#seriously i haven't drawn them covered in blood for awhile
thechaoticfanartist · 8 months
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Back to covering the blorbos in blood! 😌
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ncitycafe-blog · 6 years
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word count: 2.3k
it was late, about 10 pm, but you were in a relatively safe part of downtown so you felt safe walking alone, and your apartment wasn't too terribly far. shops were closing one by one, most of your light came from the amber glow of the street lamps with the occasional fluorescent hue from still open convenience stores and office buildings. you were stopped at a light and took time to admire what was around you. there was something so peaceful about the night, you almost got lost in it. up until there was a grip on your elbow, it was gentle but it was so sudden you almost let out a scream.
"babe, sorry!" you looked up a man with slightly longer brown locks. one, mind you, you did not recognize, "i had to close tonight and it took a little longer than usual, i should've texted you to wait inside."
does he have you mistaken for someone else? just as you are about to politely tell him you have no clue what he is on about, he leans down and whispers in your ear.
"if you slyly look over your right shoulder, you'll see a shady looking man. he's been following you for a few blocks now."
you look and, sure enough, you make eye contact with a guy wearing all black and he quickly averts his gaze to look away from you. either way, you had two choices: take the chance of the prince-like stranger being a complete lunatic or take the chance of the guy behind you blitz attacking you the moment he had the opportunity. you took your chances with your knight in shining armor or...nice suit rather.
"it's okay!" you reply cheerily, playing along with the ruse he started, "wanna grab something at the diner before we get home?"
"yeah, sounds great!"
with that, he grabs hold of your hand and the light gives you the go ahead to walk. the guy still follows you two, but now from across the street where he every so often sneaks a quick glance. luckily, he seems to continue walking once you step inside the diner.
"so," you start after the both of you order milkshakes and he gets a burger, "to whom is it i owe thanks for my rescue. and, just to let you know, i carry pepper spray and a pocket knife at all times. that is both a threat and me telling you i could have handled it."
he chuckles, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, "johnny seo."
your blood runs cold at that moment. johnny seo? infamous mafia member under Nterprises? maybe you should have taken your chances with the shady guy.
"don't look so afraid, darling," he says, leaning back against the booth seat. "could never harm a pretty face like yours."
he winks at you, sending a chill down your spine and warmth up to your cheeks.
"well...uh, thank you," you stammer quietly. "isn't it dangerous that i've...y'know...seen your face? for you, that is, because...y'know..."
"hmm, not unless you're confessing right now to having the intention of turning me in, but you seem smarter than that," he shrugs.
your waiter walks up, setting your orders and mumbling a "enjoy" before skittering off. johnny pays no attention to the odd behavior as he dips a fry into his milkshake and then proceeds to eat it, earning an odd look from you.
"what? have you never tried it?" he asks, genuinely shocked when you shake your head. "you have to! it's really good i promise!"
he slides over the fry basket and you mirror his prior action, eyes widening upon realizing he's totally right. he smiles, seemingly pleased with himself for introducing you to one of his favorite food combinations. the two of you finish what you have in silence before he walks you the rest of the way home.
"thank you, again," you say at the lobby entrance, "and for the milkshake, too, though i wish you let me pay."
"no, no, can't let you pay for the first date. however, if you want to buy us coffee sometime..." he trails off.
"date? are you— maybe i should've maced you," you scoff under your breath.
"hey!" he pouts, "that's not very nice."
for a moment, you had forgotten he was a member of one of the most powerful gangs in korea, but that moment was gone upon catching a glimpse of the handgun in his waistband.
"well, better get going!" you laughed nervously, trying to reach the safety of your apartment soon as possible. only, he catches your wrist just as you turn away, whispering lowly in a tone much darker than the one he spoke in all night.
"seriously, i advise you not to try anything, it wouldn't be pretty and i don't look forward to what would have to be done."
with that, he disappears into the shadows of the night, leaving you in the cold embrace of the wind and the moon as your witness. did this make you an accomplice to the mafia? maybe if you just never saw him again, you could pretend it all happened in the first place. head spinning, you finally stepped into your building and made your way up to your room, crashing as soon as your body hit the mattress.
and you didn't see him...for a couple of weeks. but one night, he showed up at your doorstep. how he got through lobby security? you haven't a clue, but he surely was insistent as he brushed passed you, into YOUR home.
"shit, well, come on in i guess," you mumble.
"the night we met," he ignores your remark, annoying you further, "did you notice anything strange?"
"afraid you're going to have to be more specific than that. what kind of strange? two men casually following me strange? handgun on one of said men strange?"
"can you be serious for two seconds?" he pleads, "did you see anyone else suspicious?"
you sigh, taking a moment to actually think, "um, the waiter acted a bit odd. scared, i guess?"
"what did he look like?" he asks firmly.
"jesus fuck i don't kn—"
"well, remember." his tone sounds bitter, harsh.
"woah, attitude much?"
"sorry, sorry," he takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. "i think someone saw us, me, that night."
"why do you think that?" now you're concerned.
he doesn't answer, just hands you an envelope. inside, there are photos of you two walking, sitting in the diner, outside your apartment complex. you can't quite grasp what this all means, but you don't like it one bit.
"i— johnny?" your voice wavers. "w-what does this... am i..."
he nods, "pack a bag, believe it or not you're safer with us for the time being, until we find out who did this."
"us?" you ask, rhetorically.
he nods again, waving you off to go pack as he sits on your couch, placing his head in his hands.
and that's how you wound up under the unexpected protection of Nterprises.
a few months passed, all leads leading to nothing but dead ends. you grew numb to it after awhile, but johnny was frustrated as when the hunt began. a bounty on his head? fine. a bounty on you? it tore him apart. there were times you found him silently weeping alone in the middle of the night when you'd gotten up for any reason, and every time, your heart ached. he blamed himself. sure, from some standpoint he could be held accountable, but this isn't what he wanted. it was just the wrong place at the wrong time.
you had learned more about the "business" whilst living under headquarter's roof, it was only natural. the first night you'd come in everyone was attentive and tried their best to...make you feel welcome. it was the least they could do, and there was no point in wasting time pretending you didn't exist. they knew you would be around for quite some time. Nterprises was built under the lee clan decades ago, and had held steady ever since. taeyong is head of the business, he's the one who really briefed you on everything. he made it very clear they didn't go around killing people as they so please, they hardly did any killing at all. to them, it was all about money, which did set your mind at ease a slight bit. he was surprisingly nurturing, not just to the other members but to you as well, much more so than you ever could have expected. he was one of the ones you saw more often, along with mark and haechan, and johnny of course. doyoung, taeyong's second in command, appeared as cold and indifferent to you, but taeyong assured you he would have your back if the time came. the others were always either busy behind closed doors or away on what mark simply put as "business trips", so you didn't have much interaction with them. you made the best of your time, there was no point to spend it wallowing.
you spent so much time with johnny, you two naturally became insanely close. in the rare times you could forget about the world around you, you would did anything normal friends would. cook and make a mess in the kitchen (much to taeyong's discontent), watch movies, act a damn fool, talk about anything and everything under the sun. he was incredibly goofy, having the boyish charm of a young child. however, he was also the most genuine and caring soul you'd ever met. he was deep thinking and seemed to always appreciate the finer things in life. there was a light in his eyes that never seemed to burn out.
one night, around 2 am, you are woken up by a clatter in the main room. you open your door, taeyong and yuta, one of the other members, run by you in a flash. you follow suit, gasping and tears welling up in your eyes at the sight in front of you. johnny is torn to shreds, scratches covering his face and a couple of deeper wounds on his biceps, probably a broken rib as you examine the way he clutches his side as he writhes on the floor in pain. you push passed the boys, kneeling down beside him.
"what happened? who did this? johnny, oh my god, we need to get you to a hos—"
"nakamoto," he says bitterly through gritted teeth, "your men wish you farewell, i sent them your regards."
you turn around, confused. taeyong has his gun drawn and pointed at yuta, who has a shit eating grin on his face.
"tsk, tsk," he mocks, "too clever for your own good. you really weren't supposed to make it back here tonight, what a shame."
"enough!" taeyong shouts, and it echoes throughout the room.
"yeah, yeah," yuta dismisses him as he puts his hands on his head, "do what you must, i took the risk. besides, i've transferred enough information, i'm really the least of your problems.
taeyong walks him deeper into the house, disappearing into its shadows. you turn back to johnny, tears in your eyes.
"c'mon, w-we have to get you to a hospital," you choke through tears. "doyoung! doyoung, g-get the car he's—"
"he's seen worse," mark says, barely audible above a whisper.
"the kid's right," doyoung sighs, "and we just can't risk that right now. let's get him upstairs and patch him up, we have enough in first aid, patch him up and he'll be okay. as long as he actually rests."
johnny? resting? you would have laughed if not for the circumstances. but you get him upstairs with the help of mark and doyoung, washing your hands and wiping your tears as he sits against the wall of the bathroom, and you begin treating his wounds the best you can. it's silent for awhile, but you finally manage to clear the lump in your throat so you can speak.
"sometimes," you start softly, "i sit in bed and wonder what would happen if things were different."
"what do you mean?" he questions, wincing as you wrap the gashes on his arm.
"what if we met under different circumstances? what if we'd met like in one of those cheesy romance movies, and we'd fallen in love so seemingly oblivious to the cruelties of the world?" you laugh halfheartedly. "or, what if we never met at all? then, neither of us would be here in this moment right now. you wouldn't be hurt, i would just be in my apartment alone probably watching some stupid series on netflix to pass the time alone. and that's just it, i would rather have this than have nothing at all, than not having you. and maybe that's what being in love is, being willing to face anything so long as you have what is most important to you."
the room falls silent again, and you attentively continue to treat his wounds. you feel dumb, like you just made something really awkward out of the situation. you were so overwhelmed that it all just came out without even thinking of what he—
"marry me," he says tenderly, looking into your eyes.
"i said," he carefully lifts up one of his hands to cup your cheek, "marry me. maybe not now, maybe not this year, but someday."
“someday," you smile, just before placing your lips gently on his.
"i told you!" you hear haechan snickering outside the door.
"children! go to bed!" johnny jokes sternly.
and you both giggle, still sitting there on the bathroom floor as you hear the sound of footsteps fleeing down the hall.
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