#shadow weaver I'm so glad you're dead
crownspeaksblog · 1 year
Oh my god the flashback scenes from 5x03 when catra is crying because she thinks adora likes Lonnie more is so fucking sad especially because shadow weaver told catra she's only allowed to live because adora likes her..... I'm gonna cry again
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reddeaddamnation · 10 months
"Possession vs Obsession" - Sub-Zero x reader x Scorpion- Chapter IV
Summary: An arranged marriage between clans in the name of peace ironically disturbs the peace of the two brothers who find themselves in a new feud. This time between themselves. Betrayal and heartache had been destined for them since she entered their lives. Y/N of the Shadow-weaver clan, promised to Bi Han, future Grand Master of the Lin Kuei, stands in front of the difficult decision- to end the war between their clans or end the war within the Lin Kuei temple.
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"Foolish girl..." Bi Han muttered as he carried Y/N into the temple in his arms. It took all his strength not to collapse as soon as he saw the familiar safe space of his home. He had to be strong. For the clan and for her. Y/N had lost too much blood, now barely lingering on the thin line between consciousness and unconsciousness. The way here was much more difficult for both of them, as they had to rest more often and that caused hypothermia to weaken the Shadow-weaver even more. Bi Han tried to talk as much as possible along the way. He didn't remember talking this much in his life. He didn't even know what to say... Only opting for stories from his battles throughout the years.
"What the hell happened, Bi Han!" Kuai Liang rushed over to them, looking over the wound on her arm and the bruises around her body. He was angry... Y/N tried to focus her eyes on him. Even though her vision was hazy, she could make out the worry in his body language. Bi Han tensed. "What do you think happened?" He snapped back "Step aside, she needs a doctor."
But Scorpion ushered him to stop. "I will handle that. You go see father." With an annoyed tsk, his brother allowed him to take the injured girl from his arms. The chill feeing was immediately replaced by warmth and comfort, making her feel safe, finally able to relax. She heard Kuai Liang call her name multiple times, but unable to answer him, she closed her eyelids, lost in the sound of his beautiful voice.
She had no idea how long she had been unconscious. When she opened her eyes, a sharp pain in her arm quickly sobered her up and she focused her eyes on the first thing she laid them on - Kuai Liang... not Bi Han... "You're awake." He spoke softly "I was becoming quite worried." Y/N looked at her arm. The old makeshift bandage, drenched in blood was replaced by a fresh one and she felt stitches tugging at her skin. "You're safe now." Scorpion reassured, reaching to touch her hand gently with a smile on his lips.
"Thank you... I'm glad you..." Abruptly, she was cut off by Thomas who burst into the room, worry splattered all over his face. "I came as soon as I heard. Oh, Y/N..." in several large steps, he walked over to the bed she was laid on and looked over the damage. "What happened to you? Didn't Bi Han protect you?" Y/N looked away from both of them, biting her lower lip, contemplating her words carefully. "I... I saved him from being in my place right now." She explained quietly "He didn't see a swinging sword in his direction, so I intervened, which caused my own distraction." The boys shared a look, but didn't cut her off in any way "One of the... things we were fighting slashed me. Then... I would have been dead if Bi Han hadn't saved my life. So you can say we're even." She scoffed.
"That was very noble of you." Thomas spoke first "It's a lie what they say about you Shadow-weavers. Bi Han treated you with nothing but disrespect and you still saved his life. I'm glad you're alright now." The girl nodded with a smile. "I'll leave you to rest now. You two did a good job. You deserve all the rest you need." Smoke squeezed her hand lightly, reassuringly and made his way out of the infirmary.
Pushing the blankets aside, Y/N attempted to stand up herself. "What are you doing?" Kuai Liang asked, watching her with furrowed brows. "I should see the Grand Master." She explained "I had enough laying around." She pushed herself off the bed. Her feet touched the cold floor. But after less than three steps, she felt lightheaded. Dizziness overwhelmed her mind and body and she stumbled back. With lightning fast reflexes, Scorpion stood up and held her before she could fall.
For a moment, Y/N reveled in the warmth of his body, hands on his broad chest. His touch was gentle, welcoming... like she belonged there... Bi Han was cold and rough... Even when he was holding her yesterday while treating her wound, he was distant, as if she was a business ordeal. Like he had built an unseen wall of ice between them. She looked up into Kuai Liang's eyes again and saw him staring back at her with worry. "Please... don't push yourself." He murmured. His hand reached up to caress her cheek with a feather like touch, into which she leaned more.
Kuai Liang, mindlessly lost in the moment, eyes staring deep into her own, whispered softly "I was afraid of losing you..." Then, he blinked, snapping back to reality after the realization of what he had said. "I... That wasn't my place to say... I'm sorry." He stuttered, sitting her back on the bed gently. "I should let you rest now..." his hands were a bit shaky. Y/N's heart was beating like mad. She wanted to scream at him to stay... that he was wrong and in facr it was his place to say what he said...
Until the reason it actually wasn't met him at the door. Bi Han walked through the door, eyeing the two of them, searching for something even he didn't know what for. "Have some shame, brother." Kuai Liang glared at him on his way out "Not being next to your future wife in the infirmary..." Sub Zero stared at him as he walked away, wondering what his problem could be. Ultimately, he shrugged it off, deciding not to cause scenes in front of an injured person. "I didn't thank you for what you did in actuality." He came closer to her "So... Thank you."
Y/N smiled slightly, nodding her head. "I should be thanking you, Bi Han." Oh, how lovely his name sounded coming from her lips... "I very much didn't expect that from you." He changed the subject "Nor did I expect you to hold a fight the way you did. Impressive." The smallest smile could be seen tugging at the corner of his lip. She blushed, biting her lip to stop herself from smiling too much at his comment and looked down, avoiding his gaze shyly. His hand reached over to touch her cheek... the same one Kuai Liang held only moments ago...
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