#she lives in the shatterspace of New Yoke. and works for the egg council (forced to do so as she doesn't have concrete
mysticalibra1994 · 8 months
Sonic Prime (Before the Shattering AU)
Prime!Sonic's counterparts
[For the record, I did post this on my mobile!Twitter account, but I didn't have any room to post more.]
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TW: mentions of character death, dystopian society, yaoi (if you don't like the latter, don't force yourself to read)
Reader's discretion is advised...
1.) No Place Emerald Eye - Ever since they met, Emerald Eye has always been loyal to Dread; no matter what their crew said about his skills (or lack thereof). But, this doesn't mean that the blue hedgehog captain never had any doubts (everyone does). In fact, thanks to his quick thinking and sharp ears, he managed to save Dread's life... only to quickly lose his own. The blue lightning struck Emerald Eye down, knowing that it was meant for his beloved co-captain. (yes, "beloved"; in uncharted waters, anything is legal) Dread, who was distraught with grief, had been dreaming of getting his hands on the Shatterspace Shard (aka "The Devil's Lighthouse"). Why? According to legend, the Devil's Lighthouse is powerful enough to bring back the dead with only the scars left to tell the tale... Unfortunately, he was unlucky to find it. But, he was lucky to meet Batten, Black Rose, and Sails. Eventually, they came across Catfish and Froggy.
2.) New Yoke Blue Blur - Green Hills... It's gone (well, not all of it). Chaos Council may have won, but it's not over yet; as long as the rebellion continues to have a pulse. Blue Blur knows this, even if his Rose is now "mechanically enhanced". He, Rebel, and Renegade were trying to find various ways to rescue Rusty Rose and a certain "Ultimate Life Form" (but that's another story...). Despite knowing the cost, Blue Blur has decided to go into the Chaos Council base to negotiate a peace treaty. Of course, Rebel and Renegade were against it. Now, this doesn't mean that they don't care about their friends, they do... That's why they're against it.
"Don't worry, Rebel. If anything goes wrong," he says as he removes his hat, "you're in charge of the rebellion. Don't let the palm trees die out..."
Nobody could predict that those were gonna be his final words.
3.) Boscage Needlemouse - Things haven't been the same since the forces of nature wreaked havoc as the flora stretched as far as the eye could see (and further). First, Gnarly's workout gear has been entangled by thorny vines. Next, Prim's cosmetics were running out and she would have to... go natural! Then, Mangey's electronics weren't working properly due to no wifi for his equipment. The kicker... they were slowly running out of food (processed food, nonetheless). Both Needlemouse and Thorn hated to see their friends like this. So, they came up with solutions to help them (even with the issue of food!). It works! A little too well... Eventually, the group was taking advantage of what the flora was giving them. Gnarly wasn't paying attention as he used one of the tall trees as his own punching bag. Due to its height, it took about more than a while for it to fall. Unfortunately, it almost landed on top of Thorn. Showing no signs of hesitation, Needlemouse pushed Thorn out of the way. Thank Light Gaia she made it, but Needlemouse... All that's left of him is the flicky that the two raised from an abandoned egg.
[Despite being from different Shatterverses, they were willing to sacrifice their lives for their loved ones, no matter the cost.]
The next one is our favorite Ultimate Lifeform(s)...
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