#sending his enemies to prison just wouldn't be as fun if Bishop had to make the prisons humane after all
ahc-au · 3 months
I have a couple of questions about this au : 1. Since Cody has been got that living poison or that good for nothing uncle of his out of his life so he doesnt have to face the "dangers" of this world he has created or keeping him inside the penthouse , how would this affect Cody's perspective ?
2. Did the EPF completely removed the dark turtles' failsafe devices (hypnotic induced precautions) they have implanted within them (possibly near the cerebrum or cerebellum) , or did they also found the other things like explosives within them since they are living weapons after all 3. After the trial , where would Darius be sentenced to , somewhere like maximum prison for terrorists or luxury prison for privileged people . Or his business partners that President Bishop had mentioned at the prologue during the interrogation ?
1. This one's pretty complex! Cody is a victim of abuse, but it was the kind of abuse that fostered co-dependency, and that's really hard to deprogram from. Cody may now understand that his Uncle was a bad person who never actually had his best interests in mind, but the behaviors he was taught are still going to take time to unravel. He compulsively feels the need to placate the people around him, because Dunn raised him to be obedient and expected him to essentially put his entire life on hold just for his uncle's convenience. He was raised to believe that what he could do (or build) for others determined his worth, given that was how Dunn determined his worth. He also becomes deeply invested in his attachments, having been allowed so few close relationships outside of home and work. Feeling lonely is scary, so he feels like he has to please the people he's close to especially so they won't want to leave. This leads to him denying his own needs in favor of those around him, even outright refusing to acknowledge when he's not doing well until it gets overwhelming. Thankfully, the Splintersons have left him with some very good influence, and I think as he goes he'll find the things they taught him to be of invaluable help. I don't want to say too much on that, though, since it's the subject of a few chapters off in the future heheh.
2. The EPF has long-since been dissolved, it doesn't exist anymore! And according to records, the leader died mysteriously in such a way that no body could be recovered, and there aren't any records of his name anywhere. Weird! In any case, yes, the authorities are aware of the Dark Turtles' implants. Again, this comes up later on, so I'm not gonna say too much. But! I can also point out that all their weapons and armor were confiscated. I believe it's mentioned once or twice in the first few chapters, but I try to keep it in mind since it means alterations on their usual designs whenever I draw them.
3. There's an episode of Fast Forward that begins with Jammerhead being broken out of prison, and it shows us an island in the middle of the river is where the facility is located (GREAT design choice NNYC city planners. I'm sure the nearby residents love that.) This is where I've been picturing Dunn is being held, he even gets the same prison uniform in the newspaper drawing! From the glimpse we see in the episode, it looks pretty miserable, and I think Bishop is vindictive enough to ensure he doesn't even have a chance of getting moved anywhere nicer. Because of course, in Bishop's utopia future, the prison system is still horrible. The business partners are a plot thread that is going to stay dormant for now, but it's very fortuitous of you to keep them in mind heheh.
Thank you for the questions, I hope this answers to your satisfaction!
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