#send me anon hate about this and i'll immediately block your ass
strykingback · 4 months
My Reply to Stop The Hate 2.0
Okay so I know I prompted to stay quiet about this one anti/RWDER but you know what screw it. When I saw what they were posting yes it left me a bit disturbed, but also the fact that he was liking some incredibly wild shit. But one post caught my attention the most and it was and I quote: "Stop The Hate 2.0." So I took a read at it and little to know surprise in the words of Genji from Overwatch.... I'm not impressed. and surprisingly this person needs no introduction I'll just get right into the nitty gritty of this poor individual who has entered the Thunderdome. papitimefire177.
Before I continue with this, I just want to immediately say this: Please for the love of god and all things holy. DO NOT WITCHHUNT Do not send any anon hate just do what I did. Block and Move On. Anywho lets get into it.
This individual here first off says things such as calling people who criticize Jaune (ala Jaune Haters) as fucking stupid and categorizes them all as he quotes: Fucking Morons and how we bitch about "made up stuff that is not true."
Okay, first things first is Jaune has basically stolen a lot of screentime from RWBY. How much? Over around 5,489 Hours of Screentime. Which is one hour thirty-one minutes and twenty-nine seconds (Counting from Volumes 1-6) And oh do please use this chart here. Special thank you to Emotional-Feed 5489 on the r/RWBYCritics subreddit for going through hell and back to get these results.
Further note- This is only going from Volumes 1-6, Seven is not included since he did not get any screentime until Volume's Eight and Nine.
Secondly, Jaune really began to grind my gears when Volume six had to reinforce the fact that Pyrhha is gone. Okay. We get it already Pyrrha is dead and Jaune is literally mourning her still. At this point lets just get it over and done with and move on. Yes, I am fully aware that Pyrrha's death has lingered heavily for him but at the same time it does not take you three entire volumes to take a deep breath in and a deep breath out to carry on.
What really set me off was in Volume nine after, Ruby who had one of if not the MOST SATISFYING mental breakdown scenes and calling out her teammates (Especially Yang) for being horrendous teammates when throughout that whole volume Ruby was going through the shitter, only for Jaune to steal it all the way cause "I suffered more than you have."
Yes Jaune as if you have the whole world on your shoulders? Like dude grow the fuck up. Because you are also talking to someone who is fifteen years old (once again this could be the case of time goes forward but the characters don't age trope.)
Then right after Ruby literally "Ascends" by drinking the tea. It's time for more Jaune angst cause he's going through it more than Ruby did?! It took Weiss, Yang, and Blake almost the entire volume to care about Ruby but it took them just a few minutes in an episode to hug Jaune for his "angst" fuck that.
Now moving on. Of course lots of people do write him out of their stories but some people do keep him only for him to have atleast one or two arcs depending on the writer of course and have him die or keep him around to develop him better than what RT's writers could do. Once more his historical allusion is to the legendary female knight Joan of Arc and I have spoken with a few friends of mine who did have plans for their RWBY Re:Write to have him transition into a woman to better fit the allusion and have him die a hero.
Gee it's not like I have MADE A POST ABOUT THIS.
Also furthermore I did do some research trying to find that "Jaune Arcless" video paptimefire177 talked about in their Stop The Hate 2.0 message. Instead I didnt find jack diddly shit at all. So I can only assume they pulled that out of their ass to try and get their point across as they go on to say that Who wants that because Removing Jaune is fucking stupid.
Which as my counterpoint. Lots of people do want Jaune to be out of the picture whether if relegated to side-character status for him to not be so damn annoying where he wont step in whenever characters like Oscar for example who in Volume 6 got a wardrobe change and some development only for it to be stolen away for a fucking statue sequence.
Or how at the end of Volume eight he could have healed up Penny and got her across the gate to Atlas so that way she could also have the relic with her. Nope lets have him kill her so he can have angst in Volume nine!
And lastly he goes off on a rant stating how Jaune Haters are pathetic along with the hate for Jaune and stating how people who hate Jaune need to wear diapers and go back to the basement we have come from.
Okay Papi. since you wanna ball. We're gonna ball. You are the pathetic one seriously do you really think people are going to follow you? You who have used ableist language against someone calling them a slur in DM's no less. Want proof?
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Or how you claim to not be a race fetishist but at the same time you liked this.
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(When I looked back in there again to find this man in the likes section of this post I could not find his name but earlier when I did my first post of Jaune Arc A Horrendous Example of A Knight. I did see his name amongst those likes)
Lets also not forget that you would happily block evade through your other accounts as well. Now then are you listening there amigo? Cause I can keep this shit up if you arent too busy. Oh wait, whats that?
You claim RWDE has made as you quoted yourself: "Sends Death Threats, Suicide Bait, False Accusations, Being general assholes, Bitches about everything"
Really then? Where is your evidence? What is your source where made those bold accusations from?
So papitimefire177 do me a favor and go outside, touch some grass, walk around take in nature itself. Instead of trying to start fights with your raceplaying ableist ass... cause guess what. Ain't nobody got time for that.
And if you do plan on replying, you aint gonna be sayin' shit so whats it gonna be!?
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poisonedspider · 3 months
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This is just my 'safe place' (ironic since it's full of demons and sinners haahahaha) so I just need to vent a bit. But I'll put it under a trigger warning for drama, cancel culture, blocking, whining, whatever else you want to say. It is against no one in particular, for the record!
I just hate that I legit have PTSD from Tumblr fandoms. Like. That sounds silly, but it's true - and I can say it's true, as a therapist, because I meet all the criteria. And I've talked to my own therapist about it (which is kind of just....sad me thinks). Like. I am a big believer in this is your space and make it how you want. Curate it how you want. This is a hobby, you owe no one, blah blah. Yet I still always go into full blown panic mode when someone blocks me out of nowhere. Especially when we were either a) having great reactions and nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen or b) we had yet to interact but wanted to and suddenly...nope.
Like if I didn't have the PTSD behind it, I'd still be sad. I adore writing. I adore storytelling. I want to create with every single person on here. But it wouldn't send me into this absolutely distressing DREAD. The fear the rumors are being spread about me again. (If you ever need/want to know what happened in past fandoms, my inbox is always open, but I can tell you that as of January 2023 so literally a whole ass year ago, the person apologized directly to me *I have every screenshot trust me I made sure to cover my ass so fast* and took down the faked call out). The fear that people still believe those rumors. The fear the people see the name 'Strode' and immediately block because they heard something that was just never true. The fear that I'm going to wake up to anons in my askbox telling me to k*ll myself again, or see the 400+ reblogs of hate against me saying scum like me shouldn't be on this website.
And honestly? Even if that stuff had been true (again, it wasn't, and I'm....so annoyed and hurt by it all but - ) that was still A YEAR AND A HALF AGO. Do people not change? Or are they not given the ability to? Tumblr can be so whack in how it crucifies people and does not allow room for growth. So at the end of the day, it's hard for me to see a block as 'innocent.' It could be ANYTHING. Maybe I post too much ooc. Share too much fanart. Didn't reply in enough time. Who hecking knows, right? It could be literally anything. Hell, maybe I'm interacting with someone they don't want to see. But because of my trauma, it always comes down to fear. Fear of what do people think I did. Why am I the bad guy now. What is going to make me scared to survive in this fandom as well.
This is all very much Benadryl/Mucinex inspired but....I like to share my thoughts. I think it can be helpful for someone to see and be like "I needed to hear this, because I have felt this way too." To realize people aren't alone. Because in October 2022, I felt the loneliest in my life due to 'cancel culture'. To watching my followers drop from 600 something down to 142 (no joke). To realizing I spent some of the last moments I would have with my grandma before she stopped remembering who I was crying about fictional people who suddenly hated me over night.
Sometimes it makes me scared to sleep. Not knowing what I'll wake up to. Not knowing who I'll lose next that I've grown to care about. I guess just know that you all matter to me, more than just a hobby. I see you as friends. I care about your days. And if you were to disappear, I'd be worried sick.
Again, no shame about blocking. But at the end of the day, a 'block' can have a lot more impact than I think people realize.
(Also haaaa the fact that I got an inbox message right as I was typing this and my heartrate peaked so quickly then I saw it was just aracniss like lol for some reason that's hysterical because that brotherly shit WOULD happen just to mess with Angie).
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magicalmysteryperson · 10 months
And now, IT'S ABOUT PEOPLE NOT CARRING ABOUT HER ART & HER CHARACTERS!!! People not rebloging or tagging her art, people not voicing or making fanart of her characters!! Nia's heart is broken, the anon wants @nia1sworld to leave tumblr!!!
Her negative is getting worst and worst, it feels like she's not happy...at all! She puts all of her art to make people happy and she gets is less art, Spread this to everyone immediately, Nia doesn't deserve this! She deserves love and support. We all love her art and her characters, heck the circle tool is PERFECT for her designs!
Her BATIM AU series are so perfect, I love her characters, we all love her characters! Now....it's getting more down and down, like she's loosing all her friends and followers. And we do not want sex bots DM or Reblogging her EVER
Please make a post and tag @nia1sworld she can't be like this, we have to put things in her inbox and we have to DM her as well! She needs love!
...Is this you, anon?
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@nia1sworld, block this anon the next time they send an ask to you.
And anon, stop.
Just stop.
This behavior is not healthy.
You did this the last time you sent me an ask, and now you are doing it again.
Do it a third time and I'll block your ass and probably report you for harassment.
f--k off.
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isa-ghost · 2 years
i read your boundaries and info, and i have a question, what are ‘Tea Blogs’? i haven’t heard this term before and i’m genuinely curious. you don’t have to answer if your not comfortable
If you're not part of the Jacksepticeye Community, don't worry about it.
If you are, well, be glad you don't know. But I'll give you a basic summary for future reference just in case you end up needing it.
TLDR; Between 2018 and 2019, a bunch of toxic pieces of shit (some of them weren't even fans of Sean to begin with) made blogs for pussy ass loser anons to spread hate and straight-up rumors about Sean, his girlfriend, Robin, his friends, his content, and other community members. They were called "tea blogs" as in "spill the tea." For some fucking reason they became a mini trend to the point where I even came across Markiplier tea blogs. All these tea blogs were a cesspool of ""hot takes"" that were garbage, nitpicky bullshit that spread so much anon hate, negativity, and drama that a huge chunk of JSEblr left the platform completely (most went to Twitter afaik) or just stopped posting and lurked.
Those of us who didn't leave, like me, got stalked by the (so it seems) ringleader of them all and regularly got harassed in our asks by random anons who were usually sent by the ringleader. They were constantly watching my blog, vagueposting about me, sending me anons and gloating about how I couldn't block them because they had multiple blogs, etc. Someone, I don't think it was the ringleader but someone, made a sideblog stealing at profile pic at the time, editing clown shit over it, called the URL "clownnn" or something like that and it was literally a hate blog just. Meant for me purely because I kept vocally and aggressively condemning the tea blogs and their followers.
It genuinely traumatized some community members, and at the very least they instilled a reflex in us to assume asks meant we were getting harassed by someone. To this day anytime I get a random ask, I immediately assume some rando has sent me hate for one reason or another, whether its related to those blogs or some other post I made ages ago.
The ringleader is still active, but I'm pretty sure they've mostly switched from harassing Sean's community to Ethan's. Or someone else's. I don't know, don't wanna find out, and am hoping talking about this doesn't lure them back to my blog because god only knows if those douchebags are still lurking around. 🙃
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Half of this fandom every fucking day of every goddamn week, tirelessly, on and on:
1) You'd think I am quite decent until you'd see me sending anons because I don't have the spine to spew hate at people's face unless I hide behind anonymity.
2) I am a huge supporter of "love and peace" in the fandom space, but it doesn't exist for the ones I don't like to the point of me having o/rgasms while grouphating on those rotten sods. Damn them.
3) Any form of criticism of my fav will be dealt with hate anons, mocking, outright name calling in the tags even though I know deep down that it is valid and the criticism was done in a polite way.
4) I can't stand when some people's voice's are louder than mine. So, I have to be the victim in every possible chance and I have to get all the brownie points of being a woke elite of this fandom until having a normal discussion with me is impossible because how dare people can't see I and my group are the oppressed and overlooked ones.
5) My poor meow meow, who is filthy rich and who is privileged as fuck, can stay silent and enjoy himself as I defend his honor on the internets against people I don't know but I hate their very bones simply because they don't like my poor meow meow.
6) Have I told you how my meow meow needs my godly defense against these faceless internet people? Now I have.
7) I have every right to automatically assume that you are a racist, an ableist, a/an *insert whatever negative shit comes to your mind here* simply because you like a particular driver that I hate with the force of a million suns. Yes.
8) As a side note to the above, I see no fault in watering down the meanings of words like "racist, ableist, homophobic" and such as long as I can use them as labels to categorize the people that I hate even though I have no evidence of them being such other than knowing that they support that one particular nasty hoe of a driver.
9) Hating a particular driver is a part of my personality and is a character trait i am proud to display in my bio.
10) I am aware I turned my fandom presence into simply being here to spew hate upon people on the internets and I am enjoying it so much! I feel I belong to my group more the more I post ugly hot takes and unsolicited opinions.
11) I love posting hate on the normal tags, because in the anti tags no one sees me other than my hate mates and by God I love the attention I get from the people I hate and I enjoy angering them.
12) But anyone posting any criticism on my fav's tag can burn in hell and I will tell my friends and we'll send them hate Anons until they feel miserable.
13) My fav is always right and while yours is the scum of the earth, my fav can make mistakes, can say problematic stuff, can post shit takes about the world issues, because they never mean bad and they will surely learn from their mistakes and we all give them a chance to grow up as a person, because they are my fav.
14) My fav can stay silent and is not responsible while us his fans rain abuse, racist slurs, death threats upon anyone we see as being against us. But your fav is 100% responsible of all the nasty his fans say and do. Because I hate them.
15) In the same vein of 13 and 14, if you are the fan of a particular driver, it means you are 100% standing behind all his fallacies and support and condone those fallacies and are also responsible of all his wrong doings and sayings. Yes, you are his mom.
16) I don't care about the mental and physical health of the others unless they are my fav. But by God, I love preaching people about it because they are insensitive savages who need to learn.
17) It is alright to use racist and misogynistic speech against people as long as it is not my fav. But I fucking love being the advocate of human rights and yada yada, you know all that stuff.
18) I feel so at peace with all the hate I have inside of me and spew it regularly on my socials for everyone to see, because I don't see the objects of my hate as human beings and they 1000% deserve all the shit thrown at them.
19) It is alright to dehumanize the ones I hate. I don't see them as myself, as a normal human being. Because it helps me feel alright about wanting to do inhumane stuff to them or wishing them to have a deadly crash. Thanks for the feeling of detachment from how horrid my wishes are.
20) Body shaming and objectification is hilarious and I am so funny for coming up all these jokes, because that guy can burn in hell.
21) Oh, I love spreading misinformation, too. I love taking a part of a quote out of its context and posting it on my socials in a way others can misinterpret it and rain more abuse on the owner of the quote. And then ignore everyone who points the real context, because it doesn't fit my agenda and I don't care *flips hair*
22) I reserve the rights to reflect all these nasty stuff that I am doing upon the the other party and act as if they are the ones who are doing this and not me and continue my righteous search for justice and peace.
23) And we are the best and you all are the scum and the world will be a better place when you're all gone. Peace out, fuckers ✌️
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