#shamir x oc
The fire emblem fandom believe itself to be open and LGBT friendly but it's not.
There's this type of people who dismiss gay ship like Chrom x M!Robin or Marianne x Hilda by saying they're just friends or like siblings and despite always saying that for gay ship and never for straight ship, they keep maintaining that there's no homophobia at play... Once had one of the very same person with such stance, defended by the other too, ask me in DM if I was raped as a kid because I'm gay.
There's this slightly popular artist who portray lesbian as predatory all the time, who get into argument to say Shamir is straight and who immediately changed his OC design once someone pointed out they had the color of the bi flag with not even the slighest pushback.
There's all those M!Edeleth fan who act like it's a great injustice that the gay version is more popular. I saw them getting confronted, one them went on rant about modern feminism and one of them that was a mod banned one of the comment for being "scathing to straight guy".
There's all those conservative twitter user with the vatican flag in their name and a fire emblem pfp which stance I don't think I need to describe.
There was this harassment campaign towards a F!Edeleth fic on Tumblr and AO3.
There was pushback against a M!Dimileth fanzine because it didn't include F!Dimileth.
This is only a bunch of personal experience, but this type of stuff is common in the fandom and it's genuinely sad. I didn't mention other relating to aphobia or transphobia because it's already a long ask, but those are just as present, why does it have to be like that?
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outerspacebun · 3 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
9, 20, 45!
Thank you for the ask!
9. What is your favorite scene in the game (can be in the main story or a support convo)?
I'll pick the anime meet-the-cast scene near the beginning. I would have liked more of those throughout the game or more art in VW like there is in AM.
20. What character do you headcanon as bi?
By and large (bi and large, haha) it is The Cast.
I have ace and aro headcanons mixed in, but I mean. The list of characters I headcanon as lesbians (Catherine and Shamir) or gay (Acheron) are much shorter. And some characters depend on my mood (lesbian or bi Ingrid. gay or bi or demi Raphael and Felix (not together, just in general). just to name a few). But to list Some characters who I am or would be non-negotiable on within my own work:
Sylvain, Lorenz, Claude, Hilda, Ashe, Dedue and Seteth.
45. Who is your FE3H OTP?
I have a lot of fic and art, commissioned and gifted and made, of my ot4 turned ot5: Claude, Hilda, Lorenz, and my fe3h My Unit / Byleth OC Faedolyn and my few3h My Unit / Shez OC Avery.
Besides them, I multiship A Lot.
Maybe I could say masc Byleth x Yuri. I've written a lot of content of them too and I can't picture myself planning to write them shipped with anyone else.
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umbral1s · 2 years
Mutuals catch up!
Thanks for tagging me, @swingxilly! Missed doing those
three ships: Due to the current occassion Mina x Lucy from Dracula. When I first read the book I was so obsessed with them. And now I’m looking forward to the fanarts 👀 Hmmmm I really loved Catherine x Shamir and Say’ri x Tiki. Aaaah I need to play Fire Emblem again other ships are OC ships, that are rotating in my brain)
last song: Forces from the Berserk ost. And now goung over to the Devilman Crybaby ost
last movie: The Northman. Can highly recommend it. The atmosphere was fantastic
currently watching: Demon Slayer. Entertainment District Arc
currently playing: Deltarune. Finished Chapter 1, so up next is Chapter 2 and then I have to wait sadly.
I tag @thebittervampire. Have fun!
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Gentle, Chapter 1- Jeritza x OC
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Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI) for Eventual Smut
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Hopes
Relationship: Jeritza x OC
She is soft. And in her softness, she dissolves whatever sharpness, whatever edge I have. In perfumed sheets and gilded sunlight, I am, for a moment, vulnerable. My gentility clambers out from where it's been buried deep for so many years. The Death Knight dies in her embrace, and from him blooms a new creature.
Jeritza finds himself drawn to one of Garreg Mach's newest professors.
Read here in this post or over on my AO3.
A/N: Hello, all! I've been experimenting with first person POV lately. I don't typically write them (I have a Castlevania fic in first person POV but that's about it), but I've been wanting to mix up my writing a bit lately. I thought it would be fun to write a fanfic from Jeritza's POV in the form of journal entries. Enjoy :)
6th of Great Tree Moon
It’s been a long while since last I wrote in any journal. I was probably a young boy when I recorded anything in a diary, one that is sure to be lost to time now. I’m not sure what has compelled me to begin one again. Maybe it’s an inane attempt to hold on to what little humanity I have left.
Much has plagued me and made it difficult for me to find the time to write. I’ve been far too preoccupied with the demon that has woven itself so intricately into my soul. It stalks me at every waking moment, hides in my psyche, lurks in my dreams. I barely sleep anymore. His grip on me is iron tight. For years, I have been unable to rid myself of him. It seems for ages he has been a part of me. Emile fights for dominance, but this demon beats him down time and again. I have claimed the name Jeritza. I have become a creature unseen by the likes of any history book. A dual being, of two minds. But slowly, these two minds are merging and I suspect that, eventually, they shall be one and the same. Until then, I have this diary to record Jeritza’s thoughts. This journal shall be my canvas, while the battlefield is reserved for the Death Knight. Ink is my medium, and blood is his. 
10th of Great Tree Moon
I’ve begun my professorship at Garreg Mach Monastery on the recommendation of Lord Arundel. My leader, whose name I will not divulge in the case of prying eyes, has felt it best I secure a position here. Their machinations require me to be close to the subjects involved in our plans. I remain ever loyal.
On a side note, there is little of interest here. The students are quiet around me, and I around them. As the monastery’s fencing instructor, I have little to say to them other than corrections of their technique. Some are quite talented, others are better suited for the magical arts. The other professors are cordial, though Manuela grates on my nerves. Her flirtatious manner is most irksome to me and I am not receptive to her advances. Hanneman is constantly bothering everyone about crests. I don’t dare let him anywhere near me. I enjoy sparring with Catherine and Shamir. I cannot stand Alois’ jokes. Seteth is stern and leaves me well alone. Rhea is overbearing, but lets me do as I please. I’ve not much else to say at the moment.
11th of Great Tree Moon
Mercedes… She doesn’t recognize me. I wear a mask to conceal my face. She eyes me with intrigue, as if she knows me but can’t quite place from where. Things are better that way. I long to speak to her, but I know better than that. 
16th of Great Tree Moon
I don’t speak to many people here. I often feel out of place. At odds with the serenity of this religious institution. It feels as if I marr its sacredness with my very presence. In me, I contain a darkness, unmatched. A demonic entity that claws its way out of my body at every chance it gets. I eat alone. I do not attend student/faculty mixers. I don’t have the capacity or patience to make friends. The myriad cats around here seem to understand me, however. I respect their solitary nature. Their independence and self-sufficiency are things I greatly admire. They are quiet and gentle. I enjoy their company in my off time.
20th of Great Tree Moon
The Death Knight grows hungry. His bloodlust is strong. It has been so long since last he was able to partake in such violent delights. I feel him itching at my skin, desperate to be released. But I must remain composed. I cannot risk losing my valuable position. The one I serve would be most disappointed were I to cause any complications in their plan. I know the demon will not be sated in the upcoming mock battle for the students. The one I serve promises that soon the Death Knight can have his fill. I must be patient. Emile, Jeritza, whoever I am grows weary holding him back.
We have just received word that a couple of mercenaries and a magician will be passing through the monastery in the next few days. They are, apparently, an impressive group. Rhea plans to recruit them. We are missing two professors and in dire need of replacements. I do not intend to get to know them beyond their skill in battle. I hope at least one of them can give me a good fight.
21st of Great Tree Moon
Our newest additions to the staff are intriguing, indeed. Jeralt was a member of the Knights of Seiros long ago. His physical age is suspicious to me. More on that later. I have watched Byleth in the practice arena and she is a force to be reckoned with. The Death Knight will enjoy fighting her, and Jeritza will no doubt delight in sparring her for practice. Rhea has decided that Byleth will lead one of the houses, allowing her to decide which one she will be the head of. Byleth has chosen the Black Eagles. An excellent decision. Perhaps she will decide to join our cause. 
The third addition to our staff confuses me. It seems she will become the head of the Ashen Wolves, the four students that have made their home in Abyss, underneath the monastery. Ashani seems- delicate . She is a skilled magician, though I have yet to see her in action. Her demeanor is vastly different from her other companions. Both Byleth and Ashani are rather quiet. But there is a gentler air about the latter. She doesn’t seem nearly as battle-hardened as Byleth or Jeralt. Her motions are elegant, practiced. She is prim and proper, nothing I would have expected from a woman having traveled with a band of mercenaries for the last several months. She seems to be of little threat. I am unconcerned about her presence. 
23rd of Great Tree Moon
I have closely been observing our new staff members. I look forward to seeing their battle prowess in next week’s mock fight. Jeralt will not be participating, but Byleth and Ashani will be. Ashani’s class will be split up amongst the other houses, as there are not enough members to make up their own team. I await this mock battle with great anticipation.
28th of Great Tree Moon
Byleth and I have been sparring the last several days. She puts up an excellent fight. If I were to die by her sword, it would be a glorious death, indeed. Or vice-versa. The Death Knight aches to meet her on the battlegrounds. Ashani watched from the sidelines, her gaze curious. She prances about in the monastery’s summer uniform. She smiles softly at me when we pass in the halls. The woman is unreadable to me. I cannot fathom her in any capacity. Byleth’s silent stoicism speaks to me in a language I understand. But Ashani’s gentility feels so utterly foreign. 
Today, I watched her at the training grounds. She was instructing a group of students from each house about how to effectively use offensive magic. This was the first time I bore witness to her skill. Her motions are swift and sure. What she lacks in strength, she makes up for in wit and cleverness. Perhaps I judged her too quickly. Her shyness and tranquility led me to believe she would be of little threat. But there is something knowing in Ashani’s eyes. She caught me staring, an impish smile tugging at the corners of her lips before she turned back to her instructions. I plan to stay clear of her. Something about her makes me fear that she might see underneath the mask I have worked so hard to compose.  
30th of Great Tree Moon
The mock battle was a success. Both Ashani and Byleth have proven to be excellent tacticians. Black Eagles won, which was no surprise. Manuela and Hanneman’s plans proved to be no match for the combined efforts of Ashani and Byleth. Afterwards, the students celebrated, but I did not participate. I chose to spend my time practicing in the training grounds. And it was then that the most curious thing happened. 
I enjoy going when no one else is around. I find serenity in the pale light of the moon, after everyone has gone to bed. I can practice my fencing without any disturbances.
Apparently, Ashani enjoys practicing during late hours, as well. I was startled to see her already there when I arrived. She greeted me softly before turning back to her practice. I watched as lightning bolts and bursts of fire lit the grounds around us. 
I told her she did well in today’s mock battle. I’m not sure what compelled me to do so. She thanked me graciously and we spent several minutes practicing separately, in silence. 
“Can I practice with you?” her voice rang out in the night. The request surprised me. She often shies away from opportunities to battle her colleagues. She seems to prefer to spend her time reading, I’ve noticed. Linhardt has taken a liking to her. The two of them will sit in the grass and leaf through novels and textbooks, occasionally having heated debates about Crests and other such topics ( Goodness, I didn’t realize how much I observe this woman ). That’s not to say she shirks her duties as a professor. She’s merely not inclined to spend her free time dueling. Hence, her request came out of the blue for me. But who am I to deny a plea for battle?
Our duel was exhilarating. Long has it been since I battled someone that could potentially best me. Between Byleth and Ashani, I have two opponents that give me a true challenge. Ashani is fast, light on her feet as she flits around the arena. We are evenly matched in agility. While I am all offensive, she leans on the more defensive side. But her head-on attacks are vicious. She can’t afford to be anything but. Ashani is a viper and I am humbled. My judgement of her has proven to be most incorrect.
When we came to a draw at the end of our fight, we were both out of breath. She beamed softly at me.
“Thank you, Jeritza,” she spoke, giving a little bow, “I hope we get to fight again soon.”
Now, in the comfort of my quarters, I can write that I do, indeed, hope we get to fight again. I know in my dreams I will have visions of battling her.
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*note, open to crossover ships and oc ships for all characters! that’s actually my absolute favorite, but i’m just listing ships within specific fandoms. i am also open to other ships within fandoms, but these are my favorites!
purse owner  - ann / shiho (otp), ann / yusuke, yusuke / ryuji, akira / yusuke, akira / akechi (otp), ann / makoto, ann / haru, akira / yoshizawa (otp).
final fantasy 7- aerith / zack ( otp ), aerith / cloud (selective), aerith / tifa, barret / roche, barret / sephiroth, barret / cid.
final fantasy 10 - auron / braska / jecht, lulu x WOMEN.
final fantasy 13- fang / vanille (otp), fang / lightning, fang / serah.
final fantasy 15 - gladio / ignis, gladio / lunafreya. ardyn / area, also. ardyn / aera is so good lol.
fire emblem - edelgard / claude (otp), edelgard / dorothea (otp), edelgard / bernie (otp), manuela / shamir / catherine (otp, any combination), claude / hilda (otp, selective), claude / dedue, edelgard / dedue, dimitri / marianne (selective), leonie / dorothea, leonie / f!byleth, leonie / edelgard, hubert / edelgard ( hate me cuz u aint me. i love them together lol), sylvain / claude, sylvain / dedue, sylvain / edelgard, ferdinand / dorothea, sylvain / dorothea.
ace attorney - wrightworth, franmaya. i don’t ship klapollo except for one-sided bc of bad experiences.
kingdom hearts - terraqua, xemqua, vexen / luxu, kairi / namine / xion (listen...).
disney - every combination of disney lesbians, eugene / cass, eugene / rapunzel, eugene / naveen (where the hell am i gonna find a naveen tho lmfao), kristoff / anna (I’M GONNA GET THIS RIGHT REMIX VERSION ONLY FROZEN 2 CHARACTERIZATION NEED NOT APPLY), kristoff / eugene. tiana / elsa. i already said every combination of disney lesbian but it BEARS REPEATING. tiana / elsa.
OTHER - boss / date (otp), aiba / date (otp), elphaba / galinda (otp), isabela / f!hawke (otp).
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surrendertodaniel · 6 years
Surrender To Daniel’s Top 250 Tracks Of 2017ish (Just The List, Please)
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It’s a busy world out there and you could do with a version of this list without all the jackass commentary. Below are my Top 250 Tracks of 2017ish in countdown form. Thanks for hanging out. I look forward to listening to your list.
250. Kelly Clarkson - Love So Soft (Cash Cash Remix)
249. Trinidad Cardona - Jennifer
248. Arcade Fire - Electric Blue
247. Valerie June - Shakedown
246. Rozwell Fitzroy - Block Game
245. Fickle Friends - Hard To Be Myself
244. Katy Perry featuring Migos - Bon Appetit
243. Chip - Snap Snap
242. Borussia - Kinda Love
241. Lady Gaga - The Cure
240. Sonamoo - I (Knew It)
239. Taylor Swift - …Ready For It
238. Joyride - Aunty Tracey’s Cookies
237. Carly Pearce - Every Little Thing
236. Eves Karydas - There For You
235. Vic Mensa featuring Pusha T - OMG
234. Tigertown - Warriors (St. Lucia Remix)
233. Lady Leshurr - Juice
232. Frank Ocean - Chanel
231. DYGL - Let It Out
230. Old Dominion - No Such Thing As A Broken Heart
229. Super Junior - Black Suit
228. Barenaked Ladies & The Persuasions - The Old Apartment
227. Ayo & Teo - Lit Right Now
226. LCD Soundsystem - Tonite
225. Pip Blom - Babies Are A Lie
224. Shay Lia - What’s Your Problem
223. Lauren Alaina - Doin’ Fine
222. Jachary - Yellow Vision
221. Cende - Bed
220. Waju featuring Phantom Thrett - If U Wanna
219. AOBeats & Annabel Jones - Strangers
218. CupcakKe - Barcodes
217. Aly & AJ - Take Me
216. Tyler, The Creator featuring A$AP Rocky - Who Dat Boy
215. Joe Goddard - Music Is The Answer
214. Gabrielle - Nye Joggesko
213. Amber Coffman - No Coffee
212. Diamond Platnumz, Harmonize, Rich Mavoko & Rayvanny – Zilipendwa
211. Ugly God - Fuck Ugly God
210. Royal Canoe featuring Begonia - Fussin’
209. Ah Mer Ah Su - Meg Ryan
208. Wesley Gonzalez - Piece of Mind
207. Smino - Anita
206. Hannah Jane Lewis - Raincheck
205. Mollie King - Hair Down
204. Ten Fé - Twist Your Arm
203. Charlie Worsham - Cut Your Groove
202. iLoveMakonnen featuring Rae Sremmurd - Love
201. Allison Crutchfield - I Don’t Ever Wanna Leave California
200. Drezus - Get Up
199. Aimee Mann - Patient Zero
198. Fekky x Ghetts - Call Me Again
197. Slow Dancer - Don’t Believe
196. Kiesza - Dearly Beloved
195. Cam’ron - 10,000 Miles
194. Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott - I Gotta Praise
193. THANKS featuring Sam Sparro - Your Man
192. Desiigner- Outlet
191. Maya Killtron - Whiplash
190. Maty Noyes - Say It To My Face
189. Tee Grizzley featuring Lil’ Yachty - From The D To The A
188. Bhad Bhabie - These Heaux
187. Sean Nicolas Savage - Opposing Truths
186. 2 Chainz - Trap Check
185. Evening Glow - Love Tonight
184. Liv Dawson - Searching
183. Bruno Mars - Versace On The Floor
182. Paramore - Hard Times
181. Ghost Twin - Plastic Ghost
180. Lao Ra featuring Konshens - Boby Bounce
179. SOB X RBE - Lane Changing
178. PIXEY - Hometown
177. Feltworth - Forget This Feeling
176. Twice - Likey
175. Craig Finn - God In Chicago
174. Axolotes Mexicanos - Trececatorce
173. Charli XCX - Boys
172. Lil Uzi Vert - XO Tour Llif3
171. Steven Wilson - Permanating
170. Promiseland - Take Down The House
169. Estrons - Strobe Lights
168. Future Islands - Ran
167. Shamir - Straight Boy
166. St. Vincent - Los Ageless
165. Maluma - Felices los 4
164. John Maus - Touchdown
163. Sharon Needles - Battle Axe
162. Stormzy - 4PM In London
161. Adult Mom - Full Screen
160. Luke Combs - When It Rains
159. HAIM - Want You Back
158. RVIVR - The Tide
157. Torres - Helen In The Woods
156. Partner - Play The Field
155. Manuel Turizo - Una Lady Como Tú
154. The Moonlandingz featuring Rebecca Lucy Taylor - The Strangle Of Anna
153. April - Mayday
152. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - Drowning
151. Cassius - Ibifornia (Myd Remix)
150. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Harajuku Iyahoi
149. Goodbye Honolulu - Typical
148. Electric Six - I’ll Be In Touch
147. DJ Khaled featuring Beyoncé and Jay-Z - Shining
146. Sløtface - Empire Records
145. Tank - When We
144. Jerry Williams - I’m Not In Love With You
143. Gothic Tropic - How Life Works
142. Girl Ray - Don’t Go Back To Ten
141. Ski Mask The Slump God - Babywipe
140. Mike WiLL Made-It featuring Big Sean - On The Come Up
139. Pkew Pkew Pkew - Before We Go Out Drinking
138. Brockhampton - Star
137. The Perfect Kiss - Broadcast (From You To Me)
136. Fishbach - Un Autre Que Moi
135. Surfbort - Back To Reaction
134. Highlight - Can Be Better
133. Dagny - Wearing Nothing
132. First Hate - The One
131. Sorority Noise - No Halo
130. Playboi Carti - Magnolia
129. Alex Cameron & Angel Olsen - Stranger’s Kiss
128. Real Numbers - Frank Infatuation
127. Rejjie Snow featuring Pell - Virgo
126. YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Untouchable
125. Kesha - Learn To Let Go
124. LOONA Odd Eye Circle - Girl Front
123. Middle Kids - Never Start
122. Kelela - LMK
121. Hey Violet - Break My Heart
120. Sean Paul featuring Dua Lipa - No Lie
119. Papooz - Trampoline
118. Lab Coast - Back To Your Future
117. Mise en Scene - Waster
116. Weaves - Walkaway
115. Aymee Nuviola - Rumba de la Buena
114. Plaitum - Ovation
113. New Swears - Dance With The Devil
112. The Regrettes - Seashore
111. Kane Strang - My Smile Is Extinct
110. Red Velvet - Red Flavor
109. Lovely Bad Things - Hiding to Nothing
108. Century Palm - King of John Street
107. Jessie Reyez - Gatekeeper
106. Jay Som - Baybee
105. YBN Nahmir - Rubbin’ Off The Paint
104. Milk Teeth - Owning Your Okayness
103. Bakermat featuring Kiesza - Don’t Want You Back
102. Jimmie Allen - Blue Jean Baby
101. FAUX - Take Back Time
100. Joey Bada$$ - Land of the Free
99. Tove Styrke - Mistakes
98. A$AP Ferg - Plain Jane
97. Astrid S - Such A Boy
96. Wax Idols - Everybody Gets What They Want
95. DeJ Loaf - No Fear
94. Hamell On Trial - Safe
93. Tay-K - The Race
92. Fazerdaze - Lucky
91. Jax Jones featuring Demi Lovato & Stefflon Don - Instruction
90. Jon Pardi - Heartache on the Dancefloor
89. Heart Attack Man - Taking Sides
88. RaeLynn - Lonely Call
87. Young Guv - Traumatic
86. Baka Not Nice - Live Up To My Name
85. John Moreland - It Don’t Suit Me (Like Before)
84. Lil Yachty - Bring It Back
83. The Drums - Blood Under My Belt
82. Amaal Mallik - Maine Tujhko Dekha
81. Jillian Jacqueline - Hate Me
80. Lizzo - Water Me
79. Joy Again - Kim
78. Yaeji - Last Breath
77. Daniela Spalla - Prometí
76. Peach Pit - Seventeen
75. Baio - Man of the World
74. Rostam - Bike Dream
73. Juiceboxxx - Freaking Out
72. Mabel - Begging
71. Bleachers - I Miss Those Days
70. The Killers - The Man
69. Dude York - Love Is
68. Pale Waves - There’s A Honey
67. TYSM - Honeymoon Phase
66. Artificial Pleasure - All I Got
65. Tei Shi - Keep Running
64. vivienxo - TTYN
63. Lanikai - Motor Inn
62. Midland - Drinkin’ Problem
61. Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs - Talk 2 Her
60. Thundercat featuring Michael McDonald & Kenny Loggins - Show You The Way
59. Rozwell Kid - Wendy’s Trash Can
58. Jazz Cartier - Tempted
57. BØRNS - Faded Heart
56. Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe
55. Leikeli47 - 2nd Fiddle
54. QTY - Rodeo
53. The Big Moon - Formidable
52. Kenshi Yonezu - Peace Sign
51. Ski Mask The Slump God - Catch Me Outside
50. Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano
49. Danny L Harle - 1UL
48. Sälen - Heartbreak Diet
47. Iron Chic - My Best Friend (Is A Nihilist)
46. Phoenix - J Boy
45. Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut To The Feeling
44. Mozart’s Sister - Moment 2 Moment
43. Peter Perrett - An Epic Story
42. Miguel featuring Travis Scott - Sky Walker
41. Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry
40. Cathedrals - Try to Fight
39. Janitor Scum & The Scums - Shopping Cart
38. ARY - Childhood Dreams
37. HMLTD - To The Door
36. KWAYE - Little Ones
35. Fitness Forever - Canadian Ranger
34. The Cornshed Sisters - The Message
33. BETSY - Little White Lies
32. Rae Morris - Do It
31. The Steves - I Feel Like Dying
30. Future featuring Kendrick Lamar - Mask Off (Remix)
29. Rita Ora - Anywhere
28. Needles//Pins - Miracle
27. Dream Wife - Fire
26. Ralph - Tease** **
25. Hall N Nash - Machine Gun Black
24. Pixx - I Bow Down
23. Starley - Call On Me (Ryan Riback Remix)
22. Dave x J Hus - Samantha
21. Charlotte OC - Shell
20. Slow Leaves - Enough About Me
19. PRETTYMUCH - Would You Mind
18. Kendrick Lamar - Humble
17. Amber Mark featuring Mia Mark - Monsoon
16. Denzel Curry - This Life
15. Breakfast Muff - RU a Feminist
14. Deem Spencer - Soap
13. ionnalee - Samaritan
12. Pristin - Wee Woo
11. Quay Dash - Decline Him
10. Confidence Man - Boyfriend (Repeat)
9. Dance Movie - Penny
8. Clairmont The Second - The Ave In You
7. MUNA - I Know A Place
6. Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo
5. IU - Last Night Story
4. Tove Lo - Disco Tits
3. IU featuring G-Dragon - Palette
2. Dua Lipa - New Rules
1. Lorde - Green Light
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