with new tactics.
fun and related example: I read a recent retrospective about the kids behind the mirai botnet, which originally started out as a DDoS-for-hire scheme but pivoted to ad fraud when it turned out that was way more profitable. possibly the largest botnet ever (don't quote me on that though) and it was spun up by three teenagers!!!
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markcarloasuncion · 3 months
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Given that we currently live in the modern era. Anyone has access to the internet through their smartphones, which are truly important to people's everyday tasks nowadays. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, including education, online businesses, and many other things, where it can be applied as fundamental information to many facets of life.
I can't deny that I still have many things to learn about the course I have been chosen for, even if I decided to pursue a degree in information and communications technology and become a teacher soon. Although it may be difficult to evolve, I hope to see an exciting future, five years or ten years from now on. My aim is to provide important information to my incoming students regarding the significance of using mobile apps and the possible advantages as well as disadvantages that may occur for them.
And now for the very interesting part. I created this blog because I was interested to discuss some of mobile apps that I use the most and provide honest feedback based on my experience dealing those apps carefully and using them in the right manner. Let us start and see! 😁👀
1. Facebook
2. Google
3. Messenger
4. YouTube
5. Spotify
6. Microsoft Office
7. Canva
8. Google Chrome
9. MVLE Mobile
10. Google Classroom
Facebook is the leading app I am using everyday. Why? Because, I discovered that I could socialize with people using this app in many ways other than face-to-face interactions, such as reacting and commenting to their posts, sharing memes that I saw on newsfeeds and could apply to my real-life status, joining various group pages to share my knowledge, selling things that can generate a profit and starting a business, and a ton of other freely made things.
Google comes in second. This app is already available on all cellphones that you could purchase. However, when it comes to complete my schoolwork and other assignments on time, that's when it becomes resourcefulness for me. I should not really 100% trusted this app, because, there are some things aren't true to know or can be lead into “misinformation” like in the website of Wikipedia. That's why, sometimes, I love to do my self-tasks alone.
The Messenger, the third one. It was an app that linked to Facebook, making it simpler to send messages to people you knew. I have been using this to connect with my teacher and classmates ever since the pandemic. It can't be access whenever I'm offline but, there's another variant of this app which is called, “Messenger Lite” that even basic mode can still access. Unlike the regular version, I guess.
The next one is YouTube. Through this app, I can watch the daily news that I couldn't watch on TV, to gather an additional information about the lessons in school I think it's hard to be understood, have a good time to watch those missed music videos that came from my favorite artists and so much more things to do.
For the fifth place, Spotify is always there at my phone to save me every time. When I listen to songs out there, it makes me heal from everything I pissed off. But, unfortunately, data or Wi-Fi is needed for this app. That's why sometimes, I listen to my download songs playlist. Whenever I don't have an internet to be used it. This kind of music streams is the best app that I had in my whole life and also, you can subscribe for its premium version (just optional only, if you want to remove ads while having a sound trip alone or with your family everywhere, especially, at home).
The two apps next to Spotify are named, “Microsoft Office 365” and “Canva.” Both are eligible to be used and finished on time, the tasks you want to overcome in everyday life. It makes me assist like an instructor that you can learn a lot from these two apps. That's why, I'm thankful that they created a superior & perfect app for every person who have a struggling problems that unable to solve when it comes to work that include time management.
The eighth one is “Google Chrome” that designed to be that's fastest web browser. With one click, it loads web pages, multiple tabs, and applications with lightning speed. Whenever I'm using this app, there will be always ads popping up. So, as a result, I easily annoyed sometimes but, we can't deny the fact that ads is everywhere, even for those online gamers can relate. As what I said, it allows me to set up tabs as many as I can, just in case I needed those pages.
While, the two left apps on my list are called, “MVLE Mobile” and “Google Classroom.” These two educational purpose apps makes me help to fulfill the tasks that I should be finished on time. Aside from that, they're lessons can pin and students can able to download it then, having a takes notes. So, just in case, our instructors may ask some questions about the lessons we read about the learning materials s/he has given through online access.
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As I end of my discussion about my experience that I shared here to those TOP 10 mobile apps that I am usually using everyday. I gained a lot of knowledge to them and since everything we use nowadays are related to technology. We can't force ourselves to be able silence but, to inform other people these apps are having an advantages and disadvantages at the same time. But, I would like to say that, “Be a responsible mobile apps user, especially when you're in social media. Think hard first before you click anything, not everything you may see are true. Just be careful with yourself and others that may affect, if ever you do wrongdoings that's not acceptable in our society.”
That's all, I hope you read my blog until the end. Thank you for the time you spend, have a great day ahead!
For more further details about the “Advantages of Disadvantages of Mobile Apps.” Here's the provided link for you:
#individualblog #mobileapps #tumblrapp #livingintheinformationandtechnologyworld
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beststocksbroker · 1 year
Trading is related to buying and dealing with securities to make silk stockings based on daily price changes. However, if you want to trade in the share request, you should have a good grasp of the fundamentals of share trading. Investing is essential these days, as more than savings is required to beat the odds and fulfill all our financial goals. Trade is a primary profitable concept involving the buying and selling supplies good and services and the compensation a buyer pays a dealer. In another case, trading can exchange goods and services between parties. For example, trade can be made between directors and consumers within a company.
Trading is related to buying and dealing with securities to make silk stockings based on daily price changes. However, if you want to trade in the share request, you should have a good grasp of the fundamentals of share trading. Investing is essential these days, as more than savings is required to beat the odds and fulfill all our financial goals. Trade is a primary profitable concept involving the buying and selling goods, supplies, and services and the compensation a buyer pays a dealer. In another case, trading can exchange goods and services between parties. For example, trade can be made between directors and consumers within a company.
Highlights of trading
 1. Trade involves the exchange of goods and services substantially in return for money.
 2. Trade can happen within a country or amongst trading nations. In the case of transnational trade, the proposition concerning relative advantage speculates that trade benefits all parties; however, critics contend that it leads to a position within countries in reality.
 3. Economists recommend free trade among nations, but protectionism like tariffs might present itself because of political motives.
Types of Trading Platforms in India
 When performing seamless stock trading without encountering the fences of time and distance, using the best trading platforms for stock trading is relatively apparent. One can do online trading through 3 virtual interfaces that are given below.
 There are mainly three types of online trading platforms in India that top dealers and investors exploit.
 Mobile- Based
 Browser- based
 Desktop- based
 1. Mobile- based Mobile App
 As its name represents, this type of trading platform can be suitable to use through smart phones. Over time, the rapid penetration of mobile devices in India has made this trading platform the best online platform in India 2023. The significant reasons are ease of usage, portability, and no physical barriers.
 2. Browser-based/ Web
 A browser-based trading platform can be on a web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. This platform is suitable when smart phones and desktops aren't accessible.
 For example, if you're from home without a laptop, your trading account can be entered through a web cyber surfer. However, it is usually believed that this type of trading platform is slower than a desktop-based trading platform.
 3. Desktop-based
This platform can be downloaded and installed on a desktop or laptop. Though this is undoubtedly the best trading platform in India, you can use if you're between those traders and investors who desire to place quick buy/ sell orders.
The known thing about this trading platform is that consumers can use shortcut keys to carry out different activities like F1 to buy and F2 to sell etc.
Goods Fundamental characteristics of a best trading platform In India
·         Quick continuous execution
·         Front line and sharp innovative highlights
·         Top-level security
·         Simple to-utilize interface
·         Simple arrangement of exchanges.
List of Best Trading Platforms in India:-
Zerodha Kite  Trading Platform
ICICI Direct All-in-1 App
FYERS ONE Trading Platform
Sharekhan Trade Tiger
Angel Broking Speed Pro
Trade Station Trading Platform
Trade Eye Trading Platform
Upstox Pro Trading Platform
Trader Terminal (TT)
10.   NSE Now Trading Platform
1. Zerodha Kite
Zerodha Kite is the flagship trading platform of Zerodha, a leading reduction broker in India. Known as one of the best trading platforms in India, it is connected using next-gen technology to match the different requirements of all types of investors. In addition, the platforms offer a wide assortment of features like charting tools, data widgets, integration with third-party apps, etc., to make trading simple and quick.
1.    Multiple Market Watch
2.    Comprehensive charting with further than 100 pointers and six map orders
3.    Floating Order window
4.    Progressive order types are similar as classes with detector entry and cover with limit entry
5.    Unified instrument search for quick search over 90,000 stocks and F&O contracts
6.    Live ticks, quotes, and order admonitions
7.    Ideal integration with Quant tool for carrying out fundamental analysis using geste
8.    Analytics
9.    Mixing with other investment apps erected by Zerodha consorts
1.    No extent for strategy backtesting
2.    Separate after office with the name Zerodha Q
3.    Brokerage Charges – Zero brokerage charges, RS 20 per order for intraday
4.    Website – Zerodha Kite
2. ICICI Direct All-in-1 App
 The ICICIDirect App is an advanced trading and investing platform designed to simplify investment and trading. The simplified UI and UX make the investment process a breeze. Get access to over 50 products and services across all product categories.
 Taken as one of the best trading platforms in India among traders and investors, the operation strives to do online trading a lot easier and quicker for users.
1.       Analyze your app's live data and F&O, NSE Nifty 50, & BSE Sensex charts to know your investment status.
2.       Please get the latest news, movements, and trends to assess how they affect your investments.
3.       Offers multiple watchlists of various investment products like shares, stocks, mutual funds & IPO to track your being and future investments.
4.       Use your curated watch list to place your buy and sell orders in your chosen share request securities in seconds.
5.       On the exclusive charting tool, compare various scrips, track ongoing and upcoming events, corporate actions, etc...
6.       Make guided investing decisions after assessing trending, expertly curated investment ideas.
7.       Generate instant limits with the shares in your DEMAT account.
8.       Get instant money in your account within 5 minutes of dealing shares withe-ATM
9.       Use MTF( Margin Trading Funding) to buy stocks now and pay latterly anytime within 365 days at seductive interest rates.
10.   Apply to the rearmost IPO in a few simple ways with the enhanced user experience and interface.
11.   Build low-cost, long- term and diversified portfolios with the One Click Equity.
·         Many features similar to Flash Trade and Easy options have yet to be available (Available on ICICI Direct Markets App). However, it'll be available shortly.
 Brokerage Charges –0.1 for equity delivery
 Website – ICICI Direct
3. FYERS One
 It's the best trading platform in India for desktops and allows users to invest in stock from the comfort of their homes. It's declared Fyers the best trading software in India, with striking features that professionals and beginners can use for stock trading.
 The trading software is also known for its speed and superb performance that fluently aligns with its easy and precious features.
1.       Advanced charting point
2.       Stock screeners
3.       Offers free equity delivery trading.
4.       Advanced charting with further than 65 specialized pointers
5.       In- erected Live Scanner & Trend Scanner
6.       Accepts UPI payments
7.       Workshop on low bandwidth
1.       No access to exploration reports and trading tips
2.       Reliance on 3rd party merchandisers like Omnesys API and Trading View for charting
3.       Brokerage Charges – Flat Rs 20 or0.03 per order
4.       Website – FYERS One
4. Sharekhan Trade Tiger
 Sharekhan Trade Tiger is foremost considered the best online trading platform in India. It's a terminal-based trading software that needs to be downloaded and installed on a desktop or laptop. The application allows dealers and investors to invest across various portions – Equity, Commodity, Currency, and derivations.
1.       Easy access to reports, tips, and signatures by Sharekhan Research.
2.       Association with 14 banks for easy online finance transfer to the trading account.
3.       Admit direct share request feeds on a real-time basis across NSE, BSE, MCX, etc.
4.       Various helpful calculators include Brokerage Calculator, Span Calculator, and Premium Calculator.
5.       One-click order placement option.
6.       Pre-loaded with over 30 trading approaches
1.       No availability of 3- in- one account
2.       No version for Mac notebooks
3.       Collective funds aren't available
4.       Brokerage Charges –0.50 or 10 paise per share for equity delivery
5.       Website – Sharekhan Trade Tiger
5. Angel Broking Speed Pro
 Regarding finding the best online trading platform in India, the available options will only be sufficient with the addition of Speed Pro by Angel Broking. The trading platform is known for offering its users a single-window trading experience along with perceptive trade evaluation features.
 Another plus point with Speed Pro is the double-quick prosecution of orders and real-time monitoring.
1.       Scrip addition points for various parts, including F&O, Commodity, and Currency
2.       The combined best five – get a quick look at the top five bids for buying and selling across BSE and NSE
3.       Open Live Market in Excel with an incredible refresh rate
4.       Seamless access to insightful summaries and reports
5.       Enables customization of the interface to a specific level
1.       Not available for Mac
2.       Little scope for improvement in terms of the software user interface
3.       One needs a PC with an excellent configuration for the software to perform better
 Brokerage Charges – Zero brokerage on delivery trading
 Website – Angel One Trade
6. Trade Station
 5Paisa Trade Station App is one of the most feature-loaded and high-tech trading software top dealers in India use. This one of the best trading platforms in India is designed for predominantly active dealers. Still, it isn't like that, as this software is inversely salutary for punk dealers and investors.
1.       Despite being a reduction broker, Trade Station provides easy access to trading calls and recommendations to its guests.
2.       This trading platform from 5Paisa updates itself generally, bringing new features every time and dealing with the bugs or problems from the former performances.
3.       The trading app is set up to work indeed an introductory internet connection, which is a big plus.
4.       Option to register for the rally session
5.       Allows investors to trade in the equity member or stock request and joint finances and insurance orders.
1.       Low internet bandwidth may delay the lading of maps
2.        Only the Windows interpretation is available
3.       The app isn't responsive and can be viewed best on a desktop or laptop. However, the view may need improvement on a mobile or laptop.
 Brokerage Charges – Variable brokerage charges
 Website – Trade Station
 7. Trade Eye
 Trade Eye by Wisdom Capital is an Android-grounded trading app that allows investors to trade between several segments through one app. The app is registered with BSE, NSE, MCX, MCX- SX, and NCDEX exchange. It's considered one of the best trading software in India.
1.       A simple trading application that runs fluently using mobile internet
2.       Erected for Android druggies along with touch features
3.       Option to add multiple request watches
4.       Examiner positions in the trade book and order book
5.       Get access to various maps and specialized index tools
6.       Installation to place aftermarket order
7.       Instructional charting functionality for insightful technical stock analysis
8.       Fast, secure, and flawless fund transfer
1.       No support for iOS users
2.       Introductory interface
 Brokerage Charges – Zero brokerage charges, Trade for free
 Website – Trade Eye
8. Upstox Pro 
 This is one of the best trading software in India by Upstox, known as RKSV. Being a responsive trading operation, there's no need to download or install the app. Also, it allows a user to directly access the trading tools through a laptop, desktop, mobile, or tablet. 
 Considered one of the best trading platforms in India among traders and investors, the application strives to do online trading a lot easier and quicker for users. 
1.       Unified search tool to discover easy and complex stocks 
2.       Contact predefined watch- list of Nifty 50 and other indices 
3.       Reach NSE cash, Futures and Options, and Currencies scrips 
4.       Apply 100 specialized pointers on real-time maps 
5.       Define unlimited price cautions for quick updates 
6.       Figure a total number of customized watchlists 
7.       Advanced charting tools that standard assiduity norms 
8.       Get real-time request word to stay ahead 
1.       The specialized support isn't over to the mark 
2.        Limited features in comparison to its counterparts. 
3.       The desktop outstation of Upstox needs high speed and stable internet connectivity. 
4.       Call and Trade installations are chargeable; Upstox charges Rs 20 when placing an order through the phone. 
Brokerage Charges – Rs 20 or2.5 whichever is smallest for equity delivery 
 Website – Upstox Pro Web 
9. Trader Terminal (TT) 
 IIFL Trader Outstations is among the best trading software in India and is also known for its intuitive interface and many features. The trading platform has many shortcut keys that let dealers and investors perform various functions quickly and smartly. 
1.       IIFL Call feature – that provides intraday tips to place intraday orders 
2.       Allows the placement of AMOs (After request orders), which can get reused the coming business day 
3.       Access LIVE television which includes ET Now 
4.       Access to a daily report by the name "Weekly Wrap." 
5.       Easy fund transfer with top banks like ICICI, HDFC, Axis Bank, Citi Bank, UTI, etc. 
1.       Not available for iOS users 
2.       For those who are in need to trade in the F&O member, a written application needs to be submitted along with income proofs. 
 Brokerage Charges – Rs 20 per trade for delivery 
 Website – Trade Terminal 
10. NSE Now 
Contrary to other trading platforms developed by corresponding stockbrokers, this trading platform – Here and Now (Neat on Web), has been considered by the National Stock Exchange of India( NSE). It's one of the most stylish trading platforms in India. 
 This trading app allows investors to trade across various parts, including Equity, derivations, and currency. 
1.       Customized alerts and notifications as defined by the users 
2.       Request watch to chase stocks, cover trends, sectors, and indicators 
3.       15 maps with over 80 specialized pointers 
4.       Easy fund transfer to several leading banks 
5.       Diurnal stock tips 
1.       Comparatively tough to understand 
2.       Many stockbrokers levy operation charges for NSE NOW 
3.       A PC needs to have an excellent configuration for the operation to perform well 
 Brokerage Charges – Flat Rs 20 for intraday and F&O 
 Website – NSE Now 
FAQs about Best Trading Platform in India 
Ques- Which trading platform is best for India? 
 Answer- Zerodha Vampire is India's best online trading platform, presently operating in the stock broking script. Zerodha continuously pushes invention in its products and provides dealers with the needed products and services. Zerodha's, besides the lowest brokerage rates, boasts of a full-fledged magazine of trade products and confederated services. 
 Ques: Which trading platform offers the best advisory and stock tips installation? 
 Answer: IIFL, an acronym for India Infoline, is accepted by traders as the best trading platform that offers the best advisory and free tips facility. This fact is strengthened by the company's accurate stock predictions in the past. 
Ques: Which trading is most profitable? 
 Answer: According to trade experts, Intraday trading is the most profitable because you can buy and vend stocks on the same day. It reduces threat as stocks price don't go up or down so far in a single day, and you should always use the safest and best online trading platform for intraday trading. 
Ques: Which factors make a stock broking establishment the best in India? 
 Answer-numerous stock broking companies try to deliver top-notch trading and stock advisory services to the guests, but only a many of them are suitable to stand- out impeccably. We see low brokerages, an easy-to-use interface, and varied platform presence as essential features of an excellent stock broking establishment.
Source - Choose the best Trading Platform in India 2023
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Sproutgigs is an online platform that offers a wide range of gigs and micro tasks for freelancers to complete and earn money. The platform allows individuals to sell their services, skills, and expertise in a variety of categories, such as graphic design, writing, programming, marketing, and more. With the increasing use of mobile devices, Sproutgigs has also made it possible for freelancers to complete tasks and sell gigs using their phones. In this article, we will explore how to make money on Sproutgigs by selling gigs or doing micro tasks using your phone
Sign up for Sproutgigs
The first step to making money on Sproutgigs is to sign up for an account. You can do this by visiting the Sproutgigs website and clicking on the "Sign Up" button. You will be asked to provide some basic information, such as your name, email address, and a password. Once you have created an account, you will need to verify your email address to start using the platform.
Choose a category
After you have signed up for Sproutgigs, you can start exploring the different categories and subcategories to find a niche that matches your skills and interests. Sproutgigs offers a wide range of categories, from web development to video editing, so you should be able to find a category that suits you. Choose a category that you are passionate about and have experience in
Create your gig
Once you have chosen a category, you can start creating your gig. A gig is a specific service that you will offer to clients on Sproutgigs. To create a gig, click on the "Create a Gig" button on the dashboard and follow the instructions. You will be asked to provide a gig title, description, pricing, delivery time, and any other relevant information. Make sure that your gig is clear, concise, and attractive to potential clients.
Optimize your gig
Once you have created your gig, you can optimize it to increase its visibility and attract more clients. Sproutgigs uses a search algorithm to display gigs to clients, so you need to make sure that your gig is optimized for search. This means including relevant keywords in your gig title and description, as well as using tags to categorize your gig. You should also include high-quality images or videos to showcase your work and make your gig stand out.
Promote your gig
To attract more clients, you need to promote your gig on Sproutgigs and other platforms. Sproutgigs allows you to share your gig on social media, email, and other platforms to reach a wider audience. You can also use paid advertising to promote your gig to targeted audiences. Additionally, you can participate in Sproutgigs forums and communities to engage with other freelancers and potential clients.
Complete tasks
In addition to selling gigs, you can also earn money on Sproutgigs by completing micro tasks. Micro tasks are small tasks that clients post on Sproutgigs, such as data entry, research, or transcription. To complete micro tasks, you need to browse the available tasks and choose the ones that match your skills and interests. Once you have completed a task, you will be paid a fixed amount by the client.
Use your phone
One of the advantages of Sproutgigs is that you can complete tasks and sell gigs using your phone. This means that you can work from anywhere and at any time, as long as you have a stable internet connection. To use your phone, you need to download the Sproutgigs app from the App Store or Google Play Store. The app allows you to browse gigs, complete tasks, communicate with clients, and receive payments using your phone.
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appfree750cash · 1 year
Cash App The Pros, Cons and Features of The Popular Payment Service
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Keep reading for a deeper look into Cash App.
What Is Cash App? that allows individuals to quickly send, receive and invest money. Block, Inc., formerly Square, Inc., launched the app in 2013 (initially named Square Cash) to compete with mobile payment apps like Venmo and PayPal.
Get it Now – Cash App Money Generator https://www.helth.shop Get it Now – Cash App Money Generator
Cash App is a financial platform, not a bank. It provides banking services and debit cards through its bank partners. The balance in your account is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) through partner banks. Cash App provides investing services through Cash App Investing LLC, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a broker-dealer and a member of the Financial Industry Regulation Authority (FINRA).
Through Cash App, users can send and receive money, get a debit card and set up direct deposits. The investing feature allows users to invest in stocks for as little as $1. This is done by buying pieces of stock, called fractional shares. Consumers can also buy, sell or transfer Bitcoin through the app.
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With Cash App Taxes (formerly Credit Karma Tax), users can file their taxes for no charge. With this service, Cash App is quickly becoming a one-stop shop for financial services.
How Does Cash App Work? To use Cash App, you must first download the mobile app, available for iOS (4.7 stars out of 5) and Android (4.6 stars out of 5). You can also sign up for an account online. The app features several tabs for its various services, including banking, debit card, payments, investing and Bitcoin.
Send and Receive Money After setting up an account, you’ll link an existing bank account to your Cash App account. Once a payment source is connected, you can send or receive money through the mobile app. Users can enter a dollar amount from the green payment tab and tap “Request” or “Pay” to create a payment.
Each Cash App user creates a unique username, called a $Cashtag. You can find individuals or businesses to pay or request money by searching for their $Cashtag. You can also search for individuals by name, phone number or email address. You can choose to send funds from your Cash App balance or your linked funding source.
Transfer Money The money is kept in your Cash App balance when you receive payments. You can keep it there or transfer it to your linked bank account. Cash App charges a fee for instant transfers (0.5% to 1.75% of the transfer amount, with a minimum fee of $0.25), but you can also choose a no-fee standard transfer, which typically takes one to three business days to complete.
Add Money To add money to your Cash App account, navigate to the app’s banking tab and press “Add Cash.” Select the decided amount and tap “Add.”
Who Can Use Cash App? Cash App is for individuals ages 13 and older. Users ages 13 to 18 require approval from a parent or guardian to access expanded Cash App features like P2P transactions, direct deposit and a Cash Card.
Other features, such as investing and Bitcoin, are only available for Cash App users who are at least 18.
Does Cash App Offer a Debit Card? Cash App users can receive a Cash Card, which is a debit card tied to their Cash App account. Like most debit cards, the Cash Card can be used to make purchases online and in person. You can also add your Cash Card to digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay.
Users can also use Cash Cards at ATMs. Cash App charges a $2 fee per ATM transaction. In addition, the ATM owner may charge a separate fee for ATM use. For users who receive direct deposits of at least $300 each month, Cash App reimburses ATM fees, including third-party ATM fees, for up to three ATM withdrawals per 31-day period (up to $7 in fees per withdrawal).
Cash Card transactions are subject to the following withdrawal limits
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$310 per transaction $1,000 per 24-hour period $1,000 per seven-day period What Does It Cost To Use Cash App? Cash App costs nothing to download and create an account. And it doesn’t charge fees for many of its services. Standard transfers from a Cash App balance to a linked bank account are fee-free, but a small fee is charged for instant transfers.
Users that request a Cash Card are subject to fees for ATM use. Cash App may also charge a fee when you’re buying or selling Bitcoin. The fee is listed before you complete the transaction.
How Long Does It Take To Send Money? Cash App payments are instant and funds are available to use immediately in most instances. If your account shows payment pending, you may need to take action and follow the steps provided by the app to complete the transaction.
What Are the Dollar Limits on Cash App? Cash App restricts how much you can send or receive when you first open an account. Users can send up to $1,000 per 30-day period and receive up to $1,000 per 30-day period.
Cash App users can have their account verified to access higher limits. Sending limits vary depending on what you’re approved for by Cash App. Once verified, there is no limit to how much money you can receive through the mobile app.
Is Cash App Safe? Cash App says it employs the latest encryption and fraud protection technology to protect its users. As a security measure, the app will send you a one-time-use login code when logging into your account. Cash App also offers optional settings to enable additional security measures. By enabling a security lock, for example, every Cash App payment requires your passcode. You can also disable your Cash Card within the app, which could come in handy if your card is lost or stolen.Keep reading for a deeper look into Cash App.
What Is Cash App? Cash App is a P2P payment app that allows individuals to quickly send, receive and invest money. Block, Inc., formerly Square, Inc., launched the app in 2013 (initially named Square Cash) to compete with mobile payment apps like Venmo and PayPal.
Cash App is a financial platform, not a bank. It provides banking services and debit cards through its bank partners. The balance in your account is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) through partner banks. Cash App provides investing services through Cash App Investing LLC, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a broker-dealer and a member of the Financial Industry Regulation Authority (FINRA).
Through Cash App, users can send and receive money, get a debit card and set up direct deposits. The investing feature allows users to invest in stocks for as little as $1. This is done by buying pieces of stock, called fractional shares. Consumers can also buy, sell or transfer Bitcoin through the app.
With Cash App Taxes (formerly Credit Karma Tax), users can file their taxes for no charge. With this service, Cash App is quickly becoming a one-stop shop for financial services.
How Does Cash App Work? To use Cash App, you must first download the mobile app, available for iOS (4.7 stars out of 5) and Android (4.6 stars out of 5). You can also sign up for an account online. The app features several tabs for its various services, including banking, debit card, payments, investing and Bitcoin.
Send and Receive Money After setting up an account, you’ll link an existing bank account to your Cash App account. Once a payment source is connected, you can send or receive money through the mobile app. Users can enter a dollar amount from the green payment tab and tap “Request” or “Pay” to create a payment.
Each Cash App user creates a unique username, called a $Cashtag. You can find individuals or businesses to pay or request money by searching for their $Cashtag. You can also search for individuals by name, phone number or email address. You can choose to send funds from your Cash App balance or your linked funding source.
Transfer Money The money is kept in your Cash App balance when you receive payments. You can keep it there or transfer it to your linked bank account. Cash App charges a fee for instant transfers (0.5% to 1.75% of the transfer amount, with a minimum fee of $0.25), but you can also choose a no-fee standard transfer, which typically takes one to three business days to complete.
Add Money To add money to your Cash App account, navigate to the app’s banking tab and press “Add Cash.” Select the decided amount and tap “Add.”
Who Can Use Cash App? Cash App is for individuals ages 13 and older. Users ages 13 to 18 require approval from a parent or guardian to access expanded Cash App features like P2P transactions, direct deposit and a Cash Card.
Other features, such as investing and Bitcoin, are only available for Cash App users who are at least 18.
Does Cash App Offer a Debit Card? Cash App users can receive a Cash Card, which is a debit card tied to their Cash App account. Like most debit cards, the Cash Card can be used to make purchases online and in person. You can also add your Cash Card to digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay.
Users can also use Cash Cards at ATMs. Cash App charges a $2 fee per ATM transaction. In addition, the ATM owner may charge a separate fee for ATM use. For users who receive direct deposits of at least $300 each month, Cash App reimburses ATM fees, including third-party ATM fees, for up to three ATM withdrawals per 31-day period (up to $7 in fees per withdrawal).
Cash Card transactions are subject to the following withdrawal limits:
$310 per transaction $1,000 per 24-hour period $1,000 per seven-day period What Does It Cost To Use Cash App? Cash App costs nothing to download and create an account. And it doesn’t charge fees for many of its services. Standard transfers from a Cash App balance to a linked bank account are fee-free, but a small fee is charged for instant transfers.
Users that request a Cash Card are subject to fees for ATM use. Cash App may also charge a fee when you’re buying or selling Bitcoin. The fee is listed before you complete the transaction.
How Long Does It Take To Send Money? Cash App payments are instant and funds are available to use immediately in most instances. If your account shows payment pending, you may need to take action and follow the steps provided by the app to complete the transaction.
What Are the Dollar Limits on Cash App? Cash App restricts how much you can send or receive when you first open an account. Users can send up to $1,000 per 30-day period and receive up to $1,000 per 30-day period.
Cash App users can have their account verified to access higher limits. Sending limits vary depending on what you’re approved for by Cash App. Once verified, there is no limit to how much money you can receive through the mobile app
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Is Cash App Safe? . As a security measure, the app will send you a one-time-use login code when logging into your account. Cash App also offers optional settings to enable additional security measures. By enabling a security lock, for example, every Cash App payment requires your passcode. You can also disable your Cash Card within the app, which could come in handy if your card is lost or stolen.
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wordpresshackers · 1 year
Digital Marketing Practices For Healthcare Industry
The superbly speedy development of science and technology and the internet has led the whole thing to end up online and nearly all sorts of businesses being accelerated to an internet mode. Digital marketing has elevated from being simply the online promoting and advertisement of products, ideas, and businesses to being a way to enhance the efficiency of businesses in the different sectors. Digital Marketing Practices For Healthcare Industry is the latest modification of the era and no exception.
The digital advertising and marketing industry has taken over the world, and the healthcare industry is no exception. Like every other sector, digital marketing is likewise used extensively in the healthcare enterprise. The healthcare industry has benefited from the widespread use of digital marketing and its diverse forms.
Approximately, 88% of people look online for fitness facts and 70% of people record that the health information they discover influences a decision about treatment. Digital advertising paves a high-quality way to make you live connected with current and new patients on every occasion they’re in need. The digital advertising company offers a rich site for local and national businesses to thrive, inclusive of healthcare.
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Website as the Digital Hub of the Healthcare Industry
Digital marketing in the healthcare industry starts with the website. The website has to be the top priority of all people who are seeking to promote a healthcare organization. The contents, the layout, the design, all are equally important. Both for the internet and for the potential patients who may go to the website to recognize about the organization, and there to decide to select or not do so relies upon largely on how helpful and relevant they discover the website to be. There are methods to capture a potential patient`s key data on a website, including:
Contact Forms
These are usually short, easy web forms that ask you to finish some columns, inclusive of your name, email, and number. The shorter the form, the better the chances of a response.
Updates with Mobile/Responsive Design
Nowadays, all websites want that allows you to reply to could-be-patient with the highest quality viewing and interaction experience throughout a range of mobile devices, from your computer to tabs to smartphones. As a matter of fact, in case your website isn’t always optimized for mobile phones, Google may also choose not to rank your internet site at all.
Clear Calls to Action
Most efficient healthcare digital marketing websites currently function as an easy-to-find contact address on the top and the bottom of every page. You should make it easy for potential patients to respond.
Investment in the Pay-Per-Click Advertisement
Search Engine Optimization isn’t always a very speedy process. Pay-per-click on advertisement requires paid offerings to promote it on the internet. It will help you to sell your organization or institution and fetch investment for patients and extend to the farthest corners of the world and provide healthcare services to everybody. The common ROI on Google Ad is a whopping 200%. It is flexible, exceedingly efficient, and may goal males and females of precise demographics. PPC is a tool great left to the experts who’ve proven experience and recognize its nuances.
Regular Updates With Google Changes
Google continues changing its algorithms to alter search engine rankings, and thus, it is crucial to keep updated with those modifications. Thus, with Google Changes, a business of the healthcare industry can maintain itself up to date at the diverse adjustments and adapt accordingly.
Getting More Online Traffic through Using Email Marketing
One of the oldest forms of digital marketing is Email marketing, and it offers results, the best of them, and arguably the best return on investment. Contact forms and e-newsletter signups are a great way to hold the potential patients of the company updated on what`s occurring with the enterprise.
Using Social Media to Engage the Patients of the Organization
Social media marketing may be used efficiently to interact with patients in the workings of the enterprise and keep people up to date about numerous advancements. Patients can mention or tag the business enterprise in posts to acknowledge the remarkable healthcare supplied through the company, and this may help to promote the organization and advantage extra potential patients. The importance of social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and plenty of different social media platforms continues to surge in phrases of popularity and fan bases.
Thus, there are numerous methods in which a number of the best digital marketing practices can substantially gain the healthcare industry in more approaches than one. Itorix Infotech is one such company that can help your healthcare business to reinforce its digital aspect as Itorix Infotech is the best digital marketing company in pune that is an expert in a lot of digital marketing fields. There’s no denying the reality that healthcare marketing is the brand new normal for successful professional health service.
The significance of digital advertising and marketing in the healthcare region can’t be overstated. Establishing an internet presence is essential for the growth of your healthcare service because it enables you to reach out to a much broader audience who grasp out in the digital world. In the long run, the success of digital marketing strategy is contingent on brand recognition and patients` experience.
Other than these mentioned, a few ways let you keep track of information, and the digitalization of information enables it to come to be accessible through diverse healthcare companies, so the patient gets the ideal diagnosis and the right subsequent treatment. search engine marketing is a procedure of optimizing and promoting your website for search engines, to rank better in the organic (nonpaid) search results. Itorix Infotech provides you with the best SEO services in Pune with rich SEO results & better rankings.
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learnsen-blog · 2 years
What Is Digital Marketing?
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Want to learn about digital marketing? Well, before you go and learn the basics or even some of the advanced tactics of Digital Marketing. First, you have to understand the meaning of the word Digital Marketing. In this manner, you will comfortably understand all the strategies when we step by step dive into them.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is also known as online marketing. It is like digital advertising of the product or service to connect with potential customers while using the internet and other forms of digital communication, like email, social media, search engines, radio, television, or mobile. Even you can use a simple text message to do Digital Marketing. If you are using any electronic device while advertising your business, you are doing Digital Marketing, which you can do online or offline. However, both kinds are essential for a better Digital Marketing strategy.
Why does Digital Marketing matter?
For example, you have started a new business, like a physical shop or online company, and now you need customers, but the question is, how are you going to attract them? I think by telling them or advertising your business, like.
Hay, I am selling this product.
Are you interested in buying that product?
You can buy it from me at a reasonable price.
And what is the easiest way to advertise your business today? Our answer is the internet, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even WhatsApp.
All you have to do is create an Eye-catchy ad and post it on any of these platforms, and customers will find you any time or anywhere.
Also, if your business is online, customers can reach you from the entire world. Another thing is, unfortunately. Or fortunately, billboard advertising is mostly dead.
Just think of it this way: Google and Facebook generate more revenue than any traditional media company. Why? Because they control more eyeballs. That is why digital marketing strings that is where the intentness is.
And the reason for the death of billboard advertising is that these days, people are too busy on their mobiles or digital devices while traveling.
Do a favor for us and ask yourself, what did you do while traveling on the train, bus, or even taking a lift from your friends? I have seen people using mobile phones even while driving.
What is more, most of the time people spend using their electronic devices, which continues to rise in digital marketing, while print advertising continues to decline.
That means we do not have this much time to figure out this digital marketing stuff.
Digital Marketing Summary
Digital Marketing we divide into two main categories. Online Digital Marketing and Offline Digital Marketing. We will talk about Online Digital Marketing in a separate guide, but now for the sake of completing this post, here we will mention some categories of online digital marketing. Here are some main categories of Online Digital Marketing,
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Content marketing
Social media marketing (SMM)
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Digital Marketing History
The term (Digital Marketing) was first utilized in 1993 when the internet was adequately new. The age of digital marketing took off with the approaching of the internet and the improvement of the Web 1.0 platform. The Web 1.0 platform permitted users to view the data they wanted but did not permit them to share data over the web. Up to that point, marketers worldwide were still unsure of the digital platform. They were uncertain whether their strategies would work since the internet had not yet seen a far-reaching arrangement. In 1993, the first clickable banner went live, after which Hotwired purchased a few banner ads for its advertising. That marked the beginning of the transition to the digital era of marketing. Due to this gradual change, the coming year 1994 saw new technologies enter the digital marketplace. In the same year, Yahoo went live. But guess what? That was not the first time people used a digital device to advertise their business. Check out this picture.
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Do you people know who this guy is? I think some of you know. If no the name is Guglielmo Marconi. He invented the radio. In 1896 shortly after his little demonstration in England, morse signals were transmitted across open water. However, it took another ten years for the radio to reach the general public, but it certainly did not take a long time for a businessperson to realize that he could use the radio to sell things. And after 14th years, on January 13, 1910, this guy,
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Lee de Forest transmitted the first public broadcast in the world at New York City from an opera performance at the Mariette. And guess what people did after that? They bought tickets for the show! The first offline digital marketing strategy was born.
Intro to Offline Digital Marketing
The main categories in offline digital marketing are four,
Enhanced Offline Marketing
Radio Marketing
Television Marketing
Phone Marketing
Enhanced Offline Digital Marketing
It is a form of marketing that is exclusively offline but enhanced with electronic machinery. Electric billboard is an enormous precedent for enhanced offline digital marketing. For example, What is the difference between a billboard in the desert of Arizona somewhere and a billboard in Times Square in New York City? The size? (no) The product? (no) The answer is in these Three letters: L. E. D Light Emitting diodes. All of the billboards in Times Square are now electric! Why? Because you do not have competitors with you for the people's attention, in the desert of Arizona, and people are not that busy there, they have some time to pay attention to your simple billboard you win all the attention. But in Time square, people are too distracted, there are buses, taxis, promoters shouting, and then, of course, there are a lot of competitors with you, that is where the attention is presumably more beneficial than any other place in the world. Over 350,000 people cross through it each day. Our problem is we also want attention from them, but how? We have to push them in our direction, but physically it is impossible. If we go on the street and push an unknown person from the backside, he may slap us right in the face! Here we take advantage of the behavior of human mentality.​ Let's say you are crossing Time Square in your thoughts, and you do not know from where, but there is a light sparkling in your eyes now your mind is pushing you toward the light. And when you turn your head to follow the light, there is a sizable electric billboard in front of you.
Radio Marketing
Next time you turn on your radio and hear an annoying, overly enthusiastic show host shouting every word of a commercial about the best beauty cream in the world, say thanks to Mr. Marconi. It has past more than 100 years since the first live broadcast of the opera performance at Mariette, but radio is still in the lead. In 2018, according to Nielsen Media Research, 89% of Americans tuned in to the radio every week. Radio consistently delivers to all age groups. The ability of the radio to easily reach anywhere is a compelling reason for advertisers to use it for marketing. According to Statista, by 2023, radio ad spending has predicted to grow by half a billion dollars. If you are thinking of buying sponsorship, find a local radio station with an audience that reflects the target of your company demographic. You can get help from the Google Search Engine if you want, or radio stations will provide you with the data that may help you choose the right fit. For example, if your company sells cosmetics products, find a radio program whose average audience is females. The keys are to be entertaining and catch the awareness of your audience if you choose traditional radio marketing.
Television Marketing
Television advertising builds brand fame and keeps brands alive in your mind for much longer than a sponsored post or a search result. All over the world minimum of 89% of people watch television for 3 or 4 hours each day, but this includes shows that streames, 30% of them still subscribe to cable, and 65% of people have multiple streaming services subscriptions. According to the Advertising & Media Outlook, the number of global TV audiences is constantly growing, and it may reach approximately 5.68 billion people by 2026. However, television advertisements are still a little challenging to target the right audience and have a low return on investment compared to other forms of digital advertising. Television marketing is not too good for a small business. However, if your brand is massive, this may give you some better results. It has its advantages and weaknesses here we will mention some of them. Advantages
Grabs attention! It is like tapping them on the shoulder and saying, (hey, come and look at this)
Combines sight and sound! Charm both the senses of sound and sight at the same time. Together, they have a high impact on communication. Capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch.
Fosters emotion and empathy! TV ads are not just walking and talking letters. You are putting on a skit or short play sorts for your audience to their benefit. It is up to you to make it lighthearted, humorous, thought-provoking, or heartbreaking.
Reaches to a broad targeted audience! The best advantage of television advertising is the broad audience range you can reach instantaneously.
The production is big!
It is a big production! When we say, we mean it, if you are craving to create a good ad, you need to hire a scriptwriter, director, actors, or an entire advertising agency. Also, rehearsing, shooting, and Reshooting can take the whole day or week.
Costs can be prohibitive!
Advertising on television is expensive, producing an ad is a sizable expense, and buying airtime to run your ad is another budget-buster.
Frequency is necessary!
You have to run your ad a minimum of three times in one hour, it is not worth your time and money if you can not afford to run the ad multiple times. The more your target audience sees your ad, the more they feel they know who you are and can trust you
Changes are difficult and costly!
Need to make a change to your ad? It is not as easy as editing your print ad. Usually, you have to reshoot the ad. And that becomes too expensive sometimes.
Phone Marketing
Now days almost everyone in the world has a mobile phone, and 90% of them have a smartphone. In 2014 we crossed the tipping line where more people are accessing the internet from their smartphones than from their desktop devices or laptop, Also, the amount spent on mobile ads in 2015 was higher than desktop device ads. There are two apps we open almost every time we unlock our phone, whether it is a smartphone or not Call and Massage. Call Cold calling is the process of calling any person with no prior contact and trying to sell him something. It may have happened to you too. You may also receive a call from a sales agent trying to sell you his product. Marketers call more than 50 people and make roughly Three or Four sales in one day. It is a big difference in numbers. Why? Because people are too busy nowadays, they already have many problems to cope with and do not want to hear strangers whining on the phone about selling and purchasing. So when people find out that the incoming call is from a sales agent who is trying to sell them his product, people immediately hang up the phone. Massage Instead, messaging apps work much better, and it is on every phone. Online or offline, text messages are almost guaranteed to be, read. Think about it this way, when you call someone, you force them to listen to you immediately or hang up, and most people hang up, but that does not happen with text messages. People can read them whenever they have time. All you have to do is, give them a heart-catching deal they can not get from anyone else. Several providers offer text marketing at scale. You can get some help from google. There are several ways to leverage text message marketing. Using text reminders as customer service can also enhance your mobile marketing, as some pharmacies already do. They give alerts to their customers when their prescriptions are ready for pickup. Special deals, coupons, and discounts are a great way to get additional customers and turn walk-ins into regulars. Another option is to create a loyalty program, where you make offers for participating customers or do special deals and giveaways. Another option is QR codes. Previously we had to obtain a specific app to use QR codes, but now this is done by our smartphone's camera. All we need to do is scan the code, which takes us to a particular web page.
How to Set Up an Offline Digital Marketing Strategy?
Apply enhanced offline marketing strategy.
Build a radio marketing strategy.
Do work in TV Marketing strategy.
Get engaged in phone marketing.
General Digital Marketing FAQ
What is Digital Marketing? Any form of advertising you do with the help of an electronic device like a desktop device, laptop, cell phone, electric billboard, television, or radio is called digital marketing. What's the future of digital marketing? The prospect of digital marketing is bright as there is now more market and consumer awareness. Businesses can also use a wide range of data to gather information and analyze their target audience. It is a complete way to connect with the audience. Why does digital marketing matter? What is the easiest way to advertise your business today? Our answer is the internet, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even WhatsApp. Just create an Eye-catchy ad and post it on your social media page customers will find you anytime or anywhere. Also, if you have a website, you can reach customers worldwide.
Wrapping Up
As you guys see, this is the scope of offline digital marketing. We are constantly using the word offline. Because we have not told you anything useful about online digital marketing, but don't worry. Our next post will be all about online digital marketing. However, we are not experts in digital marketing yet. Still, if you have any question or is confused about anything mentioned in this post, you can ask us in the comments box below.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
7 Potential Reasons Why Your Website May Underperform
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Companies depend on their websites more than ever as more consumers switch to online purchasing. They occasionally don't perform nearly as well as expected when it comes to earning cash. Here, we look at the most frequent reasons for subpar performance and explain how to resolve them.
1. Your website cannot be found by search engines
Simply having a website does not guarantee that search engines have found it. Even if they have, not all of your pages may have been fully indexed. People that use search engines like Google won't be able to find your website and make purchases from you until this occurs.
Although search engines deploy bots to explore the internet for fresh websites and pages, occasionally a website can be set up to prevent these bots from accessing it. This can be the problem if your website has been up for a while but is still not being found. You could check your Google Search Console account for crawl errors to determine if this is the issue many business listings.
2. Your site doesn't have a good ranking
90% of Google users don't click through to the second page of results. Being featured on the first page is incredibly tough to do because there are so many companies selling similar goods and services, and even if you do, there's no guarantee you'll stay there.
There are two ways to approach this. You might need to use advertising to increase traffic in the short run. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements on search engines like Google, Bing, and others, as well as on some social media platforms, can be used for this purpose. By focusing on the SEO of your website, you may increase your ranking and organic traffic in the long run (search engine optimisation).
3. Your website loads slowly
With 5G phone connections, high-speed devices, and high-speed broadband, today's consumers demand all websites to load and respond virtually instantaneously. If your website loads or responds slowly, there is a very significant danger that consumers won't stay long enough to complete a purchase, with 53% of users quitting a site that takes longer than 3 seconds to load business listings.
The inability of your server to handle the volume of data required to send and receive by your website is a frequent cause of this. Upgrading to a more potent hosting plan on a quicker server with more storage, CPU, RAM, and bandwidth is the most efficient method, while you can speed things up to some amount by compressing data, minimising scripts, optimising photos, and removing unneeded plugins.
4. Your website is not optimised for mobile
In the UK, mobile devices account for 55% of internet purchases, with 79% of consumers having done so in the previous six months. People won't be able to view your material properly if your website is not mobile-friendly, and they may leave without making a purchase. This means that a problem that is simple to correct could be costing you more than half of your online earnings. Use a responsive theme for your website as a fix. Using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test, you can determine how mobile-friendly your website is free business listings.
5. Poor navigation
When users visit a website, they anticipate being able to browse and buy products easily. They will look elsewhere if they can't find what they need or it takes too long. Your website needs to have good navigation and a solid organisational structure to avoid this from happening. Be sure to give your categories meaningful names, place items in the appropriate categories, and show those categories in a menu that is easy to read. Install a product search bar as well if you have a lot of products, especially with a feature that allows users to filter products by size, colour, price, brand, etc.
6. Your website is untrustworthy
Online shoppers are becoming more wary of being scammed and seek for a variety of indicators that your site is reliable and secure. Without these, a lot of new potential clients will be hesitant to make a purchase from you. If you sell products online, you should at the very least have an SSL certificate that displays a secure padlock icon in browsers and works to protect the financial and personal data of your consumers. Display your firm name, registration number, physical address, and, if feasible, any independent reviews you may have from sites like Google, Trustpilot, Facebook, and others.
7. Your website frequently goes offline
If your website frequently goes down and is unavailable when customers want to make purchases, it hurts your company's online reputation and stops sales. To prevent this, there are two things you can do. First and foremost, if your host is to blame for this problem, you should look for another host that provides more dependable hosting with uptime guarantees of at least 99.9%.
A further reason a website can continuously going offline is that it must enter maintenance mode whenever updates are made since it is constantly being updated. To get around this, schedule updates for times when your site is not popular, such as the wee hours of the morning. Few, if any, visitors will be impacted in this way.
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jackyy19 · 15 hours
 E- commerce & mobile application Development
 E- commerce & mobile application Development
 E-Commerce is typically buying and selling things online via the Internet.  E-commerce websites let you purchase things online. They show what’s for sale and help you pay securely via debit, credit and net banking and track your orders. You can shop for Products and services through websites or Apps, pay for them and get them delivered to your home. Most popular example of E- commerce is Amazon , Flipkart, Alibaba, Shopify, Meesho, e-bay, OLX . Selling on E-commerce platforms involves setting up a store online to showcase your products and services.  You list items with their description , prices, inventory ,order processing  also provide customer support, use marketing strategies to attracts potential customers towards it. E commerce makes shopping easy and convenient online, it offers wide range of products worldwide. People can buy goods and services anytime and anywhere through E-commerce.
Mobile Application Development means making apps for phones and tablets . Developers create these Apps to be easy to use, fast, user- friendly and secure, they design how the app will look , write the code that will make it work, check for any problem whenever needed and then put it on App stores like Google play store and apple play store. Apps also connect with other services , send you important updates and can be personalized as per the requirements of user, they typically works on different devices and can get updated to improve functionality and performance. The chief goal of Mobile Application Development should be providing real and meaningful value to its users. By creating apps that are secure, easy to use, user friendly and meets the requirements of the user, enjoyable and are of supreme quality.
Mobile Application Development & E- commerce
Combing E- commerce with mobile application development means creating apps that let users shop online from their own smartphones conveniently. These apps includes feature like showcase products, shopping cart, secure payments via net banking and cards, order tracking and order processing, delivery of goods and services. Making shopping seamless and efficient, shaping the future of online retailers. The most popular example of combing e- commerce with mobile application development is Amazon app. It let you shop for the product, make secure payments, track orders status and order processing , delivery and acknowledgment for the same ,all on your smartphone ,making shopping user-friendly , convenient and easy ,enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement. Convenient.
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Why Should You Invest in a Web Designing Service in Delhi?
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Having a good-looking website is not enough, but it is a must In today's fast-changing digital world. Whether you want to give a new look to your old business or want to make a name for yourself as a startup, investing in website design services can greatly benefit your business. Delhi-based company Modulation Digital offers excellent design services that can change the entire brand identity of your company. So let's know some strong reasons to take website design services in Delhi especially with Modulation Digital.
Credibility and Professionalism-
Looking good at first sight is very important, especially in today's digital age. A well-built website looks good and feels trustworthy. This creates a good image of your business. This shows that you take your online business seriously and that you are ready to provide good service to your customers. In a market like Delhi where everyone is trying to grow their business, a good website can make you stand out from others and give people a reason to trust you.
Customized Solutions-
Every company has its own different needs. Some companies run small shops, while others run big brands. Delhi-based website making company Modulation Digital understands this very well. This company knows the Delhi market very well and creates different types of websites according to every business. Whether your company is a small shop or a big brand, Modulation Digital will create a website specifically for you. If you want, you can create a website just to provide information or you can also create an e-commerce website to sell goods online.
Search Engine Optimization-
The website should not only look good but it should also be visible on Google. Only then will people know about you and your business will grow. Web Designing  companies in Delhi do SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Meaning, the website is made in such a way that Google can find it easily. This will bring your website higher in search results and more people will be able to find you online.
Responsive Designing for Mobile Compatibility-
Nowadays everyone has a smartphone in their hands and most of the people access the internet through it. That is why the website should be such that it opens easily even on mobile. Many people in Delhi use smartphones, so it is important that your website looks good on mobile also. Good web Designing companies create websites that look good on every device, whether it is a phone or a computer.
Support and Scalability-
A website is like a shop, which always has to be decorated and maintained. As your business grows, your website also has to change. Website making companies in Delhi create websites which you can change later. Besides, these companies also do website maintenance and repair work. So that your website always remains secure, new and running. The advantage of this is that you can concentrate on your business and let these companies worry about the technical things.
Combining Advanced Features-
A good website today has many new features, such as social media feeds, interactive maps, chatbots and videos. These things make the website more useful and fun. The website making companies of Delhi add all these things in the website in such a way that the people visiting the website like it and they stay on the website for a longer time. This also increases your business.
Cohesion and Brand Consistency-
Brand identity is one of the most important things in your business. A good web Designing company will ensure that the design, colors, fonts and information on your website are in line with the overall brand of your business (be it your logo, pamphlets for Advertisement). This makes people trust your business and remember your brand.
User Experience (UX) Design and User-Friendly Navigation-
Website visitors should like your website so that they come back and become your customers. Web Designing companies  in Delhi create websites that are easy to use. It is easy to navigate on these websites, get the necessary information easily and can easily do the work you want to do. The benefit of this is that more people come to your website, stay longer and your business grows.
Compliance and Security
Nowadays, fraud and theft are happening a lot in the online world. Therefore, it is very important that your website remains secure and people's data remains secure. Website building companies in Delhi take care of the security of your website. These companies use some special technologies (like Firewall and SSL) so that your website remains secure and no theft can occur. Additionally, these companies also take into account regulations (such as GDPR and PCI DSS).
Analytics and Monitoring of Performance
It is very important to know how well the website is running for your business. Website making companies in Delhi use special software (like Google Analytics) which tells how people are moving around your website, how many people are visiting your website and how much business is being generated from your website. Based on this information, you can further improve your website and strengthen your online marketing.
Time Savings and Cost Effectiveness
Building a website yourself may seem cheap, but it is worth the short-term benefits. Such website building tools do not have the features that a professional company has. As -
You will not be able to make changes to the website later (flexibility)
You will not be able to change the website according to your business (customization).
Therefore, you may face many problems in creating a website yourself, such as technical problems or the need to rebuild the entire website later (which can be quite expensive). So overall, a website built by a good company will help you save both time and money.
Keeping Up with Technological Advancements
The field of website making also keeps changing like fashion. New things keep coming and people also like new things. That is why web Designing companies in Delhi always keep learning new technologies and create websites keeping the latest things in mind. so that your website
It should be made according to today's times (it should look good)
Ease of use (people who visit your website should find things easily)
Made in a completely new way (made according to the rules of the new age)
Its advantage is that your business remains ahead of others and your company's name continues to be popular in the online market.
Including these extra elements emphasizes even more the all-encompassing advantages that companies can obtain by using a seasoned web designing  company in Delhi like Modulation Digital in Delhi.
So overall, taking the help of a good web Designing company in Delhi like Modulation Digital will not only give your business an attractive website but will also provide many other benefits. A good website is very important for online success. This makes your business look professional, improves your online reputation and your website also comes up in Google search. That means more and more people will be able to find you. Additionally, a good website company will also ensure that your website opens easily on mobile and is always secure. Its advantage is that you can concentrate on your work, the company will take care of the technical things.
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digitaltravelexpert · 12 days
Effective SEO for Hotels: 15 SEO Tips to Win Direct Bookings
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Explore the ultimate roadmap to SEO success for hotels and elevate your digital marketing game. Uncover expert insights and tactics tailored specifically for the hospitality industry to drive traffic, bookings, and revenue growth. Getting strategic when hired to run SEO for Hotels is crucial because the hospitality industry is highly competitive, with countless hotels vying for visibility in search engine results. A strategic approach allows you to leverage the unique selling points and target audience of each hotel, optimizing content, keywords, and promotions to stand out amidst the noise and attract potential guests effectively. By aligning SEO efforts with broader business goals and understanding the nuances of the hotel customer journey, you can maximize ROI and drive sustainable growth in bookings and revenue.
15 Skills to Look at When Hiring a Digital Expert Doing SEO for Hotels
1. Keyword Research: Understanding the unique search queries of potential hotel guests at each stage of their journey, such as "luxury hotels in Paris" or "last-minute hotel deals in New York," to optimize website content and drive organic traffic. Example: Researching long-tail keywords like "family-friendly hotels with pool" or "pet-friendly accommodations near beach" to target specific customer needs. 2. On-Page Optimization: Implementing Hotel SEO best practices like optimizing meta titles, descriptions, and headers with relevant keywords to improve search engine rankings and increase click-through rates. Example: Crafting compelling meta descriptions for hotel pages, incorporating location, amenities, and unique selling points to entice users to click through to the website. 3. Content Creation: Developing high-quality, informative content tailored to each stage of the hotel customer journey, such as blog posts on local attractions, travel guides, or interactive maps, to engage users and encourage bookings. Example: Creating a series of destination guides for the hotel's location, highlighting nearby attractions, restaurants, and activities to inspire travelers in the research phase. 4. Local SEO: Optimizing hotel listings on Google My Business, Yelp, and other local directories with accurate information, photos, and positive reviews to improve visibility in local search results and attract nearby guests. Example: Effective local SEO for hotels ensures consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) across all online listings and encourages satisfied guests to leave reviews mentioning specific amenities or experiences. 5. Technical SEO: Conducting regular website audits to identify and fix technical issues like broken links, slow page speed, or mobile usability issues that could negatively impact search rankings and user experience. Technical hotel SEO mainly focuses on identifying and resolving issues that could impact the hotel website user experience. Example: Implementing schema markup for hotel reviews and ratings to enhance search engine snippets and improve visibility in search results.
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6. Link Building: Building relationships with relevant websites, bloggers, and influencers in the hospitality industry to earn high-quality backlinks pointing to the hotel's website, increasing authority and improving search rankings. Linking is an essential key to effective seo for hotels. Example: Collaborating with local tourism boards or travel bloggers to feature either through advertorial or editorial travel content the hotel in round-up posts or destination guides, earning valuable backlinks from authoritative sources. 7. Mobile Optimization: Ensuring that the hotel website is fully optimized for mobile devices, with fast loading times, responsive design, and easy navigation to provide a seamless experience for mobile users and improve search rankings. Example: Implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for hotel booking pages to reduce load times and increase conversions for mobile users searching for last-minute accommodations. 8. Social Media Integration: Integrating social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter into the hotel's SEO strategy to amplify content, engage with followers, and drive traffic back to the website. Example: Sharing user-generated content, such as guest photos and reviews, on social media channels to showcase the hotel experience and encourage direct bookings. 9. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyzing website data and user behavior to identify opportunities for improving conversion rates, such as optimizing booking forms, implementing persuasive calls-to-action, or offering exclusive deals to incentivize bookings. Example: A/B testing different variations of the hotel's booking page, including different imagery, pricing options, and incentive offers, to determine which combination generates the highest conversion rate. 10. Reputation Management: Monitoring online reviews and managing the hotel's online reputation by responding promptly and professionally to both positive and negative feedback, demonstrating commitment to guest satisfaction and improving brand perception. Example: Addressing a negative review about cleanliness by publicly acknowledging the issue, apologizing, and outlining steps taken to rectify the situation, showcasing transparency and accountability to potential guests. 11. Data Analysis: Utilizing tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to track website performance, identify trends, and measure the effectiveness of SEO strategies, allowing for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement. You can doing SEO for hotels and ignore the power of data. Example: Analyzing website traffic patterns and conversion rates to determine peak booking times and adjust marketing campaigns accordingly, optimizing budget allocation and maximizing ROI. 12. Competitor Analysis: Researching competitor websites and SEO strategies to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for differentiation, informing the development of a unique value proposition and competitive positioning. Example: Analyzing competitor keyword rankings and content strategies to identify gaps in the market, such as underserved customer segments or untapped local attractions, and capitalize on growth opportunities. 13. Multilingual SEO: Optimizing website content and metadata for multiple languages to attract international travelers and improve visibility in global search engines, leveraging translation services and cultural insights to tailor messaging for different markets. Effective hotel SEO strategies take into account different audiences and demographics and their respective languages or travel habits. Example: Translating key website pages, such as booking information and FAQs, into languages commonly spoken by target international markets, ensuring a seamless user experience for non-English-speaking guests. 14. Seasonal SEO: Creating seasonal marketing campaigns and promotions tailored to peak travel periods, holidays, and special events to capitalize on seasonal search trends and drive bookings during off-peak periods. Example: Launching a summer vacation package promotion targeting families with children out of school, featuring discounted rates, complimentary amenities, and family-friendly activities to attract summer travelers. 15. Customer Journey Mapping: Mapping out the various the hotel customer journey stages, from awareness to booking and post-stay feedback, to identify touchpoints where SEO can influence decision-making and enhance the overall guest experience. Proper SEO for hotels and customer journey mapping are closely interdependable. Example: Creating targeted email campaigns based on customer segmentation and booking history, delivering personalized recommendations and exclusive offers to drive repeat bookings and foster customer loyalty.
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Hiring an SEO strategist with a background in the hospitality industry is a game-changer because they possess insider knowledge of the unique challenges and opportunities within the hotel niche, allowing for more strategic and effective SEO tactics tailored to the specific needs and preferences of hotel guests.
Building Effective and Ethical Backlinks: SEO for Hotels
Building effective and ethical backlinks for SEO, especially for hotels, requires a strategic approach that focuses on quality, relevance, and adherence to best practices. Here’s a step-by-step guide for hotel SEO tips to help you achieve this: 1. Create High-Quality Content Informative Blog Posts and Articles - Travel Guides: Write comprehensive guides about the local area, attractions, and activities. - Hotel Amenities: Detail unique aspects of your hotel, such as special amenities, packages, or services. - Guest Stories and Reviews: Share testimonials and stories from previous guests. Visual Content - High-Quality Photos: Share professional photos of your hotel and its surroundings. - Videos: Create engaging videos showcasing the hotel, local attractions, and guest experiences. 2. Guest Blogging and Outreach Identify Relevant Blogs and Websites - Travel Blogs: Reach out to travel bloggers who focus on your region or niche. - Industry Websites: Look for tourism industry websites that accept guest posts. Pitch Unique Topics - Personalized Pitches: Tailor your pitch to the blog’s audience, proposing topics that are unique and valuable. - Quality Content: Provide high-quality, original content in your guest posts. 3. Engage with Travel Influencers Local Influencers - Collaborations: Partner with local influencers to promote your hotel. - Guest Stays: Offer complimentary stays in exchange for reviews, blog posts, and social media posts Travel Influencers - Instagram and YouTube: Collaborate with influencers who have a strong following on these platforms. 4. Leverage Local and Industry Directories Local Business Directories - Tourism Websites: Get listed on local tourism and city guide websites. - Hotel Directories: Submit your hotel to well-known hotel directories. Niche Directories - Specialty Sites: If your hotel caters to a specific niche (e.g., eco-friendly, boutique), find directories that focus on that niche. 5. Build Relationships with Local Businesses Partnerships - Cross-Promotions: Partner with local restaurants, tour companies, and attractions for mutual promotions. - Event Sponsorships: Sponsor local events to gain exposure and backlinks. Local Press and Media - Press Releases: Send press releases about significant events or updates at your hotel. - Media Outreach: Build relationships with local journalists and offer them story ideas. 6. Utilize Social Media Shareable Content - Social Shares: Create content that is highly shareable on social media platforms. - Engagement: Actively engage with your audience on social media to build a loyal following. Content Syndication - LinkedIn Articles: Repurpose blog posts as LinkedIn articles to reach a broader audience. - Medium: Publish articles on Medium for additional visibility and backlinks. 7. Focus on Review Sites Encourage Reviews - TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google: Encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews on these platforms. - Monitor and Respond: Regularly monitor reviews and respond promptly to feedback. 8. Host and Promote Events Hotel Events - Special Offers: Promote special offers, events, and packages. - Community Events: Host community events and invite local businesses and influencers. Press Coverage - Media Invitations: Invite local media to cover your events. 9. Use Competitor Analysis Backlink Analysis Tools - SEMrush, Ahrefs: Use these tools to analyze the backlinks of your competitors. - Identify Opportunities: Look for sites that link to your competitors and reach out to them. 10. Ethical Practices Avoid Black Hat Techniques - No Link Buying: Avoid buying links, as this can lead to penalties from search engines. - No Spam: Don’t engage in spammy practices like excessive blog commenting or link exchanges. Transparency and Honesty - Clear Policies: Be transparent about any collaborations or sponsored content. - Quality Over Quantity: Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks rather than a large number of low-quality links. By following these strategies, you can build a robust and ethical backlink profile for your hotel, enhancing your SEO and attracting more guests.
Why is Investing in SEO for Hotel Marketing Worthwhile?
SEO for hotel marketing is crucial for several reasons, especially when it comes to attracting direct bookings and relying less on Online Travel Agencies (OTAs):
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1. Increased Visibility and Traffic: - Effective SEO techniques improve your hotel website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it easier for potential guests to find you online. - Higher visibility means increased organic traffic to your website, providing more opportunities to convert visitors into direct bookings. 2. Cost-Effectiveness - Compared to relying solely on OTAs for bookings, investing in SEO offers a cost-effective way to attract guests directly to your website. - While OTAs charge commissions for bookings, SEO generates organic traffic without ongoing costs per click or booking, resulting in higher profit margins for direct bookings. 3. Control Over Brand Messaging - Direct bookings through your website allow you to control the branding and messaging that guests encounter during the booking process. - You can showcase your hotel’s unique features, amenities, and value propositions more effectively, strengthening brand loyalty and differentiation from competitors. 4. Higher Profit Margins - Direct bookings typically result in higher profit margins compared to bookings made through OTAs, which often charge significant commissions. - By encouraging guests to book directly, you retain a larger portion of the booking revenue, maximizing profitability for your hotel. 5. Customer Relationships and Loyalty: - Direct bookings enable you to establish direct relationships with guests from the booking stage onwards, fostering stronger customer loyalty and repeat business. - Through personalized communication and loyalty programs, you can incentivize guests to book directly in the future, reducing reliance on third-party booking channels. 6. Long-Term Sustainability: - Building a strong SEO presence for your hotel website creates a sustainable source of hotel direct bookings over the long term. - While OTAs can provide short-term visibility and bookings, investing in SEO ensures consistent organic traffic and bookings, reducing dependency on external booking platforms. 7. Flexibility and Control Over Pricing: - Direct booking channels give you the flexibility to adjust pricing and promotions based on market conditions, seasons, and demand trends. - Unlike OTAs, which may impose restrictions on pricing and promotional activities, your website allows you to offer exclusive deals and incentives to encourage direct bookings. 8. Data Ownership and Insights: - Direct bookings provide valuable customer data and insights that can inform your marketing strategies and guest experience initiatives. - By capturing booking data directly through your website, you gain ownership of this data and can use it to personalize marketing campaigns and improve guest satisfaction. In summary, prioritizing SEO for hotel marketing is essential for attracting direct bookings and reducing reliance on OTAs. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase visibility, control branding and messaging, maximize profitability, and build long-term relationships with guests, ultimately driving sustainable growth for your hotel business.
Why SEO for Hotels Requires Specialized Content Creators
SEO for hotels demands a nuanced understanding of the industry and its customers, which a hotel content creator with a background in hotel management possesses. They comprehend the customer journey, from initial research to booking confirmation, allowing them to tailor content that resonates with potential guests at each stage. With insights into the target audience's preferences, pain points, and booking behavior, they can craft compelling and relevant content that drives organic traffic and direct bookings. Read the full article
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pixel-studios · 22 days
Boost Your Store Visits: Expert Tips on Retail Digital Marketing
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Retail Digital Marketing
In today's competitive retail environment, increasing store visits is a top priority for business owners. With the rise of e-commerce, traditional brick-and-mortar stores must adopt innovative digital marketing strategies to attract and retain customers. This blog will provide retail business owners with expert tips on leveraging digital marketing to boost store traffic and ultimately drive sales. Whether you're a seasoned retailer or struggling to improve your store visits, these strategies will help you understand how to harness the power of digital marketing effectively.
Understanding the Importance of Digital Marketing for Retail
Digital marketing is no longer an optional add-on for retail marketing businesses; it's a necessity. The modern consumer is digitally savvy, spending a significant amount of time online. By implementing a robust digital marketing strategy, you can reach potential customers where they spend most of their time and guide them to your physical store. Here are some expert tips to help you get started.
1. Optimize Your Online Presence
Your website is the digital face of your business. Ensure it's not only attractive but also user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Here are some key steps:
Responsive Design: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. A significant portion of your audience will be accessing your site via smartphones.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimize your website content with relevant keywords to rank higher in search engine results. This includes on-page elements like meta tags, headers, and image alt texts.
Local SEO: Focus on local SEO to attract customers in your vicinity. Claim your business on Google My Business and ensure your name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms.
2. Leverage Social Media 
Social media platforms are powerful tools for driving store traffic. Here's how to use them effectively:
Engaging Content: Create and share content that resonates with your target audience. This could be anything from behind-the-scenes looks at your store, new product launches, to customer testimonials.
Promotions and Offers: 
Use social media to announce special promotions, discounts, and events. Encourage your followers to visit your store to take advantage of these offers.
Local Targeting: Use the targeting features on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential customers in your local area.
3. Utilize Email Marketing
Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customers. 
Here’s how you can use it to boost store visits:
Personalized Campaigns:Send personalized emails to your customers based on their past purchases and preferences. Personalized emails have higher open and click-through rates.
Exclusive Offers: Offer exclusive discounts and promotions to your email subscribers. This not only incentivizes visits but also makes your customers feel valued.
Event Invitations: Use email marketing to invite customers to in-store events. This could be product launches, sales events, or community gatherings.
4. Implement Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
PPC advertising, such as Google Ads, can drive targeted traffic to your store. Here’s how to make the most of it:
Local Campaigns: Set up local PPC campaigns targeting customers in your geographical area. Use location-based keywords and extensions to attract nearby shoppers.
Ad Copy: Write compelling ad copy that highlights your unique selling points and includes a clear call to action.
Landing Pages: Ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions. They should be relevant to the ad content and provide a seamless user experience.
5. Utilize Influencer Marketing
Collaborating with local influencers can amplify your reach and attract new customers. Here’s how to approach it:
Identify Influencers: Find local influencers who align with your brand values and have a significant following in your target market.
Partnerships: Partner with influencers to promote your store through sponsored posts, reviews, and giveaways.
Authenticity: Ensure that the collaborations feel authentic and organic. Influencer marketing works best when the influencer genuinely likes and uses your products.
6. Optimize for Local Listings
Local listings are crucial for driving foot traffic to your store. Make sure your business is listed accurately across all online directories. This includes:
Google My Business: Optimize your Google My Business profile with up-to-date information, photos, and customer reviews.
Other Directories:Ensure your business is listed on other relevant directories such as Yelp, Bing Places, and industry-specific sites.
7. Offer Click-and-Collect Services
In the age of convenience, offering click-and-collect services can be a significant draw for customers. This hybrid shopping model allows customers to purchase online and pick up in-store, driving foot traffic and providing an opportunity for additional in-store purchases.
8. Host In-Store Events
Hosting in-store events is a great way to draw in crowds and create buzz around your store. Consider these types of events:
Product Launches: Introduce new products with exclusive in-store events.
Workshops and Classes: Offer workshops or classes related to your products to engage customers.
Seasonal Events: Capitalize on holidays and seasonal events to attract shoppers.
Partner with Pixel Studios for Proven Retail Marketing Solutions.
At Pixel Studios, we understand the unique challenges faced by retail business owners. Our digital marketing agency specializes in creating tailored strategies that deliver results quickly. From optimizing your online presence to leveraging social media and running effective PPC campaigns, our team of experts is dedicated to helping you increase store visits and drive sales.
Our proven track record speaks for itself, with numerous retail clients experiencing significant growth in foot traffic and revenue through our innovative digital marketing solutions. Contact Pixel Studios today to learn how we can help your retail business thrive in a competitive market.
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Speak and Sell: Optimizing Your Affordable Sydney E-commerce Website for Voice Search
The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and the way people search for products and services is undergoing a significant shift. Voice search technology, powered by virtual assistants like Google Assistant and Siri, is rapidly changing the game for online businesses.
For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in Australia, particularly those with e-commerce websites, embracing voice search optimization is no longer an option; it's a necessity. This is especially true for Sydney-based businesses, where the tech-savvy population is increasingly using voice search on their smartphones and smart devices.
Here's why optimizing your affordable Sydney e-commerce website for voice search is crucial, and how you can leverage this technology to reach new customers and boost your sales.
Why Voice Search Matters for E-commerce Websites
Voice search presents a unique opportunity for e-commerce businesses to connect with customers in a more natural and conversational way. Here's how:
Convenience: Voice search allows users to search for products hands-free, making it ideal for busy individuals on the go. This convenience factor is particularly relevant for mobile users searching for products while commuting or performing other tasks.
Increased Specificity: Voice search queries tend to be more specific and question-based. For example, instead of typing "running shoes," a user might ask, "What are the best running shoes for flat feet?" This can be advantageous for e-commerce businesses that can target these specific long-tail keywords to improve their ranking in voice search results.
Local Focus: Voice search queries often have a local intent. Someone searching for "affordable web design in Sydney" is far more likely to convert compared to someone searching for a generic term like "web design." This presents a significant opportunity for Sydney-based e-commerce businesses to capture local traffic.
By optimizing your affordable Sydney e-commerce website for voice search, you can ensure your business appears in relevant voice search results when potential customers are looking for products or services you offer. This translates to increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, more sales.
Optimizing Your Affordable Sydney E-commerce Website for Voice Search: Key Strategies
Here are some actionable steps you can take to optimize your website for voice search and leverage the power of this growing trend:
Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: As mentioned earlier, voice search queries tend to be more specific and question-based. Therefore, optimizing your website content for long-tail keywords that are relevant to your products and target audience is crucial. Consider including these keywords in product descriptions, blog posts, and website copy.
Embrace Conversational Language: Voice search queries are more conversational than traditional typed searches. Optimize your website content to sound natural and answer questions in a clear and concise manner.
Optimize for Mobile: Since a significant portion of voice searches occur on mobile devices, ensure your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed. This will provide a seamless user experience for customers searching for your products on their smartphones or tablets.
Prioritize Local SEO: If you're a Sydney-based business, local SEO is paramount. Include your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) prominently on your website. Additionally, claim your Google My Business listing and ensure it's updated with accurate information. This will increase your visibility in local voice search results for relevant searches like "affordable web design Sydney."
Structured Data Matters: Implement schema markup on your website. This helps search engines understand the content on your website and can improve your ranking in voice search results.
Focus on High-Quality Content: Create valuable and informative content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. This could include blog posts, product reviews, or informative FAQs.
Remember: When optimizing your website for voice search, the goal is to provide clear and concise answers to the questions your target audience is asking. Affordable web design in Sydney can play a crucial role in achieving this. By collaborating with a skilled web designer who understands the nuances of voice search optimization, you can ensure your website is structured and written in a way that resonates with voice search algorithms and delivers the information users are seeking.
Affordable Web Design in Sydney: Your Voice Search Optimization Partner
Affordable web design in Sydney doesn't have to compromise on quality. Look for web design agencies or freelancers who specialize in e-commerce websites and understand the growing importance of voice search optimization. Here's what you can expect from a good affordable web design service in Sydney:
Keyword Research: They will conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant long-tail keywords that your target audience is likely to use in voice searches.
Content Optimization: They will optimize your website content to be clear, concise, and answer user queries in a conversational tone.
Technical SEO Expertise: They will ensure your website is technically sound and optimized for mobile devices and fast loading speeds, both crucial for voice search ranking.
Schema Markup Implementation: They will implement schema markup on your website to improve search engine understanding and potentially boost your voice search visibility.
Local SEO Optimization: For Sydney-based businesses, they will prioritize local SEO best practices, ensuring your website appears in relevant local voice search results.
By partnering with an affordable web design service in Sydney that understands voice search optimization, you can create a website that not only looks great but also positions your business for success in the evolving world of voice-driven e-commerce.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Is voice search just a fad, or is it here to stay?
A: Voice search technology is rapidly growing in popularity. With the increasing adoption of smart speakers and virtual assistants, voice search is becoming a more natural and convenient way for people to search for information and products online. It's not a fad; it's here to stay, and businesses that embrace voice search optimization will be well-positioned for future growth.
Q: How much does it cost to optimize my website for voice search?
A: The cost of voice search optimization can vary depending on the complexity of your website and the services offered by your chosen web designer. However, affordable web design services in Sydney often incorporate basic voice search optimization principles into their packages. Be sure to discuss your voice search optimization goals with potential web designers and compare quotes before making a decision.
Q: Can I optimize my website for voice search myself?
A: You can certainly implement some basic voice search optimization techniques yourself, such as focusing on long-tail keywords and optimizing your website for mobile. However, for a comprehensive and strategic approach, partnering with an affordable web design service in Sydney with expertise in voice search optimization is recommended. They can conduct in-depth keyword research, optimize your website content for voice queries, and ensure your website is technically sound for voice search algorithms.
Q: How can I measure the success of my voice search optimization efforts?
A: There are several ways to measure the success of your voice search optimization efforts. You can track your website traffic coming from voice search queries using Google Search Console. Additionally, monitor your ranking for relevant long-tail keywords and conversion rates for website visitors coming from voice searches.
Q: Are there any additional tips for optimizing my website for voice search?
A: Here are some additional tips:
Focus on answering questions: Think about the questions your target audience might ask about your products or services and ensure your website content provides clear and concise answers.
Speak in a natural tone: Avoid overly technical jargon and write your website content in a way that sounds natural and conversational.
Use rich snippets and FAQs: Implementing rich snippets and FAQs on your website can improve your chances of appearing in voice search results and provide users with the information they need quickly.
By following these tips and partnering with an affordable web design service in Sydney that understands voice search optimization, you can ensure your e-commerce website is well-positioned to capture the growing market of voice search users and drive business success.
The world of e-commerce is constantly evolving, and voice search is a powerful trend that businesses can no longer ignore. By optimizing your affordable Sydney e-commerce website for voice search, you can reach new customers, improve brand awareness, and ultimately boost your sales. Remember, a well-designed and voice search-optimized website is an investment in your business's future. So, take the first step today and leverage the power of voice search to propel your Sydney-based e-commerce business towards success.
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arunsinghsucces · 1 month
Elevate Your Local Presence in Indonesia with Expert Local SEO Services!
In today's world of computers and smartphones, being online is super important for businesses to do well. Especially in Indonesia, if you want to attract customers nearby, you need to use something called Local SEO. Local SEO helps your business show up when people in your area search for what you sell. But figuring out how to do this properly can be hard if you're not an expert.
Here's how professional Local SEO expertise can Enhance your local presence in Indonesia:
Understanding Local Search Behavior: A professional Local SEO expert understands the unique search behavior of Indonesians. They know what keywords and phrases local customers use when searching for businesses like yours. By analyzing these search patterns, they can optimize your website and content to align with what your target audience is looking for.
Optimizing Google My Business: Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool for local businesses, especially in Indonesia, where Google dominates the search engine market. A Local SEO expert can optimize your GMB profile, ensuring that your business appears prominently in local search results, Google Maps, and other Google services. This includes updating your business information, adding photos, and encouraging positive reviews from satisfied customers.
Localizing Content: Effective Local SEO involves more than just keywords. It's also about creating content that resonates with your local audience. A professional Local SEO expert can help you create localized content Important to the preferences, culture, and language of Indonesian consumers. This could include blog posts, articles, social media updates, and more, all designed to engage and attract local customers.
Building Local Citations and Back links: Citations (mentions of your business's name, address, and phone number) and back-links (links from other websites to yours) are important ranking factors for local search. A Local SEO expert can help you build a strong network of local citations and high-quality back-links from reputable Indonesian websites. This not only improves your search engine rankings but also establishes your credibility and authority within the local community.
Mobile Optimization: With the widespread use of smartphones in Indonesia, it's essential to optimize your website for mobile devices. A professional Local SEO expert can ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and provides a seamless user experience on smartphones and tablets. This is Important for capturing the attention of on-the-go consumers and driving foot traffic to your physical location.
Monitoring and Reporting: Local SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and optimization. A professional Local SEO expert will track your website's performance, analyze key metrics, and provide regular reports on your progress. They'll also stay up-to-date with the latest algorithm changes and industry trends, ensuring that your local SEO strategy remains effective and competitive over time.
In conclusion, investing in professional Local SEO expertise is essential for businesses looking to elevate their local presence in Indonesia. By understanding local search behavior, optimizing Google My Business, localizing content, building citations and back-links, optimizing for mobile, and providing ongoing monitoring and reporting, a Local SEO expert can help your business stand out in the crowded online marketplace and attract more local customers. So don't wait any longer – take your local presence to new heights with the help of a professional Local SEO expert today!
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Dawn Wireless Texas Phone Store: Your Ultimate Mobile Solution Destination
Looking for the best phone deals in Texas? Dawn Wireless Texas Phone Store offers top-notch mobile solutions, accessories, and expert advice. Visit us today!
In the vast Texas landscape, finding the perfect mobile device can feel like a daunting task. That's where Dawn Wireless Texas Phone Store steps in to make the process effortless. We offer the latest smartphones, reliable accessories, and exceptional customer service, making us the go-to spot for tech enthusiasts across the Lone Star State.
Unraveling the Dawn Wireless Experience
At Dawn Wireless, we're dedicated to providing more than just products – we aim to deliver an exceptional experience.
Embracing Technology Trends
Staying ahead of technology trends is essential in today's digital world. Dawn Wireless offers a carefully curated selection of the latest smartphones from top brands like Apple, Samsung, and Google. This ensures that you have access to cutting-edge features and innovations that enhance your mobile experience.
Personalized Assistance
With numerous smartphones available, finding the perfect fit can be overwhelming. Our knowledgeable staff provides personalized assistance tailored to your needs, preferences, and budget. Whether you're a social media enthusiast, a photography buff, or a business professional, we'll help you find the ideal device.
Tailored Recommendations
We take the time to understand your unique requirements, ensuring that the device you choose perfectly aligns with your lifestyle and expectations.
Accessories Galore
Enhance your mobile experience with our wide range of accessories, including protective cases, screen protectors, wireless chargers, and Bluetooth headphones. Dawn Wireless has everything you need to customize and safeguard your device.
Quality Assurance
We source accessories from trusted brands to guarantee quality, durability, and compatibility with your devices, ensuring a seamless experience.
Exceptional Service
At Dawn Wireless, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is dedicated to providing exceptional service from the moment you step into our store to long after your purchase.
Hassle-Free Returns
We stand behind the products we sell. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, our hassle-free return policy ensures a smooth experience.
Dawn Wireless Texas Phone Store: Your Trusted Partner
Dawn Wireless Texas Phone Store is more than just a retailer – we're your trusted partner in the world of mobile technology.
Community Engagement
We believe in giving back to the community. Through various initiatives and events, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and connection among our customers and neighbors.
Environmental Responsibility
As stewards of the environment, we're committed to reducing our carbon footprint. From eco-friendly packaging to responsible recycling programs, we're dedicated to protecting the planet for future generations.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Do you offer phone trade-in programs? Yes, we offer competitive trade-in programs for old devices. Visit our store for a personalized evaluation and upgrade to the latest smartphone.
What payment options do you accept? We accept cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile payment methods for your convenience.
Can I transfer my data to a new phone at your store? Absolutely! Our tech experts can help you transfer your data, contacts, and apps to your new phone seamlessly.
Do you provide warranty for your products? Yes, all our devices come with manufacturer warranties. Additionally, we offer extended warranty options for added peace of mind.
Do you offer repair services for damaged phones? Yes, we have a dedicated repair center staffed with skilled technicians who can diagnose and repair various issues with your phone.
Can I purchase accessories online? Yes, you can browse and purchase accessories through our online store for added convenience.
Dawn Wireless Texas Phone Store is your one-stop destination for all your mobile needs. With a wide selection of smartphones, accessories, and exceptional service, we're committed to providing you with the best possible experience. Visit us today and discover why Dawn Wireless is Texas's preferred choice for mobile solutions.
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