#seriously I can't see the hate that Allison and Teddy get
h0wi1e · 5 months
Apologies for this long ass rant but I need to say this.
Am I the only one that's surprised by the amount of hate Allison and Teddy get as characters? I didn't mind their side plot of trying to find Wallace, although Guy Lapointe just made it longer than it should've been by talking but what a lot of people hate them for us the ending which I want to talk about.
Allison and Teddy weren't the ones that put Wallace in the zoo and I'll fucking die on that hill. Just because they're the two characters we see visiting Wallace doesn't mean they were the ones that put them there. For starters, they are civilians and aren't related to Wallace or are his guardians so they have little to no say on what happens to Wallace. And as his Ex girlfriend and best friend I just don't see them being the ones to make that decision, they'd try and push to get Wallace the surgery and rehabilitation he needs. A perfect example I will use is the fanfic 'The Water is Wide" on Ao3 where we get a chapter in the POV of Allison after they find Wallace, the police and ambulances come but later she sees a zoo ambulance drive up because Wallace is manic and needs to be restrained. Seeing the van Allison is Pissed and starts arguing with a police officer. That would've been her exact reaction to Wallace being put in a shitty little zoo exhibit, however in that fic Wallace is taken out of the suit and placed in a mental hospital but my reason still stands.
Both of them would definitely have a lot of guilt that Wallace was put in an enclosure, if Teddy had picked up his call they could've rescued him sooner. But despite all the guilt they have they don't run away, they still come to visit Wallace anyway, it is obvious that being there hurts mostly of Allison (since we see them leaving pretty early) but they still confronted Wallace and told him that they did still love him despite his appearance since Teddy says this.
"You don't have to hide from us, Wallace."
I could just never understand why people were very quick to blame Ally and Teddy, I see a lot of people saying that they just dump him there and ride off into the sunset but what else were they supposed to do? They couldn't do anything about the situation and that's what hurts, they can only sit there and watch Wallace rot away in that shithole. Personally for me I believe it was the authorities, we aren't given a real reason as to why he's in a zoo enclosure other than being because he looks like a mockery of an animal but the decision to put Wallace in such a place like that just feels like it was made by the higher ups.
So yes I'm defending Allison and Teddy, I'm not saying they're entirely innocent though, they're good people that have just done bad things (cheating together) but I just don't see them being the kind of friends to ditch Wallace and run, the fact that they stick around and visit is enough to show that they care.
Idk thank you.
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